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trees love CO2
butits,,,,000000.04% of theair!!,
,,,we mustop the EVIL CARBON!!!,
,,california is making machines to save us from CO2!!,
,,,but realy its the OXYGEN thats BAAD!!,
,,,,Oxygen is what makes FIRE!!!, think of MAUI!,
Go away ESL larper.
Carbon dioxide is not the limiting growth factor for trees.
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Carbon dioxide is essential to the process of photosynthesis. Most plants grown indoors require a minimum CO2 concentration of 330 ppm to enable them to photosynthesise efficiently and produce energy in the form of carbohydrates. These concentrations of CO2 are enough for plants to grow and develop normally.,
,,,trees NEED CO2!
Plants only benefit from increased CO2 under highly controlled conditions like what you find in a greenhouse.
>highly controlled conditions like what you find in a greenhouse
because CO2 blowsaway?
>>>highly controlled conditions like what you find in a greenhouse
because CO2 blowsaway?
stop kicking thatstrawman,,,meany!
stop kicking thatstrawman,,,meany!
No, it's because all the other growth factors are taken care of.
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>taken care of
haveyou,,,everealy beenin a garden?,
,,imean like with DIRT?,poopy dirt?,
,,,whatwas missing?,howis a greenhouse special?,
,,ihate petroleumore then most,,buto blameit for 'climate change isa big leap.,CO2 isa Goodthing.,
,iceagesuck!,i for one welcome Gods Sun doing SUNNY things,,,and more carbon makes more trees.,
,,,,,,howlow do You want CO2 togo?,
That's bullshit. All photosynthesis is more water efficient at higher CO2 levels
That review is bullshit. Irrigation and fertilizer are what's causing the greening.


Go away ESL larper.
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takeyour,,,vitamins!,,,,or eata balanced diet!,
,,goodadvice!,,,,now,,how does that apply to greenhouse magic?,goodirt is YUMMY!
showme,,where the carbon touched you?
>That review is bullshit.
Yes the law of the minimum is a thing.
But if the minimum stave in the barrel is water, Increased CO2 will alleviate it. The Saharan desert is shrinking partly because of it.
The Sahara is shrinking because of green wall projects. Carbon dioxide does not replace water. That review is bullshit because it directly contradicts the findings of the authors it reviews. See the paper I posted.
>The Sahara is shrinking because of green wall projects
The green wall projects were meant to halt the sahara. Not turn it back.
>Carbon dioxide does not replace water
But it does make water use more efficient
The stoma of the plant lose water as part of their operation. This is a waste. It's why you can tie a bag around the leafy branch of a tree and get drinkable water at the end of the day.
The more carbon that is is the atmosphere, the less the stoma of any plant has to open to absorb the carbon. The whole point of photosynthesis is to utilize carbon to build carbohydrates and ultimately tissue.
Notice that none of the staves on your barrel are labeled carbon. That probably reflects on your education. But carbon and water are the major players in plant growth.
More carbon ppm in atmosphere means the stoma doesn't have to open as wide and lose water.
Excited to hear anon confidently ignore, >>2720403, >>2720404 and >>2720391 in one sentence despite the easy to understand and logically coherent explanations that intuitively makes sense
Yep. That sentence is "you are wildly overestimating the significance of that effect". The fact of the matter is that the greening we have seen has been the result of human managed projects. I've provided two sources explaining this for you.
>That sentence is "you are wildly overestimating the significance of that effect".
So we went from
>carbon only helps in greenhouses because of my diagram of a barrel
>yes it does help. But it's significantly overstated and no I won't explain why.
Whatever dude. Just fuck off
Have you read the resources I've provided you? They explain everything. That's why I posted them.
Most people in here have been talking about either the sahara or just CO2 in general and you link papers about China and India. Your weird off topic posts have literally nothing to do with the CO2 topic. It's like you're trying to argue that because trees are planted in China, CO2 is insignificant
It is genuinely possible that both things are true.
Did you just come in here because you're behind your government mandated quota of trolling for the month?

Your post about "greenhouse conditions" is literally just nonsense you refused to elaborate on

Brb, manifesting that you'll be getting appendicitis today. Good luck
Yup. It was boring and didn't prove your point.
But you are welcome to quit being a lazy ass and articulate your arguments in this format.
What the fuck is going on in this thread?
I love the outdoors
Some fag thinks that an increase in CO2 doesn't improve the efficiency of photosynthesis.
I expect he's standing in his local hospital rn trying to explain that supplemental oxygen doesn't improve cellular metabolism.
Those papers show that the "greening" of the Earth is crop lands and reforestation projects. I don't think you actually read them.

Which part are you struggling with? The part where the law of the minimum means that carbon dioxide does fuck all for plant growth outside of highly controlled conditions or the part where we checked and it was irrigation and fertilizer greening the Earth?

It does in highly controlled conditions like a greenhouse. It doesn't do anything for random plants growing in random places because carbon dioxide is almost never the limiting growth factor.
>carbon dioxide is almost never the limiting factor
The claim being made is that CO2 helps plants grow with less water. If you compare to plants which already have enough water, you'll find it doesn't matter. If you're looking to grow plants in a desert, CO2 would logically help due to the plant transpiring less since CO2 is more easily attained
When people talk about greening arid places like the sahara, the primary issue would naturally appear to be water
No amount of Indians planting trees will make this argument less logical
That effect is miniscule. Under mild drought stress a plant under increased carbon dioxide can utilize carbon dioxide to the same degree as it would if it weren't under drought stress. It doesn't keep the plant from dying from lack of water. It doesn't compensate for a lack of any macro- or micronutrients in the soil. It doesn't compensate for the presence of pests and pathogens or the absence of beneficial microbes. It makes basically no difference. You cannot keep a tree alive in the desert with carbon dioxide alone, and if you genuinely think that you can then you should give it a try.
>citing NASA as a source
>logical fallacy
>The part where the law of the minimum means that carbon dioxide does fuck all for plant growth
If the limiting factor is water, higher levels of CO2 will make the plant lose less water to transpiration.
This is a fact. Deserts have been getting greener and you cannot attribute that to fertilizers or agriculture. And last I checked, the Sahara is a jaunt away from China and India.
I also don't think your green wall hypothesis is up to much.
I'll reiterate.
The Sahara is greening even in places where rainfall has decreased.
Deserts are getting greener because of reclamation projects. You literally posted screenshots of some of those projects.
>The Sahara is greening even in places where rainfall has decreased.
>drought stress
>carbon dioxide alone
Oh cool, so just ignoring my post

Greening deserts are not analogous to introducing drought to existing plants
I never claimed CO2 alone does anything
Explain what pests are hunting for plants in the sahara? Slim pickings to my eye

There are regions around the desert where plants don't have the water to grow. At that boundary, a even a "miniscule" effect will ADVANCE the boundary that plants can occupy. Once roots are able to establish in a new location, that piece of ground will have more material holding it (and water) together. Once that plant dies, it decomposes in a new spot of ground, providing more material to the sandy earth, facilitating new growth
>That effect is miniscule
Who told you that?
>You cannot keep a tree alive in the desert with carbon dioxide alone
You disingenuous fuckwit
Atmospheric CO2 levels are actually very low right now, if it increases it would absolutely benefit plant growth.
Greening deserts is done with irrigation, moron. It doesn't just happen on its own. Look up any desert reclamation project.

Read your own source. It merely compensates for the difference in stomata diameter.

Alright, let's see you pop some oaks in a random desert and keep them alive without irrigation. You can give them as much carbon dioxide as you want.
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>Greening deserts is done with irrigation, moron. It doesn't just happen on its own. Look up any desert reclamation project.
"plants don't just grow, moron. People have to make them grow"
Yeah man. Sorry. You're right
Usually people are also the reason for the desert expanding. People have more control over the world then you seem to want to believe.
That's why I always remember to thank my ancestors who planted the boreal forest
>result of human managed projects
Yeah like me driving my car around.
The removal of old growth forests, wetlands and the acidification of the ocean due to storm drain and un-processed sewage have a much larger impact than your auto.
Much of what is now desert in the middle east was made that way by thousands of years of exposure to Arabs and north Africans.
Same with major swaths of China.
It's been done multiple times you mouth breathing retard. Andrew Millison worked in reversing desertification in Saudi Arabia and established trees that don't require external watering.

Bill Mollision was the grand daddy of pushing back deserts and has done it in India and Africa .
All true but governments only care about carbon emissions and don't give a shit about that other stuff.
Can you link me to a source? I'll look into those names. All the desert reclamation projects I'm aware of rely on irrigation and often times fail.
Yep. Hopefully those deserts will be restored.
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itsnot,,,like we cant have co2 And water?
,,barrel boy is right,,,TREES LOVE CO2!
,,,,, buthey need lotsof other things too., squirrelsand birds help.,
,,ilove my desert forest filling with deer,bears,cougars,coyotes,hummingbirds, owls, vutters clumped learing down—“He looks about done,be ready Boys!”,
,,,,those little black ants SUCK!,
,,,alfalfa fed to cows,,,poop fed to alfalfa.,
,,, Gods cycle loopsaround!
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Go away ESL larper.
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trees become,,,co2..CO2 becomes tree.
Additional CO2 in the global atmosphere will speed up photosynthesis, but due to it's ability to absorb and re-emit infrared increasing CO2 (and other gases like methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, etc.) levels alter the amount of heat stored in our atmosphere. This additional heat changes weather patterns globally and largely warms areas. This alteration in conditions disrupts ecosystems in numerous ways, notably more droughts and allowing for species that thrive in warmer conditions to move north and out-compete established species.
Jesus Christ be praised, Bacon came to see us!
Smith Valley?
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jump to 23;00
why do global warming/heating/boiling (lol) religious obsessives get so upset about it?
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Startups want to cool Earth by reflecting sunlight. There are few rules and big risks
In a parking lot and on San Francisco Bay, NPR witnesses two different tests for solar geoengineering to tackle climate change. With much science unsettled, experts say regulations aren't keeping up.

,,,,FFFFFFFF YOU!! now tryingtostop the SUN!!?,
,,,,,turd gargaling BUTT SLUTS!
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answerthequestion!!,,,use youreducational prowess to inlighten my tarded brain!,
Serious question:
How high were you when you posted this?
I have to hand it to OPEC...
They correctly identified a rapid change in weather patterns in the last 300 years resulting from human activity.
They then did the most genius move for how evil they are: they blamed C02 emissions.

The Oil cartels blamed themselves for global climate change knowing they weren't the reason. They got the people that hate them to defend "it isn't CO2" then called them climate deniers... Absolute magic: "if you you agree that there is climate change but don't agree CO2 isn't the cause and that the global oil cartels aren't to blame you're a climate change denier"

they got the people that hate them to support that Co2 isn't the reson for climate change..

because it isn't:
Deforestation and the draining of wetlands is. They build the straw man to get you to ignore the real problem.
What is that creature?
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okyouright,,,idont realy wanto hearthereply.,
,,,wasexpecting more ofighthough.,
,,,,,,just slinking away,,,itsnot,the way of paid shills,,guesshes doinit for Free?,
,,ithink were settled onthe science<
I am currently peaking after reading so my question is, how could I realistically, or even theoretically increase CO2 in a grow tent? NO I DO NOT GROW WEED actually I just imported a Euphorbia Labatii 'red leaf's form. pls respond
During the industrial revolution it was noted that tree were growing way more than normal
Yeah, but those problems require money, resources, and manpower to fix and can't be easily turned into a financial instrument to be traded on the market.
Yaaas we need to lock up all the carbon just like an ashkenazi schmeckle in a chastity cage
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The average human exhales about 2.3 pounds of carbon dioxide on an average day. (The exact quantity depends on your activity level—a person engaged in vigorous exercise produces up to eight times as much CO2 as his sedentary brethren.
gotcha and amen will convert grow tent into grow room and sex up the walls but that will be plans for next five years or at least until my business rockets, thank you brother but in the meantime will need smaller scale innovations. will keep looking. more advice welcome
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,thatwat is justrying to do ITS job.,
,,,mouthole is Trying to geta REAL job.,
,,,,,butstill wheres the #s?
That is a horse!!
I've been working on a hypothesis that "climate change" is mostly because we fucked up our water table, drainage, water cycle, ect. Basically, we removed water from the land masses and changed how water moves through those masses when reintroduced through weather or irrigation. The observed real world effects of climate change line up with this far better than a CO2 model. Do you have any evidence or papers about draining the wetlands and climate change? I've never heard anyone but myself but this idea forward and I would love to see what you have on the subject.
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treeslove,,,co2.,could usemuch more!,
it was the jewish logger beavers.
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>humans love oxygen
>let's feed them 100% oxygen
>what is a hospital oxygen chamber
Are you retarded or something?
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The human body cannot subsist on 100% O2 forever. It is therapeutic for some hours, but eventually results in lung damage
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In a hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber, the air pressure is increased 2 to 3 times higher than normal air pressure. Under these conditions, your lungs can gather much more oxygen than would be possible breathing pure oxygen at normal air pressure. This extra oxygen helps fight bacteria
,,,so?howlow doyou want CO2?,,stick tothe?,,,sissy.
Ah ok, so not normal conditions. Amazing argument
co2 is basically empty calories for plants. It's like eating a bag of popcorn
this is why greenhouse studies show that increasing carbon dioxide levels decrease nutritional levels across a broad variety of metrics in a broad variety of plants. Bad news for crop nutrition, pollinator nutrition, etc
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we don't love oxygen though. we only need a tiny amount as a catalyst for various biological processes. it's actually toxic you know.
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certainstantdie!,,, carbon would never besomean.,
,,,,,,,O2 mustbeliminated!,the children.,
,think of thechildren.

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