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I have a dream to see the Wollemi pines in the wild. But the actual location of the valley containing the trees within the national park is a closely guarded secret. Wollemi NP is massive and almost entirely wilderness; I'm pretty sure I could search for years without ever finding them.

Does anyone have any leads or know anything about this?
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Wollemi pine has been on display in botanical gardens for over a decade and is available for purchase through some, limited retailers in the USA. It is a fussy and difficult plant to grow in the garden, requiring a protected space, well-draining, somewhat acidic soil, and winter conditions found in USDA zones 9 to 11
The wollemi pines location has been doxxed on /out/ before and the jannies were too lazy and ineffective to remove it.
You could probably find it in a day on Google Earth.
Oh fuck it's Australia. Just get a few boxes of beer and ask an Abo to take you.
That's kind of sad honestly. But I have a pretty good idea now after looking at maps all day.
Will make an expedition on the weekend probably.
i saw them on a hike back before covid. i was going to the glowworm cave, hiked in and out (wont say the direction i went in/out) and while walking along a river i saw them. i knew they were there somewhere but i didnt realise they were actually there, if you know what i mean. probably someone else wouldnt have noticed it but im a plant enjoyer
obviously i walked among them, marked it on my map and left absolutely no trace. didnt touch them either just in case
not sharing the location though
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just get your own :3
are these the pines? everywhere i'm looking on Google Maps i see this lime green vegetation at the bottom of deep creek valleys, surrounded by dark gray vegetation that seem to be Eucalyptus. they are literally everywhere in valley bottoms, at least in NW Wollemi NP
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there are only ~200 wollemi pines and they only exist in one stand in one valley.

wollemi national park is massive and most of it is canyons where you can't really go a long distance without being an expert climber spending days going up and down canyon walls 2-3 times a day.

there are subtropical forests in all the canyons, but only one canyon somewhere hides the precious wollemi pine family
what's this obviously completely different patch of trees then. expecially considering that there's a known grove along the very same creek

btw the place is like 2 kilometers from a dirt track
i keep finding this stuff
this is 100% not the wollemi stand
this might be, idunno!
is that national park explored enough that we are sure only one grove exists?
I think so, at this point, although we've learned over and over again that even outback NSW is full of surprises
someone post the decimal coordinates, PLEASE
Based non toucher. We have Kauri Dieback in NZ because people insist on standing all over their roots and molesting them.
That's water bro
Better go and look m8. I bet they've gone over it all in a chopper but you never know.
>Kauri Dieback
Good, king kaom is a bad man.
yeah, there were bushfires going through there a few years ago, apparently the figherfighters had to specifically go to the grove (apparently there are 3 but idk) to protect them
kill yourself, if youre too lazy to check irl you shouldnt even be asking
>Based non toucher
i didnt even really want to, but i did consider taking a cutting. maybe i would have if i had the tools
they say that there are more people that have been on the iss than have been in the groves, maybe its true. probably there are less people that have taken cuttings of them that have been on the moon
they send the air tankers out to proteck them. they also rigged up an irrigation and sprinkler sustem from the creek that would keep the humidity high in the valley/s so they wouldn't get singed. the fires swept through and only two wollemi were burned. this pic >>2722087 is the aftermath where everything but the wollemi pines was destroyed
yeah i know, im saying that if there was any elsewhere they would have been burned, so asking if theres any that arent known isnt really a good question. if they wernt known there would be no one to know to protect that area
also interestingly, when i saw them the valley didnt look like that so probably there are at least two groves
cmon someone just post the coordinates
I won't leave trash or anything
anon youve been told multiple times that they are on a river/creek. its also been said in this thread that no one is going to post the coordinates and you probably shouldnt trust any that are posted here because its pretty obvious that they arent going to be real (quick anon! 39.1577, -83.0910, thats the creek). trash isnt the only issue, are you going to step on roots? are you going to carry a disease? are you going to give the location to someone who will leave trash?
if you want to know where they are just go out and find them, walk along the rivers over a dozen or so trips and youll find them and youd also prove yourself worthy or something
anyway, kill yourself again
I won't give the location to anyone else. I won't spread disease or leave trash.
PLEASE give me the decimals.
>I won't spread disease
kek, post hazmat suit
What are some other "secret" spots like this around the world?
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can't tell anon
the nightcap oak is the only other one in australia i know of. theres also the hyperion, the tallest tree in the world (but the location has been leaked a hundred times, you can google for it)
thats just weed bro kek
Don't go there, idiots like you have apparently contaminated the site with invasive parasites already.
>invasive parasites
The fuck? Also if this tree is really old wouldn't that mean it's susceptible to all kinds of shit and bound to die? Like native Americans getting btfo.
Could be, but they do thrive in public gardens and as potted plants around the home, so I'm not sure if they're particularly delicate. Although everything has its kryptonite if you find it
It's going the way of the ornamental plant at best.
what do you mean?

also they're pretty ugly. i should really prune mine a bit this winter, it looks like a fucking psycho. then i can propagate from the cuttings and gift them to my frens
The keyword there is "invasive." The trees are not adapted to deal with them like they are native diseases. They don't have to be old.
I mean stuck in captivity.
Knowing Australia, its fate is to be invaded. I consider new residents late arrivals at this point.
>Knowing Australia, its fate is to be invaded. I consider new residents late arrivals at this point.
ironic considering the history of australia and the history of introduced pests
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It's a running theme over there.
I used to have a secret hideaway. Then the weather got nice and arab's with bluetooth speakers "discovered" it. (I say "discovered" because it's a tiny patch of woods DIRECTLY behind my uni, yet during the winter, and most of spring, it's completely empty, save for the occasional wandering grandpa)
what uni? i live near a uni that's rather green and bushy
Just disinfect your boots with some kind of fungicide to make sure you’re not gonna accidentally kill them all with cinnamon fungus
no actually try develop their natural imunity. bring syringes full of glyphosate to inject
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looks weirdly similar
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I'm starting to buy the idea that there are more groves out there.
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Any plant-bros know what this could be if it isn't Wollemi?
Along Ovens creek in Wollemi is where they all reside
shut uppa your mouth
From talking to people in the NPWS there are several strands, but I don't think they're that distinct that you could spot them on a map like that.

Maybe with very high res aerial photos.
there are between 200 and 60 in the wild (its hard to count them apparently). a photo showing more than 200 trees isnt going to be it
Jannies letting this one go.
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Imagine being responsible for the literal extinction of a species
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so any aussie going to these >>2722058 >>2722085 >>2722489 >>2722490 places to check if they're actually the pines?
>save for the occasional wandering grandpa
Nice. There are a few types of people that I don't mind bumping into outdoors and grandpas are one of them
They have been transplanted and transferred all over the world. At this point you wouldn't be able to wipe them out.
jesus christ just post the damn coordinates already
Just look up the habitat requirements of the Wollemi pine, go out to the park, ground truth a few dozen plots that match those requirements, then obtain high res aerial imagery and write an algorithm that predicts where those habitat conditions exist.
Then go out and visit all your predicted polygons until you find the pines.
Should only take you 4-5 years if you apply yourself.
>take you 4-5 years
kek, based retard
no one tell him
I could do that study in about 3 years by myself, if I lived in Australia. I gave him an extra one to two years to teach himself the principles of ecological land classification.
>could do that study in about 3 years by myself
doubling down on the retardation
this is a leave no digital trace thing. i dont post my good unknown spots anywhere.
me neither >>2722318
Why do you need to write an algorithm just fucking think for yourself.
as living in Italy unfortunately i can't go there myself

if you look at the Coricudgy Forest on satellite imagery, the trees look very spiky. they still have a different color, dark green instead of the wollemi's supposed light green that is present in those other microgroves

tldr; the bigger, darker patches of "spiky" trees are cypresses. the smaller, lime green groves might be our pines
eachine 220
Here you go
20°37'34.1"S 166°18'20.2"E
kek, im >>2721909 (and its not a larp)
all im saying is that if you want to go there and check youll be disappointed
All I'm saying is the jannies are fucking lazy for allowing the location to stay up.
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trannies also are lazy. a-are you saying jannies are trannies?
-33.02508002817495, 150.31693168015713

these aren't the coordinates. I just thought it looked like a cool spot for a hike ;)
All someone needs to do is collect botanical cuttings or seeds from domesticated source trees and then hike into a couple of those canyons and start seed bombing and planting more of them.
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they won't survive just anywhere in the whilde anon, don't be glib
They've been surviving in that canyon for thousands of years haven't they? All you need is one autist to take samples and spam plant domesticated plants, statistically you should see some take even if it's only 1 in 1000.
They've already successfully cloned them and brought them to other countries. Pretty sure you can even buy them.
So what's stopping one Aussie autist from propagating them in the wild in random canyons. You can't always depend on the government for conservation, in fact you should never depend on it for that.
You can't depend on random idiots who know nothing about conservation either.

>So what's stopping one Aussie autist from propagating them in the wild in random canyons.
If you don't already know the answer to this question you're proving my point. You need to learn about something first before acting impulsively.
The government and conservation agencies are already at the stage of attempting and/or discussing wild propagation from cuttings. There is a study out right now on propagating them from cutting without rooting hormones. The fact that it took decades for them to get to that stage should tell all you need to know about government and institutional bureaucracy. You don't need any random idiot, you just need people that are passionate enough about it to learn it and then set them loose.
>muh backyard science is just as good as legitimate science
Jannies are actively deleting posts to help keep the secret. Hope the sacred pines like roundup.
Mainstream science as presented in universities' curriculums and government institutions is largely deliberate fraud. Legitimate science always starts from the individual on the fringe.
>largely deliberate fraud
do you have an example of this? also of >legitimate science?
you are a retard
>threatening to destroy National Park property
Hold this L, senpai.
Welcome newfag
Michael Faraday
Bohm (b1917)
James Maxwell
Rupert Sheldrake (theories partially confirmed by epigenetic trauma inheritance in successive generations of animals, also people, and in the observer effect in consciousness, ironically this also feeds into separate but related and partially confirmed Bruce Lipton's work)
Thomas Henry Moray (work builds on dozens of others including Tesla in which electrostatic potential can be perpetually extracted from the atmosphere and earth via capacitors, hanging wires, grounded poles, step-up and step-down coils, and a subsequent electrostatic spark gap fed into a battery supply which will continuously ambiently charge it as long as an electrostatic potential difference exists between the earth and the air, which is constant and never reaches zero anywhere on earth)

By the way, there are hundreds of more examples. And my statement on the mainstream stands. All real science is fringe until it to becomes established dogma (a process that takes decades or centuries).
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Your not trying hard enough, you could easily find this area based off the rock type behind the pines, size of the pines vs gorge and rock wall behind and environment they grown in.
Anon, careful use of AI could do all that shit in like a month tops if you used it to generate code to save time; less if you're just searching for topography and doing the visual inspections yourself.
>have a rare real life mystery and potential expedition on your hands
>beg for coordinates instead of having fun and adventure
The coordinates are already ITT.
no they aren't
Yes, they are.
>Kauir dieback

90% of the shoe cleaning stations don't even have fucking disinfectant in them because DOC are useless faggots. Not to mention that the deer, pigs, possums, birds and everything else that roams all over the soil, trees, roots and plants are responsible for spreading it, not some retards walking down a track. Kauri trees are donzo, they should just let people enjoy them while they still exist.
Wollemi bump
Lol nice
Abo niggers must not have paid the 4chan jannies their monthly tendies and HRT allowance.

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