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Is this a good water filter?
if you don't mind drinking phthalates, then yes
what's a better alternative?
They have a reputation for clogging more often than the Squeeze.
if price is not an issue what's the proffered filtration method?
Just get the regular squeeze
yes but just get the squeeze its not that big. regularly backflush it and it'll last you forever.
A Sawyer Squeeze or a Katafyn Beefree have better reviews. I’ve used a Squeeze for years with no issues. My preferred method is Aquamira but it’s not a very popular choice.
Do you want everything bad removed? Water to taste like bottled water even if drawn from sludge?

The buy a a FirstNeed Elite from General Ecology. Once you own one of thesr, you are loyal to it. Best purified water you can get: https://generalecology.com/product/first-need-xl-elite/

t. 25 years user 6/7 continents
>no carbon filter to block at least some of the chemicals
>the "up to 100,000 gallons" claim without any actual studies to back it up
No, it's not a good filter if you want to camp more than once a year. Lifestraw is a healthier choice, but it's not what ultralight youtubers and influencers advertise.
>source? Source?!
>I need a source

Enjoy your cancer.
>>I need a source
If you don't care about things like that, why won't you buy a no-name, made in china water filter? It will be 10 times cheaper.
inb4 everyone on this board only goes to untouched mountain wilderness where agricultural runoff is not an issue
This is an excellent purifier and one of only a few viable ones rated for a lot of chemical and metal contaminates. Excellent choice for questionable water sources.

Disagree. NA has many locations where you have both good water-quality info and hundreds or thousands of test cases. For many hiking areas, it is sufficient as long as your not drinking purposely out of sewage.
Ok, how about providing some kind of study showing the effectiveness of a Lifestraw? I’m pretty sure Sawyer has some info on its stuff.

I really don’t care, and think both of you guys are faggits.
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Rude. OP asks for opinions about his water filter and there was literally nothing wrong with pointing out issues with it or with offering an alternative you mongol.

>study showing the effectiveness of a Lifestraw
sure, np.: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2631/0778/files/Peak_Evidence_Dossier_Straw.pdf?v=1691688819
Pic related.

Good filters are also made by SAGAN, but I have no personal experiences with them:
>study about bacteria and viruses:
>study about chemicals, like chlorine:
>I’m pretty sure Sawyer has some info on its stuff.
Pics or didn't happen.
I've been searching for it for a while and couldn't find anything.
I work in an industry tangentially related to materials science. The rating on these filters is determined by a recognized guideline, either ASTM D6908 or ISO 20468. I know as a matter of fact that Sawyer contracts their testing through BCS, North Florida (whom I work closely with).

Their claim of filter efficacy and life is based on that testing. Lifestraw tests their filters by one of those standards as well, and probably contracts it to a company like BCS (ostensibly; as a large company they’d catch hell for not testing to a recognized standard practice). That’s where the claims come from. You can probably find the test results in their websites.

>just use a Lifestraw
Lifestraw is a brand, but we have to assume you’re talking about their most popular product. It has a worse flow rate, much shorter lifespan (1,000 gallons), and a filter that’s only half as effective as a Sawyer Squeeze (.2 microns vs .1 microns). Why recommend it?

Took three seconds to google “sawyer mini test results”
Yeah, and if you've spend 3 more seconds actually reading it, you'd see there's nothing about bacteria, viruses or when exactly were those tests concluded: did they test it on a brand new filters? After filtering 1000 gallons? After 100,000 gallons (like advertised)? We don't know.
There was plenty about speed of water flow, ph, hardness and what not, I'll give you that, but it's not transparent at all how used those filters were before being tested.

>You can probably find the test results in their websites.
Except I couldn't.

>Why recommend it?
Because not everyone has inside knowledge in the industry, like you claim to have (shocking, I know).
>Faster flowing with the lighter, softer pouch
So have they upgraded from the old pouches?
>Is this a good water filter?
I'd assume just about any filter from Katadyn, Sawyer, MSR or other reputable brand should be fine. I find it hard to believe that it'll actually filter up to 100 000 gallons but with regural maintenance (backflushing in field and more thorough cleaning at home) people have gotten several years out of their filters.
Also if you want to extend the lifetime of your primary filter, then use a sediment filter (or run it trough a bandana, coffee filter or something) to prefilter the water before running it trough your main filter.
You could try emailing them.
Sure I could e-mail them, but why trust a company that isn't very transparent about this stuff in the first place? There are better alternatives
>use same Sawyer Squeeze for years
>pretty normal conditions; not a crisp mountain stream but not trying to filter mud puddles
>getting a little slow, probably just a little clogged from years of use
>flush it when I get home
>sanitize with a bleach and water solution
>working great

>sudden illness in the family
>have to limit everything to day hikes for several months
>filter chills out in the closet with the rest of my stuff
>finally head out for a weekend trip
>whip out the filter and water bag
>filter 99% clogged, tiny trickle coming out

When I got home I looked up the manufacturers instructions for maintenance. Sure enough there’s an article on how to clean, sanitize, and store a filter. I was just going by shit I’d read on forums, but it was the same as the website.

Nowhere does anyone say shit about using distilled water. I searched and found a few people who had the same issue. The best guess is that municipal water supplies are so hard that calcium deposits start growing and aren’t flushed out with use, so they clog the filter.
>id they test it on a brand new filters? After filtering 1000 gallons? After 100,000 gallons (like advertised)? We don't know.
>there’s nothing about bacteria
There is. Explain yourself. You were given the link, and looked it over. How could you have missed that?

>We don’t know [when they performed the test]
We do.

Now explain why you recommended the Lifestraw
>initial performance
And that proves it will be a good filter after 1000 or 100,000 gallons how exactly?
>Why recommend it?
Because it has a carbon filter, that's also where the lifespan comes from. Read, nigga, read.
>testing of used material
Non-standard practice, though not unheard of.

The Lifestraw is less effective and has a worse flow rate. Not to mention its size makes it incompatible with SmartWater bottles. You still haven’t stated why you recommend it.
this was my issue. i used a 50/50 mix of hot (not boiling) distilled water and vinegar. worked like brand new again. when i get back from trips, i back flush with distilled. night before i leave, i soak 50/50 vinegar distilled. no more problems since.
They run these tests on brand new filters, because it would be nearby impossible to control the tests with used up filters. The minerals in water are way different in different places. How much sediment is getting in to the filter etc. The same filter that works well after 1000 litres in one place may get gunked up from just 100 litres at another place.
The way these Sawyer filters work is that they have very miniscule pores in the fibres that let the water trough. Even if the filter gets dirty from all the gunk, it should still never be able to let the nasties trough because the pores are not getting any larger from use. They just get stuff stuck in them. Meanwhile the activated carbon purifiers themselves keep on letting water trough even when they loose their effectiveness.
>Non-standard practice
Company that goes beyond standards to provide a healthy product is better than one that does not.
And a company that makes claims about being great even after 100,000 gallons, without proving they've actually tested it, isn't as trustworthy as company promising you only 1000 gallons, but actually showing tests they did.

Also having a carbon filter is nice (as I've already mentioned in the first post). I think having one is more important than having a high flow rate.

>They run these tests on brand new filters, because it would be nearby impossible to control the tests with used up filters.
Somehow Lifestraw and Sagan managed to do just that. Seems like either skill issue or an attempt to hide how good or bad Sayer filters actually are.

>the pores are not getting any larger from use
They could get damaged through use and get bigger, if materials they used were subpar.
It’s a larper. Only someone who’s never used a Lifestraw would think this is a good idea.
Wrong and wrong again. There are lifestraw filters designed to work with nalgene bottles for example.
>he does it for F R E E
>I meant this other kind of Lifestraw and not the ubiquitous flagship model that’s also a genericization that literally everyone knows and associates with the name
Oh ok
>still using Nalgenes
>”I’m not brand fucking new to this I swear”
>he never camped during winter
>calls other larpers
are Sewyer jews paying you to shill for them?
>using nalgenes during winter
>not using a steel bottle
bros, why are the larpers stuck in the 2000's?
It’s April, and most of the year isn’t winter.
>this sport cap is a great choice for sub-freezing temps
Doesn’t it freeze? I know my Nalgene bottles frog up, and I’ve had the tops get a little icy, and that’s only in Alabama “winters.” Wouldn’t a little sport cap like that get totally frozen?
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This, everyone knows that the canteen that you get issued during your conscription service in the Finnish Defence Forces is the true patricians choice.
>if materials they used were subpar
Sawyer published this study about the strength of the hollow fibres they use in their filters.
Materials tests as part of product QC are always done on new items for that exact reason. Testing done on used items shows the condition of that one particular item.
I've never used the squeeze or micro, but I have a sawyer mini that I've been using to filter water on camping trips. It seems to do it's job. Several multi day trips, Several gallons of water I've drank, it tastes good, I've never gotten sick. So anecdotally it works. But I'm also filtering quickly moving creek or river water, not standing water.
10 years later I can still taste that shit.
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>yes, I do claim that my water filters last for hundreds of thousands of gallons of water
>no, I won't conduct any studies proving that; test showing that brand new filters work is more than enough
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That's a Casio clasp isn't it son
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I mean if it gets rid of Protozoa and ecoli id say it works great! Chemicals and other stuff won’t kill your (quickly at least) however giardia could in a couple of days depending how dehydrated you are.

I personally use a grayl, little bit more bulky and it only holds 700ml water internal, but it filters quick and I’ve used it on literal muddy creek water with deer shit nearby and had no issues (if anything it tasted better than tap water) however it’s bulky and people often complain about that.
Lifestraws are great when you have water nearby, but how the fuck you going to transfer it to a container? They work great if you’re sleeping next to a cleanish body of water but if you’ve ever used a life straw you’ll know that you will be spending a fair amount of time sucking.

Sawyer squeeze is infinitely better because you can transfer it rather quickly to a secondary container or bladder
>you will be spending a fair amount of time sucking
I don't see how's that a bad thing
I've been looking at the grayl myself. how useful would it be to fill a water bladder?
Well, for that you'd need to remove the bladder from the carrier. Otherwise it shouldn't be too complicated. With a Katadyn Hiker Pro you could pump the water straight in to the bladder via the same hose you drink out of, without having the need to remove the bladder from the carrier.
Bumperino for the water filtration thread
> Katafyn Beefree
I considering buying the same because reviews are alright. Has anyone here used it or some of its equivalents?
I've used mine once. It tasted good and I wasn't sick. So yeah.
I bought one after seeing an acquaintance use one. Huge improvement over the Sawyer I had in terms of how quickly you can filter water and how easy it is to clean
Ok but do I need this to filter giardia out of an alpine stream? $80 replacement filter, and I thought Katadyn was a rip-off
There are cheaper and smaller filters, such as the katadyn befree or sawyer squeeze (whatever size you prefer). I am considering buying the katadyn befree, looks like a neat little filtration system.
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I swear by the Platypus Quickdraw. I'm thoroughly convinced that Sawyer pays to have its product claimed to be "#1" so that it can inflate its prices. The Quickdraw is priced at half the price of a Squeeze and performs just as well if not better, especially in terms of flowrate.
Unless you plan on drinking water with chemicals, toxins or heavy metals that need to be neutralized with activated charcoal, any of the micro pore filters should do. They will filter out giardia as well as any other water born bacteria.
katadyn befree has exposed micropore tubes. These tubes are delicate. I'd be concerned with them becoming damaged and allowing unfiltered water through without you knowing until you're shitting your pants
They aren't that exposed, you can't touch nor tamper them. How would they get damaged from regural use?
They look pretty exposed and easy to damage to me. Accidentally drop it in gravel at the creek or somewhere a twig or something can get in there. I just think it looks easy to damage to me. Feel free to disagree.
>Unless you plan on drinking water with chemicals, toxins or heavy metals that need to be neutralized with activated charcoal..
yeah no, the thing about life straws are, you don't really plan on fucking using them and when you do, you certainly don't have the privledge of deciding how clean the puddle you're drinking out of is. Go be a retard somewhere else.
People in this thread claim they use them as their primary water treatment.
You're the retard, what point are you even arguing?
The perforated part goes inside a water bottle. The only time you could cram a stick through the holes is when you're refilling.
The real drawback of these types of filters is that freezing reduces their efficacy with no indication that it's happened. Still better than the alternatives.
>the thing about life straws are, you don't really plan on fucking using them.
Yeah, some of us actually do. I plan my hiking and camping trips around using my sawyer. I don't bring water with me. I also don't drink out of fucking puddles. We're talking about general /out/ not post apocalypse/SHTF bug out. Go LARP about that somewhere else. If you go out somewhere that your main source of water is puddles....where the fuck even would that be...then plan for that and bring your heavy ass, expensive charcoal filter. You play how you want to, But don't try and tell me that I have to plan on drinking from puddles when I'm on a fucking river.
So you walk around drinking with a life straw without needing to, and calling ME the LARPer? uh-huh bud whatever you say. Let me guess, European?
carry a couple ounce filter...carry several pounds of warer. Dude, you're an idiot, just stop
So you're too weak to carry a few kg of water into the bush. Thanks for confirming you're European
oh also
>there's always water wherever I go
You Euroz don't truly go /out/.
1 gal water 8lbs, 5 days of water 40lbs. Thanks retard /in/ confirmed
I have no problem hauling 40lbs of water on my back, do you?
I would love to see you haul 40 lbs of water and another 40lbs of gear 10 miles a day. /in/ confirmed
I'd haul it 20 miles a day and I wouldn't even drink any. you're a pussy
NTA, but that's pretty much how we did it during my conscription on the week long reconnaissance exercises if we did not get supply caches or usable water sources in the operation areas.
You can just say you haven't been in the military anon, being a civilian isn't stigmatized
No. The Sawyer mini is much better, despite being cheaper. I use both, since the mini won't fit into my minimal hiking pack (basically a canteen pouch with a side pocket).
- The mini has more flow through, at least with mine.
- The mini is safer. On the mini, the center part that you grip is recessed. That way, droplets of (possibly contaminated) water get caught on the rim and don't make it into the clean water. On the micro, they drop straight down.

Generally though, going by stats, the sawyer are by far the best pocket filters on the market, and performance wise, they're sufficient unless you're drinking form a source that's chemically contaminated.
>you're not /out/ unless you're in the desert
Shouldn't you be smuggling some mexicans?
ive had quickdraw, befree and the squeeze. ive done all the manu steps to backflush and maintain all of them. the squeeze just werks and faster. plus the squeeze has .1 micro filtration as opposed to the quickdraws .3
Do these filters deal with stagnant, muddy water OK? Am in a very swampy area, no fast-moving water let alone rivers of note.
With proper backflushing/maintenance they should be okay. Katadyn Hiker pro has a removable filter protector that you can clean with the provided sponge in order to prolonge the life of the cartridge. If you prefer to run a bit cleaner water trough your filter, you can prefilter the water with a water filter bag first and then run it trough a dedicated filter.
Picrel is sold by helikon-tex and costs about 11€, fits 3 litres and takes some time to run the water trough. It can be used for only removing mud and sediment from the water. Running the water trough that and boiling it afterwards gives you clean enough water for consumption, as long as there won't be chemicals or heavy metals in the water. Originally used by British troops during WW2.

Using a filter bag and a hollow fibre filter feels a bit redundant to me and I wouldn't carry one but I am posting about it because I wanted to tell you about some options.
Thanks anon, prefiltering sounds like the way to go for me.
Don't have a problem with either brand (I carry both) but I highly doubt Lifestraw & Sawyers claims about its good for 4000 litres & up to 100,000 gallons. Must be pretty clean water sources their testing, not real world back country testing.
Funny how there all made & tested in China though.
>Originally used by British troops during WW2
Got issued one of these when in Aus army, never used it in 10 years of service. I own the one in pircel also, the issued one I had was just called a Milbank filter, it was made of a heavy duty thick canvas material, a lot more durable than pircel.
The new Lifestraw peaks are compatible with smartwater bottles, I'm impressed with the peak collapsible squeeze 1Ls modularity I bought afew months ago. Filters tiny though (not sure if thats a red flag), always good to carry a back up to my sawyer squeeze just in case.
4000 litres is possible. My sawyer mini is somewhere around 3000 now (VERY rough estimate) and still working fine. Had to backwash it dozens of times already though. I doubt I'll ever be able to verify the 400k litres lifetime, though
Do people really run their cooking water trough a filter? I mean I get it if the water itself is muddy and full of visible crap, but otherwise clear water doesn't need any excessive filtration other than maybe running trough a cloth to get rid of the sticks etc. That is since you are going to boil it for several minutes anyways for the food.
Boiling actually kills more than what you'd achieve with filtering trough a hollow fibre filter. For example, your typical hollow fibre filters are never stopping the viruses but the viruses die from heat anyways.
I personally only filter the water that I want to drink cold, I never bother with filtering if the water looks fine and I am boiling it for preparing my rice or pastas.
no reason not to double it up with a filter and boiling
I tested my lifestraw by drinking out of a really filthy puddle in the forest, and I didn't get sick. tasted kinda weird though
I'm interested in exploring abandoned mining structures (not the mines themselves, I'm not THAT suicidal). If I'm going to drink the water in the area I'll need something that can remove chemical contaminants like heavy metals. any reasonably priced options?
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I guess this is the relevant thread to ask in, but are filters even a necessary bit of kit? I would think of you have access to flowing water then you can just grab some from the top and then boil/purify it without any concern for particulates. A little bit of dirt never hurt anyone anyways
If you want to build up a fire every time you need to fill your water bottles then sure, rely on boiling.
Ok then purification tablets?
>chemicals are in the water where you go "out"
kid this board should be reserved for people who actually go outdoors, not to paid tailgating spots with paved parking lots and power hookups
Yeah, they're fine. Filters work out cheaper in the long run but it's not like anyone is bankrupting themselves buying aquatabs.
Some tablets leave a chemical taste in the water and they're obviously not going to do anything about particulates in the water (but filtering through a bandanna is usually enough for that anyway).
Only major downside to purification tablets is that most of them are ineffective against cryptosporidium (or if they do work against crypto they require a 4h treatment time). On the other hand, filters don't generally work against viruses. In most areas crypto is a bigger threat than viruses but t b h you'll probably be fine with either.
What steps are required to prevent these filters,themselves,from becoming bacterial breeding grounds? I'm a little sketched out about carrying around a filter full of crud.Is there some sort of sterilization procedure recommended for any of these? Do they ever get moldy?
FirstNeed Purifier instructs to draw a little bleach/water up the intake and outflow for lengthy storage. Otherwise, use alone jettisons any nasty debris. Just squirt the first issue into your source water and screw on the water bottle.
Mold and bacteria require moisture and some sort of nutrient to grow and multiply. If you back flush them and then shake out any remaining water, you shouldn't have enough of either for them to multiply. You can run a light bleach solution through it if you're that concerned. I'm not sure if that will effect the life though(I don't see how it would).
Lol, sawyer has been tested even by dumbnuts like you, turns out their claim is fine.
[citation needed]
>missing the part about a carbon filter
Are you really that dumb or are you just pretending for the sake of bait-posting?
I also am a First Need Chad but come on the regular Sawyer, not the micro that OP posted, is a pretty good water filter for half the price and definitely easier to use.
Sawyer itself recommends to flush the filter with diluted bleach solution after the season is over. https://www.sawyer.com/blog/section-hiker-how-to-clean-sanitize-and-store-a-water-filter-in-the-off-season

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