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everyone loves mountains and forests for /out/, but what about the humble grasslands and swamps?
Shhh don't tell retards on 4chan or they'll flutter to them like kneads to a hembo
swamps seem miserable
Well, you have a dilemma there, rattle sneks or water moccasins. While each is highly venomous in its own amazing, lethal way, I give the nod to the water moccasin because it can also swim up to you and attack or drop out of the trees without notice and then murder you horrifically. Rattlers mostly leave you alone in the grasslands ... until they don't. Edge: swamps. Have fun out there anons and watch out for sneks, they're watching you.
I love the prairie. Some see it has barren when in truth its full of life.
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Went hiking in the prairie earlier this week and saw a lot of cool flora and fauna you don't really see often in the area, like these dung beetles pushing bison shit.
That dung would make a great gift for your Indian friends.
I live near a river I will go and take some wetland photos for this thread. If it's gone I will make a new one. Brb.
I love hanging out with my tickbros in the swamp
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I'd like to bring the grasslands and wetlands back here but we don't have much rain or water here (desert)
I'll have to move somewhere with water someday
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I don't have the kind of currency to venture that far out but I find the local park down the street with all terrains of a kind! From jungles desert to plains and even snowy peaks! We have our city-wild pigeons squirrels and visitations of K-9s as well! They're like our wild animals in the Outback! If I had to choose a type of place to hang out at out there I'd wanna camp out in an oceanlab. I've heard there're domes deep beneath the ocean surface with neat aquatic animals and plants!

"There is always humor in wrong-doing." - ???

"If everyone did what makes them happy we'd all be happy." - ???

"A grain of sand to the Earth." - ???

Glad to have found this thread. I don't know why but I find the picture provided kinda humorous. It's like the bison or buffalo are up to silly things lol
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grasslands are interesting. always found the sprawling Australian savannah in the Southern Tablelands quite beautiful, and I'm a HUGE swamp fan. Absolutely love them, churning with life and death constantly. Even during winter they rarely freeze because of the all the hot writhing decomposition going on under the surface.

NPC take, swamps and wetlands are kino and full of life
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>>2727284 Grasslands are the best because nobody goes to them. I hate crowds so fucking much
this newfag doesn't know we only post about gear and don't actually go out baka
I live in an area with a ton of floodplains/marshlands and I love them. Herping during rainy season is a fucking treat.
swamps are comfy, the only thing I don't like about them is that there usually isn't much hiking. Some wetlands have trails on solid ground a few feet up, but a lot of swamps have a short boardwalk hike at best. If only we could get 30-mile long boardwalk for backpacking treks through a swamp.
In West Europe swamps are sometimes the only environment where you can be truly alone which is relaxing granted i live in one of the most crowded countries on earth. There's no poisonous animals here or predators (but a shitton of tweakers, volatile dogs and eastbloc druggies so i take a crossbow with me sometimes) The best places are those wetlands that completely flood after a single shower to the point park jannies can't drive there, but also can't use a boat. I use the time the water is high to wade to small "islands" and set up camp, storing all my stuff in trashbags to keep them dry. Sometimes i stay for a weekend. Sometimes i leave inbetween and slightly unnerve the elderly/tourists/cyclists by going into the water up to chest height (wading suit) and stare at them from under my hat while i am watching birds or something.
I use a ghillie head-shoulder covering to make myself less visible to geese because they narc me out and everything leaves. Once a junkie threw a stick at me thinking i was floating trash in the reeds and i started going towards him. Never seen someone stumble away so fast. That's what i live for.
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the flint hills of kansas are pretty neat, we also have a nice wetlands nearby
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took this one in the wetlands yesterday, there are always herons here
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I love mountains, forests, grasslands, and wetlands (of all types).
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There were probably 1,000 frogs in this picture.
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There were probably about 100 frogs in this picture, one of them is more easily visible near the foreground.
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Treefrog easily visible in the water.
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this guy appreciates the glory of God's creation
What region is this?
I love grasslands for the same reason! Did we just become friends?
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Reposting some swamp pics from the other out pics thread
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In Fall
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In Winter
>If only we could get 30-mile long boardwalk for backpacking treks through a swamp.
You're doing it wrong bro, get a boat. There's a reason people don't traverse them on foot.
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go back to reddlt, adults are conversing
Comanche National Grassland in southeast Colorado
Yes, let's be friends! We should meet up! I can bring brownies.
what is the next grassland or wetland you want to visit?
for me it's the congaree swamp to kayak
I love all types of nature, where I live its rare to find a grassland that isn't owned by someone so you mainly just stare at them from a distance

swamps are awesome? theyre just forests with more water and cooler flora
pic rel, I think there’s a cypress dome in the background
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Some plant I saw
White top pitcher plant. It's carnivorous. That's very good- fairly rare.
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I’ll do you one rarer you know it all.
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I actually don't know that one, what is it?

Here's a rare one in the woods. Not rare in landscaping but rare in the wild. After work I'll send you one of a torreya taxifolia.
Pretty sure it’s Pinguicula caerulea, could be lutea. Both super rare, small, and unfortunately federally protected
I'm looking at it now. Certainly looks similar. That's my first time seeing that one I'll keep an eye out for it from now on.

>>2729724 This is what I think is a Florida yellow anise. But maybe I'm wrong. It's growing in a pine upland which is odd... in a region its supposedly extirpated. Maybe it's a different plant though idk. I also didn't think wild varieties had that lime green color. It's a common landscaping plant though so maybe it has volunteered from some landscaping plant in the area idk. I'm familiar with fringe tree and I don't think that's it. Could be Red Bay too I guess but again I'm familiar with Red Bay and it seems different. I have a regular Florida Anise and it reminds me alot of it.

I've also got some pics of Relict Trillium in the wild I can send you when I get back from work.
I like the storms on the prairie
i saw a really cool microburst in south dakota once, im still upset with myself for not getting a picture
friendly PSA to always take pictures of things you find cool, you WILL want them someday
Your tasty brownies would be the cherry on top

I love stormchasing. Saw a landspout in Eastern Colorado and some dust devils in Nevada. Still want to see a waterspout and obviously a proper tornado
Rare spotting ITT of a Chad Euro
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beautiful open field in pea ridge
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me innaswamp
do you kayak through the swamp usually? or do you trudge through them in waders
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depends on the place, the time of year, the water level. lots of variables. this one has some pretty deep sections, and in the raiiny winter when the water level is high, you can paddle through areas that you would never reach during the spring/summer when it's pretty dried up and overgrown with vegetation. exploring them in the winter is pretty cool also because you don't have to deal with the bugs and snakes, not that I'm personally worried about that... but bugs can be annoying. bump into one wrong branch and you're covered in hundreds of tiny spider hatchlings. lol
there is flat land that hasn't been turned to city?
What are you talking about? There's plenty of empty flat land. Ever been to wyoming?
About 95% of the US land area is uninhabited (in the sense that there is no permanent human inhabitation or living structures on this area), most of that is on the great plains and in the western US.
Looks like mormon lake or thereabouts
i only wish i had pictures when my mom wants to see. otherwise im perfectly content with just holding something in my memory
looks nice. i like the alpine region and desert because theres so little vegetation that you can wander anywhere. this seems similar. is it?
i can feel this. very nice anon.
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Some fresh stuff from this evening.
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Last one. This isn't a wetland plant but I've been searching for it for years and finally found it yesterday.
some kind of milkweed?
Gopher Apple
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i love swamps so much bros
>grasslands and swamps
80% of south jersey. its like the bayous of the north in some parts.
I'd get a tick on my ballsack though.
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Swamps don't look like your Photoshop edit
Swamps are nice if you enjoy looking at the color fecal-brown.
All I want to do is find a supercell in the prairie. I want to take a week off of work to just go do that. But I know it's only a matter of luck.
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pretty boys
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A few new pics from thus evening
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My ankles itch just thinking about it.
They are nice if the weather's relatively cool, once the sun starts beating down it can be pretty exhausting without a bit of shade. Especially wetlands.
Alot of wetlands are basically bottom-land forests though. Anyways I don't mind the heat it's sort of part of the whole feel tbqh. Muggy and hot like a greenhouse. Like you're in a terrarium.

That's the beauty of the subtropics though... It feels like a jungle in late spring and summer and early fall. It's perfect temp in early spring and late fall. Mild but cold in winter just enough for a few hard frosts. You get an actual winter and enough cold weather to still get leaf drop/dormancy. So it's sort of the best of both worlds- things grow so great in tropical places but the drawback to tropical places is you miss the seasons which I think that cycle is really what makes nature rich.
Made me look haha
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New pics from today
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