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Have you outed in the desert? Is it dangerous much? Scorpions?
>Is it dangerous much?
It was in Australia
Scorpions in the US aren’t much more dangerous than wasps. If you’re allergic you could get fucked up. Otherwise it just hurts.

Deserts are gorgeous. Everything wants to poke you. Umbrellas are great.
Someone needs to make a Moebius-style celshaded RPG vidja.
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How do you get yourself off the floor in the desert? Would I have to carry a cot-bed everywhere with me?
This, there are 40 species of scorpions in my state and only one species has ever killed people before, usually already vulnerable people. Same with Gila monsters, only one person in 3 or 4 decades is killed by them. Snakes can be more dangerous, but maybe half a dozen people have died from snake bites in 2 decades in my state. Big mammals actually kill more people than small critters, and the climate and terrain actually kills the most people (falls from high places, drownings, heat stroke/dehydration in about that order), up to 100 people a year in my local state. You still don't want to get stung or bit by anything.

t. been stung by Centruroides sculpturatus 4 times, one time was clinically diagnosed as a grade 3 envenomation and I could've taken anti-venom but chose not to, fucks with your breathing, eyes, and nerves at grades 3 and 4
YMMV, and this can absolutley be dangerous, but on 1-nighter camping trips I'll look for a soft dry riverbed. You absolutely need to take the weather into account, and a flash-flood could wreck your shit in a serious way, but the ground is soft and malleable. No rocks. Too loose for creature holes. Works for me. Done this multiple times and have never been washed away but it is a calculated risk.
I hiked the PCT and AZT, loved the desert so much I decided to move out here and live off grid.
With that being said, the desert is no more dangerous than anywhere else in the US. The most dangerous thing about the desert is the heat and lack of water. You are 6,000,000 times more likely to die from those things than you are a wild animal.

you wont find them unless you look for them. they're kinda rare.
basically on the same level as bee's. the bite hurts, but requires no medical attention. people keep these things as pets for a reason
>rattle snakes
probably the only wild animal worth worrying about. we have quite the variety out here. some are more dangerous than others, for example the mojave rattle snake. but in general, they want nothing to do with you and it takes a lot to get them to strike you. I read somewhere that the majority of people that get bit by rattle snakes are intoxicated males under 30. so basically, if you stumble upon one, just leave it alone and youll be fine.

On the PCT I heard of one guy getting bit by a rattle snake and it was because he accidentally sat on it. The year I hiked the PCT we had atleast two deaths, both drowned. And I heard of several others than got evacuated due to heat stroke, broken legs..etc.

I dont even use a shelter when I backpack in the desert. I have a tarp as an emergency, but the weather is so nice I usually just cowboy camp

Dont be afraid of the desert
>but on 1-nighter camping trips I'll look for a soft dry riverbed
horrible advice. never sleep in a wash, canyon or anywhere else that water runs through unless you want to drown in your tent from a flash flood.
I have personally seen creeks go from bone dry to white water rapids in just a matter of hours.
also, just a general rule, you dont want to camp near water. these places are a magnet for insects and wild animals
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I have slept out in the desert plenty, almost always cowboy camping - mostly low desert and a little high desert. It's pretty comfy, gets cold as fuck sometimes. Don't listen to the other anon who said to sleep in a wash, the coyotes like to run the washes at night, unless you're doing some stealth camping in which case just check your weather and don't leave your food out. Either way, try to sleep where the sun is going to hit you early in the morning.
It's probably less dangerous in the 'desert' than most other types of /out/ these days, humans are the most dangerous thing out there really and you're a human too so..

really, hardly anyone goes to the open desert except boomers in rvs and people living in their vehicles, sometimes rich people on horses and some others on atvs if it's close enough to the city, unless it's something almost touristy like Mt Graham in Safford AZ or Rock Hound Park New Mexico, which are things people in local cities will go to and camp at, the desert is basically your oyster as a person who enoys /out/
I wouldn't do this even if I were certain it wasn't going to rain. I have a wash running through my yard. It's a highway for all sorts of animals.
As another anon said, I wouldn't recommend camping in a wash or even near its banks, even if you have what seems like good weather where you're at, a single storm (that you might not even see at all and have clear skies) can dump inches in just 1 hr further up in the mountains hundreds of miles away and cause a delayed flash flood far downstream fairly quickly (minutes to a few hrs tops). In most of AZ most seasonally dry desert washes within 100 miles of mountains will turn into small rivers with less than an inch of rain in a 24 hr period. And AZ mountains can get rain randomly any month of the year, even in the dry seasons (April-July and Oct-Dec), and up to 10 inches in 24 hrs during monsoons. This can happen in any SW US state (most likely to happen in AZ, UT and NM than anywhere else) and also in Australia more often than other places, every year in AZ. Some canyons have high water marks and flood debris 50 ft above the wash bed.

Drowning is probably the 1st or 2nd most common way to die during out related activities in AZ, after or just ahead of hiking only related heatstroke or cardiovascular deaths in the state (some years fall deaths beat hiking related heatstroke deaths). My low population county averages about 10 drownings a year from both flash floods and perennial waters at flood stage. You can youtube "AZ flood" (or UT) and see countless examples taken by random people every year, it's probably one of the best places in the world to study flash floods (catastrophic scale and small scale) and there are flash flood chasers like tornado chasers on the plains.
Have lived and hiked in AZ for my entire life. Have never had a negative encounter with an animal besides a javelin that charged me when I was 7yo.
I’d say dehydration is the single biggest threat to anyone’s health. Been bit by everything except snakes, which is arguably the only animal to think about. Brown recluse spiders are about worst, reasonable thing you’d get around 5’000 where I live. Haven’t ever had a snake do anything aggressive.
where's this?
Sable kinda has that vibe, I don't think it's an RPG tho
Even with excessive water, electrolyte imbalance can be life-threatening in mere hours when /out/ in the desert sun. Under intense sunlight (usually but not always accompanied by sweltering heat) you'll sweat out electrolytes at a rapid rate. If you were already low on electrolytes (having not eaten in a while) no amount of water that you chug will save you. Prepare for this.
t. almost killed myself from electrolyte imbalance by skipping breakfast and packing no food when spending ~4 hours doing strenuous work in the desert sun, thinking my 24 cups of water would be adequate. much much worse than sun stroke which I've experienced multiple times.
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After you've had Sun Stroke/Heat Stroke once you become more susceptible to it

Looks like Colorado"s Great Sand Dune National Park
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Years ago I was walking to work in Quartzite after it had rained in the mountains, as I was crossing this massive wash in the middle of town the water came rushing down like a scene from a movie and I had to out run it to get to the edge before like 2ft deep of water rushed over and took me out
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>This spot looks good, what could go wrong?
>not taking out your gold pan and checking the wadi for riches while you had the opportunity
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Death Valley
Yeah in Australia, a dingo stole my hiking boots.
>but on 1-nighter camping trips I'll look for a soft dry riverbed.

Terrible and dangerous advice.

Depends where you go. I camped in the Nyiri Desert, Kenya for 3 days and saw loads of scorpions. The most common were big black ones. Every time we sat down we would check the ground first. Even then, after resting for an hour or so, when we packed up we would almost always find one or two had dug itself under a piece of gear. Just be vigilant.
Kek. Tell the story, Anon.
NTA but in the lower desert washes the bedrock is often deeper than it is in or nearer to the mountains, so the gold is mostly very deep and you need to run a lot of cubic yards to get much of anything. Running water also tends to flow underground in most SW US washes even when it's not flowing on the surface. In the mountains it's a different story. I've found native silver and gold in quartz just lying on the surface and people still find gold flakes while panning in areas. Surface semi-precious gemstones are 100x easier to find and cooler though and one SW state has literally every kind of gem and ore type you can imagine.
do you have any guides on how to get into gemstones prospecting?
thanks anon
>I have a wash running through my yard.
Pics? That sounds like a cool thing to have.
Did a campervan road trip inland nsw during COVID got pretty close to the Simpson desert. It was awesome and having the camper to hold water was great. It being a shitty 2wd made it worse but that's fine. Was middle of winter so was nice to have the heater as an option but it's Australia so a few more blankets would have done the job fine for sleeping.
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>Have you outed in the desert?
Don't give a fuck. They crawl on ceilings and hide in my shoes fuck 'em.
do you have an album of all your rin pics? these are awesome
that sounds cool. I checked that area out on the maps. I am in vic and it is all patchwork farms, nowhere really to go but the designated camping parks. Pretty bleak.
That whole desert area looks like uninhabited, unfenced land. Is that the case?
Any complications?
based rinposter
It can be dangerous, sure. Tourists somehow find ways to die every year. Water and stubbornness are usually the biggest problems.
I've started bringing electrolyte powder. It's incredible how quickly it revitalizes you. It's like Popeye spinach.
ur old
during my green years, I've been part of the local desert-gooning scene and it was pretty wild yeah... lots of beautiful stories (and also dark as well) to share......
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>do you have an album of all your rin pics?
I have an folder of every anime pic i see on /out/, where should i post it?
>funko pop for contrarians
anon, i...
throw it into a rar and put it on catbox.moe
thank you anon
how does /out/ hike innadesert in the summer?

I didn't have enough time to go during the cooler months and now that school's out its getting hot fast
rule 1: dont tell people that you're gem fossicking
people get very fucking funny about it.
if you bump into other people when doing it make up some other excuse.

rule 2: just like with fishing, people like to keep their secret spots fucking secret, yet they're always snooping around trying to find other people's spots.
running into a group of gem fossickers /out/ can be fucking dangerous. say hi, dont bring attention to what they're doing, then leave. dont go back unless you want to speedrun getting fucking shot.

t.used to go gem hunting with friends/family in the aussie outback and had way too many sketchy encounters with weirdos in the bush.
>you wont find them unless you look for them. they're kinda rare.
Not really, no. Pretty easy to find. And if you leave your boots in your garage, knock them before you shove your foot in there.
Leave no trace, Anon. Shame on you.
It's quite dangerous. But not from wildlife. Just Sun exposure and dehydration. Way more people die from that every year than any critters in North America.
Hiked and camped with Wingate Wilderness Therapy (Now Closed) in the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument for 13 months for 2-week shifts every month. Water and food resupply was brought in with high-clearance vehicles. The land is beautiful. The weather is diverse. I wouldn’t know where to start, when looking for food or water. I’ve eaten a few rattlesnake, but scorpions were only a nuisance when sat upon. Cedar gnats and snow storms were the worst issues I’ve had. We hiked in sleeting weather once, and had a client experience hypothermic shock. Shortly after, I left. Any questions?
Water is the difficulty. Good luck. Regarding the actual hiking, ruck early, rest during the heat of the day.
does backpacking in the sangre de cristo mountains of new mexico count? or is being up high in the mountains not innadesert
Having to pack all your water sounds like hell
I live her man. The most dangerous thing here is my gf
I need out.
drink your own piss like an ultralighter
None, but when I was at grade 3 I was stung in my left pointer finger and could feel the effects of the venom move up my arm fully then my throat felt like a wet noodle and went almost completely numb (which feels really weird when you try to drink water), then my eyes got jittery and I had some muscle spasms and the pain level was above an 8/10 for me for the first 4-8 hrs, 5/10 pain beyond 24 hrs (you go to sleep for 8hrs wake up and it's still in pain). 3-4/10 pain to 72 hrs. While light but noticeable residual nerve pain lasted for about 2 weeks on my finger that was stung, I couldn't fully curl it for the first 3 days. My other stings after that one were all fine and not even half as bad.
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I would say it counts, even though the majority of the high mountain climates of the southwest aren't arid or even semi-arid technically (most being sub-humid, or seasonally humid or outright humid). In most of the SW you don't have to travel all that far to find forest biomes and at least semi-arid biomes, and most people outing in the SW out in both the deserts and the mountains. Pic related, less than 10 air miles from saguaro cacti upper Sonoran desert biome, the water flows year round in parts of the Sonoran desert proper to, thankfully most people don't know where. The high desert can often be more desolate than the lower deserts, but you're still never that far from more temperate forested ranges and canyons.
As an anon who is used to sweating their balls off and primarily /out/s innaswamp, lack of water seems like the hardest part of desert /out/.

Is it just a matter of knowing where to look/preparing on a map or is there other secrets, kinda like knowing how to look for dry shit innaswamp. Or do you just carry a shitload around?
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It can be one of the harder parts of outing in a desert biome, but it isn't terribly difficult to overcome. Knowing the seasonal patterns, the landscape, and your own limits helps.

Often the hardest landscapes to find water are those furthest from mountains, so high desert plains and flat low desert landscapes far from any topographic changes. Two examples being the low flat desert around Yuma, AZ and the high flat desert around Meteor Crater AZ. In these locales, water is often found in well shaded areas in washes (tree shade not necessary, it can be a wash side cliff for eg), water can also be found on the lee side of big boulders or at the base of waterfall washout areas, sometimes you might not need to dig even 1 ft to get moisture, others you might need to dig 5 ft (which wastes energy unless it is an emergency). The evap rate in high deserts is lower than it is in low deserts, and morning humidity is higher.

In more upland and varied topography desert zones, north facing canyon washes (ideally in shade and nearer to the bedrock) will usually have water just underground, for example even a small desert peak like Picacho peak might have water just beneath the surface in some washes. Water and soil moisture rises with humidity so mornings are the best collection times. You can collect and even filter moisture with a cotton t-shirt.

In more temperate and mountainous zones, water can flow year round in some desert canyons let alone montane ones. Same rules apply. North facing shaded canyons or washes in early mornings.

Know the wettest (winter and monsoons, in ID and MT it's often spring around May) and driest seasons (SW US, April-June). There is also water from certain plants, humidity condensation, and solar distillation of pee worst case. I typically carry 1 gallon of water and a filter on outings, in 100F weather I bring no more than 3 gallons. What you wear also helps, and also look up an "olla" (how people kept water cool in 100F temps).
didnt have to deal with scorpions but did have to deal with blister beetles, but those are everywhere
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Death valley is like being on another planet. So many interesting things to see and fun hikes around Badwater basin. The sand dunes the other anon posted in #2728494 are also really cool if you haven't seen 100 foot dunes before. I enjoyed walking barefoot in the really fine sand.
Stayed two nights and on the second night there was a dust storm with 50mph winds which covered us in dust even in our tents. Blew out black snot for hours in the morning.
I saw several collared lizards, tarantulas, millions of grasshoppers, some big horn sheep, and quite a few black tailed jackrabbits.

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Link for dunes guy sorry I'm retarded >>2728494

Here's another picture of a little canyon. You could see several areas wear waterfalls had worn cliffs into smooth chutes. I enjoyed the national park office/museum there too. I went right after they reopened the park after hurricane Hillary flooded the whole basin and the rangers had a lot of interesting stories and stuff about that. You could still see a lot of damage to the roads caused by the floods. It is such a barren and dry place at first glance but it is completely shaped by the water that does come through that area.
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Ive never felt afraid in the desert. That being said I wouldnt sleep on an indian reservation alone at night.

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