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>hiking in Connecticut
>found two ticks on me today
It’s over.
Thank you great Ohio river for keeping the shitty storms and disease ridden ticks at bay

Why that area of Wisconsin?
MA is pretty fucked. State is warning workers about how there's babesiosis ticks for a couple months now. If you live there you better get some pet turkeys and let them range.
have you ever heard about winter
It's always a good idea to avoid black zones.

Maybe also the areas on that map high on Lymes.
Ticks are extremely common throughout New England unfortunately. Permethrin treated clothing and adhering to precautionary measures like properly tucking your pants/socks and dutifully checking for ticks after you are done do a lot to mitigate the problem but it definitely adds a layer of discipline to being able to just go outside and enjoy yourself.

t. northern NH chad
Never been to the East Coast. Sounding like it's fucked and I may never visit, seems nice too. Another horrible thing boomers left us I guess.
>p0ds captcha
>Is it really that bad I will get aids if I explore the outdoors?
worse than you could possibly imagine, you and every other outa statah should probably stay away for your own safety
I've seen ticks on rabbits I've shot in AZ, but I guess the climate messes up the tick-borne disease lifecycle. My vet also said he was surprised by how few fleas and flea-borne diseases he sees here.
Doing tick checks after hiking in the east is like applying sunscreen before hiking in the west. Both take roughly the same amount of time and can prevent bad health consequences. Am I going to stop hiking in the west because my family has a history of skin cancer? No. Just like ticks and lyme shouldn't stop anyone from hiking in the northeast.
people also need to realize that lyme is a very problematic disease in terms of diagnosis. it's generally accepted that it's one of the most overdiagnosed and self-diagnosed diseases of all. especially amongst women. the generic symptoms like fatigue is extremely popularly self-diagnosed amongst people with anxiety and hypocondria, especially amongst women. also take into account that ANYONE can develope a red ring around a tick bite, and people seem to think that it means you have lyme disease. in reality, it's a very common symptom of MANY bug bites, and an immune response to a mild local infection. I had red rings around my tick bites last time I had some years ago, yet here I am... look into it.
Just feed wild turkeys
And opossum (they like hot dogs and marshmallows)
I bushwhack in Connecticut all the time and never found one there
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I am so grateful to have these little guys keeping me safe.
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One deer tick, it was crawling on my permethrin-soaked tent. Didn't seem fazed by the poison at all and so I crushed it. Pic is related.
>hiking in conneticut
you mean walking in the park
Was exploring some abandoned buildings in New York last summer. Found 3 ticks biting me including one on my ballsack and they had been there for at least a day before I found them. No Lyme Disease. It's a fake and gay disease.
Glad I moved to Wyoming.
Curious if Lyme disease diagnoses will go down now that Long Covid is trendy.
Do you want alpha gal?
in a sense, yes, but not in the way this map portrays it.
i went to a high risk zone in Canada and didn't see a single tick, but I didn't even risk walking thru tall greens AT ALL because this time of year they are apparently mostly nymphs and they are teeny tiny. i was in the wild for 4 days. i was travelling by canoe and only stuck to bare dirt and rocky areas.

i ended up catching norovirus or something and almost died anyway.
I fucking love western fence lizards, bros.
Ticks dislike grassland. They stick to the edge of woods mostly because they turn into little tick mummies in direct sunlight in only a short while. Only the highest tall grass will have any sort of dense concentration.
I think this map underestimates how fucked western PA is at the moment. Even in the parks of Pittsburgh they have problems with Lyme.

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