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Europe isn't known for it's dangerous fauna and predators, but in the Alps there are bears, wolves and foxes, and also boars in the pre alps, I don't know much about them but I want to learn more.

I'm about to go to the admaello national park in the alps for a 2day outing and i got the (irrational?) fear of getting jumped by a pack of wolves or a nigger bear while i sleep.
I'll be between 1800m (start) and 2800m(end)

ITT we discuss the topic of predators and dangerous animals in the alps, where they are, how to prepare, defend yourself, and avoid them.
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"23th April 2023 a youngster that was running on a trail in the woods was killed by a female bear near the town of Caldes"

"estimated population for 2020 is around 100" (bears)
sorry I brain farted it was the "5th of April" and the guy was 26
I've read both bears and wolves prefer wooded areas, the place I'm going to is barren just rocks and grass so it feels better, anyway we'll see.
how do Americans/canadians/Scandinavians/Russians deal with these fuckers when out?
From what I've seen they leave the food and smelly stuff far outside their tents for the night so that a bear eats their food rather than them, overall they prepare the camp so that it won't attract bears.

Also guns of course, and pepper spray.
id bring a 10mm or 308, but according to my state laws i dont have the right to defend my life and will be punished if I do so.

yeah I've seen them hanging the bear food bags, and also clap while hiking, I did it today
Dude be careful and carry bear spray!
A conservation program reintorduced brown bears in that area, taking them from slovenia.
There have been attacks and even one dead guy who was jogging on a trail there, the first lethal bear attack in a century.

I was told by an hiker there are also wolves somewhere around here, don't remember where though, I'm a stoner.

Good luck!
>taking them from slovenia.
are there bears and wolves in slovenian alps? i was thinking of visiting grintovec and triglav
your fear is irrational. the only reason you get attacked by a bear while asleep is because you didnt store your food properly, and no just leaving it far from your tent is not enough, and still teaches the bear to look for human food. hanging should only be done on a tree with at least a 10ft limb 20 ft up, so requires a decent amount of cord. the safest thing for yourself and the bears is to just use a bear can
Learn how to affix a knife to a sturdy straight branch, making a small spear. 10 minutes of handywork creates a weapon that has decided the outcome of history countless times. You only need a handle of say 30 cm to fend off various animals and the if you put the sheath on the blade it can be kept in your pack. Then again, you don't want to be seen walking through quaint Alpish towns with what looks like a brutal improvised weapon, so...
I always have my big knife hanging from my belt and no one ever even acknowledged it, idk they even saw it, and they talk with me and chat no problem, dont think they give a shit
anyone here ever had some encounters?
I met a pack of boars in the pre alps while going up a super steep off trail muddy incline where I had to be on my knees with a stick to go up, and those guys just ran down like it was nothing, it they charged me I would've been absolutely fucked, pretty cool and scary experience.
also met a mother and baby deer or something like that, in the middle of the road in a very small and full of tight curves road, and when I started honking they didnt go innawoods but kept running along the road, not very smart, if another car arrived while we were there it could've needed in a car crash and the deers would've been rekt
Bears in Slovenia are mostly in the southern part of the country from what I've heard
>but in the Alps there are bears, wolves and foxes, and also boars in the pre alps
Even the Dutch have boar and wolves. The boar are very skittish and shy away from people. The wolves are getting more bold, but mostly in terms of chasing cyclists innawoods (lol).
Yes, there's hordes of wolves and bears ready to savage your wop ass.
Ironically that too was a terrone bastard. Definitely disturbed the beast somehow, highly doubt it was a chance encounter and definitely not predation.
In Europe, it's most often clueless idiots that fall victims to wild beasts.
>super steep off trail muddy incline where I had to be on my knees
>met a mother and baby deer and when I started honking
LMFAO I had to take a screenshot of this crap, stay home.

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