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Memes, aesthetics, art, ect
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i drew my impressions of me and my friends' late night traipses just for nostalgia sake.

you know what OP i might break out the tablet tonight and do some digital artwork. i haven't really done that in years.
do it
based. love making art and aesthetics and posting it on the internet. stays there forever for everyone to see.
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forgot pic whoops
This is peak /out/ aesthetic

This is the only nigga who goes out on this board.
Anon if you look carefully there's at least half a dozen different yuru posters
But you're right, only the anime posters go outdoors on /out/
complete /out/ newfag here
i recently got the urge to go out more and went on plenty of hikes, sightseeing and stuff.
got introduced to yuru on here
that fucking show just eats stress. it's almost magic. amazing.
Ec tetera?
A lot of people are retarded. You just have to get used to it and not point it out, because you would end up spending all of your time pointing out how retarded most people are.
doesn't go outside

goes outside

simple as
shit thread but ive been sitting on some dumb ai images for a while
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same, anon. i used to hate outdoors because my memory of it mostly consists of being dragged around and forced to do this and that as well as being deprived of sleep on my boyscout/school days. then several years later i watched the show and it ironically did a better job showing that outdoor activities can actually be very enjoyable
>being dragged around and forced to do this and that
I think that's the part that kills it for most. Strict outside schedules to adhere to, having to do stuff you don't necessarily want to. Especially as a kid.
Then you see Rin in the first episode and you see absolute self-governance. She's just setting her tent, preparing a hot beverage and getting ready to read her book. It's perfect.
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i create a lot of fantasy places to daydream exploration
Please deliver anon
AI shit is literally the last thing I'd say is congruent with the aesthetics of nature
Don't be a Luddite
shut up its fun
Wow these are pretty cool. Please post more.
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i have quite a few but many drift into the fantasy / supernatural landscape
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>ai slop thread
>on /out/
holy faggotry
well, what did you expect on a board full of larpers who don't go /out/side?
was exactly my thought, sad state of affairs
>"xwave aesthetic"
>low effort retro edits/AI
Can you make it any more obvious that youre a newfag (probably underage/definitely doesn't go outside) crossboarding from /pol/?
theres an entire board dedicated to them >>>/wsg/ and they decide to come shit up this joint lol. at the very least it bumped east vs west coast thread #9001 off page 10
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sorry anon I never buckled down and did any of it :[
Do you have other drawings of you and your friends' shenanigans outdoor other than that one?
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I think I have a few.

Many many years ago when we were just kids we found some random furniture setup at our hangout spot under the train bridge. Being a little douchebag and resentful of their incursion I threw all their stuff into the river.

A few years ago I memorialized the occasion in MS Paint. The episode has always been referred to as "ruining other peoples' fun"/
you're a menace to society anon, post more
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I would argue that I am cleaning up society but this depends on perspective.

I just did a search for all hand-drawn "cartoon" images on my computer and I found some old shit I had forgotten about.

An artist rendering of one of our winter campouts
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an educational diagram on how to responsibly dispose of cigarette butts on public trails.
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me solo camping in the snow, near this same location >>2731500
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any finally some insight into my /in/ vs. /out/ personality discrepancies
>(((they))) tell me to be upset and I obey...
>he thinks AI is some sort of le resistance weapon against the jews when a lot of its top developers as well as the ones pushing its wider use on the public are jewish
Anon, i....
This pic is from back in the winter but it just feels absurdly comfy for some reason. Almost nostalgic in a way. Does anybody else get that feeling? Maybe it’s just me but when I got here I just sat on a rock staring into these trees for like an hour. Didn’t even feel cold.
oh wow i remember this template. when was this again? 2016? those were the times

it's not just you, cold weather in general are extremely comfy. it's the perfect weather to just relax, wear your favorite blanket all day, drink a hot coffee or something and be snug
I see some of your stuff on the /slop/ general in >>>/tg/. It's nice to look at.
>Noooo we must protect my (((masters))) !!111
LOL, nice try, now tell us how AI is bad because it undermines corporate IP rights
It'll fuck you over just as hard as it does corpos, arguably more because atleast corpos have the funds to pursue legal action if they want to do so
Right now it just seems like a harmless fun because it lets you make memes and propagandas, but as soon as it gained public acceptance ALL products will want to have an AI embed inside it. Then it WILL spy on you 24/7, it will track your every moves to collect every bit of data you produce and there's nothing you can do about it
clumpy, heavy snow is always supreme comfy
according to my records I made it whey back in 2013, /out/'s salad years for sure
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oh I found this cheeky little one I made back when i was dealing with trespassers
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That's not really a good way to get rid off butts. Just collect them, if you really care
it's satire anon. it was intended to enrage.
What even is this thread
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I love these sort of primordial landscapes way more than the pastoral ones.
that's quite volcanicky ruption
If I ever see you or anyone else with an anime anything out innawoods, I am going to smash your face in with a rock until it's so disfigured that it won't be identifiable by police.
>If I ever see you or anyone else with an anime anything out innawoods,
Luckily you don't go innawoods and never will, so i have nothing to fear
I'm so intimidated by this anon's post that I'm going to go buy an anime shirt to wear while I'm camping
I know this might not be the thread but does anyone have the Alexander Supertramp speed racer meme?
>revolt against the modern world
>pretends to leave
Hiking lifting fighting international shitposting
Anon, your age is showing -relax, kiddo
That's just wet snow.
What a vile broccoli head shit is this? Zoomers are totally irredeemably mentally ill.

Nigger just go outside, like there is the door.

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