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Welcome to /hive/ -
beekeeping general. Discuss apiary and bees.

Old thread: >>2657231
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it's been super hot these past couple of days and it's pretty normal for the bees to be out on the front of the hive just hanging out to cool down, but lately at night they've been hanging out on the outside still. When I woke up this morning they had mostly gone back inside(sans the ones grouped up on the handle) but it is a little concerning. At night it's still a little warm, should I be worried about this many bees hanging out on the outside or should I stop being a baby about it?
you ever go outside to have a beer at sunset? same thing. also don't shine your flashlight at them, thats a sure fire way to piss them off. If they are bearding and you're concerned about overheating switch to a screened bottom board
what is the avg daily temp at where you're at? are they exposed in the sun all day? You can try to relocate them to a place that gets partial sun and shade in the afternoon in evening to get them some relief.
What other animals make honey?
How do I induce colony collapse in a feral honeybee colony?
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bag it, bin it. simple as
Say I don't know where it is but I have access to hundreds/thousands of foraging workers. How many would I have to vacuum up before the hive fails due to lack of workers? Like, percentage-wise.
How do you know it's feral and not a neighbors? Gotta find the hive.
Actually I don't care. If they belong to somebody it would be funny for them to be like fuck why are so many of my bees disappearing? And I could be like fuck you I vacuumed them off of my bird feeders because they spend all day trying to glean pollen from sunflower seeds.
so you want to wipe out a hive because they visit your birdfeeder? fuck off
because they stay at it all day and go inside and drown themselves in seeds and scare off all the birds
you are bringing bad karma upon yourself

Your birds are fucking pussies, why would you even want such wimpy birds? These bees are doing you a favor.
I recommend that you burn your house down. Hope this helps
they don't even belong in North America
neither do you
well I'm here and I'm bigger than a bee so I win
well yes but you're also much bigger than HIV and that hasn't helped you, has it? You naughty little fellow.

If honeybees are spending lots of time going after sunflower seeds on your bird table then something may be up with them, e.g. not enough forage plants in the vicinity. If you were to plant a more pollinator friendly garden that might well solve the issue, and also be good for native bees.
Nothing is in bloom yet but the weather is warm enough that they've activated
are you sure they are honeybees? That seems very unusual behavior for honeybees
Yeah they are
I guess it's not that uncommon
I learned somthing new today. Sorry they're causing you troubles. Good luck finding the hive though, they have a huge radius in which they forage. It looks like its the corn dust specificalyl they're after so if you change bird seed to somthing without corn, they might leave it alone
That's the thing that confused me, it doesn't have corn. It's just sunflower seeds (meaties) like picrel. I guess sunflower pollen attracts them too or it is made in a facility with a lot of corn dust around.

Anyway they shouldn't be out today since it's raining and they tend to only come on warm sunny days. And I saw the first dandelion come out yesterday so it will be over soon.
Could they be after the seeds themselves? Especially because they're shelled and therefore a lot more palatable. I know that for instance wasps can eat seeds and insects.

Also just being nosy, but where are you located that spring is just starting? Asking because I'm surprised you have honeybees there.
They're overheating. Not seriously yet (The entire hive would be covered at that point). Open up the back and bottom meshes if you have them, try to give some shadow during the day and ensure they have water close by.
I think they want the pollen dust. They don't seem able to carry seeds, just kind of wrestle with them and knock them out of the feeders.

Far north Maine, zone 3.
how long should it take for a new package of bees to completely fill the first brood box? all three of my colonies only have about 4 or 5 frames drawn after two weeks. I do see larvae and capped brood so I know the queen is laying. I'm worried my homemade feeder isn't providing enough syrup.
the owner might reward you if you notify them
>Be me
>South African
>"Killer bees" are just bees which we keep
>Move to the US
>Bees are so fucking chill you can rob hives without gloves
>Tfw have to smoke our hives into oblivion and rob at 2 am when it's coldest
>You can just fucking walk up to hives
>Tfw walk within 10ft and it's fucking over
>Upside is they are significantly more productive and the hive splits every summer
You're playing on easy.
Some strains of Euro honeybees are also more docile than others. Some countries even have their respective honey bees be extremely docile or even stingless.
>be south african
>move to US
why the US instead of Australia, Netherlands, or elsewhere?
During the warmer days in the winter a slew of foragers will leave the comfort of their hives to scavenge ground feed from the wagons in the barn. The mixture is mostly feed corn and some söybeans for cattle to placate them aside from bales in winter. I guess honeybees aren’t too picky.
my bees are such sweethearts. <3
anybody improve overwintering/varroa loss outcomes by manipulating carbon dioxide/ventilation rates/insulation?
>package of bees
>package of bees
>package of bees
...Please tell me this is some sort of translation error...

Anyways, for a normal sized brood box (10x Zander, 12x DN etc), a mid-sized swarm will draw out half the comb within 2-3 weeks. Obviously, how many frames that is depends on your setup. For a large brood box (Dadant, Zadant etc) it's closer to 4 weeks.

>worried my homemade feeder isn't providing enough
Look how much they took. In my experience, a midsized swarm will take 2-3kg of dough a week. That's around 1,5-2kg of sugar.
They do need warm weather and lots of water to use the sugar, though.
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>Please tell me this is some sort of translation error

what do you call this anon?
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Bees can be packaged
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Only a flagrantly open homosexual would choose birds over bee's. Simple.
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Native species are better than introduced species. Change my mind
Nice box
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hey, nice to see my pic used for the thread, thanks OP. Thats the queenless hive from about 2 months ago. Haven't really checked them cause its been raining non stop and I've been too broke to do anything about it if the colony hadn't made a new queen from that brood frame i put in. Cracked them open today and they are chock full off bees, new queen is pumping them out. Unfortunately the hive next door is near collapse with varroa mite and hive beetle. I've removed the near-slimeout frames and put some plastic drone frames in, taken the honey super off. Filled the beetle traps with a bit of oil mixed with a tiny bit of peppermint oil. I've also got a feeder in with tea tree and peppermint infused syrup. I really hope I bring them back from the brink.
have you tried acid treatment, be it vapor or liquid?
That will curb the mites greatly, especially with a screened bottom board.
(Honey)Bee keeping removes introduced species into a domestic setting where they are used to farm honey and wax. They’re not farmed to replace native pollinators.
Removing introduced pollinators such as honeybees wouldn’t do much for active pollinators either as the introduced species are not the reason why mass extinction of insects species is occurring throughout the globe.
sorry you have nigger bees bro, hope things improve
based bees commandering the birdfags autism shrine.
Yeah I've returned to the industry for the same company and I notice the bees are a lot nicer now and they're slightly less rich in color and producing less honey. My suspicion is they fucked the breeding in favor of nice bees.
does anyone have any of the magneto-culture stuff for bees written down anywhere? About to go out and grab a magnet and copper strip for my hive
Bump for bees

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