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Why is fuji so incapable of making decent eyecups?

prev thread >>4286424
Idk that was the first thing that broke on my xt2, the chinese replacement held up a little longer but ultimately broke as well
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My XT2 started having read errors the other day, but all the photos ended up fine and it went away

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I'd switch memory card, just to be sure. Those things kinda die like that sometimes, first it's fine, then it shits itself in most minor ways every now and then, then suddenly memcard just dies 100% and turns into a tiny little brick. Those things are also cheap.

Oh, and if by a chance you're using a microsd card with a converter, this stuff tends to move around and cause read errors. Got one like that in my spare body, seen errors more than once, little wiggle solved it every time.
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took that pic yesterday

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Been shooting on a phone pretty much exclusively for the last year. Havent really touched any of my cameras. Pulled out the xt1 yesterday and took some test shots. Shooting and editing raw on just a phone is great, but having good results sooc with the xt1 is so nice. Much nicer range too. Too bad it isnt nearly as convient. Ordered the 27mm lens, hopefully i can get back out shooting again

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I already paid 45 euros just to replace these fuckers. Seriously don't know what causes it, never had the problem with Nikon
Seriously thin plastic does it, they're faulty by design.
Ive never had a nikon cup snap on me though, but ive only used the screw-on pro body cups so idk
I currently own an xt20 had it for a while now but the doodoo face tracking is driving me up the wall, is the xt3 any better at face tracking or should I just switch to Sony?
just get a sony. An a6700, to be specific.
Any opinion on the XC50-230mm?
used it's dirt cheap so i was wondering how the IQ was
Just buy the XF 70-300
and thrice expensive
any film simulation recs for street photography? want to get the most out of my X100VI SOOC when visiting Tokyo/Japan in the coming weeks
the best pictures ive taken were on an x100f and it still pisses me off
Check these out
I am just so over this brand. The image quality is a joke and gets wrecked by Sony for cheaper. The only point was the form factor and the filters, oh SORRY the "simulations", but these days good phones are better for that and people cannot even tell the difference on IG anyway. Sold my XPRO3 last week at a profit at least. Fuji is a fucking meme.
Get a leica. The full film larp at 2/3 the price if you get an old one plus better colours.
Minolta CLE+40mm f2 rokkor
You won’t regret it
Can we see some of your best Fuji photos as a bon voyage?
I also got rid of my Fuji gear prior to the pandemic, but I wouldn't call it a "meme". It's a very capable system, amazing glass and overall build quality. The simulation are a godsend, I fucking hate editing, and wasting time on this shit. The worst aspect of Fuji are all the hypefags on youtube and that sycophantic idiot on Fuji rumours.

I think the X100- series is a victim of it's own success. The VI is chink-made and already has reports of build quality issues, and it it's simply not worth the money.

You had an XPRO3, arguably one of the better models, all of the advantages of a X100, but with interchangeable glass. You might regret it.
>this brand
imagine thinking you're part of a team, instead of just being a consumer.
buy and use the cameras for what they are, not what larp you've invented in your head
yeah I did check these out, but none of them scream street photography to me, especially at night.

There are some recipes available that do fall outside of the XTrans-V scope; just because my camera uses that processor, is it still inadvised to use recipes from other processors?
It doesnt matter. These "recipes" are just basic color presets. They're the worst part about fuji too. Holy fuck, "editing isn't fun" well you just take the preset selection part that takes 0.1s on a computer and make it part of fiddling with the camera, great.

>Amazing glass
Most fuji lenses are soft. "Character". You could say sony+tamron has amazing glass then.
Overall build quality so bad it's the only non-sony brand you hear about weather sealing failures from.
You could probably try them, but they might not turn out the same. Prob will need some tweaking to your preference.
55-200 desu
It's a steal these days, barely more expensive than the kit zoom
you mean the the XC50-230mm used is around ?
because yes new the 55-200 is also around the same price as the kit lens new but at this price i'm better buying the 70-300 i think

but my initial question was more if the used 50-230 is worth 200 bucks or just a waste of money
>if the used 50-230 is worth 200 bucks or just a waste of money
You can get the 55-200 here for 350 so I'd say go for the latter
post a shot you took that you find the image quality lacking on
I'm thinking of picking up a X-S20 but I'm always playing around with the idea of maybe something like a Lumix S5 II, which is a full frame. I'm new to photography as a whole so I don't really know much how I should worry about needing a FF exactly but because the cameras aren't too far off in price I was curious what you guys thought. Obviously FF glass will be more expensive I imagine
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Fuji XF lenses aren't exactly cheap either. Depends on your use case. I have an XS-10, it's very nice for the kind of amateur stuff I use it for. Landscape, birds, travel, family stuff, again, nothing professional. Lenses are more compact than FF equivalents, I can carry the 70-300, the 18-55, some other lens if I want, the tripod, camera, water/food, some clothes and whatnot in a single 30L backpack when hiking and I don't consider it heavy.
My x-pro2 has finally died on me. And neither Fuji nor any repair shop is willing to even have a look at it.
Loved that thing but never used the ovf. I did shoot a surprising amount of video but I am mostly a photographer. I do a lot of motorcycle travel so compactness is important. My main lenses are the 27 and 18 mm and my dad's adapted Leica glass.

My options , going up in price, are:

XE4 - friend of mine bought last year and never used. He would sell it to me for 2/3 of the price, which is a bargain considering what these fetch on the used market. No waterproofing which is a big problem, though I'm almost tempted to take the risk and just pretend that it is.

XH1 - which I can find in an open box copy, though it still feels a little overpriced considering the next model is out. (Extremely cool video features are tempting)

Nikon ZF - which is sweet , though full frame is not necessary for me, and the lens selection is abysmal. But the manual focus assist would make up for it. I'm always weary of buying new as I'm not a professional and don't need the latest 3D-modes-trilateral-pixel-shift-whatevers.

Leica q2 - Not even considering this one, but it is an option. Someone I know upgraded to the q3. The 28 mm feels great.

The xh and the q I'm both a little big for me. I used to ride with the xpro in my front jacket pocket and keeping the camera in the bag means I'd be less likely to use it. A big camera is a no-go. I've borrowed a Canon R5 and the Sony a7 whatever and I never used the damn things.
Just make an xpro4 already.
Why buy a fuji after that lol

5d classics still work, and still get repaired

lololol. all lies outside of the xpro and xh2
Almost no one does repairs except Canon and Leica.

The xpro lasted 8 years of incredibly intensive use. That's nothing to scoff at. Also I'm invested in the lenses so there's that. I've had vibration kill phones and laptops and some very expensive GPS units.

And the xpro2 was decently water/dust proof. I don't have that confidence for the ZF.
The xpro is ff sized whats this about big cameras? Only one shitty lens is even small the rest stick out a lot

Sony a7cr/a7c2 but even a viewfinder snoy would be close in dimensions (and quality color science and ergos)
You dont have that confidence in the only brand that has never lied about their weather sealing? Kek. Fuji lied about WR on the xt4,5,xh1. Nikon has never lied. The only things that arent sealed are the 28, 40, and 24-50.
>no one does repairs
Sony has a whole priority repair program and nikon repairs anything that isnt grey market
It's the grip man.
Length isn't a problem but a big lens sticking out or a massive grip like the Canon and the Sonys is (Sony was a bit more manageable there)

The inside pockets on motorcycle jackets are big enough.
So the fuji is only really usable with one lens (27mm f2.8)

Good news so is the nikon zf (26mm f2.8)

But sony’s sole small lens is not WR. Sad!
The 18 as well. And that's 90% of my photography.

The problem with these ZF is that the viewfinder pokes and that there's just one (kind of crappy) lens.
>I want what I had
Buy another xpro2
>but its old!
oh well nothing compares to that in the larp niche except leica and m43. xpro3 breaks. x100 has shit build. xt has shit buils. even m43 is discontinued or all plastic. RIP larp cameras.
>i want to get into wider angles and am confident nikon will release small S line lenses in the future
Nikon ZF
The 26mm is very good. Nikon will have to release a 35mm f2.8 S if they’re going to keep charging $2k for this. Take the gamble, or buy another xpro2.
>The 26mm is very good
I would say just good enough. Kind of like the Fuji 18. With the same blue tint.
It's also a very boring lens for the extremely fun looking camera. (But I guess that's neither here nor there)

The ZF is a nice camera in most respects. I might borrow one just to see what it's like to ride with it. But betting on a manufacturer doing something in the future is rarely a good idea.

I will say being able to use my Leica glass with full frame characteristics is tempting.

Ehhh. Put it down as a maybe.
How hard are you pixel peeping on a zf? Muh sharpness lens reviews are all done on z7s and aiming lenses at flat targets 4 feet away. The 26mm has a curved field of focus so it will never do well with that shit.

The blue tint is absent. The lens is very neutral.
Honestly, I would consider a T5, but swap for the smaller eyecup. It would be smaller vertically and horizontally than your Pro2. The thickness is only a little worse at the grip, but it's still smaller than 18mm or 27mm.

I'm suggesting this as someone with a Zf, T5, Pro2, Pro3, and also awaiting the Pro4. Zf is goat for adapted glass, but bulky for what it is, and I prefer the T5 over it in general. Pro3 too risky (mine's fine after 2 years), Pro2 too old and you should have fun with something new. X-T50 in may too.
X-t5 is also risky. User WR reports are looking like 2014 sony. Fuji dropped xt/x100 build quality (x100v wasnt ever WR) to make the xh series and future xpro4 justifiable purchases.
I don't put much thought to a handful of anecdotes online, I can find just as many positive WR reports, as well as my own personal experience with the camera (and many others).
Can we see some examples of the images you create in harsh weather conditions?
Does that change that there are lots of WR failure reports for the x-t5 vs none without gross user error for the a7iv, r6ii and z6ii? It is nearly $2000 for an aps-c camera with an aps-c only mount. These things matter. The xpro had no such frequent failures.
I have never taken a photo in the rain but my camera has been rained on heavily twice since I bought it a few months ago. The weather here is inconsistent and it rains even when it's sunny.
It's a Nikon, so I still have a camera without taking precautions like wearing a vinyl purse.

It was only rained on with the 50mm f1.8 S attached, no extending zooms.

WR matters, even if you're not actually taking photos in the rain. I would not trust the fujifilm x-t5 given the number of failures users have reported, just like I wouldn't trust a sony a7iii no matter how many dpreview users insisted theirs survived. Inconsistent build quality is inconsistent.

I also wouldn't trust the 26mm f2.8 on a ZF because the entire optical group moves in and out of the lens to focus and a hood with a clear filter on it is not real weather sealing.
>Does that change that there are lots of WR failure reports for the x-t5
Everyone I've read, I would also attribute to gross user error or even being generous, unclear at best. I have yet so see any thoughtful analysis / breakdown or official statements or recalls or service advisories regarding the WR.
>These things matter.
Not for everyone though, which is why I was asking to see some of your inclement weather pictures? So we can see the harsh conditions you shoot in.
Some people just also know how to better handle a camera in harsher conditions so its a non-issue. Some people also opt for camera covers, even with those other models, so its a non-issue.
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What camera handling could change inconsistent build quality? Trying to bend it to open seams?

A camera is sealed, like pentax or nikon, or it is "resistant", with just overlapping pieces of plastic with no gasketting. Olympus, pentax, and nikon often supply diagrams like these showing how well their cameras and lenses are sealed. Reviewers are encouraged to tear down a copy to show that the seals really exist. Does fuji have one for the x-t5?

If not, I would consider the OM-5 or OM-1 a strong contender. The ZF is only out because he wants a portable camera and the mere 3 portable lenses on nikon Z are not weather sealed (by common sense and nikon's own admission via these diagrams).

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non-wr cameras have survived wet weather due to the less conductive properties of rainwater and the way cameras are constructed (the water successfully runs down the inside and past the sensitive parts), so success anecdotes mean a lot less than failures. if a camera is sold as prepared for extreme weather, there should not be one single failure until it's over 5 years old and the rubber has potentially degraded, or someone really fucked up and dropped it in a puddle of mud.

And if we're talking anecdotes, olympus is the only manufacturer that I have heard repaired a water damaged camera under warranty despite their policy.
>What camera handling could change inconsistent build quality
Handling can affect how much water / salt spray / sand / dust actually ends up on the camera when using it.
>Does fuji have one for the x-t5?
Not for X-T5, but picrel is X-T4's. I've used my T5 enough in adverse conditions to feel confident about the sealing, at least for my needs.
>nikon Z are not weather sealed
The 26 is with the hood & filter, which they should probably use anyways. The others have some sealing but no gasket.

Looking forward to seeing your awesome adverse weather pictures.
>not be one single failure until it's over 5 years
I think you really underestimate people's ability to be careless with their equipment, WR or not.
Maybe I'm just bias from working at a place that facilitated camera repairs, and seeing everything I saw.
>Looking forward to seeing your awesome adverse weather pictures.
I don't take pictures in adverse weather because adverse weather is fucking ugly. I just get rained on while walking from place to place.

Fuji's build quality is just losing consistency. I wouldn't buy one, and if I had to use one, I wouldn't trust it. Sorry if it's your favorite brand but a less popular brand than nikon shouldn't have more dead camera anecdotes than nikon (0). I can't find any FF Z failures, nada. Not unless someone dropped it in the ocean and didn't think that was worth posting about.
okay nophoto
The XT5 is really nice but it's for whatever reason super expensive over here.
Still given the option I would be happy to stick with Fuji.
I like the lenses, and going back to no aperture ring feels like losing a limb.

My main worry with the shape is comfort and safety. That's why the xe4 brick is almost perfect. Maybe I'll borrow something for a while hoping a good deal pops up.
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Ok, here, I'll be your boogeyman forever, so you can blame me for all criticism of /p/'s most hated brand because I am cinefag, canon, ambush, and your dad. This is a snapshit from a walk where I got rained on through half the woods because of this area's retarded inconsistent weather. It's not raining in the picture, because the rain happened 50 yards back.

I would never trust X-T5 build quality with how many bad anecdotes roll in, just like I wouldn't trust a Z8 after all those recalls, and would never take a recall repaired Z8 into inclement weather. Deal w/ it.

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Thank you for posting, you are a true hero, that kind of awful weather would surely have killed an X-T5 no doubt
The awful weather 5 minutes before it could have. Do you need me to blog and take photos of wet cameras for you to believe simple logic?

There are too many user reported failures of seemingly properly used cameras for the x-t5 to be a trustworthy device. Statistically, if all WR is the same there should be even more user reports for dead cameras from other makes. The xpro2 and x-t3 had longer to accumulate failure reports and did well. Combined with user reports, the story about a fuji dying in a ukranian landscape shoot, and a personal verification that the top plate feels chintzy on the xt5, contrasted with all the x-pro series cameras doing perfectly fine, I believe the story that fuji has been gradually lowering build quality on the x-t cameras to avoid internal competition.

I'm not even recommending the ZF either, there are no lenses that match it. Hoods and filters are not weather sealing. Another xpro2 would actually be ideal here.
>some sony cameras fail
>hired shill: Ok, its user error, most work fine, sony is fine ok ok ok buy sony pls
>/p/: shut up sony sucks canon and pentax have 0 failures

>some fuji cameras fail
>one guy on /p/ who just takes photos of his dog: This does not matter unless you take photos in hurricanes. Shut up!
>another guy on /p/ who takes photos of his dog: What about taking photos after being in a hurricane huh bucko
For sure, it could have, but it also could be just fine, you'll never know. Some people also use these devices called bags when they are not using a camera.
>There are too many user reported failures of seemingly properly used cameras for the x-t5 to be a trustworthy device.
There's like less than a dozen, most of which are effectively user error.

You have a limited view of statistics. How do we know that X-T5 users aren't simply exposing their cameras to the elements at higher rates? How do we know that Fuji users aren't simply more likely to post about an incident online? Your approach is the same "I read a few headlines about something therefore its true" that is so common now. If all it takes is a dozen anecdotes to write you off a product so easily, I really hope you don't read reviews for any product ever.

What evidence would convince you otherwise? What evidence would convince you X-T5 WR is actually fine?
sony users confirmed nophoto
>Paying all this money to use a bag
Bags are entry level DSLR kit
>Most of which are user error
WR lens and WR camera in light rain is very far from user error.
>What if fuji users go outside more?
Then the failure rates should mirror olympus which is bought specifically for going outside, and Nikon, which is wildlife and landscape photography: the brand.

>What would it take
Prove it was user error, or wait a year of heavy ZF use so we can see if actually, top dial designs are impossible to reliably seal. As far as I'm concerned the build quality is inconsistent on the x-t5 in particular. Notice I never shittalked the xpro2. The xpro3 is even fine if you use the screen conservatively. And it has a better sensor, and aesthetic, imho.
also i dont just take photos of my dog, thats just mostly what i post
last couple years ive posted:
>80ish landscapes
>70ish of the doggo, 10ish of the cats
>50ish street / protest
>20ish client shots from portraits, weddings,
>10ish camera / lens comparisons
>4 shots of me lol
how can a sony user be hasphoto, if their camera is dead
Why is the xt5 being shit so contentious lol so fuji made a shitty camera so what buy a different one

imagine defending dead xpro3 screens like this
>can we see those amazing photos that would require moving the rear screen?
because its very expensive and a bunch of people already bought it exactly return period+2 days ago
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>If fuji does not release an xpro4, quality retro larp outside of leica is dead and relegated to consumer tier products marketed to doom spending zoomers with x100s
>Nikon is not releasing small S lenses for the zf and it will be forgotten like the df, if they were going to care they would have put a metal mount on the 40mm SE already
face it, dialfags, futurism is the future

fuji is gradually retvrning to s5 pro
who defended x-pro3 screens?
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>Your grandkids cameras are going to have grips

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I can’t wait until the battery grip pro model comes out. Imagine the ergonomics

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I was pissed when they said the x-t5 wouldnt have an official BG. yet another reason to pass over that lame camera.
>the only unreleased lens on X mount lens roadmap is the 16-50mm kit lens
Why bother further developing less popular system when you can just milk larping zoomers and chink resellers with further iterations of the same x100* camera
Why is no one making good pancake lenses anymore?
The 18 is great but needs an update.
The voigtlander 27 is competing against the Fuji one.
And there is that laowa 10mm which is cute.
Anything else?

The Fuji cameras are perfect for travelling photographers but all the new lenses are fucking monstrous.

They are absolutely doing the right thing by updating older lenses.
But they have to do it right like what they did with the 56, rather than just adding weather resistance like the 10 to 24.
my dream for the xpro4 is a tiny back display - flip down or not- to make space for a giant viewfinder

voigt has an 18 now as well. it looks promising but idk if i can justify buying since i have the xf 18/2 already. i also have the megacheap chinese artisans 18mm fixed aperture lens, which is fun but difficult to focus and is incredibly weak to blowout flares
besides that, there are rumors of a fuji 23mm pancake in the works
based hasphoto
While we're all fantasizing about the xpro4 I would be very disappointed to just see them update the sensor and call it a day. A x100 with interchangeable lenses is not why that platform is popular.

Bring back all the buttons, make it look even more like an industrial accident, add something funky for the larpers ... nixie tubes an oscilloscope I don't fucking know. Just do something interesting with it.

They would also have to significantly improve the building materials. After the xpro3 debacle.
Because the retro chic traveler who must have a small fashionable camera, and can tolerate ILC sizes, turned out to be a tiny demographic of autists and most people like that want something x100/GR sized
>fuji: just because we didnt make one yet, doesnt mean we wont. but still, we wont.
If fuji could not even put silent AF (a feature of the super cheap plastic trash nikon zfc’s kit lens) and half decent video in the $2000 x100vi, then it is foolish to assume they will pay serious attention to anything like that. Welcome to the future of fuji.
GFX: Fuji’s real camera, because FF is oversaturated.
X-H: Fuji’s prosumer camera
X-T: Fuji’s hobbyist camera, similar guts as X-H but will have one or two features nerfed
X-T/X-S##: Fuji’s artificially gimped market stratification cameras for goading poors into buying at least two cameras from them if they dont switch systems first
X-E: Discontinued to increase x100 sales
X-Pro: Discontinued to increase x100 and X-T sales
Lets be real if its not instax it doesnt make them much money.
>X-A: discontinued before people realized xtrans doesnt actually do anything
>xf, x##: discontinued because ricoh ceo sent escorts to fuji hq using half the pentax k1-iii budget
>x100: produced in limited quantities to sell out to scalpers, a bizarre form of brand advertising
That makes no sense. the x100 is only slightly smaller than an xPro and both are big cameras.
The larp is in demand and dedicated Street photography cameras are selling out as soon as they're made.

Retro sells, and every manufacturer is desperate to get on that train. (Looking at you ZF)
Retro sells to some people, but not a lot. Its a very dedicated and financially irresponsible fanbase full of people with 3 or more cameras already so they are eager to accept something limited and different so its not too mucb like one they already have (like say, the leica m9 they already have) and they dont feel as consumerist as they are.
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Probably the fake viewfinder wasn't projected to sell as well to people who wanted an ILC so they just consolidated their product line. The xpro is in the same class as the xt, the x100 is pushing portability and is as large as a small camera can be plus some.
With all these rich old japanese salarymen hitting up MAP camera and buying Z8s, R6IIs, and top shelf snoys, do you think a lot of them have the money to also buy a ZF?

I do. Just based on my personal experience, a high end retro camera is typically owned by someone that already has other cameras, which is what the appeal of the ZF actually is. Nikon, despite their market share, is disproportionately popular with professionals so the ZF just tapped into an "off the clock camera" market that was otherwise coping with fujifilm. That's another thing, I notice a lot of Nikon users have a side fuji.
true, i shoot with 6 bodies and some are nikon/fuji
Very true, retro bodies have basically no appeal outside of (slightly girly) fashion concerns otherwise. If you mostly shoot as a hobby and have done limited freelance work at best, you see a retro camera, then you see your normal camera, you figure they're the same size because the grip sticks out as much as the smallest lens but your normal camera is easier to use so it's like "why would i bother". Maybe you stick a largeish zoom on it and you're like "haha, this is great, i can take any photo i want easy".

But then, maybe, try using your normal camera for 10 hours a day, day after day, taking awful photos for some tasteless bride, and now using your normal camera reminds you of bridezilla, and it's hard to enjoy how slick it is because you're reliving 50 shitty weddings. Now, you buy a retro camera and a small prime because you want to enjoy photography without reliving 50 shitty weddings.
> No my opinion is still right! it's all rich Japanese men buying double cameras skewing the numbers. And Fuji can somehow tell the difference and for some reason gives a shit.

Camera manufacturers don't care if a million people buy One camera or one guy buys a million cameras it's all the same to them. Popular is popular.
MAP camera is one single store in an entirely different culture anon. It's where japanese boomers and professionals shop. Nikon fanboys really like that list, but they forget, japan is an alien planet, and it's just one store, in japan.

If you want to know what's really popular, here

MAP camera's list really shows you how radically market preferences can change if you focus on just one part of it, like only older customers, or only professionals and serious hobbyists. Marketing is not a popularity contest, it's like having good aim, you need to sell to the right people to move units. But on the internet people want a popularity contest to prove what they "stan" is more gooder.

Retro cameras have a market, but I wouldn't call them the most popular. What they are is easy to sell to a very well targeted group of people.
>X-E: Discontinued to increase x100 sales
>X-Pro: Discontinued to increase x100 and X-T sales
I have only an X-E3 and I would never fall into this fantasy demographic
If X-E sales are really so bad that Fuji drops the line, I'd sooner upgrade from X-E to X-Pro and keep my lenses than replace my X-E3 with an X100
what do we think about the xf 23/2 vs the sigma 23/1.4?
fuji kills off mirrorless of inadequate sensor size and carries forward with only the x100, instax, and gfx lines. screenshot this.
Is it true the x100vi still makes the *BRRRRZT* AF noise and has slow AF that makes a nikon zfc look fast?

That's pretty fucking inexcusable. I would have been excited for it if they fixed how badly the basic tech in that camera lagged behind... a micro four thirds PNS.
that's what you get for buying fagware
faggots always onions over and start cults over niche products with the most physical "aesthetics", "SOVL" and the most spurious bells and whistles. Buy any other camera for your needs and constraints and take photos, it's gonna be the same sans the attached faggotry
yes, sadly. thats meant to be a good thing.
>wow it really makes me think about photography and zone focus just like garry winogrand. more cameras should have shitty autofocus.
>video is a distraction lmao imagine paying $2000 for a super 35 camera and being able to shoot good video. what is this a phone? shoot stills.
I'm XF23/2 for life but I'm sure overall all things considered the Smegma is better. Ultimately they're different lenses depending on whether you want a WR Fuji lens with aperture ring or you just want more bokeh and don't care about the lens being a total mismatch.
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Aperture rings are stupid. There are two perfectly good rings on the grip of the camera
>the grip is too small and they're hard to use
You just bought the wrong fuji.
If you dislike aperture rings there's no reason to get a Fuji let alone use Fuji lenses over Sigma.
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These are my Foojs, say something nice about them.
Sadly I haven't shot much in the last year or so. Used to post with you guys a lot but there's no more passion or energy left.

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true. i already have the sigma 18-50 which i like, but debating on which 23 i want as the prime option. might as well get at least one fuji lens.
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so i like shooting low light and fuji is aps-c. i hear both versions, one is that aps-c is not that much worse than full frame and other is that it is. now is there a point in investing in lenses and whatnot in an aps-c system or should i not bother with that and just save money for a ff setup? i don't mind the size and weight of ff. i love the xs20 i have now but i feel like swapping to a7iv or maybe waiting for a7v (if there will be) would be better long term for me as id want to get into video as well
Why not rent a FF system and try it out? Shoot in the conditions that you normally would with your X-S20 and see if the difference enough for you.
Online opinions and reviews will only get you so far when it's a sea of mixed opinions, biases, and anecdotes.
I found an essentially unused XT5 return for cheaper than used prices. Been using it for a few months. This camera is wasted on me. The resolution is too high. I only wanted some quality of life improvements over my XT1 and went full in the deep end.
I can't imagine how boring your photography and publishing is if something with less resolution than 24mp ff feels wasted on you

24mp FF feels limiting to me
>oh i cant crop this at all and all these print sizes are off limits unless we're going full galleryfag and requiring people stand a certain distance away
And these lower resolution crop sensor cameras are basically for social media and text messages
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Full frame gets you closer to the cheetah's jaws, bro
ff typically gets you 1-1.5 stop advantage depending on what two models you're comparing
a faster lens can typically get you 1-3 stops improvement
for static subjects, you'll see the biggest gains with a tripod, then ibis
ff + good ibis + good lens = best, just dont go ff and get a mediocre lens

i feel ya, i think t5 is a happy medium for resolution / detail, but using even higher res models has only made me realize how much i actually dont need
The XT5 is essentially the same amount of detail as a cheap common camera ie: d750, ricoh gr
But throw in a mild AI upscale and NR/smoothing or they look slightly different zoomed in to admire the bigfoot in the background

The actual reason to buy it is to get updated AF/video and a tilty screen on a fuji with IBIS.
yeah, I'd put it pretty on par, if not slightly better than 24-26mp ff in terms of detail for low iso
lens ultimately matters more for actual resolved detail in either case though
the af alone was reason enough for me going from a t3
Some faglord tested it at the sensor level, no lens (most fuji lenses are mediocre compared to nikon S/canon L/sony GM anyways). It's actually the exact same, just bigger.
any link to that test?
im just going off my own shooting and test comparisons, but always welcome new information
i also agree most fuji lenses are mediocre compared to other good glass, but there are still some solid options
I forget, but they made a thread trying to brag about it. That was funny.
>Most fuji lenses are mediocre
Voigtlander and sigma have entered the chat.
I sold my X-T2 last year and I regret it. I want to rebuy into the system (I still own my two favorite lenses) and my options are
>cheap used X-T2
>used X-T3 for $400 more
>brand new X-T5

Thoughts? I can afford the X-T5 but it's by far the most expensive, and I'm worried about how the two lenses I kept (35mm 1.4 and 18-55mm 2.8-4) will perform on the X-T5's sensor.
Pre-M11 leicas are getting affordable. Just ask leica if an m9s serial has had its sensor replaced for the rust defect. Sell your x mount lenses and get some glorious characterful leica glass.

Its finally time to stop coping and buy the camera fuji wanted to make
>the camera fuji wanted to make
Fuji never wanted to make another rangefinder.
The x100 and xpro say:
>wanted to? YES
>could? ….ahahahahaha would you like to hear the xh2s list of video modes YES YOU DO stop thinking about actual functional OVFs right now
Shit these incompetent faggots couldnt even fit silentless autofocus in the x100vi
It still has the same whirring grinding sounding af that the original had lol. I had both an x100t and v, and both took me aback with their af sound. Almost sounds like it’s broken out of the box. I’m sure the zoom zooms just think it’s part of the “vibe” or whatever.
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yeah i think ill hold with the jump for now, actually i just bought xf 55-200mm f3.5 from fuji so ill be enjoying (and paying off) that for quite some time
if you're making payments on a $350 (used) lens i really think you should sell fucking everything and use a $150 micro four thirds setup until your yearly disposable income is equal to the federal poverty line
nah its a new one + i bought some other shit + im from eu so everything is more expensive, especially in my worthless currency also since this is the first time in my life i got something on credit or whatever its called they added like an insurance in case of my death and whatnot. i assumed it was better to just make some small payments to get the credit score up for a few months and buy more shit right now
Making payments is not how you get your credit score up - you get your credit score up by consistently utilizing 30% of your allowed credit for normal expenses that your available real funds would have covered, so you can pay it off on time instead of carrying a balance. You're actually a higher risk borrower if you carry a balance.

>One of fuji's most mediocre lenses was even more than $350 for him
ooooooh yikes.
it does boost your score where i live also after conversion to usd from my currency by googles ratio it was $864.31 lmao
Jesus fuck that's double what I'd pay for a 70-300 on FF mirrorless. I can buy a whole Z6II or A7RIII for that much (based FB market). If you were american, you could have upgraded to an X-T4 for that much, maybe an X-T5 with minimal losses+selling the XS. For your financial well being, I strongly recommend returning what you can, selling the rest to take advantage of fuji hype premiums, and picking up an om-d e-m10 and very cheap lenses, or just be a one camera/one prime guy until you get a job that pays better.
prices are crazy here and that was relatively cheap compared to other lenses. used a7rIII on FB marketplace here is $1600 lol. ff sigma 70-200mm new is also $1600.
>wanted to? YES
Individual interest doesn't translate into corporate approval.

>these incompetent faggots couldnt even fit silentless autofocus in the x100vi
If they could make it cheaper in China and sell it for the same price, why would they bother to improve the AF drive system?
It's going to sell regardless.
There's no way it's not cheaper to just buy from private individuals in the US
it could be? shipping to eu and possible taxes would increase the price. also i like buying new. i know it sounds like im broke asf but im fine, i have a 4090 13900k pc bought with cash.

also, why is the lens mediocre? what would be a better pick?
>Estrogen cores
yes i do regret not going with amd, thanks for reminding
You could have just bought a Xeon.
It's simply a mediocre middle of the road zoom. Not very fast, not very long. Not good at anything except being cheaper than the "photographers zooms" (which are expensive on mirrorless, hence most photographers on /p/ are using older DSLRs). They sell these for parents to take photos of kids soccer games with, mostly.

You could use it for landscape and street photography, I guess? Maybe pseudo-macro? IDK it's a dadcore lens.
i have seen exactly one person use a 70-300-like zoom for portraiture because they were poor and they eventually switched to 85+135 primes.
>and street photography
which is the main thing i do
Hope you look up to eggy
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still suck at detail shots of cars.. any tipps?
Anyone have experience with the XF 33mm f/1.4 R LM WR?

Is it too big to walk around with and do street? Do you really need premium glass to resolve the 40MP of the X-T5?
It's not too bad. Certainly not a "compact" lens, but about as big as a common kit lens.
You don't need the better glass to see benefits on the 40mp sensor, but those benefits are smaller than if you were using better glass. I usually opt for the 35 f1.4 or 35 f2 for walk around / street at that fl, and save it for shots I'm more focused on IQ.
I always get card error, so I have to remove and reinsert it again.
Sigma 10-18mm f2.8 or Tamron 11-20mm f2.8?
Thinking of swapping out my XF 10-24mm f4 for one of those lenses
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Nah it's fine
it's not a small lens, but it's a normal sized modern lens scaled down
It's got all the bells and whistles of an L of Art series lens, it's a complex construction optic

A bit big, but the WR and reliability of the quality may make it worth it to you

Don't know if I'd buy it again though, because I'm not sure I need all that, but then again now that I'm thinking about it, I can't really find another lens to fit this exact high-end niche

I love it for being a reliable brick with silent and fast autofocus, it's solid, it'll work in the rain snow or cold, and it has a fucking great feeling aperture ring

In conclusion, a bit heavy, a bit big, but it makes up for it in quality.
Do I need that much quality? Dunno
Do I want it when I'm travelling or shooting an event? Hell yeah

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I got the Sigma because I enjoy the 18-50 zoom so much. Compact with the same solid build quality. Images look fine to a pleb like me.
Is there any chance Sigma makes a 70-200(eq.) f2.8 for APSC in line with these zooms? Or is that not really feasible? The Fuji 50-140 f2.8 is large and expensive, given that it's a 'red badge.'
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33 isn't too bad for fake macro.

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The XT1 was the beta, maybe even alpha version of the XTn line. XT2 was the full release. Everything after that is an iterative upgrade that increasingly loses sight of the purpose of the camera. That's my personal, correct opinion.
Just bought an XT2 + 35mm/2 for a good price. What am I in for?
Hope pic related is real.
Fixed lens GFX in a smaller body. Hope it's 28mm equiv.

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Its a fun little camera that can get some nice shots.

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Have been shooting with my X-S20 for a while now and it really annoys me that my raws are only 13mp. I am shooting in both jpeg and raw because most of my photos look great right from the camera, but some i need fixing. No matter what quality for raws i pick (compressed, lossless compressed or uncompressed), they all are 13mp. Nobody talks about this, only thing i have seen is that someone mentioned this about their xt camera and that raws have the jpeg embedded. The fuck was fujifilm thinking? Do i need an UHS-2 card or shoot in raw only?
X-S20 can definitely do larger RAW, easy to find a raw from online and see for yourself.
Are you sure the RAWs are actually that resolution and it's not simply an info error with that file browser? Have seen that before. What are the dimensions in an actual RAW processor? Maybe you shoot lossless compressed raw and are trying to use an unsupported software?
It is consistent with the M (3:2) setting, but perhaps could be the size of the embedded jpg preview? I know on some Fuji's, when shooting RAW+JPG, the size setting of JPG also changes the size of the JPG preview.
Pretty silly to think it can only shoot 13mp raw for some unknown reason no one talks about, instead of you just doing something wrong.
What image viewer/previewer? What OS?
My RAF imports from a trip I took last year totals 76.4GB across 3294 files which averages out to ~23.78MB per RAW which looks about right
This is from an X-E3 so I'd be surprised that it's an issue that Fuji introduced given no one else is talking about it rather than your environment
Fuji cameras are known for firmware bugs on top of the phoney IQ from xtrans, small sensors, and mediocre glass

Be glad you dont have to take out the battery every 50 shots
I don't think there's a limit on your resolution when shooting raw. Did you enable something like high speed shooting?
Also the flagships come with compressed RAW which cut down the file size but only work on CaptureOne methinks
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fun 90mm and 10mm kit for a little hike. ultrawide plus long

fixed lens sounds terrible. who wants to lock a giant sensor to one lens? just give us a 100R with a sensible front dial, battery on the right side, and an updated sensor. threaded shutter button while we're at it

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Image Created2024:05:14 16:31:46
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If it's 28 or 35mm equiv then it's my most used focal length anyway. Then I use the giant sensor for 90% of my pics and if I feel like going wider or more tele then I shoot my small aps-c then is light to bring. Imo makes even more sense than a x100vi.

But yeah 100R would be nice too
Just won an x100v in an online raffle
Only bought one 50p ticket aswell, out of 5000.
The photography gods have smiled upon me.
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Is a film sim dial really necessary?

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Horizontal Resolution144 dpi
Vertical Resolution144 dpi
Image Width2880
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does putting a 40mp sensor in a camera designed around shooting jpgs make any sense?
X-E5 fucking when?!
please be fake please be fake
Just get a XT4.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-T4
Camera SoftwareDigital Camera X-T4 Ver2.10
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.4
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Looks dumb.
Xpro4 when?
when will fuji make a full frame m-mount rangefinder camera with only 3 buttons on it and no way to take the battery out
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wow that's pretty sick. nice one.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
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Camera SoftwareCapture One 23 Windows
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What are your favourite vintage lenses to use on Fuji? Wouldn't mind something smaller than my Canon 28mm. Maybe M mount would be smaller (mainly the adaptor).

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
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Camera SoftwareDigital Camera X-T4 Ver2.10
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Image Created2024:05:04 13:02:42
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I want to buy a flash but quite confused about how they work. I have to buy a flash that specifically is made for Fujis? I cant use old canon flashes from the 80s?

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-T4
Camera SoftwareDigital Camera X-T4 Ver2.01
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.0
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)53 mm
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Image Created2024:01:01 16:03:20
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Hot take (maybe) but I like having the idea of custom simulation dials. The only reason I don't use film simulations more often is because I find changing them at speed a bit of a hassle. Having to jump into the custom menu and twiddling back and forth until I find the right one, is not always an option.

I often shoot raw knowing that I will apply a particular film preset in Lightroom afterwards.

2025 according to the rumors.
I had a chance to sell my XE4 for a profit recently, and I turned it down. I got it as a stopgap when my x-pro 2 broke and now I'm just happy using it.

I like that it limits me to the smaller primes which I was neglecting for a while. It made me a better photographer.
your flash needs to match your manufacturer for it to work properly. buy a godox flash that has an F variant and it will work perfectly.
if its a very old flash, voltage differences can damage the camera
might run into issues with canon flashes: 011A, AB56, 133A, 155A, 177A, 200M
most modern flashes would work fine on a fuji, you're just limited to manual power only
you need a fuji flash for ttl, hss, etc
Almost tempted now they're this cheap. What would some good, normal focal length lenses to use on a camera like this?
Astrhori has a cheap 75mm f/4 (with a "secret f/2.8 detente on the aperture ring lol)
Mitakon 65mm f1.4 is the common option, TTArtisan 50mm f1.4 for m-mount has fairly adequate coverage
im firmly in the 100mp gfx or dont bother camp though
>im firmly in the 100mp gfx or dont bother camp though
They give you the option to shoot 35mm lenses in square format though.
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4.48 MB JPG
true, picrel
still would rather go high res ff mirrorless over the 50mp gfx models though
rather shoot 35mm square on 35mm too, mid frame becomes the edge vs edge becoming mid frame

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Gapped microlenses lol

Its just an ancient pentax 645z in a more poorly made body, sans glorious ovf. At least the gfx100 compensates for general fuji build quality issues (WR so bad you can see the circuitry with a flashlight)
ok i take it back a little bit after looking at some of fuji's mf film bodies. it does seem nifty
x100 or another xpro are your best options
>when will fuji make a full frame
the gf 50mm is literally perfect normal and is the most portable native lens. there's also a tiny contax/yashica mount 45mm f2.8 which is around 35mm ff equiv. it has good sensor coverage and it's mega small even with the adapter
back after way too long with an update and tl;dr is that im retarded.
faststone by default shows the embedded 13mp jpeg preview with the default settings for faster loading (shows the 13mp embed dimensions) and i had also set it that way on imageglass (also shows dimensions of the embed) because i was sick of waiting a whole ass second to load the raw before being able to move on to the next photo (i usually load my photos in imageglass and delete bad jpegs alongside the associated raw from there as i go through them)
Checked in capture one metadata (idk why they hid the metadata at the bottom of library category and collapsed by default) and it matches up.

i know fuji software bullshit all too well now. auto mechanical/electronic shutter mode doesnt do anything, the usb c 3.1 doesnt fucking work at 3.0 speeds at all, the webcam mode freezes after a minute and you have to take out the battery because it doesnt let you turn off the camera.
the app is absolute fucking garbage, bluetooth used to not connect to the camera no matter what, unless the stars aligned (seems to connect fine now after the recent firmware update). they have the bullshit timeline nobody will ever use (fujifilm neither because it hasnt been updated since december). the live view DOESNT ROTATE, BUT FOR SOME REASON THE ICONS DO?
no issue with the battery at all, the x-20 uses NP-W235 which lasts forever, the smallrig batt works wonders and i can charge it separately.
I don't have any of these problems with my nikon zf whatsoever but i heard snapbridge has random issues on some iphones
>live view doesnt rotate
what? why the fuck would it? did you mean playback/menus? that's a perennial annoyance on every camera but minor because cameras are about doing all the editing and sharing later, not right now. just raw+hit focus=usable photo, later, CBA too busy existing in the real world right now. the on-camera screens are just for taking pictures and maybe checking focus if its a tough shot.
the live camera feed doesnt rotate to landscape so you are stuck with only using a third of your phone screen which is pretty fucking stupid if you are checking focus. in pic rel you can see the icons rotating to landscape so the functionality at some point has been thought about, but they dead ass kept the app portrait only. the app also restarts if you manage to resize its window size
Stupidest fucking idea to date. Put it on the X100 series maybe but no fucking thot is going to buy this for her Thailand trip now the X-Txx series costs $1500 rather than when they were $900.
no, not really, but why not have mor-
it's unnecessary and absolutely retarded
i would much rather it be replaced with custom IQ presets instead because i only fucked around with film sims on their own when i first got my camera and now i have c1 through c4 set to film sim recipes. if the custom presets were separate from mode dial, they could have more preset slots to fuck around and find out with and you wouldnt have to remember to go in quick menu and change mode and focus/exposition settings. or they could just have it as a generic configurable dial like on x-s20 but not useless
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Will prices ever fall out on the x100v? I'm obviously seeing x100vi's sell for $2400+/-, which sucks but is understandable. I haven't seen many x100v's out there for less than $1400-1600. Heck, even x100f's haven't dropped much in the past year. Seems like the only option is to pre-order an x100vi and wait?
There was a few good weeks when the x100vi was released where x100v's were going for $800-1000.. Then right back up.
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quick question: i have been using the x-t20 for the last four years, most of the time with the xf27mm lens. now i lost my camera (not the lens though) and am looking for a replacement: should i get a used x-t20 again? a x-t30ii? wait for a x100vi, preorder a x-t50? get a x-t5? why do they have so many cameras?! my requirements: as small as possible, ideally interchangeable lenses, but not a must since i really like the focal length of the x100vi, nice dials, longevity. i use the camera (a lot!) to take pictures of everyday life with my kids but also for traveling, hiking and camping. thanks so much for any insights!
Delusional vain people will not make rational decisions, ever

Some of these people are so nutty they view these cameras as the only reason anyone would ever like them
I don't see a lot of V owners selling them before they either have or can easily get their hands on a VI, so prices for the V probably won't go down much as long as the VI is sold out everywhere.
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Posted here some months ago about getting a x-t20 and also posted the first pics I took.
I don't regret the switch from Sony one bit.
The XF 18-55 and XF 55-200 are fantastic and I edited JPG recipes which I like so much that I don't even bother editing the RAWs anymore for the most part.
Only thing that sticks out is that the AF is inferior to Sony's.

Don't buy it at all. The price is super inflated.
Fujifilm seems to become the absolute hipster brand.
Since the x100 series is not an option for people with a healthy relation to money, influencers have started making videos along the lines of "The hidden Fuji gem nobody is talking about" inflating the prices of the x10-30 and even the X-t20. I could sell my x-t20 at a 200€ profit easy on Ebay right now.
The x100v isn't even stabilized or weather sealed at this price.

If I'd want to buy a compact camera right now, it would be the Sony rx100VII considering the prices.
For a larger sensor I would Look at the Ricoh GR III (x)
I hoped for Leica to save the day with the D-lux 8 now, but they crashed and burned spectacularly.

That is the technical aspect, but if you just really want to have it I understand that too, I was also tempted when the X100VI launched, but my brain won over the gut.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
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2.14 MB JPG
From what I see, the x-t30/Mk2 aren't that much of an upgrade.
Considering that you already have the lens and seem to prefer one specific focal length, the x-t50 seems to be perfect for you.
New sensor, new processor, Ibis and all the fancy jpg recipes.
You get all the utility of the x100vi at a lower price and with the option to switch lenses.

If you have money to burn get the x-t50, otherwise get another x-t20.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeFUJIFILM
Camera ModelX-T20
Camera SoftwareDigital Camera X-T20 Ver2.10
Maximum Lens Aperturef/3.5
Sensing MethodOne-Chip Color Area
Focal Length (35mm Equiv)83 mm
Maker Note Version0130
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I didn't keep up with the launch of previous X-Pros
What was the initial availability like? Were the 2 and 3 out of stock for months like the X100s are?

I'm considering getting an X-Pro4 on release (whenever that is) but I don't know if I want it enough over my current X-E3 to fight for initial release stock
Anyone paying over MSRP is a chump. If you want one, just put an order in, and be okay to wait 1-3 months. I0 sympathy for people that were late to put their order in or simply can't wait, the camera hasn't even been out for 2 months. All things considered, still hasn't been as bad stock wise as some other releases I've seen.
t. former camera store manager

Who knows at this point. Supposedly both X-E5 and Pro4 in 2025, and maybe new 23mm pancake, Pro2 was pretty good at launch, maybe a month out if you didn't order early. Can't speak for Pro3, but they were not to hard to get. T5 and H2/s have been largely fine stock-wise.
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Photo I took while going to get a delicious birria breakfast. Also first post in here, please be kind :B

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Just learned that the guy you slugs accused me of being, Samuel from the Guitar General died last year in a motorcycle crash.
Pour one out for my man sam
In loving memory
The sad part is he actually mogged much of /gg/ despite being a brazilian poorfag living in squalor
Jcum was better
Jazzanon was better
Kek, go push your wheelbarrow. Jcope had better tone (which mostly comes from the amp) but none of his stuff was a better listen than Sam's crap
the only good player in /gg/ was, WAS, bluejem (yes, froosh sucked too)

jcope and sam are equally bad.
>bro you want out of time, out of tune 50s wank or out of time, out of tune 80s wank

in terms of skill lgbtele and eric (our very own pant5uit, in fact) eclipsed both of them as absolute beginners. lgbtele had more creativity and skill, eric had vastly more creativity despite less technical skill. i had a 30yo cousin pick up guitar and he eclipsed both of them pretty quick by learning megadeth solos, then he quit guitar and learned soprano sax. he only plays silent whisper and the epic sax guy riff. that's the level we're talking about here.
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hey /fag/s

i recently came into some money, and want to treat myself to a new camera. Digitally, I've been a nikon shooter for years, but my d3500 is getting dated and i want to try something new. I shoot film most of the time, but want to go back to digital for awhile.

I had my eyes on one of the fuji x100 series, especially the x100f. however, prices have gone up so high I dont think it makes sense to get one. My budget is around 700 or less. Is there another fuji camera I could pick that does rougly the same thing? I love the rangefinder look as most of my film cams are RF's, and i love the film simulations and build quality that fuji brings. Their lineup is sorta confusing, could I get any help?

Ill post some pics as a thank you if anyone responds.

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Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeSONY
Camera ModelILCE-7RM4A
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 12.5 (Macintosh)
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The X-E series is Fuji's EVF-only rangefinder-style ILC while the X-Pro series is the more premium line with hybrid OVF/EVF and a bigger body

The X-E3 is the same sensor as the X100F but just the body alone might hit your budget limit

The X-E2s is the next step down and its sensor is the prior generation of X-Trans sensor. If you can get a good deal, you might be able to get a lens as well and stay under your budget.

As for the X-Pro series, your budget limits you to the original X-Pro1
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ok, thank you!
are those older cameras still worth getting, or should i save up for something more modern?
have some medium format as thanks

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Do you guys have any recommendation for a cheap 3rd party wide angle ?

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