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File: 1000019623.jpg (802 KB, 1080x1620)
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That and I also doubt that he realises at all what is happening here. I am quite certain now that ol' zacherino is legally retarded. He just doesn't know better. It's not a choice that he ignores all and every single hint or justified critique, but he is simply unable to process it and to reflect it on himself just for a second.
A tragic figure, but also fascinating. Reminds me a bit of the Drachenlord.

The internet should never have opened up for normies.

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon PowerShot G5 X Mark II
Image-Specific Properties:
Image Width1080
Image Height1620
Image Created2024:05:03 00:14:57
Image OrientationTop, Left-Hand
Horizontal Resolution72 dpi
Vertical Resolution72 dpi
ISO Speed Rating500
Exposure ProgramAperture Priority
Exposure Time1/60 sec
Focal Length8.80 mm
FlashNo Flash
Metering ModePattern
Scene Capture TypeStandard
Exposure Bias-0.7 EV
Image Height1080
White BalanceAuto
Image Width1620
Exposure ModeAuto
Lens Aperturef/4.6
Color Space InformationsRGB
Swing and a miss...
How about you go for a walk outside photographing nature outdoors. Come back home and drink a nice cold glass of water
maybe I'm the legally retarded....damns
Zach, why did you ignore my request to do a self critique? We all want to see you grow and become a better photographer, but you have to drop the ego and look objectively at your work.
It's okay anon. I'm improving as a guy with a camera.

No worries I know you have let out all that energy at something.
Sad! I hope you know that people would be treating you far far better if you weren't acting like a petulant child.
And lose my childlike zeal and passion with using a camera? Nah, I'm good being a childish photographer.
I see none of that in your photography. You're still far below the ability to express those things through photography.
Well at least I'm taking photos for me.
I’m trans BTW
Hmmm... I wonder if there are any transgender photographers in the world. I do remember one talking about getting a Panasonic mirrorless camera on a discord.
>I'm improving as a guy with a camera.
No, you're not. We seen your photos.

>Nah, I'm good being a childish photographer.
No, you're not. You came to us asking how to get people to like your photos.
(Dropping the ego is also really good advice, both for photography and in general. But it's something you'll never be able to make yourself do.)

No, you're not. You keep waving them around in public hoping for praise, and when you don't get that you got so distraught that you risked "the rats" screwing up your imgur and youtube pages.

Lying about these things when you've just shoved proof of how things really are down our throats isn't going to get you anywhere. The only one you might fool is yourself.
>so butthurt makes thread to announce how butthurt he is
>I'll have you know I may be autistic but at least I'm not retarded
I think he made the thread because out of sheer amazement and shock at the spectacle of the hyper autist known as Zack.
Okay? I'll improve on my photography.
he seems pretty normal? Idk maybe you just don't get out much
You won't
I'm not normal! My autism makes me special!
Man other Zach, did you know there are a ton of people on the spectrum who are into photography like yourself.
Stick around and wait til you see some more of his threads. He’s basically our resident schizo
Cool are we gonna sit around and eat popcorn?
Yes, watching you continue to make an absolute fool out of yourself.
Okay then, cool.
It's not my fault I appreciate the comfort of men in the evening
They make me feel secure, loved, cared for.

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