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Your name is WALTER HARTWELL WHITE. You have just woken up after your 50TH birthday. It's time to go to the hospital.
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Welcome to Walterquest! Here's some important links:



This is a drawquest. The current player character's actions are determined on a majority vote. I tend to update one to three times a day. Feel free to be as creative and wacky as you would like! I also run other quests, which you can find on my website. Thanks for playing and reading!
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Yesterday was your birthday, and instead of going straight to work, you take a detour to WAL-MART with your son, WALTER JR., to enjoy yourself a bit. You drop him off at school a bit later and decide to skip work entirely, including your second job at A1A CARWASH. You then proceed to call up your brother-in-law HANK SCHRADER to go hit up a gun range. You shoot two guns and then decide to head back home (after calling your wife, SKYLER WHITE, and grabbing some groceries to soothe the tensions, of course).
You come back home to a surprise party, and you have a great time (talked to your fellow faculty, your mother on the phone, your son and his friends, and Hank and his coworkers), though you may have forgotten to blow out the candles on your cake. Afterwards, you and Skyler clean up the house, ending the night with a heartfelt conversation with your son.
Before you go to sleep, you decide to use a sick day to get a check-up at the hospital, since you’ve been coughing quite a bit lately.
You currently have
For more information on how points work, please visit: https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5848264/#5850604
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The moon shines brilliantly down on a defeated building, riddled with bullet holes. From a few holes, blood oozes out like pus in an infected wound. Some ways away, a car can be heard screeching out of the compound. In another direction, police sirens. Images of dead men flood your brain. Who are these people? You strain to remember, but your mind takes you elsewhere.

Drip. Drip. Drip. The leaky roof accents the desolate feeling that this garage evokes. What is this place? What is all this equipment for? You feel a cool sensation in your chest, one immediately followed by a sharp, escalating pain. Flecks of iron envelop your taste buds as a bloody handprint blurs into view. You’re dead. But how can you be? None of this makes any sense. You need to snap back to reality before you spiral.

Who… is that? Is that…? But why? You try to see more. You try to comprehend what you’re witnessing. But your sight fails you. The world around you blurs as the sirens grow louder. You smile as you blink for the last time.


You wake up. The Albuquerque sunlight assaults your eyes, forcing you to blink out of whatever nightmare you were having. You try to remember what you saw, but you fail to remember. A shiver runs down your spine as you realize that the emotions from the dream still linger. You feel dread, but almost disgustingly, a sense of satisfaction. You decide not to focus on these feelings for your own sanity. It’s just a bad dream.
You sit upright on your mattress—well, as upright as you can. Your inescapable slouch burdens you every day, but such is how life goes for a man. You grunt as you eventually get up out of bed. You’ve got business to attend to.
The Albuquerque skyline stands strong against an empty sky and a rather desolate desert. The city parallels the environment, seemingly listless but chock-full of life. Walter’s 2004 PONTIAC AZTEK glides over all the other cars below him on the freeway, the grey matter of the asphalt grinding beneath its tires. Walt checks the time on his console. 7:37. He sighs.
As he exits the highway, he passes by the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE BUILDING, home to the ALBUQUERQUE DEA FIELD OFFICE where Hank works. Inside, Hank is hard at work, searching for a certain “Cap’n Cook”.
Back at the White residence, Skyler chats with Marie as she prepares lunch for herself. Honestly, it would be more accurate to say Marie chats with Skyler while Skyler listens to Marie’s gossip. At the same time, Walter Jr. listens to a boring lecture about the United States Civil War at J.P. WYNNE HIGH SCHOOL.

Elsewhere, a mother and her child enjoy a delicious basket of fried chicken, while behind them, a rather hefty customer receives a tray of his own from a friendly employee. All of this is monitored by ceiling cameras which display on a SAMSUNG LAPTOP, surveilled by a co-founder of LOS POLLOS HERMANOS.
On the backstreets of the city, an Asian-Hispanic man walks with no real purpose. He swaggers down the sidewalk, cigarette held between his lips, until he stops. A younger man in loose clothing greets him, and the two dap the other up.
You drive into the LOVELACE MEDICAL CENTER facility, taking a ticket and parking in the parking garage. Eventually, you talk to the man at the reception desk and follow his directions regarding paperwork and copayment. You take your seat. The world around you seems to fade away as you sit there in the waiting room, alone.

What will you do to pass the time?

>TWIDDLE YOUR FINGERS. You’ve got thumbs, don’t you?
>THINK ABOUT SOMETHING. Your mind seems to wander a lot these days.
>GET SOMETHING TO EAT. The hospital food may be shitty and overpriced, but damn it if you aren’t hungry. (+/- 1 RANDOM POINT)
>GO TO THE BATHROOM. Relieve yourself. (+/- 1 RANDOM POINT)
>OR MAYBE… (Write-In!) (+???)
>TWIDDLE YOUR FINGERS. You’ve got thumbs, don’t you?
Aieee the song is Corner of Memories by Heem (feat. Milye, flywilliums, and Woojinee).
>TWIDDLE YOUR FINGERS. You’ve got thumbs, don’t you?

Awesome to see this back, and love the animation!
>>GET SOMETHING TO EAT. The hospital food may be shitty and overpriced, but damn it if you aren’t hungry. (+/- 1 RANDOM POINT)
>GO TO THE BATHROOM. Relieve yourself. (+/- 1 RANDOM POINT)



Seems like we'll wait, but let's see if we can't work these all in. Writing!
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You've never particularly liked hospitals. Whether this is due to the matters regarding the human body making you squeamish or the fact that you'd never received your doctorate, you don't know. The eggshell wall paint alone feels cold and clinical. This place could honestly be a lot more colorful, you think. You sigh and clasp your hands together, interlocking your fingers, save your thumbs.

You look down at your hands as you rotate a thumb around the other. As you mash both of them together, you think about why you're here in the first place. You've had a bit of a cough recently, and it hasn't been... pleasant. You doubt it's anything serious, in fact, you'd hardly coughed at all yesterday. But you can’t shake this uneasy feeling in your chest. Though that feeling just might be another cough coming. Your hands come undone as your chest heaves, and you sputter. God. That one was rough. You pray that no one around is looking at you, but you’re sure that you’ve elicited a few stares. You decide you should leave this lobby for a bit. You just sat down, anyhow, they’re probably not going to call your name for a bit. You walk over to the receptionist.

“Hey, do you know where I could find the—”

“Restroom? Down that end.” The receptionist is a bit snippy, if not altogether helpful. You nod and quickly thank him before walking in the direction of his pointed finger. You find the restrooms pretty easily and enter the men’s. Thankfully, the only smell in here is the scent of the toilet deodorizers (most likely because it is so early in the morning), so you take a deep breath and exhale. You do much better being alone with no one around than the opposite. Since you’re already here, you decide to take a leak as well. You walk to a urinal, and unzip.

How do you aim?
>AROUND THE WORLD. You’ve got to get the entire urinal.
>BURST FIRE. Let’s hope those Kegels were worth it.
>PATTERN IT UP. Lines and shapes are always fun. (+2 WALTER POINTS)


TOTAL POINTS (1:2) [Please ignore the error from earlier]
>AROUND THE WORLD. You’ve got to get the entire urinal.
>AROUND THE WORLD. You’ve got to get the entire urinal.
Oh shit we baaaack
>BURST FIRE. Let’s hope those Kegels were worth it.
>AROUND THE WORLD. You’ve got to get the entire urinal.
>AROUND THE WORLD. You’ve got to get the entire urinal.
>>BURST FIRE. Let’s hope those Kegels were worth it.
lets shoot bursts as it rotates like a sprinkler


Round and round we go. Writing!
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Manhood in hand, you loosen your pelvic floor and allow a rather steady stream of urine to splash against the hard porcelain of the urinal. As you empty your bladder, you decide that watering one single spot on the urinal would be a waste, and you graciously pee all over the surface of the latrine. Spots will dry out after trickling down into the bowl, but you're quick to remoisten them. In the excitement, you accidentally hit the wall behind the urinal.

After a while, you soon run out of fluid, and you allow the last few drops to hit the pool that has accumulated in the bowl before adjusting yourself and zipping back up. You flush, and then go to wash your hands. That was... fun. You reach to grab some soap and happen to look at yourself in the mirror. It's you. You catch yourself staring at your reflection a bit too long and hurriedly rinse off the foamy soap on your hands. You grab a towel and dry your hands, using the same one to open the door. Soon, you're back in the waiting room.

"White, Walter? Mr. White?" You stand up, seeing a nurse in patterned scrubs walk through the doorway and say your name. "If you could follow me," she says as she leads the way. You follow.

You are now in an EXAMINATION ROOM. You look around at all the medical posters and tasteless art.

"Go ahead and take a seat for me, Mr. White." You sit. "Doctor Belknap will be with you in just a few minutes." She smiles as she exits the room.
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After around seven minutes, an older gentleman walks in the room. You stand, as he turns to face you.

"Hi, Walter, how are you?"

"I'm good." He gives you a half smile.

"Not too good, if you're dropping in for a check-up, I imagine." You give an awkward smile back.

"True." Dr. Belknap motions to your chair.

"Please, sit. Did Monica do any tests with you at all?" You shake your head. He grimaces. "I apologize for that, we're short staffed today." You nod your head, understanding. While you're a little upset that this hospital visit is taking much longer than usual, you get where the doctor is coming from.

"No, that's alright." Dr. Belknap grabs a clipboard from the desk behind him and a pen from the drawer.

"So, what brings you here today, Walter?"

"Well, uh, I've been having this persistent cough for a while now. It just won't seem to go away. I'm not really affected by it other than having to stop what I'm doing for a few seconds, but it's not the greatest."

"I see. How long has this been going on?"

"It started about a month ago, and I feel like it's been getting better, but it's just not going away. I've been trying echinacea in some tea, but I don't think that it's working."

"Alright. Any other symptoms? Fever, shortness of breath?"

"No fever, but I do feel a bit short of breath at times, especially when the coughing fits come on."

"Alright, let's take a look. If you don't mind, I'm going to listen to your breathing." With gentle hands, Dr. Belknap begins his examination, his stethoscope pressed against your chest. "Take a deep breath and hold it for me." You do so. "And release." You do so. His somewhat mundane expression turns into a frown as he asks you to do it again. Silence stretches between you both as Dr. Belknap listens intently, his brow furrowing slightly at each labored breath. He asks you to lean forward as he presses the stethoscope against your back.

"Mr. White, do you have a history of smoking?"


"Any nicotine product."

"No, never." You try not to show it, but you're shocked he would ask this. "Why do you ask?" He doesn't respond.

Finally, Dr. Belknap straightens, his expression grave. "Walter, I'd like to run some tests," he says softly, his tone tinged with concern. "I have a feeling this may be something more serious than just a cold. Would you be alright with undergoing a CT scan?" You can feel your face drop.

"Is that necessary? I mean, it's not like I've got cancer or anything, right?" You lift the corners of your mouth to signify you're joking, but Dr. Belknap does not return the smile. Oh God.


As you lay inside the scanner, you can feel your life flashing before your eyes. The muted yellow plastic of the machine digs into your body, and you can feel yourself merging with the frame. This is probably the disorentation hitting.

After a while, you put your clothes back on and talk to Dr. Belknap.
"Give us a few days to review the results of your scan. Until then, pay attention to these coughing fits and avoid areas near smoke." His face is grave. "Let's hope for the best.

In a flash, you're walking back to your car. What just happened?

>TELL SKYLER WHAT HAPPENED. She deserves to know what you're going through. (-3 HEISENBERG POINTS)
>DON'T TELL ANYONE. You're only going to be a burden. (-3 WALTER POINTS)
>TELL SOMEONE. Only one person should know about this. (Write-In!) (+???)
>GO BACK INSIDE AND PUNCH DR. BELKNAP. Who does that uppity fuck think he is? (+3 HEISENBERG POINTS)
>OR MAYBE... (Write-In!) (+???)
>TELL SOMEONE. Only one person should know about this. (Write-In!) (+???)
Call our mother, ask her not to tell Skylar.
>TELL SKYLER WHAT HAPPENED. She deserves to know what you're going through. (-3 HEISENBERG POINTS)

I think she should be the first to know. Most of Walt's issues with her stemmed from him not being honest, let's get ahead of the curve and just be upfront with her. Skyler as an ally is better than her being against us.
Let's rewrite history.
Tell your wife goddamnit give women a break
Tbh zased?
+1 to this
Skyler's a good woman if she's treated right
>OR MAYBE... (Write-In!) (+???)
Go back to grey matter
Time to seduce that big eared freak
>TELL SOMEONE. Only one person should know about this. (Write-In!) (+???)

Tell Hank.




Time to give our dearest wife some terrible news. Writing!
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You sit behind the wheel of your 2004 PONTIAC AZTEK, the engine humming softly as you drive back home. Your head is a whirlwind of thoughts, replaying the conversation with Dr. Belknap and the uncertainty of what lies ahead. The rhythmic thrum of the road beneath the tires acts as white noise to your racing mind. Glancing at the rearview mirror, you catch a glimpse of your reflection, your eyes tired and drawn with worry. You shake your head. You've got to keep it together until you get home.

You tense up as soon as your house comes into view. You park your car in the driveway of 308 NEGRA ARROYO LANE and turn off the engine. Your heartbeat goes crazy as you open the car door and take your first few steps towards your home. You take a deep breath, slide your house keys into the doorhole, and turn the knob.


You're home. It hasn't been an insane amount of time since you've been gone, but after what you've heard today, it feels like a lifetime. You hear a familiar voice in the kitchen.

"Marie, I think you're just going to have to tell him no. Nice or not, he's crossing a boundary." You close the door behind you, and the sound of it closing catches Skyler's attention. "Oh, Walt's home. I'll call you back in a bit." She hangs up the phone.

"Hey, honey." You smile as she walks up to you. She smiles back and crosses her arms.

"Was the hospital busy? You took a lot longer than I thought you would; lunch has been ready for an hour or so now." Oh man. You resist the urge to swallow.

"It uh— it wasn't terribly busy, no. It's just uh..." Skyler's amused face turns concerned almost instantly.

"What? Walt, is something seriously wrong with you?"

"I think we should sit down." Skyler looks at you worriedly, her blue eyes pierce through you. Despite how beautiful she is, you find it a bit unsettling. She nods at your proposal, and the two of you sit down on the couch. The clock ticks with each passing second, the next feeling longer than the one before it.

"What did the doctor say?" You can't bring yourself to look at her, so you turn to the next option: the floor. You sigh.

"He was checking my chest, and... he found something. They had to do a CT scan. He didn't say anything definitive, but it could be serious."

"What? What does that mean? And a-a-a CT scan? Why?"

"Skyler, I wish I knew for certain, but... I have a feeling that I might have lung cancer." You gulp. Hesistantly, you look up at Skyler, but you instantly regret doing so. Her eyes are wide, and her hands cover up her mouth. She looks so distraught that you feel she could cry at anytime. Indeed, her eyes do water, but she doesn't cry.

"Oh, Walt. I— I don't—" The both of you give each other the same sad look. This is the worst thing to ever happen to this family.
"At the very least, they're not sure yet. It could be nothing, or it could be..." You trail off. Silence hangs in the air so heavily, you feel the weight of it would crush you both. Suddenly, you feel Skyler's hand grab your own. You turn to her. Tears are streaming down her face, but she's smiling. It's that sad smile that she'd give you whenever the bills got a bit too high. The same smile she had when she'd remember her dead childhood dog. The same smile she's giving you now.

"We can work through this. It may not even be cancer, right? The tests come back, when? Tomorrow? The day after?"

"They said in a few days, yeah."

"Well, until then, let's stay... optimistic." She sniffles in between her words. You try to reach for a tissue, but she doesn't let go of your hand.

"Optimistic is... good." You smile slightly. The two of you embrace, one of shared fear and determination.

You're glad you told your wife.





Eventually, WALTER JR. comes back from school, and you all eat a meal together. Both you and Skyler decide to hold the news from him, at least until the test results come back. The day is over almost too quickly.

What will you do?

>SKIP TO THE RESULTS. Give us the bad news, doc.
>TELL JUNIOR NOW. Maybe we should give him an opportunity to prepare for these results.
>TELL SOMEONE ELSE. Someone else should also know about this.

>PREPARE FOR CANCER. You've got to get a grip and figure out what you'll do once you get your diagnosis. (Write-In!) (+???)
>DO SOMETHING FUN. Fuck this health bullshit. You need a distraction. (Write-In!) (+???)

>OR MAYBE... (Write-In!) (+???)
Apologies for the day of absence! Got insanely busy last night and wasn't able to update. I'll try my best to be more transparent if anything else affects updates like this, I have a pretty bad track record with that. Thanks for being patient :)
>TELL SOMEONE ELSE. Someone else should also know about this.

>PREPARE FOR CANCER. You've got to get a grip and figure out what you'll do once you get your diagnosis. (Write-In!) (+???)

>tell hank and ask him to help skyler with junior if you die from chemo early.
>get a gym membership. We are going to outlift cancer with our gains
>TELL SOMEONE ELSE. Someone else should also know about this.
Let's tell our bro Hank.
>PREPARE FOR CANCER. You've got to get a grip and figure out what you'll do once you get your diagnosis.
Meditate. Think about our will and going to the gym.

Also let's look into what other things we can use to keep it at bay while we wait on the doctor. Nothing wrong with taking matters into our own hands.
Oh shit Walterquest is back? I'm excited.
+1 to these


Good stuff you guys. Writing!
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You wake. You hardly got any sleep last night; your mind was too busy thinking about what to do to prepare for a potential cancer diagnosis. You hope that it's really nothing, but you know better.




The first thing you do is eat breakfast with your family. You suppose it's cliche, but knowing that you may only have a little time left, these little moments mean far more to you now than they have before. Walt Jr. seems oblivious of the tension in the room, which is good.

"Hey, n-no more veggie bacon." You and Skyler both turn to look at him. He looks up at Skyler. "Not watching our cholesterol anymore, mom?" Now it's your turn to look at Skyler. She doesn't show it, but you can tell she's on the verge of breaking into tears. She gives Junior a smile.

"I got tired of you both moaning and groaning about the bacon." She looks at you and then holds her tummy. "Ooh, ow. One minute." She hurries off to the master bedroom.

"Need any help, Sky—" you start to call after her, but she interrupts you from inside the bathroom.

"No, honey, it's alright. Go ahead and drive Junior to school after you guys finish eating. I'll be here for a bit."

"Alright, take it easy in there." You look to Junior, who looks worriedly at the corridor. "She'll be fine. Happened a lot when you were in there, you know." This causes Junior to grimace; the idea of being a fetus isn't one that pairs well with breakfast it seems. You both eventually finish eating, and you drop Junior off at school.

"You're not coming, dad?" You shake your head.

"No, son. Taking a few days off for the coughing. It's gotten worse lately." You smile at him. "You want me to pick you back up or is that friend of yours getting you?"

"Yeah, Louis."

"Sounds good. Tell him to come by the house once in a while, hang out a bit." Junior seems hesitant.

"Uh, sure dad. Bye." He heads inside. You head back home.

Upon opening the door, you hear sobbing coming from the bathroom. You hurry there to see Skyler crying by the sink.

"Honey, are you alright? Is this because of the baby?" She shakes her head.

"Nothing was wrong with my stomach, Walt. I just needed to get away so I wouldn't cry in front of Junior." She sniffles, and you hold her. "God," she chokes out. "Thank you, honey." She kisses your cheek and wipes her face.
"Jesus, Walt, you can't be serious." Hank's jovial voice turned disbelieving when you gave him the news over the phone.

"I wish I wasn't."

"Shit, Walt... I... I don't know what to say."

"Yeah, it's... it's a lot to take in. But I wanted you to hear it from me. Honestly, I didn't want to worry anyone until I knew for sure. I had to ignore the thought of not telling anybody. I mean, the amount for chemotherapy alone? I can't help being a burden." Hank clicks his tongue.

"Hey, hey, Walt, I get it. I understand not telling anyone, but, I'll be honest, it's the coward's way out."

"I didn't mean to—"

"Nah man, I know your intentions are good. But if you do have cancer, don't let it get treated, and just pop off mother Earth like that, what do you think that'll do to Skyler and Junior? Sure, they might be a little better off without some debt hanging over them, but they'd have lost you."

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right."

"We all love you man." You both sit in silence over the phone for a bit.

"Hey Hank?"

"Yeah, buddy."

"If I die—"

"Woah, man. Slow down."

"Hank, please. If it turns out I do have cancer, and if I do get treated, if I happen to not make it. Can you promise me that you'll take care of my family? Help Skyler with Junior and the new baby?" You gulp. You really hate yourself for saying this. Your pride is being mortally wounded right now, but you've made up your mind.





"Shit, man. What kind of a question is that? Of course, no matter what.

"Thank you."

"Hey, how about you promise me this: Promise me you won't face this alone. You've got Skyler, Junior, and me and Marie. We're all a team, remember? A family."

"Thanks, Hank."

With the remaining time left in the day, you decide to do some research of your own. After all, it's all you did for 6 years in college. Your fingers dance across the keyboard as you immerse yourself in your research. Could you imagine if you had the internet at your disposal when writing your thesis? Unbelievable. You start by browsing reputable medical websites, reading articles and studies on alternative cancer treatments that catch your eye. One by one, you plunge headfirst into a world of herbal supplements, intrigued by claims of their potential to boost the immune system and inhibit cancer cell growth. You take notes, jotting down the various remedies you come across. You're not immediately sold on any of them at first glance, but you keep them in mind regardless.

Next, you explore the realm of healing massages and acupuncture treatments. You read testimonials from cancer patients and survivors who swear by the therapeutic benefits of these practices, and you find yourself drawn to the idea of incorporating them into your own treatment plan, if not the very least because you would genuinely just enjoy a nice massage. But you don't stop there. You delve into the world of fitness. You learn about the importance of exercise in improving circulation and oxygen flow, as well as the benefits of strength training in building muscle mass and increasing physical strength. You actually have to stop to imagine yourself as buff as someone like Dolph Lundgren. Honestly? The thought does not bother you.





The day draws to a close. Both Hank and Marie are now aware that you may have cancer, and Skyler is trying to remain strong. Perhaps for the better, Walter Jr. is none the wiser about your illness. You've learned a good deal about alternative medicine, and you're motivated to actually go out and improve your own physicality.

What will you do tomorrow? (CHOOSE ONE.)

>DO SOMETHING WITH WALTER JR. AFTER SCHOOL. You should really spend some more time with your boy. (+4 WALTER POINTS)
>GO ON A RIDE-ALONG. You've been thinking about the opportunity Hank gave you at your birthday party. (+2 HEISENBERG POINTS)
>REACH OUT TO SOME OLD FRIENDS. Your old "pal" Elliott's birthday is coming up. Maybe you should pay the guy a visit. (+6 WALTER POINTS)
>RELAX AND EAT SOME FRIEND CHICKEN. You've heard some good things about the chicken place downtown. What was it, Los Pollos something or other? (+4 HEISENBERG POINTS)
>OR MAYBE... (Write-In!) (+???)
I don't know what the rest of you want to do as far as long term plans, whether we'll even go into drugs at all or we'll be content with a happy-ish ending where we just die from cancer surrounded by family, but I at least want to see Jesse
>>GO ON A RIDE-ALONG. You've been thinking about the opportunity Hank gave you at your birthday party. (+2 HEISENBERG POINTS)
>RELAX AND EAT SOME FRIEND CHICKEN. You've heard some good things about the chicken place downtown. What was it, Los Pollos something or other? (+4 HEISENBERG POINTS)
We have to balance the points, even if seeing Gretchen and Elliot is in-character for what this Walt is doing.
>GO ON A RIDE-ALONG. You've been thinking about the opportunity Hank gave you at your birthday party. (+2 HEISENBERG POINTS)

No clue how we're gonna do it, but Jessie redemption arc here we come
If we go to Gus now, as the Walter-y guy we are, we're prime pickings for being taken advantage of, we need at least some experience with the game
Heavy agree
>OR MAYBE... (Write-In!) (+???)
>lift weights at the gym
Forgot to +1



Hopping in with Hank and Gomez on the drug bust of a lifetime! Hopefully we see some... friendly faces along the way. Wrrrrrriting!
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"It's the last house on the right, see it? Not the two story one, the one next to it. The kind of um... I don't know, what do you call that... um, green?" You strain your neck from inside the SUV that you, Hank, and Gomez are sitting in to see the house that Hank is referring to.

"Sage," Gomez answers.

"Sage? What, do you work at the fucking pottery barn? Jesus."

"Sage. That's the word for it. My fault the only word your dumbass knows is 'green'?"

"Cheese dick. I know that one, how about that?" Gomez shakes his head. "Anyway, it's the sage one, see it?" You do see it, eventually. It just looks like a normal house to you.

"So, what tells you it's a meth lab?" you ask.

"Just our snitch. Says some dude goes by Cap'n Cook lives up to his name in there. Says he always adds a, a dash of chili powder," Hank chuckles. "Ah, you exuberant Mexicans." One guy? Really?

"Uh-uh," Gomez interjects. "Captain Cook? That's a white boy's name. Dopey as hell too." You guess you could believe it. If you were in a lab with all the ingredients, you could probably make it yourself too. But non-scientists? Wow.

"Yeah?" Hank reaches into his pocket to grab his wallet. "Tell you what, I got you twenty bucks that says he's a beaner." Gomez does the same.

"Alright. You're on." Hank places a twenty dollar bill on the console, and Gomez puts two teners down. You sigh at this exchange. Hank looks impatiently at a school bus driving by. Seems like the bust was scheduled to happen only after the bus passed the house in order not to interrupt its route. Smart. It quickly speeds by. As soon as it does, Hank holds his radio up to his mouth.

"Alright. School bus is clear, you got the green light."

"Copy that," a voice on the radio responds. As Hank starts the car to get closer, a big black van with four DEA officers holding onto it drives right up to the house. Hank follows them.

"Watch this, makes them shit." He scats "Ride of the Valkyries" as you all approach the scene. The officers on the car jump off of it and ready up as soon as it stops, unholstering their guns and standing in formation. You notice they're all wearing masks and respirators.

"Meth labs are nasty on a good day. You mix that shit wrong, and you got mustard gas." Oh yeah, that's right. You remember that fish smell. Actually, mustard gas is sulfur. With the ingredients you'd find in a meth lab, it'd most likely be:

"Phosphine gas," you correct. Hank looks back to you, and you think that you may have overstepped for a second. This is his ride you're along for, after all. Plus, you kinda seem like a criminal for knowing this. At least a criminal nerd. Gotta reel it back. "I think." Hank turns back to the scene.

"Yeah, exactly. One whiff'll kill ya. That's why the respirators." The three of you watch as the officers slowly disappear into the backyard.
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BAM! You hear a gunshot that shatters what is probably a glass door. The officers rush inside the house, which was apparently blasting rap music. You arent privy to see the bust, but you're kind of glad that you aren't. I mean, what would you do near a crazy junkie meth cook? Jeez. It's hard to imagine. Eventually, the radio in Hank's hand speaks again.

"House is clear. One suspect in custody."

"Copy that. The suspect, might he be of the Latino persuasion?" Hank sounds hopeful.

"Driver's license says Emilio Koyama." Gomez's expression turns gleeful. Wow. It really was one guy. You're surprised that you're surprised.

"Asian! Pay up, suck—" He reaches for the money, but Hank slaps his hand on it first and takes it.

"Hey, hey, hey. First name, Emilio. That's at least half a beaner. Tell you what, I'll let you off for a ten." Gomez snatches the money from him, grumbling. "Cheer up, Gomey. You people still got J-Lo."

"Hank, d'you think I might get to go inside? See the actual lab?" Hank and Gomez share a look.

"Uh... yeah, yeah. Tell you what, we're gonna go ahead and peek our heads in, check it out first. Stay here a minute." They get out of the car, leaving you inside. Man, you've got to see this lab. This has to be some amateur stuff, you mean, chili powder? Fucking chili powder? Why purposefully ruin the final product like that? Actually, you're sure you know why, it's because he's a stupid junk— what was that? Your train of thought is interrupted by a jingling sound to your right. Probably someone unlocking their car or something.


That is a half-naked man putting his pants on. He's... really struggling with it too. He fumbles with the pant leg a few times before tripping on it and tumbling off the roof. You can't help but flinch; the fall sounded painful. A topless woman tosses down a few more of his clothes as he gets up.

"Oh, God," you let out. You look to the man putting his clothes on. He's really on edge, constantly looking towards the sage house with the DEA all over it. He scans the area... and locks eyes with you. You finally get a good look at... his face. "Oh my God." He seems to recognize you too and curses. "Pinkman?" Your former student, JESSE PINKMAN, holds up a finger to his lips and absconds. You get out of the car to see him get into his.

"THECAPN" reads the license plate on Jesse's CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO. Oh your God.

How do you react? (CHOOSE ONE.)

>IGNORE HIM. You'd rather not get your hands dirty with all that criminal grime. To think, one of your former students. (+3 HEISENBERG POINTS
>TELL HANK. You've got to. You're not just going to let him get away, are you? (+3 WALTER POINTS)
>TEAM UP WITH JESSE. You know, this meth thing seems pretty lucrative. Maybe, he and you could team up? (+5 HEISENBERG POINTS)
>CONFRONT JESSE. You haven't talked since he flunked your class, but you can't not help a former student. (+5 WALTER POINTS)


>>IGNORE HIM. You'd rather not get your hands dirty with all that criminal grime. To think, one of your former students. (+3 HEISENBERG POINTS
>CONFRONT JESSE. You haven't talked since he flunked your class, but you can't not help a former student. (+5 WALTER POINTS)
>IGNORE HIM. You'd rather not get your hands dirty with all that criminal grime. To think, one of your former students. (+3 HEISENBERG POINTS
>>IGNORE HIM. You'd rather not get your hands dirty with all that criminal grime. To think, one of your former students. (+3 HEISENBERG POINTS
lets look at the lab. we can contact jesse later and grade him for his lab setup
>>IGNORE HIM. You'd rather not get your hands dirty with all that criminal grime. To think, one of your former students. (+3 HEISENBERG POINTS
Gotta build up those points for the big spendy.
>CONFRONT JESSE. You haven't talked since he flunked your class, but you can't not help a former student. (+5 WALTER POINTS)
>CONFRONT JESSE. You haven't talked since he flunked your class, but you can't not help a former student. (+5 WALTER POINTS)
Good discussions you guys :) Shockingly, it seems we're at a near tie now.

I probably won't be able to update til late tonight, so feel free to deliberate on what the best course of action here really is until then. Expanding on your choices is also recommended, the more detail you give, the better you can steer Walt towards the desired future you want to give him.
As Walter-y as we are right now, we'd probably just piss Jesse off if we go in and try to fix his life as the science teacher who flunked him, Jesse only started respecting and looking up to Walt after he showed he could get his hands dirty and the shared fucked up experience of having to actually kill a guy for the first time
Therefore, though I'd wish we could start off this relationship fast and on a good foot, the slower burn is probably the smarter way to go
>IGNORE HIM. You'd rather not get your hands dirty with all that criminal grime. To think, one of your former students. (+3 HEISENBERG POINTS)
Let's go check out the lab first, then go and find him later like in canon
If we just try to team up with him now, he's going to be suspicious as hell since we're quite literally here on the scene in a DEA vehicle


Fascinating thoughts, people.

Good thinking :)

Actually, I'll update tomorrow, I'm beat from work.
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You walk towards the house, looking back only once at Jesse's rapidly disappearing car. A pit forms in your stomach; you can't help but feel guilty that you didn't confront him. Your conscience is lightened again by the thought that you're not snitching on him, at the very least, but it's heavied again with guilt that you aren't telling Hank what you saw.

"Enjoy a nice trip to lockup, Mr. Koyama." You hear Hank laugh as he leads Emilio to the squad car nearby. Emilio sees you as he gets in, and you can't help but gulp. You really hope that Jesse seeing you and not getting caught would give him a second chance opportunity to not get into the world of methamphetiamine again, but knowing addicts, he's bound to relapse into it again. You sigh as you enter the house.





The stench inside is awful. The source of it seems to be an amalgam of the scents coming from various open containers and the piles of junk lining the counters, tables, and floor. Hank hands you a mask, one alike the ones you have in the science department at J.P. Wynne. You put it on and walk around. As you survey the wreckage, you can't help but instantly get into a chemistry headspace. You notice the flares that have been pulled apart and the matches, their tips rubbed clean of their iconic red color. You grimace. These two could stand to learn a lot more about chemistry. Red phosphorus, a vital ingredient in the production of methamphetamine, is present in those flares, but not so much for the matches. They're most commonly found on the striking strips on the boxes. Jesse and Emilio were needlessly tainting their product with a ton of potassium chlorate and other materials. Amateurs. Well, amateurs at chemistry at least. You've never actually made any meth. And why would you? You're... you're no criminal.


YOU HAVE EARNED +1 HEISENBERG POINT! (passively observing cook site)



But, man. You can't help but look at the state of the lab in disdain. If you had these kinds of resources, you could do the same thing they do but exponentially better. In fact, if the DEA weren't around and you really wanted to, you could actually recover a lot of the ingredients here. A lot of the lithium strips they have are untouched, the filtration system they have could easily be improved, and you would absolutely not use a single bit of chili powder. Your brain is kicked into overdrive, seeing beyond the chaos and leveraging the situation in your favor. You turn to the operatives carrying bag after bag filled with hundred-dollar bills. The money you could make? Well, it could pay for so many bills, so many fees... cancer treatment...
Your heart skips a beat when you finally realize what you've been thinking. You're not a criminal. Right? Jesus, this place is giving you a headache. You swallow. Why did you want to come here in the first place? Cancer. That's right, you wanted to try new things and (like Hank said) get some more excitement in your life. But why do your thoughts turn to this? Is this just par for the course near the scene of a crime? You suppose that anyone's mind would wander at a place like this.

You've had enough.


You return home. It's late, and you're washing dishes. You've just regaled your family at dinner with your experience at the bust, save some details you've decided to keep to yourself. Walter Jr. seemed very interested about the whole thing, and he actually listened to your thoughts about the chemistry side of things. Skyler looked a lot happier today, but you can tell she's not completely at peace with holding your potential diagnosis from her son. It's been a long day, but you suppose you have time for one more thing before you turn in for the night.

>NEVERMIND, GO TO SLEEP. Tomorrow is the day the results come back. You should really go to sleep, so you can wake up bright and early.
>TELL JUNIOR. Enough is enough; the boy has to know. (+2 WALTER POINTS)
>CONFRONT JESSE. You could probably sneak out and find where he lives from the school directory. (+4 WALTER POINTS)
>OR MAYBE... (Write-In!) (+???)


Apologies for the radio silence for the past few days! I've been feeling terrible following a workout and happened to be busy in general. We're back on for Walterquest :)
>>CONFRONT JESSE. You could probably sneak out and find where he lives from the school directory. (+4 WALTER POINTS)
>TELL JUNIOR. Enough is enough; the boy has to know. (+2 WALTER POINTS)
Can we tell him by the pool? Is there any tequila in the house? Maybe we can soften the blow and reinforce him being mature enough to know this by reframing the tequila scene from the show?

Get that pussy Walter
>>TELL JUNIOR. Enough is enough; the boy has to know. (+2 WALTER POINTS)
He should be aware.
>>TELL JUNIOR. Enough is enough; the boy has to know. (+2 WALTER POINTS)
We don't even have an official diagnosis yet (though we all know it's positive) so I don't really see the need to tell Junior, my real preference is either sleep or having sex, but I don't want confronting Jesse to win for the same reasons I explained earlier, so I'll vote for
>>TELL JUNIOR. Enough is enough; the boy has to know. (+2 WALTER POINTS)
>Write in. Lay in bed pondering the cost of treatment, mortgage payments, car wash income, Junior's collage fund, a new mouth to feed, teaching income. Do the math.
>Ponder bags of hundred dollar bills.
I won't change my vote but I'll also support this with a +1, even if we don't go into drugs we should at least make sure the family is well-provided for, and thinking about it is the first step
>>CONFRONT JESSE. You could probably sneak out and find where he lives from the school directory. (+4 WALTER POINTS)
>>TELL JUNIOR. Enough is enough; the boy has to know. (+2 WALTER POINTS)
Im going to fight it but just in case I need you to be the man of the house
Didn't we agree with Skyler not to tell Junior before we got official confirmation?
>TELL JUNIOR. Enough is enough; the boy has to know. (+2 WALTER POINTS)

I'll also +1
>CONFRONT JESSE. You could probably sneak out and find where he lives from the school directory. (+4 WALTER POINTS)

Here's my issue: Jesse is going to get killed sometime soon if we don't intervene. Emilio thinks Jesse snitched on him and Krazy-8 is going along with this narrative even though he's the snitch. If we want to redeem Jesse and keep him with us, we need to do it soon. Maybe not now, but at least soon.
>>CONFRONT JESSE. You could probably sneak out and find where he lives from the school directory. (+4 WALTER POINTS)




Looks talking to Junior beats talking to Jesse.

As an additional note, we are at the exact ratio that Junior prefers Walter to be. This ratio is one that I've already given in the first thread (https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5848264/#5850604), but I will add a new option to any future posts to give the option of spending points to reveal someone's preferred ratio (this option was always available, I just never said anything about it :P). We've never tried this, so let's set the cost at 2 Walter and 2 Heisenberg points each.

This will look something like this:

>REVEAL DESIRES. Spend 2 WALTER POINTS and 2 HEISENBERG POINTS to reveal a character's preferred ratio. Can only be used on characters Walter has interacted with.

WALTER JR.'s preferred ratio is:

Possible point values for 2:3:

This ratio can change based on actions you choose to make towards this character.
>Reveal desired ratio Hank wants
Is this like a vote for what we want revealed that required more than one anon for it?
Let's say I added this to the last post. It would look like this:

>NEVERMIND, GO TO SLEEP. Tomorrow is the day the results come back. You should really go to sleep, so you can wake up bright and early.
>TELL JUNIOR. Enough is enough; the boy has to know. (+2 WALTER POINTS)
>CONFRONT JESSE. You could probably sneak out and find where he lives from the school directory. (+4 WALTER POINTS)

>REVEAL DESIRES. Spend 2 WALTER POINTS and 2 HEISENBERG POINTS to reveal a character's preferred ratio. Can only be used on characters Walter has interacted with.

>OR MAYBE... (Write-In!) (+???)



It's a vote that has to accompany an action. Majority rules, and if there's no contention to spending it, I will reveal as such.
Alright, thank you for clarifying Bane.
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"I think I should tell Junior." You look at Skyler. "About the cancer diagnosis." Skyler's eyes widen.

"I thought we were waiting until you got the diagnosis."

"I did too, but... I think it's important for him to know what's going on, especially if things take a turn for the worse. Besides, I think I'd like him there with us, whatever the result might be."

"I don't know. He's so young."

"He is. But he'll respect us more for this, us treating him like an adult." Skyler looks at you, studying your expression. She smiles.

"Okay, if you think it's best. But make sure you approach it carefully." You nod.

"Of course. Do you want to come talk to him with me?"

"I think it's best if he just hears it from you. But thank you." You nod again, get up, and head towards the door. "And Walt?" You turn around. "Thank you for being honest with me. I love you." Now it's your turn to smile.

"I love you too, Skyler." You walk up to her, and the two of you kiss and embrace.


"Junior. Hey, Junior." You knock on his door twice. You can hear what seems to be rustling from inside his room.

"Uh, give me a second, dad," Walter Jr. says from inside. You can't help but smirk. Seems like boys stay the same regardless of generation.

"Meet me outside in the backyard. I've got something I need to talk to you about." The rustling stops.

"What do y-you want to talk about? Am I in trouble?"

"No, nothing like that. Just come on out, I'll be waiting for you." You walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of JOSE CUERVO ESPECIAL GOLD TEQUILA and two shot glasses from the cupboard. Looking outside from the kitchen window, the sky seems overcast. You slide open the glass patio door and take in the cool, crisp evening air. It's not a bad night out. No stars, but you've never relied on them to enjoy a nice evening. You pour the tequila into both glasses and take one, sipping the strong and sweet drink while you wait for your son. Eventually, the chip off the old block shows up.

"Woah." He notices the alcohol. You grin.

"Take a seat." He does so. You point to the other shot on the table. "Take a sip, son." He hesitates.

"Does this one, uh, taste good?" You chuckle at his question.

"If you're asking if it tastes better than that beer I got you, then yes. But in general, alcohol rarely tastes good." Actually? "At first." He seems to take this advice as he sips the drink. He coughs a little, but he manages to finish the shot.

"Attaboy," you say as you pour him another shot. He takes it but doesn't drink from it yet.

"S-So, what did you want to talk about, dad?" Oh man, here we go.

"Well, you know how I went to the doctor for a check-up two days ago?"

"Yeah, I remember," Junior replies, concern flickering in his eyes. You clear your throat, your gaze shifting away momentarily before returning to meet your son's as he tentatively sips his shot.
"Well, uh, they found something... It's... it's a bit serious. There's a possibility that... that I might have cancer." You see Junior's mouth gape open, tequila spilling out.

"W-What? Cancer?"

"I haven't gotten the results back yet, but... I just wanted to let you know." You both sit in silence. Walter Jr. wipes his mouth with his sleeve.

"But... but you'll be okay, right, Dad?" Jesus. What do you say to that? You don't want to scare the kid, but the reality of the situation... no, he doesn't need to be thinking about all that.

"Yeah, yeah, of course, Junior. If I have it, I'm gonna fight this thing, alright? And, and your aunt Marie, she'll make sure that I've got the best doctors looking out for me." Marie was telling Skyler about putting together an oncology dream team for you if the results came back positive. Junior seems to start reacting pretty well to this, despite how distraught he looks.

"Alright, dad." You give him a sad smile.

"Come here," you say as you bring him into a tight hug. "I love you, son."

"I love you too, dad." Reality seems to really set in for him as he holds you tight. You hear him sniffle, but he tries to keep a straight face.

"We'll get through this together." You both break the hug. "Want to skip school tomorrow and come with me to hear the results?" He nods. "Alright. Get some sleep, we're headed to the hospital bright and early."





Due to your actions, WALTER JR'S RATIO HAS CHANGED.


As you lie in bed, you think. With the weight of your diagnosis, financial concerns inundate your thoughts. Mortgage payments, already a strain on your finances, now seem insurmountable without a steady income. Your teaching income feels woefully inadequate. The modest earnings you get from the car mean basically nothing. Shit, the car wash! You haven't been for days... you know what Bogdan does to employees who don't show up. Looks like that source of income might be gone too. If you do have cancer, it threatens to drain all of your savings. Even Junior's college fund now stands at risk of depletion. With a new mouth to feed on the way, the strain on your already stretched resources becomes all too unbearable.

Amidst this, a new thought emerges in your mind. You've witnessed the workings of an illicit business, and you have a possible connection. Your analytical mind does the work for you. The fortune you could amass with the money you make from producing methamphetamine... it would be enough and more. You wouldn't have to worry about all this... but you shouldn't. Should you? Fuck.

You've had a big day. Your immediate family, save your parents, knows about your possible diagnosis. Tomorrow, you get the results.

Rolled 60 + 6 (1d100 + 6)

Rolled 52 (1d100)

Rolling for a clean bill of health.
Rolled 45 (1d100)

Rolled 33 (1d100)

on the chance that the +6 guy doesn't count
Interesting that his ratio changed, I can see Jesse's desired ratio changing throughout the course of our interactions with him too if we follow canon

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You wake. You turn to look at Skyler. She's sound asleep. You smile as you look at your wife's beautiful face. Quietly, you slip out from under the covers, sliding into your slippers as you get up out of bed. Your mind is heavy with the day's impending results. You quickly brush your teeth; the sound of running water causes Skyler to stir a little, but she doesn't wake up. You shuffle out into the hallway. You pass the three caricatures of you and your family as you look at Walter Jr.'s bedroom door. You sigh. You make your way into the kitchen and decide to cook breakfast for everyone, hoping that it would offer a brief respite from the weight of uncertainty that hangs over you.

Eventually, the clang of the pan against the metal of the gas burner and the chops of the knife into the crisp vegetables rouse Skyler out of her rest. The inviting scent of the omelettes and bacon wake Junior up. Both walk into the dining room, groggy. They smile at each other, but when they turn to you, the smile turns sad. Walter Jr. gives you a pursed smile as he takes his seat. Skyler kisses your cheek and looks at the pan full of bacon that you plate next to the omelettes. She carries a few of the plates to the table while you plate up some toast and grab the butter from the fridge. Junior collects some silverware, and Skyler helps him get the grapefruit juice out of the fridge. Together, you gather around the table in a rather somber silence, each lost in your own thoughts.

With each passing minute, the anticipation of the hospital visit halts the mundane chatter that would normally takes place at family breakfasts. The sound of utensils against plates along with the slow march of the ticking clocks in the room are the only sounds you can hear. You look outside. It's a beautiful day.


In the hospital waiting room, you and your family sit with palpable tension. Your hands clasp tightly together, your knuckles turning white as you try to steady your racing thoughts. Skyler sits beside you, her gaze fixed on the floor as she chews nervously on her lip. You exchange nervous yet reassuring glances with Skyler, and you notice Junior fidgeting restlessly in his seat. Poor boy. The minutes tick by, and each passing moment only serves to amplify the dread that hangs over you like a dark cloud. The sterile hospital scent gets to you, and you feel as if you'll go mad.

You cough, and you keep coughing. Skyler places a hand on your back as you attempt to halt your hacking and rasping. You eventually do, but not before you attract the gazes of everyone in the waiting room. You try to ignore them and stare out the window instead. Outside, the sun casts long shadows across the facility staff parking lot. You squint up towards the sun as a cloud hides it from view. It's not so bright anymore.

"White, Walter?" You look up. It's that nurse again, Monica. You stand, and both Skyler and Walt Jr. follow suit. "Dr. Belknap is ready to see you. Follow me, please."
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You take your seats. This room is very... brown. Dr. Belknap's diplomas and certifications make a modest yet bold statement on the wall in front of you. The man himself soon walks in, papers in hand.

"Good morning, Walter. It's good to see you again." You shake his hand as he walks by. "And Mrs. White, good to see you too." He shakes her hand. He nods to Junior and takes his seat. The room is silent as Dr. Belknap places the pages on the table.

"Here's the results of your CT scan. I'm afraid... they're not what we'd hoped for." Damn it. "I'm sorry to say that the scan revealed a mass in your lung, Mr. White. You have stage four lung cancer." There are pictures of the scan, showing a growth in your right lung. God damn it.

"What does that mean, specifically?"

"Well, the cancer has spread enough that we can't remove it with surgery. It's... inoperable." Inoperable? Inoperable. You want to ask a question, but your voice fails you. You can't help but stare at Dr. Belknap as he continue to... hmm. That's... interesting.

"Oh God. Oh my God," Skyler stammers. Hmm, did the doctor have lunch before this?

"I know this is a lot to take in." You guess it's not impossible, but there's no way that's from breakfast. That's not a breakfast thing.

"Well... what are his options?" Actually, you think you remember seeing some asian dish with it and some eggs. You can't remember the specific name, but you can visualize it.

"While surgery isn't a viable option, chemotherapy and radiation therapy would be. You'd have to get treatment as soon as you can." God. How does he not notice it?

"Will that heal him? For certain?" Belknap grimaces. Oh, at what Skyler said, not at the other thing.

"Nothing is certain with cancer. He may go into remission, but given the growth of his cancer, the prognosis isn't exactly favorable. If it's left untreated, he may only have a year at most. With treatment, he'll have a few more."

"Jesus. Walt, what do you— Walt? Walt!" You blink back to reality. Everyone is looking at you.


"Mr. White, you've understood what I've just said to you?" Dr. Belknap leans slightly with a concerned look on his face.

"Yes. Lung cancer. Inoperable." No one in the room looks comfortable right now. The doctor adjusts himself in his seat.

"I'm sorry. I just need to make sure you fully understand."

"Best-case scenario, with chemo, I'll live maybe another couple of years. It's just—" You motion to your button placket, a word you are currently failing to remember. "—you've got ketchup on your... right there." Dr. Belknap gives you a look and slowly looks down at the red stain on his lab coat. Skyler and Walt Jr. look at it too before looking back at you, bewildered.
You soon leave the hospital.

What will you do?
>GO STRAIGHT HOME. You don't feel comfortable here at all. You've got to get home, STAT.
>DISCUSS WITH THE FAMILY. Talk to your family in the car. (+2 WALTER POINTS)
>BURGER TIME. You need some comfort food to get over these depressing results. (+1 WALTER POINT)
>PIZZA TIME. You need some comfort food to get over these depressing results. (+1 HEISENBERG POINT)
>OR MAYBE... (Write-In!)


1-99: Cancer
100: No cancer
>BURGER TIME. You need some comfort food to get over these depressing results. (+1 WALTER POINT)
Tempted to see if you have the stones for Walter to drive his Aztec into the grill of an 18 wheeler with his family inside but I also don't want the quest to end.
>DISCUSS WITH THE FAMILY. Talk to your family in the car. (+2 WALTER POINTS)
>write in
Start a coffee company to sell the most chemically pure columbian
Take medical leave for chemo
>DISCUSS WITH THE FAMILY. Talk to your family in the car. (+2 WALTER POINTS)

Coffenberg coffee baron sounds like fun, I support this idea.
>PIZZA TIME. You need some comfort food to get over these depressing results. (+1 HEISENBERG POINT)
>DISCUSS WITH THE FAMILY. Talk to your family in the car. (+2 WALTER POINTS)

>>PIZZA TIME. You need some comfort food to get over these depressing results. (+1 HEISENBERG POINT)
>DISCUSS WITH THE FAMILY. Talk to your family in the car. (+2 WALTER POINTS)
>BURGER TIME. You need some comfort food to get over these depressing results. (+1 WALTER POINT)
>DISCUSS WITH THE FAMILY. Talk to your family in the car. (+2 WALTER POINTS)
Start driving like a maniac on your way home.
Fuck it, might as well live a little.





This may be the final update for this thread! With finals coming up, it's probably best for me to end this thread properly here. Writing!
"Jr., don't you kids have a saying?
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Your grip on the steering wheel tightens as you consider the road ahead of you, both literally and figuratively. Beside you, Skyler sits in the passenger seat, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window. You can only imagine what she might be thinking. In the backseat, Walter Jr. sits quietly with his eyes on you; even as scared as he might be, he remains your strong boy. You couldn't be prouder. As you drive in silence, you struggle to find the right words to break the tension in the car. Finally, you clear your throat.

"I know this isn't easy," you begin. "But we need to talk about what comes next." Skyler turns to look at you. At first, her expression is one of shock, shock that you would actually want to talk about what everyone had heard only a few minutes ago. Her lips curl upwards into a sad smile.

"Right. You're right, Walt. What comes next... is treatment, right?" Her voice is shaky. You take a deep breath.

"Dr. Belknap told us the cancer is advanced," you say. "And the treatments... they might not... be enough."

There's a heavy silence in the car as your words sink in. Skyler's hand finds yours, her grip tight with emotion as she struggles to process the enormity of what you're saying.

"But... you're still going to give it a shot, right?" Skyler finally asks, her voice trembling. "Right, Walt?" You meet her gaze. She's tearing up. God, you can't bear to see her cry. Walter Jr. sits in stunned silence.


Do you give it a shot? Should you pursue treatment for your lung cancer? You think about your bills, your mortgage payments. Your teacher's insurance is shit. It won't cover cancer treatment. But it's not just the money. You wish it was. You consider the possibility that the treatment might not even work. Probably won't even work, according to Dr. Belknap. What if all the chemotherapy and radiation therapy only prolong your suffering without offering any real hope of recovery? You imagine the pain, the nausea, the exhaustion that would accompany each round of treatment, all for naught. Not to mention, the hair loss...

And then there's the toll it would take on your family. Skyler, Junior, your daughter on the way... how would they cope with seeing you suffer? The thought of putting them through such agony fills you with a deep sense of guilt and despair. And then if you don't make it? You can't bear the idea of burdening them with your illness, both emotionally and financially. Maybe you should just... let it take you. It's not the worst thing in the world. You'll be surrounded by your family and your loved ones. You wouldn't burden them too much if you just—

It's the coward's way out. You remember Hank's words. Promise me this: Promise me you won't face this alone. You've got Skyler, Junior, and me and Marie. We're all a team, remember? A family.

...thanks, Hank. Anytime.
"Damn right I'm giving it a shot. I'm fighting this. We're fighting this." You grip Skyler's hand tight and give her a look so determined, she can't help but break a smile.

"Good," she replies. Looking at your rearview mirror, you see Junior smile too. You're happy to see your family in good spirits again.




ALERT: You are growing increasingly more docile.
Alerts will pop up when you go over 7 points as a reminder. Refer to https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5848264/#5850604 .


Hmm. Maybe there's a way to keep this high going.

"You guys feel like eating some cheap fast food? I know I could use it." Skyler looks at you, unsure.

"Is that a good idea?" You can almost feel Junior stifling an annoyed groan.

"Skyler, I already have cancer." Junior chuckles behind you, and you join him. Skyler gives you an amused look and turns to the road again, nodding.

"Not even an hour after the diagnosis and you're already joking. Alright, cancer man. What are we eating?"

"Honestly, I'm split between Burger King and Pizza Patrón. You guys have any preferences?"

"Pizza Patrón!" Walter Jr. blurts out. You and Skyler look at him.

"I guess we're going to Pizza Patrón."




ALERT: You are growing increasingly more conflicted. You may find it more difficult to make decisions.


You take a bite of pizza. In this moment, even with terrible news overhead, you feel content. You've got some troubling days ahead, but you feel like you can take them on. After all, you're not alone.

...you could probably use some coffee though.

Thanks for reading Walterquest: REDUX 2! Sorry for the delay in this update; things have been hectic lately.
And thank you for running, Bane!
Based quest as always.
Thanks for running
Guess it figures we can't have our cake and eat it too by having both Walter and Heisenberg points stacked sky high
Thanks, see ya next time!

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