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/qst/ - Quests

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>After many moons, the Narrator returns from actions which would make the most homo of fags tremble.
>The Narrator, that amorphous blight, will not divulge into this further. Spinel's world has enough faggotrous activities at present.
>GRAPE FLAVOUR is back and has undergone slight mutation in how to play.
>Players will submit suggestions they'd like to see!
>Narrator will choose ONE suggestion out of all sent to guide the direction of the quest.
>Narrator may take handful of suggestions at any time to present for a vote to decide how we progress.
>You are currently Spinel and last we saw you had been presented some options....
>Dig yourself a hole and crawl into it in the feral position
>Was there any cool and strange technology Pink Diamond left behind? Go press some buttons
>What will you do?
Pink Diamond left behind some shoes with wheels on them. You will try them on and start skating.
Wander around.
>As lonely as you are..
>Which is prerty friggin lonely.
>Your phone call solidifed one thing crystal clear.
>You don't think you are EVER going to be lonely enough to move back in with Lapis and Peridot.
>Being homeless..ish is fine.
>Your wheely shoes?
>No, sadly Wheeley Heeley Fall and...
>You can never figure out how you want to end the rhyme.
>But your wheely shoes were lost to Peridot's advances long ago.
>Soaked in...abomninal fluids.
>You didn't think a shoe could even go that far up a mush making hole.
>The Crystal Gems disbanded FOREVER ago.
>Why not go loot their homes for Pink's stuff?
>You might even find a new pair of wheely boots.
>Your voices are genius.
>The second voice commands and you must oblige.
>Inadvertantly, the first vote of the quest has been decided.
>You will go look for buttons to press and loot to steal.
>No wallowing inside an holes today!
>That's Peridot's job.
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>Since you're going off to loot....
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>No need to keep your phone ready.
>In she goes into your little hidey hole.
>You know for a fact that's Lapis still trying to call you back,
>Weed addicted water witch is probably trying to suck you off back into the DEGENERACY of addiction.
>But not you!
>You're no drug addict!!!
>You're an honest thief.
Where choices?
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>Off you go!
>You are now Lapis.
>You rub your temples in frustration, Peridot some few feet away from you lays exhautsed on the Stinky Couch.
>You can hear her...juices...dripping against the floor and squelching under her as she moves ever so slightly.
>You just wanted to get high.
C'mon pick up the phone Spinel..
Urrghh...Spinel this is really important...
>Try not to groan, because it excites Peridot.
>You didn't want to deal with a bunch of stupid garbage too.
>Peridot gives a huff of air.
>"Seriously- Lapis,"
>"That had to be one of THE BEST HENTAIS of all time."
>"When Princess Pretty Pretty Pony Sucky-chan started gagging on that magnificent hoofed beast's gargantuan SCHLONG..."
>She sighs dreamily.
>"I thought I was gonna poof!"
>You hate Peridot so.
>So much.
>You are Spinel again.
>Pearl's house over on the beach looks pretty ok.
>You still feel a little..
>When you come here.
>But you don't mind that.
>it's not as bad with them gone.
>The door doesn't take much to force open. It is weak and you are strong.
>Musty stench of absence that haunts this once bright home packs a wallop right at your button.
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>I see you need help from the one.
>The only.
>Peridot's help to understand
>Players send in suggestions!
>Narrator chooses one suggestion at a time (mostly), these will help direct the story.
>Narrator MAY choose at random intervals a handful of suggestions to be voted on.
>This is the only time narrator will provide choices directly.
>That's it! Hopefully that makes sense.
>Now if you'll excuse me...i have a marshmallow waiting to meet a VERY unconventional hole, ehueheuheuheh.
Play some vidya. Do gems have games?
Play vidya (if we have some) or board games.

Play vidya and then gawk in horror at the audacity of the male fantasy.

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