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Hi, can anyone help me solve a Russian riddle, here it is:

"What is in the hands of time, but has no beginning and no end?
Mighty and weak, but timeless in its wisdom.
The answer is hidden in infinity,
O fervent heart, bolder, find its holy place."

The answer could be encrypted and written in any of the languages, or it could be some kind of cipher in which the answer is numbers on the order of 1-2-3-4, etc.
But this is all just speculation, I need your help forchans.
>write-in: ask the local wizard what the runes mean
+1 I gotta know
Let’s tell that wizard what’s up
I’ve decided to take this into my own hands

You show the runes to the local wizard.

“Dude, this is Slavic. I don’t know what the fuck any of this is. I mean I don’t know. It’s goblin tongue go tell them. I’ll give you some protection though hold up.”

John wizard places an anti vodka ward on you and sends you on your way.

>go back and talk to John wizard
>seek out goblin Slavs
>post about runes on quest
>>post about runes on quest
>seek out goblin Slavs while posting on quest
You slam your widdle hands across the keyboard to and fro using the lore from John wizzard to back your request. These 4chan guys are wild, if anyone can be your personal errand boys it’s these virgins.

You start writing your request

“I need your help forchans”

You slap a post it on your forehead “OP” wow, it’s worth its weight in gold. You feel so sick.

But wait just a gosh damned minute. Some huckster is stealing your thread! Posting about wizards and shit! How are you supposed to find out the meaning of the goblin language when this retard is hijacking your quest.

In the meantime you managed to find a local goblin neighborhood what do.

>go find Slavs and learn goblin speak
>stop the huckster and get your thread back
>go find Slavs and learn goblin speak
This is our thread now!
>>go find Slavs and learn goblin speak
Fucking goblins. The little shitters. They probably have our air fryer as well!
You find the Slavs in a really good neighborhood, I promise. They’re doing well. Ahaahaha

It’s like a little slice of Europe! Ooh cultural! You waddle down the street and find a horde of the little critters. They speak in their elegant tongue. The runes!


“What. My friend I believe I don’t understand.”

Ooh oops that’s a knife he pulled a knife


The other one pulls out two bottles and lowers himself to the ground, they smell like depression. What do.

>reason with the Slavs.


Fuck it, when in Rome?
only logical option
You smirk at the imaginary camera in your head, you’re like fleabag dude you’re like fleabag.

“Fuhuhuhu a little liquor? Okay. But if you must know..I’ve certainly had my fair share of experience with..”

You pause for dramatic effect

“IPAs. So I know what I’m all about okay but..WHEN IN ROME I SUPPOSE.”

you down the entire bottle, the Slavs continue to Balkan about. UGUGUGUGUGU and whatnot

You feel great. You put your hands on your not feminine hips and grin bigly “see? That’s baby shit now let’s talk about your silly little langua-“

Oh. Oh no.

Oh mein gott


The vodka hits your entrails with the force of a thousand Arabic heavyweights. What have you done to yourself. You fucking idiot.

The next forty eight hours are on par with those of long term radiation sufferers. You writhe and vomit for time immemorial. Once your episode ends, next Tuesday, you find that the Slavs have scurried away. They have left you tokens of gratitude though for your foolhardy act.

A book full of runes, canned milk, a plane ticket to some strange goblin land and a coupon for the local potion shop. Curious. Where to?

>write in
>drink more. Go to the shop.
>look at the rune book
>drink the milk
>go to the goblin land
>look at the rune book

>look at the rune book

I actually laughed out loud at the last update, I can’t remember the last time I did that on /qst/
>look at the rune book
>look at the rune book
Based hijack. You should go post in the QTG about it so people know it's a quest now.
You look at your rune book the Slavs gave you, it stinks and the more you stare the more unsure you are that it’s even a book. It looks like two lumps of wet clay covered in construction paper? Can Slavs write? Do they feel?

It’s all very bladerunner esque. But don’t let your ponderisms of Russians being sentient distract you from the fact that you’re still quivering and vomiting on the floor.

What you thought it was over? After what you did? Fuhuhuhu suck my dick dude no.

The presence of the rune book, but more so finishing a wizard’s errand, summons the visage of JOHN WIZZARD in the sky.

“OP! You did it! You found the book! Now you ca-“


“I..OP. What?”


“I, what do you mean?”

“I AM” you vomit another slew of liquid death on the ground, Chernobyl weeps. “DYING”

“OP, You downed the whole bottle. What did you think would happen? Magic isn’t a cureall I thought you would have figured this out. It requires effort on both parts. Don’t be obtuse.”

You collapse on the ground and continue seizing.

“Alright OP now let’s just uh”
He inches you towards the book with his giant magical finger like you’re a bug.

“Now just take the book and you can read goblin speak. It’s that simple.”

You breathe in and out, you think you’re having heart palpitations. What does your warrior soul seek.

>A hospital. I need a hospital
>Learning goblin speak
>Killing John Wizzard
>A hospital. I need a hospital
>Puke on him
Guys, I know this man, he's not Russian like you might think. He's Ukrainian.
>Learning goblin speak
We need a real quest to get some experience rolling in
It might be an interaction of "ever" whenever or forever. I don't get the holy part, though.
Bcи љyди poдeт ce cвoбoдни и paвни в дocтoјнocти и пpaвaх. Oни cyт oбдapјeни paзyмoм и cвєcтјy и имaјyт пocтyпaти јeдин к дpyгoмy в дyхy бpaтcтвa.
>Learning goblin speak

Дoбpo peчeнo, cpпcки пpијaтeљy.

We must learn the Slav runes so that we may translate these two posts.
I think OP died of alcohol poisoning.
Ah fuck it one sec.
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You are Anonithan Questian known across the land for his lack luster artisanal and writing skills.

Recently by pure chance you happened to come across a riddle that despite your best efforts the answer of which still alludes you due to your lack of comprehension of the strange moon runes for which the riddle is told in.

Left with no other options you took it upon yourself to ask the local wizard for guidance to solve this dilemma.
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After about thirty two minutes stuck in traffic you make it to the wizard tower and being too autistic to just knock you decide to go ahead and barge into what is effectively his home and or workplace.

"Hey wiznerd! How do I- uhhhhhhhhh"

As you begin to comprehend your surroundings you quickly realize something isn't right, you notice what seems to be the body of some guy on the ground covered in vomit with a OP sticker on his head while a floating wizard head stares down in a disbelief.

"Uhm am I interrupting something?"

The wizard snaps out of his stupor and looks at you

"Dude can't you see now isn't the time? Someone just DIED in my wizard tower!"

"Yeah I uh... I see that but I was uh... hoping you could use your magic to help me... solve a riddle?"

"...There's a dead guy in my tower and you want me to help you solve a riddle? Is... is this a joke? By Azuth dude just call 911!"

"But my ri-"

"Look dude just call 911 and i'll help with whatever your riddle is i'd do it myself but hospitals don't take calls by orb these days, now please hurry it's starting to rot and i'm already getting smell complaints from the basement gnomes."

It seems the wizard really wants you to call 911 what do you do?

>Call 911
>Check out that strange book
>Go home this isn't worth it (End Quest)
>Write In
>Check out that strange book
Nobody tells us what to do!
Will give it the rest of the day before posting tomorrow morning don't worry anon(s) this riddle shall be solved! (probably)
>Check out the book while calling nine eleven
>shout "nine eleven" in hopes the cops, fire department and ambulance save you from Slavic Hell
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You consider telling the wizard to buzz off and just read the book instead of calling 911 but you ponder for a moment and realize there's no real reason why you can't call 911 AND check out the book. As such you grab the book before briefly heading outside as you take out from underneath your top hat your cell phone and begin dialing 911.




A lady picks up "Hello 911 what is your emergency?"

"Hi, I'm uhh... Anonithan a friend of mine would like me to report an incident at his tower someone err... a friend of my friend I think has passed out at some point and he doesn't appear to be breathing can you send an ambulance?"

The lady pauses for a moment before responding "Okay. Did you say this happened at a tower?"


"Right, now is it a normal tower or a wizard tower?"

"A... wizard tower?"

"Alrighty, the magic police shall be on their way shortly we shall make sure everything is taken care of, have a nice day."

"Wait wha-" The call ends abruptly as you begin to ponder exactly what sending the magic police entails regardless you don't have time to worry you have a book to read! You put your phone back under your top hat and begin skimming the book...


>roll 1d20 to attempt to gleam the secrets of understanding slav runes from the magic book
Ah hell was literally posting the next part as you wrote this sorry anon.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolled 19 (1d20)

god bless us
Rolled 3 (1d20)

We should probably leave the scene
As you begin reading the book at first everything appears to be gibberish but suddenly a blinding flash fills your vision as you feel your head burn with incoming enlightenment. Images flash through your head knowledge of the inner complexity hidden within the moon runes, the thoughts and secrets that are held within! The gloves are off, the eggs are being measured, the ass is in the ass, and everyone, understands...

>You now can understand goblin speak and moon runes
>You now have some grasping of how goblins think
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When you can finally see again the shock of your enlightenment causes you to accidentally drop the magic book which disintegrates into a pile of ash the moment it hits the floor. While unfortunate, you don't feel like wasting time cleaning up the ashes you have a riddle to solve! Now let's see if you can remember it...

As you think back to the riddle you find the meaning of the runes come to you easily now, you are pretty sure this is what it says more or less.

>"What is in the hands of time, but has no beginning and no end?
>Mighty and weak, but timeless in its wisdom.
>The answer is hidden in infinity,
>O fervent heart, bolder, find its holy place."

...You have no clue what the hell it's talking about.

>You have it translated, maybe the wizard knows the answer?
>Perhaps the goblins you met earlier could help you figure it out they seemed nice enough.
>Write In
>Perhaps the goblins you met earlier could help you figure it out they seemed nice enough.
+1 to goblins, this qst has been a wild ride
>You have it translated, maybe the wizard knows the answer?
>>Perhaps the goblins you met earlier could help you figure it out they seemed nice enough.
>Perhaps the goblins you met earlier could help you figure it out they seemed nice enough.
Wins! Update will be posted tomorrow
Make it so, wizard

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