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It is dark, this other place. It is neither material or immaterial. Not the rigid world of reality full of rules, fact, and truth. Nor the maddening contradictions of the empyrean, of swirling lies and emotion.

He moves through the dark, lacking true purpose, merely observing its lack of form. It is an age before the darkness slowly shifts, before a golden light begins to grow. Imperceptible at first it expands exponentially, growing to banish all but the faintest hints of darkness. A golden triumph… it lasts but a moment.

The dark begins to worm its way through the rays from the fringes, planting black seeds throughout the golden kingdom. With a sudden flash it explodes to the surface, and the world is split in twain, dark lashing at light. The war, for what else could such a confrontation be called, continues for a time, gold slowly withdrawing in face of the dark’s constant onslaught.

There are victories of course both major and minor. But they are temporary in the face of overwhelming darkness, and the light is forced back. The fronts of both begin concentrating, building to a crescendo where rays of light and dark tendrils reach truly cataclysmic size at the point where the light first grew.

Before the final battle can begin he is drawn away, as so often happens, by a meek voice just beyond his senses.

He sees the soft gloom of his chamber, lumens dimmed so that his eyes may rest without strain. The room is spartan in furnishing and construction, a common trait to his kind. He is laying on his bed, wearing a simple set of robes dyed in the color of his Legion.

The cause of his disturbance lies at the opposite end of the room, a metal vox grille over the exit of his abode. Only a slight hiss indicates its active nature, imperceptible to any mortal yet all too clear to an astartes.

Seconds later he hears what would be the second repetition of a serf at the other end of the apparatus.

“Lord Regent, an astropathic message has been received from the Nightfall. It requires your attention.”

The serf speaks clearly, and at an even pace. Yet her voice still wavers ever so slightly, the fear of addressing a legionary of the Eighth plainly evident.

He sits up slowly, and precisely depresses an acknowledgement stud on his wall mounted cogitator. With this the vox clicks silent, and the legionary thinks back to his dream, his vision.

What did it mean?

>It is an ill omen, he must be cautious going forth. The galaxy remains treacherous.
>It was meaningless, a collection of swirling colors and abstract ideas. Nothing changes.
>It is a lie. Born of apprehension and subconscious worries, humanity is ascendent, nothing lurks in the shadows.
>It is an ill omen, he must be cautious going forth. The galaxy remains treacherous.
>It is an ill omen, he must be cautious going forth. The galaxy remains treacherous.

Imagine we’re at the siege of Terra then? For the final confrontation.
>>It is an ill omen, he must be cautious going forth. The galaxy remains treacherous.
>It is a lie. Born of apprehension and subconscious worries, humanity is ascendent, nothing lurks in the shadows
Are you the qm who ran the hours heresy quest with Alpharius a while ago?
Oh nevermind, it was a dream. If they’re calling our pov character Lord Regent, I imagine they’re perhaps in charge of a recruitment world? Perhaps Nostramo itself?
We are a quite a bit earlier than the great siege.
I am not, although that quest has inspired this.
>It is an ill omen, he must be cautious going forth. The galaxy remains treacherous.

No, that would be me.
>It is an ill omen, he must be cautious going forth. The galaxy remains treacherous.

This is likely the muster to blow up Nostramo from orbit.
Take heed and beware.

A Space Marine knows no fear, and suffers no lie.

The Lord Regent shall tread carefully. Voting closed.
A new quest, about space marines and not Primarchs? AVE INPERATOR!!!
Welcome back Alpharius.
Hail the Alpha Legion, the greatest legion this Galaxy will ever see!
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It is an ill omen. His father is well known for his prophetic bouts, and this premonition should be taken seriously.

The golden light, undoubtedly a symbol for the Imperium. And the dark the forces of his enemies, disparate polities beyond Terra’s light, recidivists chafing under its rule, and xenos who would wipe humanity out in an instant.

The galaxy is as treacherous as it ever was. The matter is settled.

With mind set the legionary stands, and moves to the personal armorium connected to his chamber. The room is marginally more spacious, and is home to a variety of lockers, maintenance tools, and hygienic facilities.

He makes his way to the latter area, and begins cleansing himself. The process is swift, his robe is removed and discarded to be cleaned by the serfs at some point later in the day. A cleansing with soap and water follows, then a douse of scented oils and other accouterments.

Nails are clipped, and he moves to his head, with pale skin, dark hair and black eyes. Shaving takes but a moment, and his hair is set into place with the aid of a simple brush.

With ablutions finished he moves to a locker, drawing out an immense body-glove. The black pseudo-fabric and circuitry easily fits into place around his body, and over the plugs that allow him to interface with his war gear.

He moves to a larger locker now, and activates the twinned servitors attached to it. They rouse with a series of clicks, jerking movements, and grunts, coming to attention as two heavily armored doors swing open. Within lies his panoply, artificer wrought power armor of deepest blue. It is bedecked in lightning, mammalian wings, red, gold, and striking bone. The badge of the Night Lords sits proud upon one pauldron, the winged skull of Curze.

To a mortal it is terror manifest. A monster from the depths of their nightmares, the Emperor’s ultimate sanction.

His cousins would likely note the company and chapter markings borne upon it, marking him as Captain of the 34th company, and Lord Regent of the 13th Chapter of his Legion. Some would further ridicule or praise the decoration based on personal taste and the standards of their own fathers.

But to his brothers, the plate is worthy of naught but scorn and mockery. The bright and inescapable red of his gauntlets proof of his status. An execution that is only temporarily stayed. The same as his subordinate brothers.

With a sigh he banishes further thought on the matter, it was already decided. Stepping forward the armoring process begins automatically, and he takes a moment to further consider his plate.
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First his transhuman eyes spy an engraving upon his gorget, his name. What is it? Pardon these names and others in the quest, I'm not great at them.

>Vloidmyr Zhal
>Alurium Xaas

Then he considers the plate itself, suited to his way of war. What style of armor does he wear?

>Tartaros Pattern Terminator Armor. Used by the fearsome Contekar and Atramentar. It is exceptionally strong, yet in-spite of its pattern it is still slow.
>Mark IV Maximus Pattern Power Armor. Relatively standard for line infantry, the Eighth's Reavers. It balances the line between protection and speed.
>Mark VI Corvus Pattern Power Armor. What some consider to be a distasteful name aside, Mark VI plate is used by the Terror Battalions, light infantry of an insidious nature. It is comparatively fragile, but it allows for exceptional speed.

Finally he notes a small detail, painted upon one of his knee pads. What mark does he bear?

>The Raptor Imperialis. He was born on Terra, and served alongside the Emperor himself in the final years of Unification. He remembers the Eighth before Curze.
>An Ornate Shield. The heraldry of his house, and last memento of his inheritance. His family is Nostraman nobility, and once ruled Nostramo Tertius. He grew up under the Lord of Night’s rule and remembers what Curze stood for.
>An Etched Name. The name of a sibling, lost in a desolate underhive. He grew up as an orphan in Nostramo Quintus watching over a loved one. When they were murdered the Night Haunter brought him justice. He remembers what Curze promised.
>Hieronymous Flex
>Mark VI Corvus Pattern Power Armor. What some consider to be a distasteful name aside, Mark VI plate is used by the Terror Battalions, light infantry of an insidious nature. It is comparatively fragile, but it allows for exceptional speed.
>The Raptor Imperialis. He was born on Terra, and served alongside the Emperor himself in the final years of Unification. He remembers the Eighth before Curze.

>Kasilos Xaas

>Mark VI Corvus Pattern Power Armor. What some consider to be a distasteful name aside, Mark VI plate is used by the Terror Battalions, light infantry of an insidious nature. It is comparatively fragile, but it allows for exceptional speed.

Mobility is power!

>The Raptor Imperialis. He was born on Terra, and served alongside the Emperor himself in the final years of Unification. He remembers the Eighth before Curze.

Perspective is often lacking in the 8th, but we remember a time before the current regime…
Really? Your going to say that in front of a Lord of the 8th? That is either extraordinarily brave or massively short sighted. Ave Dominus Nox.
>Tartaros Pattern Terminator Armor. Used by the fearsome Contekar and Atramentar. It is exceptionally strong, yet in-spite of its pattern it is still slow.
>The Raptor Imperialis. He was born on Terra, and served alongside the Emperor himself in the final years of Unification. He remembers the Eighth before Curze.

Supporting This
>Kasilos Xaas

>Mark IV Maximus Pattern Power Armor. Relatively standard for line infantry, the Eighth's Reavers. It balances the line between protection and speed.

Don't wear armour named after the emos.

>The Raptor Imperialis. He was born on Terra, and served alongside the Emperor himself in the final years of Unification. He remembers the Eighth before Curze.
Only a coward would not do something as brave as declaring to his unwitting pawns that he thinks himself above them. It’s so likely to be a shocking move, that I will thus have the initiative to begin creating a new personality in order to change tactics in order to deceive you all into thinking I’m one thing and not another.
Supported. This sounds solid.
>Vloidmyr Zhal

>Mark VI Corvus Pattern Power Armor. What some consider to be a distasteful name aside, Mark VI plate is used by the Terror Battalions, light infantry of an insidious nature. It is comparatively fragile, but it allows for exceptional speed.

>Mark VI Corvus Pattern Power Armor. What some consider to be a distasteful name aside, Mark VI plate is used by the Terror Battalions, light infantry of an insidious nature. It is comparatively fragile, but it allows for exceptional speed.

>The Raptor Imperialis. He was born on Terra, and served alongside the Emperor himself in the final years of Unification. He remembers the Eighth before Curze.
Supporting this selection.
>Kasilos Xaas

>Mark VI Corvus Pattern Power Armor. What some consider to be a distasteful name aside, Mark VI plate is used by the Terror Battalions, light infantry of an insidious nature. It is comparatively fragile, but it allows for exceptional speed.

>The Raptor Imperialis. He was born on Terra, and served alongside the Emperor himself in the final years of Unification. He remembers the Eighth before Curze.

In Astartes combat speed and dodging can accomplish more than tanking hits.
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Hieronymous Flex

Kasilos Xaas

Simply Kasilos

Vloidmyr Zhal


Mark VI Corvus Plate

Tartaros Tactical Dreadnought Armor

Mark IV Maximus Plate


The Raptor Imperialis

Lord Regent Kasilos Xaas, a Terran who prefers the swiftness of Corvus armor. Voting Closed.

I am surprised that the Corvus pattern was so popular, and am less surprised that the Raptor was unanimous. Update sometime today or maybe tomorrow.
Same, I genuinely would have thought and hoped it was the Tartorous pattern armour, but alas it was not meant to be.
names are good. This is a giant galaxy
>Update sometime today or maybe tomorrow
Courage and Honour QM
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Etched in flowing gothic script his name stands proud on his ornate armor, just below the pointed skull plate of his helm. Kasilos Xaas, a chimeric name from his birthplace, one of the labyrinthine underground prisons of Terra. A reminder of an absent father and a miserable mother. Xaas’ early life was hard, yet when the Lord of Lightning came looking for recruits it allowed him to catch the eye of an overseer, and pushed him to become one of the first marines of the Eighth Legion.

Spreading his arms and taking a wide stance the servitors began encasing him in the light ceramite and enlarged servos of his Mark VI plate. As his legs are clad Xaas notes that a memento of that time stands proud on his kneepad, the Emperor’s own Raptor Imperialis. It is a rare honor now, for not only does it mark him as a Terran it also honors his service alongside the Emperor in the last wars of Unity.

Those campaigns were his proudest, bringing Unity to the ignorant masses and petty tyrants of old Earth. He waged war in the original Thunder plate, wielding a primitive Terrawatt-pattern bolter and a simple steel blade. With these tools he and his brothers forged the Eighth’s doctrine refining the Emperor’s original command to bring terror to his foes.

Recidivists were given no quarter for defying His will. Kasilos personally sentenced many to mutilation and death, from Saragorn to Antius, and even the Hive fortress of the Crimson Walkers. Yet the horror gave him no joy, at least not beyond the pride of rendering his services to his lord, meting out justice to those who would deny mankind’s future. That was the standard among his brothers in those days. Konrad Curze and Nostramo had changed much.

The servitors now lift his large cuirasse together, struggling with the cumbersome piece as it is brought to Kasilos’ chest.

Curze’s leadership had brought nothing but contradiction, bouts of madness, and a hyperfocus on cruelty. Many times at the expense of the wider campaign. Nostramo’s tithe had diluted a proud Legion with all manner of lowlife gangers. Thieves, murderers, rapists, all were given the gifts necessary to become Astartes.

How he loathed what became of his Legion. He had tried everything to avert this course and yet look where it had led him.

The bright red gauntlets were easily fitted and screwed into his vambraces. Censure and exile. A guaranteed death in the barbaric customs of his Primarch’s home.

Command over the others who were damned by similar attempts. Fellow Terrans were the majority, an obvious purge of the Eighth’s ranks, and those Nostraman-born who had a modicum of disgust left.

Finally his helm is lowered into place, seals clicking together, locking him within. Various visual feeds blink by and auto-sense systems come online.

He and his brothers may be damned, but he would continue to serve.
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The doors closed and the servitors deactivated, lapsing into an inanimate state. Xaas moved to an adjacent locker, and withdrew a bolt pistol, mag-locking it to his belt. It is more a formality than anything necessary, a reassuring presence should danger suddenly rear its head from a distance.

His chainglaive on the other hand was a symbol. The polearm is a symbol of his rank, his authority. To carry it is expected, and truthfully a privilege, for it is a fine weapon. Elegant and remarkably effective, one of the better things to come out of Nostramo.

It is withdrawn and held as a staff as Xaas leaves his armorium and chamber, stepping through the locked doorway into the hall beyond. It is unremarkable, bare metal bathed in a harsh white light that his helm dims to placate his sensitive eyes. The hall is standard among the Night Lord’s naval assets, and matches the countless miles that bore through his command ship, Dulce Silentium .

Now outside of his isolated chambers he can feel the thrum of the Battle Barge’s colossal engines, the whine of the plasma reactor. She is an impressive command, forged in the void above Lucius, armed and armored to a degree only surpassed in the Imperium by rare one-off superships, leviathan star forts, or the Gloriana class battleships. Of course the occasional alien craft could compare, but those constructs were becoming increasingly rare.

Dulce Silentium was the flagship of his formation, the inauspiciously titled 333rd Expeditionary Fleet. Alongside her and a few small escorts stood the strike cruisers Unfurled and Winnower, the homes of the 61st and 14th companies respectively. The Ark Mechanicus Canticle of Motion is also attendant, along with the Exertus transport Marshal Janikov. The fleet was currently transiting from Nostramo to the Sol system, and had just finished resupplying at Port Mausoleum, along the edge of Segmentum Obscurus. The fleet was making its way to the edge of the star system’s gravity well, prepping for a warp jump.

Kasilos stalked down the hall, making little sound as he moved to his command center, the obvious location to review the communique from Nightfall. He encountered few on his path, servitors ignored his presence, or moved aside to let him pass while the handful of mortals averted their gaze and saluted quickly before continuing. Halfway to his destination a lone Legionary came from the side of a junction, coming to a halt before saluting with a red fist slamming into his chest, the sign of unity.

“Lord Regent.”

He says in acknowledgment, nodding his head.

“Sergeant Tynzhell, how fares your Claw?”

“Well enough Lord Xaas, although we all grow weary of ferrying the Legion’s geneseed.”

Kasilos grunts, shaking his head before continuing.

“It is an important duty Sergeant… but I understand. Such is life in the 13th chapter. With luck we will have a chance to wage war soon.”

“I hope so, Lord Regent. By your leave?”
Damn this quest looks nice, I've got enough quests I'm already waiting on but fuck it, why not a fifth.
I expected people to want the balanced option, but this should make things interesting.

My thanks, and yes it is.

I apologize for the delay, a mixture of alcohol and poor planning led to a lack of time.

Glad to have you on board.
Oh well, I did too but I was too late.
>I apologize for the delay
No need to apologise Mr Nostramo. And anyway, we should celebrate the update you gave. It is epic! I am looking forward to where the last vestiges of the Night Lords' nobility will end up.
Excited that this is continuing, well-written 40k quests are shockingly rare here
That could be a really interesting direction to take this, making a chapter called the Night Kings or something similar, reclaiming the chapter from the cringeass cultists that are the modern Night Lords
We should double down instead, with the chapter name of "Dark Lords" lel. Honestly though I think for chapter naming, getting rid of the whole "night, dark" thing for the most part would be good.
Eclipse Knights? Lords of Nyx? Khonsu Kings? Astraeus Archons? Thanatine Lifetakers? Chernobog's crushers?
If we're going to be the chapter master we're probably going to be heavily biased towards speed of violence and stealth, which seems perfect for a name referencing night/death
Eclipse Knights and Lords of Nyx sounds nice, though I'm more for Eclipse Knights myself.
>Night Stalkers
Very nice
>Inb4 Kolchak of the Night Stalkers
Sounds pretty good.
Find a nice death world for ourselves and we could probably do quite well as the Eclipse Knights, maybe we can even find a world disposed to them

>Eclipse Knights

This is pretty based in that it has multiple meaning, such as Curze himself is an “eclipse” that will pass in time…
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He nods, and the Sergeant continues going to whatever appointed task requires his attention. Kasilos proceeds on his own journey.

Geneseed transport, a run of the mill task. The 333rd was tasked with bringing the precious cargo to Mars for purity testing, a tithe that each Legion was required to pay. He was transporting enough for over ten thousand brothers, enough to cover a century's worth of tithe. It was important, and it kept his chapter of dissenters far away from the Legion, and any glory it would win.

It had been this way ever since the 13th chapter’s restructuring, since Xaas and his brothers were marked for death. Equipment transport, garrison duty, establishing depots… even guarding the explorator cartographers charting dead worlds and dying stars it had been maddening.

They were the finest warriors in the galaxy, yet they were barred from war. The ignmony of it. He and his brothers had not fought a campaign of compliance in years, but what could be done? His only choice was to continue following his instructions, and perhaps enact some small change should the opportunity present itself.

Kasilos reached the end of the hall, a large door with hazard striping. Sending a signal via his wargear the lift is summoned that will take him to the Silentium’s bridge, and his command center. It arrives quickly, and it begins to rise into the towering command spire.

He had been overjoyed when word was spread about Curze’s discovery. The Legion would finally have a father, and those first years were incredible.

The lift gently slows to a stop, reaching the core of Silentium’s command spire.

Xaas abandoned his musings, the past was set. Duty called, and as the doors opened the Lord Regent set his mind to the task at hand.

The bridge is a cavernous space. The ceiling stands dozens of feet above the main deck, with baroque armaglass windows gazing out into the void and the long hull of the battle barge. Mortal officers mill through the space like insects, requesting status reports and relaying orders to countless crewmen who are seated at a myriad of stations or are hardwired into info-pits set within the ferrocrete flooring. A contingent of red robed Martians wander the edges, interfacing with machinery and conducting their queer rites.

Kasilos avoids the mass of humanity keen to let them work in peace. No update from them was required, any unexpected changes on his ship or among the flotilla would have already been relayed to him.

Instead he marches up a spiraling staircase, reaching a large balcony that is perched above the rest of the chamber. It is his command center, a strategium sized for his kind. A holotable dominates the center, with secondary vox and auspex stations along the edge manned by Legion serfs. Kasilos could plan and wage a crusade from this place, and had brought several worlds into compliance from the location he now stood.
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Surveying reports on the holotable stood one of Xaas’ command staff, Consul Felidor. He strides next to the Marine, who notes his presence with a nod.

“Kasilos, I’m sorry to disturb your rest. We all know how much you need your beauty sleep, especially with your advanced age.”

The Consul addresses Kasilos with a straight voice, before chuckling at his jest.

“I am not even a decade your senior, Felidor.”

“And I shudder to imagine what has caused you to age like a crone, truly you have my condolences Lord Regent.”

“I seem to remember a nasty incident with a plasma pistol on Enceladus, do you really want to begin critiquing each other's looks?”

“Ha! Hardly, I would not want to crush your spirit with my victory! Nonetheless, I have your message if you wish, or do you desire an update on the Fleet?”

The marine quickly gets to business, their joking could, and likely would continue afterwards.

What information does Kasilos ask for?

>”Just the message Felidor.”
>”Is there anything to report from the other companies?”
>”What has the Lord Dogma been demanding? I see the Canticle has been voxing complaints again.”
>”What is the status of the men aboard Marshal Janikov? We are drawing close to their final destination.”
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Thank you all for the support and for reading! I’m glad you all are enjoying it. Lots of interesting discussion going on, we’ll see how the story progresses. Some nice art as well, if you guys have anything interesting please post it. I am looking for good reference/scene setting images.

>”What has the Lord Dogma been demanding? I see the Canticle has been voxing complaints again.”

Great stuff, QM - thank you for your efforts!
>>”Just the message Felidor.”
Nice banter.
I, too, like the idea of being The Eclipse Knights, if we get the chance.

>”What has the Lord Dogma been demanding? I see the Canticle has been voxing complaints again.”
>”Just the message Felidor.”

I like the Night Kings or Eclipse Knights. Has a nice ring to it.
>”What has the Lord Dogma been demanding? I see the Canticle has been voxing complaints again.”
I wonder if we're of the Faith, although probably not, it could be interesting to make an alliance with the Ecclesiarchy to get some Death Cultists as chapter serfs.
I've always been really partial to Astartes having a shitload of Chapter Serfs to Yoink aspirants out of or otherwise use as troops in combat actions, although based on how we are it'd probably either hyper stealthy guys or throwing the entire population of a penal world into a single front as a distraction, or hey, maybe we do both.
Oh, and as a Fast Boi, do we have a Jump Pack? Maybe we can have 40K Paratroopers as our serfs, or a bunch of other jump Marines as our rank and file
>>”What has the Lord Dogma been demanding? I see the Canticle has been voxing complaints again.”
This is pre-heresy I am pretty sure
>”Is there anything to report from the other companies?”
>”Just the message Felidor.”
Also, just throwing it out there that our boy Xaas is sitting on huge vats of Curze’s “product”, so if we want to break away renegade or stay Loyalist, we’d have enough geneseed to do it
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>>”What has the Lord Dogma been demanding? I see the Canticle has been voxing complaints again.”
Also, while people seem pretty excited to immediately bail on the Night Lords, I would much rather stick with them for a while. Kurze, Shang and Sevetar are fun characters and it would be a shame to miss out on them simply because of metagaming
>”What has the Lord Dogma been demanding? I see the Canticle has been voxing complaints again.”
>>”Is there anything to report from the other companies?”
>>”Is there anything to report from the other companies?”

I think it would be fun to be the least idiotic NL commander, desperately trying to curb Curze’s bad impulses and trying his best to keep the Legion together…

tl;dr - a smart guy who is loyal to his moron boss
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What are the Magi rabblerousing about?

For the love of Mankind advance the plot QM!

What are Kasilos' Brothers up too?
>What are the Magi rabblerousing about?
Just checking, was this intended as a Prompt, OP?
I think he's just tallying-up.
Correct. Update inbound.
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Before Kasilos can respond a light flashes on the holotable, indicating a vox notification from the Ark Mechanicus, judging by the indicators it was the thirtieth in the last hour. Kasilos gestured to the notification.

“What has the Lord Dogma been demanding? I see the Canticle has been voxing complaints again.”

Felidor shook his head, exasperation plainly evident on the Night Lord.

“The usual. Apparently the adamantium stock provided by Port Mausoleum was not of a high enough quality, and we lack the required unguents to fully placate the machine spirits of Winnower’s plasma reactor. I have been informed in no uncertain terms that it has led to a 0.048625% reduction in her energy output. The messages have generally been along the lines of ‘The right-honorable Lord Dogma Zure has requested that Lord Regent Xaas make immediate plans to rectify these issues in a timely manner, lest the combat efficiency of the 333rd Expeditionary Fleet be unduly impacted by Port Mauseleum’s inadequacies.’”

Felidor adds in a mechanical monotone before continuing.

“You know how pretentious the tech priests are. There have also been requests to extend our stop in the Hattusa system to collect data and artifacts from the local population, supposedly they are culturally unique and may be significant to the Martian’s Cult.”

Kasilos sighs at this. It is not unexpected, Uxiot-Zure was already an exacting perfectionist. And as Lord Dogma he was required to be so to an even greater, religious degree. His complaints had been omnipresent since the Canticle’s addition to the fleet. But the services he provided had been vital to the 333rd’s operation, and required a careful response.

“Of course, I would expect nothing else from the right-honorable pain in my ass. Inform the Canticle that I will take these requests under consideration. I will decide upon a course of action while we are in the Warp.”

Felidor makes a note on his personal dataslate, the missive would be sent as soon as they were finished.

“Very well I will make the necessary arrangements. But I would be surprised if he is placated for long.”

“I am well aware Felidor. You have the message from the Nightfall?”

The Marine nods at this, setting his slate on the holotable before drawing another from an inbuilt recess on the side. He passed it to the Lord Regent without ceremony. It was nondescript, a standard utility aboard any Imperial warship it allowed for the easy dissemination of information. Xaas unlocked the device with a simple passcode, quickly navigating the dark green interface to find the astropathic message.
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Astropathy was an… inexact method of intergalactic communication. Prone to wild interference from the immaterium’s swirling eddies and the cryptic nature of an Astropath’s mind. The psykers were unable to use direct words or sounds in their communications, instead relying on discordant visions and projected feelings. It was something that often led to miscommunication among the various strata of the Imperium, especially in the early days of the Crusade.

Through careful trial and error however a system of basic encoding had allowed for the standardization of messages, and through simple cryptography secure channels could be established between any apparatus of the Imperium's war fleets. In this day and age Kasilos was unworried of receiving a muddled or misunderstood message, doubly so coming from one Legion ship to another.

Without further preamble he opened the document and began to read.


+FROM: Nightfall, Flagship, Legio VIII+

+TO: Dulce Silentium, Flagship, 333rd Expeditionary Fleet+

You are ordered to take your fleet and proceed to the colony world Karacallia (Calixis Sector, Segmentum Obscurus) via the Thrax route. Once there you are to meet with Rogue Trader Severus Torquatus, Sector Governor of the Calixis Sector. You are to aid the Governor in dealing with Xeno pirates of the Eldar breed who have been raiding his worlds and shipping lanes. Bring the Aliens to battle and eliminate their threat. Use all forces at your disposal. Your current orders are rescinded until the Calixis Sector is secure. The Primarch has significant dealings with Torquatus and expects you to do your duty swiftly before returning to your task of tithe delivery. Should this not be done to his satisfaction your gauntlets will be claimed. Do not disappoint us “Lord Regent”.

Ave Dominus Nox,
First Captain Sevetar

+RECEIVED: 3.511.002.M31+


Kasilos read the missive twice more to be certain that he understood it correctly. He was heading once more into war! A minor action no doubt but it was a chance, a change to his path. The 13th could finally demonstrate their worth.

In spite of the blatant threat he felt a smile grace his lips, behind the mask of his helm.

“Felidor inform the fleet, we have a new destination. Karacallia. Further information will be provided at a war council onboard the Silentium, all commanders are expected to attend in two hours. We are going into battle again Felidor!”

Kasilos began to laugh, the day had finally come!

“Truthfully Kasilos?”

“Indeed Brother! The 13th goes to war!”

The Consul joined his commander then in laughter, mirth filling the strategium and flowing into the bridge beyond. The Chapter would prove itself and night would descend upon Karacallia.
>joyful laughter and relief at finally being in a warzone again
The people of the 41st millennium are scary folk, indeed.

Based, we’re more than a match for Eldar
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Missives are quickly sent and the fleet altered course; it would now take an additional ten hours to exit the system’s gravity well but thankfully they would not have to trek to the opposite side of Port Mausoleum.

The two hours passed quite quickly, and the transports would soon be leaving from Winnower and Unfurled bearing Kasilos’ two Captains. Lord Dogma Zure had already arrived, and was making his way to the strategium from the embarkation deck. Field Marshal von Keel, commanding officer of the Exertus regiment aboard the Janikov, was on final approach.

Kasilos awaited their arrival in the strategium, with Felidor and his ship master, Commodore Braxford. The Commodore was a short man, and was somewhat heavy set in his blue and white naval uniform. But he was not some social officer, as clearly demonstrated by void scarring on his face and a conspicuously absent left arm. He was a capable Jovian officer with a family history of valiant service that stretched back centuries.

He had just turned from one of the side consoles and began to speak.

“My Lords, I have just received word from Navigator Pouratrix. Her fellows are in agreement, the journey should take two weeks. We will have to stop in the Thrax system to reorientate for the final jump to Karacallia.”

“Excellent, we will be upon them in less than a month!”

Felidor was ecstatic with the news, and turned to address Kasilos.

“Lord Regent…”

There was a formality now in his tone, as they were in the presence of mortals and underlings.

“...Stormbirds have left Winnower and Unfurled. The Field Marshall has landed as well. We are on schedule to begin in ten minutes.”

Kasilos nodded at the news and refocused his attention on the data he was parsing. It was a mixture of preexisting information and knowledge supplied alongside Sevatar’s original orders. It covered a variety of subjects from the Calixis Sector, to the Rogue Trader, and the Xenos they were to face on arrival.

He had been studying it for the past two hours and while a more thorough examination would be made the gist of it was clear to him. And in general the information had been…

>First roll of the Quest. Kasilos is attempting to determine the value of the received information and what is already present in his flotilla’s data banks.
>DCs at 50/60/80.
>Give me 1d100, best of 3. Roll over.
Rolled 45 (1d100)


Let’s see if we’re booksmart
Rolled 98 (1d100)


Please roll high for once, oh dice of mine.
Rolled 79 (1d100)



Rolling closed.

>Highest Roll: 98
>All DCs Passed!

Kasilos has access to a large amount of detailed information. And nearly a crit on our first roll, hopefully this is a good omen. Writing.
Looks cool! So when Horus Heresy starts Mc could run away with all those geneseeds and get
his own warband, cause Imperium surely wouldn't let him be case he stays

We could always pretend to be sons of (may Allah forgive me for uttering this name) C*rax
Nah, just paint ourselves a very dark blue and say we're an Ultramarine
>Night Lords joining up with Ultramarines and becoming a "Ultramarines" successor chapter after the Heresy
That would be so funny.

>"""Courage""" and """Honor"""
>Xaas "ah yes brothers, For *Shudders* Macragge"
>Inb4 new Marines asking why all the senior leadership always makes quotation marks wth their hands when they say 'Honour' or 'Courage' and why they call the Codex Astartes "Latrinium Pulp" when not around other Ultramarines
Wasn’t there that one fan theory that the Raptors chapter space marines are secretly loyalists of Night Lord geneseed stock that were quietly incorporated while the Raven Guard were recovering from the shitshow on Istvaan V? Something about the two being nearly identical save for which astartes organs eventually failed and Curze’s genetics proving more stable and viable overall as the marines with Corax’s geneseed slowly died out without producing usable geneseed of their own. Fukken natural selection, gets ‘em every time…

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