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Last thread archived. More nubile Norwegian beauties. Blonde, brunette, nudes & even other Scandinavians welcome.
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>generic, plastic instagram prostitutes that could be from nearly any part of the world
>viking women
That's what I was thinking.
Classic Swedish Instagram whore for attention
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Helene er så sykt flink til å få kuken min til å sprute
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Rikke, henriette, sara, synnøve, etc
Their names might be different but they're carbon copies
Scandinavia truly is a paradise
Damn. You know these gals my man? Lucky dude.
I’ll take a copy. LoL
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Her name is Helene and no the other poster doesn’t know her
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Any Rikke
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Yummie, got more of her?
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is anyone going to post some actual humans, or is it all going to be weird rubber-faced fallout ghouls?
I wish broski. If I come across more will definitely post. Those squats are definitely paying off.
tak for info broder brunost
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Fresh 18
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Something about the booty/ponytail that gets ya boy every time.
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My man!
Anymore of her?
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This is all women, anon. This is the nature of women. Only a real man can tame their nature and own them in a way that makes them happy.
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ain’t no fat wives so i ain’t complaining
File deleted.
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More of this girl? She stirs something inside of me.
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More of Martine Lunde pls
all i can gather from this thread is that scandinavian-looking women have been rendered surgically extinct
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Noen som har russebilder?
Nothing impressive so far. Scandinavian women are super overrated
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Subjectivity: The quality of being based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes or opinions.
Satan, så mange søte jenter i landet så postes det nesten utelukkende søppel. Det er godt å kunne tro at de jentene ikke bildehorer i det minste da.
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Most of these women look like they were born with above-average genetics, but ruined themselves with the oompa loompa tans and generic globohomo-slut style poses. If they're represntative of Scandinavian women as a whole, they're mega overrated. Seems like a high average/low standard deviation attractiveness thing.
I think someone should make a thread exclusively for natural-looking Scandinavian women who aren't bimbos who took the bogpill.
None of these heavily-filtered monstrosities with balloon lips, tiny Michael Jackson noses, and orange skin snapchat filters.
Genuinely not trying to be rude/snarky but would you mind posting a few examples of “ideal Scandinavian women?” Maybe that will inspire the other 80 or so percent on the thread to follow suit. I live in a college town & hear the “I don’t like white girls/they’re basic/I like black/Cambodian/trans women etc.” a lot & am open to other points of view here. That way everyone can fap in peace on our Mongolian throat singing board.ma48
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Pretty pussy.
All of these women have brown hair.
Oh no. Anything but that.
Any more of her? This gal stirs something within me.
It's just that viking(Scandinavians) are blonde
There exist brunette etc. It’s not like movies/disney cartoons but yes, we typically associate “Vikings” with blonde hair/horned helmets drinking mead out of horns etc.
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Get this orange skin bimbo shit off here, Zoomer.
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Shalom Shlomo
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most photos here are trash, random girls that could be from anywhere.. Here's some norwegian beauties you won't see on fking OF
Is she having a clot-shot stroke?
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Hot af
Perfect Swedish blonde
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this photo is disgusting as hell
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anyone has any sauce on this Viking beauty?

been searching for days with nothing to show for..
Wow! That's all I can say. This girl is beautiful!!
The one on the left has a very inviting butthole. I'd hit it.
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As a Black man, this picture offends me.
The Confederate flag is a hate symbol.
No one...?
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Do Dutch woman count?
Get over it.
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I wish I knew. Good taste anon.
I’ll trib her if you have kik or session
Thanks, I hope someone comes in clutch
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Dont mind her age, she's embarrassed how her body looks now too. She was really hot when she was younger.
Do you think she's still pretty?
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What people think "Nordic" women look like is actually attractive Baltic women.
Scandinavian women are one half of the Anglo-Saxon phenotype and Anglos aren't renown for the beauty of their women.
post hands
still searching for sauce...
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Baltic women are like 2/10 in average while nordic ones are like 8/10 so no
Post literally specifies ATTRACTIVE Baltic women. Attractive Baltic and Slavic women are the apex of white beauty.
Attractive Nordic women were barely one step behind, but it's clear from this thread many among their minuscule population have been disfiguring themselves through Californication.
Jesus Christ, start a “Baltic Beauties” thread or something & stop with the fucking fap police schtick.
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Cool story bro.
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Still need sauce...
Image limit. How soon does thread get archived or whatever?
You sure you don't mean Balkan? Baltic don't look much different than nordic/scandi
Fuck she is so adorable
If thread archives again please post her in the next one. Would love to know too.
>Post ATTRACTIVE nordic women
post what she looked like when she was hot and she wasnt wrinkly and melted
Unfortunately we hit maximum image limit as I’d love to see that as well. How long until they archive this so we can get a new one going? Dying for more viking women.

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