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No mutilated females who have chopped off their tits. Beautiful, feminine-looking women are preferred. Remember, being a tomboy is more about what is inside than what is outside.
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Nice tits.
Don't judge a woman for a dick!
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"She" is a bit of a unicorn, but the horn is in the wrongb place.
What are you talking about?
Only tomboys in whole thread
Go be retarded somewhere else.
>8 images in
>Already devolving in to shitposting
This is why.
A real tomboy
>would not have tattoos or wear makeup
>would not pose nude for professional photoshoots
>would not have hair dye or piercings, hair would simply be shoulder-length and tied back or kept from getting in the face with a ball cap or beanie; utilitarian hairstyle to keep sun and bugs off the neck
>would not shave their body hair
So far this thread has failed
They always do.
I agree with you, now provide some examples.
shut the fuck up
Girl in the OP is Amygingerhart, she's not a tomboy so the thread was a failure at creation
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No one cares about your arbitrary definitions.
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I'm not hurting anyone.
This is a man, retardo.
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In porn, "tomboy" means "short hair."
I looked up short hair tomboy. I found those images too. That's not a man.
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Look up Daisy Tayler
My forbidden knowledge has increased, thank you.

That's Kimberly Kane, butt the site ceased to exist long ago.
Does anyone have the full set?
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Gay thread for gays.
That’s a dude
this is nice
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You don't often see asians with hairy legs like that. Nice
So fuckin' BEAUTIFUL
Hot. But way too much woman to call her a tomboy
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That's Vivian LaVey: she did a handful of porn scenes in the early 2010s and just disappeared.
I wish she did more porn
More? I didn't know she did any. Links?
Natalie F, from abbywinters, but i only found 2 sets of her, that one with lots of girls and this solo.
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Looked her up. She's hot as fuck but man she needs to work on her fem voice. That said, watching her get fucked was some of the best porn I've seen all month.
Daddy likes!
More of this girl?
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boyish enough I figured I'd source it to confirm not a tranny

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I wish I had a GF this sexy.
Shes gorgeous and has a bunch of videos as 'AliceOnCam'
more of her
thank you!
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That's the stuff
>would not have tattoos
>would not pose nude for professional photoshoots
>would not have piercings
None of these make sense. What does tomboy mean exactly to you? A tradwife?
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miaku on reddit
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Not him, but here's the gist I get.
1. Tattoos are in vogue for modern sluts, therefore antithetical to Tomboys. Maybe 10-15 years ago I would disagree. This is a broader discussion about tattoos being strictly masculine before.
2. This one is easy. Professional nude shoots or Onlyfans behavior is slutty and not cute, even if the subject looks cute. If its more candid and amateur that's alright. Tomboys are still girls that should care about their public image. There is a disconnect here though since we wouldn't be here talking about it if girls didn't make the porn so this is more a projection of potential reality and less about if the image is tomboyish.
3. I could go either way on this one. Obviously earrings don't count, I think belly button and nipples ok too. Anything else though and we are leaving tomboy territory. I think dyed hair can be ok too, case by case basis.

Therefore these threads are almost impossible to get right. For those wanting to see semi-masculine female bodies or slim girls with short hair it works. However, TOMBOY carries more emotional connotation than physical to many, including myself.

The women in these threads look closer to lesbians than what I would consider tomboys. For me, they should be attractive female bodies (maybe a little masculine traits, but not an overall masc presentation) but the way they present themselves you can tell they are feisty, they don't act feminine most of the time, and maybe stink good. They are still women who, when in private in the safety of your company, are feminine and want to be fucked by a man. The specific looks, big/small tits or short/long hair don't matter as much as the presented vibe or character.
nice cunt
Damn, this bitch got fat
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this fucking thread sucks. Back to tomboy haven I go.
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love the leg hair. wish more asian girls didn't shave theirs.
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These are some old ones Damn.
Enjoy some from my collection
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Sauce? Who is she!
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Who invited the romanian?
Someone with taste.
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Would you consider breasts like this "saggy?" Are they nice?
>Would you consider breasts like this "saggy?"
Yeah, they're definitely not perky
>Are they nice?
I think they are
They could hold onto a pencil placed under them.

>Are they nice?
This is literal perfection. Is there any more of her?
I suppose breast niceness is subjective -thank you, anony. Would them not being perky bother you at all?
The pencil test! You're right, although I was hoping that maybe whoever came up with that test was wrong and that perkiness should be determined in other ways, if that makes sense (I don't know if it does.) Thank you :]
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Damn. Great bush and tits, but her facial expression looks so derpy.
I would flush my pending marriage down the toilet to inseminate that once, no question. It's really best that women generally leave men alone and that I don't go out much. I'd probably be the worst slut ever if I liked bars and shit.
You don't deserve either of them, desu.
lol, no one deserves shit
>I don't deserve some obviously BPD woman posting megawhore pics of herself online
Okay? Such a woman is worth a chuck anyway.
Shame. Shame on you.
I recently met one myself I picked her up at a bar, 24F.

She did core exercises daily and had an adderall prescription. Small tits and the tightest body I've ever experienced, but still with great wide hips to hold onto.

Why do I like this? I think it's generally from just an aversion to "Fake-Feminine" features.
All the clown makeup and forced feminine personality feels like a layer between me and my real, natural partner. Best sex I've ever had; she held onto me like a vice and looked into my eyes to see me squirm while she got off on it.

I've been with a girl that's 4'9'', 6,4'', slim, thick, whatever. But wow a girl that's fit with that tomboy energy is so fun to toss around the bed.

I've never written or posted about a woman before, but she just rocked my world. I can't even find a model that looks like her online. Not even close.
Pics or it didn't happen.
k bud
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>I suppose breast niceness is subjective -thank you, anony.
Not to be autistic, but yes and no; some preferences are more widely held than others. But there's no need to get into that now.
Your breasts are beautiful anon.

>Would them not being perky bother you at all?
No, not in the slightest. I have a platonic ideal breast, but I like genuinely enjoy most types of breasts, including saggy ones.
Are these 18? I've seen Anons get banned for posting this before.
Do think maybe you have an aversion towards them because you have trouble relating to them? How do you feel about women who are naturally feminine?
>Your breasts are beautiful anon.
Nope. Try harder.
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hard smoker, enjoys her video games and favourite film pi
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Nice. Got more? I want to see its hairy snatch.
I can smell this picture through my screen... I love it.
stfu. biatch.
Just trying to help an Anon not get vanned is all.
She's amazing. purrfect,
ur attracting bad vibes doing so, next time let them slide. be easy
suck a dick. yes lol
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fuck china
Actual travesty she trooned out. BDSM scenes with her on reflectivedesire are classics
Link or torrent? Please and thank you
more beauty
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i have a few of her, but mostly the latex stuff
Jesus Christ. Imagine getting off with Grimace's am covered in Corporate Memphis.
Would you prefer any other girl to her as a gf? Did she have any drawbacks?
Why arent you with her now, what happened?
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I hate romanians as much as the next guy but she is an exception.
if you fool me, you can't get fooled again.
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