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Look at this shit. How is science different from voodoo priests saying voodoo is proven true because another voodoo priest said so? Or a Wikipedia article saying something is true because Salon said it’s true and Salon said it’s true because Wikipedia said it’s true? (Someone initiated the circular reference and then it becomes self-perpetuating)

Science is in salvageable and scientists are net negative impact 105 iq assburgers thinking they’re much smarter than they really are. They also believe they’re at the end of history at any given moment, again because of midwitism. This allows them to justify any atrocity, and never consider any evidence outside their established narrative.
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Here's an easy way to fix science.
1. Make IQ tests mandatory.
2. Reject every new paper submitted by <150 IQ brainlets.
3. Burn every paper ever published by <150 IQ brainlets.
4. Expel all <150 IQ brainlets from every university and from every research facility.
The cass review is bong propaganda. They hired a transphobic campaigner to write an essay about why none of the evidence for trans medicine actually counts because it's low quality. The fact that chuds have no argument beyond screeching that the evidence isn't strong enough tells you all that you need to know -- that the body of existing evidence supports giving trans teens HRT
I don’t care about any of that, except I think it’s hilarious to see feminists get victimized by men in sports. You think like a scientist.
why shouldn't they receive drugs to morph their brain to match their body? they'd be happy with their body this way
Now more than ever people can be free from social roles and people are miserable. The ''grow-up-to-be-whatever-you-want''-mentality has failed. Freedom = degeneracy. So strict rules and boundaries must be enforced again. If people would live like the amish they would be happier.
>people are miserable
I think the world view shown by the media and just generally across the internet is nothing like what's actually going on irl. The vast majority of people don't care what anyone else does and just want to be left alone. The rest are either the minority pushing agendas or the people listening to those agendas who want to fight in some kind of perceived culture war
When science is dead and gone we can truly begin to heal. Then we can progress together peacefully toward a brighter and more advanced future. Without any science though. No science allowed. We'll just have to guess how shit works and all agree on the guess or something I don't know I haven't worked out how that bit works yet, like how do we do anything without research and observation. I know it's possible though and all we need to do is believe
>is nothing like
IRL effects are directly observable especially in the work place: diversity policy, sustainability goals and lots of perpetually single (wo)men for example.
>The vast majority of people don't care what anyone else does and just want to be left alone.
This ''live-and-let-live'' mentality is outcompeted by people who have the opposite mentality.
>minority pushing agendas
They have more power than the majority because they are united, active and supported by huge global organizations.
The only place i see people taking about social justice or the downfall of civilisation is online. Maybe because most people I know don't go online much. But I've never really seen it in the workplace either in the last 20 years
Behold the mind of a 105 iq assburger. Either we partake in his favored comic franchise / voodoo religion or we’re just guessing and being blind infidels
>downfall of civilisation is online
Does the USSR count? I'm sure many people talk about how large swathes of america is now a shithole.
Science is ok but no-one understands it properly in this era. Scientists acquire the prospect of science, but science in this era is treated as a conglomerate of thinkers which is false, that's just a collection of scientists. Science is directly the prospect gained from studying or experimenting on, something.
>aachsually, real communism was never tried…
>aaachsually, if we look at a dictionary definition from 80 years ago…
Behead midwits. Roundhouse kick midwit offspring into trash compactors
What I mean is most people don't care about politics or stuff like that. And some people get really into it like they're fighting in some political army, especially online. But there's a lot less of the latter, unless they're directly involved in some kind of conflict otherwise they don't care and just want to watch sitcoms and play games or whatever. Like if I meet someone for the first time in public I don't immediately start talking about political issues because there's a good chance they won't care other than just the general yeah the gov sucks or whatever
It's time to heal, chud
Anything that relies on tests will fail because the tests will be crafted to ensure the "right" people pass.
>Idiots have freedom
>Non-idiots become unhappy
My friends irl talk about it all the time. You're saying you haven't seen any DEI shit in your workplace? Or that you're somehow blind to the national news about woke things like BLM?
Castration surgery will go in the same category as lobotomization experiments of the 19th century and the gay conversion therapy of the 20th century.

Gender ideology is just gay conversion replatformed by the leftists.
>circular referencing
I was told circular referencing is what you do, because only you are working on your own work.
Science says we need to eat 4700mg of potassium per day. Even if you select a super high potassium food source, like banana, that’s over 11 bananas a day. Nobody in history has ever done that, so how can we have evolved to need it?

Science is discredited and retarded.
I'm for trans accelerationism.
It is the perfect hack around affirmative action.
It has a eugenic effect.
And women disproportionately want this shit.
I can't wait for the day when all women have to pretend to be inspired when the first "female" president is trans.
the science is settled
>circular reference
human citation centipede
that clearly depends on where you were born. society is about making life less of a struggle for everyone in it. failing to understand that you fall into the monkey ladder thing
Does it? or is that the upper limit.
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>a transphobic campaigner
> that the body of existing evidence supports giving trans teens HRT
>a transphobic campaigner
We live in an age of social media. People have public profiles tracking their basic interests. Yes. A transphobic campaigner.

Obviously the dipshit they hired couldn't, but other people are perfectly capable of doing basic research and fact checking.

Don't you have a holocaust to deny?
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I don't take the mentally ill seriously, might as well try to discuss philosophy with a stray dog
what is the freedom of scientists to come up with chemicals that make person taking them be happy with the body they got? that seems like something extremely useful, more useful than HRT bullshit
As a programmer, I would definitely fire up some SCC/cycle-finding algorithms such as Kosaraju or Tarjan.

Nevertheless, the process of scientific knowledge creation is a community process where the basis of trust, credibility, and authority should really be questioned.
I really feel like all the people who vouched for mutilating children, chemically or otherwise, should be put on watch, and go to forced mental therapy or something.
>muh IQ
Brainlet take.
post iq proof or gtfo
They should be impaled and burned alive. That is the correct way to deal with demons.
Beasts can not handle freedom, they fall into degenerate self-destruction. Only true humans can prosper in absolute freedom because they love what is good and perfect.
Define what transphobic means because I am certain it will be very interesting (and in fact not a negative as you imply but rather a positive in regards to objectivity)
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Circular citations are the end result of Publish or Perish.
It's a fun system.
Looney toons think that every sane person is really just an evil transphobe, in reality it's not a phobia, just a rational expression of disgust.
Troons are just incels who cut off their dicks and chemically castrated themselves.
>How is science different from voodoo priests saying voodoo is proven true because another voodoo priest said so?
Because voodoo doesn't have thuosands and thousands of researchers all over the globe testing and retesting its ideas, and debating its testing results. Science does, as a matter of fact, science does only that.
There are, there were, and there will always be imperfections in the process of, and disagreements in science.
>in order to fix science we must use this funny number a frog psychologist (i.e. the quackiest discipline in medicine) invented 100 years ago
>muh tests
When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. (Goodhart's law)
>proving the point
dumb frogposter
>using Goodhart's law as a measure
How come papers that cite retracted papers don't get retracted when the paper they're citing gets retracted?
Wikipedia is what you call a tertiary source. Tertiary sources are written based off of secondary sources. Secondary sources compiles, reviews, and reports primary sources and primary research. Wikipedia is not a source by itself. Also, if something is tagged in Wikipedia as "citation needed", you can remove it without asking anyone.

You seem to really overestimate your intelligence. You lack the basic understanding of what different types of sources mean. Individuals on low intelligence spectrum overestimate their intelligence (dunning kruger effect), which is what happening to you.
You are a low IQ imbecile that thinks itself as "high IQ" because you post on some anime website whose also self-proclaim themselves as intelligent. You need to take an IQ test. I bet you'd be surprised by outing yourself as a retard.
lol tldr dumb cunt
Only sources that are allowed are those that agree with tranny and communist ideology too. LMAO
Are you going to define "transphobic" or hope your audience automatically associates it with a negative and feels in the blanks for you? Because my experience is people like call anyone who thinks doctors shouldnt allow children to cut their dicks or tits off "transphobic." Correct me me if I am wrong. What does transphobic mean?
*fills* in the blanks
I lol'd a couple times reading this but you are still a nigger faggot
IQ isn't real
So where do you plan on getting information if all science is a lie? And what now that you’ve declared all medical information false? Leeches and ritualistic bloodletting?
Here's an easy way to fix science: beat and rape all women, lock them in the kitchens, force them to learn how to cook and the only reward they should be given for it is more beating and more rape.
Once that is established, men who grow up in such culture will be more than ready to do real actual hard science.
>tweet about tranny shit
>this means science is voodoo worship
OP, maybe you should be banned from using computers. And try to stop being an incel IRL be cause it's really annoying.
Shitposting has been a disaster for 4chan.
worst thread on the catalogue
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but u will still NEVER be a woman, sorry my man
you only say that because you're an easily triggered crybaby.
Ooooooooooooooo faghite
>the body of existing evidence supports giving trans teens HRT
no it doesn't
Giving medical treatment to children without their parents' permission is illegal
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>no argument against a treatment except that there's no evidence and that there's a bunch of people trying to falsify evidence by engaging in corrupt scientific practices
wow you certainly convinced me. what's next?
>there's no evidence that eating cheeseburgers every day is unhealthy except for the fact that they die from heartattacks in their 40s
Tripfags deserve the rope
Leave him alone, Fag
>medical industry vampires use insufficient evidence and circular reasoning to draw conclusions so they can make more money and kill more people
>somehow the concept of evidence based non circular reasoning aka science is to blame
The method works, the problem are parasites spreading nonsense. All traces of woke behavior must be eradicated by force no matter the cost in blood and shattered bones.
>scientists are net negative impact 105 iq assburgers thinking they’re much smarter than they really are.
Grandiose delusions of superior intelligence are a common coping mechanism, nerds and other people with no tangible positive feature are attracted to it because anyone with nothing going for them can just leap to the conclusion "i'm smart" and theres no obvious way to disprove it. Its much harder to imagine that you're tall or wealthy because height and wealth are easily quantifiable
Are they like that because of how much they truly revere science?
Except dark matter has robust evidence that has been repeatedly checked over and over again, and many alternative models have been tested and have repeatedly failed to explain the evidence better than lambda CDM. Even if you argue for MOND, you are saying there's an unknown part of physics. A dark part of physics, if you will.

In other words, it has absolutely nothing to do with this debate about academic fraud, you fucking moron.
Oh also, I should point out that people DID NOT want to believe in dark matter. Or the cosmological constant. Or the big bang. Or black holes. Or general relativity. This idea that they are immutable, unquestionable dogma forgets that they are extremely new theories that physicists were forced to accept by evidence.
Just restricting everything to white and asian males would be enough.
IQ tests are fake, the majority of such people is disabled and mentaly ill.
the cosmological constant and dark matter are the same thing, they were both invented as fudge factors to make GR "work" with the popular cosmology of the time. the cosmological constant was invented to make GR predict the static infinite universe that was popular with atheists at the time, dark matter was invented to make GR predict astronomical observations subsequent to einstein's death
IQ tests are as legitimate as trying to estimate someone's height or weight via a questionnaire is
lol good pic
its funny because its true
>They also believe they’re at the end of history at any given moment, again because of midwitism
"The era I live in is a unique special time" is a common narcissistic delusion which has never once been true in all of recorded history
"The world is coming to an end" is a subset of the "I live in is a unique special time" delusion
>how smart are you and whats you're IQ
How about:
Make university actually hard again.
And most importantly: Bring back academic spirit to university.
People these days attend those degree mills under the impression its some sort of better vocational training. And employers like to perpetuate this. I know hardly anyone at my institution who exhibits a more old fashioned approach to education and is actually curious and pursuing education instead of degrees.
University is an intelligence predictor (and a turnover predictor), of course employers need to use it.
That makes no difference for the validity of the study itself. It's little more than a formality, unless it's a review article.
that makes far too much sense
It makes no difference for the validity of the study itself. It's little more than a formality, unless it's a review article.
it makes a difference, if an experiment is conducted based of a false premise then the experiment is useless
No it isn't something was seen and happened.
What type of impact analysis is done?
I don't know what you mean.
because you are an ignorant low iq pseud
>How is science different from voodoo priests saying voodoo is proven true because another voodoo priest said so?
The only significant differences are that the voodoo priest knows he is a shill and that the voodoo priest spends far, far less money on the pomposity surrounding the process
No, I'm not. You have no idea what you're talking about. The validity of subsequent research doesn't depemd on the factual accuracy of its predecessor. You would delete everything down the line, including the papers tgat criticised the retracted one. There is a natural break in citations anyway (so that subsequent papers will likely refer to the papers that cite it, but show something else)
>The validity of subsequent research doesn't depemd on the factual accuracy of its predecessor.
yes it does.
How? It doesn't. A concrete example, please.
Not unless you talk about pure theory, which I explicitely mentioned.
Incorrect, if the basis of your reasoning is lies than your conclusion is necessarily going to be erroneous
Most paperns are not about reasoning, but some sort of study, what was done and what was observed.
wrong, they all have a conclusion section at the end which is the only part anyone ever reads outside of the abstract
>University is an intelligence predictor
no it isn't, college students are 100 IQ midwits
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Correct, university students are predictably all midwits and compliant and easily manipulated midwits is what employers want
I work at uni ... Yes, this is exactly what needs to happen.
school was never hard, you're just too lazy and entitled to do your homework and study, snowflake. going to school is what children do, its not challenging or difficult in any way, the teachers tell you what to do to succeed, all you have to do is follow their instructions.
atheists ruined science
You upset a lot of <150 IQ anons with this post
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business as usual
This has all happened before but you have a small glint to you. I can't tell if that's true. :)
Theres actually a ton of diaperfags on campuses these days, so learning to not shit in your pants probably outranks a college degree in terms of intellectual achievement
lobotomizing and castrating the mentally ill is good tho, whats a problem is that they're allowed to roam free afterwards
Voodoo is epic, science doesn't hold a candle to it
>Make university actually hard again.
Not very long ago, The vast majority of students in the us have never even heard of caculus before they went to university. You can easily find Knuth talking about it. Nowadays plenty of highschoolers know calculus and programming.
The difficulty of school has always been dictated by the student. In fact if you want difficult you could just learn anything from libgen. Again, something people not to long ago wouldn't be able to do, they might have one math book in their city library.
That only worked when higher education was a place for the gentry.
>Not very long ago, The vast majority of students in the us have never even heard of caculus before they went to university
Primary education was far more rigorous in past decades than it is currently. Modern education focuses on teaching homosexuality, the holohoax and white guilt at the expense of topics such as calculus.
No paper apart from the original one conclusively proves that dunning Kruger even exists. The original paper also warns of using dunning kruger in a meta sense because claiming someone is suffering from dunning kruger more likely just means the accuser is suffering from it.
You can say that bringing it up is itself a litmus test for the effect. I wonder if you can see the irony.
It's just a name. First it was MACHOs, now it's dark matter.
This whole field was started by white males. Ray Blanchard, Robert Stoller, Ken Zucker, John Money, etc...
jews aren't white. semites are an asian race, there isn't even a semitic nation that shares a border with europe. they do however border on africa and its no coincidence that semites, like africans, have dark complexions, fat lips, curly hair and reduced cranial volume.
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Semites are the one race that is most closely related to Africans on a genetic basis. Thats why semites have such notoriously low IQ
This, the replication crisis would be solved overnight if things were done correctly and citing an invalidated source invalidated the citation
what about WIMPs?
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>scientists are net negative impact 105 iq assburgers thinking they’re much smarter than they really are.
Science attracts people with narcissistic personalities because of the way the media shills science as being for super geniuses. Back in the days when scientists were portrayed in the media as disgusting repulsive nerds, science was a lot less fake and gay because people didn't go into science for image conscious reasons as much.
They already do that and it sucks. Science doesn't "matter" inherently. To fix science they have to advance things. If they refuse to advance then it is over.
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They don't, the peer review system insures that the much more common 100IQ midwits are in control of all scientific narratives.
Being better than voodoo is a pretty low bar to set
>tmw you don't know what a funnel plot is
Science wouldn't be popular if it didn't cater to the lowest common denominator midwits
Excellent video, anyone who doesn't watch it is missing out big time
>tranny indoctrination and conversion of children is not scientific, basically a fraud and driven by greed
who could have predicted this????????????
incredible news
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