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Design YOUR ideal partner! The template as picrel if needed.
>DON'T: Argue and de-rail the thread
>DON'T: Make massive, "thirsty", or text-only posts

Things to include in your post:
>their qualities
>their interests
>their QuIrKs
>their location

Make sure to be UNIQUE! the best images will have:
>lots of color
>clear, legible text
>decorations and accessories

Remember to /soc/ialize; Add a contact like:
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Hit me up if you're like the picture. I'm dooflus on discord. 37m
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Nice to finally get a new thread, so I'll throw my hat into the ring again to see how things go this time around.

Btw, if >>33020469 is here, then just wanna say that I love your pic! Really gives me life!
Doing something, anything, with her life. Not content to just rot. I actually have nothing against rotting and this isn't about finances either. I'm actually old school and think the man should pay for dates, be the sole breadwinner for a future family, etc. This is about the quality of person. A future wife can rot because I'll provide, but she can't be a rotter as the kind of person she is.

It's not important to me for everything to align: hobbies, interests, politics, whatever. What is important is that we both value each other to a point which is above all that other nonsense. I'll watch your stupid romantic comedy with you and I'll enjoy it because it's with you.

Sweet, bubbly, optimistic. I have to admit that I'm jaded and cynical and can act like a raging brute at times but that's fine for a man taking on the world. A girl should be nice, a ray of light to come home to.

Soft feminine girly girl. Not a boss bitch (KYS), not a tomboy.

I don't care if this is a meme, sexually, I want a girl who is a whore but only for me.

Age: I don't care about but I don't want a girl who's been ran through so younger is probably better practically speaking.
Height: I don't care about but weighing under 120lbs would be good.
Race: I don't care about but I'm not attracted to black girls.
Location: Being nearby is important but if a girl is 100% what I want, I suppose I could make it work regardless of distance. I'm currently located US east coast but my location is tentative because I'm in the market for a new job.
Contact: If you're interested, respond with what you want in a guy and if I match that, I can drop my contact and we can talk.
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lets chat about games and our hobbies
discord is: reikouu
Just noticed Guptill89 and Andy Sweetie in your ad. Very nice. Good luck.
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discord: jokatairu (rat)
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Ideal gf:
>Bags under eyes
>Black hair, short is cute
>Hardworking and practically only has time to chat after work
>Doesn’t do drugs, drinking and smoking cigarettes is fine
>Likes old music and games
>Ambitious and willing to be positive
>Wants to do the things they couldn't do as a kid
>Movie nerd
>Likes to read
>Loves being outside
>Loves to laugh
>Isn't afraid to be goofy and out there.
>Likes weebshit
>Likes going out for night drives
>In their 20s
>Lives in U.S.
>has not watched porn in at least a year (i have my reasons)
>enjoys learning and is not an idle person
>religious or appreciates religion
>not looking for a tradwife caricature

there it is.
unlikely but my discord is "exoplanetary0"
and i'm a woman to be clear
This is me, but I'm married. Rekindled Catholic btw.
>has not watched porn in at least a year
I could understand that one a bit more if it was a condition after getting into a relationship but looking at porn here and there is pretty much the norm for both men and women when you’re lonely.
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Discord : queenofcriime
Instagram: queen.of.criime
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Nigga why you postin some married bitch?
We’re in an open relationship :)
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File deleted.
So so her

Either or will do it for me or a combination of both.

Discord is teezotouchdick

This one is good on paper. Essentially wants someone that won’t leave him and is too fat to run away. Excellent strategy.

Current outlook: check r/welbutrin
Is that literally me HP Lovecraft? I hope its because you’re a neurotic racist that has a secret love for jewpussy.

Current Outlook: Fat Woman Drought

This guy wants a trans woman. Best of luck to you. Current outlook: see the tranny below.

Jew goth girl communist. This should be very easy to find on the left leaning bastion that is 4chan. Current outlook: Slim Luck.

Male and hasn’t watched porn in a year and non tradcathy. Oh Boy!

Current Outlook: 200 adds, 1 match and he is a polish farmer.

Oh brother just groom a virgin.

Current outlook: You’re gonna have to try harder than that.

Indie videogame dev requires muscle man. Outlook: Trannies deserve love too!

Something happened in this man’s life. I think he got erect too many times after being bullied in middle school by girls that hit puberty quicker than him.

Current outlook: Oh it’s doable.

Mild pixie gf, we can definitely get this.

Current outlook: Check Scott Pilgrim Tumblr Fan Pages.
Size 15 feet. I meet everything you listed but I'm not into it trannies. So close to greatness.
It's absolutely jover tm
gl finding your gf anon tho you can definetly find her if you are a lifter

but I'm not a game dev
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Ideal gf:
>Biological female
>Loves fps games (mainly Counter Strike and Valorant)
>Competitive but not sweaty
>Keeps a positive mental attitude
>Likes to have fun, doesn't take things too seriously
>Doesn't tilt or rage
>Has a good mic
>Can communicate
>Will spam queue all day every day with me (or as much as we possibly can whenever we're both available)
>Will watch movies and shows with me
>Lives somewhere in the USA

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>Is that literally me HP Lovecraft? I hope its because you’re a neurotic racist that has a secret love for jewpussy.

I was aiming more for Forrest Gump with the guy on the left, as I can relate to a socially-stunted but well-meaning oaf who runs long distances for no particular reason. So, maybe not as exciting of an explanation, but what can you do?
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>tfw no bpd gf like her
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Using this Template and no one in this thread can stop me.
>But yea, hoping to find Mrs. Right, on a /soc/ thread. The odds are forever against me
But hey, At least we all make fun friends on here
>How's 2024 treating you Anon?
no contacts :(
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If my drawing is "literally you", add me because we're getting married >:3
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This post is a pipe dream because finding guys that are tankies and don't use their politics as an excuse to be degenerate is an exercise in futility, especially on 4chan. But I'll try anyway.
I'm at a point where I'll even accept a nazbol as long as you're not a misogynist. I just want to find someone politically similar to me that isn't a fucking redditor that sucks tranny dick. But I should probably just accept that my ideal proletariat husbando doesn't exist, and that I'll be a virgin forever.
Me, except for blue collar and clean shaven. And I'm not sure if my accent classifies as cute. Could you post a bit about yourself to see you fit what I'm looking for?
discord is calamatee but you're not in europe
I fit most of this, except I'm a student. Formerly socialist country, very rough. A bit more info about yourself would be nice I suppose.
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You can add me on discord if you'd like: slashslasher
dis: mac_mac_mac_mac_
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does the wholesome bit include mass murdering dictators ?
You sound like a fucking retard and I'm taking photo for laughs you moron.
(I'm also guessing your a faggot which would last ten seconds in an actual marxist state
Guys I think I like a guy from here, I feel so blessed
We're gonna do fun shit together yayyy. I hope we get along and cuddle and stuff
i just want a bf/gf to tease me, do drugs with me and not get pissy when they learn i cheat in videogames
25 F NC
tell me about yourself or what boxes you ticked if you email or something, may ignore otherwise
>31/m/Canada (southern Ontario)
>laid back
>vidya, anime, netflix, documentaries
>can make fun of everything
>will absolutely remember that thing you said 5 months ago for gift ideas
>10/10 advice
>enjoys brightening your day with little things
>would enjoy having a travel partner, it's pretty hard to organize large scale friend trips nowadays
>white, 5'11, average body, long hair, usually get complimented on my appearance but I'll leave that up to you

Looking for
>bio female
>35 or under
>I don't expect a super model body but at least be average (I'm average too)
>I'm 5'11, so anything equal to or shorter
>prefer longer hair but it's not a deal breaker
>tattoos and piercings are fine by me but also having none is cool, I don't have any
>into nerd shit, or at least tolerates it
>can watch shows/movies together and talk about it as we watch
>likes traveling once in a while, day trips and weekend trips too
>loves talking about anything and everything with me
>gets excited to show me a dumb meme or tell me a little anecdote about her day
>enjoys telling me about her hobbies even if I don't really partake
>isn't obsessed with social media or being a clout chaser (posting shit about your life is fine, I just don't want someone glued to their phone)
>likes being horny as fuck with me
>enjoys being lewd often, I have a high sex drive
>likes doing cute, loving things for me because she knows I'll do the same
>caring, genuine person
>friend to animals
>likes guys with long hair (spoilers I have long hair)

Bonus points if you're within a few hours of driving, discord dating is fine to start with though.

Vulcanore on discord
NOT ANCOM!!!??!!!!
what's even the point

>Hey guys this time we're going to do a communism except it's going to be a real communism and we're going to give the government complete control over the political and economic realms of society and don't worry it definitely won't be ran by a bunch of morally corrupt politicians like it always is and it won't completely f**** society cuz this time we're going to do it for real.
I am disappoint
aw i'm glad it's working for someone

personally i think we need to restrict these threads to just girls posting, since guys posting is just... lamenting something we wish existed. It's a fantasy that there's a girl out there who is like "Wait, this guy LIKES X? I'm X! I thought everyone hated me for it!" like maybe if they're from foreign lands, but not here where anything with a vagina can get any guy she wants. And that's not a knock on them, i mean they're victims of that as much as we are.
We've had at least 3 marriages from these threads and quite a few more long lasting relationships.
They do work when people stop shitting up the thread thanks to the slightest problem.
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22/m/mexico - us (I live in both countries)
-more normal inside
-i enjoy things
-i can't stop living inside my head
-i pee a lot
-normal hobbies like games music art etc
Namirara on discord iirc
Kik: ScottyP356
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30 m

Looking for soc trad wife...
You have no excuse being this retarded at your age. First, that girl is not on soc, and even if there is one, she lives nowhere close to you. Second, you're in the largest Christian denomination in the fucking world. If there aren't single women at your church, move near somewhere with move people (you or your soc tradwife were going to have to move to be together anyhow). If you don't know where the churches with more single women are, ask the fucking network of priests at your disposal. Ffs how can you be this retarded at 30? You deserve to be single, papist.
ideal gf:
>short hair cute :33
>likes vidya
>loves music and arts in general
>likes weeb shit
>20-23 yo
>is ok with long distance

>likes computers
>enjoys vidya
>likes to write
>studying n working part time atm :3
ds: lonelyloserakg
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My ideal boyfriend;
lives in Southern california, closer to Los Angeles as opposed to San Diego or San Franciso
-likes me for me
-is a weeb and loves vtubers like I do, and other weeb shit

My own details;
BBW autist and poly, into weeb shit as well and j-pop.

My discord is chickenclaw3

I'm Chickn my old account got deleted by the discord team
Yes yes
I want to see him already but won't be able to for a while, but it's worth it if it means I can something meaningful with someone for once in my life
this person just has some ideal fantasy world in their head which is detached from reality.

Doesn't like trannies despite that being pushed by Marxists and Socialists.

Is a radfem despite feminism mostly being pushed by financial oligarchs to tax the labor of women and break up communities so they can be better managed.

Wants someone who is hardworking despite not wanting ancom which would just create a hyper managerial class who are just dictatorial champagne socialists thus wanting her masculine male to be at the bottom of the pecking order and helpless to protect her of his own volition.

And he has to what, want to read Marx despite Marxist Socialism being laughably outdated and being the ones who spawned the pro porn pro pedo movement, tied in with lots of Jewish folks who also own the porn industries that's also exploitation.

Oh, he should also be young with a nice head of hair because that's important for the social crusade that his life should revolve around.

But I guess that trait which only relies on random chance and no discipline is a good sign of who to select and its bearing on society or the state/culture are secondary.
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No, I don't like troons nor am I looking for new friends (sorry lads)
also don't even be one day younger than 18 I am not interested in the underaged
Oh also I'm 26/M/USA since I just realized I forgot to add that to my post
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unrealistic expectations and 24-48h of exposure? this'll get me a wife
contact: Ifrit@waifu.club. reply to this message if you do send me an e-mail, i often forget to check it
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My last post barely has text because I thought the drawing spoke for itself but here's a bit more:

Ideal GF
>Lives in North America
>idrc about age (over 18 ofc) but closer to mine is probably better for long-term
>Shy with strangers but goofy when you get to know her
>Very short (I'm short too)
>A little chubby (I like soft)
>Likes forehead kisses and being held
>Wants to share hobbies
>Wants to be understood by someone
>At least curious about christianity (I don't want to tradicalize you lol)
>22/M/USA (EST)
>Mostly phlegmatic/easy-going
>Randomly sentimental (like right now I guess lol)
>Average/kinda skinny right now, but lifting so I can carry (You) better
>Dumbass sense of humor
>Obsessed with a new thing regularly
>Loves fiction
>Not good at drawing but will send you silly doodles
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27/M/USA, and here's my theoretical ideal gf. Feel free to add me of you have any questions you want answered. I also made an image for myself that I can share.

Discord: soldier69
>when they learn i cheat in videogames
Single player? Who cares. Multiplayer? Scum of the earth.
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My ideal girlfriend
from most to least important?
>Smart autistic
>Can listen to me complain about the same traumas over and over again
>Only wants an elven VIRGIN boyfriend with a strong mind and a stronger heart
>Hates nigger culture
>In to fashion
>plays video games
>Hates porn
>Wants to dress up boyfriend and braid his hair
>Disgusted when men claim they seek to be "feminized"
>Secret pedophile
I don't believe this is unattainable, but I'm not good enough yet! Have to keep at it before she is mine.
Im already here babe
First time you posted this was July 2021...
Maybe its time you put it to rest?
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I fit two out of the three things you listed. A pretty good score if you ask me.
>doesn't get the reference
you better be Naoko Takeuchi, otherwise sailor moon girls are scary.
everything i listed is a requirement
its a reference but it is also true
post a tag, I'll send you cute girls i drew.
nope you are the guy that is into loli i can just tell
Well hoping for a gf with this little information is kinda desperate/pathetic. So if I drop contact information I fit all three and if not only two... Don't know what to do desu.
discord tag is __roselace
it would be nice if you sent a voice message early on, if we don't get along i'll just remove you sorry
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I can't waitttttt
I want to hug him
What is he like anon?
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this would be me if I weren't tremendously homosexual (good luck anon!!)
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30, f, USA
Likes biking
Likes diy
Practical and outdoorsy in general
INFP 4w5
Lil Autistic, ADHD as well.
Closed off, 'hard to read', can be codependent but trying to lessen such behavior.
Engineering background and job but not very smart

V outdoorsy, INTJ, type 5 on enneagram. A little autistic.
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only add with a goal please
Leave your discord :)
NTA but iamnotschizophrenic_
add me! shoddytear
Add me too im chocolateintheair
(haha sorry not doing the format)


27/M/Georgia, USA - I'm straight.

>wholesome fantasies
I want to spoil and be spoiled. Really want someone I can share my thoughts, interests, and concerns with. I'm big into doing activities together. Date nights, game nights, book nights. Whatver nights as long as they're together.

>about yourself
Professionally: Currently work in the IT sector in a really stable field. Planning on going back to school later in the year as well to further myself. WFH as-well with a house in a good, quiet part of the state. o: I have two animals (1 cat, dog). Love helping others/people. I volunteer often and anywhere I can.

Other: I think everyone says they're chill and laid-back, so I'm not gonna put it lmao. I'm excitable about alot of things, and I love to get people pumped about their interest. I've spent time researching subjects just to push conversation with someone on my previous train commute. Outside of work some of the things I'm big into are pickleball, litrpg, card games (Yugioh currently). Currently have one dog and a cat.

I own a good-sized house with an actual hilly backyard. If you like to garden: you'd love it.

>Do you want/have kids?
I want kids, but I'm willing to adopt too if Bio kids are not for you.. I've volunteered at shelters and those kids need homes too :c

>looking for
I would love someone who has ambitions. They do not have to be professional, but I want to support you. I want to push my SO further and vice-versa. If you're a reader that'd be lovely as-well, and we don't even have to share the same love of genres. Even if you don't have an interest that corresponds with mine, I'd still love to get to know you :) I've picked up so many things over the past two years from people, and every person is a new journey.

>not looking for
Younger people (18-20), males. Racists

discord: kennytoe
I also play banjo (started learning a year ago)
And I love 3d printing. (Functional stuff not miniatures)
Also I take a really long time to open up so I'm sorry in advance for my poor conversational skills
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I'm INTJ/ISTJ 4w5, apparently with asperger but you will get none of this because I live in Europe.
Oh you sound lovely, how do i go about contacting u?
Thank you! My discord tag is natuloga
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stole this from twitter. Looking for a girl like this
Come on man these are supposed to be realistic expectations of a person not some unicorn that shits froyo.
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>/soc/ users
>Realistic expectations
Have you been on this board for longer than like five minutes?
A golden unicorn shitting soft serve is exactly what these people want and they will put in zero effort to get it then bitch about why nobody adds them
I can assure you I have been here longer than you.
and yea you've seen how these people beg for the most unrealistic shit possible
Like idk if they think they can just get lucky or really lack any level of self awareness of their situation or value at all
This one takes the cake tho.
Its by far the most unrealistic
>be tranny
>gets mad because no one will pick him over a real girl
Kek, every time
Fuck you.
You're probably right yea
Why expect anything, even common sense
Men's dreams have no limit.
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training to be huge (I'd like to cosplay in the future) and grinding vidya in my free time
also a horror and retro enthusiast (currently loving Fear and Hunger)

pic related essentially
a 25+/F smelly shutin house goblin that's a cringe memelord, a weeb and doesn't smoke (or trying to quit)
>not looking for
ddlg fetishists looking for a daddy, caregiver or simp
>looking for
lengthy discussions about weeb or vidya interests like land of the lustrous or disco elysium
discord: retro_muscle

What part of "ideal" do you guys not understand?
no its not, its an IDEAL thread
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I want this but also please don't be a coomer pervert, I hate coomers
So yeah... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kN4zRfnHm8
i hit all of these except cute manlet and living in europe, i even have the haircut in that drawing lol

beautyfoundindisarray is my discord
check most of these but aphex twin is not my favorite
discord is radoznalko in eastern europe
What other music do you like? I'm not too big of a fan of electronic stuff, but I fit the rest of your description. Well, I'm not in eastern europe, but I'm eastern european.
Can’t speak for others but my standards aren’t too high, I talked to 2 nice girls within the span of a week or two but both of them ghosted before we even started talking so not much I can do about that. I have everything going for me so I know it’s not my fault. I’ll just go back to Tinder in the next few months or whatever if I don’t find someone here.
I literally just want a fat girl with really big boobs who likes videogames. Go fuck yourselfs
>Nah bro standards.

Haven't found what I'm looking for yet so...
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ideal bf:
(im a 19 yr old girl)
neet loser
interested in weapons
finds politics stupid but will discuss with me
old music and movies
minimal morals
not a slut
not obese
bonus points if ur incel

dc: ejdwkcskx
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>that description of the ideal bf
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Post your @ baes:3
ideal boyfriend:
>taller and stronger than me
>more on the dominant side
>somewhat autistic
>has typical 4chan interests
>speaks perfect english
>has a nice voice
>incel loser (optional)
>spends time with me
>calls me cute
>treats me like a girl and makes me feel comfortable
>won't get mad at me for being emotional and clingy
>doesn't mind my obsessiveness
>wants me to do my best
>gives me advice and guidance on how to become better
>doesn't mind it being long distance at first
>plans on meeting up eventually
>won't be too pushy at first
>won't leave me and wants to stay with me forever
>loves me for me than just something sexual
>wants to comfort me and make me feel special
>shy and autistic shutin neet
>5'5.5"/166cm, 55kg, long dark blonde hair, 6 years hrt, cute? German accent
>typical weeb and 4chan interests
>mostly alone and isolated
>can't seem to connect with most people
>kind of cold and reserved at first
>always tries to be kind
>open to new ideas and perspectives
>very insecure and easily gets embarrassed
>inexperienced virgin
>can't stop thinking about you and talking to you
>wants to spend all day with you
>entirely devoted and subservient towards you
>will love you more than anything else
I suppose I don't have that much to offer and I might be too picky as I don't know how to describe someone I get along with the best I just want something serious and romantic
Add me !

forgot to add my tag
discord: giftigkeit
I feel like I fit most of those things, but I'm in the US so it'd difficult

Okay, please stop adding me if you do not fit my age. Not interested in under 21, sorry.
Im all of them but i cant accept your level of delusion
i dont know why you'd want to date my sister, shes nasty
Not a good artist, but I'll just type it out

>Doesn't sleep around
>Biologically be a woman
>Goth, Emo, or Country
>Maybe a tomboy
>Caring, compassionate, and kind
>A little crazy
>Likes metal
>Okay with living innawoods
>Wants to have kids

>Doesn't really matter to me, they can enjoy doing whatever it is they do

>Be White
>Don't be too fat
>No plastic surgery that drastically changes your look
>Don't be covered in tattoos, but a few are fine

>Ideally West AR, East OK area

I'm 19M, tag is vaeds on disc
>ideal gf:

>cis(while i do find trans women attractive, i want biological kids if we get married)

>4'6 to 6'4

>into good music

> dresses like the normal fashion of like goth, emo, scene, punk, alternative, metal, any of of that fashion style

>will womansplain fashion or other typically female things to me


>into vidya, anime, movies, comics, other nerd shit(not required but is cool)

>will explain her hyperfixations to me

>wants marriage with kids eventually

>i dont care if shes introverted, or extroverted, shy or outgoing, either is good

>into bdsm(not required) (switch preferred, but either is good)


>into bdsm(switch preferred, but either is good)(not required)

>no preferred race

>anywhere from 80lbs to 220lbs

>no leg, arm, torso, ass, back, face, or belly hair.

>i have no preferences to pubic hair, or armpit hair

>i dont really care about like tits and ass, i like it all, skinny ass phat ass, mosquito bites, mommy milkers, its all good.

>age 18 to 22(im 18, i like to keep it within 4 years of my age)
>grew up poor
>a blue collar worker

so a story book character about your political fantasy where the poor did not see what happened to them under communism
I fit most of these and still got ghosted by you 3 sentences in.
Nigga its a tranny.
You certainly have a point, and it's why I never spoke to one before this. I'm not straight however and it's exceptionally rare to find anyone who seems even remotely interested in something meaningful. I'm surprised you're trying to find a real woman here, your requirements are far too wholesome for this cesspit, you'd genuinely have more luck IRL.
I appreciate the description as wholsome, I try to find actual realistic quality in women. I try to find what im looking for irl a lot, I really look everywhere if I'm being honest.
Even better.
and i guess he would have to live in the US. I'm 19F in southeastern US. if you wanna contact me, email me: anon0519@proton.me

Smol and petite (can be chubby, but shorter than me at 5'11)

Interested in arts, and likes to be told what she needs to do for herself in order to please me.

Entirely devout on me loving her as it's all that she can handle after being battered and abused.

I want to be the hero to your story that feels like a monster at first.

Big on dd/LG dynamic.

Wants to be used like a personal cock sleeve with interests in being promoted to full time wife cock holster.

Camming at first if long distance.

I'm also a 12 year veteran with drugs who's been clean for a year now. So I'm very experienced with everything you might be experiencing.

Or I won't. Idc.

Expect me to love you and hate you, but faithfully. I'm only interested in monogamy.

ideal girlfriend:
>biofem, no trans
>any age just legal
>any body type just dont be obese, chubs is fine
>doesnt mind being your partners only friend
>doesnt mind a neet
>into vidya, music, working out, watching documentaries, and other outdoor activities
>wants to get married one day and have children (preferably right away)
>body hair of any kind is fine
>personality type of any kind is also fine
>any religion
>a little crazy

>autistic neet
>incel pheonotype
>into vidya, playing guitar, singing, listening to music, working out, reading, watching documentaries (ww2, war, massive ships, etc.)
>body hair is mostly blonde so you cant really see it to begin with, Im like a golden retriever
>fetishes include: breeding, feet, piss (on me), eating ass, pain aka abusing you or vice versa, forced, dom/sub switch

>not into online only relationships. no point in that. if youre not serious about meeting one day do not add me

discord: neetlife222
don't care where you are we can make it work but looking to actually live together if things hit it off
affectionate, caring, keeps their partner in mind, aware of their own needs as well as their partner's, nice, enjoys cuddles
practical, down to earth, not easily upset, plans ahead
physically preferably at least 5'8 or more, the more body someone has the more there is to love, so big and/or tall is good with me
okay with a partner who spends hours a day writing
must be into kink/bdsm/femdom, see below

6'1, used to be really big, lost a shit ton of weight, now I'm close to my final weight goal, I exercise every day when I can
BDSM enthusiast, lifestyle curious
despite being tall I'm a kittyboy at heart, make me feel small and watch my heart melt
writes erotica professionally (mrwriterfromd), that's the majority of my workload
not an introvert but have nobody to be extroverted with, not opposed to spending all day inside sometimes either
vidya, writing, music, walking, movies, youtube, dancing at home, pub, grub, yub nub
fetishes: gentler femdom, petplay, outercourse, anything to do with control, mommydom talk.
NOT into: pain, degradation, humilitation

username: mrwriterfromd (easy to find)
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i like these threads
Literally me down to a point, but I'm a straight dude
wow very cool bro
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Are you the artist who made these? These are sick
yes i am thank you im glad you enjoyed them
Perfect. No notes. Would hench for. Amen.
This is 90% of women here.
Low bar has been set
When she loves me and she loves me
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30 m us
See the picture
new best friends
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Another classic
In actually the freaky one r u interested
rosebuddy on Discord
Let's salt
No wait I mistook this thread for the other one, nevermind
LOL I fucking love you anon
>>About Me

A little about myself! I am a 23 year old male college student! I am studying engineering and very interested in technology, gaming, and computers! Also big into anime!

>>What I am looking For!

I have a crippling addiction to big booty girls, and I also have a small 4 inch dick. So naturally I love stroking with guys that are much bigger than me! In addition to the typical horny talk, I also just want a friend that I have a genuine connection with online. That is the biggest challenge when it comes to find a gooner pal and I am hoping I can find that 'click' here! Some of my criteria which is pretty loose, preferably someone older than me, and with a bigger cock than me! Someone that can feed porn, ideally big booty porn heh my addiction! And someone comfortable with controlling when I stroke my cock and comfortable with me calling them daddy!

>>Not looking for

I would prefer not to get ghosted, blocked, or any of that, also not looking for findom or that stuff. I also don't typically send pictures of myself right away or jump into a VC without getting to know someone first!

If this interested you please reach out!

>idc ab age, virgin, doesnt do hoe shit, tomboy(plus point for this), idc ab height, not obese(you probably arent if you match with the other criterias)
>likes plants, cooking, doesnt mind walking long distances, running(optional), ever ready for outdoor activities(hiking, forest exploring, cycling, swimming), anime
>idc where you from bc i probably wont meet people from my country that meets the criteria here

>indian 21, virgin, 175 cm, 60kg, uni student, i look like a mix of east asian and indian but more indian
>likes all the stuff in the corresponding section in the para above alongwith electronics, playing my guitar, computer stuff, self sustainability
>smoker, kind of a porn addict, procrastinator, delusions of grandeur, over confident, no moral compass, socially retarded, wannabe bad guy
>ambitious, kind, caring, kind of smart, never drying well of confidence, wagmi someday
>boards: biz, r9k, out, fa

disc: arxngel
this guy shits on the streets
couldn't add
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I've got to make a visual version as well but:
>lives in Europe
>younger than 25
>of healthy physique and psychique
>comfortable in her own body
>can take care of herself and others
>down to earth and likes nature
>affectionate with a healthy libido
>wants to start a family

discord: gromovlad
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Ideal gf:
>super short
>witty and playful (maybe a bit teasing)
>doesn't necessarily share my interests but is nice enough to humor me
>big weeb
>wants to be subordinate to her future husband
>wants a family
>not a troon

discord: ozentherealone
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224lbs 6'4" lifting for a little less than 1.5 years so I got a lot more potential
dc =
My ideal GF:
>Lives in the EU
>Cute and tall
>st4t (straight trans for trans)
>shy and sensitive
>Is nerdy and likes anime
>Will match pfps with me
>is just as much obsessed with me as I am her
>age: 21-30

She probably doesn't exist but if she does she can message me here:
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My ideal GF:

A nice bowl of steaming Rice
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theyre friends now deciding how to best spend their time
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Ideal girlfriend:
>Biologically female
>Ages 18 - 35
>Any race
>Preferably from NYC but I'm ok with you living far away if we click well. I would want us to eventually meet in-person.

>Biologically male
>20 (turning 21 soon)
>From NYC
>Average build with nice proportions
>Brown eyes
>Medium length dark brown hair

My discord:
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repost with da uhhhhhh discord because apparently onmail has a stroke when i try to reply to emails


sorry if you thought i was ignoring you this whole time

tell me about yourself or *(what boxes you ticked)* if you add me, thanks

discord is everythingturnsblue
>i think we need to restrict these threads to just girls posting

I'm a boy and I found a girl through this so I don't think that's the problem
If people actually followed the rules (no long/thirsty/text-only posts) then we wouldn't have problems
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can't come up with a doodle of mine that scratches my itch as close as this random image does, sorry

ideal gf (very seriously wanna take you all the way)
>fellow american (EST is best), bio, 20-25 (honestly though if I have to stickle, I prefer the older)
>nerdy (rambling on about and sharing your interests when you're comfy, whatever it is i'm smitten by your passion, would ideally love a fellow anime/reading/music/game nerd though)
>physically doesn't matter whether you're a short gremlin or a tall queen, otherwise though ideally skinnyfat or slightly thicker/chubby
>playfully affectionate, cuddly

>22M/USA (EST)
>somewhat introverted, bit of a weirdo, weirdo humor
>average height, skinnyfat/bit of a gut (working to trim down and bulk up)
>/m/, /tg/, /a/, /co/, /out/, /vg/, /vp/ lurker
>looking for someone to truly mesh with
>will send random product reveals/finds/my doodles/memes I spot near-daily

did not expect to see an alternate universe clone here, godspeed anon
M 27 French Daddy

Seeking submissive F/Femboy to educate and for a serious relationship.

Total experience.Total submission
- chastity
- torture porn ( no blood )
-choice of outfits
-and more

I'm not looking for a clown. I am a serious person looking for a new slave to exploit.
Send a complete description of yourself ( age, weight, location, gender, questioning + photos to introduce yourself ( your face is not requested)

Kik maitre1101
Discord lestylo.
Adds then unadds? Thinkin its a personal army thing
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me: 32/m/MD
you: kinky, sensitive cuck gf
disc: pos.ses.sive
you okay, anon?
do you want to talk to someone?
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>19m / usa
>incel looking for chud femcel wife
>giga tall, giga skinny, retarded
>cant draw but uhh can i see your boobs :3

>my interests are Dragon Ball, Video Games, Anime, and other weeb stuff
>I like to yap about random things I find on the internet or yap about some of my favorite things like Dragon Ball.

Discord: Coolness987real
i deleted one for being 33 years old and one for adding so many people they couldn't remember me or my post, idk wtf "personal army thing" means lol
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this one looks too retarded heres a better image :3
Db could mean so many things.
Db cooper got away with it.
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>aged <24
>has some autistic interest be it literature or physics
>is fit
>introverted, not neurotic
>>my interests are Dragon Ball
>Db could mean so many things.
yeah its a mystery
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Trying to keep it simple, more so than last thread since that apparently wasn't broad enough lol
chill dude
gotta a lot of dope stories
discord: anonymouslover89
first time using 4chan so idk if I'm doing this right lol
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> me
30 m est, into music the occult and esoteric topics, philosophy and smoking weed. Kinky and sadistic but romantic.
See the picture. If you match at least 3 message me.
My tag is found on the picture
Ideal Gf:
She epic win and she cuddle good
>Female to male transgender (I'm not going to detransition)
>On the younger side (highschool)
>Slightly fat (70kg)
>vaguely ugly
>likes humanities and reads a lot
>Coomer with fucked up fetishes (kidnapping, rape, torture among others)
>Brazilian but speaks fluent English and wants to leave Brazil for college
>Gets attached quickly and is a bit obsessive
>No friends in real life
>Likes webcomics and is trying to make one
>Genuine retard, sub 120iq
>Likes mostly indie queerslop music (like car seat headrest) and plays the bass
>Kissless hugless virgin

Ideal boyfriend
>M or FTM
>Either fat (not obese though) or muscular. Able to physically overpower me
>Obsessive and controlling like me
>Likes humanities also
>Willing to talk to me all day every day
>Fucked up fetishes (as the perpetrator)
>A bit mean to me
>Blackmails me so I can't leave him
>Genuinely cares for me behind it all
>Has few friends
>Willing to talk about politics
>Willing to take a possible relationship into real life eventually

Discord: buraziruargentina
He looks like he's just about to blow his head off with a shotgun
he looks like a californian onions wizard thats going to send me on a quest to find some lesbian porn
still shitty behavior to post his pic out in the open
Ur a good egg
If he cut his hair he would look good with those eyes
sadists tend to come out of the woodwork online, I don't really get it and I don't think it's mentally healthy
Totally. Especially here. Good on you (: wish that kind of good nature could extend here more, it's the best place to find people to talk to on the Internet but it's also sadly filled with the worst people on the Internet
shut the fuck up you braindead room temperature iq normalniggers, the guy is himself a self-described "sadist" who larps as a psychopath who wants to sexually abuse people
Exhibit A
didn't see
>about yourself
Tall, fit, brown, not overly serious, very little body hair, and educated
>looking for
A girl who enjoys cheating whether it's cuckold or not, it doesn't matter. We can talk about anything!
>not looking for
Cucks with gfs, I am not a bull nor am I interested to be.
Kik Lygekido
You really don't have to walk down your comments to that worthless pos, they don't matter. The point still stands
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20f, living in Germany
broke online college student (business psychology)
150cm short, small boobs, semi-ugly face, kardashian ass
atheist but dabbled in satanism
dark brown hair and almost black eyes, very pale
speaks 5 languages: English, French, German, Serbian, Croatian
loves gaming, anime, digital art, youtubing, reading, rollercoasters, composing songs, listening to music, maybe fishing and darts

Ideal partner:
blonde with blue eyes
not disabled or incurably sick
doesn't want or have kids
not schizo/conspiracy theorist
not super religious
not a cheater
likes games and anime
from EU preferably Germany
20-40 years old, preferably 25
texts at least once a day
doesn't mind e-dating a broke college student
has discord
wants something long term or marriage
Lets chat
Yayy :3 I screenshotted it, will add you on alt as soon as I wake up tomorrow. Goodnight cutie <3
M 27 French Daddy

Seeking submissive F/Femboy to educate and relation

Total experience.Total submission
- chastity
- torture porn ( no blood )
-choice of outfits
-and more

I'm not looking for a clown. I am a serious person looking for a new slave to exploit.
Send a complete description of yourself ( age, weight, location, gender, questioning + photos to introduce yourself ( your face is not requested)

Kik maitre1101
Discord lestylo.
Added you
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I am 21f in nyc

My ideal bf is a midwestern guy who posts in innawoods threads (they would make me super horny idk). He is very knowledgeable about his hobbies and he is very sweet to me. He is a generally reserved guy, just likes to shoot guns and cuddle with me.
He makes me a coonskin cap as a gift (I really want one). His family is a little racist but they come around to me and they love me.
>they come around to me
Lol nigger
come bring ur cute nigger ass over here to my shed. I aint innawoods, I'm innashed

Jokes aside, cute.
you're some agp pedo, no thanks. I was describing a normal boy.
Any outdoor enthusiast seems to be far from the "normal" these days, a shame!
Your future boyfriend will be racist too, and you will have to warm his heart before he accepts your melanin. A greater shame; Unless proving your worth is an ideal future to you.
The fuck are you on about?
So ideals being ideals, how important is what on the list?
I fit almost all of these except I got short/medium hair, am somewhat chubby and don't go to the gym.
Deal breakers are: wanting/having kids, being disabled or incurably sick, and being schizo/junkie/smoker.
Blonde with blue eyes is preferred otherwise you're competing with 6 ppl and will probably lose lol.
Age is more of a soft limit cos it doesn't really matter if you're 41, but I have to draw a line somewhere cos I don't wanna look like a sugar baby or watch someone die of old age in 5 years x.x
Doesn't really matter if you're from EU but it sure makes timezones and later living together a shit ton easier. If you're willing to move to EU one day or are from Canada/the UK I'll consider it.
Idc about height, weight, income or d*ck size.
We don't need to have similar hobbies, just don't make a six pack your whole personality.
Also I befriend anybody.
radoznalko, from balkans
You forget to swap your ID back or are you retarded?
Added you lol
Srb ili hrvat?
I'm not retarded.
Wdym by swap my ID back? I only got a passport anyway lol
not posting location or pic or contact and you can't make me
>compassionate, understanding, loyal, bleeding heart, ichiban kasuga irl
>hugs me alot
>not misogynist, not conservative
>has interests he can talk about in depth, I'll listen to his unmade video essays as long as he isn't doing another plot summery and has something unique and of value to say
>willing to go sexless for a long time until we establish a proper connection, but afterwards consider doing stuff like power exchange and role playing as a dom, eventually trying out TPE
>wont ever leave me
>doesn't want me to be under 20 bmi, but encourages us to exercise together If I gain too much weight
>deep voice, big hands/long fingers
>eventually family and kids
>age 22-40
I like your post but my post might have come off as too aggressive and scared you off. Oh well.
aggressive in what respect
Here's my post for reference BTW in case IDs are hard to track. >>33029794

It's that your post said things like:
>compassionate, understanding, loyal, bleeding heart
>doesn't want me to be under 20 bmi

My post had a bunch of "can't" and "not" in it and could have a generally abrasive tone overall.

Anyway, what I'm hoping you'll say is something like "no you didn't scare me off", because like I said, I like your post and hope you'd be interested in talking more.
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Full disclosure, I am a gay dude. These guys are surprisingly hard to find because they never leave the house.
I read your post it's not really as aggressive as you think, just the weight part and the girly girl part isn't me
good luck with the girl you want tho
you must not be living in the US then
Really? Damn that's pretty nice.
Yeah at least once a year someone will come in and announce their marriage or engagement in this thread.
Im not sentimental so i dont save those posts but maybe i should.
Someone should desu. I come here every once in a while just lurking haha dying alone but it's really nice to hear people are finding happiness together through this website, this board, this thread.
Well you never know if you dont try. Im still talking to people from the first few threads i put up from years ago. Even if you dont find love you can find long lasting friendships.
>26 M USA

> Bio Female between 20 and 29
> Patient, caring, strong, understanding
> Not vegan or a zealous vegetarian
> Likes games, books, stories, thrifting, DIY, gym going, and camping
> smaller than me so I can be big protector man
> Doesn't want a penthouse or Bugatti
> Wants a family in the future
> Wants to be a stay at home mother for said family

TL;DR think warpriest support to the frontline fighter (cringe way to put it I know). That back line support that keeps the flanks clear and drops healing when the front gets low.
Someone to cover my blind spots and tag team with in the cage match of life. Shoot your shot because hey; the worst I can do is be a bit odd and cause you to ghost me and then
we never talk again right?

List is optimal, so if you're even half close then go for it. I don't want perfect, I want someone who wants me (and in a way, wants we).

This is so specific to me that I'm not entirely sure a biological female could type it, but add me anyway.
Disc: jmb1908
>am somewhat chubby and don't go to the gym
perfect reason to start going and get in shape/healthier
but given the no kids dealbreaker in your post, i don't think we'll match. I am curious about the reason for it though
I just don't wanna be in pain, get even more fat, risk complications, waste money or god forbid change diapers (the horror!). Also no one talks about this but humans breathing and waste is a huge source of CO2/pollution that will make the earth unhabitable for us if the 12 billion mark is hit.
But ye I don't think you'd like me cos I only run when I'm chased and will likely never change unless VRMMOs become a mainstream thing XD
i don't know if we'd hit it off, but how about a chat on discord, should be a better place for convo. thetoasterman
forgot to tag >>33066698
Are you actually looking for someone or just posting for fun?
I don't think I'm a perfect fit but I may be close enough to what you're describing.

I can drop my contact if you're interested in talking at all.
I'm not really sure myself, want to see your ideals too.
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Please talk to me about yourself and drop contact.
That's fair although I don't really have any specific type of person in my mind as an ideal partner so it's hard to specify.
Well, it may be a bit bizarre description but my dream is a husband (female).
Essentially a more dominant partner that enjoys being in charge in more affectionate way.
Personally I always dreamed of househusband type of life, since for some reason the idea of making a proper home for someone and cooking for them and trying to make them as at home as possible really lovely. (also taking care of family but I won't lie I am a bit scared of such prospect simply because I don't think I'd be good at raising someone)
Though, the thing is that I feel like that stuff may be inherently unrealistic sadly.

But I don't really have any specific dream partner besides just someone I feel like I can be of use to and provided with just basic affection in return.
But I really enjoy art and also having someone to talk about it in more detail would be lovely.
And also someone that won't ghost me I guess.

Well, if you are interested in talking further despite this bizarre nonsense rant, here's my Discord: hatter10i6
the problem with stay at home part is I'm years away from that level of financial stability if I ever actually reach it. I'm also a sub I want my partner to be dominant, maybe I phrased my original post wrong but now I hope it's clear.
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expanded, revised, and combined my posts
hai do you like the singer laufey?
Oh I don't expect the stay at home thing being reality, it's a dream but I know it's unrealistic.
Anyway, sorry for the bother then.
Why specifically 20 bmi?
there was a period of my life where I pushed myself to be around 18 and it made me sick and gave me insane hairfall, my bmi sits around 22-23 and I do not want to attempt it again.
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Hi, I think I meet the smart qualification because I graduated top of my class in college and have law schools constantly emailing me about scholarships. As for the masculine trait, I guess I can say that I'm lifting and growing a beard. You can find my tag and interests here >>33054418. Your self-description of being arrogant and difficult sounds good to me.
pls do not add me/stop adding me if you cannot even do the bare minimum and tell me about yourselves/what parts apply lol thanks!!!! ffuck
You sound wonderful. I’m surprised there aren’t a million guys dropping their contact.

I’m not like the video game meme man and I don’t act like an over the top compassionate nice guy. I generally just quietly do the right thing because it’s the right thing but don’t draw attention to it. Otherwise, I fit well enough. One more concern is that I would want to know where you’re located eventually because I don’t want to do online only.

If that all sounds ok to you, my discord is throwstonk.
I don't have discord, and the location is an issue other than privacy that's why I didn't post it. it's gonna be long distance probably for years, so it's only natural not many people are interested. I'd like to know about your own ideals too, and if you have one a proton mail address.
My ideal comes down to the possibly delusional Disney fairytale happily ever after. I want a girl who loves me with all her heart. This would have to go both ways of course. I want a girl who’s worth loving that hard because I’m not a fool or a simp and I’m not going to get that invested unless she feels the same way back. I do have to admit that looks do matter as well and your post made it seem like you don’t like your own looks but I’m sure you’re cute.

Since you wanted to email, it might be easier to say more and be more detailed there if you have specific questions. My proton is creditcardchurnchess@proton.me.
Did you make a typo?
Hey I fit most of these except the big hands part lol
fuck it i’ll try this
about me:
>brown hair
>average weight i’d say (around 130 lbs)
>weeb (into anime such as Madoka Magica, Steins;Gate, The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya, Clannad, Higurashi, and Welcome To The NHK)
>into lots of music but especially emo post-hardcore, witch house, myspace era scene music, and breakcore/lolicore
>i want to go to school for web design some time in the future but i’m currently working
ideal gf:
>girl (duh)
>18 - 25
>chubby or fat
>relatively more outgoing than me to help me out of my shell
>open minded about music and passionate about music
>likes to be lewd
>nature lover
>dominant but not sadistic
obviously this is just an ideal but if we get along, we get along :)
my discord is lolifloofer
Im used to people with metal illnesses i have had them around me all my life. Untreated ADHD, treated (badly) depression. Just had to look this up but im an aries. Deffo a cat person but always seem to take care of dogs. Currently working on another book of mine that will never have an end.
My only disorder is constantly having breakdowns, my IQ is high enough to make me an almost certain dead end just by pondering humanity, I am a writer and amateur poet, I like avant-garde cinema but no hollywood slop. I have 10 adopted cats (I live with other people) and I like to babble a lot about my views.

I'm 5'8, pale white with straight hair black hair and deep black eyes and emo/alt style (but no piercings) people have described me as looking exactly like an anime character.

discord: hurtbytheworld

As a sarcastic hypersexual melancholy-prone but optimistic scorpio stoner who spends my free time reading, writing my own book, gaming and listening to music every day, and who appreciates what it sounds like you're about... I feel obligated to give this a response and drop contact to see what might happen.

afiko_. is my discord

Also I love cats.
> Design YOUR ideal partner!
Dumazz Ho
This many simp replies for a post in the wrong damn thread. BAKA
Are you still around?
What kind of physical illnesses are you prone to?
I am not smart enough to fill out the templet but here is my ideal bf
>biologically male
>edgy humor but not an asshole
>dark hair color
>loves music, shoegaze, emo, punk, nu-metal
>a little mean to me but doesn't ever ignore me
>tattoos and piercings
>engaging conversation
>not required but a plus - long hair

abt me

there is a lot more to know about me and what I like so if you are interested drop your contact!
also say a little bit about yourself please
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You know that episode of spongebob where he has bad breath and goes to a theater and the fish guy says hes fine with spongebob sitting next to him but spongebob talks and the fish guy has that strong reaction after his eyebrows burn off? Pic rel thats me when i read your image and see the anime character you use to describe yourself at 32
Do you think we would be potentially compatible?
Here's my post: >>33029794

And I'll answer yours.

>biologically male
>edgy humor but not an asshole
That's subjective but I linked my post so I'm curious if you think it's just edgy or if I'm a straight up asshole.
Early 30s
>dark hair color
>loves music, shoegaze, emo, punk, nu-metal
I like most music that isn't rap or country but man shoegaze was boring when I tried listening to it.
>a little mean to me but doesn't ever ignore me
You can be mean back too if you want. Banter is nice.
220lbs, starting to get a little fluffy but I still have definition in my abs. The plan is to gain another 30lbs-40lbs.
>tattoos and piercings
>engaging conversation
Being able to vibe with the other person and be comfortable just being around each other naturally is a big deal.
>not required but a plus - long hair
not at all boy... DEAUGHUGHUH

Fuck your rules.

Chronic pain.
username doesn't work.
Man dynamic ips suck ass.
6'2, 200lbs, 8"
Longer than most mens hair (brown), green eyes and farmers tan skin
Depression and ADHD.
Aloof, witty and sarcastic
Not that hypersexual because of meds but I have my days.
INTJ and bombastic when I feel like it.
Just got back into cimena after going cold turkey after watching the worst film I've ever seen. Watch quite a bit of tv but my list is ever growing of things I need to watch. I wrote a single book but never published it because I didn't think it was good enough.
I like all animals. Currently house sitting with 3 cats and a dog.
God dammit forgot my discord.
Hey I think we'd get along. I make music for fun (though I never show it to anybody lol). I like good cinema as well and have a cat and some chickens. Add me for more
Discord: gregoles
M 26 I check most of these boxes, snap is captinburnan, kik is alanburnan
skilled with power tools
can strip and reassemble a rifle blindfolded
willing to meet on a quarterly basis for a few hours (monthly if things go well)
no interest in sex
has never been fingerprinted or provided a blood sample
above average hearing
has consumed at least three animals native to every continent
good call anon, from now on i will only use mature characters from mature series to represent myself
Ok thats based i hope to see a donovan in your next post
Disc: feel3193

I'm your lovable Italian neighbor :)

Disc: feel3193
I'll shoot my shot :)

5'10 white skater with black hair and hazel green eyes. Depressed savant with psychotic episodes. Confident, simultaneously hot and cold, with dry and ironic humour. Avid reader, poetry writer, push-up king. Also hypersexual, and if you beg hard enough I'll even show you my big dick. I'll drop my tag if you're interested.
Disc - sdaulton5
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please drop your disc if you are interested. i am 19, brown, born fem (nb). this is silly lol
I've been summoned!

this guy is a coomer who adds every female on soc
>light hair or brown hair
>not obese
>not too short
>doesn't have any personality disorders
>doesn't watch porn
>not a homosexual
>doesn't like social media
>pretty strong (can protect me)
>will provide for me
>has traditional values
>wants to build a family

he doesn't exist btw
Discord is absolutecertainty
Ideal gf:
>Wants to spend time with me
>Sometimes she's rude
>Plays wants to do stuff together even if we are away(vydia, watching shows)
>Has some ambitions
>Wants to be loved

>Will dedicate myself to you and give you space when you need it
>Can move, I've ambitions and I'm moving up in life
>A bit sadistic, dom although sometimes I will expect you to be aggressive
>Getting fit, I'm in my perfect weight and now I've been building muscle
>Likes vydia, old movies, shows
>Willing to move to NA or Canada if we end up caring about each other.

discord: molinosyolivos
Hello dumbass, here is my tag, add me please and thank you.
Ideal gf:
>under 30
>no kids but open to kids in the future
>open to marriage
>the lower the body count the better
>average or slim body
>bonus points for dark hair and/or eyes
> not a feminist or communist

>kind but assertive
>starting new career
>introverted but outgoing
>believes in equal rights and the safety net
He most certainly does exist
me but not high earning yet to be a provider
Then it's not you is it?
Are you still around, anon?
You sound chill and I fit many of your ideal points, though I am not currently looking for a girlfriend, but we could still be friends
Sure what's your discord tag? :3

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Ideal GF (pic related)
>Bio Fem
>Loves animals
>Wants & loves children
>Likes Vidya
>Southern US
>Will let me cook and dote on her

>White Male 5'10'
>Not n33t (been working since age 16)
>Non-Virgin (Only 1 lover, an ex-fiancée of 8 yrs)
>I love to work, cook and workout!
>I'm an extrovert but also love staying in and relaxing one on one
>I have a snake, dogs and cats
>Will not let you kill spiders, we'll relocate 'em

Discord : EpicEIF
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i believe that opposites attract each other, so even if the following
description does not fully appeal to you, feel free to hmu anyways

>can keep a conversation going

>enjoys occasional banter against each other

>has an at least slight interest in history and geography

>tolerates weed

>can be obsessed, clingy and even jealous


>enjoys watching tv shows, and discussing them

>plays (or would play) strategy games like eu4

>has humor

>likes to travel

>likes learning new things



>biological woman

>not overweight


>enjoys to sometimes wear dress or skirt

>shorter and younger than me (im 187cm and 22)

>hair color is mostly irrelevant although i slightly prefer black

>doesnt wear one kilo of makeup


>resides in germany or one of its neighboring countries (preferrably the netherlands or france)

>my tags
hieronymus21 (discord)
hieronymus_21 (snapchat)
Ideal (biological) gf
>very light brown (mexican)
>pc gamer (loves fps games)
>loves subway
>thinks shes ugly and unworthy but is attractive and worth it
>has cute voice
>can be clingy
>great communicator
>not an attention whore (or actual whore)
kill yourself
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disc: kiaser
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26 / F / Domme / UK

Looking for a determined kinky submissive nerd guy that willing to fully commit into long term ownership basis online or IRL.
introduce yourself and send SFW pic if you want to get replied CHEERS !

KIK : ExclusiveChanell

SNAP : Itsjantifff
I have experience in mental illnesses but I'm fully functional. I'm masculine enough to make jokes about my own sexuality and other comforts and be nice to everyone around me. I read just about anything, currently watching Suits, I like to play some games (mostly Ultrakill), used to be a stoner and can roll for you if you'd ask, and I'd love it if we watch al kinds of movies together. I'm also a working class artist so I'm sadly not well off, but I manage. I'm very left wing, progressive, living in London, 30 years old and visit this board like once a month.

rosybuddy on Discord
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19 m in scotland for my studies
would be nice if i had a dominant gf
discord megaz1_
I know I won't find the guy here but the exercise of specifying what you want is good and fun

>Ideal boyfriend
In his 20s
Not ashamed of being gay or bi. NOT fem presenting, but can be fem acting (it's not the same)
Handsome face in a way I can't quite describe. Strong nose, melancholic eyes, cute smile
Not obese. Chubby men are fine
Leftist or anarchist, ecologist, anti racist, knows some philosophy, generally smart and competent. Good with people. Not needy, can solve his own problems, but clearly affectionate
Not necessarily rich but good with money
Isn't a heartless succubus who will treat me like a dildo. He will communicate and build intimacy with me. Cuddles a lot. Schedules quality time with me
Big thick dick and/or big thick ass
Thick juicy hairy legs and big feet
Must be an atheist
Absurdist zoomer humor. Or not, but he should be funny
Talks a lot, very enthusiastic, but also likes peace and quiet
Sexually versatile but mostly bottom. Possibly into BDSM (I'm not experienced tho)
Like, we should have crazy sexual chemistry

Ideally he lives in my hometown in Colombia, but I'm okay with moving to another city country or continent to fuck a hot foreigner. I want to eventually get out of here anyways. I'm a bit skeptic about e-dating but we could try

Graduated as software engineer, unemployed but looking for jobs
183cm tall. Thin but recently started working out. Allegedly hot
Nerd with glasses, most probably autistic
Likes comics, didn't play videogames or watch anime as a kid and am now getting into it
Can be kind and funny but get overwhelmed with people. Finding it hard to sustain friendships. Still a bit traumatized by school bullying, but powering through it
Good at cooking
I get very touchy sometimes
Thick uncut dick, 16cm long
Don't want kids unless I can raise them with a man who will be a good father

Hey you know what I'm also down for nudes trading and talking shit

lastfm: aforementioncd
discord: homosvperior
I don't feel like using the image prompt, but the idea is all the same so here goes...

-27, Female, Midwest US
-Hobbies/Interests: Anime/gaming, art, history, sciences, politics (moderate but conservative leaning), nature, culture, travel, metaphysics and spirituality.
-Caring, intelligent, well-rounded, observant, independent, full of curiosity and wanderlust.
-Slightly chubby but with a good curvy shape, very pale, long (dyed) black hair with bangs, blue eyes, tattoos.

>Ideal BF:
-21 or above but no older than 35
-Chubby is fine but not obese.
-Someone able to discuss a wide variety of topics and who doesn't make like one or two things their ENTIRE personality.
-On the clingy/possessive side.
-IMPORTANT: ready and willing to have kids in a few years at most ideally! Be stable and independent because I want to be a mother but not YOUR mother.
-I am actually into more androgynous or feminine men - guys who are more masculine are admittedly intimidating to me for various reasons.

>One night stands, cam sex, basically anything horny right out the gate is unacceptable, I don't play that game. If you watch porn frequently that's going to be a hard no for me as well. If you're unhygienic that's an ick for me as well - brush teeth, shave, bathe, please for the love of all that is good. Other stuff you can bring to my attention and it can either be negotiable or not, we'll see.

> Discord: .golden_hummingbird.
Please use some semblance of grammar, and no walls of text as that will almost assuredly cause me to block you.

If we don't get along don't be upset if I un-add, it's just the nature of these kinds of things, really.
idk if anyone see this
>interested in my interests (same music taste, same games)
>interested in same romantic fantasies
thats like it tho
im a personalitymaxxer
Uhhh, people probably need a bit more info: both of you and of what you want. It'll probably help more people see and respond.
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this is retarded
mainly workout and vidya when I'm not at police academy, but i do some other stuff too, occasional drinker but no drugs, dont care if you do as long as its nothing hard
5'10 150lb
white, dirty blond hair closer to brown then blond
men/trannys/extreme liberals need not apply
kik: aanon805
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female eighteen >_<

add me I guess if you look like the image
discord lexiamwa
nah itll be fine im kind of just meant to be chucking out a fishing rod into a lake with no fish anyways
So why post in the first place?
>im a personalitymaxxer
>has no personality
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i look like look like picrel but its close enough i think
my user is saehvn btww
This shithole of a board finally died huh? Guess I'll make a final post in here before fucking off for good.

I am:
>6'5", fit, pale, long brown hair, blue eyes, extremely massive cock
>Passionate, lots of interests between tech, the arts, lifting, etc. Hyperfixates on hobbies like no other, consumer of information
>Either very straightforward or very sarcastic. Doesn't like small talk, don't take myself or others too seriously
>Perfectionist, always trying to be the best at something, know everything about it, etc
>Never go out, don't like socializing for the sake of it
>Friendly but doesn't open up to most people. Gets along well with almost anyone but doesn't particularly like many
>Very high sex drive, kinky, lover of rough sex

My ideal is:
>Biological female
>20+, closer to my age the better
>Any height, any race. Skinny or fit. Not interested in chubby or fat whatsoever.
>Doesn't live with parents, has a job and/or relevant life experience
>NOT a "tradwife" or otherwise stay at home useless fucker
>Passionate, similar interests, nerdy in general
>Funny, sarcastic, will not bore me to death
>Honest, straightforward, will call me out on my shit
>Kinky, high sex drive. Wants to be my bitch in the bedroom and world conquering partner outside of it. Loves huge dick and sucking cock

I know where I'm posting this and it's all impossible, but yea. My discord is whythehellamipostinghere
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>about *me*

I have a dog and if you ask nicely I will let you see them or the various cats that exist around my house since winter ended

>Discord: catthergascoigne
no harm done
Well I do, but not really gonna drop it here
I don't really wanna type it all out
It's not deep buddy I'm not lonely enough to do it yet
Ha! They always do say "a bad day of fishing is better than a good day in the office."

Why not?
Also you can explain what the hell a "personalitymaxxer" is supposed to even be. Like how does that work?
What is your taste in music like? That's important to me, too.
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There's a period at the beginning of my discord, in the event you have trouble adding me. I hope all you other lovesick goobers find what you're looking for!
ideal bf:
>male, 20-35
>skinny or fit
>kind, chivalrous, respectful
>has diverse interests
>good career or career outlook
>wants partner that works and has a good career to support vice-versa
>likes guns
>mentally well
>not addicted to porn

>bio female
>tall, 5'11
>into more traditionally male interests like guns
>a little bossy but in a good way
>blunt but honest

discord: miss__thang_
>i'mma gay guy,
>I like to talk about anything, I like to argue too
>I am affectionate, jealous and attached. silly sense of humor
>normal body,

ideal bf
>any age older than me
>be faithful like me
>I hope we can do things together, even virtually until we meet

disc: idkwim1212
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disc: idiosmth
This person added me, I asked them to introduce themselves, then they removed me. According to the archives they do this regularly, so I'm just adding to the warnings.
Ideal bf:
>23 years old or older
>has a degree or did something at as productive instead of getting one
>has (((intellectual))) interests but doesn't take himself too seriously
>NOT autistic
>strong and not fat
>thinks he's better than everyone
>used a semi-auto at least once
>knows things are bad but not ready to go down without a fight
>can teach me new things and likes to explain stuff
>not a neet
>has some big plans

Sorry for the retarded wording I'm very tired (usually not like this I promise)
I fit nearly all of these add me on discord dreed1776
Nice quads.

Check to everything except the guns.

Here's my post, do you think we would be potentially compatible? >>33029794
You want a nazi who isn't openly racist.
my wife.......
The "Reply to Thread No.33028888" got me mixed up. It's been a long day.
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>likes to explain stuff
Add me so that I can explain the lore of my favorite show over the course of multiple weeks.

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join truecord for a new femcel/loner/singles/femboy/tranny/austismo/schizo/bpd/gamer/neet/goth/alt/emo/music server!!

we have reaction roles and everything set up and need good mods!!

literally me except the strong part but i need to go back to the gym anyway
truucord is a brand new server that is growing rapidly and anyone is welcome!! there is very few rules!! femcel/femboy/loner/single/incel/volcel/tranny/austismo/schizo/bpd/gamer/neet/goth/alt/emo people are all welcome! we love to chat about music n movies!! join!!

we have reaction roles set up to express urself properly and are in need of good mods!!

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Just looking for a relatively stable black qt to play video games and do lewd things with.

Discord: rnsam349
the heck, i did not expect to see myself in these
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dropped pic hehe
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> 23+ straight male
> uses /lit/
> well read
> doesn't want kids
> closet weeb
> relatively fit
> not schizo
> autistic/adhd
> but not a poltard
> esoteric online music taste
> playful yet stern
> likes coding (optional)
> long hair (it's a plus)
> maybe works in STEM or academia

> basically, what I described above
> 26 F - not white
> southeast USA
> will dote on you
> wants to shitpost, read literature, banter, listen to your rambling, comfort you, dissociate together
> pseudo intellectual
> semi-normie (likely on the spectrum)
> spergy and hyper if I warm up to you (sorry)
> decorates her bookshelf with Hatsune Miku figures

I really need someone to bully me to read right now. I'm burnt out from grad school.
>I really need someone to bully me to read right now. I'm burnt out from grad school.

Quit being a monkey and read the Alex Verus series.
Was it you or me who made this post?

Don't ask your coworkers about factory farms and ethics lol
I think you're mistaking me for someone else?
aloerosie on discord, add me for oceanside healing
Fit everything you said, in graduate school rn studying ecology in the southeast US too. Discord is ecologyanon
Fit nearly everything! Graduated software engineering student. Kik: jtcc2016
Sorry, misspelled
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> older than 20 (I'm 21)
> reads and writes, willing to exchange journal entries / vague poetry inspired by events from their everyday life, digital penpals basically
> STEM related interests, history, philosophy, or anything else they actually enjoy and have strong opinions on
> creates art in some way shape or form (music, writing, drawing, etc)
> strong character, strong beliefs, strong aspirations
> existing entertainment interests (we don't have to completely align)
> no real preferences in terms of looks, just take care of yourself and be healthy, nothing more
> hold ideas important to them, constantly rethink their opinions and are willing to change if they're proven wrong
> has mental health issues like all of us do, but is genuinely willing to attempt to solve them
> knows internet culture but not chronically online
> music taste reflects personal struggles... or its just music they enjoy
> not looking for a yes man
> is in education or work, STEM preferably
> prideful but modest, to a rational degree
> seeks authenticity in her life, wants to live according to her own ideals

> basically what I described above
> european, white, healthy, tall, fit build (if you even care)
> honest, straightforward, good conversationalist
> shitpost exchanhing, literature, banter, mutual rambling, comfort, dissociation
> midwit intellectual
> can act normie somewhat well
> willing to devote significant attention if we get along
> in education, STEM bachelor
> willing to die for the things I believe in and the people I care for

If distance is too great, I'd love to be friends and exchange words anyway

discord : say_sahlo_folina
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I match every single description, even creating art. But 21, a bachelor's student, would feel almost exploitative from my end :(
Based on your posts I think we'd get along very well. I would tell you to add me, but honestly I'm not into /lit/ at all and feel you'd find that difference a dealbreaker. We're exactly alike otherwise, feel free to message me or not. My post is further up, same ID. Good luck regardless
Says you're not accepting friend requests?

I basically copy-pasted your post format and rewrote it, it's quite obvious now that I look at it tbf, sorry

Age gap disparity, understandable.

If you feel that you match the stated description, I'd still be fine with getting to know eachother as friends. I'm currently on break from university duties so I have more free time than usual. If you don't feel like it, again, understandable.

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>tall asf (pushing 6'3")
>skinny asf (help)
>reformed NEET, probably the only reason I'm on here still
>genki hyper super over the top or stoic man, your choice. I'm acting either way!
>hobbies are pretty much all art and music related, not even going to count gaming since I hardly do it anymore. So I draw, paint, sculpt, etc. I play guitar/piano well. Just a pile of NEET timekillers desu.
>still chasing the high I got walking home from school with the alt girl, pic related
Describing myself is just me being hopeful, since I am REALLY feeling that strong urge to settle down, femanons around my age should know what I mean.
Really though I'd just like to know my ideal gf still exists. It's good hopium.

discord: misakilive
I'm exactly the girl described in your post but too far away. Good luck though!
I kinda nail this one not gonna lie. flys55 on disc
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>thinks he's better than everyone
I'm not that conceited, but I do have a high opinion of myself. Otherwise I fit the points.

If I fit everything you wanted and you fit everything I wanted, surely we should try anyway despite the distance?

I actually talked about this exact situation in my post:
>Being nearby is important but if a girl is 100% what I want, I suppose I could make it work regardless of distance.

I'll go ahead and drop my discord but feel free to not add if you disagree about the trying anyway.

>I'm not into /lit/ at all and feel you'd find that difference a dealbreaker.
At the moment, I'm mainly looking for a reading partner >>33092322 over a boyfriend. Although I do think we'd probably banter well, however, romantically, I'm quite sexually reserved (Islamic upbringing), and I wouldn't meet your expectations.

>copy-pasted your post format and rewrote it, it's quite obvious now that I look at it tbf, sorry
I definitely noticed, but I took it as flattery. I might add you later as a reading accountability partner.

I added you :) I looked you up in the archive haha. I also really love nature and wildlife, although I've never really done outdoorsy stuff. I usually just fantasize about it while watching people build terrariums and camp on youtube. I use /an/ a lot too
How do american muslims feel about femdom anus worship? Its not sex under any definition so you could still be reserved while getting your puckered caramel sphincter licked clean. I might throw my hat in the ring, depending on your response.
I'm not reserved due to Islamic beliefs, nor am I currently Islamic or against sex (I'm just inexperienced and more or less disinterested). I mainly meant I had a sheltered upbringing and maintained those values to a degree. What you described is vile to me, personally. Much more vile than standard intimacy (which I'm fine with). You can enjoy whatever you want, however.
Thank you for being open minded at least!
What a fucking cunt you are
>Age 24+
>Kind, caring, nurturing, loyal, dependable
>Fucked up sense of humor but otherwise pretty normal
>Can file taxes, is good with paperwork and managing finances
>Cute face, race body type etc. does not matter
>Not political, or at least doesn't buy into the left/right dichotomy
>Is spiritual or religious in some way, not an atheist
>Eclectic taste in music, will listen to anything from country to classical
>Has a good relationship with nature
>Wants kids
>Wants a big house with a big yard
>Isn't afraid to get her hands dirty with gardening and raising livestock
>Not addicted to social media/screens
>Doesn't use 4chan or Discord regularly, is here to meet someone and GTFO
>Anime and video games aren't a huge part of their personality
>Can explain science and technology to me in a non-condescending way (I am dumb)
I'm realizing most of these describe me too but this isn't the thread for that. Am man, age 30.
are you still around?
If you are still around, feel free to add legrandsimon
Excuse me? What's wrong with my post?
Added :3
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...one day.... one day
I'm not even going to pretend this is me, but it is pretty close to the man I aspire to be. Good luck and thanks for the inspiration
This is me through and through (ecept the psychic part) but i know for a fact you arent anywhere near me :(
im in california :P
Im in aus
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that's basically me with a pussy
That's pretty much me, but it's mostly negative stuff so not sure how much it counts.
i guess we'll find out

discord: winetower
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I just made a self-image because I have no idea what I want in life. ;_;

Discord: emo_gf
>Ideal GF
>Nerdy "frumpy" gamer girl that dresses baggy
>Cute aesthetic
>Smokes weed or takes edibles occasionally
>Degenerate "loser"
>Hyperactive sex drive/slut behind closed doors that likes a commanding Dom
>Ambitious with a bit of inner child/wants to do things they never got to do as a kid etc
>Likes to read
>Loves to laugh
>Isn't afraid to be goofy
>Likes anime etc
>Likes hanging out late and vibing/playing games and watching shows and chatting
>Ok with long distance if we're not close
Kik: SpicyCherriBoi

We can swap to another platform if it works better for you just hit me up there first.
Wow me
Unironically a combo of these
Except I'm too boring to be critcher, too schizo to be good girl
And my ass is flat baka
Rip what mental illness is this
Can I use this to show to a psychiatrist pls my own explanations don't do it justice
My ideal gf is just my current gf except she cares about me as much as I care about her
God i fucking miss her so much i hate myself
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If this is you, my disc is primalinfractionx I'm a total catch, I promise
Not the person you were talking to but I’m interested
Not the person you responded to but im interested
Ok are you like the guy I responded to
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M 1 8

D S C/ I N/ N A M E
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add me vya45 on discord
Yeah probably. Who did you respond to?

This guy >>33075680
Not the guy you responded to but im a lot like that guy
Drop contact?
Not that anon but im a lot like the anon who was like the anon you were interested in. Do you want my contact?
Someone just drop a contact if you’re like that anon this is going on for too long ;;
Not the anon you replied to but do you really want anyones contact?
I enjoy walking my dogs and taking care of them. I like video games, anime and fishing.
Looking for a few frens to game with and talk too.
I'm open to everyone, just don't be crazy and we should be good.
gf must be irish
lmfao I love this exchange. First time /soc/ has been funny in the last fucking decade. Anyways I'm like that anon but I probably have a bigger cock. Disc is whythehellamipostinghere

I only like girls, sorry boys
THANK YOU! Added :)
thats me but I'm not into gore/rekt
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You can probably find a few of those in your towns sex offender registry
If I could hold someone's hand just once, and feel like they wanted mine as badly as I theirs, and that I'd never know or speak to them again for as long as I lived, then I might be satisfied for the rest of my life. The memory of warmth would warm me for the rest of my short life.
I think that way too sometimes but you would go back to feeling miserable in a week.
Almost certainly.
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I'm something of an artist myself
Couldn't find a way to fit that in, besides yippie creature is more of an accurate depiction of myself than I could ever give

Disc - faesi
>biological kids
This level of retardation.
what would be a "non biological kid"?
You need to get out of the gene pool for the greater good of humanity.
probably a kid that you adopt, you fucking retard
where are you located?
I'm so glad I finally found someone who's actually accepting of someone without arms.

Would you mind getting in touch with me?
Meant for

typing without arms can get finnicky.
I cant tell if joking or not but the template I used doesnt have arms. I'm from Michigan
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Not a pic of my ideal gf but that's me.
>Ideal gf/bf
Anyone who isn't a boring asshole, someone who wants to take things seriously and is kind of like me. (Autistic/Nerdy/Kinky/)
I'm okay with ldr, just know I'm in the UK and timezones might be fucky, I'll ideally want to move with someone out of this country, so I have no issues moving if we make things work.
Honestly just want someone who's sweet, I'm very loving, and I just wanna be someone's neet housewife, I can cook really well, I like cleaning and so much nerdy shit, I've never met anyone from here whom I didn't have at least a couple of things in common with.
I'm obviously a tranny MtF, and I'm chubby, and a neet, I'm not always the best at figuring life out, but I always try to be the best gf you can ask for.
૮( 𝁽ܫ𝁽 )ა
Discord: Cindyyy.
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some more stuff to add about me:
>introverted and serious at first, very clingy and energetic if you gain my trust
>heavy into goth fashion
>science and maths nerd
>very sensitive and soft with the right people
>protective over my close friends
>kind of a music nerd as well (i play bass and guitar)

looking for:
>some tall white guy to get me out of mexico

i’m not too picky since unique personality is what matters the most to me but i mostly like older, really tall, skinny, pale, no beard, dark haired guys, extra points if you use glasses or wear nerdy clothes, even more extra points if you’re a virgin (don’t ask why)

i want to make friends to chat with while i draw or study , you can add me and we can get to know eachother, romantic interest is not neccesary. also i don’t mind long distance friendships or relationships, it would be interesting meeting people from europe. if you add me please tell me about yourself first

discord: mildred__pierce
I can't believe I missed this.
In case your lurking OVER a month later.
discord: walruscool
hi lammiia
good luck
bye lammiia
u will never be a woman >:3
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I talked to my oneitis again and I got a better idea of the personality I like. I can't date oneitis because he has a habit of ghosting me.

talkative, extroverted, has a habit of going on random tangents.

huge weeb, loves anime girls. does art sometimes and is writing a novel.
zorua? that's not me lmao wtf
intp avoidants with a past of poor connections and are married to education are the only people who should be allowed to exist on this earth
qualities: caring, loyal, patient
interests: gaming, anime
discord: whatever4625
>She is 21-29
>interested in older
>has a romantic obsessive personality
>wants to have our children, not adopt or surrogate
>would rather die than betray or be betrayed
>will let me tie her up
>isn't a junky
>dresses spooky
>likes to collect bones, bugs and rocks
>wants to homestead
>does not give a fuck about politics
>is a good cook
>will stroke my hair until I fall asleep
>not interested in any polyamory/cuck garbage
I hit everything the music might be the only thing its not something i would usually listen to but its not like i would hate it disc is Robbob

Literally just looking for a needy/obsessive gf on the West Coast that I can treat well. /x/ and occult shit is a plus
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forgot pic, this is me
write to me I have offers for you write to me I have offers for you Snap: aurora.1g Telegram: valez123
litterally me
the worst kind of brainrot
Is this the cringe woman version of a guy wanting an anime wife
Went through the thread a bit more i retract my statement younger zoomers caregiver chaser people are clearly worse that is not even aesthetic holy shit
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Too lazy to try drawing
About me
> Male
> 5'11
> Brown/dark blonde hair, shorter though Id rather it be longer
> Blue eyes
> ~200 lbs, working on losing more weight
> Probably autistic, depressed, trust issues
> Not really religious

> Bio female
> 21-29
> Like anime, games, horror movies, death/black metal, guns
> Loyal
> Goth prefered, but not a big deal
> Enjoying cosplay is a bonus
> Not insanely obese
> Willing to have conversations about random shit that Im hyperfocusing on at the moment

I just want a goth gf, is that too much to ask?
Disc: nespresso_depresso._43800
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Can I hit you up with 3am "the weakness of the flesh disgusts me" texts y or n
I failed this captcha 2 times btw (flirting)
Y as long as you are above the minimum biological age and also a bio F

my designation(discord) is: shabbosgoy

btw I do not know much about warthammer 40k

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not expecting anything to come of this but it wont hurt to try right
a bit about me
>19 (will be 20 this month)
>skinny, long dark hair, brown eyes, people say i pass
>down to talk about anything (apart from boring shit like politics or debatey stuff) i'm not one to get offended
idk what to put as far as interests go i dont have any of the main ones most people have
oh also i'm from the uk forgot to add :x
my discord is creptogon
How about you look for someone who's body isn't already mangled-
Oh you have a just as fucked up body already. Makes sense now.
yeah that way it's fair, i'm well aware that i'm not most people's thing, why do you think i'm here in the first place?
Then why'd you do it? You pretty much destroyed your body and opened it up to virtually killing itself at an accelerated pace.
Not to mention the absolute litany of mental health disorders that you are almost certain to get, this is defying logic for me.
Wish I was from the west coast because I’m in love with you
I guess you could still add me, I'm down to talk to new people
Where can I add you?
you're not still around are you I think we'd get along
Discord: onceuponamoon
disc, it's on the pic
quadding ur dubz
anon, i think you're failing to see that these kind of decisions are not, as a matter of fact, anchored in logical bases as much as they are based in something instinctual -- emotional. i think channers are usually intolerant of unreasonable emotions and whatnot, which is why such decisions are so looked down upon here :P
you should not seek to argue the logical viewpoints of it; rather, you should understand the feelings behind the decision and *then* invalidate them accordingly. i really don't know why this is hard to grasp even for people who seem to be fairly smart :x
Wtf thats a female version of me bro
Well the concept didn’t exist until like 10-15 years ago so that probably causes the confusion. The hatred towards women and amount of incels doing it also kind of says a lot.
>The hatred towards women and amount of incels doing it also kind of says a lot.
it reads to me like you're conflating the causes for the (kind of arbitrarily picked) consequences.
as far as i'm concerned, the ideological and sociological implications are really boring and i do not care about them xD
i just think that if you genuinely seek to understand to underlying causes behind the *individual* decision (rather than just making said individual or group your designed vitriol landfill), then you need to take a different approach. or don't, just enjoy yourself
added u hehe
This is probably going to lead to nothing but im bored so why not
my discord: yyyy_lizzy_grany
im restarted my discord is my discord: yyyy_lizzy_grant
Very interdasting
I match literally every single category, including the long hair

disc: airways3.14
I'd drop a message, but I am ungodly bad at fighting games. Darn the luck and lack of skill.
bump because i feel like it she has to be out there
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i want literally her
The fact that you separate the ideals is very gross. As if one type of man will never be enough for you.
right? if you're the left guy you're basically ASKING to get cucked
The separation of ideals made me laugh I'll be honest with you
If that upsets you then you better consider turning gay anon, that's literally every woman she's just being more honest
if you payed attention shes not having them separated she wants them combined in one ideal bf
Nah, one is social and one is kink. If you can combine the two, you arw ultimate
Sorry everyone is ignoring you. Why apples?
I can tell by your ideal that you love being ignored
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gotta suck at things in life to start improving at some point. id be open to chatting even if u just have an interest in games
me: bpd unfathomably ill & deranged, everlastingly obsessive & possessive, virgin past her prime *cough 27 decrepit girl* neet, reformed hikikomori, fluent in english/french & lingerie
him: alive & breathing, needy, willing to look past my dreadful plastic & grisly lack of intellect
As luck would have it, I have a pulse
And don’t mind someone with beutiful princess disorder , disc: vrooolll
But where are you from? Add me on discord, redburgundy
I think we can work something out.

Disc: thenewusernamesucksass
>bpd unfathomably ill & deranged
Not even I believe this
Ideal bf:

Early 30s to early 40s
White, latino, Arabic, or mixed race. Pale to medium tan. Light colored eyes, ideally a light/medium brown that's like a milk chocolate color. Light enough to notice pupils. Any eye shape just not huge/rounded. Idk, just seems off to me like feminine. Smaller nose, slit nostrils. Or longer just fitting with the face, I'm weird about noses....
Thin to medium full lips
Thick brows
Bearded, trimmed and tidy
Ear piercings okay but not into facial piercings on guys.
Tattoos. Sleeved or even neck tats but just a few is fine. Hygienic.
Hairy but not obnoxiously hairy. 5'10 to over 6'. Average, fit, muscular husky builds. Decently active. Works out regul. On a fitness journey is fine too. Just not skinny or morbidly obese and complacent about it.
Idc about penis, average is ideal. I have a low sitting cervix and not into anal.
Into larger than normal balls. Hyperspermia ideal. High libido.
Metalhead into rock and all the sub-genres affiliatesd. Also, just really into music. Maybe even plays instruments. Likes going out to local shows or large venues. Has a job/career he doesn't hate too much. Likes outdoorsy activities. Grills and barbecues, culinary inclined somewhat. Moderate drinker, doesn't smoke weed or cigarettes. Vaping is okay. Veterans are ideal, any branch. Into cars/aviation. Has hobbies outside of anime/vidya. Find with those, just personally not into it. Love language is physical touch and craves affection, cuddles, hugs, kisses. Chill and laid back. Traditional masculine type. Close with mother and family, decent friend group.
Already a father or wants kids. Drives a truck. Likes cats, has one or more.
Has other unique features I haven't mentioned here. This is just a base model, doesn't need perfect alignment.
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>about me:
tall, buff/dad bod
loves music
anxious in loud places
likes to listen
pretty much a hipster, but the special kind :^))
loves cute things
does drag for fun
collects stuff
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if you would prefer to talk over discord , please let me know
This is pretty much me other than having a cat or being a veteran. I'm in Canada though so these things never work for me. I want kids so I've been looking for late 20s early 30s women.
as a girl who doesnt fit any of these requirements this is so based
Female 19 Perky Natural Asian
Medical student in training

Kik/Telegram: ladybabes69
Snapchat: flowergirlkiffy
Can i message you if none of those apply to me and im 10 years past your age range?
Being desperate seethes from every pore on you.
If i slit your throat your family would laugh and your parents would pull your pants off and take pics of your sad little limp dick thoughever
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too tryhard edgy/10, but it made me laugh anyways
I could assure you my parents would be sad because of my passing but also glad i happened to take down my killer with my last breath

disc: .solzh
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worth a shot :)))
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30 m usa est..
If you are the pic message me..
> me
aspd, romantic,sadistic, occultist/esoteric, walks, reading and watching random educational things.kinky, overly sexual, hermit has a cat.
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all of the creative juices left my body when i decided to make this.
anyways, i'm 18/ftm/usa so please don't add if you're straight. idc what your gender or sex is
@smigglescore on discord
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This seems like a trick somehow; I'm going to fall for it anyway. 31/M/UK -- if you want to talk you can add me on discord at:
>a trick somehow
I don’t think you know how hellish it is to live with someone like that.
F 22
Doing requests custom vids/pics
Sexting/video call
I also verify
Kik: sandraknight22
Telegram: @sandraknight22
Discord: berkhhh#8063
Add me on discord if we manage not to get on each others nerves in the first 10 minutes of conversation we might get along
- muddumstorm
Anon I'm 31 years old and I've been using /soc/ for a decade I know what bpd is.
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>be me
>19 M sperg
>inspired by thread
I sure hope she's out there, Anons...

My discord: anoddhermit
aww, i'm seeing this pretty late, but i'm genuinely surprised by how well it describes me lol. or used to, i guess.
>don't really use /lit/ or 4chan in general all that much anymore
>don't have long hair anymore (currently short-mediumish curtains)
>more skinny than fit since i stopped working out some time ago
>not super into anime, though i do love a ton of other japanese media
>also 26
>from a vaguely middle eastern background, not religious but fairly reserved regardless
>also very burned out from grad school, soon to be a doctoral student
>in humanities rather than STEM, want to become a professor eventually
>taught a tiny undergrad class of my own this past year
>very tech literate, took a ton of programing electives up to and including DSA, but haven't coded anything in a while
>don't want kids, not schizo, not a /pol/tard
>have very strong hyperfixations and diverse but niche tastes, otherwise pretty normie passing
>read 8/12 books in your pic, have read all of those writers except for pessoa (ty for the rec)
>moby dick, stoner, in search of lost time, brothers K, pale fire prob in my all time top 20-30
i'm moving out of the US to do my doctorate though. :(
i just typed this up because i was bored and happy to see someone i have so much in common with. you seem really cool, hope you find whatever you're looking for!
Disc: heartbroken95
I found someone incredible on duo. Please don't reply to this post. Thank you :)
>their qualities
bio woman
>their interests
>their QuIrKs
>their location

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