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For people looking to VC (voice chat / video chat) on Discord!

>Looking for
>Not looking for
>VC Immediately?
44 m Sissy mommy here Add me on discord <3xxxxx

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>ASL - 26 f anaheim California
>Bio - 26 poly BBW autist weeb into j-pop, vtubers, hololive, and gaming.
>Looking for - sitting in voice call for hours, maybe date each other if end up talking frequently.
>Not looking for - e-drama, people who just text.
>VC Immediately? - sure
>Contact - chickenclaw3

I post my discord tag a lot because I'm terminally online.
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Join this server if you like riichi mahjong, UFC betting, and warhammer miniatures
Is there any other platform that works with calls? I hate niggercord
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I’ve been told by people that I’m easy to talk to and come across as trustworthy, and I hope to maintain that. Really, I’m just a normal dude who can hold a thoughtful conversation.

Most of my leisure time is spent playing vidya with friends. Other than that, I love music (DnB, country, trap, nu metal to name a few), and occasionally watch shows/anime/vtubers.
>Looking for
People to hang out with. Would love to play games and/or watch stuff together if we get along well enough. I’m usually online for at least a couple hours everyday.
>Not looking for
Uncontrolled mental disability
>VC Immediately?

>sexual interests
oral,anal,age gap, cnc, femdom, cumplay

>normal interests
football, punk music, videogames, youtube drama

>looking for
FWB with cis female 18+ to chat, sext with, have overall fun

>not looking for
dudes, scammers, sellers, trans

>Discord tag

f uk getting older by the second
i radiate awkward energy i’m not sorry
>Looking for
voice calls while we watch movies (important) play games or generally yap. you could stream something for me to watch while i ask 10,000 questions, i’d like that also
>Not looking for
political nonsense, worrywarts, people who get wild and upset when i call them a faggot ):
>VC Immediately?
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>about you
i pretty much just go gym, play vidya and tinker with stuff. im a neet, mainly focused on self improvement atm, i don't take things too seriously and if you do we likely wont get along
vidya (survival horror, platformers, fromsoft stuff), weeb shit, music(mainly grunge & numetal atm),travel, lifting, lost media, horror, spooky /x/ type shit, sonic, silent hill, old internet culture, general tech stuff like pc building and soft modding consoles
>looking for
friends to vc, play games, watch anime or movies etc.
>not looking for
Severe mental illness (little bit is fine just pls don’t expect me to be ur therapist), doomers, low effort, edating, nsfw
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>About Yourself
i work in finance and have two cats. my days consist of going to work, exercising, playing video games, cooking, and sleeping
>Looking for
genuine friendship. i work 9-5 but im free to text during the day, then possibly talk in the evening. ideally, i like neets/shut ins, or people similar to me. im looking for someone to be comfy with, someone into finess/cooking, or someone that’s into the same things i am right now
>Not looking For
anything sexual, trans, political people, furries, non-us, underage
history, vidya games, animated shows, nature, cats, MtG, WoW, roguelikes, emulation, cooking, reading, improving myself, vaporwave, manga, pokemon, one piece, cannabis, conspiracies
>board i visit
/ck/, /x/, /an/
>Media you're currently consooming
berserk, one piece, wow sod, tiny rogues, helldivers, king of the hill, borderlands.
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would loveeeee to watch a movie and chitchat through it!
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Dry sense of humor and level headed. Into firearms and fitness
>looking for
Daily chats, friends, maybe motivating one another and getting to know each other.
I have spare time at work so I'll have my phone on me often
>VC immediately?
Open to VCs eventually
>not looking for
Bored as hell on a business trip in a hotel
>Looking for
>Not looking for
Up for most things
>VC Immediately?
drawing, anime & manga, videogames ( fighting games, pokemon, nintendo, jrpgs, rpgmaker,monster hunter, sonic, vocaloid,yugioh) internet culture, otomads & ytpmvs, old internet, tokusatsu, /m/ and mechas , weeb shit, /x/ , I also speak spanish
>looking for
girls, similar artist friends from anywhere, who are asocial,loners and-or perverted, voicechats
>not looking for
ghosting, normalfags, trannies,woke shit, not messaging often
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Early 20s male california
Eternally bored, fried dopamine internet lurker looking for interesting chats.
>looking for
>not looking for
Non female
>vc immediately
Sure, unless im about to sleep.
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I like having fun with it. I’m up for anything.

For the most part nonjudgmental save for pedophiles, french people, and those that don’t make an effort. Some would say these are all the same groups, though.


Great voice

Deeply bored at work but I cannot VC at work, sorry.

I kinda wanna learn spanish and I heard the best way to do that is to immerse yourself by arguing with a latina woman for a month.

I try to give time to my community, not necessarily because I care but it’s a good way to remember how to act normally in public.

>Looking for
Girl that’s pleasant to speak to with low risk expectations. You can listen or speak.

One of the most prolific serial rapists in history once said: lots of people talk to animals... Not very many listen, though... That's the problem.

If she can understand that, why can’t other people?

>Not looking for
The garish and haughty, dour reprobates, the masked and cloaked, anyone that listens to french rap, contaminated contingencies and I don’t think anyone will get that reference.

>VC Immediately?


Black gooner pumping hard to black celebs and possibly raceplay. Into some hentai, tik toks, and celebs too if you want to chit chat about hat as well!

>Looking for/Not looking for
Whoever maybe interested please no wierdos or psychos my kinks are weird enough. im bored not desperate loool.

>VC Immediately?
Yeah, sure im just killing time right now

neet, i spend most of my days either sleeping or playing (horror) vidya, im into history and politics alot tho, so if we start talking about that good luck trying to make me shut up :3
>Looking for
ppl (no females) that are fast repliers and can hold a conversation, i dont mind coomers as long as you can keep it limited and it isnt the sole centre of our conversation all the time. age range is 18-30 i guess
>Not looking for
females, old freaks, kids. about it really
>VC Immediately?

>About Yourself
My main interests are music, movies, shows, cooking, fps/strategy games, geography, comedy and history.

>Looking for
Girls that are willing to talk and present themselves honestly and just have a good time. Someone to play games with or watch shows with is what i’m mainly looking for. Preferably more of a mean attitude from a girl is what I find attractive. I would love to vc and get to know you. Feel free to try and manipulate me. I prefer to VC but if you just want to text at first thats cool.

i like feet btw

Apex, Tarkov, Valorant, Overwatch, Fortnite, vrchat when I’m bored.

>Not looking For
People who need the entire conversation carried or are too cool to reply.

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Studying until summer, then probably working. I study, make shitty music, write a lot, read, lift, and the usual entertainment stuff. History, philosophy, fitness, fashion, health, STEM, sports, cooking, psychology, shitposting, esotericism, random lore, internet culture, etc. Big into music, no genre preferences. INTJ or whatever. Can talk about deep topics for hours. Love exchanging any creative projects we happen to be up to. No filter kind of humour. I've journaled for about 7 years now, so I'm fairly emotionally intelligent if you need some advice or something.

Incapable of being offended, really open to just about anything. Mutual game or kino or show interests? Sure. Anything to really get a convo going, ya feel me

>Looking for

Don't really care as long as you're a similar timezone and arent too older/younger than me cause that shit's weird

Bored in the evenings sometimes. Let's mutually amuse each other before calling it a night

>Not looking for

Degenerates who generally have nothing going on in their lives
No, consuming media all day is not a personality

>VC Immediately?

if we vibe sure, but might be busy some evenings

>looking for
dick pic
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I don’t care

just a chilean girl who really like videogames (TF2, SDV, etc), manga (JJBA, Nana and stuff), literature and poetry (i only speak spanish, btw)

>Looking for
friends who can speak in spanish (vc)

>Not looking for
NSFW, romance, dating, etc

>VC Immediately?
yeah, just in my language pls

25 M Italy
I'm a programmer by day, pro gooner by night. My girlfriend just left me and I'm looking for anybody to talk to about anything. I can't sleep.
My interests are games, reading, poker, and Im looking into learning game dev
>Looking for
Hanging out on discord or play some vidya, or we could share stories
>Not looking for
>VC Immediately?
>About you
I'm into a lot of stuff; history, cars, motorcycles, video games, music, photography, probably more if you ask. It's hard to condense my entire self into a single post lol. I try to be as kind and judgement free as possible, and I think I'm pretty easy to get along with. I want to travel more outside of the US than I already have.
>Looking for
Someone to talk to and see how things go. We don't need to be a 100% match on our interests, but being very passionate about the things you like is a huge plus! I'd like to vc and at some point meet if we get along well. I'm okay with ldr, but an effort to meet eventually is something I'd need.
>Not looking for
men, ghosts, assholes, someone constantly wanting to talk politics, server invites, porn, someone dependent on drugs
>VC Immediately?
Discord: spacecowboy._._
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I am a grad student in the USA looking for friends to talk to regularly. I like to read (work and leisure), go to the gym, and watch films. I'm autistic. I am learning how to use the abacus more efficiently. I like tattoos and piercings, but probably won't show you mine (doxxing). if you like comics or nerdy stuff that's a plus
24 M US
>Looking for
I'd just like someone to talk to, Im a little isolated. If you speak french that's a bonus, since im learning
>Not looking for
>VC Immediately?
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gayest shit i ever saw

25f drinking bored and whatever it’s all whatever

just be interesting, know how to carry a conversation. i don’t play league anymore because i don’t want vanguard on my computer. i enjoy making people feel bad and eating burritos.

discord: xfaitheful
gay furry NEET with no life and all the free time in the world
>looking for
friends to play video games with and watch dumb shit with, hopefully a boyfriend if you're my type (i like big and strong men)
>not looking for
under 18, no common interests, never on
>VC immediately
sorry no, i want to have a good connection with you and be sure you actually like me first
26/f/Usa (West Coast)
Shy socially awkward woman neet looking for friends. I love anime manga reading vidya and digital art.
>Looking for
Friendships only
>Not looking for
Coomers and gooners and nsfw losers
Selfie exchanges and anything to do with personal info besides first name and state
>vc immediately
Only if we both agree we vibe. Otherwise it takes awhile for me

No Europeans Asians or Australians respect the time zones. I also don’t like Germans.
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Slow ass thread lmfao
Don’t bother adding this account. You all suck at conversation
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>hiii, my name is lynn and im on here looking for friends! its hard for me to make friends in purrson so i thought this was a good idea to start
my special intrest are animals, garning and crocheting(im sorry for spelling stuff wrong im slow)
>FRIENDS!!!(i dont like sexual stuff it gets me nervous)
>rlly mean people
>i dont mind calling!!!
my discord is lynnernet
(heres a pic of me)
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Not much too say, just really bored with barely anyone to talk to and usually have most of the day besides the occasional bit of work and some stuff I do on the weekends to try and stay busy at least a bit.
>Looking for
Anyone semi-normal who wants to actually talk more than once I guess which has been like 2 people out of dozens so not holding my breath there. Willing to play games together if you’re up for it I guess, mostly just been messing around with Helldivers 2 recently.
>Not looking for
Weirdo degenerates and people who don’t wanna talk.
>VC Immediately?
Probably not in most cases, kinda shy but maybe after a while or if we’re gaming I won’t mind
Disc: saali924
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21, M, US (northeast)
>about you
chill, night owl, talkative, pretty normal irl but just nerdy online,good looking guy, currently in uni far from home so im lonely :<
Playing all sorts of games(lol,fps,rougelikes), I like a lot of different genres of animes,shows & movies. I like all sorts of music whether it be edm,breakcore, shoegaze etc..
>looking for
Someone to keep me company at night and a long term friend, texting or preferably vc. Play games, watch stuff together. Don't care ab gender, am a curious cat though and may want to know whatcha look like though.. (´∀`)
I'm just really bored with school, let's see if we can vibe :P
>not looking for
weird convos, getting ghosted lolz
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join if you like to vc. we also like to enjoy gaming
>looking for
cute girl to cum with on VC or through voice messages, preferably open to sharing pics/videos but not necessary. Preferably also similar timezone and you want to do it regularly :).
>not looking for
>Discord Tag
24M Cuckold obsessed with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Open to blackmail, degradation, IRL, and more. Looking to be manipulated, exploited, and have my obsession used by a Bull to his pleasure.

Discord - yourdeeprest
M 20 Straight
>looking for
Bros/Anyone to stroke/chat with to Big Tit Porn Pics
>not looking for
Dick pics, camming
>Discord Tag.
Voyager Mission: Deep Space Exploration
>Sex/Gender, Age, Sexuality
Male long hair androgynous / Mostly gay / Timeless (~30)
Invertebrate keeping, plants, gaming/hardware, psychedelics, outdoor, nature
>Music: (Oldschool) Goa Trance, Techno, Industrial, Experimental, Folk, Metal, Ambient, Bhajans
Movies/Shows: Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin-, Darktide, AOE II DE, Stronghold DE, War Thunder, Warframe, Mass Effect 3/AMP, Battlefield 1/4
>About me, life goals and what I look for:
I have so little money that 'existantial minimum' is something I look up to (thanks to my ex BF but I'm emotionally over it but suffer finacially). Prove
yourself worthy and I show you my ways of survival including all the black backpack magic, repossession, salvaging and translocalization of all kinds. Be
near or ideally with me. Its not a problem to house someone just have your own legal adress and income, if you stay permanently I would also expect you to help
with electricity and internet cost. I have my own well furnitured apartment but I'm not a provider. Also no car so bring proper boots and endless stamina.
Embrace the darkness and it may embrace you <3

Not looking for lazy losers, teenagers that seek to run away from their parents or people who 'work' but have no time or money either. Be like me, no
attachments, no "friends" or family, one who is one with the void and ready to ascend even further. If you dislike humans and prefer solitude thats perfect.
Although for learning about each other you should be willing to video or at least voice chat. Its always weird in the beginning, but if you really want to
find someone we need to get through with it.
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I seek for a life partnership mainly, but my hopes are low and I'm used to be embarassed, so the focus is now to find compatible people in my age range for
summerly activities or "fwb" relation (exclusive, no one time shit). My long term goal is to get rid of this shitty rent debt (that my ex bf left me), save
and find a "holiday home" type property, build a giant greenhouse to it and live in it while becoming mostly self sustaining. No neighbors, but lots of
animals and even further adaption to the no money life. Its a lot of work, but fullfilling and not wageslaving. You reap what you sow. I would like to share
this with one cute likeminded male that never ages like me. In the best case, we would ignore the human society collapsing, although I'm very aware of the
coming events, I prepare for it and may even be able to use the changes in my favor if humans eradicate themselves.

For anything romantic / sexual: Don't be very masculine, hairy, unhygienic or fat. Long hair isn't a must but I like androgynity, ones that are 'in between' and young looking
but without the typical transgender/lgbt/fetish agenda mental illness. My fetish is true love and natural looks. If you want a "dom", "slave", "sissy" or
want to cut off body parts we are unlikely to be compatible. 25-~30 is the optimum age. Have a stable outcome for yourself, you don't need to be rich or
provide for me. For me it would already be a progress to find BF that can provide for himself and doesn't have any unresolved mental issues. No addictio
/ substance dependance, no habitual smokers (occasional hookah and hallucinogen binging is fine).

For anything else: We can likely hang out, do garden work, walks and other operations together, I can teach you many things including how to cook and grow
almost any type of plant. We can go out for deep forest nightwalks and trip together.
endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu

Write at least 3 sentences why you want to contact me
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awesome normal person looking for other awesome normal people...
>Looking for
AWESOME normal awesome normal people normal
>Not looking for
UNawesome UNnormal ppl...
>VC immediately?
Yes B)
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M 20 Straight
>looking for
Bros/Anyone to stroke/chat with to Big Tit Porn Pics
>not looking for
Dick pics, camming
>Discord Tag.
>never ages
Ayo you drank the adrenachrome?
you seem like a lovely person lynn
Looking for people interested in watching old/weird movies or sharing niche music. For films, I've been getting into German Expressionism, Noir, Soviet Movies, and almost anything Horror. For music, I enjoy 70s Hard Rock, Hardcore Punk, Post-Punk, Jazz/Jazz Fusion, Canterbury Scene, Blues, Country, Funk, and much more.
>Looking for
Conversationalists, Film/Music Enthusiasts, People interested in Voice Chatting
>Not looking for
/pol/, incels, unwarranted sexual advances, ghosting, lackluster conversation
>VC Immediately?
I don't mind messaging in DM's initially, but, ideally, we would be able to VC after a day or two of texting, at most.

Period is included in my discord tag. It's an alt of mine, so if we get along well enough I'll add you to my main.
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Deeply deeply unwell and needs to go to therapy instead of wasting people's time online. You're in every thread for years and no one is going to help you feel better except yourself.
male adult usa
>Looking for
other retards and gamers(retards)
>Not looking for
gooner bros to goon with
>VC Immediately?
probably not immediatly because im drinking tonight
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I'm a pharmacy grad student by day and my schedule is kind of fucked, I enjoy talking a lot about everyday life, music and games, recently got very into project moon games.
>Looking for
someone to talk to basically everyday, about anytthing we feel like.
>Not looking for
males, nsfw stuff, server invites
>VC Immediately?
if we click
shameless bump ( • ᴖ • 。)
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Schizo anorexic autism warrior, I like Warhammer, 3d modeling and printing, games like shooters, tower defense, rts, rimworld, art and paranormal stuff and "deep" talk about stuff nobody cares about
>Looking for
Just anything really, other autistic people or schizos and people with similar interest would be nice
>Not looking for
Just don't be an assclown thank you
>VC Immediately?
I mean maybe but sometimes I am just not able to do it or don't have much to say
Would love to vc with a fem while she tells me how to stroke my cock, will send pics and vids while you moan for me hmu @killer_taco
fakecel, giga retard, good at carrying convos in vc, i like vidya and vtubers, virgin with rage
>Looking for
females of any flavor dont really care, not trying to see your tits just trying to game/ chill pls dont be a bot I DONT WANT BOT LOBBIES, bonus if you play destiny 2 :3
>Not looking for
dudes (unless you want to join a raid group for d2)
>VC Immediately?
yes I suck at messaging and will forget to message back
30 M Russia
5'9 , 147 lb
>Looking for
To talk about pets, art or games
Discord server invites (lf something like a book club)
>Not looking for
Discussing politcs
>VC Immediately?
Yeah, just give a small text intro first.
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hi, i'm faye. i'm a cool fun and hip BLACK girl with an eating disorder.
>looking for
i'm looking for someone that'll help me get to my goal weight. if you want, i'd send you pics/logs of what i'm eating and how much i'm losing, and body checks once i "trust" you. i do need to lose 35 pounds to get to my goal bmi (15), so it'll take a few months but i'm sure we'd become great friends in the meantime. i'm open to vcing about it too!!
>not looking for
i'm down to talk to ppl that aren't interested in what i put in my looking for, but proceed with caution.
>>VC Immediately?
ya sure but i have class + exams so not during the day proba bly.
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>mental illnesses
bpd and attachment issues
>favorite animanga
higurashi, berserk, gantz, nhk, etc.
ill like whatever you like
>describe yourself
i dont do anything. im a loser. i spend all day on roblox, or on discord. i want to talk to other people who also dont do shit all day. preferably someone older. i dont have an issue with anything romantic. lets see where things take us.
>looking for
someone to talk to 24/7 and direct my total attention and affection towards. if u are down to spend almost every hour of the day with me, or want to try to at least, then lets see if it works out.

im down to vc and play anything. you dont have to talk either. you can type to me and ill use voice or whatever suits you.
>not looking for
they asked me to buy nitro and blocked me when i said i wanted to just talk to someone who likes gantz lol
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21, M, North West
Reading writing, Fallout, history, FishTank, friends, e-girls, food, TV Shows, traveling
>Your own description
I’m getting kinda chubby so wanna loose weight. a hopeless romantic. Some people look up to me as an ultra giggachad that has sex and does cool things, living exciting life, others think I’m a creepy weird shy little incel fag. I think I’m normal but a little different, and kind of a loser (but managed to get engaged once).
>What you're looking for
People to get lost in conversation with, to click with, lifelong friends. VC fairly early on, as deep connections cannot be formed over just text like come on, you could have the completely wrong idea of who the person you are talking to is if it just over text, take Samuel Benjiman, who lied the entire time about being on NoFap and not drinking alcohol. Would be cool if our politics aligned, for me is the stereotypical edgy pol stuff, stuff which would get you cancelled and shunned if you said irl. Saying that I don’t mind if you are gay or trans, as long as you are not super pro LGBT+, I have gay and trans friends. Preferably from the UK or similar time zones would be good, but I’ll talk to people from anywhere in the world. If you live close enough I would be really happy to meet up, I’ve done it with anons before. A classic femcel who happens to live within a 20 minute walk from me who wants to hang out in the woods smoking cigarettes at night would be perfect but I know that is not going to happen.
>What you're NOT looking for
What seems like 99% of soc which is people who add then don’t say anything, people who won’t vc, people who blank within the first few days (if you do this to people do not add me), dry people who respond with ‘?’ or 1 word answers or take days to respond, black guys, people who are obsessed with religion, super childish left wing, LGBT+ obsessed folks, horny old men who just wanna eff me.
>Socials & tags
carefree, schizoid, nice, clueless, I adjust myself to people I talk to, I like being silly tho
probably depressed but I dont care,
basic 4chan/nerd shit,I like some chess too, used to do sports and outdoors stuff ,exploring nearby forests, but it changed to doomscrolling
I spent free time at home pretty much most of the time doing various internet activities
I have big collection of anime art/pictures gathered thru the years
>looking for
adult schizo/neet girls that match the vibe, maybe friends, maybe some league together
>not looking for
underage, below 20, sex
i work and go to school, i’d like to say i’m funny in vc but you can be the judge of that. i like vidya, reading, anime/manga, and japanese music.
>looking for
similar retarded humor (cumtown typa shit) and has weird music taste.
>not looking for
cat haters
>vc immediately?
28, F, US
I am a fairly quiet person and not very interesting, but I put forth effort in my conversations when I want to get to know someone, and I can be kinda silly when I open up to someone. Going through a really rough time and would like to get my mind off of that with positive interactions. I won't trauma dump or talk about it at all, realistically. More importantly, I'm not very into video games or anime very much, so I can't really talk very much about that or play games with you, but I may watch you play if thats what you want.
>Looking for
I just want someone I can grow close as friends with. I'd like to know about your daily life and things you think aren't important. I want to get to know you.
>Not looking for
Anything that isn't friendship, anyone under 28
>VC Immediately?
I'd like to talk a bit through text first.
32/ mtf-nb/ latin america
shy persona, that loves video game, i kinda like play online a lot, like anime and stuff, very sensitive, clingy and need, but like i like helping other, i ahve a sort of sense of humour, and currently trying to find a place i belong.
>Looking for
someone to talk to long hours, support one another, and like jsut hangout, talk abotu wahtever, learn about each other and from each other.
>Not looking for
racist, homophobes, transphobes
>VC Immediately?
huh if i am not busy! yeah, if not we can like schedule it!
>Looking for
>Not looking for
>VC Immediately?
>Looking for
>Not looking for
>VC Immediately?
20 - F - Canada
I am a basement dwelling, depressed, self hating mixed race femcel who is trying to heal and become a mentally healthier person. I like anime, vidya, self improvement, civil debates.
>Looking for
I am tired of being suicidal and self hating, in search of hope and optimism. I want to meet good, non judgmental, well meaning people with a strong mindset who can restore my faith in humanity, give me inspiration and encouragement to convince me to survive and better myself, like a mentor. Someone who can logically debate my mentally ill thoughts and provide healthy solutions. I am open to friendships and romance.
>Not looking for
Coomers, manipulators, weirdos. I will not trauma dump on you and burden you, I just need healing conversations and positive human interaction that will be nice for both sides. And please for the love of God, be a kind person. If you make me uncomfortable in any way I will block you. I have no patience left for terrible people.
>VC Immediately?
No, I'd appreciate it if you told me more about yourself via DMs before we VC.
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Server is dare I say kino. We watching fighting every week, we play mahjong, dota 2, retro video games, and mostly vc. Text chat is pretty dead since it is kinda gay but we manage

>About Yourself
I'm autistic and study languanges (portuguese/english) at uni, I also write poetry (in portuguese) and I'm studying philosophy online
>Looking for
improving my spoken english (it sucks) and talking about my weird interests
>Not looking For
sexual talk, far-right, racist and mean people
literature, poetry, philosophy, music (mostly post punk, darkwave, goth rock, indie, shoegaze, dream pop, alt rock, etc), drugs, goth subculture, politics (marxism), psychology and human sciences in general
>VC Immediately?
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>about me
applied psychology student
aiming for counselling psychology or clinical psychology eventually
i want to be a therapist
i like reading about esoteric stuff, currently reading about psychoanalysis (lacan) although i'm pretty skeptical
philosophy of gender, moral philosophy, theology
dissociatives and infrequently psychedelics
i'm curious about music production & drawing
i play league of legends and valorant
>looking for
female friend with a lot of free time and not many friends, preferably from europe (timezones) & interested in some of the things i've listed
blogging to each other about what we're currently interested in
maybe read or watch things together
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I find it extremely hard to click with anyone here.

It was hard 10 years ago, now it's nigh impossible. One in a thousand.

But one has to keep trying, until the very end.

Discord: blue.entropy
thanks for the heads up nigga
27 M USA
I suppose I am somebody who wishes to be helpful to others in some way. I like to go outside a lot, doesn't really matter what it is. If it's up to me, I like to go for hikes or walks (in nature preferably), I like to go swimming, I like taking my motorcycle out, I like to work on stuff too. I really like being around animals. I like indoor stuff too, I like playing games, I like to learn about certain subjects of interest, like Japanese or programming or space and stuff, I like music, but not as actively anymore. There's more, it'll come up.
>looking for
I guess I'm looking for people to talk to about life with and whatnot. It doesn't necessarily need to be super serious, but I'm willing to go deep. If I can be of service in some way that is healthy and helpful, then that's all that matters, even if it's as simple as just being a friend.
>not looking for
Men. Just kidding. Obviously I prefer talking to women, but I am not averse to talking to a guy if he were to need help. More seriously, I'm not looking for someone to be negative with no intent of changing that.

I will say that I would prefer to just send messages at first. I know this is a vc thread but I am not about to post in the alternatives.

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29/M/Southern US

>about you
Just a bit of a dork. Traveled a bit in my life, done a little bit of everything, mostly just content to stick to myself and my few hobbies in my little apartment these days. Getting old and just trying to mellow out more and more as it were. I like to read and just chill and take things easy. Not much worth getting worked up about these days.

I read and listen to podcasts a lot. Not so much a music kinda' guy unless I'm drunk. Just finished House of Leaves and that was neat, but normally I'm just going through old pulp fantasy sci-fi/fantasy kinda' trash. Wheel of Time and Terry Pratchett and Vonnegut are some of my favorites. Other than that, I like learning things, cooking, messing with my overly long hair, just mundane stuff. I dabble a bit in some more technical stuff but that's all boring nerd shit.

>looking for
Just people to talk to. My schedule is eclectic but I'm usually around even if I don't respond quickly or whatever. Just someone to talk to about funny old stuff like Star Trek and whatnot.

>not looking for
Don't be a weirdo sperg and we'll probably be fine.

Discord: deejaytheburd

I like to read books to people, I guess?
F 22
Doing requests custom vids/pics
Sexting/video call
I also verify
Discord: berkhhh#8063
Hi I am 25 yo autistic male
I am scared of women but would rly love to practice talking! One day I would love a gf because I think they are magical and lots are extremely beautiful BUT

When I try interact with
>I get shaky
>I stutter my words (more than usual)
>I go very quiet

I would love to practice over text then MAYB even vc because I don't want to give up women are magical and so cool.

You can reach me disc "ryl0r_" I made throwaway for this so yall can reach me!!
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Dry sense of humor and level headed. Into firearms and fitness
>looking for
Daily chats, friends, maybe motivating one another and getting to know each other.
I have spare time at work so I'll have my phone on me often
>VC immediately?
Open to VCs eventually
>not looking for
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23 male CA
just a guy who gets bored easily, I like video games, some anime, some manga, fashion, and editing.
>looking for
fun female
>not looking for
boring female or man
>vc immediately
Do you want to talk about gantz

im autistic and not doing well i havent been able to leave my house in a while. i like to play games including league and roblox, some fps games and i would appreciate friends who arent looking for anything sexual and not be weird towards me.

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18 girl
hikki aspie terminally online kino enjoyer gameR reading academic
>Looking for
cool people to talk to and make friends with
ppl who introduce themselves and make an effort to communicate about themselves, interest me in their personality, show me what they have to offer et cetera
>Not looking for
anything sexual or romantic
boring ppl whose idea of a conversation is 'how are u' 'what r u into' 'what games do u play' et cetera
>VC Immediately?
if you sell me on it then yes
discord @momwaifu
21 US
started playing fortnite a few weeks ago and i wanna play squads or duos with someone on mic who can carry me (i am bad) or just hang out. ideally a long term friendship is born...
>Looking for
>Not looking for
angst and edge and baggage
>VC Immediately?

>sexual interests
Teasing, bdsm, sensory play, orgasm denial, dom, hentai, furry, and much more

>normal interests
Videogames, music, anime, cooking

>looking for
A transfem or cis female who wants to have some fun now and then.

>not looking for

>Discord tag
college student, im lonely dont rly have any friends cuz im avoidant and emotionally charged
>Looking for
someone to watch the piano teacher with and similar movies in voice chat
would be nice if ur also asian or from aus or nz so timezones are kinda close
>Not looking for
accounts who have ugly pfps and cringe usernames always a waste of time to talk to
>VC Immediately?
no ill vibe check first
Requirement: Horny, Anime Picture.
Likes: Anime, Hentai, Porn, Games, Goon, Share porn, Taboo.
Dislike: Larpers, RP, Mood swings.
Sexuality: Preferance liking both genders
Gender: Male/Girlyboy

kik sefho9
discord awooooootism
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I'm a christian furry, light skin latino, 5'7, very chill, average body, willing to show pic. I love animated movies, VHS collecting, OST, drawing, writing fanfics, and am pretty decent at cooking
>Looking for
biological women
>Not looking for
>VC Immediately?
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>I like anime, manga, vidya and programming. I'm going to school for electronics engineering tech in the fall
>I'd like to chat with a (biological) girl, I don't get out much and I'm bored while waiting for school to start
>not looking for troons and sensitive faggots who can't take a little banter
>sappycynik is my discord
forgot to add that i'm down to VC
27/M/South Africa

Pretty simple im just looking for a friend. If you are dedicated to a hobby or something of that sort great (especially music making) and will try be a real friend to me i would appreciate it and i will return the favor and we can be friends for a long time. Also wanting to self improve is essential. Lets make this a healthy friendship.

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autist who loves playing vidya games (always playing new or different things) or watching anime when im not stuck in work, really addicted to co-op games, either that or I'm studying japanese (poorly)

My job and my experience at high school didnt give me many opportunities to meet girls
>Looking for
Female, bonus points if your down to play co-op stuff or are looking for someone to play co-op stuff, Extra points if I can get a study budy. Ideally someone who is as willing to try new things as me

Bonus if your a professional yapper

Bonus if you like fighting games (never had anyone else to play friendlies with)
>Not looking for
>VC Immediately?
Not ugly dude, but unemployed goblin man playing games all day and consuming content
>Looking for
People to talk to and enjoy content/games with would be nice. Just don't be mean really
>not looking for
uhhh just dont be mean
>VC Immediately?
a general introductory convo would be nice
>Discord tag

it's literally just those three letters
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i like military stuff ,gaming etc
>Looking for
friends , possible date with a foid idk
>VC Immediately?
Everyday gamer internet denizen. I work, play CS2, and talk to friends. Not mentally ill nor a sociopath.
>Looking for
Mature people who are interested in conversation. Bonus points if you play video games.
>Not looking for
Mental illness, edgy types, vulgarity. I talk to people on the internet like I would talk to someone I met in public.
>VC Immediately?
>looking for
real friends
>not looking for
Autism creature that thrived off of 2011 to 2016 internet and started to mentally drift from the norm. Scripting a rblx game, not a pedophile. Love anime, over 400 Iseki in my read bin, and I watch any that come out. I am a seasonal anime watcher, and I plan to cosplay Eisen from that one elf anime this coming summer.
Used to grind Maple story, and I have over 1000 hours on terraria if you are looking. I am currently a heal slut on OW, not ranked. QP only. Love any game an autistic person would love. I have a creative side too, drawing, rigging and animations. Nothing 3d pls.
I also love vtubers if you wanna chat about them ^^
>looking for
I don't chat well, VC preferred. Just lookin for a fren, or a group. Servers aren't bad, if it's over or underwhelming I do leave. Has to be just right like goldy locks.
Willing to do a watch party for 2024 spring anime.
I wanna play a long-term MC server, if you have recommendations - Add me
>not looking for
Relationships, lewds, and nudes
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i like to pace around things, be curious and also be uncanny. i am also autistic and chill. i also like some japanese music (shibuya kei), anime and some gaming
>looking for
anyone who can i just chat if they want to chat about anything
>not looking for
creeps ,poltical retards and anyone over 25
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mellow nerdy dude with a ton of free time. I work evenings so Im up pretty late. Can talk about anything and everything my Interests Overwatch, minecraft, Heroes of the storm,league of legends, minecraft , /x/ related stuff like paranormal things and conspiracies, anime,
>Looking for
night owls who are up late to shitpost and bond over stupid ass shit. People to play vidya with. General friends and what have you. People who have the same interest as me.
>Not looking for
People who expect me to be there all the time or want me to write hug wall of text messages
>Contact info
18 f nj
5'3 98 lbs lonely depressed
>Looking for
Nice Guys
>Not looking for
>VC Immediately?
not right away
temtem8120 on discord
catfishing white boy with a voice changer
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easy to get along with
>Looking for
people to watch things(movies pref but maybe shows) or play league of legends with
i'm finishing up classes and going to have a month free before i start summer semester
>Not looking for
horny, i'm your-only-friend-pressure, edgy retards
>VC Immediately?
PS: also don't be under 25
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tallish white female with a shaved head
>looking for
cool weirdos
>not looking for
>with a shaved head
you're the reason the white birth rate is decling you dumb ugly bitch. Go fuck niggers already you worthless whore
your requests are off
18/bio f/europe
yoooo i am mimi , i havent been on 4chan in sooo long :cc, i like playing games and learning new stuff. i need some new friends :(( dont be shy and add me !! I will try to reply as fast as i can :3
>looking for
nice people to talk to since i am super lonely :((
>not looking for
overly religious people, racists i mean if u r a lil racist is fun, no women haters, no mean people and people who r over 35, i feel like it would be super awkward and i dont want to make anyone uncomfyy
>League of legends

I miss old LoL. It's chink gacha now, sad.
32/M/New York
I've been living the past 10 years or so thinking I was better off on my own. I was very wrong.
I like odd sports (ask me about sumo), rock/metal/jazz, cooking, reading, tea, board games.
>looking for
A nice lady to help me practice chatting with. Maybe more, but that's enough to start with.
>Not looking for
Dudes, trans, video game friends
>VC immediately
Up to you.
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24 f California

I'm an abrasive drunk bpd clown with big titties and an existential crisis.

>Looking for
New friends I'm in full drag and a great mood tonight.

>Not looking for
Normies Nazis tal guys cat owners (you)

>VC Immediately?
Text me first and ask but I might be drunk and call you right away


Sarcastic person, love music and literature, opens up to the right people, just looking for someone I can be friends with and talk to and have fun with, open minded

>Looking For
Any friends, girls, guys, anyone

>Not looking for
People who take things too seriously and aren't open-minded

>VC Immediately?
Up to you


Shut in. But not mentally ill. You can find out everything else later

>Looking for
Someone that I can hold conversation with. I like to listen to yapping. Not looking to friend collect. Just one or two people I can talk to. Hopefully on a regular basis

Please message with your ASL too

>Not looking for
People who don’t vc. Anybody over 33

>VC Immediately?

My bad. Spelled it wrong. lennichani
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Uni graduate, extremely curious and into many different things.
>Looking for
Girls to have fun with
>Not looking for
>VC Immediately?
Yeah why not
>accepts my request within minutes
>”Morning. What were you doing up at 6am?”
>waits and no response
>probably talking to some other dude and raking in requests
>I delete

Everyone, don’t waste your time with people who claim they want to converse when they don’t put effort whatsoever and use 4chan as a revolving door mechanism to recycle through people.
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Yeah my bad man I was talking to them since I actually know how to talk to people
I'd bench your bodywewight and then some. Stay down.
*Pulls out katana teleports behind you* nothing personal kid
F 22
Doing requests custom vids/pics
Sexting/video call
I also verify
Discord: berkhhh#8063
How about a video of you offing yourself? Would look way better than you doing something perverse.
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30/m/UK (Leeds)
Photography, movies, fixing stuff (cars, tech, etc)
>About me
Just turned 30, looking for people to chat to, hang out with, shoot the shit etc. Its okay meeting people out in the real world but i wanna laugh with someone about how lame it is to meet on here. Ideally we could have mutual interest in each other, but realistically thats a long shot.
Pic is because its 4chan and you've gotta stand out somehow.
>What you're NOT looking for
Normal people?
>VC Immediately?
After a bit of chat
>Socials & tags
Discord: aau1one
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28/m/us (TX)

I don't know.. life is really confusing and I have no idea whether things are going in the right direction or not. Feeling completely disconnected from pretty much everything. I have a decent corporate job and somewhat outgoing character, but boy does it suck the soul out of me. Anyways…

Likes: psychedelics, religion, social topics, dumb jokes,

>VC Immediately?
Let's swap a few messages first, but after - sure.

>looking for
I mean let's talk about stuff. Ponder silly philosophical topics or thought experiments. Nothing too serious though. Movie discussions are fun too. Just for a good time.

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>looking for
awesome friend
>not looking for
a friend who is not awesome
>VC immediately
20 femboy Australia
so unbelievably horny rn
twerking and drizzling oil on my ass on cam for the first person to show me their cock
bonus points if you're a degenerate with no filter
in a call rn but please hit me up regardless and I'll make it worth your while :>
especially if you're a creep/porn addict
This user is underage. Report and avoid.
Bro you didn’t even give me 2 minutes to respond
Yeah, yeah... I'm not THAT petty to where I can't wait several minutes. Keep making up more lies.

a real treat 2 be around, i assure u - once im comfortable talking 2 u , enjoy the yap session !! always looking 4 long term friends

>Looking for
friends who like to vc, watch anime, play valorant, and talk about stupid zoomer shit/college

>Not looking for
niggas who are dry..be urself!!

>VC Immediately?

5ftcatgirl on discord
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28/m/GA (EST)
Chill, creative, optimistic, pansexual dude. White, 5'9, 129 pounds, Hazels eyes. Some of my interest and hobbies include Playing Guitar, Video Editing, Tabletop, History, Weird Internet Culture, anime, and writing. I have two kittens I adopted recently. I have a passion for film and music as well, so expect a ton of movie night ideas and recommendations. I'm also gotten back into playing more games and reading again. I would be down to stream or play games together as well.
>Looking for
Friends (that are at least 22 or older) for the most part, just got out of a relationship so im not looking to jump into one right now, but ya know who knows what the future holds. I would love someone I can bounce off of creatively, and also someone who likes to watch shit on Discord together. One quality I admire is a person who can hold a conversation, but also isn't afraid of silence in a conversation.
>Not looking for
Ghosters, Bigots, Friend Collectors, People who just try to act edgy like it's their whole personality, and people who don't respect boundaries
>VC Immediately?
I'd like to text first
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Welcome to Ecchi Empire! This is a server with hentai, anime, manga, games, memes, art, and lewd things. We have a wide variety of people in here, most are Otaku, NEET's, gamers, or anime/hentai lovers. We stream anime and games sometimes. All of users are treated with respect. Share your gaming stuff, hentai, and anime art here and hopefully make new friends!

Consume brainrot all day, im gonna graduate senior this year. I wanna vc and talk to people. I like gaming, incant until next week tho cus I'm taking a break.

My discord: Shemakesmequiver
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cosy active server, daily vc mostly girl mods n looking for a few more ik 4chan is a bad place for this but yeah
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Im drunk and horny.
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Looking for more people to join VC whenever. Server is usually slow at night in US time zones. Incel / Femcel social server. We play games and stream movies & tv. https://discord.gg/WUP9gtCb

>sexual interests

>normal interests
fitness.basket .soccer .draw.music.manga and anime

>looking for
Normal people who can talk with me every day.just exchange different ides or anything if you wanna

>not looking for
scammers, sellers, trans.gays

>Discord tag

>about you
i like being myself n having lots of fun ^w^
i also like collecting expired drugs, scribbling and failing my classes
certified to fix and maintain outboard motors
>looking for
>not looking for
no vc, ghosting
>vc immediately

Kind of a normie but I dont mind talking to different kinds of people
>Looking for
Just looking to yap
>Not looking for
25/M/East Coast US

Bio: 25 nerdy dadbod male, into hypnosis, synthesizers, TTRPGs and a ton of other stuff

>Looking for:
Someone (cis female or nb preferred) who's interested in the hypnosis, brainwashing, conditioning, etc. kinks. and would be looking to be hypnotized by me

>Not looking for:
Someone who's going to repeatedly ask me "But is hypnosis real? *Really*? Reaaaally really?" The answer is, if you think hypnosis is real, then it's real.

>VC Immediately
Not instantly, I'd like to chat a bit

Gf dumped me a few months back, humiliate/tease me by taking ownership of her pics

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Welcome to Ecchi Empire! This is a server with hentai, anime, manga, games, memes, art, and lewd things. We have a wide variety of people in here, most are Otaku, NEET's, gamers, or anime/hentai lovers. We stream anime and games sometimes. All of users are treated with respect. Share your gaming stuff, hentai, and anime art here and hopefully make new friends!

kind of a mix between a gym/film/gamer bro. i like cooking. work a normie retail job.
>Looking for
friends :)
>Not looking for
minors, weirdos, miners
>VC Immediately?
sure idc
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i am chill and silly and i m a loser! i am not evil.
>Looking for
someone to play re5 and re6 with, preferably someone who hasn't playued those so it can be way betbter... i also play roblox and val but msotly i ml ooking for someone who wants to play htose
>Not looking for
people that are not gonna play video games with me, people who are gonna try to sex me up.
>VC Immediately?
whenever we play and otherwise whenever u want i guess, i do not relaly like to go out my way to call someone so its up 2 u!
30/trans woman/south US
im a straight trans girl who doesnt get out enough and works nights remotely so i get barely any social interaction. i like to read manga and fiction, video games, music and movies, etc.
>Looking for
someone to talk to occasionally at nights when there's not much going on. we can play games or watch movies or just talk, idc.
>Not looking for
transphobes or edgelords, chasers, etc
>VC Immediately?
not immediately but after we get to know each other a little and if we vibe
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most active server on 4chan
mentally ill cord server
welcoming and friendly cosy community filled with based slavs, schizos and chill femcels
youll get addicted
18 M USA
I'm a little bit too excitable about things I've been told and I've heard people say im "cute" or whatever but my face doesn't match my voice at all as I have a pretty deep voice, forgive me for the self sucking
>Looking for
Sadly I can't VC super often but I'm looking for someone that's very talkative because I want someone to talk to me to sleep or something like that but I will actually talk when I can!!
>Not looking for
Albanian "people"
>VC Immediately?
That's fine I guess but I would like to meet you and know you better first!!
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femcel server
women only
I added too many of you people
getting captchas now

25 m texas
I like standard shit for 4chan.
games, kino, niche politcal ideas, arguing, shooting the shit.

Im pretty friendly for the most part.

Looking for someone to talk to. VC or text dont give a shit. make sure you can participate in a conversation. Sometimes i talk to you guys and i get1 word replies like the whores on tinder.
^^ forgot to add IM gerogory
Server with active vc for 4channers

tried to add you but the discord tag doesn't work
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i love playing indie games, point'n'clicks, flash games, walking sims, unique spins on genres, i love looking for obscure bizzare games and playing them with bros while sharing screen.
art films, especially those of psychedelic, esoteric and idealistic nature, interest me. i don't like big cities and movies set in them, no noir.
same with music, but i can't pinpoint what i like there well. i like ambience.
other interests: gardening, religious texts and peculiar philosophies, myths, fairy tales, old internet culture, esoteric ideas.
not looking people who talk about porn or hook up, and people who talk about how sad they are constantly. i'm married.
i love unique experiences. i love being careless as a child.

discord: speedos
correction: discord tag is "speedos" with a dot at the end
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>description of self
incredibly swag
lift heavy shit (training to compete in powerlifting), play classical piano, play videogames, work 9-5 in software engineering, I also own a really active discord server filled 50/50 with lads that lift and women that just chat random shit so that occupies some time
>looking for
friends that I can chat shit with, optimally play videogames or do whatever else and hang out
>NOT looking for
really dry people. also I’m not making this post to get new members to the server, I just want some friends .
the ONE person i was excited to add and they're gone

clarence ya cunt i luv ya
F 22
Doing requests custom vids/pics
Sexting/video call
I also verify
Discord: berkhhh#8063
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i like video games, anime, working out, doom scrolling on xitter/pol.
i like knowing shit nobody cares >about
always looking out for niche things to get into
i have nobody in my life
>looking for
just somebody that could stomach hearing my voice.
>not looking for
3ooke disc
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disc: santianer
looking 4 ppl to game/movie/drink with
not a fag
21 m
no essex or edate
18 F USA
Ugly unattractive neet girl spends all her time online
>Looking for
Anyone preferably kind and open minded but that isn't necessary
>Not looking for
Pushy or judgemental people
>VC Immediately?
I like introductions first
22 18+ only pls
its a active discord server we just play games and watch shit
>Looking for
anyone desu we just need more randoms
>Not looking for
>VC Immediately?
in vc as of post
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half-jap asian schizo. bachelor's degree in political science. VNs, LNs, Anime and Manga. Also history.
>Looking for
People who want to listen to me doing any type of autistic rambling or random tangents while I play shitty vidya
>Not looking for
ewhores, retarded americans
>VC Immediately?
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>About me
I make and sell abstract art. I have a pretty broad taste in music, movies, and TV. I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of Beetlejuice, It's Always Sunny, and Seinfeld. Nowadays, I listen to a lot of Aphex Twin, PilotRedSun, a handful of oldies, and the one hit wonders recommended by Spotify and friends. I'm always online and really hard to offend..
>Looking for
Someone to chat, VC, or hang with RL.
>Not looking for
idk I'm pretty tolerant.
>Discord tag

Back online
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i am incredibly attracted to intelligence and quick wittedness with a touch of sarcasm.
>Looking for
Bored. Talks
>Not looking for
>VC Immediately?
sure, i'm not busy
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Awooooootism discord
add me if you are horny femboy and love being silly and horny and goony and cuddlly and dumb in general please contact we will match greatly owo
Sent you a request
19 M(g) mx
just an average guy looking for interesting people to talk to, im into programming, reading, video games, scary/scifi movies, also learning new languages (im learning french atm)
>Looking for
just ppl to talk to, play something together or practice our languages skills, a native french speaker would be great.
>Not looking for
weirdos, underage
>VC Immediately?
.༻ °⋆ l 𝖊 v i 𝖆 t h 𝖆 n ⋆° ༺.

I'm drunk again
Stop being flakey faggots.
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my name is Lynn, I like baking/cooking. reading, crocheting,I love talking about animals !
im looking 4 a friend!
we can vc anytime u want if I'm free!
my disc- lynnernet
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friendly and welcoming server
most active server on 4chan no larp
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femcel server

lol femcels are real btw im not a glownigger
I'm just looking to play chess or scrabble. Also up for other board games as long as I don't have to download anything and you can teach me the rules. I want to learn how to play Hearts/Spades but I think that's a long shot.

I'll be free starting like 3-5h from the time I write this.
Would prefer it if we could use Mumble (I know a public server that will probably be empty), but I can make a Discord account too. Please reply with a time when you are available.


There is scrabble on Discord but I believe some of the rules are different. I'm sure you could find a server to join that has people who meet your desires. I hope this helps.
Active VC server

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18f syd
i like to play roblox and talk about music and send random gifs/imgs. i reply fast/slow depending on whether or not i liek u
>Looking for
frens and vc
>Not looking for
>VC Immediately?
disc: k4zekami
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>Looking for
Do you like Gundam? Contact me right away! I'm a casual fan, but I still want to talk to other dorks into the franchise. Otherwise, I'm looking for friends, folks to talk to casually, and pleasant or friendly people.
>Not looking for
Angsty, depressed, miserable people who want me to act as their free therapist.
>VC Immediately?
I prefer to introduce myself through VC and get all of the preliminary discussion out that way. I can wait to get to know you until both of us are free to talk. I keep texting to a minimal because it takes alot of effort and I'd rather VC while multitasking and either playing games or crafting.
Post your discord if you are interested.
I'd be happy to play Scrabble with you, if you're still up for it. I'm not very good at it, but I find it fun. I can also use Mumble; I prefer it. I'm free for the next few hours or in the more general evening time, GMT.
Just a guy who likes chatting with people who are generally like minded humor-wise. Wanna talk to you, I've got a soothing voice i hear so come find out.
>Looking for
Preferably women, but don't mind making homies. People with a wide range of interests, maybe anyone who wants to do activities together. Bonus points if we get along well to make long calls a regular thing
>Not looking for:
People who just can't not be abrasive as fuck for literally no reason.
>VC Immediately?
Probably down after like 5-10 minutes of texting + your introduction.

hit me up. my favorite gundam is gundam wing
Big fan of thunderbolt and war in the pocket.

disc: d.o.a.b.a.u.

working my way through IBO with my buddy.
Yeahhhh :D
Let's provisionally say 9pm UK time (we are on summer time rn). And let's try the Mumble server kot.cat as a meeting place. Last time I was on there, some weirdo greeted me, however there are a bunch of channels so I think something surely will be free.
I'm in UK time too, so this sounds good. I'll be there at 9PM! Looking forward to it.
See you later dude!
Programmer and multimedia nerd. I love niche games, game development, trpgs, anime, movies and Touhou. I also love just facts and information. Looking to broaden the types of people I know. Not afraid of sex, but not like obsessed with it. Bisexual.
>Looking for
New cool people to get to know of. My online friend circle is mostly ordinary men, so more women, femboys and such is appreciated.
>Not looking for:
People who can't do the bare minimum for carrying a conversation.
>VC Immediately?
Not immediately, but after a small vibe check I'm usually good to go. I might be busy.
Doing a test
very rude person! avoid.
I shouldn't have to specify this but I'm not looking to "befriend" married men.
You don't have to post on an alt ID, I already know who you are because you are the only person who had married prominently displayed on his profile. I told you I wasn't interested immediately and you wanted to discuss it when there is nothing else to discuss. Go watch Gundam with your wife.
I was looking for cool Gundam friends for both my wife and I, but never mind I fucking guess.
I unadded you when I saw your profile and you decided to go out of your way to add me. But there is no reasoning with you because its clear you don't let things drop.
just be upfront and honest that you're looking for simps and not friends so the actual people looking for friends can do so without your involvement in this thread anymore, thanks.
This is the Discord VC thread not the friend thread. Semantics aside, I don't want to talk to husbands because I've had negative encounters with scummy ones in the past. I'd rather not get entangled with guys who are looking for a side piece.
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21/M/Southeastern US

>about me
i'm a silly guy in a serious world. probably autist, seem to have a harder and harder time connecting with normal people as time goes on, and i also really like bunnies. i'm a university student and i'm currently pursuing many ambitions.
hobbies: i'm a musician who sings and plays piano/guitar/drums. i also skateboard (poorly) and like to skii when i get the chance.
i go to the gym every so often so i'm in alright shape. i also enjoy collecting old books concerned with esoteric religions or old magics.
i watch anime and play games as well, but i'm beyond help so i basically only play roblox and minecraft
physical descriptors: pale white, 6'0, long blond hair, blue eyes, athletic/thin-ish body type

>looking for
a white girl who is good at heart and NOT evil.

>not looking for
non-monogamists, narcissists, girls who can drop people quickly, evil people, extremely skinny or extremely fat girls

>Discord tag
>NOT evil
Good luck man, few and far between
[F4M] Looking for a submissive and honest sub
discord: charlotte2442
Like the typical shit, vidya, cars, self improvement
I'm good at holding conversation, terrible at texing
>Looking for
Strictly friends don't want any weird sexual shit, just want to hang out and kill time
>Not looking for
gooners, relationship, sex stuff
>VC Immediately?
let me get to know you first but open to it
18/ male/ usa Nevada

im an Asian boy with longish black hair and slightly feminine traits, if you call me a femboy ill call you a faggot. Into a whole bunch of shit but recently d&d, story writing shit in general(writer friends needed tired of being a poser), civ 6, age of wonders 4 (please play it with me), league (im iron 2, started playing a month or two ago), Minecraft (love big modpacks), i also enjoy philosophy and mysticism, i can wear glasses for you too if you're into that, used to write poems i guess i could write some for you if you're bored and into that, will dm a solo d&d campaign for you if i really like you, i suppose im bisexual but i hate most men so really just regard me as straight with exceptions (yes i recognise the retardedness of being both male and slightly misandrist, perfectly fine with befriending guys tho)

>looking for
i like cynical or interesting worldviews and a good grasp of who you are as a person, but just add me ur probably really cool and ill like talking to you a bunch and we can be bestest pals (unless you hate me, then i suppose we can be the worst of enemies
>Not looking for
big hairy balding middle aged Albanian men trying to break my boyvirginity. sorry aron. not happening.

>vc immediately
sure why not, am a bit sick atm tho

yes this is the vc thread but you yourself put "looking for friends". i don't care that you don't talk to husbands, i care that your ad is fucking misleading for people who just want to talk about gundam. don't post an ad that intimates anyone can contact you if they want to talk about gundam when that's not actually the case. next time be more specific than "folks to talk to casually, and pleasant or friendly people". nothing about that suggests anything like hidden social criteria or previous negative encounters. is it so hard for you to write an actual accurate ad so people don't waste their time on you? so people don't get hopes up for making a friend? incredibly inappropriate behaviour that just further brings down the quality of this board.
You sound like an incredibly mentally unstable retard.
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23/M/Western US
Humorous kind of person in VC, easy to talk to. Into a bunch of hobbies like mahjong, anime/manga, Go, history, currently learning Mandarin. I'm a NEET due to chronic pain so expect me to have a wonky sleep schedule.
>Looking for
Someone who shares any of these hobbies to talk to. Or comes from an interesting part of the world. I'm always interested to talk and make friends with those abroad.
>Not looking for
Awkward VCs, people with no sense of humor, rude and caustic people, crazy people.
>VC Immediately?
Sure, but it'll have to be when I'm not in pain lol.
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Be serious
All about UC and Wing, add me!
>immediately starts taking "prolly with some bitch" pills one message in to a complete stranger
Good riddance
VC server

Who cares dog
>b-but my muscles!
last i checked, literally any weapon beats raw strength, even a trenchclub. The fact you got this angry over nothing proves she was right to ignore you
you're just a simp
i dont know her nor do i have a desire to
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>Looking for
lets play overwatch (im in gold). we dont even have to vc but im open to it
>Not looking for
not really looking for other games to play desu.
>VC Immediately?
im awkward but sure.
discord is anguishvalentine
Bro you’re like 10 pounds underweight which ain’t go at all when you’re still developing 18m add me I’m biscuit
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server with active vcs + chat + egirls
[F4M] Looking for a submissive and honest sub

Discord: charlotte2442
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21 femboy sissy looking for anyone (preferably fem:3) pervs to goon with all night while i play hentai games! i have absolute tons of hentai n pics and i’m into almost anything, will send list if we talk ;) ill show off my clothes n toys to you even if we get along…, so please hmu, i’d love to serve n be slutty :3 !
kik: SubSissyBoy_
discord: subsissyboy
I unironically want to make male friends that are into self-improvement right now. Is there anyone that might be interested in that?
If you have to resort to weaponry to prove your manhood, you're more pussy than a cuck. Just admit you took it up the ass by your deadbeat dad.
Ok, tough guy :l

*Drone strikes you*
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Tired, depressed, been drinking a lot lately. Normally I like literature, video games (nothing after 2007, unless it's jank as fuck), documentaries, birds, paranormal/cult stuff, cooking, vintage horror films, and SOME (I fucking hate weeb shit) anime. Currently working as a train conductor.
>Looking for
More female friends, preferably to talk about our hobbies or discuss how our days went, talking about pointless edrama, maybe more eventually but I doubt it
>Not looking for
Friend collectors or dry ass responses, at the very least you can ACT interested in what I have to say. Also, no trannys, you are not a woman, I will not play pretend with you.
>VC Immediately?
>if you have to resort to weaponry youre a pussy
then literally all of humanity including yourself is a pussy. tool use is one of the only things that humanity does well. every fucking animal in our weight class is pretty much stronger than us. There's exceptions but theyre pretty much all shit animals. You have to get to shit like sloths before we're even comparable. The strongest dude in the world is probably on par with like, a wear bear at best. Coincidentally, both can easily be killed with a rock in a sock.
Go make a personality based on something more complicated than a fucking rock.
weak* not wear.
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most active server on 4chan
mentally ill cord server
welcoming and friendly cosy community filled with based slavs, schizos and chill femcels
youll get addicted
>Gundam, Anime, Manga, Cooking, Music, Horror, Imageboard Culture, terminally online antics.
>Friends, good conversations.
>Braindead retards
>Need a vibe check first
Hi, I am slightly lonely and recently graduated highschool. I like Fallout, drawing, Payday 2, and horror movies.
>Looking for
I am really really really into Russian accents, and Russian guys specifically. Please add me if you are a Russian guy.
>Not looking for
Anything else.
>VC immediately?
Can do.
This post was made by Andrey Belousov
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>description of self
incredibly swag
lift heavy shit (training to compete in powerlifting), play classical piano, play videogames, work 9-5 in software engineering, I also own a really active discord server filled 50/50 with lads that lift and women that just chat random shit so that occupies some time
>looking for
friends that I can chat shit with, optimally play videogames or do whatever else and hang out
>NOT looking for
really dry people. also I’m not making this post to get new members to the server, I just want some friends.
server for the mentally ill

You should probably give more info e.g. skill level in these games
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19 m maryland

i am rewatching the sopranos again, i like to watch shows but struggle to watch them alone. i want to be a marine biologist i like mycology and grow mushrooms i like weed i like to read here and there but it's not a main hobby i like to sound design but sometimes make music. like to hike but hate the heat. also go to raves and punk shows irla lot also autism bpd so you know what you're getting into.

maybe want people who are close but it's not required, i tend to like older people like mid 20's and would like people who are close to me maybe to hang out with irl. i talk a lot so it's okay to tell me i'm talking too much or something.

contact - yuka1312
I don't think it makes a ton of difference because I'm looking to hang out and play, not just play.
Chess: ~65% percentile of lichess players (among those active weekly)
Scrabble: I'm a casual, definitely not a wordcel. Have played about 30 games in my life
Um I mean 65th percentile, so I am better than 65% of players.
Um I mean 65th percentile, so I am better than 65% of players.

Also I am up for the Fischer random chess variant. And if we have a significant skill difference then the better player can just get a handicap. So I don't see an issue.
I'm not sure what you were expecting. This is a VC thread and I specifically asked in my original post to name a time when you are available.
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>Looking For
People to VC, play games with, and share/ discuss interests. Idk what you identify as, as long as you’re chill and fun to talk to.
>Not Looking For
People who don’t VC
>About Me
Military vet who’s diagnosed with PTSD, severe depressive disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. Usually I’m able to keep myself under wraps, but every now and then I’ll have an episode. I work a lot so I’m not able to text all the time, but I’m able to call during work. I’m an avid horror fan, vidya player (PC), history buff, and in my free time I’m either cooking, buying/ selling military surplus, playing games, studying, collecting early 2000’s toys, painting my furniture, or listening to an audio book.

Picrel is my cat
This is probably the most physical you've gotten for weeks typing all that shit out. Keep crying.
and? i'm at a healthy weight. all of mankinds prowess through history has been to invent weapons that minimize the utility of raw strength. even in the time of knights and horses, the sword and spear were considered honorable compared to the axe and maul. You're over a millennium late. If you want to impress someone by doing the same thing over and over, go talk to a monkey. They seem to be good at that kind of thing.
Healthy weight doesn't dictate overall health. Also, understanding history of weaponry doesn't mean you're competent in combat, let alone at life. Keep crying.
Healthy weight doesnt dictate overall health, but it appeases my vanity which is all I really care about. Also, youre right that understanding weaponry doesnt make you competent at combat, but you don't need to be if youre fighting someone who only relies on muscle.
Not that it matters, but I actually AM trained in such things. But that's pointless since last I checked, i'm pretty sure bullets work the same way no matter who you use it on, and i'm pretty sure those are pretty easy to obtain.
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i'm a fujoshi.
okay for real though, i like to draw a lot and play video games when i'm not
i dabble a bit in vocaloid, SFM, programming, and animation. i'm classy and a lady with manners, okay... (fingers crossed behind back)
looking for friends to play tf2 or some other games with.
serious about mahjong, seriously into FKMT. i will sperg out on occasion and it is required that you do the same.
i'm kinda shy but i want to try and make friends
also i suck at texting i promise i'm better over voice
>looking for
someone who i can play games with
fellow /a/ fags and Americans (UK and Aussies are cool too)
non-normies i guess but that means nothing on here
>not looking for
anything nsfw
>VC Immediately?
yeah sure
vulgaroldman on discord
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Another mentally ill guy on 4Chan. Along with the usual hentai addiction and mental illness. But I'll also talk your ear off about anything i'm interested in.
>Looking for
Anyone who can hold a conversation and won't just add me and then just not say anything. Also of course females, like every other anon.
>Not looking for
Overly sexual people, you know the kind.
>VC Immediately?
Eh, no? At least let me get to know you a little before calling.
Disc: true_dandyism

Also please tell me you added me from this thread.
Come back! post again
>People to hang out with. Would love to play games and/or watch stuff together if we get along well enough. I’m usually online for at least a couple hours everyday.
agreeing with the other anon who replied to you. I would like to add you as well. Repost.
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half-jap asian schizo. bachelor's degree in political science. VNs, LNs, Anime and Manga. Also history.
>Looking for
People who want to listen to me doing any type of autistic rambling or random tangents while I play shitty vidya
>Not looking for
ewhores, retarded americans
>VC Immediately?
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bored guy living alone seeking friends or more. I would like to have someone to vc with and chat about anime, games, life, obessions, etc. life outside work and school sucks
>looking for
girls, femboys
>vc immediately
their first ever post was claiming they were a femboi
it's just a catfish wanting attention
Female 22 y/o from UK . Looking to have fun? I'm up and available!

I love to expose myself here and drain your balls!
I'm available in sext, joi, customs, sph, cei, gfe and cam show FACETIME, hmu!

Telegram : lilyfreak
Kik : preciousasiann
Discord : lilyfreak
19 RU
Looking for people to play Terraria or ROR2
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exercise and sports, Nature, Vexillology, Creating music, History, countries, geography and philosophy, Movies, Politics
Self improvement and journalling, Family and cats, Cooking
>looking for
I value openness, intelligence, understanding and quick wit, looking for a VC buddy but text is fine
femboy on meds looking to chat and get to know people. into nerd stuff and sports, and all other things! be nice^^
>looking for
people that are patient and easy to talk to!
disc: cutecatlover_.
24 MtF USA
mentally ill tranny hacker (still have man voice)
>Looking for
idk someone to chat with lol
>VC Immediately?
discord: d3monloll

Looking to VC over Mumble, and play:
- chess
- scrabble
- trick-taking playing card games (you will have to teach me)
before I throw my info out here...would an anon who uses a real-time voice changer to sound like a woman be approved of here?
bumping for vc NOW NOW NOW IM VERY BORED AND NEED A BIG MAN TO ENTERTAIN ME ALL NIGHT LONG (also high on oxy rn hehe xd)
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Wanna meet a bunch of anons and anonettes who are bored, mildly misanthropic, outside of their own culture and interested (read: desperate for) others like them? Join Anon's Anonymous (A_A) to mutually rot, vibe and bant today!

27m california
going through some crazy shit and need a distraction. talk with
an insanely depressed person today im up for anything

i have been screaming nonstop for almost two weeks so my voice is fucked

>ASL - 27 F TX
>Bio - Currently single. Living with my two pups in a house out in the country. I wfh mainly and that can sometime get in the way of my personal life.
Hobbies: fishing, shooting, I want to take up archery, reading, spending time with my pups, working, listening to music.
>Looking for - amazing lifelong friendships and if it turns into something more, so be it :)
>Not looking for - short lived meaningless connections
>VC Immediately?Not immediately, I would prefer VM's first. To get an idea of personality
>Contact - dewordom6

>Looking for
I've been down lately and I'm looking for genuinely kind people to hang out with. Normie-passing people who will hang out with me while we do our respective things. We don't have to talk much, I'm just lonely. Preferably around my age (30-40) if we do talk.

I have BPD-tendencies, needy, emotional, and can be mean but am mostly nice. I just crave someone real who I can connect with. Someone who is kind who will let me shower them in affection and who will shower me in affection in turn. I prefer pasty white dudes, mostly right-leaning, and I prefer VC over texting but if we click I'll text you a lot. I'm into DDLG and am specifically searching for a dom. Ideally someone European but I'm willing to relocate if need be.

>Not looking for
Severe mental illness, trannies

18 (femboy twink girl? idk ill be whatever for u im cute :3)
>describe yourself
174cm 55kg (vry fem) also extremely mentally ill (extremely depressed, schizo, bipolar with 2 alters) i can be clingy at times and sperg out but chill for the most part
vidya(all kinds pls play w me!!) and music pretty much(im into a lot of genres but usually on drain time)
>looking for
obsessive people
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>About Yourself
i work in finance and have two cats. my days consist of going to work, exercising, playing video games, cooking, and sleeping
>Looking for
genuine friendship. i work 9-5 but im free to text during the day, then possibly talk in the evening. ideally, i like neets/shut ins, or people similar to me. im looking for someone to be comfy with, someone into fitness/cooking, or someone that’s into the same things i am right now. also if you play ACNL
>Not looking For
anything sexual, trans, political people, furries, non-us, underage
history, vidya games, animated shows, nature, cats, MtG, WoW, roguelikes, emulation, cooking, reading, improving myself, vaporwave, manga, pokemon, one piece, cannabis, conspiracies, 3ds
>board i visit
/ck/, /x/, /an/
>Media you're currently consooming
berserk, one piece, risk of rain 2, borderlands, animal crossing new leaf, pokemmo
>VC Immediately?
introduce yourself first
24M Submissive Cuckold obsessed with WWE's Bayley and Rhea Ripley. Willing to do quite literally anything (blackmail, F1nancial play, etc) for sexually dominant males who can goon with me to them. Bonus if you can US phone call or VC on Discord/Facetime.

Discord - YourDeepRest
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21 m texan
Looking for people to vc while i game or do art projects and just to be bored with xd
Big plus if ur into /m/ stuff
Not interested in weird coomer dudes
Discord is kabuto.gm
19/Male/Mid West America
I like online games and im totally down to play anything, I loveee anime. I play sports and workout.
>Looking for
Someone i think is silly and interesting. If you have some sort of interest that u know a lot about pls add me and tell me about it ^_^
>Not looking for
If ur one of those puritan christians pls dont add me ur all mean
>VC Immediately?
i mean we could but its gonna be awkward asf
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>About Yourself
College student that's doing the bare minimum. I enjoy playing video games, listening to music, playing bass, and working out occasionally.
>Looking for
A female's voice
>Not looking for
A male's voice
>VC Immediately?
Yeah, if I don't then I'm probably busy/sleeping
You can’t just decide to be a girl, you’re a fucking man with severe daddy issues.
26 M Winnipeg Manitoba
Greedy coomer who takes discord too seriously
>Looking for
Degenerates & E-gurls
>Not looking for
Fat Women
>VC Immediately?
Meh, maybe Tomorrow
Mai Discord Serber

do you have a new discord user to contact ?
i'm a pretty boring person that is trying to learn how to be more social. i like video games, drawing, reading and cooking. my main goal is trying to get more comfortable voice chatting with people. so shoot me a call whenever you want to vc with me (sorry if i end up streaming supermarket simulator while babbling on about something)
>>looking for
talkative people to vc with
>>not looking for
coomers and ghosters

Super into film, animation, and manga. Decently smart, self-sufficient, got a touch of the 'tism. I live alone, got a good job, extremely socially isolated, somehow not insane. Excellent taste in all things, this is not debatable.

>Looking for
Drunk, bored, just want to bullshit and chat for tonight. Do not add me if you cannot call right away and keep me company. I don't care if you're drinking too or not. Age, gender, race, sexual orientation, etc., does not matter to me. Weather is nice, I'm happy, I just want to keep drinking and enjoy the night.

>Not looking for
See above.

>VC Immediately?
Literally, yes.

21 M Socal
I enjoy reading, hiking/camping, gym punk/indie music. I'm decently travelled and read I'm open to talk about anything
>Looking for
>Not looking for
I'm not gay and i'm not going to buy you shit
>VC Immediately?
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Artist, musician, powerlifter, nerd. Very passionate about a lot of things. Metalhead, electronic aficionado, lover of all kinds of music otherwise. I don't socialize or go out much, I spend all my time on myself and my hobbies. I'm not your usual socially stunted, shut-in autist, so I would appreciate if you can match that energy. Little guarded and serious when I meet people, but I open up quickly and am very sarcastic and witty. I talk a lot of shit. Don't take it personally.
>Looking for
Cool girl that likes the sound of all of this and would like to voice chat for the sake of it, play games, figure each other out. No expectations here, surprise me.
Since it is relevant: I don't primarily play multiplayer games and won't have any interest in playing CS:GO, Valorant, League, etc, with you. But I DO like Vermin/Darktide, MMORPGs, fighting games, and a good assortment otherwise. Very flexible regardless. Playing games isn't a requirement, just figured I'd provide context. Check 3x3 picrel for an idea of my taste.
>Not looking for
Men, retards, time wasters. Don't be a fucking retard please.
>VC Immediately?
We can VC somewhere along the line down the first conversation, but I'm going to vet your ass first
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We have vc sometimes
Hello, you should join our silly friends server for banter among other chan losers.
NEETs, chuds, troons, oldfags, and the mentally ill are all welcome!
Join if you like maps, geography, history, nature, music, animals, or if you have hobbies you'd like to discuss.
Fat women encouraged to join!
WHITES ONLY and please no Christians or other Abrahamics.
18+ ONLY
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Gay twink
I like outdoorsy stuff, cooking, video games, movies, music, sports, reading
>looking for
A friend or a boyfriend
>not looking for
Dry people

pic is me :3
19M Canada
I'm a writer, streamer, emotional support/listener (basically unofficial therapist) on a website and I'm generally just an enthusiast who just wants to make really big, fun, wonderful things happen.
>Looking for
Females to chat with, especially with good English and intellect.
>Not looking for
People with poor English skills and are just kind of dry and won't really do much with me.
>VC Immediately?
Not necessarily, but maybe.
Just a chill smart dude
>Looking for
People to talk about music with or want life advice (or really anything else while I'm working out)
>VC Immediately?
Yeah I'm cool with that
No more adds, I got enough.
Add your requests starting with the letter c
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28/Tiny Penis and Balls/CA
I'm a terrible person with unbelievable life experiences.
>Looking for
Something better than e-sex...
>Not looking for
>VC Immediately?
Always baby
Discord: lovedones
VCs close to everyday

Europeans, Americans, Men, Women, Transgenders

It's all at the Pongerian Realm

>trying to learn how to be more social

start by not ghosting!!
I'm a software engineer, but my real interest is in film among other types of art and media. I'm an easy-going down-to-earth guy, but i really enjoy deep ideas, philosophy, thought experiments, psychology, etc. I also like being active, enjoy swimming, disc golf, hiking, and want to travel more.
>looking for
Other adult, professional, mentally and financially stable people who are also chill and enjoy talking movies, philosophy or just friendly casual conversation. I also really want to talk with others about the future and the rapidly changing nature of technology and its impact to society. It would also be great to find others who enjoy being active and have any interest in staying fit and healthy (this includes mental health) together. If we end up getting along and vibe well and are both comfortable enough with each other, I'm up for eventually voice chatting. Also, if you like any of my favorite film makers we will probably get along: Scorsese, Lynch, Coen Bros, Bergman, Herzog, Fellini.
>not looking for
NEETs, Anyone high strung who can't handle their emotions like an adult or people who behave like children. People who don't have any sincere interests or ideas to share or those who are just looking for either an interview or an argument.
i have life and responsibilities outside of talking to people. if you send me another message i'll find the time to talk.
it wasn't being busy, you disappeared without saying anything and started posting under a different account
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M27, Looking for someone to trade and cum with

Kik smellywompus
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Fast-growing server with vidya, anime, movies and more, join if you're lonely or just wanna find a friend (or maybe something more)

Accept acquaintances as anonymous anons at Anon's Anonymous already! https://discord.gg/9hz3dH5gmj
When are we playing The Scrabble again
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Uni graduate, extremely open-minded and curious and into a lot of things. I'm fairly muscular and i like showing off.
>>Looking for
Girls who want to have fun with me on cam/vc
>>Not looking for
if you are not a girl
>>VC Immediately?
Why not
Female bisexual from the uk
Got a big titty (she’s size J) misses I ain’t afraid to show off
Message me
hiii chatty friends. love u see u soon. muah muah. (No gays except hot lesbians) https://discord.gg/fx4eXuBhr2
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I wanna die but I wanna talk lol

>Looking for
Someone that can talk argumentatively and understand different opinions

>Not looking for

>VC Immediately?
Yes like rn, like add me mf RIGHT NOW

Tele- Maceyy2023
Kik- BabyJess2024
Discord- BabyJessica24
Female, Uk, Bisexual, Dripping wet..
Willing to show off my big titty curvy girlfriend
Hit me up
did the same thing to me, avoid
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disc: aeo1is

guy looking to talk / make friends.
bonus if your a chick who isn't fucking insane.
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23/M/Southern Brazil

Geography, music, climatology, extreme weather, traveling, nature, languages, conspiracy theories (the ones that do have sense and are not completely denial), true crime, genealogy, fitness/cardio, spirituality.

>Looking for
Someone to talk with, interesting and patient people, getting to know each other, hear about unusual stories. Sharing movies and music.
Plus if you're sudaca or from the same region as me.

>not looking for
Ghosters, low effort conversations.

it's always the ones that specify "no ghosters" that end up ghosting eh

Omg all these dumb faggots on this thread are annoying. Most of you are literally only online for one day and then basically leave discord after you cum two drops from your little marble sized balls. Most of you are friends with all the other girls who added me on this thread and we make fun of you, and most of you are boring worthless weirdos.

Come chill while I'm drunk and actually be a real human being with real shit to say, instead of a hollow shell of fear and self loathing.
Btw I love retro games and classical art, in case I'm getting worthless adds because of my own vagueness in my post.
>Most of you are literally only online for one day and then basically leave discord
heartbreaking: the worst person you know just made a great point
that's how it is when you add women off of here. you have to jestermaxx in order to appeal to them and get them hooked, otherwise they won't give a shit about you and will end up ghosting you.
Kik- Macemaceyy
Tele- Maceyy2023
Discord- MaceMaceyy

Female Bisexual, Uk
Horny as hell
In the bath with my big titty gf currently
Come see what we can do
Depends on what your idea of self-improvement is, but sure. Leave your tag or ask for mine.
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Student, bachelor, working on finishing the semester then looking for summer work.

I've been journaling for some 8 years straight now, and have found personal meaning in art.

Here's a list of words and you can figure out if we share anything: STEM, computers, computer science, history, philosophy, music, music production, literature, reading, fitness, fashion, health, vidya, kino, books, internet culture, filmmaking and generally all kinds of creative projects aaaaand... you're probably already bored, right?

I don't really believe in reducing an entire human being into a few sentences of text can work. Let's face it, you're online, here on this site. You've tried this how many times now and you might have had some hits or misses, but in the end this type of pretend-socialization won't ever really fulfill your expectations. People have their own lives, their own happenings. Everyone's a stranger. You make your decision on who to devote the most minute amount of attention to within a few seconds of looking over their post and attention grabbing image.

I've tried this a few times and usually it doesn't go anywhere. But then again I have had extremely engaging conversations even if we never talked again. Sounds familiar, right?

What's the point of me saying this?

Here's the deal. I don't know you, and you don't know me. A single little personal advertisement won't change that. The outside world is right there, full of people you could meet in person, full of things you could do, and yet we still hold this notion that maybe there's someone interesting here too, in this sea of anonymity.

>Looking for

I'm not really sure to be honest. A real person, guy or girl, I guess? You got anything you want to talk about that's deeply meaningful to you? Do you want to put up with another, real person? An honest discussion, 5 minute coinflip, what have you got to lose? Throw stuff at me and see if anything sticks.


You are literally so fucking ugly and I bet you're fat as well due to your alcoholic lifestyle. I really don't know who nor do I know how someone could possibly add an alcoholic troglodyte lookin' ass muthafucka.
gave me a good laugh, thanks anon i needed that
F 22
Doing requests custom vids/pics
Sexting/video call
I also verify
Discord: berkhhh#8063
Chill aussie dude looking to chat to Fs that enjoy the accent.

Disc: m1495
20, M, norway
i love IT shit, i play video games and workout sometimes, im starting my journy on making vidya games and working on security.
>looking for
people who are interested in music and willing to try new games with me and just have fun :3
(bonus points if you also from norway)
>VC immediately?
maybe after we texted a little
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18 Trans F Caribbean
>Looking for
another pervert gooner, someone to vc with and worship porn with as a religion :3 let's have a prayer sesh as we pump together! i want someone committed to gooning and porn
>Not looking for
simple trading or stuff like feet or bnwo
>VC Immediately?
after we talk a bit and set up boundaries n stuff
>daddy, dom, rigger, sadist, exhibishionist, voyeur
>looking for
>someone to voice chat and dump a load with
>VC immediately?
Disc: beautysbeast
Looking for people to chat to throughout the day (and hopefully blossom into long-term friendships) or potentially play vidya with - open to pretty much anything as long as it isn't Genshin, Destiny, WoW, or Warframe (currently playing Dota, Xenoblade 1, and Trackmania)

I'm happily taken, so no creeps please and ty

Also, if you're any kind of -phobic then keep scrolling please; life's too short to be hateful

My one BIG request is that you're able to hold a conversation - far too many people add me and open with "Hi, how are you, good, what's up, not much, you" and are never heard from again, so *please* be at least somewhat socially competent?

Music-wise I like pretty much anything from hardcore to country to kpop...

Other interests include cryptic crosswords, webdev, reading/writing, drama and horror films/TV, and trying to be a more productive person


__eden__ on Discord (case sensitive, two hyphens either side)
21M uk im arab and i want someone to sit in call and just goon im so horny i wanna goon for like so long

i like feet and women and trans women and femboys i would suck a dick infront of me it it was attached to a cute woman

im looking for that and not looking for anything else

pls be available to goon immediately

discord is alwayswait

Drinking right now, I should be celebrating but i've got no one.

>Looking for
Anyone to just chat with, really anything. Preferably someone else drinking. I'm straight so no gay shit sorry

>Not looking for

>VC Immediately

Discord: .angrymonkey.
Lesbian couple but both bi
We can verify

Introverted white guy living alone in a house in the city. I work in tech from home. I'm into gaming, listening to music, guitar, archery, comic books, solo travel, and trying to keep active.

>looking for
Anything. Close friendships. Conversation. Someone to game. with. Maybe future travel companions.

27 f canada
i like things where im submissive since im into bdsm like rape or breeding or both or anything forced rllly but i just want to coom and move on
not keen on sending pics, im not a photo vending machine
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trying to recreate the feeling of that server you joined that one summer years ago?

active, friendly and welcoming
vc / movie night every night

very cosy server
18+ freedom of expression
your tags don't work frens
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Common variety weeb, i got adhd, people think im weird and I don't fully know why
>Looking for
Anyone from Australia/Sea/Asia or similar timezones to play games or watch movies/anime at night with. I like fighting games and fortnite but im willing to play/try anything really
>Not looking for
People in inconvenient timezones I deal with that enough already
>VC Immediately?
I'd like to talk a little im dms beforehamd so we can decide on doing something in vc
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are you trying to recreate the feeling of that server you joined that one summer years ago?

active, friendly and welcoming
vc / movie night every night

very cosy server
18+ freedom of expression
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selfies+art+gc+vc !
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Cirno themed server with plenty of autistic retards, pedophiles, faggots, trannies, roblox players, actual pedophiles, niggers and many more

Willing to do anything for you add me I can verify
Me and my girl here
Lesbian relationship but are both bi

what im looking for is someone who wants to masturbate to hentai/porn with on vc and just be overall lewd (f/ftm only)

disc: driptilipop
Cuck looking to goon on Voice with right-wing Bulls to Kaitlin Bennett or Brittany Venti. Hope to hear from you!

>About you
Movies, books, swiming, hiking and into fitness,
>Looking for
local anons
>ASL 2
20 M Uk
undergrad history student
often drunk
severely autistic
chronically online
>Looking for
whatever, poor taste and dark humour
music esp alt, metal 80s ect
general poor taste memes and drunk talk

>Not looking for
>VC Immediately?
>> poo
>brazilian, but white passing if that matters
>i really like music

i dont know what to say really, just need people to talk to me, i prefer talking to girls because they are usually more compassionate but id like to be friends with a male too
ugh i forgot my discord again, its cintra2
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>ASL - 19 m São Luís Brazil
>Bio - 19 straight, i go to the gym, i like videogames (dark souls, elden ring, minecraft), i play shogi and chess (both pretty badly) i love music, all genres so if you like weird things, or rock music, rap, japanese music, russian music, ANYTHING i will love to chat with you, my english speaking is not the best, so i prefer to type, is easier but if you want we can go vc
>Looking for - friends or a girlfriend (web-girlfriend)
>Not looking for - people who want nudes right away, people who will be mean, people who will hate me for being brazillian, people who cant take one or two grammatical mistakes :P
>VC Immediately? - nop
>Contact - Discord (_ally_a)
username not correct
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26 M4F I'm too horny to focus and need relief; the company of any ladies who would like to chat would be very welcome. Just be kind and friendly, I ask nothing more.

tag: brightwynde
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fat bitches, asians, latinas and trannies are welcome, we hate white people ( ̄m ̄)
Holy shit how pathetic
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I'm just a guy that wants friends to play tf2 with, and maybe some other games. I'm super friendly and I just want to talk to people!

>Looking for
friends to play and talk to

>Not looking for
romance, dating, flirting

>VC Immediately?

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cosy active server, mainly women staff & looking for a few more, ik 4chan is a bad place for this but yeah
Nothing particular, I like anime games (being playing Helldivers 2 for a quite while and Darktide) but I like many other games, I can send you my steam library if you interested
Also sometimes I'm making renders in Koikatsu, not as method of making money, purely as hobby
>Looking for
A nerd girl like me to spend time together in GMT+3 timezone, or whatever if you comfortable to text/voicechat me, I'm not 24/7 though, working 2/2 with night stay
>Not looking for?
Men, trans, feminists
>VC Immediately
Nah science for today at least I'm at work
just a not so local catboy :3
love my dog, metalcore, edm, swimming, 420, and multiplayer (mainly shooters) vidya.
i think im able to get along with most people fairly easily, but it takes me a bit to warm up sometimes ><
>Looking for
specifically someone to play fortnite with. ideally looking for a relationship with someone, but ill be happy if i can find a fren ^^
>Not looking for
people who dont play fortnite, <18, weirdos, and rude people
>VC Immediately?
sure! gotta break that ice at some point :p

hopefully we can talk soon ^^
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always chilling

eighteen girl

looking for online friends or retards to chat with cause i have no friends and i am antisocial

not looking for anything sexual or romantic

i have no idea how to describe myself
here's a rap cover i just made https://youtu.be/Ff8x3HwfdTI
im always calm and chilling out wasting but i like introspection and studying some academic subjects on my own im a hikikomori and a neet

discord is shadyfuckingcrazy
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I watch too many movies, I geek on comic books, music enjoyer. I play video games a lot, but not as much as I used to, mainly cs2 (bouncing between 11.5-14k in premier right now, I'm washed), ow2 peaked t500 GM1, usually consistent GM but I bounce around in masters, haven't dick slammed the ranked ladders at all since the new update, and a smidge of valorant hovering in plat, solo Q is boring. I will always play diablo 2. Original and D2R. A touch immature, weird sense of humor.
I also keep bees now, I started an Apiary (it will be very large) because I am bee keeping age now.

>Looking for
a 3rd/duo for low ranked Apex, anyone fun to game with, movie suggestions, music suggestions, a pocket mercy or a pocket sage. Cool fun facts about stuff. ALSO LOOKING FOR TIPS ON BEE KEEPING. Give me bee tips. Anyone cool.

>Not looking for
Annoying left wingers, annoying right wingers, people under 21. No gay dudes spamming their cocks at me, you guys dicked my DM's so hard last time and I don't know if I can handle anymore cocks and it all looked like different angles of that scene from Harry Potter where Dobby the elf got choked out. People who are sensitive in general.

>VC Immediately?


>pic related
if you want a face to the voice i guess (back in the day this was a courtesy)

Please do not add me if you're under 21.
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27, Male, Canada
I own Acrimony aka Normalcy, Anarchy
>Looking for
Far-right, based individuals with offensive memes
>Not looking for
Coomers, losers, edaters
>VC Immediately? Sure!
anyone want to jerk to irls on cam disc is brickfizz
28/M/Quebec Canada
Some weeb fucking retard who just wants to talk with people because I'm bored as fuck. I like anime and manga (duh), vidya (especially VN's). I mostly listen to many variants of metal songs. If you got any suggestions for really fucked up psychological animes/mangas I'd be happy to hear.
>Looking for
Anything, I don't care
>Not looking for
Whatever man, I don't care
>VC Immediately?
29 M NY
5'8" whitey with a deep voice, im married but always up to chat, play games a lot, watch a bunch of TV, in school for engineering
>Looking for
Women frens who get bored late nights and over nights on the weekend
>Not looking for
A relationship
>VC Immediately?
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Wanting to vc and annoy you
>Looking for
Someone willing to spill their guts about something they enjoy and want to share mostly if it comes to music
>Not looking for
Coomer rejects
>VC Immediately?

>About Yourself
My main interests are music, movies, shows, cooking, fps/strategy games, geography, comedy and history.

>Looking for
Girls that are willing to talk and present themselves honestly and just have a good time. Someone to play games with or watch shows with is what i’m mainly looking for. Preferably more of a mean attitude from a girl is what I find attractive. I would love to vc and get to know you. Feel free to try and manipulate me. I prefer to VC but if you just want to text at first thats cool.

i like feet btw

Apex, Tarkov, Valorant, Overwatch, Fortnite, vrchat when I’m bored.

>Not looking For
People who need the entire conversation carried or are too cool to reply.

sissy willing to voice chat with dom men. I'll wear chastity and send you my old sissy pics. I want to hear what you think of my body and humiliate me

discord: lexithong

Workin on getting my shit together, I like goin to the gym, playin games, and hangin out with others

>Looking for
Female and preferably within Canada (Not mandatory), someone to call and text, no need to rush into things

>Not lookin for
Underage, trans, or to be a personal therapist (Dont mind lending an ear to listen or advice if applicable but one sided convo is boring as fuck)

>VC Immediately?
So long as you're comfortable with it too!

30 male australia
bi guy, 180cm, 75kg
>Looking for
prefer trans or femboys or MUCH older women, but will chat to guys too
>Not looking for
>VC Immediately?
at work lmao
F 22
Doing requests custom vids/pics
Sexting/video call
I also verify
Discord: berkhhh#8063
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Server made for everyone
regional channels

i'm a student with a part time job. i am very soft spoken and shy so sorry if i'm not that talkative. i'm still getting used to being more social. i tend to open up the more we vc. i play fps games and i like to read.
>>Looking for
open to anyone who isn't a meanie
>>Not looking for
mean people
>>VC Immediately?
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bump. just looking for zero build players btw
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silly fitness and body modification enthusiast, vegetarian for a decade in dec :3
>Looking for
people too talk about hobbies with, i'm into jrpg's and vocaloid
>Not looking for
coomers and racist losers
>VC Immediately?
sure breh
>24,m,east coast
>silly billy
>other silly billies
>cocks, people who take themselves too seriously
> yes please
> n0n0nsensener0
Kik- macemaceyy
Tele- maceyy2023
Discord- Jmace1996

Female, Bisexual, Uk

Add me to see titties Guys
Vidya, Anime, Cooking, Snowboarding, Drugs, Hiking and other outdoorsy shit.
>Looking for
Peeps to game/chat with
>Not looking for
>VC Immediately?
Prefer to chat a bit first
F19, Canada

>looking for a
generous minion to dom and give my affection too and for him to SPOIL me from my Throne wishlist. so.. prove your devotion..

>not looking for
people who waste my time ^^

being evil
self care

>Discord (only add if you are ready to get your wallet drained)
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29/eu/ F
I like jpop idols, video games, and some other stuff but my mind has just gone blank, I’m not good at making lists
>Looking for
Talk to, be friends hopefully. Watch stuff with. I don’t really play multiplayer video games but I like to watch others play video games or I guess you could watch me play as well.
>Not looking for
Romance or sexual stuff
>VC Immediately?
Maybe, I’ll have to see
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Due to work I end up getting cooped up at home during weekends trying to rest up. I miss voice chats and wish to speak to some new people. I have interests in Music, games, Insects, biology, cooking and tea. my head is full of useless information so expect yapping about many different subjects. I do not mind if you are shy or bad at conversation I have patience and I will take the conversation in your pace.
>Looking for
VC, conversations about interests and getting to know someone. Someone asking questions or adding to the conversation at hand.
>Not looking for
Men, I got got enough male friends
>VC Immediately?
Yes if you'd like. Otherwise introduce yourself a bit in text first.
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29/M/Northern California

all i really do is work, sleep, eat, gym, play pc games, watch anime, listen to alt music. we can talk specifics later :3

>Looking for
fwb (the benefit can also be that we are really good friends), locals to chat with

>Not looking for
men (unless you are very cool), i have enough male friends

>VC Immediately?
I'd like to chat over text a bit first

discord: int.value

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