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Boston, NYC, Philly, Baltimore, and DC... and their associated burbs.

12 states, 103 counties, and an overpriced high speed rail line. Surely you can find a friend here anon-kun ;)

Use any template. Or the one below if you need a nudge.

>Physical description
>Looking for
>Not looking for
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37/M/NYC Straight

Artsy, inquisitive, novelty seeker. I like peering into weird and fringe communities, learning, and exploring new hobbies. At the moment: underground nightlife & photography (selfie related).

Looking for: good conversation first and foremost. Beyond that: friends to VC with while I work, rave friends, and paramours (I have a gf. Ya, she’s cool with it. No, you don’t have to be a unicorn). I’d be down to check out new rave venues in the city and also go to some metal shows to mosh - I haven't moshed in years.

Self-aware, curious, dogged, and ambitious. People who can self-reflect and improve themselves are cool. You don’t need to be employed per se, but at least have a hobby you pursue with serious intent. People who care about what they do are attractive; those who wallow in their lack of agency aren't.

Active. I like moving when socializing. Walking, dancing, hiking. Flip a coin.

Hobbies besides anime and vidya. I enjoy them sometimes too, but tell me about your interests that don't have a dozen fan-wikis. Painting, stargazing, urbex, calligraphy, etc. In short, if you’re inspired, I’m inspired... Though, you might talk me into a round of helldivers...

STEM and technical dorks. I’ve gotten along best with /soc/ialites in technical fields. I’m not excluding potential friends who aren’t, but technical fields attract neurotic workaholic dorks: relatable, since I’m one too.

Unusual backgrounds. My upbringing was weird. I can get along with almost anyone, but I vibe best with (functional) people who’ve led atypical lives. Getting fingerblasted by a clown at your bar/bat mitzvah doesn't count. The idea is that you’ve overcome some challenge or swam in a sea of uncertainty and come out ok.

Occasional psychonauts. Fun is fun ;) but if your spirit animal is Hunter Biden, I uhh...have to return some videotapes.

Misc interests: cute shit, animals, unintended consequences, trope inversions, fun :)

>DISC VulkanFire
>about yourself
6'1'', mixed latino/black male, interested in drawing, sports, anime, gaming, and working out.
>looking for
>not looking for
Discord: dirt8199
>about me
A hard working straight guy with heavy 90s vibes, few friends, and a handful of talent.
>looking for
Someone with enthusiasm for active conversation, impulsivity, or creativity.
>not looking for
Disinterested/closed off people, gooning, or gaming.
>About you
I'm into a lot of stuff; history, cars, motorcycles, video games, music, photography, probably more if you ask. It's hard to condense my entire self into a single post lol. I try to be as kind and judgement free as possible, and I think I'm pretty easy to get along with. I want to travel more outside of the US than I already have.
>Looking for
Someone to talk to and see how things go. We don't need to be a 100% match on our interests, but being very passionate about the things you like is a huge plus! I'd like to vc and at some point meet if we get along well. I'm okay with ldr, but an effort to meet eventually is something I'd need.
>Not looking for
men, ghosts, assholes, someone constantly wanting to talk politics, server invites, porn, someone dependent on drugs
Discord: spacecowboy._._
just looking for friends
Discord is Lyserdon
Kik is twobirdsinthehand
40-something, male, travel in this area is not a problem.
>>Physical description
40-something dude who is using 4chan to pick up chicks half his age. Though most people I've met have been pleasantly surprised, so maybe not as bad as you think.
You coming over so we can drink until you pass out.
>>Looking for
Hot chicks with high insecurity, possibly a history of childhood sexual abuse, and low self-preservation instincts.
Yes, Jacqueline, I mean you. Did you finally get murdered? Miss you, honey.
>>Not looking for
Dudes, chicks-with-dicks, chicks-who-snitch, etc.
Kik: giantbuxet
I enjoy listening to and making music, fashion, anime cons, cosplay, dnd, literature, philosophy, aesthetics, thrifting, antiques, vidya of course
>looking for
Bio female relatively close with similar interests, who enjoys goth music and fashion and can occasionally weeb out a little. Bonus points if you can play an instrument. If you have a creative hobby of any sort, cool. Ages 26-32 (flexible)
>not looking for
drug users, smokers, men, non bio women, leftists, friend collectors
21m philadelphia tacony
>Physical description
5'6 muscular dad bod type 6inch
>looking for
Discord vinisnothere
Bump for democracy
>no NJ anons have posted
Many such cases!
6'2", white, dark features with light skin. Thick dad bod. Like a gothy Italian kind of.
Into anime, boxing, /g/ type shit especially the grey areas. True crime and local history on that topic. Simple lifestyle of treating others how I want to be treated.
>looking for
women who wanna watch carry on some sort of e-friendship, have interesting conversation or who are dealing with problems. tell me why shit isn't working for you and let me give you unwarranted advice that is usually pretty good. Also into RP , tandem watching ecchi and lewd chat if you're down. I love tribbing too if you like that.
>not looking for
gooning, scammers, guys
Kik: Tutor11
massachusetts disc is brickfizz
29 m Bi

White, tall, husky

Looking for fun with girls, guys, or couples.

Hmu on snapchat: the.palace
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>About me
I make and sell abstract art. I have a pretty broad taste in music, movies, and TV. I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of Beetlejuice, It's Always Sunny, and Seinfeld. Nowadays, I listen to a lot of Aphex Twin, PilotRedSun, a handful of oldies, and the one hit wonders recommended by Spotify and friends. I'm always online and really hard to offend.
>Looking for
Someone to chat, VC, or hang with RL.
>Not looking for
idk I'm pretty tolerant
>Discord tag
32 m Philly
>Physical description
6ft tall, 200lb, fit
music, weed, sex, bikes, food, art
>Looking for
people in the philly area, or who visit often, to be friends or do stuff related to interests above. open to lewd, or not. i'm in an open relationship. queer/trans friendly. i also travel within the northeast a lot, if you're not in philly and still want to connect, reach out.
>Not looking for
online-only connections, i'm game to chat to get to know each other, but also don't want to talk endlessly if we don't plan to ever meet
Disc ozummu
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28/NB Male, Rhode Island

>Physical description

135lbs, 5'6", fit, like a forest pixie who shops in the petite section of Marshalls.

>Regular Interests
Music (All, but metal especially), abstract drawing, flea markets, volleyball, Halloween, podcasts, watching indie movies, record collecting, amateur woodworking, ice skating, cooking, clothing modifying, swinging on a really high swings et

>Looking for
Female, Nonbinary, Afab trans folks for FWBs. No preferences on age or looks, as long as we connect and have mutual respect. Someone to get into some shenanigans with me


SC: hold_mykombucha
IG: holdmykombucha96
Looking for someone to tag team a girl with me in Philly. Hmu on kik or post ur disc if interested
Kik: lolskin123
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if anyone is in nyc and likes to talk about electrical or computer engineering, the games industry or esoteric novels and non-fiction, please hit me up. i live in downtown brooklyn, im off the q line
im a white dude, 29 yo, straight.
i just want friends i actually want to talk to about shared interests who aren't my gf, i can't keep depending on her as my sole non-family social connection
Long Island is suffering, bros. Nothing but dudebros and valley girls. I can't fucking stand it.
Look to the south shore. The rest can go fuck themselves
Lots of new England ppl here

Any Northeast cucks or cuck curious guys want to chat or show your girls off?

>Physical description
Average height and weight, always looks tired, long dreads, a few tattoos, and I generally dress for comfort rather than fashion.
Various forms of art, music, occult and esoteric research, cannabis culture, vidya, tabletop gaming, and generally appreciative of things that make me think.
>Looking for
Cozy vibes and conversation, new friends to smoke with, and people who feel like they need to vent.
>Not looking for
Anything even vaguely sexual
20s, female, in nj/ny/pa area.

games, baking, working out, animals, film, and im looking into getting into some sports!

>Looking for
just friends, people in the area. i enjoy meeting up and hopefully finding some with similar interests

>Not looking for
hook ups.

27/m/Jersey City/NYC

>Physical description
Clean cut, fit, and attractive, Latino 5’6

Club culture, foodie, anime/manga, coding, 420/psychs/stims
>Looking for
Girl to hang out with, smoke with, pass time. Platonic
>Not looking for
Thirsty dudes
Looking for any degenerate women who may be up rn in the southern nj area
Kik: tittottit
25m Boston, MA

Kik: jamesolof

hi :D

Looking for cheating wives and gfs near Bmore

normie lite, have had sex and done drugs, but a social hermit the last few years after a lengthy depresison stemming from a lack of ontological cohesion. working on getting out of this pit as we speak. spent the first decades of my life just kinda floating through reality's presented to me by other's, but a bit restless now. not terribly attractive and socially anxious at the moment.
as far as consumption goes, i enjoy movies and video games, but am very picky, and believe both mediums excel at things the other does not. i dont care for movie games, but also don't care for multiplayer much, either. think penumbra. would love to build a game like that, or work on a shitty budget film inspired by kronenberg. i love music, especailly sound. been into 90s trance and 80s metal lately. i owned some bjork albums on vinyl until a crackhead stole them from me haha.
not much going on. in college, probablyl going to get a degree in finance, whatever. i paint occasionally but am not interested in the science behind it. i am learning how to play piano and general music theory, along with coding and photography, but these are budding ventures. i enjoy walking and hiking, nature brings tears to my eyes. i like insects and flowers and birds.
relateively new to the city, sharing an apartment right now that'll be mine in about a year's time.
dont care who you are or what you're about, but i do love passionate people who can yap about shit they love, particularly when it entails creation or autist observation. i am socially crippled at the moment, so if you're a human being you'll probably make me feel anxious hahaha.

discord thirstkill
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11 inch near Boston kik animalspeople
i also recently got into hockey. if the rangers win the stanley, i will definitely be looking to participate in chaos

>Physical description
6'0" Chubby, white with facial hair

>Looking for
To meet a guy/girl on here to give oral to. Im really into scents and worship. Lets talk.
>Not looking for
Discord: oppon_.
Kik: Oppon_
24 m, NYC

bio F only

skinny fit white guy, 6’2, actual 9 inch cock

Looking to talk about fitness/share pics/confessions/ and discuss kinks

Have started going to the gym almost a year ago and have made huuuge progress. I’d love some tips to keep improving and to see other people’s glow ups.

Bonus points if you have a cat.

Discord: sendmecatpics_
35m Central NJ/Nyc.
>>Physical description
Indian guy, 6'1, 180 lbs, very decent looking.
Gaming, hiking, music mostly edm/trance.
>>Looking for
friends, relationship.
>>Not looking for
straight here, otherwise I'm open to everything.
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18 m Connecticut
>Physical description
5’7”, attractive, skinny, nice ass, body and cock.
>Looking for
Guy preferably around my age who has a nice cock and body. I’m a virgin.
>Not looking for
Weirdos, olders, fatties etc
Kik: foxian88
26/M/PA, philly suburbs kinda

5'10 average looking swarthy mediterranean guy.

Basic normie bullshit videogames, very autistically deep into Pathfinder, a deep history nerd and grand strategy autism, lots of anime and manga, somewhat dead inside

>Looking For
I don't even know. Anyone. I am a husk of the person I once was.

disc: dailylithium
24 f nyc
>Physical description
chubby , ok butt
uban exploring
>Looking for
def need more friends, if youre a gym bro huge plus id love a gym buddie that would hold me accountable and work out with me. i want someone to literally hang out with i need personal human interactions. im not too overly sexual but i probably wouldnt say no to dick unless youre colored i love white guys big white cock recolonize me fffffffff <3
>Not looking for
fat men
kik: quarteraftertwo
>kinda chubby but workin on it
>i like playing Fortnite and uhhhhhh funne stuff
>Looking for good times
>Not looking for bad times
>Contact discord is stinky.pants
any good glory holes in DC? im in town for a few days and keen to be of any service to some lucky anon men :)
i hate fat men because men are supposed to be hot sexyprovider daddys and fat men are so useless i hate them 4real
Sounds like you compensating or dealing with something you can't control. Also you are on here, might as well just take dick for dick sake and keep strolling like the slut you are...

Or maybe you're some troon... if so then lel
yeah im fat it was a lifestyle change to lose the weight, im STILL working on my weight and my health choices. which is why i hate fat men. and i dont wanna hang out with a fatty guy. also if i wanna fuck the guy i dont want another fatty sweating and flopping on top of me
32 M downstate ny (845)
girls and friends to game/skate/jam only (no gays)
Why are you even on here? Wouldn't it be easy for you to get any and hurry along somewhere? I'm convinced you're a Troon.

like shut the fuck up loser eat ass chill out bruh
Because its funny
And I'd love to eat your ass out while grossing you out
Provider? Lol hell no. You see prices in 2024? Your ass is working too. Takes two to have a life.
See he gets it
im just describing men what im looking for depends on the person but i love company and making friends and occasional cock <3
id never fuck you youre such a loser
Its so over bros... I'm a loser
<3333 ily ily!
someone talk to me im bored ill be ur pet <3
Gay as shit
You don't even answer your kik, sad. Bet you just block people, even sadder.
i didnt get any messages wdym?
I'm convinced you're a troon
anyways hmu <3 k love pu guys <3
I never sent you squat lol
God no one wants you lmao
"You don't even answer your kik, sad" but didnt messgae me YAH I KNOW U DIDNT SILLY
is that why men try raping me o.o they wanna steal my goods my chachas the goods the goddesss
God you're unbearable
Ngl both of you kinda look like insane people.
im literally mastrubating readin this
Appreciate it
Yeah because you're a fucking troon
my cocks out now babe do something
>Physical description
Chubby white guy with brown hair
Making art, music and animations. Videogames, listening to albums. I love the outdoors, boardgames and my dog.
>Looking for
A friend, whatever you want. Could be a goon bud to JO with but I'm also completely down for a normal friendship where we play videogames, share art and shoot the shit. What do you like? I'm pretty easy going.
>Not looking for
Not sure, I'll talk to anyone lol
Discord: Puhoy
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I like to read literary fiction and scholarly nonfiction (I have a very large bookshelf and would be happy to swap shelf photos) and I go to the gym often. Former grad student who now works for a three-letter agency in DC. Policymaking is an interest, particularly trade policy in telecommunications, competition with China in critical & emerging tech and AI alignment. I like ambient music and experimental tracks I discover on soundcloud.

>Looking for
Someone with these interests. If anyone is majoring in political science/IR and interested in public policy, I can offer some general counsel. Same for those trying to get fit or looking for book recommendations. Perhaps we can read something together. A two-person book club might be nice. I'm tyrannical so you'll have to read what I like though.

>Not looking for:
Anything else, anyone who reads this as gay-coded, anyone who reads this as a cry for help, purveyors of pulp and genre schlock, anyone incapable of disagreement without acrimony.

can I suck your dick?
get out
i just read ur post and realized you actually mean what the fuck dude
10 inch in Boston m4f kik animalspeople
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22 Femboy NYC!
>Physical description
Kinda skinny / slim, 5'11 145 lbs. Im half japanese half british, dark hair dark eyes
like to hike, read, play tennis, also vidya kinda stuff
>Looking for
(hung) guys to be lewd with or just hang out idk
its tasty :)

29 F DC
>physical desc
not slim, not chubby - average? boobs look a little small but thats just my self image

outside of BDSM, vidya, fantasy books, dnd

>looking for
anonymous dick sucking, at 37 of 50 and I cant lose another challenge


discord or kik?
dont @ me you diseased donkey
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33/M/Astoria, NYC
>Physical description
Dad bod with a broken ankle. I limp but I can walk relatively fine. Bald geek/nerd that works in IT
IT, gaming
>Looking for
Women or Transwomen. I'm fine with either. We can one-night-stand or work on long-term
>Not looking for
Pay to play. I won't indulge that
DocJenkins on Discord
Jesus christ, hit the gym

Don't skip leg day, gotta build those legs and ass if you want the nicest cocks.
Female 19 Perky Natural Asian
Medical student in training

Kik/Telegram: ladybabes69
Snapchat: flowergirlkiffy
Synthesizers, Music, Bicycling, MTG
>Looking for
Nice friends
>Not looking for
sex, romance
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25 Tomgirl NYC

>Physical description
tomgirl/femboy, asian, pretty cute and nice body, toned/skinny, mid length hair ( growing )

likes scifi, action, manga, art/drawing, kink, history, philosophy,

>Looking for
Girls, fems that want to hang out/ hookup esp over the summer~ fwbs would be great, down for it to become more

>Not looking for
Men. hairy people (facial or body). people much older. coomers and chasers

kik: ChinpokomonMaster

dont just say Hi, tell me your asl and introduce yourself :)
kinda open to femboys too but kinda more picky about looks and stuff for boys ngl
Looking for fun out of a dead bedroom. Pretty perverse and I get told I’m handsome and boyish by girlfriends and my mom :)

30 M married in Boston. Fit with a decent dong and all my hair. No fags, sorry. Extra points for ddlg
Jeff325 on wire
Still looking
23 m 6'1 white fella
south of baltimore, east of d.c.
professional big spoon
incognito nerd
incredibly patient
enjoyer of the outdoors, lifting weights, fps games, music at home or live events
can see what i look like after adding
looking for a friend who's open to intimacy if we click
don't care what you have in your pants
discord: sugarstomper
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19 twink (future trans mtf) central NJ (near the rutgers area)!

>Physical description
brown, skinny, 5'9 120lbs, short hair, kinda toned.

gaming, sci fi and futuristic stuff, f1, badminton, tv/movies,

i do cd sometimes and am trying to get more in touch with my feminine side! pretty new to everything but curious to try anything out ;)

>Looking for
mostly interested in other trans/twinks/fems/sissies to hang or hookup with! ideally fwbs or more would be perfect!

discord: hihello9

start with asl or maybe a pic please :)
>>Physical description
6'1" ginger, handsome.
Military Aviation, classical music, japanese lit, cooking/wine.
>>Looking for
cool people with my interests to chill with before I ship to the Navy. Also fellow Catholics/Christians.
>>Not looking for
drug addicts, sex addicts, homosexuals, non-redheaded women looking for a relationship.
also looking for a ginger gf/wife but that's a fucking longshot if there ever was one.
I've always found it odd how NJ is the most densely populated state, but also the least seen on this site.

22 years old. White, of Spanish/mexican decent, full head of hair, muscular, 7.5inch cock, 5’11 height, hard working, goal oriented, family man, decently attractive, decision maker

>looking for

Men. Bottom/vers guys. 5’8 below. White-tan. Beautiful eyes. Fit. Not too masculine not too feminine. Full head of hair. Opinionated. 22 years or older.

>PA area

>Discord: nukedukem88

Let me rape your little twink ass now!!
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New England residents welcome so long as not gay or liberal or brown
Hello, you should join our silly friends server for banter among other chan losers.
NEETs, chuds, troons, oldfags, and the mentally ill are all welcome!
Join if you like maps, geography, history, nature, music, animals, or if you have hobbies you'd like to discuss.
Fat women encouraged to join!
WHITES ONLY and please no Christians or other Abrahamics.
18+ ONLY
33 part time femboy in New Hampshire

White, 5'5", 160.

Looking for:
Guys and girls into femboys/sissies. Super into sneaking into clothes if you have a wife or gf too ;)

Not looking for:
Ghosts, dick pics with no context

That fuck head schizo stank up this thread Jesus fuckin christ
21 M4F Washington DC/NoVa

Bored; looking for older women, Cucks, and hotwives.

Yo, Bored dude here from Harrisonburg VA; currently in Northern Virginia for the week and will also be taking a lot of day trips into DC! Just kind of want to scope out the scene and see if there’s any bored older women in the area who would be open to hooking up; be it no strings attached or the start to a nice little friendship. I’m pretty open so long as there’s sufficient communication!

I’d love to have someone to walk with, chat with, maybe meet for coffee or have a nice lunch date; or we can cut all pretenses and hook up at your place! I also have been a bull/third before and I’m open to meeting fun couples or swingers who’d have me!

Feel free to PM me if you fit the bill; I’d love to see who’s around!

Kik: shenanbullah
Do I know you? Lol.
i havent checked thsi thread in days mister loser 4channer. stay obsessed <333333

shut the fuck up you wish
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21 Mtf tranny Maryland
>Physical description
Chubby tranny with glasses and bangs
Fishing, hiking, camping, hunting, flintknapping, bushcraft, rock hunting, paleoanthropology , bone collecting and art
>Looking for
Someone to hang out with maybe fish maybe fuck
>Not looking for
Anything weird
Discord: erithealien
I’ll suck your girl dick if you taste nice
Long island anyone? Preferably 631,
Kik canceledczech
>Physical description
Fit, hairy af, bald
tabletop games, the gym, hiking, outdoorsey stuff,
>Looking for
femanons that wanna hang out and mess around
>Not looking for
discord: topherstrudel
25 m Connecticut
>Physical description
White, 5'8, 140lbs, long hair, glasses
Mostly video games and weed right now. I also like hiking, hemisync/lucid dreaming stuff, "conspiracy theories" and other stuff I'm pretty forgetful. I don't go out much anymore because of depression.
>Looking for
Friends or a gf lol I'm not very judgemental
>Not looking for
Gross people
Discord: z3br44
27M Maryland
Looking for casual hookups this weekend. Bi-curious as fuck, so I'll accept a pretty boy or MtF. I'd like it to be safe and easy for everyone, so hmu for pics and we can talk a bit to see if you're feeling me. I have a snap I can give you, too.

Disc: Foreign_Tutor
Kik: Foreign_Tutor
yeah i'm a jersey mf and there's like none of us here

Looking for friends to play games with, or watch stuff with. Down to hangout irl to hike, or go to concerts!

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18 M South PA
>Physical description
skinny white aryan switch
weed, music, guns, movies n just chilling
>Looking for
females and cute femboys
>Not looking for
dominant men
>Contact (discord)
Where In nyc
I’m in queens
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Looking for local cosplay friends

Nothing sexual, I am also very masculine before you ask.
M 27 Connecticut

If you like short blondes with wide hips then you'll love digging into my pear shaped girlfriend with me. I'll tell you all the ins and outs of her; shy girls have the best secrets.

Kik Biglilili
Dis joedurty
>physical description
tall, dark, brooding. tacky glasses, bad hair, no eyebrows, facial piercings. generally pretty feminine if i feel like putting in the effort (i usually do). blending the lines between goth and grunge.
creative outlets (poetry, bass, art), trrpg, self expression, scifi, horror
>looking for
to put all my cards on the table, i just moved 2000 miles to go to rehab after breaking up with a woman i had the most passionate and emotional romance of my life with. i'm looking to rebound, hard and messy. i want us both to hurt. i want us to fuck. bleed. etc. can't gaurantee i'll love you more than her but you can damn sure try. at the very least i could use a friend in a new city. trans women preferred but i'm a bi poly slut so i'm open to anyone ig.
>not looking for
creeps, weirdos, freaks, fetishists, robots, /b/tards, /pol/tards, the socially inept
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stupid fucking new captcha didn't let me post photo on mobile fml fuck this website
Love knowing this is Dahlia even without the tag needing to be posted. How bout about those Mets?
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uhh hi there I am currently in Boston for the first time ever :’D doing tourist shit but I hate my family so! If you are nearby and wouldn’t mind hanging out with me lmk
disc: calixprimecuts
Tag doesnt even work
I'm in pa im a male add me
fucking forgot my tag kill me
disc: dahliawouldbeking
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i post once every 6 months on this god forsaken website why r u keeping tabs on me
DO NOT ADD, severely mentally ill and crazy. You'll just waste your time
yes that is literally part of the selling point buddy, i literally said i'm in rehab. who tf even r u.
not even rehab can fix you dude
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ok who r u my dad lol
your dad doesnt post on the chan, pretty sure your senpai thinks youre a creep
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>"your senpai"
bro r u twelve use regular words. i am a known and proud creep and i do what i can to improve instead of spending all my time keeping tabs on people who post here once every few months. get off the computer, go to the bathroom, and take a shit. you're shitting yourself.
nah site changed f.a.m.i.l.y to senpai. You're not really doing anything to improve your life. You will always be a creep. Deep down you know your mother is disappointed in you
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your anonymity makes your attacks at my character empty and emotionless. i'm done hogging this thread and this will probably be the last time i ever post on this godforsaken website. i preferred my ability to be a fly on the wall who pops up every few months or so only to disappear in the night. i hope you enjoy knowing you'll never have the chance to poorly attempt to harass me again while i'm improving and moving forward with my life. have a nice day.
I will have a nice day but you'll always be a freak, and your tattoos are cringe
Anything and everything DANVERS

Snapchat is mrmeanmug
Bump, thick bwc ..bored af right now
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Dom Black Top Daddy in Ny looking for a sexy sub, fem, cd, mtf,ftm,ts, love a hairy bussy kik bigthickdeep9
I'm not "keeping tabs on you" I'm just... in the thread. This isn't complicated. I know you're unreasonably mad at me because I said the wrong thing. But I wish we could just talk it out, because, honestly, it's fucking ridiculous and you know it. But an anon already scared you off from the thread, so oh well.
29 / mtf / Boston

>Physical description
Basically an emo/goth stereotype, pale AF, everything I own is black, too much eyeliner, and probably wearing ripped skinny jeans, a collar, and some emo band shirt.

World travel / adventure, books, computers (PC gaming, programming, cyber privacy, etc.), watching weird obscure movies, and basically all things emo/goth from the music and fashion to liking Halloween and horror too much.

>Looking for
Friends, adventure, reasons to live

>Not looking for
Sex, people without noteworthy common interests, anyone under the age of 26.

Discord: emo_gf
idk you but you sound like a professional victim

good luck with rehab
Young / M / NYS - Putnam Valley 10579
>Physical description
Slim but also yet skinny.
Messy hair and rounded ass
Sexual activity, someone to dominate me and use me as they wish
>Looking for
Anyone (open minded)
>Not looking for
Discord - ali806_
33M NJ
>Looking for
Someone chill who may want to hang out and casually fuck my wife.
Brandoncuck6969 on KIK
Tell us about your wife.
23, M, MD
>Physical description
White guy, average body, clean shaven most of the time.
Vidya, tech, chilling with friends.
>Looking for
Ideally a biological woman friend that would lead into a relationship. Hookups are nice too I guess.
>Not looking for
Dudes, morbidly obese people
discord is internetslavicman
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>Physical description
5'10" Indian. 5" dick. Ralph Lauren shirts and jeans. G-Shock. Nikes.
Work, vidya, TV shows
>Looking for
Long term gf/fuck buddy. under 25
>Not looking for
Over 25
Snapchat: farhan16k
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Looking for other sissy guys to play around with
Kik toy4u12345
I’d love for someone in NYC to try and seduce one of my ex’s friends. She’s a fit and hot theatre actress who just moved into the city. Looking for people who are attractive and charming/good at loyalty tests/social engineering. Not looking for people who expect anything from sending just a dick pic to her. This is legit, don’t waste my time.

Telegram: @zonos_1
34 M NJ
>Physical Description
5'11" white and in shape. shaved head bald guy look
>Looking to fuck the wife of the cuck posting this message provided she is apprropriately attractive to me
discord njpoker77
What’s your Kik
What’s your Kik
kik is for retards with no self respect who love scammers and fullscreen ads
Who wants to hang out with some internet rando this weekend and will actually follow through?
Hello, yes, this >>33105641 is dog.
21 m nj, looking to suck and be sucked. please don't have a micro dick, i'm 8 inches and i don't enjoy sucking anything less than like 6 1/2 inches. if in the area and down to meet up reply with disc and i'll add you when i can
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Looking for anyone who can have sex with me and who I can give head to. I’m a boy living in NYS, near NYC.
Socials - Discord ali806_
Kik - SashaAli806
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22/m (+estrogen)/nyc (brookyln)
conventionally attractive white twink
cs & maths, i work in tech. also music production, creative writing, outdoor stuff
>looking for
friends, local people. moved to the area for work recently and i dont know anyone. bonus points if u have two motorycles, i got my license recently but i dont have a bike here.
>not looking for
annoying flamers
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Clicker train me like a dog please?
Anyone near south jersey need their pussy eaten? Freaky 20 something bi wm in snj, hmu
Kik and Disc: tittottit
got a contact? if you're fine with 19m
Otters11 on disc I've been looking for a good local bitch
Added on disc
I'm 2 hours from Philly, Hershey, PA area. You named (3) different states you silly. No hook ups you're one of those girls who always say you never fuck the first date. Lies.
tri-state area yo
Added look for user massive. I'm not that other guy over there
Yeah I get that but I also pointed it out
Like I love kinky shit, but I have no idea what you got in mind. Dress up like a hot girl dog, and sit - with your face down, butt up. I'll stick my dick in your ass and tell you you're a good girl all day as I fuck away.
Are you pregnant or refusing to take a shit?
You have my full interest. I would absolutely LOVE to click train you! Got a throw away?
Your Kik tag doesnt work
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31 (BIG) PENIS! South Central, PA area.
I work out like a professional athlete. I look fine.
Heavy Music; Booze; Fucking Until I sleep.
I'm looking for a female in heat that wants winner sex.
Not looking for penis. On the other hand if you can actually look hot, go for it.
If you want my contact inquire

>Physical description
>Looking for
>Not looking for
>24,m,east coast
>tall, not too dark, handsome man whose also a silly Billy
>other silly billies
>cocks, people who take themselves too seriously
> discord- n0n0nsensener0
^ n0n0nsensener0
central/north nj
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25 / M / 240/301

Skinny hairy guy w a beard

Vidya, exploring town, doing adventure stuff like rock climbing and canoeing. Painting miniatures

>looking for
I'm here for the next two months for an internship so someone who doesn't mind a new fren for the summer to go around the DMV area. A fwb is not out of the question

>not looking for
A relationship. Only here for two months


disc ozummu, older post above 33/m/215 >>33118281
I'm looking for a male FinDom who completely owns me in NYC/CT. This person would be a handsome, muscular straight man who would be comfortable having another guy buy things for him, making him do chores/errands, and abusing them (slapping, hitting).

I don't want sex. I just wanna be owned for a bit.

LMK if any guys are out there open to this.
10 inch in Boston m4f kik animalspeople

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