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Agegap Thread. Post ASL orientation, what you're looking for, and some kind of contact. Protonmail is highly recommended!

No dick pics please.

Dad bod. Looking for F, 18-21 preferred to chat. No expectations, let's just see where it goes.

For interests I'm generally into things like video games, some anime, movies, sci fi, guitar playing, singing, cooking, and working out. If you think we have anything in common, hit me up!

Kik: garf.b0t

Snap: garte-89

Discord: garf.b0t
i like anarexic girls from australia who are eighteen and virgins
31/m/905 Canada
>What you are looking for?
Women, or cucks who want an older guy talking to their girl
>What you are not looking for?
>Deal breakers
Don't be a guy and don't be obese. Average is fine, I'm average too.
>A little about yourself
Chill guy looking for online fwb, if we're an hour or two away then maybe some meetups down the road. If you're a cuck, I'm into helping out young couples or first timers so hit me up if you want a guy walking you both through it, shit like that. As for non lewds, I'm into games, documentaries and traveling.
discord is vulcanore
25 M in Youngstown Ohio. Looking for an older woman, open to a variety of dynamics. I'm a white nerdy guy, glasses and a short beard. If course I'm willing to send pics. Would prefer someone local but open to distance.

Discord: rehmisme
Located in the Midwest. Looking for a girl that is looking for a serious relationship. I have the resources to visit you IRL and would wish to do so after spending a few months getting to know you online. Fatties and blackies need not apply, personal preference, sorry!
supreme_gent on discord
>about me
A hard working straight guy with heavy 90s vibes, few friends, and a handful of talent.
>looking for
Someone with enthusiasm for active conversation, impulsivity, and creativity.
>not looking for
Disinterested/closed off people, gooning, or gaming..
/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, beliefs, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed where you live
Tall and lean with dirty blonde hair. Very Dom and very kinky.
Want a F slave who is local or as close to my state as i can get. 18-30yrs old.

Into anime, gaming, tabletop games, outdoors, scifi/fantasy movies and books, goth music/trance/rock.

Looking to talk with intent to meet and take it from there, but no rush.

KIK: inhumanlibido

>About You/Hobbies
Aged emo PAWG/BBW/thicc girl or w/e. Have piercings and tattoos, In an open relationship with 1 guy. Kinda normie in some ways. Drawing, music, movies, games, shows, nature. Kind of degenerate in others. Pothead at best, morbid interests. I’ve got some demons, as we all do. I’m currently hyper focused on improving my art skills when I’m not working, and I would love to meet someone into similar things as I am to pass the time. I’m very much into nu-metal, deathcore, emo, pop punk, punk, and other similar kinds of genres, but I’ll listen to most anything. Used to watch anime a lot, maybe you can recommend me something! I’m looking for new hobbies desu so please introduce me to cool new things~.

>Looking For
Ideally I’d like to create some kind of meaningful connection with someone. I’m looking for someone who is as responsive and clingy as I am, with actual intent of sticking around. Physically? I’m pretty sold if you’re a greasy, long haired train wreck.

>Not Looking for
Exclusively NSFW, anyone underage.

>Contact Info
Discord: amigadiabla
>about yourself
6'1'', mixed latino/black male, interested in drawing, sports, anime, gaming, and working out.
>looking for
>not looking for
Discord: dirt8199
M20 absolutely loooove older women and milfs especially dominant ones im ooen for anything

Kik miscacc2
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26/M/US - philly area

>About You/Hobbies
I make Virtual Reality content, and everything that it entails including coding, modeling, texture painting, etc. I also like to do video edits and I normally do this kind of shit for money and for fun. Pic related is something recent I made. Other than that I like drawing, music, 40k, vidya and some anime. I sometimes like being an edge lord or just making stuff just to get a rise out of people. I can be a little too honest at times. Other than that I'm relatively laid back most of the time.

>Looking For
Female Anything really, I dunno, just take decent care of your appearance.

>Not Looking for
Anyone underage/able to get me in trouble, and transgenders

>Contact Info
Discord: belicure

>sexual interests
oral,anal,age gap, cnc, femdom, cumplay

>normal interests
football, punk music, videogames, youtube drama

>looking for
FWB with cis female 18+ to chat, sext with, have overall fun

>not looking for
dudes, scammers, sellers, trans

>Discord Tag

>asl and intro
Introverted gamer also into music and dumb trivia. Perpetually horny, long list of kinks. Not very introverted in DMs lol so I prefer to not say too much here :)
>looking for
Bio F in the 18-23 or 30-45 range to be my sub. All body types are welcome!
>not looking for
Discord: atwahr
F 22 USA

Love everything degenerate and taboo, tell me your darkest and I mean darkest most taboo secrets and fantasies, no judgement whatsoever from me just curiosity who knows might even be into myself

You can ask me anything and I’ll tell you the truth no matter what you ask me ;)

Contact ;)
Kik lildollee
Looking for inexperienced F that wants to explore. Ideally you love to chat, I can provide advice, attention, etc. Not pushy

>describe yourself

shy, quiet, skinny, sad, clingy, emotionally stunted


anime, music (post-hardcore, witch house, cloud rap, lolicore, and a lot more), and vidya. taking walks regularly is a hobby, right?

>looking for
chill older (25-35) weeb girl. who can get along with me. if we live close enough, possibly a relationship. being chubby is also a plus. ^^
>not looking for
men, gooners, annoying people, MEANIES
lolifloofer on discord
DOS, C64, ZXS, PC-98, MSX, NES, SG-1000, AST, Amiga, SMS, PCE, SMD, SNES
>Looking For
Bit Music, Chiptune, Sequencer & Tracker, FM Synthesis, Midi, Doskpop
>Not Looking For
Not Australian. Do you coach?
M19 eu straight
Fit body, hung, average height.

Looking for older woman. Basically anything older than me is good. Maybe long term?

Kik: keffjeffk
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>thread for zoomers
zoomer thread
>thread for oldfags
age gap thread

the fucking state...
23/afab nb/philadelphia
looking for older men/women/nb to chat with, maybe more, bonus if nearby
flowerbaby13@protonmail.com , “uniz.” on discord
34/M/US, NYC

34 Year Old male, Dad bod/somewhat chubby male who enjoys video games, nerding out of history and tech, fixing things, and who is addicted to caffine. In all forms of music with the exception of modern rap. 420 friendly.

Seeking a woman of legal age into similar stuff as I am for a long term relationship.

Not looking for anyone underage, scammers, people trying to sell stuff to me, and people who are just looking for money.

Discord: PCGamingNerd
>what you are looking for
Daddy Dom searching for his little princess.
I'm emotionally mature, caring, possessive, and strict when I need to be.
I'd like to be the father figure in your life
and provide the attention, care, and validation you've always longed for.
>not looking for
Guys, sellers, larpers
Discord: pizza2732
Very patient, laid back and compassionate personality.
>Looking for
A younger guy (18+ only) to chat with and get to know.
Ultimately seeking a long term relationship.
>Not looking
To rush.
Disc: quixoticat
kik: quixoticat
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Looking for a clingy girl who loves the attention and validation that an older man provides.

I enjoy the dad/big brother dynamic. You can tell me about your day, or anything that's bothering you and I'll be happy to be supportive and give advice if that's what you need.

I'm not opposed to anything sexual but I would like to become genuine friends before anything like that happens. The emotional connection is what I'm mostly looking for.

If you add me please let me know you added me from this thread plus a little about yourself, it can be anything at all.

discord: swift1025

40 Year Old male, Dad bod chubby male
Dominant and kinky. I like travelling, movies, anime, gaming, manga, motorcycles. nerding out of history and tech, who is addicted to caffine. And coffee shops. heavy metal rock jazz blues and 80s music music.

Seeking a woman/girl of legal age into similar stuff.

scammers, people trying to sell stuff to me, and people who are just looking for money. you can only produce one word answers.

Discord: bloatedcauldron
Tell @DevilishDrew
pretty sure there's a designated 30+ thread that floats around sometimes. this is something different entirely
I am tall and a bit chubby. I’m looking for a young Legal girl to be long-term friends with. I’m looking for someone who likes to talk about anything and everything. I like cats. I like horror movies. I am into spirituality – I have four tarot decks and an Ouija board. I’m in to health nutrition and I’m working at becoming healthier. I like learning new things. I live in Canada near Toronto so if you’re around that area, I’d love to meet up if we connect. I’m looking for someone also that is looking at pics/vids Of my dick. I haven’t dated in a long time so I’m lonely in that way. I’m not expecting to see you nude. I want more than someone just to look at my dick. I do want a true friend and maybe more if we connect. I’m looking for someone that’s real and honest.
Snapchat is : jeanmcshady
Session is:

Lena Platonos, Linea Aspera, Art Fact, Anne Clark, Wolfsheim, Clan of Xymox, The Birthday Massacre, Yapoos, Psyche, And One, Camouflage
>Looking For
EBM, Electro-Industrial, Industrial Techno, Synth Punk, Dark Electro, Industrial Hip Hop, Power Noise, Glitch Hop, Futurepop, Aggrotech, New Beat
>Not Looking For
29 m real daddy

BWC. Uncut. Thick. Strong. Attractive. Masculine.

Into girls that have a kink for strong, manly smells. Also into cnc, total domination, oral worship, cheating, extremely dirty chats, taboo, AP, beast, getting my ass eaten, submissive girls that like being told what to do, etc. also bi if that’s your kink but into girls mostly.

You know who you are, message me with something that applies to this post.

Kik: oliverzz881 (2 z’s)
Snap/Discord: oliverz881
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>about me
I'm a young male from germany, looking for anyone into big age gaps. I was always fascinated by pedophilia and I'm looking to discuss it. I like detailed messaging and deep conversations. My intrests include: drawing, Heinrich Himmler, making jewlery, lego and writing.
I prefer Europeans over 30. But feel free to say hi no matter who you are.
> contact
Discord: the_onkelmachmut
Telegram: @OnkelMachmut
>pic is me
>looking for
brother-sister incest roleplay vc or text
>about me
19 f us
reply to this with ur age and discord
No discord but kik is creepyloner 37m
Looking for a female between the ages of 18-20 who wants a 37 year old daddy/master. Nothing too weird. Just want an outdoorsy tomboy somewhere in the Appalachian region who's wants to be my girl. I'm an ultra runner/fisherman/survivalist/hobo not ugly hmu

Kik is Creepyloner

My humor is morbid. Don't take it too seriously.

I'm serious about meeting. I'm recently divorced and needing a cool girlfriend.
Kik is creepyloner and I'll coach you I'm run constantly I can motivate you
>ASL/Describe Yourself/Hobbies and interests
33m, from Texas. ADHD as fuck, hypersexual obsessive clingy yandere with crippling co-dependency with whomever I get into a relationship with. I will drown you in affection attention and love if you reciprocate in kind.
I'm tall, slender, pale and nerdy and an absolute degenerate (but a romantic one at heart.) I love talking about my hyperfixations and would love to hear yours too :)

some of my hobbies/interests include: Anthropology/Archaeology, nature,sci-fi/horror films, animation, psychedelics, medieval weapons, martial arts, tabletop games like Magic the Gathering or D&D

>looking for
(preferably)Autistic or BPD women who will give me that pure, devoted, obsessive all consuming clingy love that only they can provide and drown me in attention and affection.

>not looking for
anything purely platonic or purely sexual. I want an actual genuine connection.

meant to specify, that's discord.
godlynecromancer I'm 20

>age gap thread
>looks inside
>1 year difference
to be fair, seething roasties will come shit on you for anything more around here these days lel
25 M
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18 F
Hiiii, i'm very aesthetic and provocation orient, right wing art ho, red scare girl, you get the gist, i just want an old guy to talk to me and impart wisdom.
Discord: girlvidal
I want to call you a dumb right wing cunt and then tell you to show me your asshole when you prove me wrong.

kik: Ascendancy2956
Discord: ascendancy29

Just looking for someone to talk to, preferably female/mtf.
M 20 Australia

8inches uncut

Kik jonjon790
Snap tom.jones720

Up for almost anything.
31, M

Looking for F to talk during the day, i have a lot of free time, would enjoy some company to talk about anything. Lewd is a +, if you like too.

Discord: magnumdml
Snap: magnumdml
48 Straight Male Near Toronto Canada

Looking for a girl between 18 - 24
Looking for longterm friendship…maybe more if you live nearby and we connect?

I’m divorced, no gf, no kids, and have 2 cats
I’m 6’4” with short hair and blueish green eyes and a little chubby
Into health and nutrition - working out to be healthier
Into biking, music, horror movies, spirituality (I have 4 tarot decks and a ouija board)
I like learning new things. I love to have conversations about anything from normal right up to naughty chat.

I’m looking for someone that is OK seeing dick pics/vids of me - it’s been a long time since I dated, and I’m lonely that way. I don’t expect nudes from you. I want more than someone to show my dick to - I want a best friend that I can trust and talk to about anything and everything.

I do require a face pic please so I know who I am talking to :)
Please be a nice and honest girl.

I prefer session:

Or Snapchat:

To start to build trust. I’ve been ghosted a lot lately. I’ve had girls say they’ll be my friend long-term and ghost me mid chat.

Hope to meet you soon :)
21 M, femboy
Looking for an older woman, preferably,
dudes are fine too. Idc how older, just be atleast 5 years or more than me. Looking for someone to have fun
and chat about whatever. Looking for someone to keep me company
and treat me right

Disc: azula.uwu
young gay bottom looking for a daddy snap @marc.spi
code, books, vidya, science, history, fit, 40k, the moon is hollow.
> about yourself
chill skinny fit guy who spends too much time at a desk wishing he were outside. work too much so I just like to relax on disc at night and chat/have fun.
> looking for
preferably F but really anyone that has busy days too and just wants to chill at night, could use some new music suggestions, maybe game, maybe more
> not looking for
scammers, larpers
> disc
Radiohead, Bjork, Portishead, Aphex Twin, Massive Attack, Depeche Mode, Boards of Canada, Gorillaz, Susumu Hirasawa, Flying Lotus, Autechre
>Looking For
Downtempo, Breakbeat, Trip Hop, Big Beat, Electro, Ambient Techno, IDM, Drum and Bass, Ambient Dub, Illbient, Alternative Dance
>Not Looking For
Anything lewd
21 m tn
looking for an older woman
from 25 to 36
hmu on disc : hannibaalbarca2.0
Huge slut loves older guys
itsmandybear on snap
29 m real daddy

BWC. Uncut. Thick. Strong. Attractive. Masculine.

Into girls that have a kink for strong, manly smells. Also into cnc, total domination, oral worship, cheating, extremely dirty chats, taboo, AP, beast, getting my ass eaten, submissive girls that like being told what to do, etc. also bi if that’s your kink but into girls mostly.

You know who you are, message me with something that applies to this post

Kik: oliverzz881 (2 z’s)
Snap/Discord: oliverz881
29m from the us. Chill guy looking for a chill night I like to talk, I have lots of hobbies

Hey! So, I’m a 29 m from Tennessee. I’m tall, have long curly hair and a red beard. I have lots of hobbies and interests but most of them revolve around plants and nature. I have a microscope I’ve been using to learn soil microbiology, which lead me to leaning about mushrooms/fungi. I have a garden and I love to cook and eat.

Let’s chat about life and random ideas or what kind of food you like or formative events, stuff we want in the future? Im super open to a huge range of experiences and I look forward to hearing from you.

BaconLettuce24 on kik
Plantsrcool on tele
very rich tatted hung daddy lf agegap with his little girl
fly to you or you come to me
Females only please
Into art, drawing, anime, video games, horror and comedy, diy crafts and repairs, trivia and escape rooms.
SC- Phantomth13f
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6’1”, thick hairy dadbod, medium-deep voice, lift & hike a bit. Looking for friendly sexual relationship with a cute girl who feels nurtured and protected by my size and/or age. Friendly AND sexual, so hopefully we can both get up to some very hot adventures discovering ways to pleasure each other and also just hang out and have a good time talking about movies, games, animu, life, or grownup topics like arts, politics, philosophy, etc. Intelligence and compassion are huge turn-ons. I can be a little childish myself and like to tease, play games and share things that bring us joy. Sexually I’m actually a dom-leaning gentle switch, love to give pleasure any which way I can and love causing visible excitement and neediness with my teasing. Specific kinks are affection/praise, body contrast, hairy girls, anal, lots of oral and female bisexuality - fascinated by girls who like girls sexually, some of my deepest sexual experiences have come from sharing that attraction with a girl I’m attracted to who’s also attracted to me. Open to messaging, VC, eventually video or even meetup if we have real chemistry.

Kik, Snapchat = mysterman1052

Discord = mysterman1052_2_10376
33 M US

kik goon_ingg

I guess looking for a girl that would be into a DDLG relationship. Don't have high expectations but lets see.

Pretty well rounded guy. Enjoy some typical things like movies/tv, big fan of music/concerts, love games of all kinds, love to read, regular gym goer (waylayed by shoulder injury currently). Love expanding my horizons and trying new things.

Regular, boring, well paid 9-5 office job. Saving for a house by 35.

Anyway, hit me up if you want to say hi, I'm open to chatting with most.
22, biological male / soft boi / sissy ,russia
>about me
If it matters...video games, photoshop, davinci resolve, streaming, videos, blogging, sewing, programming, appliance repair, anime, cooking.
Deprived child. Never, ever took care of me. I'm trying to be a man because the situation demands it of me all the time. But I can't. I'm too soft for that. Always wanted to be someone's soft sweet boy...or girl.....
>looking for
Who will literally take care of me. In return, I will serve you.
I've always wanted that...but no one wants to care.....
tg - urbanmowgli
discord - setyanin
No discord but SC: hold_mykombucha
IG: holdmykombucha96
28 Male RI
There obviously isn't enough interest in being a slave, does anyone object to all slave master fetishes instead of getting their own slow moving thread, just get added to threads of similar content ?

> Loving BDSM Relationship
> Fucked up Fetish
> Adopt-A-Neet
> Age gap
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26 f near Anaheim California
BBW and short
looking for a serious relationship, moving in with someone and meeting in person.

discord tag is chickenclaw3
I'm a weeb and prefer to vc, and I'm a PC gamer. I also love j-pop.

just got out of a awkward e-relationship break up. we had plans to meet in person and he was working towards it but changed his mind. don't ask me about the "lore"

ldrs would be fine if I can get attached to you but I hardly get attached to the right people so don't count on it. so I'm looking for someone who lives near me.

I'm autistic and can be very shy/quiet towards people

Dad bod. Looking for F, 18-21 preferred to chat. No expectations, let's just see where it goes.

For interests I'm generally into things like video games, some anime, movies, sci fi, guitar playing, singing, cooking, and working out. If you think we have anything in common, hit me up!

Snap: garte-89

Discord: garf.b0t

Kik: B.Pizza1
29 m real daddy

BWC. Uncut. Thick. Strong. Attractive. Masculine.

Into girls that have a kink for strong, manly smells. Also into cnc, total domination, oral worship, cheating, extremely dirty chats, taboo, AP, beast, pee, getting my ass eaten, submissive girls that like being told what to do, sounding, corrupting lesbians to love cock, etc. also bi from getting molested by a cousin when younger but into girls mostly.

You know who you are, message me with something that applies to this post.

Kik: oliverzz881 (2 z’s)
Snap/Discord: oliverz881
Bump. Don't be shy!
don't message anyone named chicken on this website

they're nutjob loser brokefag collectors
18m here looking for someone that wants to rp/pretend to be like my dads friend, my teacher, My dad, or another older guy and find me stroking to some high school (18) classmates . Maybe you want to join in or talk dirty as we stroke.

Kik: Raven19852
34F. Married teacher here. Looking to chat with fit/muscular bulls. Always been interested in studs who know how to take control. Especially looking for bulls who record and have sex tapes. Please send your age and a photo when you reach out!.. Kik miatallard / telegram ksu3022
Nine Inch Nails, Rage Against the Machine, Godflesh, Primus, Rammstein, Killing Joke, Foetus, The Shizit, Ministry, Ikd-sj, Pantera
>Looking For
Industrial Metal, Nu Metal, Groove Metal, Beatdown Hardcore, Ragga, Rap Metal, Digital Hardcore, Turntablism, Funk Metal, Neue Deutsche Harte, Cyber Metal
>Not Looking For
20 f Just wanna have fun and cum. Love breeding and hentai... Especially you know what kind of hentai... lol

just want to jerk my hard cock while were talking about how fucking hot it is that young fertile teen sluts get used , raped , filled with cum and impregnated by grandpas/old teachers/ some other old guys that are around them.

Bonus: small blonde sluts with big tits
Obviously: huge breeding kink

Kik: CumDeepInside123
Just looking for teen girls into chubby older men
Kik: tittottit
33m, looking for 18-20 yo girl who wants to chat with a married man. Snap or kik jcbtith12
M 20 Australia

8inches uncut

Kik jonjon790
Snap tom.jones720

Up for almost anything
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Sharing and talking about this dumb Asian whore and dumb Muslim whore I know with based older anons. Send age and race.

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>distance is fine as long as meeting in person is the ultimate goal
>5'6" white skin, brown hair, brown eyes, above average physical shape
>life situation - grew up lower middle class now I'm a multimillionare
>hobbies/interests - travel, photography, outdoor activities in general, healthy eating and living, deep conversations, concerts, parties, books, movies, tv, sometimes retro games
>religious beliefs
Most organized religions are toxic so I tend avoid them and see them as separate from real human spirituality. I respect people who value their religion as a cultural tradition so long as they aren't xenophobic. Buddhism is alright.
>political beliefs
No politician actually cares about you or this country
>dating experience
Lots of dating and experience and long term relationships, never married
forced clotheswearing, dressup, diapers, daddy dom / little girl, ageplay, petplay, collar/leash, humiliation, humiliating outfits, and plenty of others
>looking for
Someone kinky, preferably into a lot of my listed kinks, who is also intelligent and doesn't let their kinks define their whole life.
>not looking for - porn sellers, people overly interested in me for my money
>contact - gatsby6239
Hey got a disc?
biological female, i am young... I can show proof i guess. do not add me if you dont want young. I am very chronically online unexperienced and isolated disabled pale foreigner. I wont lie im mostly looking for a man to maybe help me with medical debt i will do anything and i dont know where else to look and i know i will get insulted a lot.and I will not be believed but I hope someone is out there.thank you for your time reading, my discord is shinseikomiashi
I hope you find something good out of this but I'm already worrying for you, anon
It's a total latp.
18 f germany

looking for someone that i can have a genuine connection with, just friendly is completly fine aswell! (wouldn't be against anything romantic though :P)

i rlly like video games especially rpg, listening to all kinds of music (last year i went to my very first slipknot concert!) and im a big fan of movies/going to the cinema, especially horror movies!
im honestly in alot of fandoms/communitys but i cant think of all right now

im pretty new to talking to people online n stuff, so srry if i mess some things up!
if you think we have anything in common pls feel free to text me! :D

kik: bit0b1i
discord: bit0b1i
Discord tag doesn't work
you might have your friend requests set so not everyone can add you. I'm 25 M in Germany generally just hanging around looking for curious interactions
I am extremely open, also like games like Nier ,animation, art, and a shit ton of music from all over the place.
my dc is:andersloths.
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19yo boy looking forward to be feminized by older women or men (pref women)
discord: suckcubuss
ops srry my discord is bit0bi1, accidentaly swithced the 1 and the i

Very fit as I workout 5-6 days a week. Looking for any older women. I am currently in high school. I enjoy games, anime, and movies.
Discord is wufudu
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Avoidant, rude, sometimes pleasant, other times sadistic
>looking for
Young women, chatting, more if I like you
>not looking for
Annoying women, server whores, old hags, faggots and trannies
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>What are you looking for?
Older men to text and meet
>What are you not looking for?
Being too pushy with tasks. And findom.
>About yourself
I am a submissive bottom. I love humiliation and degradation.
Kik: brownboijoi
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looking for older daddies..im 18/f

my discord is yungthugnigga
turn on friend requests
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34 trans woman us
i guess zoomers(18+) or older people. today is my day off and i have no plans. not really caring where the convo goes honestly.

18 , biological f , usa

pc gaming , baking , cats , sleeping , trying to get into anime & manga ;p

>looking for
a dom who can be both nice and mean, over texting and maybe vc ^_^ also looking for any girls who want to be frens !!

ddlg , ageplay , cnc , petplay , rp incest , breeding , piss (to an extent ;p) + more

>not looking for
anyone over 30 (give or take ,,) , incels , sharing pics , irl meeting , overly demanding , scat / gore / super hardcore stuffs

>discord tag:
Bump for great justice
24/biological F/USA, fit, gamer girl looking for a platonic arrangement where I give you endless love attention and support in exchange for an allowance. I know what I'm looking for isn't for everyone but if you're interested please share your kik or discord!
>give me money while I pretend to be your friend teehee nothing else
No. Fuck off.
If you’re looking for daddy add me
Disc: yourfavscarymovie.
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Looking for someone to have good conversation, good times and whatever comes with that.

If we meet in person you'll end up going with me to a lot of live shows, music festivals, and other general events and activities. I like being anti social, but with another person, out in large crowds.

Not looking for men.

Discord: AWNHELL
disc: jhin_lover2.0


>about me

I want to date an older woman in her 20s or 30s, so that's what I'm looking for. I'm honestly not that interesting on paper I don't think, maybe it's because I struggle with describing myself, but I ramble a lot. I really would crush hard on someone who could set the pace of the relationship, listen and respond to my rambles, and um have a lot of empathy for my sometimes very antisocial behaviors.

My favorite music is dark trap! And I just got a new favorite song, which I won't put here because I'm shy-ish. I am a perverted and nerdy guy! Silly too! Creepy sometimes, but I hope it comes off as charming instead of off-putting if that makes sense.

I have long hair and glasses by the way, which some women like idk lol. Apparently I have a nice voice too but it's not deep and idk why people think it's nice sometimes.

I'm young so idk what kind of relationship I want, but something monogamish, open, or maybe even poly with a main partner might make me the happiest. I am very kinky too, and "bi."

I like to write, sing, watch youtube, learn about smarty pants stuff, and that's it for the most part. I'm doing therapy, trying to get more hobbies, but I'm trying to learn business and Dutch. I used to play video games but not much recently. I also want to make a game or book eventually. I like horror, and I like to come up with creative but absolutely horrific concepts for my potential book or game. I'm also curious about board games and exercise.

As for you, I generally don't care much for any particular body type, but the three main shallow things are I want to be attracted to your face, booty, and torso ig? I also prefer less fat in your belly not because of attraction but just because I want my partner and me to be at least somewhat healthy. It's ok if you're obese, but if you are, I'd want you to try to lose weight and no longer be obese like I did (I'm overweight now and still losing).

Anyways :)

My discord is:

6f tall Dirty fat Pervet sadistic Dom Looking for fun kinky people to chat with. i love Expressing and expanding my horizons have a few kinks Free-use, spanking, role-play, slave, rough-play, size difference, race-play, group, Prefer UK for time but I’m open to outside chats for the right one

Telegram @DevilishDrew
Discord bloatedcauldron
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21 f Australia
Looking for an aggressive daddy that like to put a little brat like me in my place.
Kik han_flanxox
28/m/cali experienced with ddlg
Older or younger is fine as long as we both vibe. loving, caring, and kinky relationship preferred. I am financially stable and living alone.

disc: kekleoncel
kik: celestecell
19f/36m lf pretty young f to join us
im very petite and Daddy is big, hung, and rich. we want someone for fun and long-term too. us and eu both! we travel :)
tg @candles7777
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M38 - Not a therapist, Atypical Analysis of why we like what we like, and some of what I've learned

Hello 4chan readers,
Some of you may recognise the teeth.
I’ve been at this for a while, and its been interesting. About 10 years of trawling the bottom of the internet for weirdos. Still at it an 4chan has been a reliable supply :-D

Still looking for more, but now I have a Q&A to try to filter people better:

“What kinda things do people tell you”-
Most common:
- I get a lot of replies from people into cheating and cucking. L this is generally not an interesting conversation for analysis/discussion unless you have something particularly unique about it.
-"Can you rate/analyze my IRLs" - not much to actually analyze here. your IRLs are important to you and less so for others, particularly when its just 1 way parasocial crushes.
-"Why do I have a foot fetish?/What is up with my foot obsession" - It is the most common best understood kink. It's a brain wiring thing... its kinda surprising how many people are unaware of this.

Semi Common:
-"I have obscure kink/fetish/interest/backstory and still actively engage in it." - These are people with experiences and stories . Ya'll a fun. Message me more about your weird stuff and I'll happily chat about mine.
My Equivalent story on this level is the fact that I'm married to my stepsister and pretty much lived the pornhub stepcest fantasy life before it was cool.

Pretty rare:
-People with virtually entirely secretly lives :-O

If interested:

Open up with something you are particularly proud of, or something you want to understand better about yourself.

Do not give 1 word introductions hi/hey, or ask if it’s okay to talk about XYZ, just start,or I’ll ignore you for a while.

Preferred contact:

Telegram: @Dreaded_lurgy


Teleguard: DPY8U5PFD

cannibaldentistry @ protonmail - email option

Optional Session:

Dad bod. Looking for F, 18-21 preferred to chat. No expectations, let's just see where it goes.

For interests I'm generally into things like video games, some anime, movies, sci fi, guitar playing, singing, cooking, and working out. If you think we have anything in common, hit me up!

Snap: garte-89

Discord: garf.b0t

Kik: B.Pizza1
>asl and intro
Introverted gamer also into music and dumb trivia. Perpetually horny, long list of kinks. Not very introverted in DMs lol so I prefer to not say too much here :)
>looking for
Bio F in the 18-23 or 30-45 range to be my sub. All body types are welcome!
>not looking for
Discord: atwahr
>ASL (Orientation)
31, Male, EU, and Bi.

>looking for
Fun, pervy, open-minded girls to talk to, get to know, become friends with, guide, and chill with.
Maybe also share porn and hentai, talk about films, Vidya, anime, D&D, or a whole fuckton of nerdy things!

>What you're not looking for
I'm super open! But I'm mostly looking for girls and transfolk, no men sorry.

Loli, shota, free use, ownership, CNC, rape, impregnation, futanari, "family fun", pretty much anything dark or depraved!


Looking to add me? 24 m kiper1234
19f from Southern California

Into cats, memes, gaming, and chill music :) mostly looking for older guys to talk to and share fantasies with. I don’t mind sharing pics as long as we hit it off first.


30 M US
>Looking for
younger females above 18 friend to anything really
> Sess:
What is this
29 m real daddy

BWC. Uncut. Thick. Strong. Attractive. Masculine.

Into girls that have a kink for strong, manly smells. Also into cnc, total domination, oral worship, cheating, extremely dirty chats, taboo, AP, beast, getting my ass eaten, submissive girls that like being told what to do, sounding, corrupting lesbians to love cock, etc. also bi from getting molested by a cousin when younger but into girls mostly.

You know who you are, message me with something that applies to this post.

Kik: oliverzz881 (2 z’s)
Snap/Discord: oliverz881
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>About you
i'm a gay white blond twink, a bottom, not hairy, about 180cm tall
i like music, fashion, horror films, art, cooking, i want to be a nurse or teacher
>looking for
gay friends, or
real men, masculine and gay only, tall tops, white, older, hairy
>not looking for
NO bisexuals, trans, femboys, short guys, fat guys, not masc/fem, creeps
people who cant introduce themselves properly, say your asl, interests, reasons for adding me, type etc or don't bother
people who think insulting/degrading/feminizing me is erotic
"i forgot what your post said"
36 m chub into f and femboys/trans/cute twinks.

into video games, anime, netflix, vidya, singing, fantasy/dnd, board games, getting healthy.

discord: sata_andagi24
>"Pretty young" rather than "pretty, young" sounds like looking for minors
>Most (age)F/(age)M posters are just M pretending to be couple
>"Big, hung, and rich" sounds too good to be true

This reeks of predator. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong.. but I've seen far too many cases where someone with a strikingly similar post turns out to be a pred.

NYC - but travel occasionally.

>What are you looking for?

Born in Russia, immigrated with my family to NY when I was 6.

I work as a programmer, remotely from home.
I also have my own small company that I started 4 years ago, making video games

So I do okay financially. But I live a pretty frugal lifestyle. I'm introverted so I mostly just stay at home, watch Youtube or play games. Walk my dog.
Sometimes I like to travel, bounce around different countries, spending a few weeks or a few months in each.

Recently I visited Dubai, India, and Vietnam.

It doesn't matter what country you are from, I would be interested in getting to know you and talking to you. Girls only please, no gays or trans.
I keep mostly traditional values.

Not looking for sexual or explicit convos.
I like science, history, animals, youtube, true crime, philosophy.

Not looking for anything. Male. Currently 35 with a 26 yo gf I am looking to marry who was a virgin when she met me, which shocked me because she has over 50k ig followers. If anyone has any questions Im just here to answer. 172 cm if anyone was wondering
Is this skank seriously trying to get someone to pay her for the privilege of being friendzoned?
Which platform?
Sorry, but access to my wallet requires sucking my cock at least 20 times each month.
45 m usa


kik: gibigoon6

not really sure what i’m looking for. I like to talk about girls you know IRL. I am into younger women. Don’t really have any preferences on types of women, always had a wide range of what i’m into
M 20 Australia

8inches uncut

Kik jonjon790
Snap tom.jones720

Up for almost anything
I’m not Aussie anon but I can thinspire you to be the best you you can be.
Got snap? I’d exchange some videos of me doing nasty things to broken little sluts.
M19 belgium
Hung, fit, inexperienced
Looking for older woman. Would like something long term. But not required.

Kik: keffjeffk
ASL - 48 Male Canada

Orientation - straight

what you're looking for -
I’m looking for something between general chat and sexting. I’m looking for a girl to be friends with long-term. Someone that likes older, tall, and a bit chubby guys. I like to talk about anything from normal to dirty. I want somebody who would love to see pictures and videos of my dick. You don’t have to send me any pictures of you nude in return. It’s been a while since I’ve had sex in real life. I can mention all the things I’m into, but I think it’s better learning about each other as we talk
Snap: stevemckitten
Session (preferred):
Still looking.
>What you are looking for?
A young submissive girl who wants a daddy dom to own her
>What you are not looking for?
>A little about yourself
Experienced, very kinky and open minded Daddy Dom. I am seeking a girl who wants an older guy to own, use and care for her. One who enjoys the age gap element. I have very few limits.
Discord: ddy_d
Snap: master7827
23 gay boy.
I love older men.

Kik: trent5693
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32/m/usa (central)

lonely long-haired dad-bod gamer nerd in a long distance relationship with a girl who sleeps too much and I'm tired of it, I want a girl with some ENERGY to keep me company and ideally meet up with and take things further... not just looking for roleplay or one night, longer term is preferable

younger girls are ideal but I won't turn you away because of your age if we hit it off

m19 horny bottom boy looking for hung dads and straight bros that wanna get into some family play. the bigger the better. 18+ only

kik: sephyrawth
disc: jwsekai
29 m real daddy

BWC. Uncut. Thick. Strong. Attractive. Masculine.

Into girls that have a kink for strong, manly smells. Also into cnc, total domination, oral worship, cheating, extremely dirty chats, taboo, AP, beast, getting my ass eaten, submissive girls that like being told what to do, sounding, corrupting lesbians to love cock, etc. also bi from getting molested by a cousin when younger but into girls mostly. Bi fantasy is getting used by a couple/my masculinity corrupted by a girl.

You know who you are, message me with something that applies to this post.

Kik: oliverzz881 (2 z’s)
Snap/Discord: oliverz881
24 m, NYC

bio F only, into both older and younger (18+)

skinny fit white guy, 6’2, actual 9 inch cock

Looking to talk about fitness/share pics/confessions/ and discuss kinks

Have started going to the gym almost a year ago and have made huuuge progress. I’d love some tips to keep improving

Discord: sendmecatpics_
38 m
Looking for younger female. If you're into gross old man dick hmu I wanna worship you and the ground you walk
Kik: Ryan51796
>>About Me

A little about myself! I am a 23 year old male college student! I am studying engineering and very interested in technology, gaming, and computers! Also big into anime!

>>What I am looking For!

I have a crippling addiction to big booty girls, and I also have a small 4 inch dick. So naturally I love stroking with guys that are much bigger than me! In addition to the typical horny talk, I also just want a friend that I have a genuine connection with online. That is the biggest challenge when it comes to find a gooner pal and I am hoping I can find that 'click' here! Some of my criteria which is pretty loose, preferably someone older than me, and with a bigger cock than me! Someone that can feed porn, ideally big booty porn heh my addiction! And someone comfortable with controlling when I stroke my cock and comfortable with me calling them daddy!

>>Not looking for

I would prefer not to get ghosted, blocked, or any of that, also not looking for findom or that stuff. I also don't typically send pictures of myself right away or jump into a VC without getting to know someone first!

If this interested you please reach out!


Straight looking for younger F. Bored and wanna chat. Garbage conversationalist until I get to know you.

Tele: @Krien1
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Looking for a wise person/scholar that be a role model in my life.

Discord: hirokiiso
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30/M/US 574

Looking for something serious, but willing to take what I can get
Women under 25 would be great, but I'm not terribly picky as long as you don't have kids.
I'm pretty well off. Own a home and can afford to travel to meet someone.
Metal fabricator by trade and in my spare time.
Bit of a gym rat, but have my own equipment at home.
Plenty more to share if anyone wants to chat.

Disc: boxmonster
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doesnt matter though cuz i look like im still in high school.


(if you care about these things) slender body, fit, no glasses, long hair. kind/caring/compassionate. into anything and everything (hobbies, not sex).

>looking for: female.
dont mind your age. just want someone to talk to. i dont have high standards nor will i judge you.

disc: leyphae
Is a catfish don’t trust them… immediately tried to Scam
what kind of philosophy do you currently follow
I'd love to be roommates with a shrimp dick peado that I torture with the undeniable fact that the little girls that he craves want my big black cock instead!!!! I want to talk about living a dream life where you have to watch me, humiliated and cucked, as I live you're dream right in front of you and face no consequences simply because I was blessed with a big black dick!!! I love making losers feel inadequate as they accept the fact that all girls prefer BBC, even the really young ones. If that sounds like your dream (or even better your nightmare) then message me!!!! We'll have some fun!!!! Or at least I will lol!!! I'm looking for people who will add to the conversation and fantasies, if you're just wanna give one word boring answers, talk about some girl you know, or just wanna be sent pictures I'll probably block you. I love writing and I want someone whose gonna put in the same amount of effort in messaging and expanding the fantasy as I do. If you enjoy the concept of being humiliated that's even better!!! Please read this before responding so that you don't waste either of our times!

sim0nbbc_23 (its an o not a zero)


horny bottom boy looking for actual dads and straight dudes with big cocks that wanna chat and show off and get into some family fun

m19 kik:sephyrawth
38, m, bi, EU, married dad
Would enjoy to be someone's secret online daddy. Happy to learn about your daily hassles but also don't mind our conversations taking lewd turns at times. Also willing to answer all your curious questions.
telegram @zedyx86
Kik: DomShiva
CIS F only?
Have another form of contact?
>looking for
a girl who will spend a LOT of time talking to me. i'd like to text all day, voice chat for hours, play video games together, watch movies/shows together, typical cringe e-dating bullshit
>not looking for
overweight women aren't attractive to me. idc if you've got a couple extra pounds but i can't date an obese woman
discord: ironmongrel
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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account
23 bi m uk
Dominant type, love amateur stuff, couples, subs and curious people add me, on for a few hours
Wannaplay135 - kik
>asl and intro
Introverted gamer also into music and dumb trivia. Perpetually horny, long list of kinks. Not very introverted in DMs lol so I prefer to not say too much here :)
>looking for
Bio F in the 18-23 or 30-45 range to be my sub. All body types are welcome!
>not looking for
Discord: atwahr
Women are not into loli lmao
As a woman who's into loli I beg to differ.
What do you prefer?
You have discord?
I just created an account. Same username on discord: zedyx86
22 f uk - looking for married men or men over 40

Kik: charley_0510
code, books, vidya, science, history, fit, 40k, the moon is hollow.
> about yourself
chill skinny fit guy who spends too much time at a desk wishing he were outside. work too much so I just like to relax on disc at night and chat/have fun.
> looking for
preferably F but really anyone that has busy days too and just wants to chill at night, could use some new music suggestions, maybe game, maybe more
> not looking for
scammers, larpers
> disc

Gaming, tech, gardening.

>Looking for
Any legally aged biofem girl of at least average attractiveness that wants an allowance (details to be negotiated), someone to give them attention, is willing to be obedient and lewd and is okay with me being as anonymous as I want to be. Doesn't have to be serious but it can be if it all works out. Preferred exclusivity, but if something else is going on just don't make me aware of it. I'm more than generous.

mujijiji01@proton.me don't bother reaching out if you're underaged, a scammer, a catfish, or a faggot because I'm going to immediately expect you to verify you meet the biofem condition
Looking for some good nudes, send me whatever you want and I’ll jerk to it.

Oh and if you're a skinny, unkempt autistic NEETish girl, that's more than attractive.
M20 Belgium
Im around 8inches, decently fit, inexperienced
Looking for an older woman, body type doesn't matter. Doesn't have to be close

Kik: hoegaathet55
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I suppose this is relevant to the thread.

I'm a(n older) man
>describe yourself
Sadistic, controlling, demanding. Sarcastic, witty, charming, calm, intelligent, passionate, ambitious, talkative, strong. I have lived an interesting, eventful life and have many hobbies.
>looking for
A slut, whore, whatever. Someone experienced or not that has an inkling of mental illness, or not, and a strong desire to be used by a more experienced man who knows what he wants. BPD women love me, but normal women are fine too. You can be the center of my attention or an afterthought depending on our chemistry.
This can be online or offline, but understand that text does not enthuse me as much as a person's presence. If you're uninteresting in verifying who you are promptly, do us both a favor and avoid me. I'm not going to waste any time weeding out undesirables. Don't take it personally, or do.
>not looking for
Underage, men, time wasters, boring people
>looking for
Looking for older F to chat with, maybe flirt a little haha
Retro Gaming, DnD, Cooking, music
>not looking for
Guys, Time wasters, etc.
dynamo64 (discord)
quietguy9 on kik
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>31/m/Canada (southern Ontario)
>laid back
>vidya, anime, netflix, documentaries
>can make fun of everything
>will absolutely remember that thing you said 5 months ago for gift ideas
>10/10 advice
>enjoys brightening your day with little things
>would enjoy having a travel partner, it's pretty hard to organize large scale friend trips nowadays
>white, 5'11, average body, long hair, usually get complimented on my appearance but I'll leave that up to you

Looking for
>bio female
>18 - 32 (I don't expect many 18 year olds to click with me but I don't really need to rule it out)
>I don't expect a super model body but at least be average (I'm average too)
>I'm 5'11, so anything equal to or shorter
>prefer longer hair but it's not a deal breaker
>tattoos and piercings are fine by me but also having none is cool, I don't have any
>into nerd shit, or at least tolerates it
>can watch shows/movies together and talk about it as we watch
>likes traveling once in a while, day trips and weekend trips too
>loves talking about anything and everything with me
>gets excited to show me a dumb meme or tell me a little anecdote about her day
>enjoys telling me about her hobbies even if I don't really partake
>isn't obsessed with social media or being a clout chaser (posting shit about your life is fine, I just don't want someone glued to their phone)
>likes being horny as fuck with me
>enjoys being lewd often, I have a high sex drive
>likes doing cute, loving things for me because she knows I'll do the same
>caring, genuine person
>friend to animals
>likes guys with long hair (spoilers I have long hair)

Bonus points if you're within a few hours of driving, discord dating is fine to start with though.

Vulcanore on discord, bringbackclonehigh on kik
32 m real daddy

BWC. Uncut. Thick. Strong. Attractive. Masculine.

Into girls that have a kink for strong, manly smells. Also into cnc, total domination, oral worship, cheating, extremely dirty chats, taboo, AP, beast, getting my ass eaten, submissive girls that like being told what to do, sounding, corrupting lesbians to love cock, etc. also bi from getting molested by a cousin when younger but into girls mostly. Bi fantasy is getting used by a couple/being corrupted by a girl.

You know who you are, message me with something that applies to this post.

Kik: oliverzz881 (2 z’s)
Snap/Discord: oliverz881
If u want to explore dad daughter I’m:

Aggressive Sydney dad.

Snap: mrgl3nnm if you’re interested
34 m USA

Not satisfied in my relationship anymore sexually or emotionally anymore.

Looking for a female young homewrecker to chat with

Kik: Gekas13

Dad bod. Looking for F, 18-21 preferred to chat. No expectations, let's just see where it goes.

For interests I'm generally into things like video games, some anime, movies, sci fi, guitar playing, singing, cooking, and working out. If you think we have anything in common, hit me up!

Snap: garte-89

Discord: garf.b0t

Kik: B.Pizza1
38 m
Looking for any younger females who want to be worshiped by an old man and want to help him cum
Tele: @RyanWalker22
You got discord?
Straight 48 male from Canada (nearish Toronto)

I’m looking for a girl that would love to be friends (maybe more if we are close and connect?) with an older 6’4” chubby-ish man.
I prefer an average to thinner body type (even though I know your purrrr-sonality matters the most). I say the body type preference because if we ever become something in real life - I’m working to build muscle, tone up and be healthier - this difficult to do if your partner doesn’t have the same goals and is bigger. And before you judge me for this I have lost and gained 100 lbs over 5 times in my life. My ex wife was over 335 lbs throughout our 8 year relationship. It gets hard as you get older. I'm divorced, I haven’t dated anyone in years. I have 2 cats. I’m health and nutrition. I love horror movies.
I love music. Tv shows like Fallout, Supernatural, Ted Lasso, and the Walking Dead. I love to learn new things, and I would love to talk and get to know you.
The only weird thing about me is I would like to find someone who likes to see dick pics/vids. I’m not expecting to see you nude. We don’t have to talk dirty or sext. It’s been a long time since I’ve been with anyone physically. I all guys want to shoe their dick on here tho.
I’m looking for someone that is honest, is looking for something long-term, and is real.
I only seem to be people that want to talk for one chat.
I prefer Session to start and when we build a comfort level and I know that you’re not gonna disappear. We can communicate on a different platform.


I know there's 300 other men in this thread but give me a shot anyway because I will actually stay with you for a long, long time.

discord, again, is strayhousecat
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>What you are looking for?
Younger Women for fun or friends or what have you.
>What you are not looking for?
Men,Trannies, collectors,
>A little about yourself
Chill and nice guy that is into Metal and EDM music, Horror movies, Paranormal (I see ghosts at work alot), Video Games, Anime, Comics (been reading old X-Men comics from the 70s and up),
discord is Bloodravyne
Yeah titi_henry14
>>contact - gatsby6239

M 20 Australia

8inches uncut

Kik jonjon790
Snap tom.jones720

Up for almost anything.
Unsatisfied hedonistic 42 year old man seeks younger depraved girl to help me satisfy my need to cause pleasure. Contact me if you like to push your boundaries, are submissive, or bratty.

Likes include hockey, heavy music, gaming, and hiking.

Snap: kbm1980
Kik: nattb1980
Disc: mattbpm1980
Kik ItsMisterFixer
Tellagram devilishlyme
M 40+
Order Dom hairy dad bod love meeting sluts and pervs. people who love sex and all its forms I’m not very vanilla prefer expanding my looking for different experiences. Looking for genuine deviant partners put a list of my Kinks Slut use, abuse,spanking, age difference, humiliation, verbal-abuse, breeding, size difference, interracial, group-sex, let me know if any of them interest you.
23 M NC
Looking for MtF or F to talk too. We can talk about anything, see where the conversation goes... Been alone for awhile. Not looking to talk to an NPC that says one word every response. discord: sailboat01

20/closeted FtM/UK

>Mental Illness
schizoaffective, depression, social anxiety, occasionally suicidal, sometimes self harms, weed/alcohol addict, daddy issues (idk if that counts as a mental illness)

>About Yourself
im a loser degenerate /pol/tard who works a 9-5 wagecuck job that i hate. i’m also kinda chubby (146lbs, i’m trying to lose weight) with body hair, very autistic and racist. i’m not the cute trans twink you’re probably imagining. i’m closeted because my family is super transphobic. intp. i am not a good person.

Reading, painting, warhammer AoS, black metal, programming, mlp, age regression, gaming (fear & hunger, resident evil, dungeon defenders, darkest dungeon, tf2, dead by daylight, boomer shooters)

praise, diapers, pet play, age play, shota, grooming, brainwashing, humiliation, plushophilia, forcedmasc, autoandrophilia, joi, chastity, incest, age gaps, edging, watersports

>Looking for
a guy or girl (but preferably guy) to pretend to be my dad. say they’re proud of me, call me son and good boy, etc. it doesn’t even have to be in a sexual way, id just like someone who i can call dad and will treat me like i’m younger.

my dad wasn’t around much since i was about 14 and it makes me crave attention from older/fatherly men. i don’t care about age but i’d like someone older.

i’ve always struggled to talk to and maintain relationships with people my own age, we just don’t get along for some reason. i’ve always preferred the company of older men and found them much easier and more interesting to talk to.

>Not Looking For
dick pics, people who only want nudes, someone who’s not actually interested in this kind of dynamic, coombrains, porn addicts, people who only respond with one word replies, people who only want to talk about nsfw, transphobes, “i forgot what your post said”.

kik: angelcupid66
disc: postaldude77
Looking for a younger girl from either japan(most desired) china or korea
Ethnicity, hispanic
Long distance Y/N would prefer it since I can’t leave America for now
Physical description
People often tell me I look like a white man. I’m average height 5’7 and am about average build.
Mostly gaming but I tend to read about history and read novels sometimes. Am into movies and trying to move Asia myself
Not looking for
Anyone over 19, trannies, men, non Asian girls
Discord, please post yours since I’m sick of getting trannies and weirdos

looking for older guys in general, even better if you're a metalhead.
ana coaches would be really great

kik: discoveredalarmed
Your kik isn't turning up anything.
22 / M / Germany (NRW)

>Physical description
Skinny but not anorexic, short black hair, 187cm height

Hiking, reading, cooking, getting wasted, vidya, travelling, crafting, learning languages

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
people who have or used to have a dick

>Looking for
biological woman

hieronymus21 (discord)
27 m looking for online fun with older women kik exion44
Bumping. All older ladies welcome

Film, investing/finance, homesteading, nature, travel, health and fitness

>Looking for
18-25, not massively overweight. Ideally you like the idea of having an older man as a friend and mentor, but also get off on the idea of him perving over you obsessively and sharing extremely detailed intimate information with him. You have a natural desire to be obedient and are generally open minded. I’m open to mutually beneficial arrangements but won’t be sending large amounts of money before getting to know someone.

m19 horny bottom boy looking for hung dads that wanna chat and get into some family fun


Dad bod. Looking for F, 18-21 preferred to chat. No expectations, let's just see where it goes.

For interests I'm generally into things like video games, some anime, movies, sci fi, guitar playing, singing, cooking, and working out. If you think we have anything in common, hit me up!

Snap: garte-89

Discord: garf.b0t

Kik: B.Pizza1



Again with the paywhore. Nobody has money for that shit here.
I can picture a scenario in my head where a guy acts like what she wants as a dominatrix (a sub guy) and arranges to meet with her in a domination session, then just completely flips the table on her and dominates and resists everything she does while just playing along and shittalking enough that she doesn't end the session. But just totally brainfuck her. Ideally get to dominate and fuck her in the end like she deserves, get out of here with that dominatrix shit, those bitches are insane.
29 m real daddy

BWC. Uncut. Thick. Strong. Attractive. Masculine.

Into girls that have a kink for strong, manly smells. Also into cnc, total domination, oral worship, cheating, extremely dirty chats, taboo, AP, beast, getting my ass eaten, submissive girls that like being told what to do, sounding, corrupting lesbians to love cock, etc. also bi from getting molested by a cousin when younger but into girls mostly. Bi fantasy is getting used by a couple/being corrupted by a girl.

You know who you are, message me with something that applies to this post.

Kik: oliverzz881 (2 z’s)
Snap/Discord: oliverz881
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Teen f

Looking for both

A pathetic wimpy cuckold to serve me and my bull, someone super timid/weak


An aggressive/ abusive, scary Bull to use and abuse us both. Someone we will be so scared of, me and cucky will both pee a little when you walk into the room.

Oldest, meanest , fattest cocks
People with a criminal record/ sex offenders, or history of violence are bonus

My kik is tiaryan09
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21 Male from Virginia, from the Shenandoah area but I’m currently out in a day trip in NoVa/DC; today is gonna be my last full day in the region before I head back home; but I wanna make the most of it. Any older women, single moms, or cheating wives in town wanna meet up? Could be anything from coffee to just straight up fucking; all I ask is that we chat and click

I’m open to swingers and Cucks too, or if you’re friends with a hot older woman who may be interested feel free to hook me up; bonus points if you’re in Reston as that will be my destination after DC

Kik: shenanbullah
Blocked me in the middle of the night after speaking for weeks. Don't know why. No explanation.
Looking for fat cows, wifes, gfs big boobs, ANY kind of porn and big cocks.
BBW are a big YES

kik: gooner_2024

well at least you got a reply
I'd love to be roommates with a shrimp dick peado that I torture with the undeniable fact that the little girls that he craves want my big black cock instead!!!! I want to talk about living a dream life where you have to watch me, humiliated and cucked, as I live you're dream right in front of you and face no consequences simply because I was blessed with a big black dick!!! I love making losers feel inadequate as they accept the fact that all girls prefer BBC, even the really young ones. If that sounds like your dream (or even better your nightmare) then message me!!!! We'll have some fun!!!! Or at least I will lol!!! I'm looking for people who will add to the conversation and fantasies, if you're just wanna give one word boring answers, talk about some girl you know, or just wanna be sent pictures I'll probably block you. I love writing and I want someone whose gonna put in the same amount of effort in messaging and expanding the fantasy as I do. If you enjoy the concept of being humiliated that's even better!!! Please read this before responding so that you don't waste either of our times!

sim0nbbc_23 (its an o not a zero)

Femboy 19 here!
Looking for old guys that are sadistic and like to sexually torture younger boys like me. If that sounds like you, don't hesitate to hit me up!
Forced ruined orgasms are a plus.
Kik: that.bitch.lainey
> no location
Just your typical kik scammer
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Shy teen sub interested in ddlg and pet play. Looking for an older daddy to push me and teach me.
Kik: xemoorex
It’s not her.
it is her
she tried same-fagging in the other thread
She did post it. Same I'd. Been around for fucking ages and is a Troll
Hey there, I lost my job and i'm all alone, it has been hard lately for me to cover the bills so as a last resort I'm doing dirty content to cover them :/... Sorry for the trouble
Kik: diaxoly
Snap: diana_xolly
looking for hung dads and straight bros that wanna chat and get into some family fun
m 19 sephyrawth
>asl and intro
Introverted gamer also into music and dumb trivia. Perpetually horny, long list of kinks. Not very introverted in DMs lol so I prefer to not say too much here :)
>looking for
Bio F in the 18-23 or 30-45 range to be my sub. All body types are welcome!
>not looking for
Discord: atwahr
I'd love to be roommates with a shrimp dick peado that I torture with the undeniable fact that the little girls that he craves want my big black cock instead!!!! I want to talk about living a dream life where you have to watch me, humiliated and cucked, as I live you're dream right in front of you and face no consequences simply because I was blessed with a big black dick!!! I love making losers feel inadequate as they accept the fact that all girls prefer BBC, even the really young ones. If that sounds like your dream (or even better your nightmare) then message me!!!! We'll have some fun!!!! Or at least I will lol!!! I'm looking for people who will add to the conversation and fantasies, if you're just wanna give one word boring answers, talk about some girl you know, or just wanna be sent pictures I'll probably block you. I love writing and I want someone whose gonna put in the same amount of effort in messaging and expanding the fantasy as I do. If you enjoy the concept of being humiliated that's even better!!! Please read this before responding so that you don't waste either of our times!

sim0nbbc_23 (its an o not a zero)

Stop posting this shit you annoying faggot
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figured i might as well crosspost here.

>about me
im a younger virgin girl with very little relationship experience. haven’t had much luck interacting with normies, so i am here. i am anxious and would prefer someone willing to take the lead.

>looking for
an older daddy (or really any romantic companionship, but i prefer that dynamic) (preferably 30s) hoping for a long term relationship, who will actually be willing to get to know me, court me, and eventually let me move in if things work out. i like to regress both sexually and non-sexually. i prefer stoic, isolated men looking to dedicate themself to one person, while i dedicate myself to them in turn.

>not looking for
physically unhealthy people (obese, malnourished). anyone looking to pump and dump. sadists (i dont mind aspd). extremely political people

please leave your discord or email contact and i will reach out as soon as i can!

please don't leave your contact if me being a virgin is an issue, or if you're only looking to date within your race. to each their own!
34. flys55
earendil_. (with the period)
you might want to put you being an african-american near the top somewhere in about me
> no location
> mentions race might be an issue
> doesn't mention race
got I hate trolls posting profiles
nobody really tends to have an issue with it, hence the disclaimer for those who do
above, also US
Nice get.

35/m, sn1987_a
Discord: c.h.a.i.n.e.d
do you have any sense of scale for how big the usa is?

people won't even meet with friends if they have to travel
1 to 3 hours round trip across the same city
maybe meet once a week or once a month

if you live on the other side of the same state
maybe meet once a month or every 3 to 6 months

if you live on the opposite side of the country
you only visit them once a year, and that's if they are family or inlaws

nobody is going to date you or be your friend if you don't live local
Calm your tits homie it's not like they're adding anyone anyhow, despite popping in to reply
You sound so nice and sweet
Huge, immense, giant red flag. Likely underage.
Bump! Still looking to get bossed around.
29 m real daddy

BWC. Uncut. Thick. Strong. Attractive. Masculine.

Into girls that have a kink for strong, manly smells. Also into cnc, total domination, oral worship, cheating, extremely dirty chats, taboo, AP, beast, getting my ass eaten, submissive girls that like being told what to do, sounding, corrupting lesbians to love cock, etc. also bi from getting molested by a cousin when younger but into girls mostly. Bi fantasy is getting used by a couple/being corrupted by a girl.

You know who you are, message me with something that applies to this post

Kik: oliverzz881 (2 z’s)
Snap/Discord: oliverz881
Heya im a guy who is 30 and am looking for 18-25 year old girls who likes to domme, be mean, bully or something along those lines. I just love being degraded by women much younger than me, hits harder I guess.

Besides that I love art, horror, occult stuff, some sports, aesthetics, books and all kinds of stuff. Im also searching for friends, so yeah thats cool <3
Both snap and telegram are @Supermandsen
I'm looking for a younger woman to chat and explore fantasies with. I am a daddy dom who enjoys both the loving and caring aspects of the role along with the more dominant/rough parts sexually. If you're looking for simple friendship, companionship, or mentoring don't hesitate to message. I'm also willing to help those who are curious or new to these types of relationships.
Not interested in men or mtf
Discord: john362

>About you
Well adjusted, twink looking white boy working in IT full time, no mental illness, and im usually described as sort of a golden retriever type, though I hang around here, so I def have my other side. I love working on tech, games, cozy movies, and love being cared for!!
oh boy, gentle femdom is at the top - being used, insulted, loved, hurt, embarrassed, praised - all of it. assume that anything in the bdsm category is fair game. I have a high sex drive : )
>What you're looking for
Someone who can balance nice chats, gaming or talk sessions, life discussions, goals, anything. On the otherside, someone who is looking to lightly 'own' someone like me, that my body is ultimately at your disposal, that I can worship if needed, do what you say, etc. I'd love to go into more detail!
>What you're NOT looking for
Anything really pathetic? I won't cage myself, I won't do any bathroom stuff, I won't donate my entire bank account to you. Im still a bit of a normie : )
>Any additional info
Discord is cutefixitboy - let me fix your tech issues but also whimper for you
Eh fuck it, more general post as well

35/m/west coast

I'm most interested in a free use-centered ddlg style relationship with a caring and probably at least slightly nerdy (if we're going to get along) young woman. This isn't something I expect right off the bat obviously. Relationships and trust are built, after all. I miss the feeling of taking care of someone and nurturing their growth as a person while having them entirely under my control. So I guess reach out if this concept appeals to you.

Not looking for folks with dicks though. Sorry y'all, just not my thing. Ideally able to maintain somewhat consistent contact, but I also understand people get busy; it happens to me too. Just be willing to communicate when things are getting busy or rough.

disc is earendil_. (you gotta include the period)
kik strangerswithcandy42
>35 m bwc
>petite 90lb wife is ten years younger than me
Ask me anything
Is this thread for lewd people only?
Bumping once more
young smooth gay looking for hung older guys. pervs r welcum
snap: marc.spi
not strictly, no. occasionally someone will post looking for platonic advice, but it is much less common. just state what you are looking for in your post so that you don't mislead anyone.
I've posted here before offering general life advice and never been taken up on it. Posted my dick and been messaged a bunch. It's pretty skewed towards sex
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21,f, Ireland
>about me
I am rather interesteed in science, baking and drawing. I play the guitar and the violin and I speak a few odd languages mainly English, Norwegian, German or Dutch.

>looking for
Someone older to learn from, especially those who have any experience in studying science or are religious.
bumping againnn~

m 19 horny bottom boy looking for dads with big cocks and hung straight dudes too that wanna chat and get into some family fun~

kik: sephyrawth


disc: pvrsi

Looking forward to hearing from you!
18 femboy into pet play, cnc, free use, choking, furry, pee/scat/puke, smegma and just general body odor/musk

29 m real daddy

BWC. Uncut. Thick. Strong. Attractive. Masculine.

Into girls that have a kink for strong, manly smells. Also into cnc, total domination, oral worship, cheating, extremely dirty chats, taboo, AP, beast, getting my ass eaten, submissive girls that like being told what to do, sounding, corrupting lesbians to love cock, etc. also bi from getting molested by a cousin when younger but into girls mostly. Like bbc. Bi fantasy is getting used by a couple/being corrupted by a girl.

You know who you are, message me with something that applies to this post.

Kik: oliverzz881 (2 z’s)
Snap/Discord: oliverz881
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KIK: ReturnOfTheBoomBap

I’m 35 M, love breeding and domination, looking for either someone 19-25 or someone much older than me.
younger ftm boy looking for an older guy to obsess over. i want you to be controlling and possessive and stuff like that. i'm not necessarily looking for nsfw, but i will do it if i trust you

stalkercel on discord
M20 Belgium

Fit, hung. Looking for an older woman. Don't have to be nsfw immediately if you don't want.

Kik: hoegaathet55

Fucked up girls with Daddy issues

Bonus: diapers

kik: flyer 8200
I'd love to be roommates with a shrimp dick peado that I torture with the undeniable fact that the little girls that he craves want my big black cock instead!!!! I want to talk about living a dream life where you have to watch me, humiliated and cucked, as I live you're dream right in front of you and face no consequences simply because I was blessed with a big black dick!!! I love making losers feel inadequate as they accept the fact that all girls prefer BBC, even the really young ones. If that sounds like your dream (or even better your nightmare) then message me!!!! We'll have some fun!!!! Or at least I will lol!!! I'm looking for people who will add to the conversation and fantasies, if you're just wanna give one word boring answers, talk about some girl you know, or just wanna be sent pictures I'll probably block you. I love writing and I want someone whose gonna put in the same amount of effort in messaging and expanding the fantasy as I do. If you enjoy the concept of being humiliated that's even better!!! Please read this before responding so that you don't waste either of our times!

sim0nbbc_23 (its an o not a zero)

Bump somebody pls just make me cum
Older guy looking to chat with younger & inexperienced girls that want to explore and lots of attention. Not looking for relationships but long term online dynamic is fine.

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young / M / NYS (New York State)
Bio and interests?
I’m timid and shy and available for anyone for any use of my own body
Looking for?
Anyone older and willing to use me as they please!
Socials - discord ali806_
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young / M / NYS (New York State)
Bio and interests?
I’m timid and shy and available for anyone for any use of my own body
Looking for?
Anyone older and willing to use me as they please!
Socials - discord ali806_
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vasectomies and being sterile.
i have a vasectomy at a pretty young age. I'm young, dumb, and full of cum.. shooting blanks..
I can creampie you all day, all night. 100% safe.

Not many women so far I've found are into this ..
long term or short term, doesnt matter

discord jjhm437

>about me
i love reading, music, old stuff like antiques and old music and just old stuff in general, decoration, fashion, sewing, learning about other people, going outside, having fun
i've always gotten along with older people and i find myself admiring their knowledge and stuff, i just find myself comfortable being around them and stuff

>looking for
someone who i can have a long-term friendship or possibly something more with, somebody who i have a strong connection with and can just talk about anything with, preferably 25+, loves to share pictures and talk about their day and just things that are on their mind, also looking for someone who can take sarcasm and jokes and stuff as well as make silly jokes and stuff

>not looking for
somebody who's constantly negative, somebody who can understand that we may not have a connection and thats okay and the world isn't going to implode and stuff........ dont be too weird

disc: beetlebugy
Hey you seem neat. I'm M/34 and I sent you a friend request on discord. pvrsi is my name. I'm heading to work now and won't have my phone so please don't think I'm ignoring you if I don't reply, I check on my breaks
47yo BWC daddy looking for younger damaged goods. Girls with daddy issues to the front!

Kik bobfossil666
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>About Yourself
a easy going person who is just looking for a bit of fun and pleasure
>Sexual Interests
bondage, humiliation, degrading, gagging, edging, over stimulation, pet play, collars, objectification, name calling, begging, voyeurism, body writing
>Looking For
im seeking out female subs to really train and use long term .. i dont mind giving after care or makings you feel good if you do a good job at pleasing me and i dont mind new comers wanting to explore. just dm me to talk and see if we are a good match
>Not Looking For
underage, men, trannies, no fakes or pretenders
discord: mrwithmic
kuppycakes12 is my Discord. You sound lovely, I'd love to chat.
29/M/Midtown Atlanta, GA

>Physical description
White, 5'11, normal build, pretty nice brown hair

The usual. I'm an engineer but not a full-on nerd. I like competitive video games, sports, debating, etc.

>Looking for
An Asian girl, 18-22ish for dating/fun

>Not looking for

Discord: LaCroix_55599


Someone loyal

20m here! Uni student looking for a friend or a daddy to make ends meet! Selling pics and vids of myself, doing tribs, etc, HMU and we'll find how I can please you! Tg: @Townyeah
barely legal/f/europe

not a fed
looking for a guy to satisfy his pedo fantasies.
don't ask what trauma I have.

>not a fed

28/M/Austin, TX
>Physical description
White, pretty slim, I do go to the gym so have some muscle. 6 feet tall (Actually lol)
>Looking for
Girls 23 and below. I'm more partial towards cute and this is kind of where my preferences lead.
>Not Looking For
Paying for online content, not worth. Dudes, trans
I like the standard: vidya, anime, other otaku stuff, edm, raves, going to cons, going shooting, arcades. I also know Japanese to an extent. I'm a software engineer so I do know about software and programming but more than likely I'll just complain about it.

Disc: context_infinite
Looking for submissive and cuck types as I’m more dominant
I love much older but everyone is welcome
23 m uk bi
Iwantfun086 - kik

Cute lil' teen femboy here, looking for somebody to chat and have fun conversations with, basically an older guy to keep me company c:

I enjoy cooking and baking, sometimes I play Magic: The Gathering with my big brother and his friends, watching cute anime, reading interesting books and webtoons, I used to game a lot on my PS5 but I recently got a gaming PC, but I'm still pretty lost in the PC gaming landscape lol Maybe you can teach me a thing or two? c:

My kik is LilHoneyPrincess
Looking forward to hearing from you! c:
Looking for submissive and cuck types as I’m more dominant
Start with asl so I know you’re interested
I love much older but everyone is welcome
23 m uk bi 25 f uk gf is here now too
Iwantfun086 - kik
22 ftm uk

masculine 5'10 tboy looking for a kind older daddy to look after me, be nice to me and talk dirty. i love all kinds of music especially 90s and folk, i write erotic fiction and i do karate. dont be scared if youre not a brit or euro, i dont mind a time zone gap if you dont.

rp like teacher or incest, hairy men, dubcon, possessiveness, nothing super extreme i just like eroticism and being cared for

>not into
rape, drugs, feminisation or any trans shit. wont do face pics or cam but we can vc. also not really looking for a long term irl relationship but who knows i guess


pic is a lookalike lol
Athletic real life dad 43 looking for a serious gap! Young girls only.
Kik wdymnow
18m. Would love to share nn pics of a hot 18 year old high school crush with big tits! Especially if you want to talk about how you'd suck them in front of me

Kik: Raven19852

ftm - AFAB I take it? I'm happy with this. I'm a short-ish 32 yo hairy guy with a definite dad-bod from the UK. Like eroticism and rp-ing. Happy to think about IRL meets if we click but really looking for online for now.

Do you mind if I message you on discord?
>asl and intro
Introverted gamer also into music and dumb trivia. Perpetually horny, long list of kinks. Not very introverted in DMs lol so I prefer to not say too much here :)
>looking for
Bio F in the 18-23 or 30-45 range to be my sub. All body types are welcome!
>not looking for
Discord: atwahr
go ahead
48 Male from Canada - tall and a bit chubby

I’m looking for a legal aged young girl to be longterm friends with. I’m looking for someone that can find time to talk to me throughout the day. I know we both have real lives and can’t talk all the time, but I’m looking for someone that can make a some time daily for chat or even video chat.

I Am into health and nutrition – I am working to become more healthier. I like to walk. I love horror movies. I am into spirituality – I have four tarot decks and an Ouija board. I like to learn new things - The latest is mindfulness.

I’m looking for a girl who is nice and honest. Someone who will give me a chance at being Friends. If we live close, maybe we can be more?

I’m not really looking for Sexting, but I am looking for a girl that is OK looking at pictures and videos of my dick. It’s been a long time since I dated. I’m looking for someone that would be OK with this. I’m not looking for nudes back.

If you’re interested in talking, I would love to get to know you. It’s not all about me wanting to show my dick even though sometimes I do wanna show a lot to be honest.

Have sent a request - apologies for the slow response, we lost power here for a bit!
youre gonna have to tell me it's you power cut anon, lol


19/m/northeast usa, short skinny twink
> looking for
looking for older guys to chat with, share pics, hentai, porn. love to show off my body, hear what you’d like to do to me.
into bondage, group stuff, rough, toys, cnc, insertion, being totally submissive
> not looking for
absolutely nobody under 18. any discussion of incest, scat, underage stuff.
29 m real daddy

BWC. Uncut. Thick. Strong. Attractive. Masculine.

Into girls that have a kink for strong, manly smells. Also into cnc, total domination, oral worship, cheating, extremely dirty chats, taboo, AP, beast, getting my ass eaten, submissive girls that like being told what to do, sounding, corrupting lesbians to love cock, etc. also bi from getting molested by a cousin when younger but into girls mostly. Like bbc and forced bi. Bi fantasy is getting used by a couple/being corrupted by a girl.

You know who you are, message me with something that applies to this post.

Kik: oliverzz881 (2 z’s)
Snap/Discord: oliverz881
I posted just to block all the pedos so they can't add me again

if anyone is curious I got 60 adds from that post.

most of them were okay even when I claimed to be 15. this thread is full of actual pedos.
Smooth moves
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Got some interesting responses from this post, bumping it

6'2 discount Elon Musk into nerds shit and yapping about conspiracy theories.

Ideally I'd get a gal whose actually into guys in their 30s who isn't underaged.
Just lately I've felt like my age is not a selling point.
I'd be nice to you and if you actually wanna meet up I'd do a lot to make it happen.
Looking for something that'll eventually be IRL.

They never talked to me.
I saw the nazi and blocked them
I am looking for a woman who is emotionally available. Life is hard and we are all very busy, but I’m looking for someone who has time for me. I want someone who will listen to me, remember small things about me and will share small things about themselves with me. Laughter it’s important to me and I’d love someone to laugh with too

I have a lot of hobbies and interests but the biggest theme is nature and science. I love them both. Lately I’ve really been into mycology as well as microscopy. I play a fair share of video games and I love to cook and garden when I can

I’m tall, I have long curly hair and blue eyes. I have a bright red beard and freckles. Considering my hair, I need a separate conditioner and shampoo. None of that 2 in 1 stuff.

I am generally pretty busy, but I often have time at the end of the day for casual chats, flirting, life venting, trauma dump, anything really.

If this sounds interesting hit me up

Discord: picklehombre
tele: @plantsrcool
> barely legal
> actually 15
15 isn't barely legal
get off 4chan
34/M/Southern Alberta Canada

Native in good shape, hunter, run my family farm. Ex stand up comedian and podcaster, all around crazy anon. No expectations, just like younger women. Into 18-23.

Kik DylanSA999
Looking for younger girls that want an older guy to show off to and chat with. Like the idea of being a guy you turn to for advice, to chat, etc.

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i really really want a big sis/mommy to vc with. really into incest/ageplay.
disc: driptilipop

you posted with two nearly identical usernames and also no mention of what platform this is
48 [M4F] #Stratford, Ontario, Canada - Looking for love with a young legal girl

I’m basically looking for a girl in the Kitchener/Waterloo/Stratford area - I don’t drive but I’m able to get transportation to Waterloo or Stratford (I can do towns around such as Listowel, Monkton, Milverton, Mitchell etc.)

I’m 6’4” a little bit chubby with a shaved head and neatly trimmed beard. I have blueish green eyes. I’m divorced, no girlfriend,
and I have no kids. I haven’t had a date in over 11 years since my break up so I’m shy at meeting with someone. I’m looking for something monogamous. The most important thing is your purrrr-sonality. I’m looking for someone who likes to have stimulation conversations at times. I’m working at bettering myself through eating healthy, exercise and learning. The second important thing to me is body type - I’m not shallow but I’m looking for a girl who is average to thin body type. I have struggled with my weight for the past 15 years. My ex was bigger and it made me not want to keep in shape.

I’m into cats (I have 2). I love horror movies. I’m into health and nutrition - I’m working out to better my health. I’m into spiritually. I don’t believe in any particular religion but I believe there’s someone up there as a lot of stuff has happened in my life since this past October that isn’t random. I like taking walks. I’m open-minded in my views and values. I believe that everybody’s equal and deserves to love who they want. I would prefer someone that doesn’t drink (or doesn’t drink often) as I used to drink a lot in the past and have stopped pretty much. I’m 420 friendly - I don’t smoke often tho. I like to learn new things a lot.

It has been a long time since I dated so I’m looking for someone who is patient and understanding as I may say the wrong thing at times. I can be a bit awkward at first.
KiK - meowtazzycat
Telegram - snazzykittykat
Teleguard - D57LLFDJEr
age gap server

34/M/US, NYC

34 Year Old male, Dad bod/somewhat chubby male who enjoys video games, nerding out of history and tech, fixing things, and who is addicted to caffine. In all forms of music with the exception of modern rap. 420 friendly.

Seeking a woman of legal age into similar stuff as I am for a long term relationship.

Not looking for anyone underage, scammers, people trying to sell stuff to me, and people who are just looking for money.

Discord: PCGamingNerd
looking for a younger girl to mold into being really cool like me ;)
21, female. Looking for an older man (35+) to take care of me sexually and otherwise. I want a mentor when being nonlewd, and a dominating daddy when being lewd. I have experience with this and would like to explore it further. I have very particular kinks. Will show off if you do.

I live in a third world country so meeting in person is unlikely, though not impossible.

Reply with your discord and I will add you, don't want to get overwhelmed with too many adds like last time.
40/m you sound like a fun get to know
Disc: Bloodravyne
Are you white?
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36m, married pierced dick military dude.

Nerdy dude, playing a lot of wow in my spare time at the moment. Bit of a love/ hate relationship with food and fitness. Mild dadbod going on right now.

Any ladies that want to casually chat and get into some flirty / sexy fun I'd be down to chat and see where things go

Discord is bsname1234
Snap is brokenaccount
Telegram is acesnobody

looking for a guy to talk to me so i don’t feel worthless <3 i’m a vv mentally ill girl who is veryyyyy lonely, im almost completely isolated so if you want a clingy girl ur in luck :3 i like to be evil online n draw sometimes, im very boring but i am emo w boobs so i guess that’s cool! i don’t like to go on cam much (i hate myself) :( i just smoke weed and act like a loser all day so if u want to have some silly time just hmu on the cord, don’t mind really how old you are but i go for older guys ;3 im not skinny so if u like anorexic girls i am NOT for you

i like cnc, blood, n almost anything borderline illegal you can think of <3
hmu on the cord ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )
shartmastersupreme (please disregard my name this is a throwaway and i have the maturity of a toddler)
honest to god if no one answers this I might just do it Jesus. anyway im a lonely lonely lonely teen girl I will talk to literally anyone idc. I've had a weird life n I lowk need some1 older to be guided by. uhhhh I can talk all day every day cuz I dont got shit going for me atm. im a wee bit insane though. anyway my discord is billie.5263 plzzzz hmu for whatever reason!
Wtf I didn't get to see the picture before you blocked me and deleted it I went to get a drink :(
>Looking for
A disciplined, mature woman to stay with in Salt Lake City. I'm moving to SLC from Georgia in June to work for the Sheriff's office. Help me start over and you'll have my loyalty.

I guess i'll just save myself the trouble and block her
looking for Fs into loli, cnc, age gaps, bdsm, some light knife or blood play, public stuff, exhib/voyeur, and a bunch of other stuff. like sharing pics and talking about it or watching stuff together and getting off in vc also big on games and anime too and would love to watch or play stuff together
age gaps in either direction is fine
>What you are looking for?
younger girls who like to be taken care of, get lots of attention, be a pet, and/or be spoiled
>What you are not looking for?
>A little about yourself
I'm a pretty quiet weeb who is very caring, into video games, cooking, and many other things. I can get pretty autistic about topics and blabber about stuff.
discord: tsukasa7117
>What you are looking for?
Older women who'd like to receive nudes, cum tributes, or just help me/watch me masturbate
>What you are not looking for?
Men, meaningful connections
>A little about yourself
I'm a pretty introverted nerd for movies, videogames and music, I mostly just masturbate in my room most days all day whenever I don't go to college
xx_agapito_xx on discord, InFamousAgapito on kik
20 m usa
bi if you're a cutie (feminine [prison gay])
I dont want to be so alone anymore
20 F England
Looking for men to chat with, form a connection with and also explore some more private elements with. UK guys/ guys who don’t mind being bossed around a bit to the front of the non-existent queue. Please actually be properly older than me, not just by 1 year lol

Kik: throwmeawayxx1

>Not into weird kinks
>LF bio woman younger than me
Single for 4 years by choice, trying to chance that.
contact: anonusermail91029@proton.me

Cute lil' teen femboy here, looking for somebody to chat and have fun conversations with, basically an older guy to keep me company c:

I enjoy cooking and baking, sometimes I play Magic: The Gathering with my big brother and his friends, watching cute anime, reading interesting books and webtoons, I used to game a lot on my PS5 but I recently got a gaming PC, but I'm still pretty lost in the PC gaming landscape lol Maybe you can teach me a thing or two? c:

My kik is LilHoneyPrincess
Looking forward to hearing from you c:
M 44 Germany

Discord: maxlanger
M 44 Germany
Looking for straight sexting including live pics and vids. Younger females prefered. Age gap is great. Submissive would be perfect. No sellers, no fakes, no guys, no larpers, please!

Snap: hgw17491
Kik: 17489hgw
Discord: maxlanger
which messenger?
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18 f eu
hewlo i graduated from school and now i have a lot of time - i am bored and im looking for people that will keep me entertained!!
Need a femanon in her 30s to pretend to be my boss or someone else with authority over me, and you’re punishing me by making me have sex/breeding with you. Your pent up and want to use me as a toy. I don’t do rp too much so sorry if I’m bad at it. Also I’d like to trade pics but we don’t have too
Kik is throw83536, just start with age
18 f

My Spotify subscription is kaputt and there aren't any good movies on the telly so I ended up here, just looking for new folks to chat with

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>About Yourself
a easy going person who is just looking for a bit of fun and pleasure
>Sexual Interests
bondage, humiliation, degrading, gagging, edging, over stimulation, pet play, collars, objectification, name calling, begging, voyeurism, body writing
>Looking For
im seeking out female subs to really train and use long term .. i dont mind giving after care or makings you feel good if you do a good job at pleasing me and i dont mind new comers wanting to explore. just dm me to talk and see if we are a good match
>Not Looking For
underage, men, trannies
discord: mrwithmic
this guy is unhinged btw check archives
M 20 Australia

8inches uncut

Kik jonjon790
Snap tom.jones720

Up for almost anything.
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>distance is fine as long as meeting in person is the ultimate goal
>5'6" white skin, brown hair, brown eyes, above average physical shape
>life situation - grew up lower middle class now I'm a multimillionare
>hobbies/interests - travel, photography, outdoor activities in general, healthy eating and living, deep conversations, concerts, parties, books, movies, tv, sometimes retro games
>religious beliefs
Most organized religions are toxic so I tend avoid them and see them as separate from real human spirituality. I respect people who value their religion as a cultural tradition so long as they aren't xenophobic. Buddhism is alright.
>political beliefs
No politician actually cares about you or this country
>dating experience
Lots of dating and experience and long term relationships, never married
forced clotheswearing, dressup, diapers, daddy dom / little girl, ageplay, petplay, collar/leash, humiliation, humiliating outfits, and plenty of others
>looking for
Someone kinky, preferably into a lot of my listed kinks, who is also intelligent and doesn't let their kinks define their whole life.
>not looking for - porn sellers, people overly interested in me for my money
>contact - gatsby6239
30 male from australia, looking for an older woman to call mommy and maybe voice chat with
33m married, looking for 18f

Kik or snap jcbtith12
Tele jcbmitch
19 female really wants the new paper mario. ill do anyting for it
kik: playoffslut69
snap: tvbaby
26m US

Looking for a F 18-20ish

As far as interests go I have a lot ranging from reading and cooking to sports and outdoor activities, music, etc.

On the sexual side of things I prefer to be dominant. Open to a dom/sub relationship

Let’s get to know each other, possibly and see what kind of relationship it makes sense to have.

Mainly use discord

Disc:.gg/ x6VXdKHj
Also on kik - solid6d
F 22
Doing requests custom vids/pics
Sexting/video call
I also verify
Kik: sandraknight22
Telegram: @sandraknight22
Discord: berkhhh#8063
biological f, 18, usa

>looking for
a daddy who can spend time with me, take care of me and spoil me :3

ddlg, ageplay, loli, pet play, degrading, diapers, kinda raceplay, incest and more ^_^

reply with ur disc if ur interested ;p my kinks are kinda more on the extreme side so i dont want any vanilla or subby boys adding me. im also a quite shy but, i'll be more than happi to verify im a girl once i get comfortable
lol I wanna make you wear diapies and humiliate you daily. my disc : ewewewrawr

stuck up bitch
19 femboy uk Dumfries

video games, music, night walks,

>what traits you look for in a partner
preferably over 35 but close is fine. Looking for incredibly controlling men. Aggressive men. Men that don’t care about my well being

>long distance?
Perfectly fine

>Looking for
Long term extreme TPE owner.

To control all decisions such as what I eat/ if I eat. Bathroom breaks, what I wear what I do in a day. Even extreme stuff such as what I do what I watch when I’m allowed to switch YouTube video ect

Or I’d love even more extreme where I have to ask to change a video or to turn a light on

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
below 30. Shy guys. People that can’t hold a chat. Vanilla people

I love basically all kinks. You’ll come to find there is very little I won’t do or at least try.
My personal favourites are; flashing, pain, embarrassment, risk, exposure, blackmail, online/game humiliation

From June 2nd for 6 days it’s only me in my house if people are local ish they can maybe visit. I’ll be tied up and blind. Only if local and I trust you

Kik: KittenBabyy69
Would love to share nn pics of a petite 18 year old high school crush with a great ass! Especially if you are a bull or have a big cock! If interested dm me maybe you'd want to chat about playing with her in front of me. 18m

Kik: Raven19852
kuppycakes12 I'd love to hear about your extreme kinks.
Looking for submissive and cuck types as I’m more dominant
Start with asl so I know you’re interested
I love much older but everyone is welcome
23 m uk bi 25 f uk gf is here now too
Iwantfun086 - kik
Likely a larp and/or a moocher.
>asl and intro
Introverted gamer also into music and dumb trivia. Perpetually horny, long list of kinks. Not very introverted in DMs lol so I prefer to not say too much here :)
>looking for
Bio F in the 18-23 or 30-45 range to be my sub. All body types are welcome!
>not looking for
Discord: atwahr

don*t bother won*t show girlfriend
didnt leave my disc because im a fucking retard holy shit
>about me
Geeky PhD student in math/cs/signal processing. I'm into all sorts of things, and try to keep-up an active and productive lifestyle.
>looking for
A female student, ideally in her early 20's, to tutor in math/cs, and to gradually develop a sexual interaction with (the nature of which should be determined depending on *both* of our tastes). If you are *not* a student but are serious about the tutoring, I'd also be happy to hear from you. =)
The offer is quite serious and I'd like for it to become an ongoing thing. I'm hoping this would be both helpful *and* enjoyable.
Since I'd invest both time and effort for you, I'll be asking for verification.
I think this is a larp or a scammer
New kik: dontXbanXme
My old one got banned by kik jannies
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Looking to find a role model that can help me in my life.

Kik is Loerresxxx
Any older F wants to watch? Hit me up then
Kik creepyloner

37 m southwestern WV USA
Recently divorced
Looking for female in 20s
I'm into ultrarunning, fishing, hiking, outdoorsy stuff. Looking for someone who can keep up. Also likes beer and weed. I have my own place too. Sooo Tomboyish types maybe? I'm introverted but adventurous. Hmu

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