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Sci-Hub is in danger of being wiped out.

Download 1 random torrent (100GB) from the scimag collection and download it. Seed forever.

Reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/nc27fv/rescue_mission_for_scihub_and_open_science_we_are/
I just calculated it would took about 1700 euros to store all 77 tb of material. Damn, i wish i had that money.
Grabbed some torrents. thanks for telling us
Tape seems to be cheaper at around 650 Euros. (But I don't have any experience with it. Always wanted to try using it for backups)
Gonna seed like 400GB of this
That's OK for archival but as it's sequential reads it would be too slow to torrent with.
>77 tb of material
So .. compression? Aren't these supposed to just be papers?
From the Reddit thread:
>Sci-Hub is going to have many JSTOR-style PDFs that might have almost no compression on the pages, mixed in with very well-compressed text-only PDFs. 85 million of those adds up.
>85 million of those
The PDFs are 1GB a piece?
I suspect I may know why Sci-Hub is dying.
77TB ~= 77 000 000 MB
Is the initiative dead already? All four of the torrents I'm seeding went from 15-30 seeders to 2 max.
You know, libgen and gigapedia have made more bank for me than my degree textbooks. It's karma day and i'm seeding this till the end of days. A porn collection and some actual motherfuckers died today.
do you even math? it comes to about 1MB per file
oh boy this brings back the memories.
gigapedia was my goto place for anything ebook. As much as libgen is now. And in this case i'm gonna squeeze as many resourses i can deliver. 200 GB are almost done and i'm working on how much more i can pump over the next months. I know some downtimes in advance but all going as expected there will be more stable performance on my side after September.
qBittorrent supports sequential DLing, just click the option right from the get-go :)
>tfw already seeded over 1TB
Anything to spite copyright cucks
fuck you elsevier
fag elsevier die elsevier
wtf is this really?
Posting some stuff (pics) from 8kun as a bump for people browsing this thread:

WWI [3.9GB]

Vintage America [355MB]

WW II Stills and more [4.7GB]
Actually, it looks like it originates from 4chan
Nice find anon
its fucking dead...
what exactly is?
Vietnam Picture Collection (Vietnam war) [4.3GB]

Imperial Russia [1.9GB]
Korea 1 (pics of the Korean war)

Vintage L.A. [2.8GB]
His cock, anon.
Wonder how many weird medical pics are in those articles. Time to find out.
I don't want to register. Can anybody tell which torrent is in dierer state?
just in case you're still around, you posted the wrong magnet for Imperial Russia, which I'd love to have. Could you repost the right one? Thanks!
Sorry, I pasted them from another site and didn't notice this one was wrong. Here's the correct link. There are seeds but noone is seeding right now.
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Been seeding as many as I can, I usually seed to a 5.0 ratio then delete and download another etc.
So i really want to contribute but I don't have much hardrive space I do however have a lot of cloud storage from my university around 5TB Im currently looking for a way to download directly to the cloud via torrenting not sure how to go about if anyone has some insights please help. I have a google drive account and I run linux if that helps. So far i can only find paid services or services that limit to a few 100 gbs/day.
Fuck Elsevier and fuck their backwards thinking. OP is based will seed and try to seed forever
I've got a 16TB seedbox, will pick up a couple. SciHub is unbelievably based and a worthy use of my capacity.
Which one of them contain JACS and Tetrahedron publications?
I have 25TB of space that I haven't been using, would it be possible to compress all of most of the 77tb?
I wish I had 77TB to store it on
probably not pdf compression saves space by removing the meta data and making images smaller and probably most books aren't with so much pictures
What's happening to lbgen ?

keep fighting the good fights anons
Do I just need to download and keep or is there any other step?
No other step AFAIK
I have one of the files that make up the sci fi collection on my seedbox. Once it is there, you won't even know it's there. Just delete it if you run out of space or something. Adjust the uploads on that file if it burns too much bandwidth. That's it.
Is there a way to download and seed a few hundred gigs at least kind of related a specific topic? I don't have much free space, and would much rather seed shit i'm going to ora t least may use.
For referance i am a geneticist, so a collection related to that, or more broadly to subindividual biology or even broader, to biology would be way better for me.
From what I understand these are the torrents most needing seeders as they have less than 12:


These are at least 24GB though. The ones on the OP are sometimes much smaller
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Found another torrent health tracker:

Telegram bot that notifies of torrent with least seeders:

see pic related
Got a couple of torrents with the telegram bot, will seed 24/7 for the foreseeable future.
coomers killing the thread
You'd be better off posting this on /g/ and /sci/
The sad part is 77TB isn't even that much data or that expensive to store. The bandwidth could be an issue, but I think a lot of the issue stems from lack of awareness about them, plus potential copyright liability using traditional hosting methods. Seems like something that would be good as a private tracker.
learn to count retard

dude you need to go back to nursery, you're fucking stupid at math, damn
Also in /lit/, they need the books/pdfs.
So basically what you're saying is I should seed this so everyone can still have access to a bunch of papers on how gender is a soical construct and race doesn't real because reddit wants to? And this is supposed to be convincing to me?
Goddamn it you're dumber than my brother.

nigger do you even have a brain? the word retarded can not even comprehend how fucking stupid you are right now on the internet my guy, hahaha
Back then in female correctional facilities that were rather violent, when they got a hold of male guards and weren't done raping them but his cock wouldn't stand, they would forcefully jab a sharpened pencil down his cock. The victim bled, got hard and still cummed hard despite not ejaculating anything during his previous orgasms.
Nowadays, the guards are female. But nowadays there are a fuckton of violent lesbians in prison.
I got some torrents. Thank you for informing about it.
Hasn't this completed?
has it?
It is never completed. More redundancy is always better.
Why? The majority if these papers are irreproducable.
then the world needs evidence of their unethical behavior. shut up and seed it.
>gigapedia was my goto place for anything ebook. As much as libgen is now.
If my university ever checked my library account, they'd realize that I somehow wrote both my BA as well as my MA without ever accessing the library in either a physical form or online, yet I used ~160 sources for my MA. Sci-Hub, libgen, and similar are literally what the Internet was made for. Free access to the world's knowledge.
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oh my science
bumpity boo
bump for non-degen postings. Thank you OP for not being a colossal cum gobbler for once
too damn based
tape is heavy first investment, then it scales better.

Problem is that it's better suited for moving physically, it needs a lot of equipment to make it work through networks at it's peak (had a friend who worked at cern with tape, they're constantly migrating to higher-density tape since the industry of magnetic tapes is recently booming again)
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bump but unfortunatley I don't have money.
bumping a non porn thread.
Who cares, you fucking tards. If you spent half as much effort lobbying for public domain science instead of sperged out data hording, this wouldn't be an issue.
It really is. Tape is still the most reliable long term data storage there is. My company archives like a few petabyte per day (all their databases). All on tape.
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I give my humble contribution by seeding a bunch of these.

You're the retard if you think anons ITT are unable to do both.
I usually buy sas hard drives at 10€ per terabyte (3.5'' sas disks). cheap server, host bus adapter, a proper cable and a netapp shelf for 24x 3.5'' disks... If server performance is not important, with a little luck you can buy the whole thing around 1000€.
The problem is the power consumption, 24 3.5'' hdds draw lots of power, so for seeding purposes it won't be cheap even if you get all the hardware for free.

The real help would be to uncompress/unpack them, extract the plaintext, and make it searchable, at least by category, date, authors, title, whatever. Compress the individual files (at that point the content is known), and create some kind of search engine where users could download files (or get a list of links as results to download with wget or something). It's a lot of work, but if someone would be willing to host it, I would help working on it.
solidarity bump
>You're the retard if you think anons ITT are able to do both.
Ill seed a few
>Sci-Hub is in danger of being wiped out.
Is it really? I have been hearing this for a few years now.
Which Ines have the lowest seeders, gonna add them to my seedbox
I'm bookmarking this. I'll start seeding some as soon as I get home
have a bump
Seed on, knowledge seekers
don't forget to grab some additional HDDs at lowest price per TB https://diskprices.com/
maybe scihub isn't for you...
I'm not a richfag, but could I really back up all of sci-hub for around $2k? I'd be willing to shell out that much, but I would appreciate some advice from you all first.
how good is optical for data hoarding? Why isn't everything just done on blu-rays?

This actually saves life.
as a /sci/entist it is my duty to help

It would be very cheap to backup all 77TB on tape.

Just get a used/refurbished LTO-6 Ultrium tape drive for a few hundred bucks off Craigslist or Ebay and then you need 12 tapes with about 6TB stoarage capacity each - those tapes will cost another $25 a pop...

So backing up all on tape will cost just $600-700 if you are dedicated to it and just need a cold storage backup.
>race doesn't real
You're using Sci-Hub wrong.
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anons? are these files done for?
It's excellent as long as the blu ray/dvd/cd has an inorganic dye, like M-Discs.
>A porn collection and some actual motherfuckers died today.
You're doing the right thing anon
bump, this is actually important.
bump and a question. Is there a way to download(and then seed) only say physics related articles? I can't download all 77Tb
add them and find out
hi guys, how is this going? Have a bump
If you want to the 77tb sci hub just tell me how can i download evrything on website and ill seed it as torrent files for ever for evrybody
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>Sci-Hub is in danger of being wiped out!!
>Seed forever!!
how is this going guys?
bumping because science is amazing
So any new news ?

Wouldn't it be better if we all told each other which torrents to get? What if we all just download the same torrent, what then? Just telling us to randomly download a torrent doesn't seem like the most effective way of saving sci-hub.
See the post above yours
downloading but never seeding because i can haha heehee hoho >:^)
oadoi dot org
unpaywall dot org/data
i would love to help but my fucking goddamn piece of shit ISP jews me with a data cap each month. i cant afford to take another 100 GB right now so maybe ill do it at the beginning of August
country not worth living in.
theyre not even doing it countrywide yet. just my fucking area and 8 or so other select states. how is this legal?
Better start rioting.
you think normies will give a fuck about that? theyll just say "1.2 TB, i only go through about 400 GB a month with my faggot Netflix subscription, anon. maybe you shouldnt torrent"
focus on business malpractices and getting cut short. why should this state get less than other states gets. And how one place gets limited ISP provider option is already a monopoly.
Pretend to be a new home producer/youtuber/streamer working with multiple 4k monitors and cameras, like linus n shiet, instead of filthy criminal seeder.
And the bottom-line should be throttling once cap reached, not halting it.
oh they dont halt it once you reach the cap, sweet innocent anon. HA, HA! oh, heavens no. they simply charge you something ridiculous like $10 for every additional 50 GB you go over. they also only send you a text when youre 90% to capacity
Then its even more predatory. say 50 dollar for 1200G while extra 50G cost 10 dollar is about 500% premium, with no halting and throttling mechanism that even cellular network don't do anymore.
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Bumping with science(tm)
who is the pvp minecraft player responsible for that bullshit
question which one did you use most
scihub libgen giga, etc.etc.
Anyone got a status on the future of Scihub? Is it still in court?
For the time being, I added some torrents to an underused seedbox. But all have far more seeds than the pages in >>1059547 and >>1146529 suggest.

Anyway, something I don't understand: how do this torrents integrate into the scihub/libgen infrastructure? If I go now and download a paper from scihub or a book from libgen, will any of this be used? I imagine they have a cache, but besides that, is bittorrent being used at some point in the backend?
how do I easily select torrents on marine biology and nothing else
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Bumping with astronomy
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Bumping with constants
No. From what I understand, this is mainly useful as data that you'd use if SciHub fell and you wanted to reconstruct the database.
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Bumping with fluid dynamics
The founder of a scihub is a communist transhumanist.
Irrelevant even if true.
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Bumping with linguistics
I’ve got her on telegram, she’s pretty chill for a fugitive.
Bumping this based thread
Can i select the files related to my field of research first somehow?
On the one that I extracted to look at, there's a set of ZIP files with cryptic sequential names, each of which seems to have a mess of one randomly selected publication from a specific time period. One is the proceedings of a specific physics conference from 1996, another is from a journal of internal medicine from 1987, another is from a marketing science journal from 1985, another is a particle physics journal from 1977, and another is a 1978 conference on marketing science.

Great fun if one has limitless time to look at literally everything and you're a serious polymath or polymath wannabe.

Those of us with finite free time could really use an index if one exists anywhere. HELP!
one of the most esoteric laughs I've had in an age
Anyway to Springer's PDF
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Bumping with education theory
rip zlib
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Bumping with astronomy troubleshooting
I always wonder how many people currently living on Earth are able to understand these kind of jokes.
ztorrents exist on their onion
do your part to replica
>77 tb
25TB externals are a thing now right?
see >>>1183308
So you're not interested in improving the accessibility of knowledge and are completely happy to sit idly as knowledge becomes a commodity, cause there are people who disagree with you on what the word gender means? That makes no sense (its a non sequitur) and is petty as hell. Stop being so hyperfocused on the word gender its just a word, its not your child or something.
It just crossed my mind that bookwarrior is Russian. Is libgen going to be fine?
>the scientific knoooowledge that if i cut my dick off i magically become a woman
It’s on Tor, at least zlib-libgen is
>its not your child or something.
Yes it is. Texas dad just lost parental privileges. His ex wife will castrate his son (he’s not her son) in california. Everyone’s child is on the chopping block.
Fix their shit db and give us a way to simply torrent using the db and hashes, and I will consider.
Download db, filter for the books/papers/magazines with foo in the title, export the hashes, read the hashes with an ipfs or BitTorrent client and add the torrent.
Should be simple, but it's not.
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Bumping with a color graph
For every megabyte about trannies and feminishit, there's ten gigs about astrophysics and cancer research and nuclear fusion on there
Texas Dad was a lame superhero anyway.
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Bumping with cybersecurity
why is scihub in danger?
science can only be questioned on scientific grounds, if you're question is stupid and unscientific, it doesn't deserve answers
>you're question is stupid and unscientific
>stupid and unscientific
Like pottery. Many such cases. Sad.
By scientific, do you mean adherence to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and how well it fits the political establishment's narrative? These seem to be the primary grounds for rejecting any contrary data or questions in recent years.
LOVE Sci-hub
Bumping with statistical research
anybody got a linguistics megapack or happen to run into some good linguistics/philosophy of language torrents while doing the random seeding thing? also bump
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>mfw my 78TB Synology cost me 1800€
Unfortunatly I don't have much space left.
the swiss bay
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Bumping with study techniques
Bump. Wish I had the space to grab a torrent :(
Just grabbed 874
Millions probably - a modest background in linguistics and calculus is what it takes to understand this joke.
There are a lot of dumb people but there's literally billions of us now - India and China alone would account for a 1000 true geniuses (1 birth for every 2 million people)
There are more exceptionally gifted people in the world than there are all Americans (or all Germans).
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Bumping with applied mathematics
there is new alternative to scihub with the latest db
Sounds cool. What is it called?
If you organize this by genre I have 20tb I am willing to set aside for psychology and all related fields
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Bumping with hipster analysis
Are HDDs or SSDs going to last longer
>going to last longer
gonna need some more information, m'man
Online? Offline? How stored if the latter? What's the intended life? You keeping SAS controllers around?
Torrent gang
Hopefully it's not anymore.
Ma/t/es, will my pp grow 2 inches if I seed it forever?
That's the hypothesis.
Please write a paper with your results.
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Bumping with solid angle analysis
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Tell me you went to US public school without telling me.

also, you're a fucking moron
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Bumping with historical revisionism
i want all the biology and chemistry papers. where are they?
what 77, all library genesis content it's 223.1 TB
Should we crowdsource what's in each one?
Bump for knowledge
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Actually, that's a job for an AI, isn't it.
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is there really no db to go along with these 77TB? is our only option to scrape scihub for the data by id of each article?
become a modern monk and dedicate yourself to building one
also, pilimi torrents totally unseeded now?
I've been trying to mirror but its completely stalled
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There presumably is somewhere but I have no idea where to get it, and evidently no one else here does either.

Fortunately, suitable AI options to help us with this are imminent or in progress.
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Bumping with an AI Q&A
Bumping with the REAL Trolley Problem
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Bumping with gratuitous terminological enhancement
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Bumping with complex math
Bumping with a legit question: was the mission successful? Is assistance still required?
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My understanding is that this is an open-ended plan and that Sci-Hub will be in danger for as long as it exists.

It's too useful to scientific advancement for the rent seekers to tolerate its existence.
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Im doing my part.
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I can't find a properly working sci-hub mirror. Is everything down?
just opened the first three links I found by searching 'sci-hub' in qwant and they all worked, how did you fail ?
Another reason to eschew Google; noted.
Why would anyone Google in 2023?
>backs up one article
I'm doing my part too!
>yet I used ~160 sources for my MA
damn, that's almost $8000 in paper rentals :^)
planning to set up and deploy a JBOD sometime in 2024, I'll see how much I can backup when it gets setup.
Please point me in the direction of biochemistry introductory videos, audiobooks, pdfs. Thank you.
>pls spoonfeed me
do your own research , it's already free to grab and yet you beg. fucking pathetic
If only you had something worth our time to share. I imagine you do, if you gave yourself the chance.
Idk anon, i'd tell you to just seed medical papers but then you'd complain that there are papers among them on how to make vaccines. Or chemistry and physics, but you'd complain that some are about HRT and black holes. Or history but some would be about precolonial Africa. Must suck being afraid of knowledge.
Why are people still bumping this? I recently tried to download the least seeded (according to the ranking software further uup) parts of this collection in order to help out and even those have like 17 seeders.
I'm a fucking second year in university and for all of the bullshit humanities classes alone I would've already spent thousands just for paper rentals. My school's jstor/ebsco/etc. databases are limited as well, so I've got basically jack shit when it comes to free access. If I didn't have scihub for instant papers to read and cite I'd have failed every single one of those courses and had to drop out because of how little relevance any of the searches had to what I was researching.

I can't even imagine having to shill out 50$ for a single paper in hopes that the content matches the abstract and helps me get a better understanding of what I'm looking for, or waiting a week on average to get the university to rent it on their end, or emailing the authors in feint hopes that they'd just send it to me. It would be maddening.
even if the seeding is safe now, sci-hub remains of public utility, more peoples should know about it
>So .. compression? Aren't these supposed to just be papers?
Many of them have horribly compressed images. I found a testbatch and ran ghostscript (a pdf compressor) on them, and the worst examples went from 180MiB down to 33MiB with no noticeable loss in image quality (150dpi).
Less egregious files files only shrink by about 0-15%, but they also tend to be a couple kiB so they're not the biggest offenders
As a follow up to >1285665:
Compressing all articles in the test archive reduced it to 45% its original volume.
Given the numbers on Sci-Hub's page, that means the entirety of the medical literature could fit on a 10TB drive
sci-hub has been in danger of being wiped out the past year and a half at least. the same way how wikipedia will shut down unless we donate (real)
Bump. I'm a little strapped for storage right now but I use scihub and would be very upset if it disappeared.
It (and libgen) helped many a student, or just curious people who want to learn.
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Post stats
unfortunately a LOT of pirated books and papers out there are age old files that have never ever been properly compressed or even formatted. And some of it is duplicated too. There is a lot that could be done to save up on space but at the same time I don't trust ocr-only approaches to get it right.

At the very least it would be helpful if the ones that scihub itself hosts could be replaced by image compressed versions instead of just uploading even more unnecessary duplicates.
How in all these years sci-hub has not yet learned how to setup a tor hidden service is beyond me...
scihub is ran by a mentally retarded commie woman from kazakhstan
Looks like we'll need a new thread soon

Unrelated, but has anyone been able to import that huge .sql file yet? It seems to be corrupted

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