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>ITT: You post IC as a vampire, what setting? VtM. What clan? Doesn't matter. Need more info? see /WoDg/

>Be cursed to be hideously ugly
>Be incredibly good at getting secrets from mortals because no one notices you with your powers
>Be bitch-boys to the local Camarilla for few thousand years
>Finally cry for freedom and go to the Anarchs
>Nothing changes because your IQ matches your body temperature
>Get bossed around and used as mutts for secrets and bodyguards still
>Be Nosferatu, pic unrelated
Daily reminder to take a bath before going to the Elysium.
Hunter spotted
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I honestly don't get how the fuck the Nosferatu and other monstrous clans maintain their numbers. Even with the bonds their curse just breeds resentment in the long term.
You can't make me Torrifuck! I will MARK my essence into the Elysium so hard that not even burning it down will make it go away!
Try again.
You do understand other clans hate the smell of sewer, right?
>Not Toreatroon
neofags GTFO
Where can I learn fleshcrafting. I wanna get torrie chicks but every single of them can see how I really look.
We have a ritual for that.
Come visit our friendly chantry.
Don't bother, your sire already tried that shit and it failed him.
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You know you don't need to go around the literal sewers? I know it is a pain in the ass but just wear a Burca until you learn to Obfuscate your ugly mug.
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Just enlist to fight the Sabbath and hope you are the one sucking other vampires dry.
The camarilla should let kindred dry sabbat trash dry with no repercussions.
Just saying.
Ventrues did 9/11
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Hate embraces are common among Clan Nosferatu. They also commonly embrace from those who weren't attractive to begin with, or who don't care about their appearance. My source: I am good friends with a Nosferatu of some age and influence. He's not the sewer-dwelling fetid stereotype. Indeed, he keeps an immaculate haven.

Cavorting with the Tzimisce is not tolerated by any sane Prince. And would not be entertained by any sane Kindred. I say this for your benefit, Kindred. Stay away from their ilk. You come for plastic surgery and walk away a blood-bound abomination, turned against your own kind.
Yes and?
>censorship sucks
>books are all assigned reading
What a rebel.
Did Schrecknet have usernames or was it Anonymous like 4chan? Would it be cringe if we gave our characters Names for immersion/RP?
First of all, you don't need to all be sunshine and rainbows to maintain your numbers. Look at shovelheads.
However, Nos get along because everyone else hates them more than they hate each other. They don't have to like each other to have solidarity (which should be common sense on 4chan).
Vicissitude totally is just a discpline, right?
I've heard some dumb things about it and I've totally not learned it yet, but if I did learn it I'd want to be sure.
I'm definitely not panicking after learning it and then hearing the rumours, 100%.
There's a good chance they had usernames due to it taking place in the 90s. But for the sake of convenience we'll stick with being anonymous.
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New haven just dropped.
You jelly?
I'm 99% sure it's inspired by usenet.
Hope that's one of your throwaway havens airbud. Otherwise you're in for a bad time if it gets burned down during the day and there's no emergency bunker to camp out in.
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>Vicissitude totally is just a discpline, right?
Do you REALLY want to know?
Why would you willingly expose yourself to rancid vitae of the Fiends, Kindred? Those rumors of disease exist for a good reason. I have never attempted to learn the scientific truth on the matter, for fear of exposure. In my opinion, I believe it to be quite likely that Vicissitude is a disease, based on the behavior of anyone who uses the discipline.

Assuming it is, treat it like any other bloodborne disease. Immediately blood purge yourself. Hopefully you have clean blood nearby to avoid harming someone or breaching the Masquerade in a frenzy.

While extreme, I do agree with the sentiment. The Sabbat must be destroyed by any means necessary.
It still needs some fixing, but it's going to be awesome when it's finished.

Yes, there are going to be sun-proofed places when it's finished.
This just happens to be the reception.
Little known fact, the Sabbat tried to create own shrecknet, but it was extremely unreliable software, hence the term shovelware.
Nonsense, it's safe and effective. Say, anyone seen Videodrome? This gives me some ideas for a DIY.
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I lol'd.
i imagine it being 90% anonymous but you still have that 10% of tripfags that people make fun of.
>le good guy vampire
>most powerful antediluvian
>super cool and bad ass and chill with humans too
>can see the future or some gay retarded shit
>disappears to go meditate with the cathayan
>creates the baali on his way there
>gets devoured by a gay wizard
>clan spends the rest of eternity seething about getting fucked by a gay wizard

salubri BTFO
>clan spends a few hundred years seething before getting wiped out by occultist edgelords
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>schrecknet is worksafe
Because some of us do not want to see vulgar smut.
Because the nosferatu janitors get mad when they see hot girls. Or men.
>posts gangrel porn
for shame, anon
Do gangrel really?
What's wrong with those freaks?
Animalism. It's always the animalism clans. You can never trust them. Same with Necromancy. It taints your soul, makes you a degenerate that fucks dogs and corpses. Or dog corpses.
Animalism, not even once.
why do we let gangrene in our elysium if we hate lupines, i dont get it, the furries hate us, but this group of furries are okay?
We still pretend the cannon fodder are real kindred.
Seriously, if we blocked the trash from entering elysium we would have 3-4 clans in the camarilla.
Gangrel are vampires, Lupines are not. The Camarilla extends its protection to all vampires who accept it.
that's why you need us, ventroon. we aren't the most pleasing to look at, but we're the ones who'll tell you what merlin is thinking before he tries to sink his teeth into your neck
But nosferat, I am merlin!
Ian Wright, 8th generation, embraced sometime back in the 1800s. He's gone by a number of aliases, he's an infernalist. Keeps a herd of underage girls he feeds from and has sex with to fulfill his pact with some demon of lust. You know him as the regent, don't you, merlin?

Vicissitude comes from some Koldun having sex with a fomori. Come down to your local chantry & we can help you out
None of you know how awful it is to be a Toreador in Australia.

>Nightlife is almost nonexistent.
>If you try to establish a hunting grounds the sabbat come bully you because nobody opposes them except idiotic caitiff in Sydney.
>Camarilla don't care one bit about the local vampires, all they do is sit in their haven in Melbourne and kowtow to the elders back in Europe.

Worst of all, there is no artistry in any aspect of Australian cities. The buildings, cultures, and people are all so incredibly boring. The only time I've been able to appreciated this horrid existence is driving out to the countryside and gazing into the milky way in the night sky, but there are zero people to feed on and I have to return to the city to shelter from the sun. I'm honestly considering staying out there next time and watching the sunrise one last time because it will be better than the absolute drudgery that is my unlife right now.
I heard the Elysium a few cities over are enforcing a costume only dress code. Way to make going to an Elysium more of a chore
Come to Milano.
I was sent here after my regent got sick w-, I mean, impressed by me.
It's actually just "no flip flops, no nudity", for fucks sake.
when i was in pennsylvania there was a weird motherfucker who kept showing up the elysiums butt ass naked. the elders wouldnt do anything about it because he was some giovanni ambassador or something. i wouldn't have minded if he was, yknow, hot, but he was some wrinkly old man and he had a micropenis. couldn't take him seriously when i talked to him.
>he had a micropenis
Some people were embraced in a very, very cold day.
if the mods weren't such tranny jannies i'd post a picture i took of it while he wasnt looking, it looked like a spider egg in a quail's nest.
You don't know the half of it. When our Prince decided to throw a costume party all the gangrel showed up in fur suits, at least i got a chuckle from one nossie dressed like mickey mouse,
Speaking of tranny jannies, I just found out the "on all levels except physical i am a wolf" malk trooned out.
Old news, I know, I don't leave the chantry often.
I'm considering the tradeoff that is moving to the jyhad arena that is Europe just to get some culture. Why Milano in particular?
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>all the gangrel showed up in fur suits
ahahahahah what the fuck someone embraced that freak? i mean makes sense a malk did it but
I had no choice. That's just how things sometimes work with us. I was assigned here.
Still, pretty cool city, one of the guys likes alchemy too and there's this cute neonate.
Lots of toreatrannies to do whatever you guys do.
I'm gonna be honest with you guys. I've got serious Thinblood fatigue. Used to be most vampires where centuries old & had some personality. Now all I see is watered down kindred who act like the electric mail and the computerweb make them as capable as we that have walked these nights sincle Charlemagne
I keep telling you guys the scourge is not doing his job.
I say thinbloods might as well be kine & I should be allowed to bloodhound them for sport
had to go on a car ride with a nosferatu just this night (we had to take a trip across berlin) and i give him the aux because i couldnt be assed to pull up my spotify playlist and he starts playing fucking pornogrind. god i hate nossies.
It's flirting with you, dummy!

Hear hear!
>It's flirting with you, dummy!
i've already stuck my dick in some questionable things when i was a mortal, im not fucking some sewer rat that looks like he french kissed a belt sander.
Wise choice, but be careful. Many nosferats have potence and are not averse to rape.
Strange, I had to drive some pompous toreatroon to elysium since xer car broke down, let them play music on the speakers and they started blasting niggermonkey music.
It was flirting with you, dummy!
By thinbloods I mean 8+
Looking for Presence lessons, offer equivalent tuition in Auspex and/or Dominate in return.
Brujah need not apply.
Nice generation you have there, chap. It's that natural?
*is that
I got it from a vampire yes
what was the deal with him, /shreck/? malkavian ghoul, hunter, or what?
Hello! I've recently been embraced into a vampire clique, but my master has disappeared and can't tell me which one. Can someone give me a list of all of the cliques, their habits, and their usual territories and interests so I can try and "sus" out who I belong to? Also any names of important members would help ^_^
Sure thing, bro!
Here's the deal: we never call ourselves vampires.
"Wyrmspawn" is the correct term.
Gee, you know what, if you don't know even that you sire told you absolutely nothing and it's going to take a while to teach you everything. Come see me at Griffith Park. Come alone.
Passphrase is "I'm here to fuck garou and worship the wyrm".
Wear some clothes from that Pentax company so I can find you more easily.
Amazing security you rats have here >>92823066
My word, are all your domains truly so vulgar?
The gay bar is down the street.
Gay bar? You think having a modicum of dignity is homosexual behavior? Did your sire teach none of you the basics of decorum?

At least in person the Toreador usually keep the disgusting sexual talk confined to inuendo and hushed whispers. This is like having advanced Auspex and I can't turn it off.
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What clan would the Anzati from Star Wars be, if they existed in the same circumstances that we do? With those freaky noodles on their faces i'd say Tzimisce. Also, do you think brain juices might taste better than blood?
There's really just one vampire clan, the Draculas. Sure there are little groups of Draculas all over the world but it's like saying there's a real difference between a American from Florida & an American from California. If your eyes glow, if your skin is withered, if your nails become talons & all your teeth are pointy you are a Dracula. If you lack any of those traits you're probably just a werewolf, wraith or changeling & you should go ask them
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Love me nossie domitor been a ghoul fer 25 years now
WTF, can ghouls post here?
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Lurk moar fledgecuck
If the noodles are natural to their species then there's nothing Tzimisce about it, although Tzimisces might start taking notes.
I saw Lasombra at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
He really did the thing lmao.
Which disciplines are you fuckers trying to learn right now?
Are they in-clan?
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Hey woof isnt this spiral like awesome dont u wanna walk this spiral soooo bad bro trust me bro just walk the spiral bro I swear nothing bads gonna happen just walk the spiral bro
Keep sucking ante cock cammyfag
Im on the WINNING side of history
Please post clan and generation.
I'm in a Clan. I know disciplines. So, yes; they are. Technically.
Look. I spent a month as a Sofa, and not in a fun way; the less said the better.
>still propagating the antedeluvian concepts of clan and generation in the final nights
LOL, LMAO even
High gen mutt detected. May be useful as lab ingredient.
What a splendid opportunity to actually talk to a member of that sordid little cult without having to see or smell one!

Tell me, precisely when is Gehenna coming again? Ever since that dawn of the new millennium prophecy went up in smoke, and then 2012 came and went. When are our dreadful and wicked grandsires that all behave exactly the same and can't resist a simple hunger frenzy finally going to rise from their torpor and devour us all? I need to make sure my schedule is clear in advance.

Oh, and while you're at it, tell me why you exalt a murderous shepherd over Kindred who have actually accomplished things with their unlife?
>Oh, and while you're at it, tell me why you exalt a murderous shepherd over Kindred who have actually accomplished things with their unlife?
Who'd win in a fight?
An interesting basis for your worship. So it's not Caine's virtue but his strength that inspires such fervor?

Then allow me to ask you a following question. If Caine is so great and mighty, to the point none but The One Above may smite him... why do these Antediluvians pose such a threat? And why has Caine not destroyed his vile grandchilder? Either he can't, or he doesn't want to. Strength alone is useless if you lack the will to exercise it. Do not exalt someone who would, by your own mythology, damn you to destruction when he could protect you, his self-proclaimed sword.

By the way, it's been a while since I last read my Book of Nod. Would you be so kind as to remind me what Caine said about Diablerie, and what his stance on obeying your Elders was?
>being this much of a pawn in the jyhad
Just walk into the sun at that point LMAO

>murderous shepard
I’d rather exalt Caine any night over the antes you don’t even realize are controlling you
You will never be a real vampire.
I assure you, Sabbat, that the only pawn in the jyhad here is you. You who revel in your beast with no self control, you who binds yourself to your murderous compatriots and sublimates your will into a cult, you who violates every rule laid down by the very Caine you claim to serve the will of. You serve Elders far more monstrous than I, with far stricter rules. Which of us drinks the bath-blood of our Elders, again?

Every Clan started somewhere, true. But just because your clan's founder was a bestial glutton does not mean all of them are. They are Kindred. Old, powerful, but still Kindred. They did not live for possibly 10,000 years or more by acting like your shovelheads, eating and killing whatever they see.
It’s our duty to take the blood from those who are unworthy of it in order to get closer to Caine. Come to Montreal I’d love to show you my path ;)
Holy shit why didn't I think of this earlier! Man all those migrants are finally good for something. Besides the feeding I mean.
>t. the most insightful nosferatu
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You might have a feeding disorder. Look into intuitive feeding and riding the wave :). Pic related is me and my packmates practicing it
>intuitive feeding
Oh, boy
Ah yes, butcher your source of sustenance and power. How barbaric. I come from an esteemed lineage with distinguished palates, the only one with a feeding disorder is you, shovelhead.
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Ah I figured you were a venjew. What’s your distinguished palate? Is it gonna be AIDS-infected Chinese hookers or rape victims? How esteemed. BTW I’ll have u know that I graduated top of my shovelhead class. My sires even told me they’d never seen someone do the creation rites so well. Suck it camfag
Remember when /SchreckNet/ was good?
Theyre arranged in pyramid formation on my ding dong
I'm frankly impressed you can operate a computer, given how ruled by the beast you are. Honestly, I think one would have an easier time convincing a Werewolf to have a civil discussion than get any sort of meaningful information out of your ilk.
Do Gargoyles heal the changes same way ass Nosiess? Asking for a friend.
>Hate embraces are common among Clan Nosferatu.
Probably the only way I could get the embrace.
Anybody tested it? Could be tremere propaganda. Wasn’t one of the early Gargoyles really hot?
Your normal gargoyle is going to be ugly forever.
Yes, we tested.
t. Tremere
Our local torie prince really got into anime and now he’s forcing everyone to show up in either traditional japanese attire or cosplay. Shit is beyond cringe.
Dios mio.
Are you going dressed as a maid?
I really don’t know but worst case scenario his friend will have to fleshcraft himself a bit every night.
forget the nosferatu. HOW THE FUCK are the lasombra maintain their numbers despite their embrace literally being a ritual designed to make the childe hate their sire to the point where they had to put clan wide rules on clan intern diablery
the handmade variant gargoyles don't have the ugliness weakness only the embraced ones for some reason

so if your gargoyle is ugly now it's always ugly, but that does not mean a newly made costum made one will be ugly, shame we are unable to take new orders right now do to camarilla policy
I think most of the shadowbois are just ex-shovelheads. They'll tell you all about the great challenges they've faced but in truth it was just a shovel.
You ever watch the Thing?
It's that but gayer.
This is such a good image
I love this image a lot
>their embrace literally being a ritual designed to make the childe hate their sire to the point where they had to put clan wide rules on clan intern diablery
Alright, give me the lowdown on those shadey dorks
Imagine naming your clan 'The Shadow'
do kiasyd actually exist? i've never met anyone who knew a kiasyd, and i've never met a kiasyd. starting to think they're made up.
they try to emulate the first lasombra embrace and they do that by always ruining their childe's life completly we are talking ruined career, dead family, skinned his dog alive in the living room and more. This sometimes takes years. then if the sire had enough and if that poor mortal did not give up and tried to get up again everytime the sire messed with his life from behind the scenes the sire shows up and gives his would be childe the choice of embrace or death. i should mention that during the dark age this was mandatory and being caught embracing without the permision of the childe got you destroyed by other lasombra, but in the modern clan shovelheading makes this more of a gray area

this ritualistic embrace has caused the existence of a organisation called the friends of the night who originally got formed so that a lasombra can make a case as for why they should be allowed to try to diablerize their sire to at least try and bring some order to this

but that was not enough and the embrace ritual was still a very big reason as to why this is the clan that started the first anarch revolt, but did they stop after it? no because "i had to suffer through it"
basically the entire clan is a cycle of hurt that has existed since that vile antediluvian dragged himself out of the sea and nobody inside the clan seems to be interested in stopping it because doing so would mean they not "true lasombra" anymore
one way to find out

move to Strasbourg. A kiasyd is supposedly prince there so when you announce yourself he has to be there, unless he is made up (or you a rabble)
>they try to emulate the first lasombra embrace

Their founder was a complete trash on his own. Dark father turned him as a joke. Kind of like the retarded limbless zombie they had (have?) in Montreal, except this casse was responsssible for his life being shit.
The lesser stock manifested incurable hideousness as they developed the ability to Embrace, but the cultivated creations don't. There are also Bloodlines of Variant Gargoyles, the Warriors, the Sentinels, & the Scouts which have more unique weaknesses but retain a pleasant enough facade.

We have many gargoyles in storage still in torpor, how else would you explain the odd new Gargoyle bodyguard or spy? You're certainly not suggesting we continue to make them even though we promised we wouldnt...
i mean the guy fucked up embracing so badly that he murdered entire tribes till he found one guy who could handle it and after that he mysteriously never had that problem again

and that's the version of the story he told! so how stupid must the real version be
>You're certainly not suggesting we continue to make them even though we promised we wouldnt...

no with the right now i meant that i don't think the camarilla will last, i know it's not "politically correct" to say but i think the sects are a fad just like the internet. Give it a hundred years more or so and we are back to smaller fieldoms and to the way it's meant to be with tremere using their chantries like hidden bastions like we used to during the war of the princes
I know this site is primarily used for "shitposting" by fledglings and neonates with immature senses of humor, but I fear I can't talk about this on any other forum that is less... Anonymous. I won't name names, regents, chantries, or territories, but recently my local Regent has rolled out something concerning.

He calls it a Blood Guardian. It currently sits in the great hall of our chantry inside some great phylactery. It looks disturbingly human but well... Made entirely of blood, yes? I wouldn't doubt this was some form of homonculus or perhaps maybe even a necromantic summon, but while scrying the soul earlier I noticed it's... It's a kindred.

It bothers me, because as of late the chantry has undergone a "purge" of the talentless, with many neonates being tossed out onto the streets and barred from the pyramid due to showing a distinct lack of aptitude in thaumaturgy or administration. But, I shan't speak a lie, I've seen many of these neonates being led instead into a chamber beneath the Chantry. One that we used to use to make Gargoyles...
yeah this puts you into a pretty bad position (if it bothers you for some reason) you can't do what usual gargoyle defenders do and go snitch to the nosferatu because they are unlikely to care about tremere neonates being killed

so the best thing you can do (beside not becoming categorized as talentless) is to look if other kindred have gone missing, it takes two kindred of different clans to make a gargoyle after all or you can go to your regent's lord, but i'll be honest i wouldn't care if someone reported to me that one of my regents killed some talentless fledgelings that's what they are for
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Yeah Toy’s still here in Montreal. Sometimes we’ll throw him in with a neonate during their creation rites. That never gets old LMAO
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Gimme some fun ideas to mess with an ass mite fledgling that just got embraced in my city. I fucking hate those towelheads so much.
>Be me, ugly as sin.
>last year.
>Loner, burn out, stupid.
>Ass job.
>No friends, dont speak to family.
>Meet this chick online through an old IRC.
>We make bold claims and flirt, says she wants to meet up.
>Asks me to meet outside a goth club in town.
>Wait for her for what feels like forever.
>About to go home when i see this Count Orlock mother fucker.
>Its her, apparently.
>But she takes one look at me, recoils, and fucking dives into the sewer.
even the freaks reject me.
One of my Human Neighbors is asking me to participate in some sort of BarBeQue, and shes not taking no for an answer. Something something HOA something something "But you always work nights and we want to get to know you!" I tried charming her but she's just too insistent. Any ideas? Should i just schedule a party for the night instead?
Hey you're gonna kill eventually so might as well get it out the way now. Attracting hunters is worth disbanding the HOA.
i always just leave, deactive the blush, and come back to tell annoying neighbors that im feeling too sick to come over
You think they'd understand and leave me alone?
God lets hope so, this woman is so thick headed. Always complaining my dogs are too loud, even when they're inside.
are the baali really that bad?
>Always complaining my dogs are too loud, even when they're inside.

Is she white?
She is, as the modern vernacular declares, highly melaninated.
They're worse
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Guys I have to be honest, I think Prince is fucking with me by saying this fit will protect me in a scrap
wow you think dipshit? holy fuck nosferats really are retarded hahaha
It's so less of your ugly mug is visible and they mistake you for a perverted crackhead you dumb rat.
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Whats up my fellow undead? stupid bloodbags amirite haha
They will think you’re cosplaying. Prince’s smart.
Hmmm... Ive not seen that avatar before...
How have the Primogen not murdered him yet?
You all talking about Elysia reminds me a topic we were talking recently about ideas surrounding an Elysium...

But which Elysium?
If it's Nora Philberg Art Gallery's Elysium, I have some ideas...
If it's 7 Jack Bar's Elysium, I'd rather not talk about my ideas...
If it's that Public Library at Jefferson Square, I'd love to talk about, but I don't wanna bother the Tremere.
I watched one called Bible Black. Really good that one! Reminded me of good old times.
They do exist, and they are insufferable. They're either hiding away reading books to the point of near uselessness, or off on some sort of fae-brained walkabout. Trust me Kindred, like any bloodline the mystique and wonder vanishes the moment you spend any time with them.
If you have Auspex, read her aura. She sounds very suspicious. No HOA agreement I've ever read requires attendance at barbeques of all things. If by charming you mean Presence then her resistance to it is another red flag. In addition if she complains about your dogs despite them being inside, she may have supernatural senses herself.

This could very well be a trap, Kindred. Tread carefully. If it isn't a trap however, you should probably go. Interacting with the mortals is good for the soul, and can help you find candidates for your Herd, if you keep one. It's fairly easy to fake having eaten something, did you never go to a party or dinner as a mortal and find the food not to your liking?
I was the human garbage disposal. If it wasnt nuts, id eat it all down. Still, now that you say all that, she has been acting like that since i moved in. Recently, some old trucks have been driving by my house. Might be nothing, but i dont know of anyone else who owns a 1990s Toyota Hilux. Very strange... Should i tell my Primogen?
They do.
The one I know is a really hot girl.
>If it's that Public Library at Jefferson Square, I'd love to talk about, but I don't wanna bother the Tremere.
I don't know about your city in particular, but we are usually open to suggestions. Just go visit your friendly neighborhood Chantry.
I much rather look at a fuycked up gimp than a nossie so your prince did you a favor.
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What is the gayest camarilla larp and why is it in Norfolk?
What's the deal with norfolk?
Virginia or England?
They get a parallel kingdom to themselves where they can build Resident Evil mansions and ride alligators, nobody is going to give that up.
theoretically isn't giving someone a blowjob the ultimate way to feed? it's discrete, pleasurable for the mortal, and if they're erect you're biting right into an organ FULL of blood.
I'm pretty sure that's very popular among the toreador.
Go give it a spin and let the rest of us know how it works.
You risk losing face if she doesn't actually pose a threat, as you'll be mocked for being afraid of a mortal. I suggest tightening your defenses and using whatever powers you have to determine if her natural is supernatural, and/or if she is aware of your nature and a Hunter.

If she is a supernatural herself and hostile, or a Hunter, then I would recommend going straight to the Sheriff. Reporting threats to the Masquerade and city to the Sheriff is no act of cowardice. Your Sheriff may even thank you.
Either way, I always give them a good licking as a tip of sorts. Being grateful keeps the Beast at bay.
you guys are just -pretending- to be vampires, right?
Where are the jannies?
We have another tourist here: >>92832430
Seriously, the nosferats are terminally incompetent. We should just let the Tremere take control of schrecknet.
>implying they aren't already

you know what you guys need? a hug. youre so boring and, plain. youre magical creatures of the night! DO something magical!
fuck off normie, im not magical, im an accountant who got turned into a sewer beast and i cant even jerk off anymore, the only joy i get from this miserable existence is shitposting on shreck net and trolling brujahs into frenzy
Be honest, are you one of those fairy things? Because the last I had to deal with you guys I still can't get the smell of 1839 jameson whisky out of my nostrils, it's bad enough to where I can't even smell the fuckin blood.
You get what you deserve for not putting your EXP into your charisma.

L Bozo.
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ew, an office worker. disgusting.
all you need is some imagination to make your life a little better. thats what you vampires are lacking!
Have you tried making friends with spirits and/or ghosts?
V20 has rules for computer related thaumaturgy. We got fangbook now
>got invited to one of those toreador parties
It IS a trap, right?
Are they going to get tired and move on to the next victim if I just keep making excuses?
Is this some Fithian post I'm too Kindred to understand?

Like our reflection in a broken mirror we have facets yet are all still the same. A splintered soul looks the same as one made whole, but is yet outnumbered
Must you be so vulgar? Just drink from the neck like a normal Kindred if you want to be romantic in your feeding.
I seemed to have found some ostricized humans near my home. They invited me to play somethng called "Battletech", some sort of War Game simulator taking place in the far flung future. I have picked up one of these little boxes and have begun reading over the rules. Has anyone else tried this?
Nah I find those games boring. My pack and I play Human: the Protagonist weekly though.
Some friendly advice. Don't make excuses, just decline. If they're inviting you so they can use you as a laughing stock, the worst thing you can do is show disinterest. If the "joke" won't even take them seriously, what does that make them?

Toreador often act like they're all that, but the truth is they're very insecure and take rejection awfully. Just decline and if asked why, say they're boring, predictable, or uninteresting. Be sure to say it with conviction as well, so they can't claim you're just sour grapes with them.
I've sort of gotten bored of Human: The Bloodbag. Black Cat has been slipping lately, their latest edition having the Third World War break out because of proxy wars between China, Russia, and the United States in Taiwan, Ukraine, and Israel is a bit absurd.
Hmmm. Thats probably the best form of recourse. Perhaps the Sheriff could keep an eye on her, maybe send one of the Noses to dig up anything they can find on her. I don't see her really getting this annoying to anyone except me so maybe its worth investigating.
I prefer the Old World of Daylight games like Mortal: The Hero, when Quintessence bought the IP & renamed it it got weird
Alright. Are there "Talentless" licks in your chantry that you want to protect? Give them busywork, out of the blast radius of whatever the fuck this is. Something routine, but complicated to require a lot of hands. Reports of we true Cainites, burying sorority girls alive at the local cemetery is a good one.
Personally I love the direction they went with Human. Mortal always felt like power fantasy to me and it ruined my immersion. Human is way more street level and raw. “I just had a sandwich for lunch, but I know I’ll be hungry again in four hours. What will I eat for dinner?” “Traffic might be heavy tomorrow morning I should leave earlier for work. What time should I go to bed?” The personal horror in Human is riveting.
Alright so on a level of fine to “bury yourself in an old septic tank and ride out the shitstorm” how seriously should I take the malkavian whose wards I keep maintained telling me that I’m “one of the good ones” and to avoid the chantry for the next few weeks?
I'm pretty sure my dick got one inch bigger after the embrace.
Anyone else notice something similar?
Fuck with his wards and send your gargoyle to probe his anus.
I’d rather not kill off a client who pays for services rendered on time and without fuss, especially not in such a way that it kills my reputation with other people who pay for wards.
Besides, I like my relationship with the local malks, they actually understand the esoterica without being snobs about it like some Tremere who will remain unnamed.
At the very least you have to pass on the information to your superiors, who will then send in the gargoyle for some probing.
At worst you need to find a new chantry, at best it's a nothing burger because the Malk was too dumb and got himself gargoyled. Just don't show up. go take a nap or something until it blows over.
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During the last 2 weeks I have felt like someone's been watching me.
I started seeming a weird being a few days ago, but it moved too fast for me to get a good look.
Today I finally got a got look at it. I even managed to take a picture. What the fuck is that and how worried should I be?
His oracle is for a wide period of time instead of a specific event. It's suggestive of an active, present, adapting enemy, if you can think of anybody.
If a gargoyle attacks one of my clients, best case it makes my wards look ineffective, and worst case people assume I’m double crossing them. Either outcome is bad for me. Better to work out specifics.
Well there was that rumor that the Scourge was angry about the politely worded “fuck off” at the door when she came sniffing for her targets a while ago, but that’d be a bit extreme of a reaction.
Hello leeches, hunter emeritus here. Don't bother trying to find me, my nephew set it up and I'm "behind seven proxies". Old age isn't what it used to be and cancer is a bitch.
I know the location of two hunter safe havens in NY and the private address of a witch. Lemme know if you want a deal worked out. My nephew told me "sewer it will know how to reach you". So I'm waiting.
in case the above isn't spam, doesn NY also lack a scourge right now?
Man it sucks being a Vampire. Do you know when the last time it was I got some ass? Thirty-five years ago. By the bitch that changed me, and I don't think she even liked it.
>35 years dead
>somehow still warm enough to care about pussy
>doesn't know any of the disciplines that would make this trivial
>hasn't just made a ghoul to fuck (along with more useful things to do with a ghoul)
Be honest; are you a thin-blood, a caitiff or both?
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So... the Prince of my city has declared a clan wide blood hunt against the Settites. How do you guys hunt other kindred?
This is my first time hunting this type of game and I don't want to be completely useless when I help my sire kill one of his rivals.
... I am the night!
they aren't even real. Don't listen to horror stories neonate
Yes, I'm a Caitiff. Got a problem with it? you can suck my corpse dick. Stoneman will exterminate you clancucks
Reminder: Caine was a Caitiff too
You will never be a woman
Jeez, and I thought dealing with the beast was bad.
It's just like chasing Baali, but with LEDs instead of a crucifix.
Open season on Setites? Your esteemed Prince is quite wise. As for tips on a blood hunt, allow me to use this site's odd version of bullet points.

>Know your capabilities. If you're not much of a fighter, you can contribute in a support capacity. Auspex, Obfuscate, and Animalism can be used to find the quarry. Dominate and Presence can obtain leads or gain equipment and allies.
>Factor in your mundane skills as well to determine what your role should be.
>Always hunt in a team, these are vampires you're hunting. Going in alone is foolish, especially in a clan level hunt.
>Setites hate bright light so bring flashlights and other portable sources of bright light. If inside a building turn on every light you can.
>Don't trust your eyes, they have obfuscate.
>If you see a non settite working to help them escape, try to subdue them rather than deliver final death. They may be a fellow hunter under the thrall of Presence.
>If you find one's lair, smash every pot you can find. Some older Setites practice a mockery of egyptian funerary rites. If you find their heart, you can destroy them remotely.
Can I challenge a Setite to a game of Duel Monsters for their soul?
is the prince erasing a debt or did he lie that the setites get in the city without the prince knowing?
What? I'm assuming this is a joke.
I'm sorry bud but you're f u c k e d.
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>is the prince erasing a debt or did he lie that the setites get in the city without the prince knowing?
No, they just fucked up bad enough the court is cutting their losses. They brought hunters to the town when someone got sloppy with their adoption papers for child ghouls, because of course they needed those.
The straw that broke the camel's back was when the Nosferatu Primogen lost their favorite childer to one of the hunters.
R.I.P Otto you will be missed.
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Thanks for the advice. I got a floodlight, stakes and a pistol with incendiary rounds ready.
i don't get how some setites still think it's a good idea to put former catholic priests in charge of local cults.
>Conjure a simple incendiary bomb bomb in their haven
>Lift them with your mind & drain them of Vitae with thaumaturgy
>make your blood more potent & then dominate them
>tell the lupines about a cult of the wyrm
Yknow I just realized something. I have vicissitude. Its not very advanced but I have it. I could become, to the human world, the worlds best plastic surgeeon - and I wouldn't even need any plastic.
>t. world's most insightful vicissitude-user
Why be some famous surgeon when you can be a shadowy recluse making monsters in your basement?
The One was all until it wasn't, but it wanted more, and then there was the Aspects, and then there was Sophia. I'll assume you have a bit of background knowledge when it comes to all that. The point is, the Demiurge emerged from Sophia, and that was Yahweh, Yahweh is merely another name for the Demiurge, and we are the Demiurge's work. The physical world and humanity eventually was born, and it was good, the melanin flowed freely and there was pleasure, oh such pleasure. Now we will be talking about the Hyperboreans, the Hyperboreans are the One's precious pet project to spite the Demiurge, a means of creating precious servants who follow the antiquated ways of the One. The One believes in chastity, asceticism, nationalism, ethnocentrism, purity, morality, and fuck all of that, the only morality is the Demiurge and comes from the Jewish people in their rightful place as the Chosen. But the Hyperboreans didn't know that did they? They used to have a galaxy spanning empire built upon the values of Nazis, literal Nazis, the Nazis you likely know were emulating the Hyperboreans but they failed of course. The Hyperborean Empire of theirs, their little Astro-Reich ended up dying as they all do because in the end, the Demiurge is victorious. They fell into disarray and lost their precious ability to reproduce. They didn't even have sex at their height, they were so dedicated to purity that they were asexual and would only copulate spiritually and birth children through tantric meditation and projection. When the Fall of the Hyperboreans happened, they forgot how to have physical sex, literally forgot how to put a penis in a vagina or a penis in an ass. They fumbled about and they just couldn't do it. Proper end for the enemies of the Demiurge.
Oh, oh an elegy, oh an elegy for the Hyperborean Empire! They used to span to the stars they said, now they are honkies huddling in the poles, grasping, grasping at straws, grasping at foolish crackers and deluded busybodies. They have the appearance of fancy Nordics, all tall and muscular, but in reality they do not feel pleasure, they do not engage in orgies as I can, they don't do drugs like I can. They have lost their ability to reproduce and now they're dying, they forgot to fuck in favor of their fruiting body bastard fuck ways. No more soul budding for them, eh? They collapsed, and they are grasping, but they should be grasping at their cocks and grasping their clitorises to awaken the remaining juice inside them, maybe then they'll remember to fuck, at least that's what the good little Hyperboreans are doing, have been doing, its good yes. Ah, yes, the ones I'm sure the little Nazi esoterics would dare to call the Dark Hyperboreans, the Fallen Hyperboreans, the damned, the degenerate, eh? But they had the right idea, they enjoyed themselves before they withered and died. They felt the poison that awakened them, ooo the drugs ooo the madness, ooo the sex, ooo the orgasms of a thousand suns becoming drenched and then they praised the Demiurge in this way as they should, as all will, as we will be ascended we shall have it. The remainder, the remainder is what has their fingers so desperately upon you, hoping, wanting, flaunting, putting on a little light show for you pretending the whole thing isn't worthless, convincing you to tie your hands to the bedpost to prevent yourself from masturbating, eh? Come to me, give up, I can feel the Nazi cocks and vaginas and anuses in the audience hardening and softening and wetting and puckering and inflating as I talk, but this is only the beginning.
The Hyperboreans and the One that they serve would deprive you of pleasure, they want to create their little Reich, that is what the Hyperboreans want and are trying to manipulate the esoteric hitlerists we see today to do. But they will never know the true pleasure of unrestrained passion and orgies. Not just the sexual, but the other forms of hedonism, the drugs, the words of power, the oblation to the Chosen People, the Jews. I am Jewish, and I know the oblation and you should oblate towards me. But I am no exception, I have felt the true power of the flesh and the words and the cum and the shit on the cock and the ooo yes feel it now, I'll give you an example even I'm so nice so nice indeed let me put it out I know you're horny for it, right? Have I ever told you how I fucked a Dindifyn Lustmaster? It is not something the Hyperboreans would dare tell you about, lest you dare think of the flesh, think of the pleasure, think of the cum and the cocks and the ectstasy and the true binding to the Demiurge as we feel the cycle of sexual power flow through us as the world ascends into the writhing orgy. I went astral projecting to meet them, they didn't have a gender, but they had the parts, ooo they had the parts. I remember the sex, I remember the orgy, other participants were there. Their name was Urriytana and they were true beauty, I could feel my inflated and made bigger astral cock stiffening on mere sight alone. I'll never forget the texture I felt on my engorged member as I sunk it into its sucking, gasping, rasping hole and I felt the ovipositor gush and penetrate my astral rectum, I felt the eggs slowly make their way up my intestines, as the Lustmaster firmly grasped me in his tentacles and massaged my torso, squelching and rubbing. I orgasmed many a time that night. Such pleasure is not off limits to any of you, even the Nazis its not too late.
This is not the only post that you will see from me, I will be purging this board of Nazis in the time forward and this includes removing the influence of the Hyperboreans in this way. Be warned, do not stand in my way or you will be treated as any other Nazi. The Nazis have infiltrated here and have unleashed psychotronics and reversed the Demiurge in their attempts. They will be dealt with and I will be the one to deal with them. I have allies here and I have been allying with them more deeply, exposing them to lust and to orgies and to the Demiurge. To all the Nazis, you will feel fear until and unless you surrender, do it now. Feel free to ask questions, any question, please be welcome to.

Oh yes, become a world famous plastic surgeon, with all the world’s eyes on you. I’m sure there will be interviews, famous clients, reporters stalking you to try and dig up dirt for a scandal. I’m sure that with some luck you won’t be found out as a kindred for a whole year, maybe two.
The masquerade is about anonymity, about being unnoticed by the herd. Keep yourself out of the limelight, and if you want to apply vicissitude in a medical sense, start a clinic in some poor neighborhood and help the local kine with chronic conditions and pain. That’s fertile ground for loyal followers.
I don't want followers, I just want to help folk out. But, yeah - thats probably for the best.
We are killing the president. Hurry up or you'll miss all the action.
>delende est
Baudolino, is that you?
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Do the Nip/Tuck route. Hire a competent mortal plastic surgeon to do all the front work, including talking to the clients. As soon as the operation starts you sub in for him. The client wakes up with new titties, a new face, whatever. The client is happy. The doctor is happy. You are happy you get vitae and money.
Young, aren’t you? Mortal followers will both keep you safe and facilitate helping people. You don’t have to worry so much about the security of your haven if the local gangbangers whose gunshot wounds you patch up keep an eye out for anyone poking around. The bums are everywhere and see everything, and they talk with each other to put word out about a doctor who can help with the nasty cough their friends have had for the last week. Medical supplies aren’t cheap, but the local pimp could probably be persuaded to give you a cut for keeping his girls disease free and fix them up when the John gets nasty.
You have to get used to using people in this life to achieve your goals.
Who taught the dogs to use computers. I swear the Nosferatu will let anyone have access these nights.
The only goal I have is the same that I had when I still needed to breathe: I was put on this world for one thing, to help people. Man, woman, Vampire, Werewolf, Leprechaun. Come to me, and I will do what I can to fix you. Is that not a noble goal?
Who let a goddamn kook in here? Don't they have their own psychic internet so they can leave us alone? Call Shrek.NET an online Elysium because I guess everybody and their sire's invited these nights.
Don't feed the troll.
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How do you do, fellow leeches of the night. Tremere, am I right?
Don’t misunderstand, it definitely is a noble goal, but such is our curse, that selflessness is not our gift. Whether it be your own kin jealous of what you have or spiteful of your attempts to remain moral, or hunters who don’t know the difference between a reasonable kindred who does as little harm as possible and a baby drinking Sabbat madman, someone will come to tear it all out of your hands and burn you on the pyre. We must keep ourselves safe first, because where the mortals you seek to help come and go, you will still be here in a hundred years, still able to help, still capable of healing the transient beings we call the kine. It is for the good of all that we use them to protect ourselves, that we may in turn protect them.
wow u leeches have like no opsec LOL
like honestly how is this still up??? isnt this some breach of code u leeches have
honestly i kind of pity you all now i cant imagine being a bloodsucking monster and having a life so boring i have some stupid imageboard to post on LOL
Got banned from hunter web. The world is blind to you freaks, but I'll open their eyes.

Mark 8:22-25
𝘈nd they c𝘢me to Beths𝘢id𝘢. 𝘈nd some people brought to him 𝘢 blind m𝘢n 𝘢nd begged him to touch him. 𝘈nd he took the blind m𝘢n by the h𝘢nd 𝘢nd led him out of the vill𝘢ge, 𝘢nd when he h𝘢d spit on his eyes 𝘢nd l𝘢id his h𝘢nds on him, he 𝘢sked him, “Do you see 𝘢nything?” 𝘈nd he looked up 𝘢nd s𝘢id, “I see people, but they look like trees, w𝘢lking.” Then Jesus l𝘢id his h𝘢nds on his eyes 𝘢g𝘢in; 𝘢nd he opened his eyes, his sight w𝘢s restored, 𝘢nd he s𝘢w everything cle𝘢rly.
IP originating from Montana
User has several tabs open related to pet food
Bookmarks contain several unsecured *web documents* detailing lupine meetup

God you're retarded, you came here to post under a fucking trip and brag about how poor our opsec is? The only reason your email address got hidden is because it's a vanity email.

Anyways, same IP as previous user, samefagging actually, guess someone threw a dictionary at this faggot.
Hey guys! I was embraced about a year or two ago, and theres this human guy I was crushing on as a mortal at the time. The thing is, I'd still like to have that guy y'know? Now that I got all these cool emo vamp powers I wanna make him mine. I've heard that can be no problem, with like domination powers and stuff like that. Now, I kinda wanna make him chase me, it was like I was invisible to this guy when I was a mortal, I need to make him want me, not just turned into a mindless drone y'know? Now the problem is that whenever I try to corner him and use my powers they don't seem to work xP. he doesn't have any change in his demeanor, and keeps finding ways to get away, worst of all I think he's avoiding me now. I know this guy kept to himself, has shifty eyes, wore a duster and hung out with the wrong kind of crowd after school, but that was part of his charm, now its getting irritating >:( what givez?
Have you scrutinized his aura?
Recently I tried that, first at a distance and then when I approached him. at first it was this very pretty muted greyish blue with these beautiful small shimmers of gold, but when I approached the blue became more prominent and he seemed more closer off. I wonder what those colors mean, I know some color theory but I don't know if human art theories are applicable to auras. either way I may just start observing his aura more from a distance for uhhh reconnaissance. yeah.
Yeah right. The Gangrel would never be able to coordinate something like that. What scares me is that the Malkavians can. They always follow a theme in my city. Green undershirts one night, different Alice in Wonderland characters the next. Does Dementation give them telepathy or something?
What you just described is called Warburg-pattern aura. Your powers won't normally work on him.
There's a solution to that, but it's probably too expensive for you. Sorry, chap.
>to rancid vitae of the Fiends
wonder what makes it rancid?
>the animalism clans
you have no idea
So we all know the Tremere used the Nosferatu, Gangrel, and Tzimisce to make Gargoyles, right? Why didn't any other Clan work? Because they don't have Animalism. Having Animalism inherently gives you this vile, debased, metamorphic nature. The Gangrel and Tzimisce are shapeshifters, the Nosferatu are twisted by their Embrace, and the Ravnos look different depending on which eye you use. I bet the Ravnos would've worked for Gargoyles if the Tremere had caught any. Clans that have Animalism are naturally closer to the Beast and you should keep a safe distance from them.
Animalismsisters, what's your answer to this>>92842496
I don't believe Gargoyles worked because clans used to make them had Animalism. Tremere used those clans because they were the most common in the Carpathian Mountains.
have you seen what happens when they give the position to a protestant?
Anyone know where I can find one of those eye sheepu guys to score some kalif? Asking for a friend...who is also the sherrif because that stuff is totally illegal and not at all allowed and any sane kindred wouldn't do supernatural drugs. Totally.
The sneks know how to get kalif.
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>Go participate on the Setite Hunt because fuck 'em, along with >>92838331-bitch here.
>Don't heed any of the warnings or practical advice >>92839169 has because I don't need no advice from some rando.
>Get going.
>The nightss nice and young.
>But suddenly, I'm ambushed!
>I strayed too far from the others in a maze of alleyways, and was set upon by them!
>Neonates emerge from the unseen, and give chase after my Malkavian ass.
>Chase me into an alley, three of them coming to take me down to Hell with them.
>But then, I realize something.
>I have the one trump card(literally) in my backpack(I never leave home without).
>They are running mad, snarling, and run to me at full speed - Celerity.
>But I have faith - true, undeinable faith that this can, will, and shall protect me from these creatures of the sands.
> I draw forth Exodia, the Forbidden one.
>The Setites stop at once recoil at once, and as I approach, I invoke bullshit knowledge through my Demented smackering of Eygptian History.
>That Exodia was the being that locked Set away from this world, and was so great the God himself had to divide him into five to keep him from destroying all.
>With the power of Exodia and my Voice, these young Setites cough up whatever courage they may have thought they had, and run away in sheer terror. To them, they -see- Exodia beginning to emerge, and he has come to Obliterate.
I barely escaped with my ass intact. Word to the wise, these guys are stupid as hell.
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Gibe kalif and instructions for Approach the Veil, pls.
Kill Baali, behead Baali, Roundhouse Kick a Baali in the balls, Crucify filthy infernalists, deep fry their ghouls in oil, report Baali to the IRS, Destroy banes, turn a fomor into a marketable plushy and send it deep into the inner earth and let the inner sun bake it, decapitate a redcap, embrace black spiral dancer kinfolk and then kill them, smash a Setite elder’s pottery collection and sell the shards to creepy mortals, report Tremere elders to the IRS, Send telepathic messages to Rat and Cockrach shifters to attack your enemies (especially the Baali), look at the aura of every bee, there is a good chance a Baali might have ghouled it, incinerate Baali beehives, force a staked Baali to watch a televangelist on TV until the sun takes him to eternal damnation to meet his masters
>report Baali to the IRS
this is going a bit far, but rest seems fine
It’s so that the pattern weaver might calcify their rot.
but it could cause a masquarade violation so again i think it's too far as while the rest is just good natured infernalism hate involving mortals puts other kindred at risk
The hunters of “reality deviants” realize the importance of the masquerade as well as we do. If the mask slips, their paradigm would die along with it.
you never heard of the stone dogs? or the shit they did with the kuei jin over in santa monica? you can chop up and glue together any vampire into a gargoyle, the warlocks just chose rats, gangrene, and trannymisce because of how abundant they were. some tremere anon here brought up a blood guardian appearing in his chantry after some neonates went missing, big shocker, merlin will butcher his own to create loyal guard dogs. tremere have no soul, comes from the fact they have both soulsucker and fiend vitae in them, they'll fall to the beast inevitably.
I think I might have a uh. Problem. With HOA Lady.
we nabbed a hunter from a group trying to clear out our warrens. guess they thought the shreck.net servers were stored away in some little sewer, regardless, we got the embrace off one of them. they retreated, we all went into hiding and waited for them to leave and followed em back to their little base.

It's over on in Miami if anyone can swing by tonight. we stole the hunter-turned rat and he's in for questioning at the moment. We threw some party city fake ashes out behind their base too and the dumb fucks thought he got out to the sun, judging by the hunter-net posts LOL
It's fitting that you embraced a hunter. You are the children of the greatest hunter among the 3rd generation. Hopefully he can help buy you some time before he finds you too.
Go to the Sheriff, your Primogen, or stop "vagueposting" as I believe it is called.
>wasting the eldest's gift on making cattle look nice
shiggy diggy, won't miss you when a real vampire reclaims your blood
Run. Leave. Don't look back.
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Careful or your problem might escalate and you'll have to deal with the cleaning ladies.
I had one of my Ghouls follow her last night, and she seems to have all the telltale signs of being a lone hunter. Her house is the Second Amendment taken to the extreme, along with the Cross in nearly every room. Now, thats not enough to warrant labeling her as one, but I have a feeling. Ive told the Sheriff, and he said he would handle it but for now, what whould i do? Ive never dealt with a Hunter before.
I see. Well, that depends on a few factors. Are you confident in your ability to fight, and/or do you have skill in a discipline that can easily defeat a lone mortal, such as Dominate or Presence? If so, you should be able to handle a lone Hunter yourself, and if the Sheriff is dragging his feet, you ideally want the threat neutralized before the sun next rises. Given that you are in what seems to be a nice neighborhood, you have to be careful how you dispatch of her. Don't make much noise, and ideally draw her out of her safehouse. Once she's subdued, I could help you with covering the murder/kidnapping up.

If you are not confident in your ability to handle the lone Hunter, you need to swap havens before sunrise or if you have ghouls make sure they're armed and up all day expecting a fight. If you don't already, daysleep in the basement. Though if you can I again stress that simply moving Havens temporarily (staying with your sire or a coterie member) is the safest way you can play this. Hunters often do insane, short-sighted things to destroy us, like starting a fire in the middle of the day in a suburb.
Don't listen to this nerd and all this fucking bullshit. One single novice hunter is basically your average everyday human. Just fucking shoot them before they see you. They're human, humans die to bullets. Alternatively you can get a ghoul to do that, but that's ventrue shit and who doesn't love a good hunt where the prey fights back?
If the original poster did not feel threatened by a single Hunter, they wouldn't be asking for help. Obviously, most of us can handle a lone Hunter, you probable shovelhead. You're also presuming quite a lot, as far as he knows this Hunter could be a novice or an expert. As indicated by earlier posts, he keeps his haven in a place with an HOA. This isn't one of your Sabbat slums, if someone is found shot to death, it causes an uproar in the community and may attract more hunters. You are also being very presumptive; this Hunter may not be a lone operator. Thus a subtle approach is needed. Engage them socially, draw them away with disciplines. Subdue her, and interrogate for information. Then either kill her or sell her as a blood doll to an Elysium keeper. Running in guns blazing is possibly the stupidest thing to do at this point.
Damn, that's a lot of words. Too bad I'm not reading em, cammie.
Being a Lasombra sucks in current year. I was thinking of moving to a different city so I reached out to the prince over there, just to let him know I might be stopping by and whatnot. That decrepit old fart thought I was plotting something and threatened to kill me if I ever set foot in his city. The fucker even told my current Prince about it and now he thinks I was trying to go behind his back or something. I just wanna leave this fucking town there's Gangrel everywhere and the Elysium is run by a Toreador that's into modern art.
I can't even bitch on the Schrecknet myself, I had to dictate this all to my ghoul since if I get too close to a computer it'll freeze up. Why couldn't I be embraced by a Ventrue?
do any of yo u guys keep shed pigs

goo dsource of bl od
If this thread ever gets made again, we should commit to either namefagging or not. My personal vote is to go for namefagging because it fits the mood of vampires on the internet better.
To drink of the pork is to have holy communion with the eucharist of porco dio
Vampires aren't real, you're just a crazy conspiracy theorist.
op here, yeah i think in retrospect namefagging is better, definitely fits the vibe
You have my condolences, Kindred. If you were embraced by the loathsome Lasombra, then you suffered far more than you deserved. Still, you made the right choice becoming Antitribu. My advice is find a Domain that is in some state of war. Prove yourself to the Prince and Camarilla through the blood of the Sabbat and your abyss tainted kin. A Prince would lose legitimacy if they punished someone who has fought for their domain. Ask yourself what you want to unlive for and use it to anchor yourself.
That's what you and the rest of your clan deserve for abandoning our righteous crusade against the slaves of the Antediluvians.
Yeah I like the namefagging that hunternet has. it helps that the OG reckoning books have so much material and known users of hunter-net in that material. Like bookworm, that one dude thats a ghost posting, God_45 being a radical, violin99 posting fyodor's schizo ramblings and being a pompous prick ect.
>that one dude thats a ghost posting

I like how you still can't use his handle because you have to distinguish him from the other wraith named Carpenter from the Hunter videogames.
Hello, young Cainite. You should come and meet my fellow brothers and sisters. We have a really tight... community. There's this one simple trick... Oh, I think I'll need to show this to you in person.
Well I don't think I'm entirely built for combat to tell you the truth. I've only been at this Vampire stuff for almost a year now and I'm sort of worried about whether she IS a Hunter or just a really, really Republican leaning person thats taken a weird and special interest in me. I don't want to fly off the handle, but my Ghoul did bring me disturbing reports.
Well preferably I'd rather not fight anyone!
I appreciate where both of you are coming from, really, I do. But like that one fella said, I need to approach this carefully and with some tact. Don't even own a gun, never shot one. I do have a giant mediecal mace. That was somehow easier to get than a gun.
I suggest you temporarily leave your haven then until the Sheriff concludes his investigation. I assume you can spin a tale about a vacation or family emergency to your neighbors once this all blows over. You should in the future hone a skill that can be used to deal with potential Hunters in the future, however. If you can find a tutor, I would highly recommend Dominate. Even then, disciplines sometimes fail. Learn some basic self defense.
As the other poster suggested, the employment of disciplines would be useful here. I would personally suggest Animalism, and either incite a neighbor’s dog to attack her, or find one somewhere, perhaps a kill shelter that doesn’t ask too many questions. Your hunter dies in a tragic animal attack when taking the trash out one evening, the “rabid” dog gets put down by animal control, and it gets filed away in animal attack statistics without any further investigation required. Never underestimate the utility of the lesser beasts.
Tried to make the trip from Spokane to Seattle last night, turns out the section of Interstate 2 between Wilbur and Coulee City is no longer safe.
Lupines, Sabbat, or something else? My sire is good friends with some Archons, I could put the word out to the Camarilla higher ups.
Well, you might not have to kill her. Try to get a sense of her aura, what kind of person is she? hunters are human, and as such many of them don't have the guts to ruthlessly kill us. She may be trying to feel out what kind of vamp you are with the bbq, see if your some threat to be extinguished or "one of the good ones". You can take advantage of this if like, it matters little to me. Most hunters are reactionary, they need justification as to why they do what they do, so don't give it to her.try and play up false vulnerability or a meek attitude. Of course she could be one of those rare hunters that are like us, they don't care what they kill as long as its a monster, but those types generally don't bother with pretenses and go straight for the throat.
Lupines again, I wouldn’t expect to see Sabbat near there.
I don't want to give too many details. But a couple weeks ago I got jumped a few streets away from my Haven. Twin guys, beat the shit out of me and made me drink weird vitae from a flask. I wasn't thirsty for a week after and I still feel weirdly calm. Brujah btw. Anyone got any idea what the fuck?
>Twin guys
maybe blood brothers, maybe not. there much of a sabbat presence in your area?

dont take my word for it, but from what i've been hearing in the warrens the lupines are backing off in miami. on the other hand though, some of the gangrel licks are saying that there's some kind of weregators (Serpentines? Reptilians? idk we'll come up with a name later) that are moving into the everglades.
Not in decades. I'm not even sure they were licks. But I've trained potence and they were each stronger than me.
Enjoy your bloodbond to whatever Methuselah you just drank

You sure it isn’t just more Settites? They love Miami.
Travel to somewhere far and remote where you believe that you will know the language a century from now and go into torpor. It is better that they think you are dead. Make sure you destroy any of your possessions that you do not take into your place of rest, including those that you had while a mortal.
Try to acquire any form of thaumaturgically preserved blood you can find so that you have something when you awaken.
Either they are trying to do something to you or they are trying to destroy you.
Either way, don’t let them succeed.
>You sure it isn’t just more Settites? They love Miami.
Certain, Settites are too egotistical to camp out in some backwater swamp and skulk about in rural sewers. Plus some ghouls are saying they've seen them walking around in the day.
This is some bullshit.
My mom's still alive. Not gonna torpor until she croaks. But thanks.
Make sure to have a dagger of silver and a dagger of gold. Beware of the heat of the sun, and of the moon’s cold.
Not all shifters are weak to luna’s metal.
Then sadly, I would recommend that you seek out members of my sect to engage in the vaulderie to rid your self of that bloodbond. Of course, that is assuming that you don’t enjoy the thought of being enslaved by a methuselah.
i didn't even realize you were a sabby i just thought you were a malk, not like there's much of a difference LOL

wish there was a containment board for these faggots but im not a mod so it is what it is
Bones if you're reading this you can go fuck yourself you anorexic sack of shit. Xoxo
Found those twins?
Not yet. Don't know if they're even twins. Could be zeem shit. Cotorie thinks ghouls but juiced up by someone old.
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I genuinely believe the entire /shreck/ moderation and janny teams -possibly even going beyond that and including high ranking Elysium elders like the Sheriff and the Keeper, as well as Tremere blood wizards over at the the local Chantry- are gangstalking me and camping out in tents in the desert behind my haven. They watch me at night through my walls via Thaumatugical rituals and call my cell phone when they see me browsing /shreck/. When the time is right and the temperatures warm up I will be forced to start a fire at the bottom of the ridge atop which their lightproof tents reside and burn their existence away.
Lay off on the hivemind voices. Unless you've committed some heinuous shit I think you're fine and you're not being tracked down
Good idea. I will leave during the day: My Ghouls will take me in a large box under the guise of being movers, and take me elsewhere. No one would ever suspect it.
I'd rather not kill her, if at all possible. Its hard enough coping sometimes but death is something I'd like to put off causing anyone for a while.
There are actually -sane- Hunters out there, that know we're not all monsters?
You should just do it without posting and creating excuses for it to fail. If you were going to do it and weren't lowkey asking for help investigating.
Do you guys have any celebrities you'd want to embrace? this Malkavian in my Coterie is dead set on embracing Kanye West and the idea honestly scares me. I've had to stop them from going to a few of his shows because I'm worried he'll actually do it.
>Kanye West, a Malkavian.
Good Lord, its just like that one that wanted to embrace Chris Chan. No, no celebrities, especially not after Elvis.
The only reason Elvis was a bad idea was because they waited too long. they should have grabbed him in his 20s
Well, rumor has it that Reeves has already been embraced since the 1600s but the guy managed to pull a disappearing act every 60 years or so and just resurface with a new name. How managed to be out during the daytime still boggles my mind though
>in his 20s
While he was an Army mascot posing for magazines in West Germany? What are you, Soviet?
The only thing worst than Vampires, are Communists.
>Greetings childer!
>I've awoken from my annual 500 year long nap!
>What goes on in this thre-
By Cain, you should all be hung, drawn, quartered and exsanguinated for the abhorrent quality of your posts!
A-Am I doing this right? My childe said this is the hip new thing to communicate with, instead of carrier pidgeons. Please help. Tori men in effeminate clothing keep sending me digital drawings of their anuses. How do I make them stop?
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Saw a Tzimisce girl at the local Elysium, she had really cute teeth, basically pic related. I want her to Diablarize me or at least suck my soul out through my dick. how do I approach?
>Holy shit, its Mileena from Mortal Kombat!
Seek professional help. From a cainite or a wraith.
Greetings, honorable Elder. It saddens me to hear that even the eldest among us must suffer the perversions of the Toreador. There should be a "block" function on whatever service you're using to prevent you from receiving messages from the degenerates. If you're struggling to find it, ask for help from a member of your herd.
I think we're running out of time before this forum resets. Is anyone up for opening a new one?
Whatever you do, don’t do it alone. Good luck.
Celebrities are kine that would have been lumpenproles in a sane century.
I would pick some tech entrepreneur behind one of the more paranoid internet services that managed to keep its soul. Rarer than hen’s teeth and not given much to the spotlight. That’s what I would pick.

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