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How to properly answer your door in Night City.

>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

>RED Easy Mode is available for FREE.

>Errata Pages

>Character Sheets

>Last thread
>Thread question:
How do you answer the door in Night City? Is it safe to answer the door in your neck of the woods? Do you even have a door to answer or are you living out of your van in Pacifica?
Keep in mind if you're picking up Cyberpunk 2020 in deadtree, the R.Talsorian webstore sells the actual printed books from the original files, but the Amazon & DTRPG books are PODs of scanned copies.
What is some of the shit you’ve gotten away with as a rockerboy? Seems like it’ll be crazy at the higher ranks
>What is some of the shit you’ve gotten away with as a rockerboy?
Goin after SOLOs and rerollin as one.
If I ever get to actually play (#foreverref) I'll be a Rockerboy who collects special edition fans like I'm a Pokemon master. I'll go into Afterlife and have one of my loyal fans buy everyone drinks (so nobody has a negative opinion of me), and then test Charismatic Impact on the toughest, meanest looking solos 1v1. Once I have some good fans with good stats I'll put them on speeddial and power level myself to rank 5 so I can have my solo fans come to my aid in a fight.
Playing a guitar solo on the top of an RV while being chased by the Bozos on an elevated highway.
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Real talk choom, I klept this OP from the previous OP, I didn't screen any of the links. I actually picked up a copy of the 2020 source book from my local ttg shop. Check this preem shit.
I enjoy playing RED, but if there's one thing I miss from 2020, it's the "gear porn". Spending minutes or even hours at a time figuring out exactly which gear to give my character (and which options to modify the gear with) appealed to my autistic /k/ sensibilities. Now, I just mindlessly grab a few things for them and call it a day. The "generic" guns with only three slots for attachments, the Exotic weapons that can't be modified and the severely limited starting funds don't help. I feel like I have to go back to 2020 or even Shadowrun to get my fix.
why do tourists pretend things outside current thing dont exist?
Over the course of a few years I've basically turned my 2020 game into a RED one by just slowly switching individual rules. Currently one of the few things from 2020 I'm still using is the health bar cuz I like high-lethality.

Anyone running something similar? How do you handle weapons and cover?
>5. Billy Idol's comeback album

It was a comeback in the same way Barry might consider last night's celebratory post-match kebabs and lager horking out of his face at 7am a comeback.
Hey I been busy with uni since the lesbian robot DLC - have we gotten any leaks or news about the edgerunners kit besides what’s in the website? What are we expected
>everyone I disagree with is a tourist
Anyway, non-current things might as well not exist to the average person. Current thing is being advertised, it's being given new content, it's the one you can just walk into a store and buy, there's basically a tacit agreement between semi-normies to go with the flow.
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I thought rusted chrome was canceled? So they’re planning to concurrently release 2077 and 2045 content? Wish I could believe that would happen but it’s not considering how slow they are with content drops and with Cody doing his weeb shinto multiverse eclipse phase Naruto game

Chase rules, only a few months overdue for the viedogame to have chases.
Cover art is impressively bad
The idea that over half of this shit is just on your phone today is amazing.
i cannot believe they see this art and go "yeah, that's great! that's what i want to represent my product!"
In the case of that DLC specifically, the artist is one of the writers and the spouse of the other, so there's no way they'd ever get told to fuck off.
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I don't know about telling them to "fuck off" but surely there's an editor involved in the process right?
>"This is a nice concept for the cover but where's the real thing? Wait, you want us to publish this?! No, touch it up first then show me what you've got. We can't ship it looking like this..."
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it really is cyberpunk
and you know the dude is double dipping in writer and art paychecks too.
Then again, ever since they revelead the FBCs and this one thing not only looks like ass, but it's tracing from the original 2020 drawings to "stay as close and accurate to the originals", i just gave up on the art direction.

Remember that everyone thought it was AI when they first revealed?
>Art Direction by: Winterjay Kovach
come on man, have /some/ restraint
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also, at least we know the art for the 2077 kit will be good since it was done by the trigger fags
Anon, what does that have to do with anything I said? Stop being a cunt.
Finally, DLC that people might actually want, especially the Nomad players.
They seem to be going out of their way to ensure that RED has dog-shit artwork. It's legitimately one of my biggest issues with the game, since good artwork goes a long way to establishing a game's appeal.
also, the original image is 5250x6750 at 600dpi.
>Artist is clearly using meme highest dpi on biggest fucking canvas possible
Here's a crop of the full image. Look at these bullshit lines and what the fuck is this dude doing with the colors?
Looks like a 2018 deep fried meme
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forgot the fucking image, had to recrop until size limit hit
I know nothing about fashion nor follow fashion trends. Recommend me a cyberpunk style for an edgerunner trying to pass off as a normie.
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wait, holy shit, that one is basically my players PC. A black female solo in suits with a cyberarm
yeah that's why I'm excited for 2077. the art so far is pure fucking style

it'll be nice to have character art with some real style
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I kinda hope we get construct tech up and going in the next decade. Gabe Newell is 61. Maximum Mike is fucking 70. Shigeru Miyamoto is 71. Once they're gone they're fucking gone. All we'll have is their writings and interviews.

We're close with LLM tech insofar as kind of getting the idea of a person and how they'd behave and talk but the tech for capturing a person's mind and essence still isn't there yet. Hopefully, we'll get some nice rejuvenation treatments in the next 5 or so years to buy us time.
I like the anime aesthetic but generally speaking, I just want cool-looking art.
>bullshit lines
Pretty much. The way they did it, it feels like a gauss blur is washing out all the details. The overall composition makes it look like the city is on fire behind them and they're just standing around like assholes like they're posing for a group picture. The background has a similar washed-out effect but it's also very simplified. The contrast of styles with the foreground and background doesn't blend well in the composition for me. Either the background needs to be more detailed or the foreground needs to lean more into the washed-out look, maybe utilizing heavy shading with highlighted edges to emphasize the brightness of the city behind them while making the characters appear darker and more mysterious in the foreground.

That's my community college art class talking anyway.
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I have a soft spot for it. It's an unashamedly cheesy attempt for a then-washed up pop star to reclaim some level of relevancy by attaching his name to a growing movement and I love it for that.

I mean, how could you not love '90s spikey-haired Billy Idol singing about riots while he turns into Testuo: The Iron Man?
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Also, I like to imagine that this song plays in the heads of Netrunners when they jack in.
if you look on the right borg, you can see the pixel blown original digitalized art from 2020. Dude literally grabbed the originals, put in photoshop and put the layer on multiply over whatever the fuck he painted.
Then he started addind bullshit lines on top and some poor excuses of highlights
I wonder if CDPR realizes how much they owe to this blue gremlin.
She almost wouldn't have been in the show at all. I shudder at the thought.
>"the loli stays"
She isn't a loli at all and I hate anyone that treats her as such or fanart with actually being a loli. But I agree, I shiver and shudder at a world with no becca
Calling Danger Gal and Michiko bunch of furfacks while cosplaying Silverhand with Black Dog mask and threating to blow their Fashion Gala up.
Organizing party in five minutes and sending fixer I've just meet there to get his gig.
Throwing a concert in university district without University knowing about it and causing multiday long riot.
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For a lot of people, short equals loli, and if you're into that, you MUST be a pedophile, apparently. It's idiotic, but I expect nothing less from people who don't know what they're talking about and are concerned with making sure that they have the "right" opinions to avoid being "canceled".

As a side note, it would be cool if the Mission Kit featured stats for all of the Edgerunners characters alongside the lore. I'm especially curious to know exactly what kind of chrome David had in him pre-cyberskeleton.

Captcha: GAY48
iirc she isn't even short. She's average hight and just hangs out with tall fuckers.
check your chromebooks
in 2020 I think Chromebook 4 had fashion examples. Might have been 3
in RED I'm pretty sure it's in Black Chrome Plus though I could be mistaken

either way, can't go wrong with an Urban Flash style
she's following trigger height rules.
Maine's height: bigger than you
Becca's height: shorter than you
Why are nomad so righteous? Is it because they hate corpos? You'd think that the nomadic lifestyle would encourage them to loot, burn and rape to survive.
A good pirate never steals from others!
Some major self gaslighting to delude yourselves you aren't attracted to children ngl
>You'd think that the nomadic lifestyle would encourage them to loot, burn and rape to survive.
Like the Raffen Shiv? Everyone hates those fuckers. Most Nomads are extended families on wheels who just want to do their own thing and not be subservient to any Corp or government. If they're going to steal, they'll steal from a Corp, not from another clan.
Depends on the nomads, hell megacorp is a megacorp AND a nomad family
The philosophy makes them communal, but they’re interaction with outsiders can be friendly, shady, or down right bastards if that’s the vibe they go for
I have a nomad clan that’s basically the high tech Cesar’s legion which is half PMC half roaming empire
"Bro she just has a child body but adult brain" doesn't work outside of anime boards.
>people who don't know what they're talking about and are concerned with making sure that they have the "right" opinions to avoid being "canceled".
"Child bodies are not attractive" is indeed a right opinion and you deserve what you get for airing out your perversion.
Otherworldly DLC, reading made me deja vu as if I've already experienced it reading in some parallel dimension where core book was actually finished before they've printed it.
Yes, you got your (you)s from the dumbasses, now stop.
It's a free and optional DLC nigger
What's your point anon, besides art is badly made?
How does it being free and optional not make it a product, Anon?
>2077 will come with a map
actually huge news, this will be the first time ever that night city has a fucking MAP for the tabletop
it's gonna be pure shit I bet
I guarantee it'll be in Interface RED 4 with ACPA rules (which just end up being full-body conversions except you wear them) and they'll charge $25 for it but look at all the other free digital books we're throwing in???
Even if the character is canonically underage it doesn't matter because fictional characters are objects to be used for our own amusement.

Stop trying to make fiction equivalent to real life like a schizo. And no "normalization" isn't a thing, christ it's the "video games cause school shootings" shit all over again except more retards are actually buying into it.
You got me there, I was wrong
Wouldn't it be easier to rip off a homebrew rules?
I am planning on running a Red campaign after my group finishes up Curse of Strahd. As a newbie to the Cyberpunk setting (I've played some of 2077), I'm open to hearing some suggestions for an overarching plot that ties together various gigs. Are there any campaign ideas you guys have been thinking about?
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I'm firmly in the camp of, "she's an adult, don't be retarded", but the back and forth does bring up a valid observation within the world cyberpunk. Women, given the choice, would definitely want to pursue the appearance of a younger woman if they can biosculpt or otherwise chrome themselves to look younger. This is played with a little bit in the anime when the bouncers stop Rebecca from going into the Afterlife bar. While the message isn't explicit it's presumably because she has a more childlike appearance and thus they stopped her for that.

I would imagine it's fairly simple to biosculpt your skeleton to be shorter if you can do it to be taller. I wouldn't be surprised if the writers make her a post op mtf Loli fetishist. Granted, I think SRS in the cyberpunk world is more valid than our modern one, as it actually lets you transition biologically into a woman rather than our modern contemporary cosmetic freak shows we have today.

I would say that's probably not the case more than likely as that procedure is rather expensive and Pilar and Rebecca don't seem to be swimming in cash.
I really like the local homebrew ACPA rules. I just wouldn't mind something official to get an idea of power-scaling. Or perhaps how off the wall ACPA might be.
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So, I’m a max rank rockerboy and instead of just exploiting my crazy abilities to just make fuck tons of money and have power I want to try and do genuine good in an otherwise dark setting. Not some Johnny silver hand shit where I just use my power to accomplish personal goals, but ones that improves the QoL for everyone in either night city but hopefully in general
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>Even if the character is canonically underage it doesn't matter because fictional characters are objects to be used for our own amusement.
I'm not a fan of referring to fictional characters in such a reductive way. Feels sleazy, like creep-shot voyeurism. I agree with the gist of your post though.
>Are there any campaign ideas you guys have been thinking about?
I have some ideas, but I don't know what you and your group might be into.
Rebecca's just short. Short women exist. She probably modified herself to appear more "child-like", since her role in Maine's crew before Pilar's death seemed to be that of the distraction: appear cute and flirty for long enough to get someone's attention away from the rest of the crew while they do their thing.
You can use the lifepath you rolled up as a good framework for a campaign, but honestly just being poor and wanting money can be enough to get the first few gigs going before they “click” with the setting and want more than just being someone’s suicide squad
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>Even if the character is canonically underage it doesn't matter
See, you kiddle diddlers cannot help but out yourselves, you have a pathological need to be validated
>yeah I’m an elite hacker, I use an Apple Macintosh
Bwahahahahahahahaaaa GTFO
>first time
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You can’t tell me you play cyberpunk and don’t understand sarcasm
charity concerts, motivational captain planet messaging, working with corps to go green (HA!)
our modern cyberpunk dystopia has conditioned me to take things at face value. Because there really are people that stupid
Only real children matter, if you want to be an activist than at the very least do something to help in the real world.
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>"is loli liking pedo behaviour?" discussion
>for the 38777929th time on this site
that map is of literally the smallest chunk of night city they could get away with. it drives me insane. i know it exists but it's not a map of night city, it's a map of a tiny sliver of night city. I want something in between that and Reds doodles in detail
it's literally the foundation of 4chan
What’s your name? Are you a solo act or do you have a band?
it's also where most of the Night City (CP2020) sourcebook focuses on
It does show that that's a small part of the overall city but most of what's south of there is combat zone. Got to let the GM fill in the blanks I guess
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>unsupresses your weapons
Just made my whole group deaf, AMA
will this one work for you?
But do video games cause school shootings?
No, the guns kill people
no, rockerboy music causes school shootings
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Talk show host
> wait for a real bozo interview
Was it a style over substance choice? In which case it’s fine
I just love the man's voice. Doesn't matter to me how objectively bad or cheesy it is.
>most of night city is actually just boring Americana suburbs
I understood this reference
Noted. I'm probably just thinking too far ahead at this point.

What I was thinking of was a metaplot that runs in the background that the players can opt into like "Militech execs are setting up false flag operations to escalate and perpetuate gang warfare within the city." With something like that, I could easily rope the group into it without many contrivances.
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> the urge to become a mad scientist like making demon core grenades, RC car grenades, psyops drugs, and more
I usually play talky and fighty characters but man to I want a real insane tech to just take to the streets and make a mockery of the techno future
>rockerboys can convince fans to commit crimes
>children can be fans
I don't like where this is going
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>chrome your ears.
>Listen to the radio and have team coms without a headset.
>built-in sound muffling so you don't need to suppress your weapons
Just chip it choom.
Speaking of suppressed weapons, do you guys go along with the whole "all weapons are internally suppressed" thing, or do you allow for PCs to have actual suppressors on their guns?
What was KMFDM's overall Charismatic Leadership level ?
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Street Samurai spotted in Los Angeles today.
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>A local Fixer is in serious debt to the Mob and must pay them off soon to avoid being fitted for a pair of cement shoes and tossed into the bay. He enlists the help of the 'runners to stage a series of heists with the goal of making up the money to pay off the debt. The 'runners eventually end up stealing from the wrong people and now have targets on their backs.
>The 'runners are a band of mercenaries hired by a rebel group in a faraway country to help them overthrow a dictatorship. Potential gigs include hit-and-run attacks on military outposts, stealing valuable military hardware from secure armories and tarnishing the reputation of the Great Leader by broadcasting unflattering pictures and videos of him over a hijacked TV signal.
>An aging Rockerboy wants to put on one last concert before retiring for good, and he wants to go out with a bang. He hires the 'runners to help him get everything he needs for what is proving to be the biggest show of his career: his old bandmates who've scattered to the winds, state-of-the-art audio equipment, special effects, security. Check out the Love Fist missions in GTA: Vice City for inspiration.
How legal would it be to release a free and open source CRPG that utilizes cp2020's ruleset verbatim? I really like the simplicity of the interlock system and the overall disposable nature of player characters.
I've looked online and a lot of stuff I've read in regards to this is that you just can't make money of off it, but that doesn't sound like good legal advice.
They can't copyright rules, so they have no legal standing. Everyone avoids doing it because they're cowards

End of the day, you can always come up with changes you want to make as you dev it. No need to decide not to before you even start
You have to avoid copyrighted words and phrases. Friday night firefight etc. but it’s settled case law that the rules of games systems cannot be copyrighted in the United States. This is how 5e clones work, basically. If you just straight up copy and paste that would probably be a no no, but if you just make a ruleset that is identical to 2020 but without the phrases and with your own wording you’re fine.
I see. I was thinking the same thing about rules being copywritten since things like baseball and basketball were both invented post copyright and there's been no fights about who "owns" them as sports.
Also it's imperative I know the importance of mirrorshades in my game before I waste precious time on anything that isn't accurate real time reflections for the most preem mirrorshade Role Playing Experience
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internal supressors is a copout
The fact that it's out-of-book information originating from a Twitter post leads me to believe it's a handwave of an explanation to make up for RTG forgetting to include in the rulebook what is arguably the most basic of all weapon attachments. They forgot slings, too, for that matter.
yeah the original rules didn't have rules for stealth and they were added via FAQ and are basically just "yeah do a DnD 5e surprise round on em, no dodging allowed"
>wanna play Cyberpunk
>join a Cyberpunk game online
>first session
>GM is like 10 years old
>leave game
>never play Cyberpunk
I'll be real if I were to play Cyberpunk with someone i'd want it to be with some cringey motherfuckers, talking 'bout how I'd want my one of my choomba's to be exotics, a twink medtech with a slutty waist , one of them to have a midnight lady for an hand etc. etc. Obviously there are levels to this but if it's just me and some people I trust to not get into some erp shit and just fuck around, I'd choose them over some uber self serious mother fucker every-time with no self awareness to that. A serious game can be fun but if it's all you can do then we probably won't be chooms for very long.
Anyway just ranting about one of my fellow players nuking a session because he had a hissy fit over the game not being what he wanted 7 sessions in, even after we fucking talked about how we wanted it to go at the start. Fuck you Kyler.
Dude, a midnight lady for a hand is complete genius. Of course someone would do that. I mean, you need to keep the fingers because why wouldn't you, they help with both use cases. That's way better than the motorized pocket-pussy from the anime. There's probably one doc in night city getting rich off the idea and a bunch of men that wear gloves to hide the thing

This shit is going to be a subculture in a game I run now. The doc's patient list will be paydata everyone's gunning for because there might be someone important in it
first mistake was playing with a guy named Kyler
I don't know about you, but after seeing enough Cyberpunk games devolve into painfully unfunny absurdity and having to endure everyone else in the group laughing like idiots over things that just take me out of the game, I'm more than ready to play in some edgelord's super-serious campaign. It would be a nice change of pace.
Fair point.
Nah I get you, like I said a serious game can be fun especially as a pallet cleanser every once in a while, though I do prefer more comedic/absurd stuff since it can make the harder moments hit harder in my experience.
If I didn't do internal suppressors, and didn't allow or give out externals to everyone, the game would be about fixing ear injuries.
Yea, I made an old timey posergang that didn't have those in their muskets. Or their flintlocks. Or their grapeshot cannon.
>GM is like 10 years old
This guy is gonna be the most jaded forever DM the likes of which the world has never seen.

And it's gonna be your fault anon.
Plot twist, 10yo GM is the most grizzled, cynical, piece of shit that ever lived. Chain smoking, narrates in perfect noir style, world weary.
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Good shit, just as the founding fathers intended. Now you can expect them to think about level dampeners or a cyber audio version of smart glasses
Two left hands.
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I came up with a fun game for the afterlife to encourage roleplay with your chooms
> autopsy
> Ask the bartender for the coroner’s report. This is a menu of prototype drinks of runners who died in the last 2 weeks, so they can range from amazing to awful. If you recognize the name you drink it and tell a story you heard about that runner
Ran a very fun session for my group on Friday. Tried out a very janky boss battle mechanic and it... actually worked really well! They fought a BT Spinosaurus in the Everglades and won thanks to good positioning, planning and strategy- and a bit of bad luck from the Dino. Still, it managed to put the Nomad on death saves, although he pulled through thanks to the NPC medtech they brought along. (The party's usual medtech is out on a vengeance quest to kill a guy tangentially related to a gang boss he fought 4 times with a bunch of NPC jobbers and his girlfriend, another PC. They're in for a bad time.)

The past three weeks had been rough for me. Felt good to get back to running good sessions instead of bookkeeping simulator.
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Newfag here. I haven't read as much cyberpunk as I ought to, and of Cyberpunk itself I've only watched Edgerunners and caught a few streams of 2077. I've also never played a tabletop RPG that wasn't D&D/PF.

How do I get into RED?
>Read book
>Think of all cool cyberpunk media you can think of from movies to comic books to games
>Think of something cool some cyberpunks could get up to
>Create a session based on this idea and run it in the style of your favourite cyberpunk genre media

Robocop, Judge Dredd, Blade Runner, Ghost in the Shell, or Cyberpunk the Cyberpunk- it's all good.

>Like the anime, I enjoyed that. You know, something that isn't more than 30 years old.
> >:(

Just focus on what makes the genre interesting to you and play into that. Don't be too reliant on Red as a setting, use it as a framework. Cyberpunk is also the perfect game to run in a homebrew setting based on the near dark future of your own home city, if you grew up in a city. If you lived in the countryside or suburbs, then Night City is an excellent second choice. Just read shit that's interesting to you and once you feel good about it run a session using that as a backdrop.

It's 2024 and you could literally make something better with an AI scraper.
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>How do I get into RED?
You're a growm ass man, just read the fucking book
given hwo everyone thought the fbc stuff was AI gen when they revealed it, i dont doubt someone putting a tiny bit of effort with AI and edits could do way better
Do you try to do serious tones or do you embrace the silly?
This is a game that has a clown gang and at one point had a gang of gays and trannies larping as GIlligan's Island characters. If you're trying to make it super serious you're doing it wrong.
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Why not both? If everything is grim and dry like bladerunner with melancholy overtones of "We live in a dystopia man! The corporations man! We're losing our humanity man!" that gets old fast. Much the same way if every story beat and interaction is some loony tune skit with people firing rockets out of their asses and using go-go gadget spring legs to elude a butt-naked cyberpsycho. That's too much crazy. You need elements of both so you have the highs of silliness moderated by the more solemn dramatic moments.

If I was reffing a game, I'd want to keep the story interesting. Some sessions may not have any combat at all if it's just a RP/social session. Depending on the choices my players make during that session, that would determine how the next session which does involve combat plays out. It also depends on the players. Do they want a deep and emotional story or do they just want to do gigs and kill shit? Or do they want a mixture of both?
You have to have the most ridiculous shit but play it completely straight. Don't ever let any NPC ever comment on how strange things are, it's probably the gayest thing in media now when characters are genre-aware. And don't forget that our own world is not normal, we have recently had media headlines about a meal delivery agency using illegal monkey labor and gamers leaking classified tank documents to win arguments online.
Maximum weeaboo Mike was inspired more by Bubblegum Crisis, Armored Trooper VOTOM and City Hunter than by western cyberpunk like Neuromancer.
sounds fun, i'll steal that.
I tend to see Posergangs as taking escapism to its worst conclusion possible. If there's comercially-available tech that lets you dwell into your sickest fantasies and delusions, who's stopping you ? And when you band with gonks who share your delusions... Well, that's a powder keg waiting to explode
You can have Posergangs to be silly fodder, and at the same time have posers that make your edgerunners kick into a fight or flee response. Both are equally possible and they most likely fight over the same turf
>our modern cyberpunk dystopia has conditioned me to take things at face value
sounds like a bad MO. Yah there are definelty people that stupid, but its alost as likely its just for the meme. so Id say taking things likely until one or the other shows itself with a smoking gun is a better policy.
>taking things *likely
brain no work so good.
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If you were their referee how would it have gone?
it's kind of a bitch move to kill off a PC in one surprise round but he also kind of deserved it. he got to reroll as a cool Tarantino esque urban cowboy nomad later. the party comp is pretty weird with 4 solos and 2 runners, but it suits the kind of campaign they're going for. I would have added more mid tier encounters.
It's kind of like the ref saw that DV21 headshot sneak attack with a pop-up vh handgun and decided to let the dice fall where they may... It just turns out that they mostly landed 6 facing up.
uoh rebecca kawaii 30yo woman in the body of a loli

Politicians are listed as a example of rockers, I see no misconceptions there
[Spoiler] IMBA Hitler is listed as a example [/spoiler]
>is amazing
and boring
they specifically tell you how to build a populist right wing German politician using the rockerboy role in eurosource 2
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A player of mine is really effective at using the combat system to the point I have to up the rank of enemies to pose any callenge to him. I wouldn't go as far to say that he's exploiting the system, but he is definetely making use of stronger archetypes and mechanics frequently.
He made a whole flowchart of chome he'd chip to make him resistant or outright immune to everything I have thought up to this point. He adds about 2 pages of sidestories to his backstory every month. He roleplays and does voices on the level of an average voice actor.
We discuss the system and setting frequently and I'd say his grasp around both is better than mine even.

I make a silly posergang and use a single fact from a PCs backstory and then make a gig that last a session around those.

On one hand I'm really happy to have someone who is on this level of play and is so invested in the game.
On the other hand I don't really know where to take it from here. The other players are not nearly as into the game and I myself feel a bit eclipsed by how deep he's in the rabbithole. I can't really up the mechanical difficulty because it'll snowball into a tpk, and I can't really up the narrative complexity yet because the others are still learning the setting. I feel a bit unfair to him.

What should I do? Should I forgo balance and let him show others how to survive in Night city? Should I layer more story elements even if the other players are confused? Both? Neither?
give him opportunities to demonstrate to the other players how to get through combat, and try to make his character more of an insider to the setting and the others outsiders. use him to pull the others in and forwards. don't centre on him cause then you'll lose the others, but give him chances to help others shine
So the only issue is that he's broken RED's combat system right? Do you know about hardened enemies? It looks like pretty early on James and friends realized that when you give players the opportunity to start play as a level 11 out of 20 character they are going to take it. So hardened enemies have a more competitive statline (instead of being +8 to +10 in handguns, hardened mooks are up to +12 in Danger Girl Dossier) and get bonuses (grenades, traps, back-up). It's ok but not ideal (see the constant bullet dodge arguments) but it's sure better than waiting for +8 goons to hit a player with +14 evasion.

What kind of exploits is he getting up to?
First od all, I hecking love powergamers, it's a compliment for me as a GM that someone would go to such great lengths to UNDERSTAND the system enough to even begin powergaming.

What I'd do iss that I'd address this in world. They're getting famous because they roll with this invincible person, maybe next time they make a quarrel with a gang, someone recognise him and offer a duel instead of a shootout?
>Certainly you'll live up to your legend, or are you just a sorry cunt? Hulking mass of meat and chrome says as a dozen of low tier gonks circle you.
It's just an example, but what I meant is to give him a opportunity to use his metagame prowess
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Shhh, Becky is sleeping.
>guide to answer doors
ESL bros.....
I've got a few ideas for subtly messing with players as they get famous.
>players well known for martial arts get challenged to a friendly sparring match, not to the death but any injuries will carry on to the next job and especially damaged subdermal armor
>child pickpockets surround the player hoping to pretend to be fans but are trying to fleece them, hoping to just get a single magazine of ammo or grenade to trade for food, best played if directed by someone older
Sure would be nice for the book to suggest anything like this
Explain the situation to him and tell him he either needs to help the other players up their game and get on his combat level or back off and play to the level of the rest of the table before the game falls apart. If he is reasonable he'll do one or the other. If he says that's not his problem you uninvite him and move on.
it's fun to come up with ways to use the silloer bonus content RTal has been giving us

Elflines Online TCG
some gonk tried to smuggle a some top secret data in an Elflines card, only for said card to accidentally find its way into the prize pool at the regional tournament championships. Naturally it's under an unreasonable amount of security
your fixer found out and the best way to get it might just be to win a children's trading card game
Interesting idea. But wouldn't it be more fun to bypass security, steal the card, then escape in a hail of gunfire?
Kill yourself
Read Neuromancer and/or Virtual Light. They do a great job of creating the tone and atmosphere you want to ape for a Cyberpunk session. If in doubt read Listen Up You Primitive Screwheads. I skipped most of it as there's some crappy advice but it has some nuggets as well.
The heart of the dubz... Also I'm rereading the rules and this is why are RED rules so poorly worded? So for my 26 card deck I can have 20 number cards, but I can't have more than 2 of a number card... So basically all Elflines decks are just the same 20 cards (suit 1 and 2) and the only customization are the face cards? Why couldn't they have just said that?
It's an opportunity, not a problem.
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The meta of red is fucking ass
Auto fire has the potential to be one of the strongest skills but the DVs plus dodging combined with its swingy damage makes it too expensive to justify taking it
Shoulder arms are a jack of all trades being able to handle all ranges and the pop up shotgun allows you to have a concealed shotgun
Handguns suck cock unless you can make aimed shots
Melee weapons are okay for the versatility they offer with poisons and throwing ability
Archery is a meme
Heavy weapons are hard to use in campaign because every weapon that has the skill is a weapon you can’t just roll up in
And martial arts wins in both concealed, damage, and versatility
Now if you have techs you can make badass weapons but without one you got to be a rifleman or a martial artist otherwise you’re crippling yourself
How exactly is this a bad thing?
NTA but which part?

How exactly is it a bad thing that autofire is too high risk for too little reward?
How exactly is it a bad thing that handguns are inherently inefficient?
How exactly is it a bad thing that players are disincentivized to pick ranged options other than assault rifle?

I suppose if you think these are good things then these are valid questions to ask, but you'd be a statistical outlier in that regard.
Handgunbros we are just meant to suffer, although the Malorian handgun, magnum opus, and city hunter are pretty nova. We should get a weapon customization DLC because gun autism is fun.

Shoulder arms are superior but if you walk around that well-armed even in NC you'll be stopped by the NCPD. Fuck the faggy book for not giving any direction to ref's for how to handle this, or even ways to disguise and breakdown shoulder arms for covert carry. 200 pages of fanfiction but not a paragraph for running scenarios.

Archery is just unfortunate, it used to have toxin and sleep but now shoulder arms has the nomad pneumatic cannon.

Melee weapons have some fun toys in black chrome like the sword that is lit on fire and the Arasaka sword that basically gets ammunition powers. Maybe customization could help here too (also give an edge over martial arts).

The real shitty part of CPR combat is classifying NPCs as mooks, lieutenants and mini-bosses/bosses so fights are """""fair"""""". Dumbest shit I've ever seen. You either have a lot of retards missing due to sheer skill difference or good fighters getting completely outnumbered by players. At least the good fighters will be able to break arms and make memories but I can't imagine a world where a boss wins 3:1.
Even the “harden” catalog of jackasses is not enough when your crew gets up there in abilities. Our GM doesn’t follow it so sometimes we’ll square up with some of the toughest SOBs 1-1 and have memorable fights and other times fight 7 dudes who are hopelessly outmatched by one 4 armed cyber ninja
Handguns are good against mooks. DV13 at 6 meters also means that you can do gun jousting if you have enough skill to do headshots reliably. And if we mention fun guns, Militech Perseus, rof 2 4d6 gun.
Red's 1v1 fights are really good, especially if the player and npc have close stats and it comes down to cleverness (luck) or environmental awareness. I ran a fight between our doc sawbones and a Triad enforcer (evenly matched kung fu) and it was nerve-wracking. But if the nomad had helped instead of being a baby it would have been not nearly as exciting.

Hardened enemies are decent (especially since DGD gave up and said that hardened mooks should have +12) but like I said they do fall off quickly, especially if players get evasion and range DV's are pointless. Maybe the trick is to have half the crew's size in lieutenants but those lieutenants stick close and gang-up on a lone player the same way the crew would on a lone NPC.

I did forget the Perseus. Handguns are fun for players but due to evasion headshots might as well not be a thing for goons. I try to throw a poor quality shotgun/assault rifle into the mix with mooks. The crew has learned that the 5d6 really hurts.
How easy it is to get into this TT game?

I kinda dig the universe but I don't know where I can find a group or where should I even start.
>how easy
it's easy enough. CPRED manages to be complex without being complicated
>where to start
the rulebook, maybe a how to play video on youtube
that's on you
I'm neither Anon but I could throw 2 cents in. I think the issue is treating all of the guns as if we're on a firing range without appreciating the nuance of each gun.
Pistols are kinda shit but easy to hide/pop-up. Shoulder arms will get you arrested (at least the book alleges but doesn't give any advice how to handle it).
Autofire is dogass and I won't defend the writers. They should have just made it low skill floor and high skill ceiling, maybe keep normal range DV's but you need to beat the DV by +2 to get the next modifier. So you roll 14 (vs the ideal DV13) and hit, but to get x2 you need 16, to get x3 you need 18, etc. You do get a free +1 or +2 (like Dark Heresy autofire) to help you either hit dodgy targets or hit the first multiplier, but after that you're on your own. Also, unless you hit the max multiplier you pull a GI Joe in Vietnam and held the trigger for too long and just shot your entire 30 round mag (an AR-15 shoots 10 rounds per second according to ChatGPT so in 3 seconds that's everything lol). So it's a potential high damage move but unless you're really skilled or a solo you just emptied your magazine and are a sitting duck, and everyone knows it.
Also for handguns there was a recent video where I think the essayist stumbled upon the horrible truth about how to make handguns superior to shoulder arms. https://youtu.be/rEOOFs485jU?si=cyxPR6OS4IKUQCJY I don't have the exact timestamp but I believe it was around the middle where he starts comparing the weight of a handgun vs a rifle and commented that a heavy rifle will tire out the user. If you implemented a rule like 'if you move more than 4m/2squares in a turn, you take -2 on shoulder arms due to handling' it would eviscerate shoulder arms. Handguns would become the weapon of choice for mobile heroes like Tequila Yuen and shoulder arms would become the weapon of stationary chumps defending a zone until the hero kills them, or just for NPCs so skilled the -2 means nothing to them
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Just ran my first game yesterday (2020). It was a lot of fun.
what'd you have your hapless victims (PCs) do?
It was our first session and one player had a family emergency so we did some basic individual roleplay and random encounters to get the noobs (most of the party) accustomed to the system. One player shit-talked some Militech cops for their trigger discipline and had to pass an intimidation check to not die.
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How do you prevent grand theft auto for massive profit?
Could you get a studio apartment and then rent your internal and protected parking spot for the vehicle you probably don't have? Maybe you can get a motorcycle but haul it into your studio at night, and let someone else rent the spot.
I saw a panhandler with an old, weathered shinai strapped to his backpack several weeks ago, wish I took a picture.
Her wrist is on a swivel mount
Ancient secret south african technique.
Does Cyberpunk have a miniature wargame? I see a lot of fancy official minis around but the only miniature game I could find is Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Combat Zone, which, much to my disgust, is using Acrylic Standees.
>Does Cyberpunk have a miniature wargame?
>the only miniature game I could find is Cyberpunk Edgerunners: Combat Zone
Well that's underwhelming but thank you for responding.
No thank you for letting me smash your hopes and dreams. It is what it is. General reminder that Cyberpunk the Cyberpunk is an IP, but cyberpunk the genre is not. If you are just looking for minis you can find them, they just wont be for wargames specifically.
Monster Fight Club's minis are designed for the RPG, but there's no real reason you couldn't sub them into CECZ.
Based and Jamespilled
The higher the tier of the car in question, the more security measures it comes with, i.e: MagnaVolt, aggresive auto-pilot, proximity alarm, trap the bulglars inside the car then call NCPD, list goes on
Be creative, choombata
What obvious gear is CPR missing? I see slings for shoulder arms mentioned a lot. What about a remote camera linked to an agent that an edgerunner could use to watch an area during an infiltration? Not exactly an observation camera but maybe something like a tech-upgraded video recorder to have the direct agent link and adhesive to stick to a wall? What about a metal detector wand to let you actually search for hidden chrome? Or a laptop that's powerful enough to give you a +1 on electronics/security (probably would be 1,000€$).
Lots of basic irl drones
A lot of gun types
Tbh I’m having a hard time remembering because I’ve been leaning on homebrew to fill in the gaps
If you have new homebrew definitely share. Also when th player asked about the remote camera last session I'm starting to think I'll just ask for an Amazon link and charge them whatever is there, but if it's too cheap maybe the camera quality is so bad it gives a -4 penalty. But what do you expect for 50€$?
The acrylic standees is just for the edge runners starter box, the original combat zone has minis for Maelstrom and Tyger claws, there's also a collectors edition of the edgerunners box with minis but the pre order just ended so I don't know how available it'll be. the individual gangs also have normal minis.
The real kicker of red is that if you want something, have a tech make it for you
Slings and holsters are basically a handwave cause it’s not a big deal, but things like mines, gun types and whatever you can think of can be fixed with a tech player or NPC just making it
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Slings are actually mentioned in corebook funny enough
Could it be they made it official by a second twitter post?
>All weapons have slings now
All guns having slings makes sense, but the book makes a big deal about how 'drawing a gun is a free action, but stowing it away is an action unless you drop it!' so free slings making weapon switching easy and risk-free seems strange.
What about magnetic anchor points installed in your body? That way your guns will just stick to you. No slings needed.
I like that. I think that's how the space marines in Deathwatch carried stuff. But do you think that freely changing weapons without penalty or risk should have a price? A pop-up gun let's you change without an action and is concealed and worth 500€$ and 2d6 HL. Since cyberware and external gear tends to be the same value I wouldn't mind if the external version of a pop-up gear is the magnetic vest (just need one), you always grab fallen guns but the problems are that each gun needs some kinda magnet (maybe just 20€$ or 50€$, no attachment slot required) and someone could literally grab a gun off you (if you're aware, you can oppose with brawling if you have a free hand).
When you say a "magnetic vest", do you mean like a subdermal implant or a piece of clothing? I was thinking of circular points on your body, maybe a few on your waistline and some on your back. Having smart clothes is also an option though. Have a magnetic liner inside your jacket that lets you conceal weapons while holding on to them. Weapons too big to fit into the jacket could just be put on the back of the jacket if you're in a hot zone.
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What are some of the tactics you’ve used to survive in games? What’s the strategies that has kept you from falling over the edge?
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Whats up with Arasaka tower having a nuke in their basement if they have an server database where they can go to the NET unchallenged? In case USA wants to steal that and Arasaka wants to pull the uno reverse suicide card?
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Area denial fuck-off button
Imagine my surprise when I saw what Biotechnika packs as their dead-man switch.
>two nukes from militech somehow didnt set off the other nuke in arasaka itself
still impressive.

The Gastrophagne weapon or whatever its spelled? I remember there is a short story adventure about it.
Suppressors (not a fan of the "all weapons are internally suppressed" hand-wave), laser sights, tech goggles (has more option slots than tech glasses but costs even more), machine-pistols (could be a mechanical middle-ground between pistols and sub-guns, though you could probably just re-fluff a Light SMG as a machine-pistol anyway, as if anyone actually uses Light SMGs).
loli fans are pedophiles but rebecca isn't a loli
>rebecca this
>lucy that

Fuck you guys. Dorio's where it's at.
I'd love more weapon upgrades but I don't have the knowledge to do it justice. Would you accept smart glasses for 1000eb that has +1 slot, similar to tech-upgrading the OG smart glasses (and then you could further tech-upgrade the better base version)?
Ok, new prank. Black Lace either tech-upgraded or a brand new one invented to deal 4d6 Humanity Loss. This would almost guarantee a 14 point HL drop (temporary of course) but even the safest player at 4(0) EMP should still drop to under 3. I don't know about other ref's but my players can't stand going below 3 EMP (like they're scared of roleplaying) so a few hornets delivering these should be funny. I wouldn't even improve the DV on the addiction/secondary effect, that would just be a secondary benefit.
I know what kind of girls you like.

I would imagine her chrome included muscle enhancers, subdermal armor, pain inhibitors, and so on. Considering her bulky frame, do you think she belonged to the Animals prior to hooking up with Maine? I hope the mission kit delves more into all their backstories.
I get the feeling the devs don't really like combat and don't playtest it much.

They are also reluctant to add strong items into the game and anal about people not stacking modifiers. I get not wanting to encourage munchkins, but whenever they release a new DLC, I'll look through the gear list and there might be 1 or 2 viable options and everything else is trash.
she cute
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i want big buff chrome babes that aren't disgusting animal trannies
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i like big girls
Ain't nothing wrong with big muscle girls, I just like little chaos gremlins more.
AFAIK, the Animals aren't explicitly trannies so much as roid ragers and muscle chrome junkies. At the very least, Doria's chrome wouldn't be out of place among the Animals. Not that people have to join gangs to enjoy added chrome, by that same reasoning I could say Maine might have had Animal connections. I was merely guessing at her origins.
You and me both. I was rather fond of Eiger from Shadowrun Dragonfall.
you should be reading dorohedoro lol. don't watch, read. it's gratuitous
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i remember reading somewhere that if you lose a limb or body part in an accident and then replace it with cyberware you dont have a chance of going cyberpsycho. is it because psychologically your brain recognizes you are replacing a lost body part, instead of lopping off a perfectly good hand to replace it with chrome?
Status of Becca's hymen?
I don't know about that. As I understand, cyberpsychosis is more about losing your empathy towards people.
>"Why should I care about these meatbags? Don't they understand how much better I am than they are!?"
Add in the regular hyperviolence encountered in Night City and you get that reinforcement of not having empathy. Your mind gets rewired to think
>"I can kill these guys so easily, and my chrome makes it easier, I should add more chrome!"
>"Why don't more people chrome up?"
Combine that with the added effects of your biological changes in terms of natural hormones (or lack thereof ) and how you're able to interact and "feel" the world around you and you gradually lose the connections that make you human.

This is why to balance out the chrome you can do drugs, have sex, and hang out with friends. You do things that stimulate your brain and remind you that you are in fact a human and not some metal monster. Granted, the more chrome you get, the less effective those things become and you have to do more drugs, have more sex, and cram as much fun as you can in your life to keep from losing that last bit of humanity and going nuts. it's a diminishing returns kinda deal.

Unless you lean into the crazy like smasher and enjoy murdering people. That kind of behavior isn't going to make you a lot of friends though.
Original? Lost long ago. With biosculpting and replaceable sex organs, it's not out of the question for a whore to swap out an old used-up vagina for a brand new one like they'd change a battery. Sex workers might even sell their used vaginas on the net to cybersimps. That or maybe after you fuck a girl, she lets you keep her onahole insert as a souvenir.
Long gone.
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How often do you guys use grenades?
They seem pretty cheap for the damage and utility they bring, so I think I'll just have every tougher enemy have some.
I wish non bullet weapons were a bit more developed too. There's so much cool potential for combat other than "I shoot the mans" in a cyberpunk setting
Incendiary grenades saved my character's life after being betrayed by a Fixer, so I think I'm going to keep using them.
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i love eiger too, kept escalating it to her and tried to put her in her place as monica said to do

it's in RED's cyberpsychosis part. Medical grade cyberware simply replaces lost limbs, but you take humanity loss if you go for an actual cyberarm and anything that "improves" yourself.

this is because it really is a mechanic to prevent everyone from becoming full robots first.
Other than what you said I just have my own ideas of what cyberpsychosis can be.
I imagine that getting a cyberarm isn't replacing, but getting something new. Your brain doesnt recognize it as the previous arm but instead learns a new limb. Phantom limb sensations is suppressed by the biochip and/or immunosupressors from anime to a point. General numbness to the world also fits for apathy

Brain is now under constant feedback and information from things it was never meant to handle, creating latent stress that ends up manifesting as the symptons of cyberpsychosis. The more chrome you put on, the worse it gets until you snap.
Add that to the idea of a computer built of several parts from different brands, with conflicting soft/hardware vs a machine that has everything made by one company.
I believe corpos would make their cyberware conflict with other brands on purpose, so you'd get everything from one corpo only.
I also believe that you could optmize it on a person and reduce humanity costs, and that higher grades of ware also cost less humanity

I find it weird how implant software/driver is never mentioned, when it'd be as important as the implant itself. Imagine the dystopia of troubleshooting your liver or having to jailbreak it with open source driver since the company stopped supporting that model
Smoke + flashbang is nuts if your team is skilled and brings low light vision. Any dickhead can put a couple in athletics and get them roughly where you want them
And shuriken grenades are nasty pieces of work
are there aliens in cyberpunk
Yes. Bartmoss met them
what did they say
That's a child you fucking pedophile
Kys all of you
the age of consent in night city is 10
fuicking pedo scum die die die die
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They wouldn’t talk to him apparently. The official pondsmith stance is
“Maybe he’s schizo, maybe they’re real
Don’t make me post the 2020 screenshot about single digit age child prostitutes
next he's going to admit heaven and hell is actually real and the hacks named after demons and shit is because demons are real and are only perceivable on the net
>two nukes from militech somehow didnt set off the other nuke in arasaka itself
I mean, nukes are delicate. They can break if you look at them funny.
Tell me more
Every session if I have it my way. Sling I made for them is great as well (double the range, treat throws as EQ)
Boomerangs are fun when it comes to nonbullets.
You're 100% correct, these dummies thought they could solve cyberpunk with hugs and kisses. They also thought Haitian refugees would bring community stability and look at Haiti right now. At this point I'm starting to think the only way we will ever see Maximum Metal is if it comes with a Warthunder sponsorship to line R.Tal's pockets and it's expressed to be a braindance without any chance of being "real".

I was thinking of gear, but pretty much any gear can be made cyberware and vice versa. I dig it, if it's cyberware it can probably have some kind of mental control that would make it superior to just a vest. Maybe it's theft-proof!
zoomer vash makes me wanna bend him over and stampede his ass with my cock
they also don't explode in nuke way easily, they're not like tnt bundles or red barrels
The what?
Shoot at them with a big gun a lot.
Have the car get into an accident that sends 2d6 players to the ICU for 3d6 months
Out of gas
Bald tires
Anything but just let your players make a couple of checks for that stuff beforehand. maybe in an earlier theft or job you can have some catch where they need to get chooh2 beforehand, as the owner is paranoid and drains the tank and removes the sparkplug while parking it in a garage. Maybe make a good use of the tech attribute. I don't remember if there's a mechanics skill either.
Just throw enough wrenches in a few jobs so that maybe they consider a new line of work, or better yet even, offer some new opportunities while doing the car theft job. Maybe they steal from a guy who catches them, who then says they like their balls but will need to have a couple of trial runs before making some big bucks, have them do some comped work expecting a big payoff and then wham, just kill them and toss them in dumpsters.
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MaxTac trying to stay sane while chroming up enough to take on Cyberpsychos
Bruh, MaxTac recruits cyberpsychos.
Nothing a mined neural link can't solve
Sir, this is a Buck-A-Slice.
>They also thought Haitian refugees would bring community stability and look at Haiti right now.

What? The only Haitians in Cyberpunk are the Voodoo boys in 2077 and they're portrayed as xenophobic assholes ruling over a lawless slum. They're a group with practically no redeeming factors unlike some of the other gangs.

Also Haiti IRL is pretty good inspiration for Cyberpunk.
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Problem is grenades hate me as much as I love them.
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I’ve been scheming on the ultimate death warrior for my solo, here’s the chrome I’m plotting to put me down to 16humanity maximum
- NO HL Cyberware
Cyberarm x2 (8 slots each)
Cyberaudiosuite (6 slots)
Cyberlegx2 (6 slots each)
Kiroshi mono vision (6 slots)
Linear frame sigma (Body 12)
Neural link (10 slots)
Internal and external slots 14 each
- HL Cyberware
Bio system
Audio recorder
Heavy subdermal plating
Hidden holster
Low light vision
Pop Up grenade launcher (upgrade to excellent quality sometime)
Pop up melee weapon
Radio Comunicator
Subdermal grip
Targeting scope
Voice stress analyzer
- cyberware to Transfer/Install overtime
Hidden Cyberdeck
Chip ware sockets x2 (Upgrade for double sockets)
Interface Plugs
Judo Chip (upgrade)
Tactile Boost
Sandevistan Speedware
Gemini Sculpt (no HL)
Grapple arm
Omega Frame
Heavy weapons chip (Upgrade)
Auto fire chip (upgrade)
Pop-up shield
Level Dampeners
FBC emp shielding
Anything I should add or swap?
why the hell do you need a cyberdeck? you don't have internal virtuality either, or chyron for that matter
internal agent is also under rated, there's a fair few things you can link to an agent
and you're not taking advantage of your legs at all
I’m a net runner on the side, and have a decent deck that, while slow, ensure I can brake through the toughtes nets
As for the internal agent you have a point, but apparently the 77 mission kit has a neural link agent combo already, so I might wait to just swap mine for that
Leg cyberware always felt underwhelming, and I could never find a use for it in our games to justify taking it
the 2077 neuralport definitely has a ton of benefits but it also let's people hack you. if you're going runner anyway you'll get use out of the quickhacks if nothing else but you might invest in self ice
If having any neural implant made you susceptible to quickhax, would you still take it for smartlink?
I already told you musky, no. stop calling me
I wish I could find games for Cyberpunk, nobody on roll20 wants to play this
I'd play, anon
I thought Roll 20 was only for D&D. I didn't think about it for Cyberpunk. I'll have to keep that in mind for the future.
You can play any game on it There's LFG sections for most games.
To be clear this isn't saying I want to GM, it's more like I'd like it if there were games I could join to play and understand the game better
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Pie in the sky for me right now anyway. I haven't even finished reading the 2020 book. After I make it through that I'll see if I can get through red. If I get through the red sourcebook, I'll see about skimming some of the DLC books. THEN maybe I can find a game before WW3 starts or some similar calamity.
Honestly I'm not even sure. All of the original cyberpunk 2020 sourcebooks have countless typos that I would like to think that they would eventually correct in a new version considering they gave the game out to like a million and a half people alongside cp77.
Not a big deal but it just triggers my autism to read "becuase" mid sentence in a published book.
>IMP did Sandyhook
Alex jones was right all along.
another quarter for the jar.
this is so incredibly infuriating
they had the chance to make this an all you need bundle and to fix the god awful layout of the RED core book and chose instead to make it worse
RTal does not do revised editions, AMATEURS do revised editions. Print it. I'll be in my trailer playing roller derby.
>RTal does not do revised editions,
>he doesn't know about Cyberpunk 2020 first edition
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>Companies buy commercials displayed as QR codes on the sky
If we must live in a horrible dystopia then this is preferable to actual ads in the sky. Culture shock the day I went to an ATM in Poland and there was an ad for Żabka baked into the UI. I don't want a giant double hot dog deal in the sky, at least the QR code kinda looks like abstract art.
The loud video commercials when I'm pumping gas still pisses me off.
Australian ads are kind of dystopian in that 80% of them are for gambling in some fashion. The rest are for lamb
>there are anons ITT who are so afraid to GM or even play
I went through RED's lore/history once and then converted my DnD group to Cyberpunk. I printed out combat cheat sheets for everyone because neither me nor my players will remember shit like a range table. I ran a game highly localized to like 3 blocks in NC so I wouldn't have to use Night City lore and just inserted backstory of the two players who made them, 2 of my fetishes, started them in medias res of a scene I saw in an action movie recently and gave them one significant choice to make during the game other than who to kill how. Had like 2 NPCs other than combat mooks.

One of my players liked it enough that he read throught the entire book, all the dlc, interfaces and even sent me homebrew pdfs to ask me wether he can use them. After that one session.

Fun is contagious, just do what amuses you and the rest will follow.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a passable GM.I just wanna play the game a little before I ever GM
what movie
>subpar video game based on relatively unknown tabletop game gets propped up by misery porn anime
>search results for an entire genre are ruined forever or until someone who actually gives a shit makes a search engine that accounts for popularity and can wholly discount it in favor of more balanced results
What a beautiful mess.
Watch a couple sessions on YT or Twitch.
I never really noticed before, but David really is a shortarse isn't he?
>Bruh, MaxTac recruits cyberpsychos.
I believe that ham, bombast, and mirth in the face of dystopia are necessary to prevent shit from getting needlessly edgy and depressing. It would end up as a game of comedic violence where I keep pieces in play, leveraging away death in favor of having to deal with consequences.
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I have never been a Cyberpunk player, and likely will never be one. It's too niche to just talk someone into or stumble upon.
Same for VtM.
Pic rel. CageKino #365
>"You ever see Blade Runner? Imagine if Blade Runner was a Die Hard movie."

Impossible challenge: Explain Cyberpunk without boomer references
Modern pop culture waddles around with a plunger shoved up its ass, quacking like a retarded duck.
wasnt he still 16 before the timeskip, lucy was like 5 years older than him
I definitely wouldn’t call it subpar
Sure it had an awful start and took it’s lumps rightfully for it, but since phantom liberty and 2.0 it’s been a good game
Red is #3 in the us and #2 in the UK as the TTRPG charts go. While the problems with red are numerous the constant additional content is a good sign of a company and community activity engaged in making the game better
>I have never been a Cyberpunk player, and likely will never be one. It's too niche to just talk someone into or stumble upon.
Defeatist attitude.
TFW 4chan did FBCs, ACPAs, Blackhands conversion even before black chrome.
And let's not forget the greatest of them all
[Spoiler] cybersex [/spoiler]
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>Nobody GMs Cyberpunk
>want to have a Cyberpunk game
>run my own
>now have exactly the Cyberpunk game I want
How the fuck is that defeatist?
>Impossible challenge: Explain Cyberpunk without boomer references
Elon Musky If he evil and controlled America. Also there's 40 different flavours of him.
I think boomers don't realize Neuralink is not a ficticious Cyberpunk piece of gear anymore. Its an actual product being marketed today. You don't need to use fiction to explain cyberpunk anymore.
could you technically not have an ai gm a game for you, we're at that point where its possible
A very boring one sure. If you establish hard limits of what you can do, try and experience you can have an AI GM a game, but at that point it would be more fun to play a videogame with friends
>I definitely wouldn’t call it subpar
Being released totally broken was the best thing that could have happened to that game.
All they had to do was fix a few bugs that no competent developer would ever allow and you have people acting like "it's better now" is a ringing endorsement.
It's always a going to be a shallow looter shooter in a largely empty open world full of stock characters and a lousy story.
And it's STILL buggy.
>"ADS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this neighborhood before. There could be ADS anywhere."
I was more put off but the lack of verticality. You can jump on tall buildings and all that but I was hoping there would be more mega buildings you could explore or skyscrapers that you could raid. There are some set pieces sprinkled here and there but generally speaking most of the game takes place on "ground level".

Also the Ncart feels kind of stiff since you're locked in a seat while it's moving. It also feels somewhat bodgered in since it's not really utilized in the main game. Supposedly there's some ncart only content that you can encounter while riding the thing but that requires you to sit down and wait for events to happen.

The combat zone kind of offers up some repeatable "dungeons" but I would have much preferred an actual night city building you could raid. As big as they are you could argue for randomization for level interiors and hand wave the raids away is gigs you do.
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Raiding a mega building like judge dredd sounds cool but the system doesn’t facilitate it at all. Either you have the party fight mooks in which case it gets really boring having them dunk on people who don’t stand a chance or you make balanced or even challenging fights in which case you have maybe 2 fights, maybe 3 with a medtech before they have to rest and recover
It doesn’t help either if they have trauma team and suddenly it’s a brawl with gangers.
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people really underestimate how strange nukes are powerwise. theyre not this powerful world-ending thing. theyre simply a localized weapon of mass destruction. japan got nuked twice and survived that.
and 'clean' nukes do exist too, which is what is used on arasaka and why most of the damage is happened there instead of the whole city
i would say most of the damage from a nuke is the fallout that happens after, which is ignored by a lot of people
Well, the red was nukes+the internet exploded+ shipping lanes had mines
There was a lot of fuckery going on
I was referring more to the video game. When it comes to table top, that's a whole other world. If we're doing table top stuff, I'm more interested in cooperative storytelling anyway. Not that I dislike combat, but considering l99% of the action is theater of the mind there's only so much excitement I can derive from "You splattered his brain and sent fragments of bone and sinew into the eyes of the mook behind him".

I'm more interested in a good story and watching PCs bounce their lore/personality off each other.
Also space nigas throwing space rocks at everyone until they are left alone. And yet another round of bioplagues.
Finally pirated Adobe Illustrator and currently redoing the document without the program making me want to kms myself.

Redid and rewrote the mechanics, currently missing the cyberware list that i'll add again later.
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> savings after failing death save
Goshdarn it's 2020 all over again
I fucking love wide hipped women so I give this a 9/10 with the one point removed for playing RED instead of 2020
>And yes, that means what happens before. You’ll get yourself a brief rundown of everything that has happened up to the point of where you are in the setting thanks to the lore within, which does contain a brief timeline covering history from 1990 all the way up to 2076. Yes, you’ll get your timeline for all the goodies in between then and now.

>You’ll also get a very solid rundown of tech, including the step that took the chrome of the Time of the Red over to what it is now in the 2070s era. If it needs to be filled in, it is, in the Mission Kit. This includes Night City and its districts from Northside to Dogtown and anyone living within that you may need to know a little bit about. And yes, this is where you’ll be able to read the official backgrounds of the Edgerunners Crew from David Martinez to Dorio Gunnarsdóttir from Writer Bartosz Sztybor!

I'm very curious about that timeline lol. Red to 2077 feels quite disjointed atm
So are CDPR writing the lore for this new book? Are they gonna retcon any of Red's additions?
>Are they gonna retcon any of Red's additions?
Why would they? The whole point of the expanded timeline is to join the two together cleanly.
mike, a CDPR guy and someone from trigger all contributed at various points
Thick thighs save lives anon! Thanks for the score, sorry about being RED.

Nuh uh
>a brief timeline covering history from 1990 all the way up to 2076.
I wonder if they'll copy paste grammar errors from previous editions like they did for RED
Because RED is the boiled chicken and steamed veggies of Cyberpunk settings. It's Johnny Silverhand telling you "wake the fuck up Samurai, we've got Urban Gardening and Therapy".

The entire setting is better off in CDPRs hands really.
I really do not understand the hate for Red's setting.
It's a fun economic shithole setting dominated by urban violence and networks of organized crime being the only way normal people are able to get anything.
Basically everything in the hands of non-corpos was either stolen or built in a cave with a box of scraps and you gotta rely on your friendly local mafia don to set up the monthly black market sale for you to have a chance of getting your hands on anything besides the Dollar General products your corporate overlords are nice enough to sell you.

As a GM I greatly prefer running games in the 2040s because it's just so much easier to write "everyday" kind of adventures, where X group wants Y thing and they need to hire some idiots to go do petty crime for them.
reds setting as described in the core book is not reds setting in literally every adventure and DLC published

theoretically I like the vibe of Red but good god is everything soft and feel good
I have a long drive ahead of me, where can I get the Primitive Screwheads audiobook (for free plz).

I think the problem with RED's setting is that it's written by the perspective of someone in Night City's Heywood neighborhood. For fuck's sake the cover art (and the full art on the inside) shows a street jam packed with cars and even a dozen AV's. But we're told that cars are rare. Where? And then you have adventures like the Diablo braindance guy has his certified rape van and two gay netrunners can afford a whole ass submarine.
I think you're misremembering the submarine adventure a bit, but the seal person was probably the best thing from tales. probably the only part that made me sit up and reread
Base RED rules are better and simpler.
Why would you even post something like that?
Bait supreme
This goes for all TG homebrew not just this deviant. You fuckers don't play the game, can't comprehend rudimentary rules and just meet and greet here to yell at clouds.
Best thing is y'all pose that muh 2020 was better durr but I bet my black son you haven't played it either.
And this fucking pole spamming useless and unbalanced shit, nobody wants your useless mecha anime conversion, exosuits doesn't fit the genre and that's why both the Show and The Game don't use these.
I am in server with Groove. He plays the game, as a medtech even.
And Linear frames, exosuits, and ACPA were there in 2020, will be there in RED in future.
You sound like no game desu.
Well did you or anyone in said server actually play by these rules?
True. But consider this, everything is made up of the points don't matter. There's nothing stopping the ref from having a Kaiju attack Night City, introducing CHUDs that the crew has to go into the sewers to fight, or running a completely non-combat corpo game where everyone rides the Ncart to work every session and the game revolves around corporate espionage and trying not to get fired.

The source books establish the world and its rules but it's ultimately the players who decide what to do in that world. It's up to them to flush out the world beyond the confines of the source books. If someone publishes a DLC you don't like just ignore it. It's really that shrimple.
The pole makes good homebrew, cope.
anon is gay and hates wide hipper women, that's why he's hating on the homebrew and posting low quality bait
nta but im not gay and i love wide hipped women thats why i love the homebrew and dont post low quality bait
Goos for you, typing in discord doesn’t count, play by post fags are the ones making homebrew no hope.
>Primitive Screwheads
there's a audibook piracy site. search for mike pondsmith on there
Leave the cannabilstic hebrew underground dwellers out of this. Based Mike Pondsmith still hasn't undone Israel being wiped off the map. They have nowhere to go!
people wouldn't use homebrew if the core book wasn't such a disaster, James.

I don't think I'd run either homebrew, but c'mon what's the homebrew other than adding busted shit?
How you gonna talk all this shit and then prove without a shadow of doubt you didn't play the videogame or watch the show?

Sit the fuck down.
>4chin C says there are comments to my post
>I click the tab
>nobody replied to me
I'm so fucking tired
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I'll reply to you choom. What point did you try to make? (If it's a dumb one, I'm going to call you a gonkbrain)
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So at this point we know that forlon dope will PROBABLY have a sport mission, a chase and now what, a boardgame?
What do we need for full bingo?
Elflines mission?
I know that drawing of Mike is supposed to be a Matrix reference but I immediately thought of that PilotRedSun Grinch video.
>So, what's it gonna be, choom? Are you gonna be a Cyberpunk (PONKE) or a Corpo (KURPOH)?
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This thread is about done, can we talk about Bozos in the next thread? I was trying to pump out some Bozos with AI but if anyone has some good Bozo artwork I wouldn't be against that.

There's just something about cybernetically enhanced practical jokers that go around fucking with people that really tickles my imagination. A pity they're pretty much gone in the 2070's
20th century writings led me to believe that killer clowns would be a lot bigger feature of 21st century life than they actually are.
As I understand they weren't explicitly murderous (at least at first). Sometimes they'd just fuck with you and play practical jokes. Other times they might hide an explosive in a pie they're throwing, gangstalk you, or kill you for fun.

I find it surprising they lasted all the way to the 2040's with that kind of behavior. How were they not hunted down and exterminated sooner by MaxTac or solos looking to cash in on bounties? Where were these clowns coming from? Very mysterious.
I have idea on how to rework autofire.
Basically slap -8 to hit (same as for headshot) and roll damage as if single shot but multiply by 2 before armour.

So now you've got two ways to make trick shots:
Headshot which has Deadlier crit effects and burst/autofire which has more damage flat.


I'll post it twice when the thread gets ressurected tomorrow, so it won't get lost.
I have a ton of bozo artwork from October 2023 Bing AI before it got nerfed. My weekend plans are fucked but I'll try to share them for you soon. Fun stuff like the monorail bozo fight in Morro Rock spaceport, the bozo hijacked space shuttle to be launched at the Night City City Hall, bozo's vs NCPD, terrifying sewer bozo's...
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If AI-generated thread images are fair play, I can probably come up with something better-looking with enough time. In an alternate timeline, Rebecca was a bozo. Since she was in the OP here, if I make the next thread I'll have to find other characters.
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>Need bozo 'becca.
I like a lot of the color schemes A1111 is coming up with for the Rebecca jester blend. Apart from a few details, they're not bad compositions overall.
>If AI-generated thread images are fair play
AI generated images go in the AI generated images general.
these are all garbage
Holy oooooh tummy based. My only issue with AI is people who upload every generation. Make a thousand and only post the cream of the crop, ya know?
In their current form they're not great but a few of them would make a decent base. Those were straight from the image generator so it's pure random. I could touch them up with inpaint and assorted HD fixes and they'd look a little nicer.
>Clown Rebecca
So, this is how I develop a clown girl fetish...
Hey look ma, I'm going to the archive!
Late reply, but thanks anons. Guess I'm finally getting around to dusting off the GitS boxset that I bought way back when.
>cyberpunk dystopia is cool!
>noooo not like this!
i was going to call you a retard but then i noticed the ai straight up cannot handle beccas eyes
duality of /cpg/

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