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How do you like your werewolves /tg/?
any one you like, bud, what's your favorite take on werewolves in any system?
Working themselves to death in a silver mine.
In a group of 14.
old wod with human sex/breeding slaves
Balls deep inside a vampire twink.

Also acceptable.
Reproducing by ravishment fantasy.
I don't.
Scary, gross and fucked up.
If they just look like furries that shit is boring and uninteresting. Werewolves should be mangy monsters, with fucked up proportions that are not quite man not quite wolf. They should constantly drool like rabid dogs, they should walk in a posture that looks painful, they should have a long, painful transformation process, they should be murderous machines, completely overtaken by primal instinct and they should not remember anything by daylight.
Basically, make them monsters. Make them the absolute most savage reflection of mankind's inner animal, and the ugliness that means.
DO NOT make them WoD woofs, those are the gayest thing ever made.
I like them as wizards who sold their soul for the power to shapeshift, and correspondingly went utterly mad. Their bodies are made of an oozing, tar-like substance, which can harden or liquefy as needed for killing or movement, though it always retains a vaguely lupine shape. Their eyes are white and bulging, with six concentric black rings expanding from the pupil. Even when they assume a human form (which is difficult, as their insanity makes it very difficult to maintain a solid shape for long stretches), one can detect faint traces of these rings in their eyes if examined closely.
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>Within Roman Catholicism specifically, the iconography of Saint Dominic includes a dog, after the saint's mother dreamt of a dog springing from her womb and became pregnant shortly after that.[10] As such, the Dominican Order (Ecclesiastical Latin: Dominicanus) sounds close to "dog of the Lord" or "hound of the Lord" (Ecclesiastical Latin: Domini canis).[10]
Religious werewolves could work if you take this literally
Low quality posts are against the rules.
Deceased but with a delayed transformation reversal that lasts long enough to cart the corpses back and cash in the werewolf bounties before getting away from that city in case their friends and family start screeching about revenge.
Heavens, yes!
This. Also, their human host should be innocent and mostly unaware of what they are. Part of the tragedy of a werewolf is that they’re a fundamentally innocent person who did nothing wrong, and killing them should be a major moral quandary. They’re not a vampire where they know what they’re doing.
I like them forever either forever turned into werewolves by curses beyond their powers or magicians capable of turning at will
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Warhammer having them literally destroy the hosts skin was pretty metal.
Isn't there at least one Christian saint depicted as a cynocephaly?
I don't.
you tell me first, white girl.
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unapologetically evil. The person transforming is as much a victim as the people they kill.
Hulking biological warmachines that are near indestructable but hampered by an inability to enact meaningful change to the ecosystem they want to protect.
Monsters either evil or victims fighting against their primal nature trying to get them to give in while on the run from understandable werewolf hunters.

Also there was a vampire thread too. Is there a vampire and werewolf nostalgia happening right now in popular culture? Remember that craze because of twilight?
Proportions affected such that they can charge on all fours and transition to two legs so they can rip and tear
There's too much shit where Werewolves just turn into big dogs or hairy homeless guys
I generally like at-will transformation with the caveat that Full Moon still forces it and is much harder/impossible to control
Creepy, like the transformation is forced and they look like a human being stretched and pulled into a wolf-ish form in agonizing fashion and grotesquely disproportioned. Also huge and feral.
I like the Old World of Darkness version. The Children of Gaia are funny and you can guilt free shoot them with silver bullets.
Cursed abominations
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I personally despise the mythological and suppositious lore behind werewolves, especially the human transformation bit.
There's tons of different beings that humans would call a werewolf. Supernatural only because the advancement of human knowledge and understanding has been constantly sabotaged and stolen away by traitorous human scum over the millennia, especially during these last few centuries.
Very little reference at all to the wolf animal. Somebody who is given chances to forgive or let go of their anger just keeps diving into a wrathful existence and they are dehumanized into vaguely a wolf beast. It also works with ogres - a war criminal for instance becoming strong fat and disgusting - indulgent failure of a human being but very dangerous.
Fucking vampire bussy.
>There's too much shit where Werewolves just turn into big dogs or hairy homeless guys
There's also the consistent problem of "hybrid form" and "wolf form" where the wolf form is just a normal wolf but bigger.
Say what you will about the series but this transformation is still great, feels painful and horrid.
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>There's too much shit where Werewolves just turn into big dogs
>the infamous weredog, a man cursed to turn into a giant labrador retriever every full moon
>he raids pantries and licks innocent villagers awake every night
>the town watch tried to take him down multiple times, but he just retrieves their crossbow bolts and asks for more
>parents are upset now that "don't stay out too late or the weredog will get you" stopped being a threat and started being an invitation to a good time
>the locals learn to dread full moons as moonlit nights are filled with the sound of the weredog barking at fucking nothing
I don't have a transformation fetish, and I don't see why anybody would like them without one.
Werewolves can't even be fixed into being cool like vampires can (although it takes some effort to fix them).
Tragic beasts and cannibals cursed by sorcerers.
Cursed nobles who must spend nine years as wolf - and then are killed in last week by their relatives in wolf hunt.
Berserkers, who get more testy as night darkens.
Genetically altered beasts for supersoldiers who rebel against their creators.
Villagers living in paranoid state as there are fewer of them each night; false accusations; witch-hunters whose priorities are to kill women and get rich; cowarldy priests who suggest sacrafices to the beast; local witch who seems to know something; gypsy caravan camped on the fields just before the beast appeared...

Yes, totally just a transformation fetish.
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The Codex Alera book series has pretty much defined what I'd consider peak werewolf.
>Bestial forms
>Very alien wolf customs
>Brutally savage, deceptively clever, and nobly honest
I wish they showed up earlier, but every time I think back on it I can't deny that they got enough of the spotlight in the last half to satisfy my appreciation for how they were written.
They're just so fucking cool.
Armed with giant fucking rocket launchers and mini guns.

There is. Werewolves where also considered holy spirits at one point.
As an analogy of otherwise good or civilized men cursed into reverting back to their primal murderous instincts. Unknowingly at first, but as time goes on the truth of what they are becomes undeniable and they're faced with either redemption through death or embracing evil by continuing to live. Basically a supernatural analogy of how a simp or chud or genuinely nice guy or some other loser shunned by society for playing by society's rules becomes something to be feared if he drops the mask and lets the lizard part of the brain start doing the thinking. Zyzz is a great example of werewolf iconography, a scrawny sexless nobody that didn't get any attention until he shortened his life by taking roids and becoming a sick cunt that became super confident and got his dick sucked 5 times a week in between shitting on roasties and dying soon thereafter of a heart attack.

Muh pack or voluntary transformation is furfag shit by low test DYEL otherkin weirdos who don't understand what the analogy or symbolism of the werewolf was meant to be, and need to fuck off back to their diaper wearing furry safespaces.
>cooler than werewolves
Are you fucking retarded? Wolves are bipedaol wolf monsters with snarling jaws, bestial gaze, and razor sharp claws while vampires are prissy pale aristocrats. Why would ANYONE want prefer vampires unless they're gay/a woman?
Wolf-beastmen whose wolf portions are suppressed, and only released after a certain period of time or with a certain trigger, e.g. the full moon.
The supressed animal is terminally feral with no exceptions, and reverting back to a normal beastman does not return the twisted beast to what it would’ve been.
Also also, remember that in baltic countries werewolves were sorcerers who went to the underworld / hell to get back the growth of grain and milk of cattle that witches had stolen and hidden there.
So good guys too, but definetly non-christian.
The British Isles also have a lot of myths about werewolfs and other wolfmen were they are depicted as charitable and heroic.
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I like them to be terrifying, vicious, predatory, and supernatural. Dealing with a single werewolf to be nightmare for the npcs, and i like playing a werewolf hunt like a boss battle. Being inflicted with lycanthropy is to be a painful and an undeniable curse. There may be a very few that embrace their nature and after decades can direct their instincts while transformed, but for most there is the body-horror of becoming something inhuman and the temporary complete loss of self control. Some are so consumed by their affliction and insanity that they become rabid and cannot revert back to a human form. A small few are cursed with it due to working with foul magics and treat it as a gift to continue their evil deeds; these ones are more discerning and much more dangerous.
I despise the "nobel werewolf" idea were it renders a character as a shape-shifting furry. They should be legitimate monsters. They should be scary. Being inflicted or being around the inflicted should be something that the players should fear. The paranoia of being stalked, chased, mauled, and eaten alive by a monster that was pretending to be human hours before should be weighty.
Increased lifespan, regeneration that is only stunted by silver or starvation, keen senses, transformations forced by the full moon, and maybe a few unnatural or unique quirks sprinkled in to boot.
As for appearance I enjoy both the human hybrid and the demonic almost-a-wolf forms. Don't care for bald and scraggly look, or the diet furry look. Seeing other colorations than the typical dark brown/blackish is refreshing.
These pretty much.
I always liked the idea of how painful the transformation is, feeling each bone in your body contort and shift, the pure agony making it harder and harder to suppress the beast taking over. I think it's a big thing when trying to make a PC who is a werewolf, because it should not be a useful thing, it's not a boon, it's a legit issue you need to be aware of and plan ahead of time lest you get killed by your party or you kill them. In general I think it's a bigger issue in general with these monster curses, vamparism gets it too when even a key point of VtM is that at the end of the day you are a blood sucking parasite who's forever chained by that one compulsion that is one poor day of planning away from becoming a pile of ash on the ground.
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I think you can play into a few other things by making them easy to manipulate or influence by other malevolent beings that are more aware. Witches for example, covens could strategically plan things out around full moons to take advantage of werewolves they know or they themselves infected. They are dangerous monsters but they themselves are relatively mindless or at least not forward thinking. So where one finds a werewolf who's a consistent issue one must wonder who is pulling the strings.
I like my werewolves as cyborg killing machines that have mental battles between the mind of the host organism and the AI controlling the cybernetics. I don't mention this anywhere I'm not anonymous, though, since I'm aware of how abnormal that kind of werewolf is.
Bloodthirsty cannibal curse, lose control. You can constantly make willpower rolls of some kind to try not to do something you regret. Like the Werewolves in Buffy.
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Yeah, if my players are thinking of intentionally contracting lycanthropy because they think it will be useful or cool then I know I am not playing werewolves right. They should be scared of the werewolf; who is either a evil/demon-worshiping psychopath that has traded in his humanity for power and the active desire to inflict pain, or the victim of such that is now an inconsolable mess from realizing the disassociated state he was in was not a dream and he really did spend the post-tranformation exhaustion nap digesting the flesh and blood of his "fellow men" which is still in his bowels (and the horror of knowing that regardless of what they think or do this is their existence from now). I don't want to go too edgy, but the entire concept should inspire multiple levels of horror from primal predation, to body horror, to some fear of the unknown things out there. That's if they can ID it, too. Players will have the general meta knowledge of what a werewolf is and how it works, but that doesn't mean the average npc does and that there aren't other creatures out there that initially fit the bill.
Once they ID it, I let them know that if they contract it that they have the option to turn in their character for a new one as it's now an Npc/enemy or if their character was already of evil alignment to roll before transformations and before each action to keep control (with each the failure resulting in a move to attack the the closest character to them). It really sets the tone when we are running a horror-mystery monster hunting campaign.
>I let them know that if they contract it that they have the option to turn in their character for a new one as it's now an Npc/enemy or if their character was already of evil alignment to roll before transformations and before each action to keep control
I don't know I think a strong enough roleplayer could pull off being a non-evil PC who has the affliction but mostly if the campaign is open enough that them finding a way to fix it is ok to take up a lot of time. Would probably only really work for small parties.

You mean wifewolves?
A painful, infectious curse that is much mental as it is physical. If I'm putting it in a campaign, I want it to be an opportunity for the players to do something with it if they get infected. I like the idea of the transformation being less a change into an inhuman monster so much as a manifestation of their darkest, most twisted feelings, and that most cures tend to have a mental component to it. Prefer weird wolves versus the elongated wolfman look, feels more like a monster that way.

I also like them in science fantasy, but there things get weird because obviously bursting your vacsuit and being unable to use tools can be rough. I tend to run with one of two ideas for those: modern werewolves are actually the 'domestic' werewolf, which is basically the only true were to survive to the modern era after the feral ones were hunted to extinction during the medieval eras. There are also probably a few more 'urban' weres left that turn into other harmless things; The second is just werewolves as biomechanical armor generating vacproof armor out of their fur. Close to a supersolider than a werewolf, but everyone in my group kind of figures...
with firearms
Get that mangy cur out of here, anon!
This is a barawolf thread!
Wicked people, witches who've made a deal with the Devil for the power to turn into a wolf to indulge their worst impulses. I like the actual werewolf to be able to be mistaken for an exceptionally large wolf at first glance, until you notice odd details. A missing tail, forepaws suggestive of hands, etc.
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I like them walking on two legs, angry, hungry and hunting. Also kicking those pesky potion-stealing gnomes
I think "How do you like your [string] /tg/" should be one of the autoban wordfilters.
patrician's opinion
Big giant female savaging a small human male soldier
How long? For me 40 to 90 seconds of excruciating pain is the sweet spot
multi-breast and spade are mandatory
>im not gay or a woman
>that’s why I prefer the muscular anthropomorphs covered in hair over the group associated with busty seductive noblewomen, because of how straight I am
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>t. slave faggot #7943741
I like werewolves to be rare and without movie weaknesses.
Also that the way someone becomes a werewolf is through a combination of extortionary events that were intentional on someone's part. I have never been a fan of it being spread simply by bite or scratch.

It should be like the old legends. From the curse (or blessing) of gods/goddesses. From magical pacts. From powerful enchanted items. From going through obscure rituals. From the spell of a powerful supernatural being. From union with totemic family spirits taken to the next level.
Stuff like that.
A fellow powerwolf fan I see.
Vampires and werewolves are somewhat within pop culture and reasonably popular.

They don't go totally out of fashion.
>There's too much shit where Werewolves just turn into big dogs
That might be because for thousands of years the vast majority of werewolf legends and myths involved people turning into wolves, with hybrid forms being exceptionally rare until much later.
Like it wasn't a man wolf hybrid. It was just a full on transformation into a wolf.
So anyone going by those historical sources would likely also have there's "just turn into big dogs".
> or hairy homeless guys
The man-wolf versions are also found in history/myth but less common. They usually read like stories of men with serious mental illness who went feral instead of mythical beast. So in a way more believable if certain supernatural aspects of werewolves are harder to accept I guess. Or just a matter of the practical effects of a man-wolf being more reasonable to construct especially when dealing with limited budgets.
Werewolf the Apocalypse lives rent free in my head. That said, I love 1st, 2nd and Revised editions - W20 and W5 were just a bunch of noise and a waste of good paper and ink.
So, boring and generic. Got it.
>Werewolves should be mangy monsters, with fucked up proportions that are not quite man not quite wolf. They should constantly drool like rabid dogs, they should walk in a posture that looks painful
>they should have a long, painful transformation process, they should be murderous machines, completely overtaken by primal instinct and they should not remember anything by daylight.
aaaand dropped
Patrician taste
You really didn't like W20? I agree completely that W5 was disappointing and added very few good things for the amount it ruined but I felt that W20 did a lot of good things. It consolidated the game line down impressively. Especially for newcomers. What did you feel was wrong with it?
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Hard to suspect as humans,
Bestial and genuinely scary as wolves.
Being a werewolf, like being a vampire, is a kind of superpower. It might be hard to access for some reason, like high lethality rates or specific requirements or compatibility issues, if it needs to not be a solution for every character but once you're actually in there then it's all gravy.
Medium rare with a side of roasted potatoes
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>How do you like your werewolves /tg/?
I like pic related
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The options are from this CYOA

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