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player wanted to try a hand in DMing gurps said his setting was really inspired by Final Fantasy 14. I usually don't play that shit because it always ends up being childish but I did some research.

>Setting is suppose to be medevil fantasy but aside from the bad empire most run a fairly modern democratic system
>Shit like carnivals and middle class activities exist even though historically most people should be too poor to ever afford going to a carnival and play games let alone have an entire casino built for it
>Robots and magitech against swords and shields
>magic cellphones
>Guns that's shoot lasers
>Modern Amenities like showers and baths
>Adventurers Guilds

what the fuck is this shit. The best games are always ones that follow historical accuracy the beat. When you start doing shit like robots you're better off doing star wars or some other dumbshit. I'm not letting my player run this I'm vetoing thus unless he does something better. Is this really what modern fantasy has become?
At that point, you might as well drop the medieval pretense and go full-on modern magic with it, like Shadowrun without the needless explanation of orcs and elves as genetic aberrations.
>historically most people should be too poor to ever afford going to a carnival and play games
okay ill play, where did you get that impression?
tell me did theme parks exist in the middle ages? you fucking retard let me guess next your going to tell me Yusuke was a real samurai
>let me guess next your going to tell me Yusuke was a real samurai

Retainers were samurai this has been known for decades.
>didn't even get the name right
You don't know shit about what you're talking about
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>I'm not letting my player run this
answer the question did theme parks exist in the middle ages
>>Setting is suppose to be medevil fantasy
What makes you say this? It clearly isn't.
yes it is they have knights and swords and sheilds
And it also has guns and robots and cell phones. It's not trying to be medieval fantasy. It's its own thing. Do you also get upset with every fantasy story that turns out to actually be sci-fantasy? It was a very popular trope for a long time.
>Do you also get upset with every fantasy story that turns out to actually be sci-fantasy?

It's childish and unimaginative. Having limits helps a setting more then it hinders it but I'm not surprised my player wants this for a setting when all he does is watch anime.
Yeah, it's dumb to have people using swords as their main weapon in a setting where modern firearms are readily available. But you're dumber for thinking you can veto someone else's game.
But it's not the middle ages. It's fantasy.
I can because it's my table. I was trying to be nice and give someone a chance to experience what it's like to be a DM but it's obvious they aren't cut out for it if this is the best they can think of. Better to nip it in the bud now
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Ok, you got me once but I see what's happening now. Well done.
Theme parks did not exist, but that's because of some important reasons, like the lack of engineering skill and tools that are necessary to build a theme park, the skilled artisans necessary would be commissioned for fortress building and smiting, and crafting a theme park would take valuable land, as well as provide a substantially large structure an opposing army could march behind.

However they did have a carnival, usually with every festival there would be traveling minstrels, games and entertainment, as well as feasting. And the idea of a permanent structure for that isn't far fetched in a relatively peaceful land, as the Roman's built the coliseum to host games and battles, because they knew no one could reach Rome.

Though since this is all bait shit posting, let him run the game he wants, don't join if you don't want to, I'm sure you can find a game where everyone has a longbow(much more common than the sword amongst yeomen), and after every combat you roll new characters, as any wound would likely lead to amputation rendering your character unplayable, or dead.

Would filling the Coliseum with water so you could have naval gladiatorial battles count?
>>Adventurers Guilds
Ah yes, magitech. The ONLY reasonable explanation for freelance mercenaries to band together and legitimize their services
>aside from the bad empire most run a fairly modern democratic system
Holy shit you're retarded. Of the three major city-states you've got
>a theocracy directly run by their patron nature deities as interpreted by their hand-picked, magically mutated priest caste
>a sultanate whose "nobility" are trade princes that pay for a seat on the nation's Board of Directors
>a loose confederation of pirate fleets that have formed into a shaky democracy called the Admiralty Board a la Age of Sail Nassau
And if you go further out you've got
>a strict and severe theocracy run by the Elf Pope and knighted nobility
>literally just Japan, complete with an empire
>a Mongol horde
It's actually a major plot point in part of the story that heedlessly rushing headlong into a democracy out of sheer bright-eyed naivete can shatter the foundations of your nation. It's also another plot point that the "good guys" are essentially fantasy Africa and a bunch of backwards savages compared to the industrialized evil empire (that itself had a senate) to the point they confuse ruined playground equipment with destroyed warmachines.

There's also no showers in Eorzea as far as I can recall, so I have no idea where you got that one from.
>And it also has guns and robots and cell phones
Lord of the Rings also had explosives and magic cell phones (palantir). It also featured massive engineering marvels from the orcs that humanity couldn't hope to match and had to defeat through valor and grit.
>answer the question did theme parks exist in the middle ages
Why are you asking about theme parks when OP said "carnivals?"
NTA or OP but FF14 does indeed have a singular theme park/casino called the Golden Saucer, but it's also the pet project of an absurdly wealthy madman.
>I'm not letting my player run this
You can't really stop him. The most you cam do is not participate.
>bitches about anime when he started the thread with a DBZ meme
Obvious troll is obvious
>The best games are always ones that follow historical accuracy the beat.
Logically, that would mean that the best game of all is the one in which neither the players nor the game master can make any decisions or take any actions because the game exactly follows the course of historical events.
Lazy ragebait thread but of course /tg/ fell for it.
You seem new to 4chan.

>Make thread with positive comment about thing you like: no one replies because they only nod sagely to themselves while scrolling past it in the catalog

>make thread with negative comment about thing you dislike: 380 replies because people are more likely to engage with the thread

And trumpeteers are knights lol
so in your mind the concept of a circus was invented when, the 1900s?
Beat me to it, just because they're not prostrating to a monarch every 10 seconds doesn't mean it's a democracy
Hell, the reason that there's a highly advanced group with magitech in 14 is pretty well explained: they're a race of people incapable of naturally using magic, so they had to develop technology to even stand a chance.

And their technology has had major shockwaves across the setting: there's huge numbers of people rushing to adopt their technology in day to day life among Eorzea, and you can even track technological progress across the story as it advances.
They also had massive deposits of magic oil on their homeland, allowing them to fuel their literal and metaphorical warmachines
The main reason FF14 feels so schizo with its tech level and world is that it's an MMO that has been running for ten years, more if you count the pre-reboot. They've had the base game + 4 expansions, and in MMO style they've had to push the tech envelope.

The world as it was in 2.0/A Realm Reborn was decent as a setting for low level adventure, but by the time you get to shadowbringers/endwalker the spotlight belongs to the warrior of light and a few chosen buddies of light.

I love the game but it's a bad setting to play /tg/ in as it stands, wind the clock back to ARR or Heavensward.
I won't dispute that this setting sounds like shit, but you really need to fuck off with your retarded opinions on fantasy more broadly.
Can you just fucking stop? For the love of God.
Fantasy is a broad category that can encompass more than just the generic slop you're accustomed too. Imagine if you had a contingent of confused retards complaining that not every single video game is Call of Duty, not every single anime is isekai, and not every single book is Harry Potter.
It's okay for fantasy to encompass concepts that aren't literally fucking always bland, generic takes on medieval European society. I honestly don't get this obsession you freaks have with constant insistence that your fantasy games need to be progressively more and more distilled generic slop.
Even ARR had robots, airships, giant mechsuits, and a literal tank the goblins built
nta but there certainly has been a powercreep between ultima weapon being used to enslave 3 primals and The Dalriada from Zadnor or yshtolas work on transferring souls between shards, like Endwalkers post-game. Even in game the forces coalescing bring the overall power level of the setting up (more and more echo able fighters have been collected to make eikon fighting forces post ARR than what they imply in the first 20 levels of the game)
>Fantasy Doesn't Understand Grog, Hate People Over Using Illustrative Words
Is that what you meant to say
>more and more echo able fighters have been collected
They also invented the Anti-Tempering charms, which denied primals of one of their deadliest traits. But yes, tech has indeed developed but it's been a logical progression each time. I'm also pretty sure Eorzea is particularly aether-rich, which made magic more reliable/powerful and thus caused tech to progress slower until they started reverse engineering garlean and Allegan tech
are the Allegans suppose to be an allegory for jews
The Coliseum and Circus were in classical Rome, not medieval Europe. Medieval Europe didn't have them.
does the dragon ball setting count as magitek?
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This triggers my autism so hard. My friend offered to run a Forgotten Realms 5e game after he played Baldurs Gate. I said sure, thinking it would be a classic medieval fantasy world like the recent DnD movie. Boy was I wrong.

My friend, after the game started, only just revealed that this is a near future Forgotten Realms campaign where "magitech is super common, oh also all the gods disappeared". So we've had goofy shit like the entire city of Baldur's Gate flying into the Shadowfell while the mysterious eastern emperor (whose reference art was the guy from Vagabond) dive in to save the city.

Also he says this is high fantasy, so all the normal animals are described as weird cartoony suess-style freakshows. But also he loves dark fantasy, so its actually a dark warhammer style world with multiple planar invasions and infighting everywhere.

I'm going fucking crazy, the guy can never fucking keep a game consistent between the pitch and the first sessions.

>Runs a spelljammer game, says we'll be a haphazard crew of adventurers going planet hopping
>Within the first few sessions we're given an entire criminal organization and are now anchored to the starting area. He stops running the game after session 5.

>Runs a dark fantasy, bloodborne style game where we play people in the last city attacked by all eldritch monsters. We make a group of collective edgelords going more and more insane.
>First session it's revealed we're the prophetic saviors of the city, chosen by the soul of the city itself. Giving us huge reputation and power. He never runs a session 2.

And now this shit. At least it's going the longest at 8 sessions (with a 5 month hiatus that is almost to a close) but man it's so hard to stay motivated to play his games. And I wish we were still playing spelljammer.
maybe it's cause you play with conservatives and conservatives are not creative at all
He's a lefty, believe it or not. His problem is he grew up on superhero comics and shonen anime instead of a variety of movies and books.
this sounds like cope.... he's defenitly a conservative
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You man FFVI, VII, VIII, XIII, and XIV?
Final Fantasy being "medieval fantasy" based is a shallow surface level claim made by people who don't play the games.
XI and XIV are kitchen sink fantasy that is more akin to Edo-era Japan but with an epic fantasy coat of paint.
Your friend sounds like a crazy diamond, I wish I could take your place.
>>Setting is suppose to be medevil fantasy
How is it supposed to be medieval fantasy with a middle class society with guns and cellphones? It sounds like it is supposed to be modern day-esque fantasy and you are too low IQ to understand this.
TIL Dune is medieval because they have swords.
I think your friend wants to play/run Pathfinder.
Bro, If your bait fails that badly, you can't just say, "Ah! But look at my bait again!" And wiggle it at anons a second time. Take the loss, try harder next time.
Pathfinder is fucking woke bullshit
You cannot be serious. Theater was extremely popular throughout the middle ages, carnivals are a catholic tradition of week long partying before lent, fairs counted with an abundance of entertainment as well etc.
What do you think were the middle ages? Of all the things to complain about, partying is not one of them, It has existed in every human society since agriculture came to be.
>more akin to Edo-era Japan
>Theater was extremely popular throughout the middle ages

it wasn't most peasents were too poor and working to see theater. it was for nobles and the rich.
Yes, because WotC D&D doesn't have any of that nonsense.
Anon, no. Just… no. Google Penny Theatre.
Even ignoring that, you can’t say that it wasn’t popular just because it was primarily something that the wealthy engaged with, because shockingly, rich people are also people, so their favored pastimes can also be popular, at the very least in their circles.
>I'm not letting my player run this
Not your game. Either shut the fuck up or just don't play. Either way, you should probably kill yourself.
>There's also no showers in Eorzea
There are on the First, which I think it a little funny
>Modern Amenities like showers and baths
>Adventurer’s guilds
Nigga the fucking Romans had baths and saunas and shit, and guilds for all manner of professions have existed throughout history, for everything from masonry to mercenary companies. You wanna bitch about muh historical accuracy being the be all end all while being so mind bogglingly wrong.
>I'm not letting my player run this I'm vetoing thus unless he does something better
Who in the unholy fuck died and made you king? You don’t get to dictate what people are and are not “allowed” to have in the games that they run, you fucking child. Don’t like it, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
What a cunt.
>whines about anime
>starts thread with a DBZ meme

Yeah OK OP now we know you're totally serious here.
>what the fuck is this shit
Cool and incredibly based.
>The best games are always ones that follow historical accuracy the beat
How can one man have such shit taste? Historical accuracy is incredibly boring.
>When you start doing shit like robots you're better off doing star wars or some other dumbshit
I can tell you have barely consumed any media, let alone know anything about history, because your first leap to "robots" is "star wars" which didn't even invent the concept of robots in sci-fi and if you wanted to reference something popular or mainstream Doctor Who would be more accurate since it came first, but even it's still not the first sci-fi to have robots. Arguably, Moxon's Master is the first work to really focus on them, but Ozma of Oz could also be a candidate.
>I'm not letting my player run this I'm vetoing thus unless he does something better
Then expect to be outvoted and removed from that game's group. Another guy is stepping up to GM, he's doing something cool, you sound incredibly boring, and so you have been replaced.
>Is this really what modern fantasy has become?
It's a genre of fantasy like any other. Furthermore, you can't bitch about historical accuracy and fantasy in the same breath, because if you want historical accuracy you cannot have non-humans, you cannot have dragons, you cannot have magic, and the church must be a manipulative corrupt organization that recruits criminals and unleashes them on others under the veil of a crusade.
>if it doesn't star a bipoc bisexual genderqueer girlboss with vitiligo it isn't creative!
Classic libtroon moment
NTA but I assume he means in the sense that you have a mostly feudal state suddenly confronted with foes from abroad wielding goddamn miniguns and have to rapidly industrialize or die
The First also has the benefit of the Doomed Timeline Source's experiments combining Allagan, Alexandran, and Omega tech together to send it to the past and another 100 years or so on top of that to further expand their knowledge. They'll also have those Ancient ruins to exploit once civilization starts to expand, so they'll be sitting pretty tech-wise even without the Exarch to spoonfeed them new advancements
is local lord posting making a comeback?
It's a bad comparison.
I don't really get the appeal of historical mudcore type games like OP seems to want but I also wouldn't really go around complaining and demanding people not play those type of games either.

I'm geniually curious why that type of genre seems to draw in people that are incapable of letting others run games the way they want without demanding they adhear to what they want
Is being a faggot a way for better shitposts, OP?
Why are you arguing based on his framing? It literally doesn't matter where or when carnivals or any other such thing were invented in the real world. We're talking about fantasy. It can literally be anything you want.
All samurai are retainers, not all retainers are samurai.
Also, you know, he's a troll.
Well if it's inspired by FF14, it's not really meant to be medieval fantasy. I'm not sure what you were looking at, probably the wiki for some fucking reason, but a lot of the stuff which comes off "modern" is due to the setting having its own laws of how the world actually works. It isn't based on real life, but still a very fantastical concept of "aether" which is in everything to some extent. Also, It isn't up to you what he "gets" to run, you can just sit this one out if it's that much of a problem.
You forgot about.
>Make thread with positive OP about thing you like: thread gets shitted up by nogame trolls.
The faggot probably thinks his group can only play in his house, so he gets to dictate even games that aren't being ran by him. Well that'd be true if OP wasn't a larping nogames.
I love that the online discourse around these two games basically comes down to a wokeness purity test.
Amazing to watch progs insist that Pathfinder's always been a woke paradise, completely memory-holing how long they had purchasable slaves, or the fact that all elves used to be pale-skinned, and would turn into drow if they acted evil enough.
Every other bleeding heart on the subreddit for PF2e seems to decry the old lore and AP's as "overly grimdark" or other worthless things. No it was just a more interesting world overall, the only thing you could label old Pathfinder lore is overly horny between James Jacobs and whatever freaks created some of the more obscene monsters.
Man, I guess antiquity and the renaissance are both actually medieval. And so is Warhammer 40k.
you are a literal pedophile
Yeah, I know, It is fun to traced historical parallels, at least for me. I enjoy historical fantasy quite a lot
Also: did FF14 dropped recently or something that we keep getting "in FF14, X happens, so how about shitpost on /tg/ about it"?
New Expansion is coming out in like a month so maybe that's it?
you will never be a woman
Yeah it's rough as hell but I see what he was going for. Assuming that's actually what he was going for.
young Sheldon campgain
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It depends on how cool the results look
Whaaaaaat the fuck are those things?
Well, FF14 is a setting that has been nothing but references to other FF games since ARR.
It had some lore of its own, but YoshiP killed everything remotely original about the setting and started whole-sale bringing in stuff like the Gold Saucer.

But, it did always have the mechanized Garleans.

Ultimately, with the topic question, yes unless handled well. And most people won't handle it well.
nope. Fruity Loops PC
It's a pretty balanced mix of references and original stuff, and usually the referential stuff is weaved pretty seamlessly into the setting. FFT raid series notwithstanding, though they did a pretty good job of retconning that and Omega into being more grounded within FF14 as of EW.
>>Setting is suppose to be medevil fantasy but aside from the bad empire most run a fairly modern democratic system

Well thats just outright wrong, anon. The Garlean empire is evil, yes, but the only faction I can think of in the game thats democratic is Limsa Lominsa, the hive of scum and villainy founded by pirates where the position of Grand Admiral is voted on by all of the captains in the fleet.

Ul'dah is literally a monarchy being subsumed into an oligarchy where all policy is decided by the 6 richest people in the country, with the Sultana serving as a mediator but is mostly a figurehead with little actual power.

Gridania is ruled by whoever the invisible, elemental spirits SAY is in charge. Which involves them selecting random children and giving them immortality and magic powers and their job is to tell the rest of Gridania what to do so as not to piss of the elementals. Because if the Gridanian's ever lose the permission of the elementals to stay in their lands, they all die. It's, uh, happened before.

Ishagrd is a hardcore theocracy, literally ruled by their archbishop.

I guess maybe Sharlayan is a democracy? It's ruled by The Forum, a body of scholars, but I don't think you get elected into it I think they self-select who gets to join.

And everywhere else we know of so far is a monarchy.
what's the lore behind the Nier Automata raid?
FF14 even has a pretty decent reason why why the guild exists: the setting is in a transition from the city states of Eorzea mostly working with mercenary companies for their wars to needing to upkeep standing armies to defend themselves from Garlemald, A lot of mercenary companies made the jump to be the first generation of standing army in the region, but the more fiercely independent mercs refused to sign up and stay solo. The Adventurer's Guild is a stopgap solution to get these disparate mercenaries on the same page and use them to solve problems that the city states don't care about enough to send their own forces to deal with, because the alternative is that a lot of them would turn to banditry and thats bad for everyone.
Its hard to get a read on how much the tech level of the reflections should have advanced. Because you have 2 counterbalancing forces:

The first is that the reflections, unlike the source, are not getting boardwiped by Calamities every thousand years. Shit like the earthquakes that literally buried everything on the surface underground or massive civilization-erasing floods are a Source-specific problem. So the reflection civilizations should have had more time to develop in a logical fashion without constantly getting bombed back into the stoneage by the Ascians.

On the other hand, the Source had the Allagan empire and the reflections did not, and the Allagans ripped off a ton of their tech from Omega, a crashed alien robot. So that was a massive technological boost right there.

But even without Omega/Allagan supertech, one must imagine that at least a couple of the reflections have a general tech level above that of the Source.
> I'm geniually curious why that type of genre seems to draw in people that are incapable of letting others run games the way they want without demanding they adhear to what they want

Its a /tg/-specific trolling script. Its all bad faith arguments, no genuine opinions. The point isn't to have something that makes sense, the point is to have a position from which you can tell other people to Stop Having Fun with a smug sense of superiority that you know at least some people will take the bait on. It probably started as people doing it ironically to make fun of people they made up in their heads who enjoy Game of Thrones, but it was too successful at starting arguments and now its just trolls.

And you can tell its just trolls, because its almost a 1:1 duplicate of the "all magic must be esoteric beyond any ability to understand it, if your magic has rules of any kind that means its a shitty magic system". Which is a genre of thread we get a lot of and never, ever once has anyone who claims that position ever responded with a description of how you could possibly run a game that meets their criteria. Because the point isn't to have something that works in any context, the point is to tell other people to stop having fun and start an argument.
Being so forgettable that I forgot it even exists. But unironically it's directly plot relevant/"canon" to Nier, apparently
It also helps that the Scions were eternally on the hunt for more Echo bearers, so having an organization that keeps tabs on noteworthy independent agents is incredibly useful to their aims.
There's a fair amount of lore in the Nier raid, but its basically all Nier-facing. It doesn't pretend to be related to the setting of FF14 itself, its explicitly all a bunch of shit that has crash landed on the first from somewhere else. A weird, highly isolated event that you drive off and resolve with only a few ruined machines left to show they were here at all.

Which I guess would imply that Nier Earth is one of the countless dead worlds that Metion discovered out in universe? Or it could just be interdimensional travel, which is already canon to Nier.
ah so it's quite literally the actual Nier/Drakengard stuff popping into the world of FFXIV and not just trying to make a FFXIV version of it
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> find pic related
> friends I am raiding with: "Huh. Whats this?"
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For those who don't know what its from, its basically the same as coming home and finding this on the building you live.
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Modern day aesthetics are too specific, I wouldn't buy that the fantasy world with a different history would look like 21st century Earth.
>Or it could just be interdimensional travel, which is already canon to Nier.
And semi-canon to FF14, since the MonHun crossover is technically canon, as is FF13, FF15, and FF16. Oh, and FF11 is one of the Reflections iirc, since an FF11 NPC is directly responsible for Black Mages becoming a thing in FF14.
The Mon Hun crossover technically claimed that the monster hunters came from the New World, so I guess we'll see if they make a nod to that in Dawntrail or no. It would be pretty fun to bring that back in some way.

Also, funny story: if FF11 is a canon reflection in FF14, FF11 had a crossover with Granblue Fantasy last year. So we now have a link where FF14 and Granblue can finally merge together into one unholy JPRG amalgam instead of flirting with each other from across the room and copying each other's homework.
>Fantasy setting
>Historical accuracy
Pick one and only one
Yeah, I don't know if it's a Reflection or more interdimensional travel or whatever, but Shantoto canonically has visited Hydaelyn/Eorzea and I'm pretty sure all the ARR races are directly descended from their FF11 counterparts thanks to Eureka Anelyos, though I haven't done that content yet so I'm not sure how it all connects.
Middle ages is a retarded stance.
the concept of middle ages is a debate because there are a lot of historians who consider it from the 5th century to the the 15th century. Thats 1000 years, like there is no way you can shove celt feudal mudhuts into a 1490 frankish village.

And yes, carnivals, jesters, bards and all kind of clowns did exist on Italian Rennaisance which could be included on Middle ages fantasies because thats where you get Full Plate Armor knights (which were already a faded concept)
what the fuck is going on with this mmo
is it worth playing?
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FF14 is genuinely very good, and has a long free trial that gets you through more than half of the game's main story across multiple expansions. The way to think of FF14 is that its not really a MMORPG, its a RPGMMO. It is a well written singleplayer JRPG that you have the ability to play through dungeons and boss fights with other players with (but also you can just take in a team of NPCs instead and you'll do fine).
Importantly, the story comes to an end and has an actual conclusion. The story that starts in A Realm Reborn actually unambiguously finishes in Endwalker. The upcoming expansion, Dawntrail, is more of a 'also and' which may lead into a new adventure, but its presented as a soft reset rather than the typical "and actually there was ANOTHER big bad hiding behind the one you just beat!" like WoW is known for.
It is a game that has a LOT of reading in it, the story is the game and the fights are fun bonus content. If you are not watching the cutscenes and following along with the rules of aetherology and the political scheming of the factions of the world, you're missing out on what makes the game good.
>Is this really what modern fantasy has become?
Final Fantasy has always had a "SURPRISE SCI-FI SETTING!" going back to final dungeon the first game. The concept of a Fantasy Setting secretly being what remains of a SciFi/Modern setting following a collapse of Society was at one time one of the most popular settings in the entire genre, one that goes back to before the invention of the Atom Bomb.
I dunno how the fuck you're in a fantasy game space and don't know about this shit, it's all over the place.
It's pretty fun, base game and first expansion is free.
First 2 actually, you forgot they made Stormblood free recently.
I remember reading somewhere some advice on how to make a fantasy setting "work" and FFXIV follows it to a T basically from the beginning. The actual martial forces of the powers-that-be are engaged elsewhere, whether it be defending the borders or waging outright war. Because otherwise it makes no damn sense that you'd get some random fuck-ups to go tackle an aggressive orc tribe.
It's also worth noting that the Grand Companies of the Eorzean Alliance are more like the Japanese Defense Force in that they're rather small and are concerned with national defense than outward expansion
This setup works (at least for about 4/5 of the story) because they're concerned about defending Garlean aggression
You willl never be a man.
If you notice, while they never spell it out the big turning point is when Ishgard joins the Eorzean Alliance.
The Grand Companies are, as you said, mostly concerned with defense. they don't *want* to go to war with Garlemald, they want to be left alone and the Garleans won't let them. If not for a certain sloppy man's terrorism plan, the Eorzeans would have happily played defense until they got overwhelmed by superweapons and lost.
Ishgard joining the alliance didn't just bring in more manpower to bolster their forces, the Ishgardians brought guns. And, most importantly of all, the ishgardians brought a military culture thats spent the last 1000 years fighting a war against dragons, a war which is only just come to a close. That's a level of military experience and infrastructure that the other city states simply do not have.

The Grand Companies on their own never had what it took to fight the Garleans head on, nor the will to. But Ishgard did, because Ishgard FUCKS.
the entire feeling of Dawngaurd feels like a happy-go-lucky epilouge
>label old Pathfinder lore is overly horny
You mean overly based
The trailer, sure. But none of the expansion trailers tell you what that expansion is REALLY about. So Dawntrailer will certainly have a honeymoon period where its a low-stakes beach episode, but thats not going to last the whole story.
as long as it isn't woke
All drummer boys were infantry this has been known for decades
>is Magitek just a lazy way to put random shit in?
This is bullshit that never happened, the Colliseum was not water-tight.
Didn't need to be water tight. Just needed to hold water long enough for the Naumachia to happen. Also the underground rooms in the Colosseum were dugout after the first Naumachia occurred.

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