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Any scale, any series. If it's a modular robot toy, post it here.

>Diaclone Reboot (3mm 4mm)
>Transformers Weaponizers/Modulators/Fossilizers (3mm 5mm)
>Tomica Hyper series (5mm)
>ZOIDS (3mm)
>Plarail Shinkalion (5mm)

>30 Minutes Mission (3mm)
>Animagear (3mm)
>Machine Robo Mugenbine
>Gunpla and Misc. Plamo (3mm)
>Misc. Gashapon (3mm)
>Misc. Shokugan (3mm)

Toys Alliance
>Archecore (3mm)
>Toy Notch Astrobots
>Acid Rain B2Five

>Hexa Gear (3mm 4mm 5mm)
>Frame Arms (3mm)
>M. S. G. (3mm)
>HMM ZOIDS (3mm 5mm)

>Beast Box (3mm 4mm 5mm)
>Infinity Box AMTS series (3mm 4mm 5mm)
>Beastdrive (3mm 5mm)

>Assemble Borg
>Emonster (3mm)
>Forging Soul (3mm)
>Joytoy Dark Source (3mm)
>Maru Toys collabs
>MFT/DMH Diaclone KOs and OGs (3mm 4mm)
>RIHIO MultiAbyss (3mm)
>KEMO No57 (3mm, 3.5mm base joints)
>Earnest Core Robot Build (4mm)
>Snap Ships
>Tecco Toys
>and many more...!
*(Xmm) are peg sizes

Previous >>10945156
I feel like we haven't heard much from Diaclone recently, besides recolors and repacks. I have to wonder what they're up to
1st vehicle set with the new box just released i think
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Well yeah, but those new small boxes were revealed like 6 months ago. The only actually new set they've come up with in the last 4 months was that Waruder Giest
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I went ahead and preordered Autonine, will be my first Robot Build purchase since RB-16 + RB-17 (the short little guys). Have been wanting this one since the first batch of grey prototypes was revealed for the series.
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Flashback to 2019–the majority of these have been released at this point
Where did you PO from? Gundam it doesn’t have it yet and it’s pissing me off. I want to spend those points.
Their Robot Build is on the ShowZ side, have you checked there?
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It’s a shame the human figure doesn’t have 4mm ports on the limbs, it would be fun to attach some power-up armor. If we’re lucky the neck/shoulders/hips will be 4mm compatible and we can replace the head/limbs entirely with robot parts.
Assuming that's a human, is this the first time they've established scale on this line? Not sure how I feel about that.
Robot Build has been pretty inconsistent about scaling. Sea Wolf was marketed as a companion to the 1/12 scale Snail Scale Milk Tea, but before that, was non-scale.

Likewise, if you take a look at the prototypes shown in this pic >>10971376, you can see that this figure originally had no indication of being scaled for a cyclist. The figure also doesn’t fit into any scale perfectly, either.

Tl;dr scale has never been a priority for the series, and given EarnestCore’s propensity for repaints, we could get a rider-less version, or a repainted rider.
It's up on Gundamit now
I have a couple of both bird/binary and Earnestcore. They're overpriced and kinda fragile. Def not something I'm comfortable fiddling with
Apparently already sold out?

Fuck it, imma PO on Bombusbee.
I checked Gundamit like 4 times over the last couple days too. I'll just PO on HLJ for now and cancel that if Gundamit gets more.
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>no indication of it being scaled for a cyclist

I think you’re mistaken there, this set was always designed with a humanoid pilot in mind
Oh snap, you are totally right, I had no idea. I was just looking at that larger pic, which didn't look like there was anyone hiding in the back.

Regardless, it's not really an indicator that they're planning on continuing in that direction in the future.
While I agree (there's just so damn MANY points of articulation and some are a lot more stubborn than others) they do look really fucking cool. I think the little deep sea bubble boy has been the best bang for my buck so far.
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Diaclone just feels creatively drained at this point, I don’t know what happened.
As someone who has been interested in these types of toys since before these generals existed, but never pulled the triggered on Diaclones, i think they've always been creatively drained.

I can barely tell what was from the first waves til today. IT's all so samey.
I don't hate the <D> vehicles and TM armor sets. but they really should be something they do in addition to the more standard sets, not the only thing they release for several months straight
<D> vehicles is an extension of the GRB project
When I got into this line Dia-Battles blew my mind. The mechanical gimmick, the solid feel and transformation, the cool super robot color scheme. But it just lost more and more of that coolness. Designs got progressively blander and more uninteresting. I lost interest when they just kept rehashing Power Suits with slightly different loadouts or new limbs.
>What if we turned your battleship...
>that will be 45,000 yen
T-thanks Takara Tommy
Should I get it as my first Diaclone?
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I think it's a pretty sick looking set, and I got one on preorder for myself. But I don't know if I would recommend a Waruder set as someones first diaclone. They do have plenty of standard size pins and holes. but the way they are designed, most of the modularity only fits with other Waruder sets. not sure how well you can tell from the pic in >>10970818, but the whole body is made of these cylindrical kinda segments that connect together, and ring segments that fit over top of those
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Stacks on stacks on stacks on stacks
On the other hand, there's more modularity in current Waruder sets than current Diaclones. Tactical Movers aren't bad but there's nowhere near the modularity of Diabattles or Battle Buffalo. If you can still grab one of the KO Diabattles I'd recommend that, but good luck.
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>there's more modularity in current Waruder sets than current Diaclones
That's a fair point I suppose. There's a shit ton of customization, even without additional sets. But if I had to recommend a single Waruder, I feel like the Vavra has better pieces for customization. And it's still available on BBTS for about the same price as the Giest, before adding international shipping. And it's shipping now rather than waiting another half a year
That doesn't seem safe
Nowhere is safe in Diaclone universe
Can't argue with that. Vajra is an absolute psycho beast.
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Showing off MOSS right now
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Main takeaway from the stream is that the stand has to be bought separately and is also not compatible with the v1.5 box (came with baihu)

also a vid
What is the theme/purpose of this toy? Is it from something, cause at first glance the only use I can see for it is to give my other action figures mammograms or x-rays.
It's from "The Wandering Earth," a Chinese series of sci-fi environmental disaster movies. 52Toys already produced one or two designs from these movies, like that one vehicle with the corkscrew-looking wheels.

I think this one is pretty cool personally. It works as a generic scanner/computer gear for your other figures, it'd be a great looking addition to any base or diorama.
Is there a scene in the series where someone mentions those giant rocket engines are causing Earth to lose a portion of its atmosphere?
Most American toy companies just want to cheap out and cut corners on engineering and QC, and just rely on IP recognition to move oversized hunks of plastic. That's why we end up with shit like $50, 18" , 6 POA, marvel figures, with half melted faces and smudged paint right out of the box.

Luckily most people aren't stupid enough to fall for the "iT CoStS mOrE bEcAuSe It'S bIgGeR" scam. But still a little sad to see historic american toy companies like Hasbro metaphorically falling down an up-escelator, because the execs are too fucking stupid, cheap, and stubborn to just fucking make toys that dont suck
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Speaking of beast
>New D vehicle has Bullet Core functionality
this changes everything
Lol, so what, are they just re-releasing DA-94 under the TM brand? I really cant see anything that different here
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No these are the combination models used in the tm pv.
I've never heard someone sound so angry over toys like you before.
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30MS cross compatibility
Seems useful
AC stuff is there too.
Also the candy toy department will be SMPs of AC for some reason.
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TakaraTomy's new Toyrise line sounds like it'll go well with things here.
Also new Bakugaiden toys after 20+ years...
New Scopedogs are 1/48 though zzz
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Project M
Microman reboot
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Ok, you have a bit of my attention. This reminds me of that robot you see during the Black Mesa tram ride in the beginning of HL1.
I wish I could be interested, but Hexa Gear just killed all my interest in Governors when they stopped painting the faces. They're too small for me to paint, and I'm not having spooky faceless people, so I just quit buying the line. It's a shame, I was a huge fan for a while and sunk a lot of money in.
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This sucks, man. You can tell the designer isn't that talented, and the most interesting looking parts are clearly stolen from Shinkawa. I mean shit, that knight or whatever is pretty much a stripped down Ludens, and it's unmistakably aping Shinkawa's distinctive painting style. The head shots up above are dead ringers for Grey Fox with the mask open. Overall aesthetic heavily borrows from MGS as well.

Worst part is though, this feels nothing like Microman. The vibe and look are so wrong. As a longtime Microman and Henshin Cyborg fan, I couldn't be more disappointed in this direction.
>are clearly stolen from Shinkawa
It's Yoji Shinkawa himself doing all the designs tho?
>Retard meme poster
>Crying about my wholesome fucking retarded metal gear kino epic based designs

Holy Fucking Shit who let the gamers in
i can't read that, but if true, holy shit what has shinkawa been smoking, he looks like a parody of himself
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What do you feel is fragile about them? I'm not saying they're the most durable thing on the market but I'm also not actively terrified while handling them. The biggest issue I have with them is that they advertize themselves as modular/ buildable but the joints and pieces are so fucking tight that removing those is the scariest (and most annoying) part of dealing with them
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It is a shame with a lot of the governors, seems like all the new ones planned have a regular face. I'm glad they're at least doing a lot of reprints of the older masked governors, and they've definitely been killing it with the robots too, it'd be well worth getting back into the line for them. I absolutely adore the sheer size of the Booster Pack items they've done, and I can't wait for the new Samurai V-Thor to come out.
>I mean shit, that knight or whatever is pretty much a stripped down Ludens

You look like a fucking retard. You have never seen a Microknight in your life you f fucking secondary and Yoji Shinkawa's signature is in the corner in English.
The sword is a real product?
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I always loved Yoji Shinkawa's mechanical and character designs and I wanted a proper Microman reboot since that terrible Ashley Wood one happened so I am so excited for this. My only issues so far is that I hope we get bright colors like most of toys and not just military drab colorschemes, and helmetless heads with hair. Chrome plating isn't a must but I hope it happens. I can leave transparent plastic since it can be prone to breaking but it looks so cool. Design wise though? I love it. It reminds me of the high detail the art for the 2003 toys had (but most of the toys didn't.) Microman Command are my biggest want from this line cause I love the ancient civilization motif, and Robotman.

Hopefully it won't be Diaclone priced but lol.
Thats a big ass sword. Almost as tall as the robot base itself
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>Microman is back
Will he return?
He never returned in Magnet/LED Powers and 2005 so I guess no.
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A couple of the new Hexa Gear mechs look very cool, but I’m running low on space. I have said it before, but I don’t like the new Governor mold, but I understand how the push for articulation caused them to make sacrifices.

This line is just too cool.
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alright, Ill admit, the battle damaged pieces are pretty cool. Would be great for dioramas/displays. Really curios to see all the pieces that are included n this set

this is actually pretty dope for D Vehicles. the centerpiece utility mech seems pretty well designed. pretty cool side-grade to the powered suits, and the fact that it has bullet core compatibility cranks it up to eleven, But it still just feels a bit pricey for a D vehicles set. Woulda been alot better if they cut out one of the dianauts, and duplicate bullet cores, and sold it for 5000-5500ish JPY instead. It does kinda make me want a yellow/orange utility TM set tho
Is that a cockpit at the very end?
I've just watched both Wandering Earth movies. Honestly the first one felt like a retarded disaster film, borderline a propaganda piece. The 2nd one though, is a complete turnaround with complex plot, characters, conflict and politics. It also kinda-sorta explains why the first one was that retarded. If you're short on time I'd recommend just watching the 2nd movie, you aren't missing much.

Toywise I wish they weren't all Chinese brick sets.
Now that you mention it, the cross guard also looks alot like wings. I'd bet that it transforms into some type of jet
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new from Kotobukiya
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from koto's frame arms twitter
>On the second day, it split open.
I believe it is some kind of satellite weapon floating in the orbit which operates by Big-AI.
>Woulda been alot better if sold it for 5000-5500ish JPY instead.
I think Ami-chan lurks these threads
i don't collect zoids but them recreating the 80s/90s practical commercial style is cool
Man, ads are bullshit in general, but I kinda feel like toy commercials were sometimes like a genuine artform. Special effects, stop motion, lighting, staging and executing shots, it was like you were making a tiny little movie. It looks so fun, I wish this was still a widespread thing because I'd love it if this was my job.
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> TamTam
> Bic Camera
> Yellow Submarine
> and more
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Forme Arms
Sounds like Frame Arms but without the Frame. Basically 30MM lol.
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Kinda weird, the first releases of the first 2 Forme Arms kits are exclusive to Koto's own store. No weapons or alternate hands parts either. Big push on MSG bits.
Maybe the whole line is shop exclusive?
mine is on the way
So I guess there are no new updates? looks like there are still some more moving parts. But maybe they are just saving those for when the preorders go up
So I got a couple 30MM kits and the number of available accessories was low, and I saw some Koto accessory kits. Little did I know the hands required for the Koto weapons are quite a bit bigger than the 30MM hands. Just curious what else might be compatible with the Koto weapons, or if I'm better off just sanding them down to fit with my 30MM.
>the number of available accessories was low
newtype still has quite a few in stock if you're in the US. Not sure how much they charge for international shipping.
Were they sized for Bandai MG kits? I think they made Frame Arms an odd size between Bandai HG and MGs to fuck with them or something. Anyway Diaclone bots should have less issues with off-brand weapons due to their hinged fingers.
Koto's weapon kits are mainly made for their frame arms line, which is rougly around the size of a 1/100 MG.
if you want some other options, some recent weapon sets from bandai (like the kyoukai senki and demi trainer weapons sets) are actually compatible with 30MM and 30MS slots (with some caveats), but some older ones would require some sanding or trimming to be able to fit in a 30MM.
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Got my boxes today. I kinda like them. Actually fits 2 of the older style power suits pretty nicely, although, there's not really a lot of room for their accessories. only managed to get a single rifle and pair of grabber claws in there with them. Still, pretty good for troop transporting and storage tho.
8th anniversary set.
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pics here
tiktok exclusive
Sounds like a regular release, but the 8th anniversary coin is limited free gift.

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