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I recently had to repurchase the neca bootlegs to replace some weapons and noticed the huge drop in quality.
I have a few questions if anyone can help.

I heard that the people pumping these out actually got their hands on the original moulds, how did this happen?
And I noticed the difference in the paint apps, can anyone tell me exactly how this process is done?
Sorry about the low quality pic.
They've been making these bootlegs for 10 years is what happened, bootleggers probably got lazy because I'm sure with so many options they're selling less so there's less reason to fix the molds
they only did once in a black and white color scheme box set but it too is expensive as hell
The sculpters who made this set went on to sculpt the Super7 Ultimates.
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>shit toys
>framed printout
>nazi flag PINNED to the wall
>ugly tattoos
>real name in the right corner
>actual photo of himself in the other left top corner
>meds in the left lower corner
you're a fucking retard chris
I dunno, I kinda like those Premium DNA Madballs
JB-Hifi is an Australian store. I'm guessing he's one of our local Wehraboos.
Damn bitch you live like this?
Please tell me you found this picture somewhere else… otherwise I’m worried about you anon
Looks like an SS armband rather that a flag.
Do you wear it around town, anon?
Don’t forget the lotion.
Yeah, they are great, really sturdy and durable with great sculpted accessories
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Framed printout? It's an actual art print that cost quite a bit, I have many of Goya's black series.
Nazi flag (nup, arm band from an old SS uniform
Ugly tattoos (yes, I like horribly executed tattoos, I like my arms to look like an old set of kids drawers with old stickers half peeled off
Name (nope)
Photo of myself (nope, it's a friend that died)
Meds (yes?)

I'm struggling to see why you're so upset
Nup, I have a small collection of war pieces, just happened to be the armband in the pic
Dirty cup
That is a JB-Hifi bag with Chris's name on it though, right?
And is that framed photo on the wall of your dead friend superimposed over a promotional image of Darth Sidious from The Phantom Menace?
seriously? did they work on the super7 tmnt line too?
Why is your super expensive art print framed so shittily? Just cirious, whoever did it doesn't know what they're doing, like from a fundamental geomety standpoint
Why are you so concerned about the geometric placing of a print?
Are you autistic or on Adderall?
I've seen what can only be bootlegs of super7s on aliexpress, does anyone know if those are any good?
Those figures are my Moby Dick. I wish NECA would reissue them one more time so I could cop, but it's looking like I'll have to drop almost 1k to buy these fuckers.

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