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I swear you girls like drama more than you like toys.
Assuming this guy and those 2 were co-owners, it simply isn't possible to buy out their parts of the company without them knowing unless this was literally a handshake deal type thing and he circumvented that through a lawyer that actually knows what they're doing. Assuming they got bought out, they probably have some measure of money, so I'd have to think that if they want they could get started again. I'm sure they have friends in the industry at this point. Given they were all a small group, assuming this is true, I have a hard time believing that their other co-workers would go along with things so easily.

Point being is that it's all hearsay at this point.
So they lost the boss fight?
I thought the rock was the final boss.
So are you the people we give money or the people we bomb?
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"a great guy"
Erik and Catrina were the ones doing deliberately ugly head sculpts and investing in shit that wouldn't sell, so this is a win, if true. Andrew's an embarassing soiboy, and the description of him is accurate, but he's also a coomer, so he has potential to turn things around. I think Bucky O'Hare was a line he was more passionate about that they bungled.
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He's a retard just like the rest of them.
>Verification not required.
If you end your "serious" post with "mic drop"... I mean...
i need to get my hands on Sam ASAP
Know it's possible with larger companies that are publicly traded but I'm not sure of the logistics of how it'd work with something like this.
Possibly all 3 parties owed to a parent company/3rd party that helped them start up and he just bought it up wholesale.
Like you said though it's all a he said she said situation atm.
Most likely and most common situation is 1 partner buys out the others with money and sweet promises then promptly tells em to eat shit once the ink is dried.
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I better still be able to get this Vampiro figure or I'll be pissed.
Sounds like good news, because the people who got fired were awful people.

Holy fuck, how did this guy not commit suicide in 4 years?
What a bitch lmao
damn, i just bought my first 2 figs from them, Sam and Max. didn't realize there was this type of drama.
Same dumbass that was so anti-gun he ranted and raved about not wanting to work on GI Joe, how unfair it was Blowtorch had a flamethrower, the complete lack of diversity with so little minorities in the line-up (screamed this at a board meeting) and basically hated everything he worked on

Oh, but the kicker is that time he was so anti-gun he revealed that if someone broken into his house that he would rather have his family die than possibly take the life of a criminal
You clearly do not know him, dumbass.
>subcontracted toy workers
>board meeting
The person who made that post is a massive faggot. The two people who quit/got fired were running this shit into the ground with gay ass licenses and piss poor decisions making ugly fucking lesbian tranny sculpts and niggers left and right.
BFS owes their entire success to their massively successful Kickstarter. That's it. That's the whole thing. It came, blew everyone's minds, they made a fuckton of money, and they did it by making a ton of cool mythological figures, warriors, gods and goddesses and monsters, and they all looked great. The guys were buff and handsome. The women were hot and scantily dressed. The snakes were badass. Everything made sense.
In the 8ish years since they've barely hung on, slowly trickling out worse release after worse release. Every once in a while something cool got through but it was always accompanied by 3 other shitty ugly things. I'm not surprised that these two are getting the boot right around when the company finally solicited a few female figures that weren't buttfuck ugly portraits of this retards wife.

Maybe I'll actually consider buying something from them again now that these two shitsmears are gone.
I can never choose a side. If they were co-founders, then that just tells me they had no job security. If they were bought out, shouldnt they have signed anything to make that happen in the first place? I don't know. Anyway, Their Sam and Max, Popeye and Bucky lines were great, at least from what ive bought. All I can think of now is if things will get better or not
>came into a large sum of money somehow

All those people and companies working for somehow. How do I apply to somehow?
investors or/and a loan.

They're pretty easy to get, unless you're some bankrupt company who's fucked up constantly, like 4 Horsemen.
>how did this guy not commit suicide in 4 years
Biden saved his life.
Erik was a cuck defending his awful female headsculpts because "MUH REALISM"
And Bossfight's first and only exciting product is the upcoming Red Sonja, which I hardly doubt Erik designed
and we'll the other is a woman and women in a position of power is always a problem
sounds like Andrew wants the big leagues instead of more indie shit like the vitrubian hacks
oh well my bad, Andrew is as braindead as these two
I'm sad for Red Sonja, such beautifully designed figure in hands of 3 baseded faggots
makes me wonder why Jada couldn't get the Red Sonja Vampirella Lady Death etc licenses
I wouldn't put it as harshly as you did because you seem to actually hate certain groups of people. That said, when I buy action figures or statues I prefer idealized versions of women and men. So I was very unhappy with the direction the line went.

In any case, it seems like all three of them hold the same views in life more or less. So I don't expect any positive changes in regards to the figures but maybe I am wrong and Andrew does want to make hot men and women. Maybe it was the other two standing in his way so he had to steal the company from them to get shit done.
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Toy companies are rife with faggotry and pandering.
What toys did these guys even make? Never heard of them.
Because you don't read Japanese and visit their side of the internet.
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I don't read Japanese or visit their side of the internet, but you can tell shit happens because what happened with 1000toys and that blame guy?
Or Revoltech and the massive drop in licensed products. Who even sculpted Woody and the other licensed figures?

The most we really hear about is anime shit, because so many weeaboos actually care about every little tidbit and learn the language just to read and watch shit from there. So we know stories about Gainax and the drama there.
He makes them.
In a factory.
On an assembly line.
Tear off the mask buddy. It's like when you have a fat friend who's real cool and everyone likes them. No one is going up to them calling them a fat fuck, lose weight fatty, etc etc. But if you know a real piece of shit who's fat, they're an ugly lardass disgusting shitheap and that's the first thing anyone goes to when talking about them. I'm not going up to gays or blacks in the streets and spitting in their face. I'm friends with quite a few.
But when some extreme left leaning fucktards start inserting ugly tranny sculpts into every single toy and every other character in your medieval fantasy and ancient Greece lines starts to become a POC it's time to call it what it is. You even said it yourself, you're just too afraid to really say it.
And yet none of that shit ever came to pass...
>And Bossfight's first and only exciting product is the upcoming Red Sonja
Red Sonja better NOT get fucking cancelled! I'm still pissed at how they bungled the 80's Flash Gordon line and cancelled it after one wave
>Toy companies are rife with faggotry and pandering.
True, and you wonder how much of it is them and how much of it is they sell their holes for ESG funding. Brian Flynn is probably the most obnoxious person in toys today.
>Most obnoxious person in toys

Clearly you haven't had the pleasure of seeing the hasbro fat lesbian who forces everyone to introduce themselves with their preferred pronouns during every toy reveal livestream
Honestly if I were the two bossfight dipshits who just got fired she would be my first call
This is the same user who informed us Brian Flynn was no longer final decision-maker at Super7 about a month ago (and Flynn's response was to lie, divert, and never specifically address whether or not he was still final decision-maker while he insulted the fans instead)
>Clearly you haven't had the pleasure
Fucking GO BACK with your plebbit speech. Yes, I fucking have seen her, I just ignore her. Flynn is worse, you whataboutism faggot. You can just say you think she's worse without talking like a faggot.
I really wanted those blanks. Is it over?
I doubt the one that's now full owner would be scrapping them when the tooling is probably being made right now. They are probably the highest preorders Boss Fight has had in years.
I don't think me saying "all your sculpts are ugly as shit and don't appeal to me at all, make something more idealized please" is me wearing a mask. It's literally me telling them my issue with their toys and how to fix it.

All of their beliefs or extremism or reasoning behind why they make dumb decisions is irrelevant to me. I don't give a shit who is working there or what they believe. I can see the final products with my own two eyes and tell them what I want. Refuse to give it to me? I go elsewhere.
Sounds like a pissed off Dad, I get it.

So now his co-owned company got grabbed from under him?
Funny, I grew up in the town the town their office is based in. I may have to look into this story now because I THOUGHT about throwing my hat in and trying to work for them since I'm big in the toy world.
>beautiful female figures
>jada toys
Lol lmao
>I THOUGHT about throwing my hat in and trying to work for them since I'm big in the toy world.
Shut up Neitlich
Didnt this erik guy made an ugly figure based on his tranny wife and then this andrew guy defended him?
Scott's from like Ohio.
I didn't know Scott Nutlick was from my home state.
>The person who made that post is a massive faggot.
I more or less agree with this. They've been a "source" of bs before.
>The two people who quit/got fired were running this shit into the ground with gay ass licenses and piss poor decisions making
I agree with this assessment, as a long time follower and fan of Bossfight since they began. The original 5 founding members were: Erik Arana, Catrina Arana, Dave Proctor, Andrew Franks, and Fred Aczon. And Dave Proctor left the company some time ago. Under Erik and Catrina's watch they began giving us lots of ugly sculpts based on real people related to them during the fantasy line. One of the really bad sculpts on one of the elves was allegedly a trans person, and the Dragon Harvester was Catrina's face, which Erik put there because she's his wife. They also tried to launch a doll line that never took off, then kept trying to produce lines based on latin culture, which wasn't a horrible idea, but shit like the body positivity female superhero screamed of Erik's bad decision making.

The team now consists of: Andrew Franks, Meredith Franks, Fred Aczon, Eric Ridlon, Tony Tallarigo, Dave Reeves, Chris McLeod, Kate McLeod, Ryan Probasco, and Henry Hall. 10 people with only 2 of the original founders. Perhaps, they wanted Erik and Catrina out as the decision makers and wanted to course correct?

>The women were hot and scantily dressed
I miss those days, and feel like the recent figure announcements are a good sign.
Sam and Max, Popeye and Bucky O'Hare and Saurozoic Warriors
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Mods on Hisstank apparently are trying to censor the discussion about Bossfight, under some excuse, that they could be sued if they let you discuss news and gossip that's circulating regarding a toy company.

I had to stop following Andrew on twitter, because he spouts all the things you'd expect out of a soiboy, and apparently now has his twitter on private. However I know for a fact from following him that Andrew's more into doing attractive figures than Erik or Catrina, and he'd regularly be liking various Onlyfans models, so it gives me a glimmer of hope that things might turn around a little. They previously for example tried to get the license to various Dynamite characters, but Andrew said on twitter that he was glad they didn't get them, because they weren't leftist enough for his tastes. Yet here we are, and they're doing Red Sonja, apparently having licensed it thru Red Sonja LLC instead.

On the positive side, I believe Andrew was behind the Bucky O'Hare line, Sam and Max, and Popeye. I would also suspect he's responsible for the recent Red Sonja.
>Never heard of this company
>Look them up because of this thread
>See the phantom figure
>This'll work great as a gift to a friend that's a big fan
>Start trying find one for sale
>Oh there's a neca one that looks a lot better
You are such a fucking loser. I sincerely hope someone beats the shit out of you.
"Self-"Censorship is running rampant all over the internet, where before people could discuss a company's dirty laundry, now suddenly its frowned upon. I wonder where this is heading? Will eventually every forum to discuss toys on the internet become a forced hugbox for the companies that make them with no real criticism allowed?
I can say thats ok for a platform not to want to get caught in the middle.

Its the same as NOT YOUR PERSONAL ARMY stuff.
But whatever.

I'm totally not a fan of the preorder game now. I have since tone down my preorders at ANY toy company significantly.
>>10980038 >>10980051
McLeod is Diagnostik80/Full Force, probably closely tied hiss
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They did fire and ghost that tranny, so they did at least one thing right. Why does this company have so much drama though?
Stick a gaggle of liberals together and any/all arguments turn into a passive aggressive workplace
The company is based in MASS. What do you expect? Its a rich part of Mass too.
Hisstank is a bunch of pussies ever since they banned all the Valaverse threads.
Too bad for xer, I’m still buying the Fraggle Rock and Sam & Max lines even harder now.
>Leaving your mark on the world was working in a warehouse as a "manager"
>Apparently did a shitty job at it to boot
It's not only sad but it's funny too.
trannies don't contribute anything of value to society.
So are either of these two responsible for fumbling the Bucky O'hare line?
They fucked up hard having no Storm Toads until the very ass end of the line, and wasting time making Bruiser before making Toadborg or Al Negator. They kept saying how they couldn't afford to do more than 1 or 2 figures a wave and killed all the hype, and how they were worried about the figures being $30. It should have been 3 to 4 figures a wave. Raise it to $40 if you have to, but don't waste our time with almost nothing to show for it while spending precious resources on shit that wont sell. And if you're going to do Bruiser, make him part of a 4 figure wave. They dragged ass so much that they lost the license.

They did the same faggotry with Flash Gordon. It makes people not buy into a line, if they know they'll never see more figures.
I didn't mind Bruiser but if you are going to make him finish the main crew before side characters like Mimi Lafloo. They must of thought the furries would save the line. Which she was pretty much shelf warming my local shop since coming out.
I caught the so called "leaker" in a livestream shit talking Brian Flynn frim Super7 just a moment ago. The stream also has LioConvoy and Timothy Ward frim Retroblasting whining in the comments. It should also be noted that Timothy Ward and Michael French sometimes share accounts. RNL1212 appears to be associated with them, and is apparently spreading bullshit for Michael and crew.
No one should listen to that fat clown.
>eceleb drama
Who? And, who fucking cares?
That's not true. Their grim life stories (and often the way they end) serve as a warning to the dangers of untreated mental illness.
It's funny that you have the same style of sentences as RNL1212.
You're an insufferable name-dropping faggot. I'd assume he & I are the same generation and we both went to school, you illiterate zoomer faggot.
It's funny you're a fucking idiot
You talk exactly like the "leaker," Necafag. There's even entire threads on this board that are almost verbatem from threads RNL1212 posted in. Weird how these cross posts are happening, right? You have all the same seethe.
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You're replying to two different people you fucking schizo. Take your fucking meds.
What a disgusting human being. He emits such groomer energy, maakes me sick.
Cool, cool, cool. Nice photoshop.
Nice phone post. My favorite was when you were claiming to have insider information on Storm Collectibles, and spewing obscenities anyone who doesn't believe you.
I'm on a laptop and you're both raging homosexuals. I sincerely doubt RNL1212 would deny who he was if he were posting here you fucking retards, he seems to like the attention.
>doubt RNL1212 would deny who he was if he were posting here you fucking retards, he seems to like the attention.
It would out him as a lying sack of shit who shamelessly crossposts at the age of 42.
Can’t wait for Brian Flynn to sue the fake leaker necanon
You'll be waiting till the end of time then.
The Retroblasting rot runs deep. How many of these faggots does he have under his control?
I passed on buying several figures because of horrendous head sculpts.
>Red Sonja figure by boss fight
>not 1:18
What's the fucking point?
>she is anti semite FIRE HER
I wonder what’s his stand is on the whole Jews vs pro Palestinians students shitshow
Somehow though , I know his thinking is like this: “if (allegedlyantisemite===somehowWhite){“fire them!”) else{“brown people can’t be racist”}
We really don’t know what’s going on behind closed doors.
It might be already purchased by big toy companies.
It remind me of how an old forum discussing vintage video games, was sold to a newcome grading companies, and immediately silenced all the criticism. Funny thing is that no one knew that it’s owned by that company much later.
I never understood it. What did this tranny did wrong, beside, you know, being a tranny to be hated here?
No retard.
I just wanna know WHAT this troon DID, beside being a troon.
I wanna know the story behind it
>I wonder what’s his stand is on the whole Jews vs pro Palestinians students shitshow
Last name is Frank, so he probably claims his grandmother wrote a diary before she died in Auschwitz.
So is he gonna be pro Jewish students who wrote a later saying “we deserve to have a homeland for Jews” (you know, think that Jews don’t like for white gentile for some reason)
Or is he gonna short-circuit and be pro Palestinian students because They are brown?
I think it’s going to be like vaush where he was saying “believe all women” and next second he called the woman lier because the alleged harassers were brown Muslims.
Brain parasite
least insane leftist
You think this is bad? You should see /v/ or /tv/...

Even women don't gossip about as much as 4chan incels
That's why he's called Lio boomer child groomer.
People genuinely watch THREE HOURS of drama involving who and who?
God damn!
My head hurts from the first 2 minutes
>What did this tranny did wrong
Filled the ENTIRE warehouse with the scent of leaking colon.
Thanks, I was reconsidering my stance on always passing on BFS stuff now that that sissy Erik is out. But this guy is just as bad, so the wallet stays closed.
That’s for them to hate, not us.
What did this tranny did to us to hate? I mean, did he went out and said “hey, we gonna use pronouns now” or “hey we gonna make this toy this way because of patriarchy etc”
That’s what I am asking
No, they didn’t do anything wrong. At least that we know about.
>did to us to hate?
Trannies do NOT have a "live and let live" mentality, they demand that we capitulate to their delusions. Compelled speech is not Free Speech and we have the rights to our beliefs too, except we are not forcing them upon others like trannies do. You're either being disingenuous or you're massively retarded, either way just stfu and go back to plebbit.
No you fucking idiotic faggot.
I know trannies that try to subvert anything that they get into.
I was asking what THIS INDIVUDAL TRANNY did that make you guys hate it so much.
That’s it. You are reading too much into it.
Maybe >>10984848 is correct
No you fucking idiotic faggot. I made a goddamn joke about its reeking colon and YOU are sperging the ever-living fuck out abour "TELL ME WHAT IT DIIIIIIIDDDDD". Jesus fucking WEPT, son! You're getting so fucking worked up over this shit. I think you need to dial back on your own HRT you histrionic little fag.
Hey mods, how about you pay attention and delete this off topic thread? It's nothing but gossip and doxxing.
>tranny MAD!
He lives off of toy industry drama, begging for recognition in this niche world as “the guy on the inside.” It just means he’s habitually online and the only time he sees sunlight is when he straightens up the collector spot at Target.
Can you imagine how much worse the discord calls are with these people?
The hell is wrong with you that you spend your days coming up with some of the most woefully retarded shitposts?
You are absolutely the stupidest motherfucker on this board.
What an absolute autistic faggot.
It’s ok faggot nigger
If you don’t know, just say you don’t know.
This is the most cogent post I’ve ever seen from neca baby/ESLanon/lgtbanon/foreignanon.
You are absolutely the funniest motherfucker on this board.
If you can parse through some of the broken English and awkward sentence structure, there is actual wisdom to be found.
You should kill yourself
Don’t forget to take your daily dose of AZT.
Given that BFS has been slipping into irrelevance for quite some time already, a shake-up in the really wouldn't hurt at this point. The worst that could happen is that it'll have a quick death as opposed to the slow decay it's been having.

And weren't those two the ones that lost goodwill with the collector fanbase when they deliberately sculpted an ugly face for the dragon tamer or whatever character, and then lashed out against the collectors who pointed out that the face was ugly? That was probably the beginning of the end, as it planted the perception that they no longer put priority on their customer base.
They have to finish the fraggle rock line first
And get that 1:12 Red Sonja out
And release more Popeye.
>more Popeye.
Really? I never knew anyone really cared about Popeye. It was old even in the 80s.
I vaguely care enough to want a Sinbad the Sailor.
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And here I was coming to this thread just to say unless the faces get better I don't care.

You all doing a great job at proving dudes original comment true in that is total and that the people in are also basically
I mean he tried and is still trying to attempt a coup by getting courts to say America has a king. The guys rant was unneeded and fueled by anger however, and makes him look unhinged.
They finally had a big fight about what was happening in the Facebook group and then it all got deleted and the mod made a long post saying never to bring it up again. Facebook mods are such gay little whiney faggots, I hope they get the AIDS they deserve.
Who cares about Boss Fight Studios? Meesa wanna hear about Boss Nass Studios!
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So, a lefty retard screwed over another SUPER lefty retard... ...I dunno'... ...hard to care, seeing how far off the deep end Erik is there, politically. Was never a fan of the Vitruvian Hacks... GOOD idea, shit execution. Bought 3 or so, was not impressed, never went back.
Liked the quality in the Bucky O'Hare figures.
But, like pedo Hasbro, Disney, ...I'm not going to support a lefty company.

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