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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
Pillow Pets Edition:
Previous Thread: >>10977311
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give then no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Upcoming Releases:
> Earnestcore Craft Rosado Sekiko (May)
> Snail Shell Bunny Girl Irene (July), Pumpkin Princess (Nov), Succubus Lustia (Nov)
>Dark Rock Candy Sophia F. Shirring (Q2)
>Star Arc Toys Quisy Rick (Q3)
> Tunshi Studio Metal Slug Leona (Q3)
>Sexy Ice B0127 Mantis Action Figure (Q3)
> Wikeetoys Atomic Heart: The Twins (Q4)
> Frazettagirl Teegra (Q4)
>Mithril Action Guardian of The Horde 04 Morna (Q4)
>Romankey&Cowl Gun Girl Jessica Aster (Q2 2025)

>Released Recently:
>Loscont Studio Armored battle angles Blade Violet
>SNAP Official Licensed Balala the Fairies Maggie Lin

>/ctg/ Approved figures, bodies, and accessories and where to buy/find them!
As always if you have a suggestion for a /ctg/ figure, please don't hesitate to nominate it!
Looks like the feet are separate purchases from the succubus
We seem to be caught within a tachyon field, creating a temporal loop. Call IT and have them turn it off and on again.
Those would go nicely with mtgB.
Why does it say "uploading files in incognito mode is not allowed. The file field has been cleared."
I'm not in incognito mode. Is this just an issue of web browser or something gay in my cookies?
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Tunshi knew what they were doing and I couldn't be happier. Got the two a bit ago and didn't report in. Been gone awhile, has anyone else raved about these?
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Also absolutely love the accessories, especially the little letter with the heart on it. Makes this kind of photo possible with all the waifu figures and it's adorable.
ignore the pathetic attention whore who doesn't buy toys and his weak bait
>footfag expansion pack
That's new.
>berserkschizo now posts here after getting bullied out of the shf thread for being a retarded dipshit who doesn't own any toys himself
god damn just hang yourself already faggot
I've seen alternative clothes for them on 5k toys if you are intrested in checking it out. Also thinking about picking them up
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I'm very attracted to the big nerd glasses too. The alternate hairpiece that has her wearing them is excellent. I want. Also can't quite tell if the eyes are adjustable or printed. One image has her giving side eye, but the lineup of parts shows all eyes facing forward. One can hope.
Yeah, I saw them. Definitely gotta get them. They're pretty hot and casual. I like. Still haven't pulled off their base clothes yet. Been busy and haven't played with that yet. I do love their dimples of Venus though. Unf
Not a footfag since I actually hate feet, but I love stockings. That makes stirrups that awkward step child for me. Id pass without a second thought if the other anon didn't point out the use for pictures. Also not crazy interested in absurdly proportioned bimbos like the succubus. So I was gonna pass on her too even of I like the hooves, tail, and the execution of the idea. I also really hate long nails.
Omegakek, gettem
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>tfw you live in ph
I have Fio and she's a really cool figure. Kinda wish she was a tiny bit smaller, she looks weirdly Amazonian next to other figures, but I like her a lot. Really changed my mind on 1:12 clothes too. My only real gripes aside from the size and the clothes not being fully removable are the stand arm being a static rod, and some minor concern re: the soft "skin" for the chest. I worry it might perish over time. Also I find it funny her nipples aren't sculpted but are painted.
wdym not fully removable >>10993434
Well, they are removeable- but you'll probably wreck the clothes in the process. They're tailored around the figure such that they can't easily be taken off without damaging them. Hell, even pulling up her shirt for that pic was kinda nerve-wracking as the fabric is quite tight.
They are supposed to be tights as fuck. Are you sure you aren't just overreacting? As long as it's not glued to the model it's removable even if you have to pop the arms and head off.
I was able to get her top completely off (I did have to remove her arms and head, which was a bit scary as the shoulder sockets are tight!) but I can't reasonably see how you'd get the shorts off without damaging them.
That said, I seem to recall Tunshi is/will be selling the blank body the figures use separately?
any good coom Drsgon Ball figure
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>wasn't planning to get the new snail shell girl
>they unveil an 'option parts set'
this. changes. everything.
which is this for? the goat?
i dont get how people think an 80's design is coomable in this day and age
yes was
Oh hey, Lustia isn't on ShowZ, but they've got her on Gundamit
Also just to let any of you who ordered romankey gungirl off of gundamit-- got an email saying that our preorders from before the regular/deluxe split got automatically changed into deluxe preorders, like that guy assumed last thread
Yeah they know exactly what they are doing. I wasn’t considering her at all before either.
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I for one welcome this new age of fetish specific dlc
If only they'd go back to using chest plates like they did with Wolf and Assassin. I'd buy DLC tits
>Snail Shell keeps posting their own Snail-chan Doro
I guess a Nikke collab would be their ultimate dream.
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What do you think about upcoming Leona? Are you planning to get her too? I already have them all, so it's obvious I will try to get her too. Hope next figs will have the same level of articulation as Clark and Ralf. Especially the first wave has a really stiff boot/ankle articulation, basically non existent range of motion.
Yeah, she is a little big, but it is just stylization. I'm not too upset about it. I will be careful but I doubt they're that fragile. Cool pic though, saved.

1/12 clothes are a godsend for customization at a reasonable size. My UMP45 from the other thread isn't even done and I'm really liking it.
>clothes over molding
After seeing the Dasin Ukitake, I realized just how bad the SHF Bleach figures were. They bungled it hard. I bought him and can now physically compare the differences between softgoods shihakushou and the hunks of molded plastic SHF did. I'm stunned. Especially inprice comparisons.
Those mobile girls caught my attention after trolling ali. Theres even breastplate mods for them I assume. One kit came with heart pasties for it too
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I just watched 2 hours worth of sewing tutorials. Maybe I should buy a machine and make my own clothes. It doesn't look that hard. I could use it to fix all the holes in my underwear too while I'm at it.
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I mean look at it. You cut out the paterns and stitch them together and thats it. You can use any material you want for cooler paterns. Even your old underwear.
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they know their audience so well
it's just lame they don't come with the figure. I'm not a big enough footfag to justify foot dlc for my sexy action figure
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need facial (expressions) dlc
I normally wouldn't go for feet, but I feel like the heeless/toeless leggings fit the succubus better than high heels so I wound up ordering them, I think the Second Axe succubus wears something similar.
They're called stirrups
I think this will suit your needs perfectly.
they certainly stir me up
No habla espanishola, lo siento pro flavór. But I don't think this will suit that anons needs unless he's from the same region.
Thanks for the attention. <3
This bitch is going to be my favorite snail shell girl.
I was on board for this but why is she almost 20k yen? For the accessories you get the value seems off.
Guess they don't expect to sell that many units.
fetish schmetish. At least she can stand properly with those. A toy doesn't need heels all the time
she has hooves
Hooves don't have ankle rockers nor enough base for support
You say that until the 4th installment of the season pass adds futa
Go for it. It might take practice to make it look clean, and some experimentation to know what stains badly and what doesn't, but I'd be open to see it. I've seen stellar handmade outfits. I may even kill for a few of my own.
The best part
Yes, I'm on board for Leona. Frankly I'm not as invested as you though. I only get the females cause it's all about the coom potential for them. Others do look great though.
>I was on board for this but why is she almost 20k yen? For the accessories you get the value seems off.
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I can't open that link
Oh yeah I see it for 19k on HLJ too. Assuming it is a CN product there's bound to be some markup for a jp shop but that seems like a sizable jump.
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New Manatee schoolgirl version of Yua with an interesting bust part.
Ah, shit, gonna need this to pair with my Eimi.
She's cute but I hope she comes with some new extra faces.
According to MFC, the price of the figure in yuan is only like $64 USD
Idk why it gave me a Spanish link, probably firefox's vpn or something, either way the link was to a set of 1/12 scale model sewing machines.
Finally, I wanted a reissue of Yua but this is also good.
where's does that onsen part comes from?
It's on BBTS for cheaper than that.
Pretty sure everyone who wants her already preordered, but HLJ is having a contest giving away Bunnygirl Eileen and the bike.
I don't remember making these posts.
is this the kamen rider i've heard so much about?
in china the kamen rides you.
The water and grey rocks may be 9ne of her accessories. River rocks sold separately.
Yay, I got my deluxe not-Becca pre-ordered on Gundamit.
>xesray girls are kinda ass
>still regret not getting the black chick
Why am I like this?
>The water and grey rocks may be 9ne of her accessories.
ugh, I hope not, it will make everything more expensive
Sexy Ice mantis is on Gundamit now for only $75. Lol @ the import sites trying to charge almost twice that.
>xesray girls are kinda ass
I only have the black one and regret not getting more

They have their issues, paint rubbing from the armor on the body being one of them and super tight joints being both a blessing and a curse for switching out feet.

But I really enjoy my Tadala more and more the long I have her.

[spoiler]shamelessly spamming the question if the male helmets fit on the female figures again.[/spoiler]
theres a character in Blacksun that looks like this, but the less said about that show the better.
Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1314
Best Girl in Techicolor Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:
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Total price on 5k is $62 for the included dio and thigh-high leg parts which is more expensive than other Manatee releases but still more value than most other import companies these days
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He did it again
They do but they wobble around. Looking forward to more Xesray stuff. Gonna get the big rhino lad to bully them.
Do you guys have any suggested monster girls that arent just a regular humans with minor 'monster attributes', like a tail or different ears, but are instead more along the lines of mermaids/harpies/lamias? Can be more full on like that mantis girl too, I've got a PO for her
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how do you feel about big tits and horse pussy? Elena, from kotobukiya's Aranadea model kit line
>They do but they wobble around
mind showing a pic?
like how well eyes allign or just how big they are
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I believe WonFes teased upcoming shark girls, a mermaid, and maybe more.
NTA but one could say I prefer it...
>shark girls
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Shark girls indeed, in order of left to right. These are all Snail Shell 1/12
>Type-Helicoprion Hronn
>Type-Hammerhand Submariner
>Type-Clownfish Nemona
So I've been looking into her a bit more and it seems like it's just an excuse to sell more bodies...which is ok. The body she uses is a romankey female body (30-40 bucks each) you get 2 in the deluxe edition. It's the most articulated female body on the market so it's not bad. This is also the reason why she isn't loli or true to source material rebecca. It's just a romankey body with a custom head on it. Make of it what you will. I'm still on the fence whether I'll buy it or not myself.
I don't know anything about the game but I love the expressions and these bodies seem to be sold out everywhere and scalped to fuck. I picked up two deluxe editions. Can't fucking wait.
yeah it's not a bad deal at all. Just wanted to share what I found out. It's pretty intreting too. They make really nice custom headsculps and with the romankey body they sell this custom Toji which looks really fucking cool and has that crazy romankey body articulation on top of softgoods...chinks I kneel. The only downside right now is that they are all limited to the size of the romankey body itself so you don't get different hight characters or anything (but there are different sized boobs I've seen)
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here's the male body for comparison btw
I've been falling down a similar rabbit hole recently realizing all this crazy shit exists outside of the big brands like SHF and Figma. Thank god for /ctg/ showing us the chink way (at least that's how it worked for me).
Where can I find a chair like that?
>Feet add-on #1 on AmiAmi
Snail Shell you magnificent bastards.
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I mean the submerged boob part.
>~100 bucks for Becca wig on a generic body
thats like every shf ever made
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I don't even remember the last time an SHF was posted here. All I see is shf schizo shitposting all day or broken toys. They just can't make toys I guess.
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>he doesn't know
the whole shf general is literally plebbit and permanently shitting up all other threads non stop. Just look the figma thread right now or any other one. It's all these redditors. Thats why you barely see anything posted by them. Too busy shitposting. Except this cringelord redditor with his butt ugly Denji. All they do is brandwar all day and seethe about figma for some reason. Literally mental illness.
The main one I see shitting up every thread is the one complaining about the SHF plebbitors in other unrelated threads, we don't care, keep it in their general.
Thats the shonen and storm thread shitposter lol.
Massive faggot. Makes sense he's a mentally ill redditor.
I have posted my Tamamo Cross here a couple times last winter. I hope to find a body that works with her head and height to do lewd stuff with but I'm also scared of breaking her by pulling off her head. Getting way more resistance here than with a figma. I did also grab the SHF Yuzuriha but I haven't posted her. She's cute.
There's a reason I stay out of those. Redditards have invaded all of 4chan now it seems. Especially mlp. We constantly get garbage slide threads and generation warbait. Been an especially noticeable amount of "theoretical situational question that is painfully stupid or so niche that it's obviously fake" kinds if threads last few months. God I hate them.
>shf redditards seething about Figma
>Figma general constantly in the "It's so over bro" doomposting phase
Bit ironic, isn't it?
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How is a schizo and his hateboner for shf and reddit coomer related?
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The whole board is tired of their samefagging and it's so obvious too since they do it on purpose and always write the same shit.
>inb4 guy shilling SHF and guy ranting about plebbitors are the same person just stoking flames across multiple threads for attention
outstanding play as always
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I have an idea, what if we stay ON TOPIC?
SHF general might as well be a brand war discord. I posted my berserk figure there ONCE and some faggot uses it to brandwar in shf favour all across threads and even uploaded it to reddit. Absolute faggotry. I fucking hate shftrannies so much.
yeah they can't. Also if you call out their shilling (which is off topic by nature) you are suddenly the one that is off topic posting lmao. See post above. Never fall for these faggots.
>and even uploaded it to reddit
man thats fucked up
How is shitting on everything but shf related to anything at all? Fuck off faggot, nobody is falling for this garbage.
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>shf shills started shitting up the coomer general
Is no place holy anymore? Holy fuck...
People post the Street Fighter SHF pretty often, but as far as a new SHF goes? No clue
Thou art Black Souls enjoyer as well?
I'd say just ignore them but they are all thats left in the figma thread. They've been shitting on snail shell too every chance they get. Just boring. They don't even talk about toys. Just addicted to shitposting.
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Nice someone actually owns the Alice qt
Even if you filter out the trolls, theres really miserable regulars in the figma general who feed off the negativity of telling people their poses or taste in figures suck which is likely an extreme jealous cope for barely owning more than 2 figures.
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I'm building red hood as we speak. Not sure about the body yet.
Look forwards to it. /ctg/ more like /QTg/
Just be careful bro, figma clothes are notorious for staining.
That's okay. I'm notorious for staining figma clothes
Any way to keep them from doing that aside from not leaving them on? Like rinsing or anything?
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Which way plastic defilers?
I'd pick purple or teal. Give her an alt head and some new accessories though...
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do you guys live in a swamp or something?
I've never had any staining issues and I use a ton of cheap clothes for figures.
It's specifically the clothes that figma makes that are staining figures.
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Coom. Together.
Seconding >>10996579 - purple looks close to the male Peace Clay variant, so if they do a recolor of him they can go with maroon to mimic her original colors. The red is too similar to her default maroon, and that tan color is just unappealing in general, which leaves the teal as a nice, original coloration.
Also going to have to agree on the alt head suggestion - the one thing that annoyed me about the original is that you could never take her helmet off, just the visor, gun-arm and those boosters. Not sure what you'd do for new accessories otherwise, though. Maybe give her a knife like Peace Clay?
I prefer the original to all of these
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will we ever get a release line as kino as queens blade again?
This. The fabric they use just doesn't retain the dye fully.
Probably not.
>tfw you'll never have a Menace to bull your figma Tutankhamun
Feels bad, man.
Obviously eBay is an option.
I'm just saying that particular figure can be got for a decent aftermarket price compared to some others
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>Branwen best girl
And if you're not particularly choosy or don't mind having to build the figure, the Alphamax Undeaddress Isis has much the same aesthetic, stripable clothing, and the DX version comes with the mummy robot and its detachable dick (which you can then attach onto Isis)
"Return the slab, or suffer my curse" outfit lookin ass
get over yourself
When I see these pictures I don't even know if its the person who took them since it could easily be a shitposter who just scraped these images and is playing both sides again for attention, I'm losing it
Why would a shitposter paint the person he's trying to accuse of being an asshole redditor in a positive light? Also couldn't you simply ask someone to post a pic showing a note with the current date on it?
>Why would a shitposter paint the person he's trying to accuse of being an asshole redditor in a positive light?
To try and make it more believable that its an actual person, to make the bait more believable? But yeah, if he could send a picture of that set up >>10997087 with a note then I'd believe him
How is someone saying they respect other anons bait?
Did you not read what I said? I said it could be them playing both sides. That would be them pretending to be wholesome redditor guy to shit on him later. If it isn't thats fine, I'm just being paranoid, its just the spammer does that a lot where he'll play both sides. If he sends a pic of one of his set ups with a message then I'm just a schizo retard and we can all move on merrily
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Anyways, back to posting toys and talking about them. How does one get an AmiAmi exclusive? They have a couple Snail Shell WOLF-001 figs I want AND an upcoming one that is almost a must have for me that I don't want to miss.
Now thats what I'm talking about
Not enough shark features to scratch that itch, these moreso look like regular girls with gear on... that being said still look very cool
Is Alice going to stain? My techwear Yuki hasnt because I presume the fabric used for her is more synthetic.

Its also funny how this is the least derailed thread and people are starting to post non coomer images here cause the schizo retards plaguing this board are also all prudish autists who are too embarrassed to even post here.
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>Not enough shark features to scratch that itch
What could've been...
>schizo retards plaguing this board are also all prudish autists who are too embarrassed to even post here.
Oh... yeah... trolls. I'm totally with you. The booru is great for that. Trolls go for the low-hanging fruit, and tend to be too lazy to find it.
>Not enough shark features
You're one to talk.
I actually live in a swamp and haven't had an issue with staining. They must have some sweaty manatee flippers for it to be an issue.
any good sonic coom?
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Yeah here, ninja twink sonic
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forgot pic
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>prudish pics
Shall I post some saucy stuff then? Been wanting to play with my male romankeys and see what we can do
Hell yeah, been very excited for this myself! Looks very posable. Couldn't find any promotional material showing his ass. He'll look cool next to Yuzuhira and Hagi
I've heard his ab crunch is unfortunately abysmal, not ideal for ninja character
Nothing wrong with hot sauce, just pointing out people from other generals (me included) are migrating to this general because the autists from reddit havent started utterly shitting up /ctg/ yet.
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>try to post sincerely but I'm at work so I'm forced to use an old pic
>schizo retard pathetically mindbroken by a shitposter immediately rants about an elaborate ruse to pretend to be nice...?

Seek help, anon.
Oh ok yeah I'm retarded then nevermind
Is it gay if I use Sonic's legs for a sexy female custom?
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It's alright. He's tried it ONCE before but I immediately set it straight within the hour.
Even made this the next day.
The main concern would be a case of manass. As long as his asstech is good and feminine, no.
I wonder how his thigh attaches to the hips or his hips attach to his crotch? If it's a common enough setup maybe I can avoid his booty and crotch all together. Anyone own a Dasin?
>so much samefagging just to try to clear his name
pathetic redditfag
Ab crunch seems passable. I can see it being perhaps a bit restricted due to the thin waist molding and the contour of the ab crunch being hampered by its placement along the curvy dipping waist and the studded metal bands across his stomach possibly colliding with it. Since there's nothing showing the back, I'm worried that the ab crunch could possibly reveal a gaping hole in his back if pushed too far like some figures (shf archetype next she for instance). Either way, I'm getting one with another Ukitake this weekend. Need me a spare Shihakishou and Captain's Robe for customs. Sonic is arriving soon so I will have a chance to report on it soon. I want to incentivize them to make more OPM since I love it. Amai Mask... someday...
>coomers are the last bastion
Kek. I will post some tomorrow in celebration. Wonder if I can get a fig in a full nelson.
Hard to tell. No back shots. He mostly has an excellent hip-to-waist ratio with a thigh gap that emphasizes his ass in the show. Chances are, he won't be absolutely caked up or anything. But hopefully not flat either. Good luck. I'm getting him cause I like the character, and I can see the legs being perfect for some kitbashes. Will report on what I see.
Been some strange goings on here lately. I swear we attract some of the strangest people here.
Nobody is buying his shit anway
I don't think he ever denied being a redditor but his samefagging ITT is too obvious and I didn't give a shit about any of this before but god damn what an annoying dipshit that guy is. Literally whats even the point posting his dogshit pictures on reddit in the first place? He could have just asked about the quality like that or watched a fucking video but nope he's fishing for karma. What a faggot
Wasn't big booby succubus from that hentai manga supposed to release? What was it called again?
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Had a stab at making a more anime-styled head. Came out pretty well! Decided to add some very basic facial definition to make painting feasible, rather than leaving the eyes completely blank and necessitating decals.
what is the succubus from? I can't find source on that image either
Snail Shell.
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yeah I mean is it from some other franchise or a completel OC character and where did >>10993697
come from
Almost all of Snail Shell's figures are OCs. They do little 4-koma, and cute little single-panel images of some of the figure characters from time to time.
She's an OC made by Snail Shell. There's no source material other than the 4koma of her.
Yeah I'm asking because some of them are not like that horse robot was from a fucking mobile game ... I just want to make sure it's not the case again
Can you post the 4koma? I never seen it and where did it get posted originally so I'll never have to ask again? Reverse search doesn't work these days anymore... (google doesn't even try anymore and gives you an error message to almost any picture lmao)
what are you talking about retard?
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Second Axe Succubus Queen Lisbeth comes out in June this year.
Why are you being a faggot for no reason anon? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UitrWYsh0Gk
It's probably the shitposter being pissy since he stopped getting (You)s from Denji-anon and the rest of the thread.
Yeah that Denji redditor is a faggot too though.
I thought she was already out. Can you still get her for non-scalper price or nah?
I really hope I can still get her once she releases.
Every I look says preorder with the shipping date starting in June.
Where? I can only find her for almost double than what she was originally.
who cares?
She looks incredibly top heavy. Her feet and hands are so small. I suppose that's due to the art style of the source material.
is that the girl with the suspenders head but Brown instead of Orange?
Yes sir
damn I should have pre ordered 2
Nigga, I'm giving you information for free because it's easy to find. I ain't your secretary. You want to dig for a deal then do it yourself.
Dangerously Coomy
Is it legal to ship this to the US?https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/11082889
I still want to get these but i don't like her face. I'd get all 4 if i had fuck you money but they really dropped the ball on getting waifu bux by not having fio look cuter.
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I feel this is this
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>incredibly top heavy
No, it's a legitimate question. If I order it, it will be the lewdest thing I've ever purchased. I'm concerned about how young he looks.
In other words, chunky
She's from [Fatalpulse (Asanagi)] Succubus Joou vs Zako Goblin - Victim Girls R https://exhentai.org/g/2335140/d871df4832/
>that fakku ad
Look at the shape of the censoring and read the description.
I thought I was being helpful. What's wrong with the ad?
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Bro is too ripped to wear Ukitake's Shihakushou top. Think I can get his pants and Robe on though, so it's good enough. The base Dasin model body below the clothes is pretty good in all honesty
I'm not into shotas, but thanks for outing yourself, tourist.
how big is he?
I like your Berenice's comfy bathrobe anon. Cute couplely pose too.
Yes, it's legal; you won't go to jail or be charged for buying a statue with a pussy.
He doesn't have a pussy.
Erm... hurmmm... awkwarrrdddd....
Is it legal to ship to the US?
Even more so.
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Yes. The only thing that should deter you from buying is that it's Insight and their materials suck ass. Now post a toy you big faggot.
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You do not belong here, retarded prude.
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It's the denji fag shitting up the thread again btw. Literally got banned for samefagging earlier. You should really check out his schizophrenia in the deleted posts.
holy shit lmao
What reddit does to a nigga...
Which one, Ukitake or the Romankey body?
>*cums on your underage face*
oooooh yeah...take that....
>*cums on your figures*
and that.....
>*post statues on your precious toy forum*
..oooooooo yeah and that...
faggot comment for sure
you dont know how to reply properly? cringe
>Wahhhhhhh give me (you)s!!!!!!!!!
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All my other posts are still up...
>Verification not required
Exposed him good lol. Shittposting stopped and he switched to posting his same 4 pictures again.
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Thanks I'm considering buying more wrestling figures so to expand Berenice's wardrobe.
It's just getting cringier.
Comfy. Perfect Saturday shot

In other news, let's review:
>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give then no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!
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Glad to see someone else using the good hands
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I prefer peace signs myself.
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Theyre nice, but they come with just about every kit these days. I like the heart hands a lot too.
he's right
nice tomatoes
Its legal yes, insight 3D prints their figures and ships them in bubble wrap though, they don't handle international shipping well, from what I've heard they often show up broken which is why there is a warning on the purchase page.
Dangerously Cheesy
where to pre-order?
you are way past time to preorder her, maybe an anon has a third party site that still has her on preorder. other than that your best bet is to monitor when she releases and get one that some one preorders and cancels
What are the odds of chinks bootlegging it like Taimanin bitches?
Thanks for being understanding, I do feel bad assuming the worst but its hard not to sometimes. I do enjoy your pics so I'm glad it wasn't someone else using them
This looks pretty clean nice work man
Given that they have bootlegged every second axe articulated figure to date i'd say it's pretty good.
GODDAMNIT! I'm going to lose my mind! Why can I not post images! I fixed it just a couple days ago! Now its the same bullshit, but constantly wiping cookies, cache and location data isn't doing anything! I just want to share my figures! I'm not even the samefagging retard!
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6 and a half
Neat, keep it up anon
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Got him in the outfit, we now have a pornstar captain. His bankai makes you suck his dick
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Should be noted that the construction of the softgoods combined with his sheer size does restrict his mobility pretty noticeably. Hopefully last thread's tailor anon can pull through and make stuff that takes that into account
I want a Bankai like that....
boohoo faggot
Are you on a phone or desktop/laptop? I had a problem attaching files via my Android phone for several months and eventually figured out that I had reset 'Media Picker' which I did via Malwarebytes.
Don't we all? The question is, is it illusory that tricks the target, or brainwashing that makes them know what they're doing and like it?
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Nowhere near finished. Feel free to roast me. The head is sacrificial. Just learning to sculpt and paint hair.
how much did you pay for the body? I've been thinking about building the toji but I'm not sure how to or where to buy all the pieces
I mean it's obvious who it is. And the hair isn't bad. You are on your way to getting it right. Keep it up!
No bad at all, monican bro.
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I pray when I paint
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holy shit literally hank hill ass
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what is that big white thing on the left?
Looks like a smiley face on a stick.
new style eye move tool
Are snailshell faceplates interchangable???
Jejkek the pissed off face is golden
Its clearly anons dried coom flakes.
Jejkek my waifu...
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bro just buy a roomba that alone will reduce the overall dust all around the house. While you are at it get one that actually washes the floor too...they are actually quite nice
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that's because you're 12 years old
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Thanks all! He came out a lot better than I anticipated. Blender always seems to make the flaws in a sculpt far more noticeable than they are in real life.
Put the head on the shota body and it looks pretty good. Also I finally realized what the problem was with the arms on this body; the length of the parts is fine, but the elbow joint being fully exposed makes the proportions look wrong. I just need to have the bicep piece slightly "encapsulate" the elbow joint and it should look a billion times better.
All my shit is like a year away. I hate this.
>No Lustia
>No Pumpkin girl
>No Shamrock
What coomer shit do you have ordered then?
[spoiler]I chose surface shipping.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Up to 4 months.[/spoiler]
>he's waiting 3 extra months just to save like $10
Why, bro?
Regardless the reason, me personally, I see it as an instance of delayed gratification. Sometimes, I try to do the same thing with some movies. I try my hardest to avoid trailers, promos, scenes, spoilers.
slow-shipper anon, I challenge you to hold out. You will have beaten us all, having experienced the newness on your own temporal terms.
Since I mostly see 1/12 scale of varying lines in this thread, someone might know the answer, are Bring Arts hand joints compatible with figma hands particularly Little Armory hands? https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10382474

Will it fit Bring Arts figures? I kinda want to give Aerith a gun
I feel you, and I thank you, fellow Breen opposer. I will post when she's done.
Between this and that Todd McFarlane figure, footfags are living it up these days.
If a portrait without the horns and ears had been included with the initial offering, I'd have it and these feet on pre-order with a quickness.
only time I chose surface shipping it came right before christmas and I was at my parents and when I came back they sent it back and I had to pay for shipping again
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Yes and no. I can only comment on the cloud figure though. The figma hand hole is slightly too big but the cloud hand fits on the figma perfectly. You could make it work with a bit of magic and maybe a paper or something in it dunno. The head joint of cloud is also too little to fit but might be replaced with a figma joint and work. Same goes for the actual joint of the cloud figure. Essentially they are the same size. I literally can't tell the difference at first look. So at worst you might have to make the hole in the bring arts hand a tiny bit bigger but you might as well get it in if you let it soak in cold water.
Ok nvm. The answer to your question is. YES. Aerith will hold a gun no problem with figma joints. They are pretty much the same.
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Forgot pic
Cool, so you can replace the hand joints of Bring Arts with figma's, how about if I just retain the Bring Arts joints and just use a gun holding hand from little armory, would that work? I don't mind if little armory hand hole is slightly too big for the Bring Arts hand joint, can stuff it with tissues or something to make it not fall as I wanna do this pic related https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1851918-final-fantasy-vii with Aerith as I just got her

Btw, your pic seemed familiar, if that pic is yours then you probs posted in the Bring Arts thread i usually do, haven't made a new one yet as there is no new Bring Arts coming out so its a waste to make one and not much discussion will come out of it
I waited 6 months for the pre-order on my Hasuki outfits and 5 for my Sasha Habe and Uzuki Rei because they were in the same order with my romankey males and delays caused me to wait 4 more months. In both instances I find that I'm not quite as excited to get into them because the hype has worn off and it turns into a 'finally, it's here now, it's over' kind of thing and that kind if kills the enjoyment.
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Ok so I might have explained it bad since it was like 5 am.

The bring arts joints don't fit into figma slots, hands included. Might with a tissue but like why bother. If you have a figma or gonna buy little armory guns you might as well get the joints.

bring arts -> figma no
figma -> bring arts yes

Also yeah thats my pic. I was kinda frustrated at the start when cloud came out and his legs were fucked but thanks to someone who posted that japanese twitter guy I shaved it off and it's a fairly great figure now. Also that cloud sword back piece fits nicely into the figma back hole too kek
Actually YOU are, because you clearly havent seen anything better
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>Not being able to appreciate 80s anime babes
Speaking of which, I wish the Guttou Kuru Noriko Takaya wasn't so expensive on the aftermarket. She's one of my favourite characters ever but the figure goes for megabucks last I checked on Mandarake and IIRC it's not even that great a toy, though in their defence they did a pretty good job on her face.
>thanks to someone who posted that japanese twitter guy I shaved it off and it's a fairly great figure now

Thats probs me as well as I was scouring the net including Twitter for new pics of Bring Arts Cloud back then, you're welcome though

So you can use spare figma hand joints for Bring Arts figures thus can now use little armory gloves/hands, won't that widen the Bring Arts hole and make putting back the Bring Arts hand joint looser?

I don't plan on taking out the Bring Arts joints and just putting in the little armory gloves/hands particularly this https://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/5580/LittleArmory+OP4+figma+Hands+for+Guns.html

That is possible, right? apologies as I wanna be sure as english isn't my native tongue

If the little armory hands/gloves will be loose with the Bring Arts hand joint then I don't mind that and I can stuff it up with something just to hold it while I take pics
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Nigga 80s was peak anime girl design
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>So you can use spare figma hand joints for Bring Arts figures thus can now use little armory gloves/hands, won't that widen the Bring Arts hole and make putting back the Bring Arts hand joint looser?
doesn't look like it does. It fits right in and I just placed clouds joint right back in and there were no issues. Just remove them with pilers. It's pretty easy.

just buy that. I have this exact set too. If you don't want to switch them out then you have to come up with something yourself I guess. Also there are different skin colors so you might want to look out for that maybe. As you can see cloud is a bit more peachy.
You gonna suck dis cock good
I see, so worst case I can use the static hand joints that comes with the little armory gloves/hands.

>Also there are different skin colors so you might want to look out for that

Aerith is paler so the little armory hands might fit as it might be more for girl figures and color wise as well, worst case, I can get the black or green gloves
there's also a pack that comes with 2 guns. Thats the one I actually have not the one you posted. The joints are the same though
I fixed my problem by ordering the Polynian femboy robot that's about to release.
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Got another Megalomaria grill. she cute af
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Just as poseable as Principal (orange one) building her brought back some Bionicle memories.
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this one doesnt come with an extra face with posable eyes, understandable since she has all the extra maid armor bits and her knives. she comes with enough re used runners and parts to recreate Principal but with her unique face and color scheme
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she has "long hair" and side skirts that kinda limit her posing. Specially the side skirt bits, since they can only swivel horizontally, so it only helps with moving her legs kick forward, but not with spreading them apart. After these photos I changed the skirt bits with the re used Principal parts since they were to annoying
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I actually have the set I linked above years ago as I was heavy on buying figma figures years ago although I really haven't used it, as well as these guns https://myfigurecollection.net/item/244453, they are in one of my storage bins but now I will try to find both and take a pic with Bring Arts Aerith, gonna post it here in toy, not in this thread but maybe in,


Appreciate the help though, upon you mentioning that hand set with guns, that might be new and looks better but I think I might be satisfied with what I already have
Oh btw, just to be on topic, was gonna post Bring Arts Aerith's pantu shot but after seeing it in person, now I know why nobody posted a pic of it
Wow that bad huh?
Got my bootleg Harley in the post today. I gotta say I'm impressed- most of the joints work fine, the only areas of major build quality problems are the head and the belt. The paint's sloppy in places, and swapping parts is a bit of a pain due to the smaller joints being still subpar compared to official (and also the neck joint needed replacing) but as custom fodder she's more than good enough. Also her bubblegum broke off, which accidentally gave me a perfect fellatio face. Not too bad for £17.
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Anyone getting toynotch momo?
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Just a neat custom I saw
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Koko doko
Bug butte.
Wild binyot reference spotted
The official unpainted Snail shell lollipop.
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It's 50/50. I know their earlier figures like wolf, bun-chan, phantom machine, and milk tea are cross compatible with each other, but the newer figures might have some issues.
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Anyone have the new Snail Shell Catgirl cutie yet? She came in stock at amiami like a week ago, but I'm still waiting on a couple more things for this month.
>Polynian femboy robot that's about to release.
Ha ha about that.....
Damn it, how much did it get pushed?
Not sure, but they were suppose to come our last month and now it's late May.
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It said May release when I was ordering it. I'm going by Valve time and expecting it to release on 31st.
agentredgirl figures when?
Some complains on Hpoi about the quality of this one. When you get her, do a mini review pl0x.
Lots of videos of Muse up on Bilibili now, just search "Vtoys".
Patiently waiting for gundamit to ship out mine
I like the head. But I don't want a femboy. Especially one with a crotch tumor. And I just don't want to spend money on a whole figure when I just want the head
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Is this a good coom figure?
Seamless, so no.
Does anyone know if the 2nd wave Romankey Female on aliexpress are legit? They're being advertised by a gold rated seller with 98% positive ratings. 500 US customers and 3700 positive reviews. They also have a history selling since 2020. They seem to have shipped male bodies to positive photo reviews. I ask because the markup isn't anywhere near where everyone else has it. It's basically retail value if you ignore the gross markup that's marked down to indicate a sale like you see on everything on the site.
I'm seeing a listing for "Romankey X COWL 1/12 Super Flexible Girl Joint Body 15.8cm Female Soldier Action Figure Doll Artist Painting Model" for $124 USD (calculating in the shipping cost).
Initial offerings were way less than this. I think I paid $39 USD (this includes free shipping).
There is maybe a rumor that has maybe been confirmed or denied (I've never seen an official statement) saying that there'll be a re-release later this year. But that's just what I heard.
What I'm seeing is $58. Not with shipping. It's not that bad of a raise and that's why it seems sketchy. Earthing else is a 200% increase or more like you found. Rumor sounds plausible. It sold way too well to not rerun it. Especially if they wanted to branch out and do more body types. They could use this as a stable backbone to prop of future releases short term.
just preorder that >>10996070
cyberpunk chick it comes with 2 romankey bodies. It's basically a steal for that price on top of all the cool accesoirs
I was looking at the promo pics showing the deluxe accessories and it looks like for the spare body they're also giving it the robotic neck the main body has. Could just be the image they're using isn't the final thing but worth considering if you were planning on using it for a custom or something, you might have to find a separate regular neck. Excuse the super pixelated screenshot
I didn't even notice that lol. Yeah ,might be a bummer maybe if he wants a clean body. But if it's just for articulation and playing around I'd still get her instead.
>What I'm seeing is $58
I'm kind of kidding here, but what country are you in? I've been to aliexpress.us and .com, and all I'm seein' is $116.89+$6.28 shipping.
>Especially one with a crotch tumor.
But if you remove the bulge it becomes a flat girl. He would be worse at being a femboy without the bulge.
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I tried to do a "photoshoot" with Bring Arts Aerith so I might as well try an get a shot of it out online

I know you can't see it because of his long skirt covering but why did SE do this? they could have made it like Tifa's and it won't harm anyone
just switch that part out with one those lucky star panties if you have one
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This is Tifa's, not amazing but not horrible
Tbh, I don't mind, as I have said, its not really seen, just that if they already have the mold for Tifa's, why not reuse it instead of making an inferior one
nice nails did you just claw your way out of a crypt?
damn romankey bodies are sold out almost everywhere. I don't really want to pay a late fee for a blank body...especially almost 200 bucks...hope they make a male figue soon or something
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Not my pic, just found the pic in Twitter

Anyways, to the anon who helped me(appreciate it!), this is my trial photoshoot, might need a light box to properly shoot better pics, I didn't bother removing the Bring Arts joints and just used to little armory hands from the get go, its kinda loose but it does the job well
how did you cut out the picture so cleanly? Or did you just take the time to do it manually.
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oh it's the pc monitor
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Sorry, don't quite understand when you said "cut out the picture so cleanly", mind expounding a bit? english isn't my native tongue so maybe thats why I didn't get what you are asking

In any case, I used my Ipad pro(loaded a hospital ceiling I found thru google) as the backdrop with the figure in the front, need a btter light source as when I tried to light it up with a flash light, this is what I got
Yep, its a monitor(Ipad Pro), first time to do a photoshoot after years of collecting and its kinda refreshing, might buy or make a light box to do proper photoshoots in the future
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Does this qualify?
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if you're looking at the aliexpress listing, i messaged them on it. They said they expect stock in Q4 2024
Yea, bring arts makes a lot of questionable decisions at times. Though I do appreciate they actually gave them decent soft panties so they don't mess with articulation, and I honestly like Aerith with her full sized granny panty briefs. Though it would've been nicer if they were a bit more detailed. Y'hstola actually had some design work on hers, even though you'd never see them unless you specifically went looking. But hers were solid plastic and could get in the way of leg movement iirc.
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So many seamlines.
They've been making too many seamless figures lately. All the seams had to go somewhere.
Just more places to stick your dick
buy a statue
>the ko beats the real deal to market
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I've been researching so much past few days. I almost pulled the trigger on a male and female body for 200 bucks even. I will wait. I will order 2 of each! Oh man romankey bodies are the future of coom. You can do anything with it. It's like figma but better thanks to chinks doing whatever they want. You can even use figma heads on it too. Don't you faggots dare to sleep on it. It's literally THE coom toy. The amount of softgoods for it is staggering and the heads for it are all handmade and look amazing and more and more shit is coming out each day. It's literally build your waifu kit and it costs only like 30-40 bucks a figure (msrp)
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I had y'shtola once. She didn't have that much movement anyway. It's an incredibly pretty figure though and I almost regret selling it if it wasn't for literally 3 times the value I paid for her....still want her back some day.
Also @bringartsfags there's an ff9 eiko & quina stock on ebay for 100 bucks if you need. Just grabbed them
1/6 bodies
Pale or sun tan? which ones do you prefer?
I like pale for their versatility (there are more head sculpts available in this skin tone) but I like tan women more, so i don't know which one to choose.
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>i don't know which one to choose.
Choose your own adventure.
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Dear Valued Customers.

We are writing to inform you that we have taken pre-orders for the RPG-01 Succubus Rastia 1/12 Complete Action Figure [Snail Shell].

We have been informed by the wholesaler that the release date of the above product has been changed from "November 2024 TBA" to "August 2024 TBA",
is that amiami?
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damn snail shell is getting too powerful...might need to pick a slower shipping method since I'll be gone all month
>seamless trash
sounds like a you problem
Eiko Carol is a cutie. What's the scale? 1/12? 1/10?
Figure Size (inches): Eiko: W 2.18” x D 1.3” x H 3.54”. So 9 cm
I wouldn't give too much thought about scaling with the ff9 line specifically since they have funny proportions anyway. There's a DQ9 bundle with veronica and her sister for 60 bucks too. Complete insanity. Thinking about getting the toughie too but it looks like it's kinda meh but 15 bucks?
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nah I don't buy garbage that can't hold a pose or it will disintegrate
Damn shf g5 luffy is seamless too right? What a bummer. Thank god anons chink toys are cheap at least
Actually I was thinking in buying one of those articulated worldbox bodies, but I saved a shitty webp, so I uploaded the picture of the phicen bodies instead, since it serves the same purpose.
Just noted that they restocked the pale bodies in some e-commerce sites , but I want a second opinion about which one I should get.
God, this is awful.
I actually don't like when shit gets pushed up, I already have a big order placed this August
Yeah it kinda messes with my financial planning too. This time I'm just on vacation but still
>imagine buying tittie toys that you can't afford
They moved my whole November order to August, which has like three or four other November releases in it. Guess they'll split it and correct it later...?
>Imagine always trying to stir up shit instead of contributing to a conversation
Just buy it, you poorfag.
I am contributing you just don't like it.
Why is there a minor inside a bar?
He's getting his brains fucked out by a cyborg assassin and your question is why is he inside a bar?
I made some kits before so I don’t mind that much.
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Ordered some figures and made a list
Kinda coomery
He's just finished his shift at the mines.
>Gray Flesh
because I like shamrock. Have the original, 2.0, beach version. Might as well get grey
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Has anyone ordered from CDJapan? Are they trustworthy?
She's not that bad of a figure overall, and I really don't need a mage to be doing crazy poses, so I like her for what she is. Honestly, I don't even like XIV, but she was a main unit of mine in a FF based phone game and also I want them to make more Catgirls (or anything from XI to be honest) so I grabbed her on a whim. She was my first Bring Arts and I wasn't exactly blown away, but I was happy enough I went back for more. Though seeing as SE has a damn monopoly on these FF characters, there's literally no other options if you want figures of em.

I was never a fan of these two but I'm still kicking myself for passing on the Freya and Beatrix set. Two top tier waifus right there.
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For the Hon studio bodies, do I need to use a proxy to order those? I was thinking of ordering a couple.
I used to buy CD's from them before weebs existed. I can't say how they are in the 20 odd years since....
Fuck it. I made a new coom thread.
Sigh zatlit is back at trying to make fake threads again.
Pale for me but only because I gravitate to lighter-skinned head sculpts. Found a guide for picking the right tbleague body if you're stuck: https://giantoy.com/blogs/guides/tbleague-phicen-standard-female-figures-comparison-with-photo-body-shape
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Can confirm he wasn't overreacting. The shorts are stupid tight and the belt is glued in place so it isn't actually a belt. The boots are also a little nerve-wracking to reattach without possibly heating them up first. I sure hope that Tunshi drops the base bodies sometime soon. I'd hate to have to fight these clothes and ruin them just to swap outfits or take saucy pics.
That's cool. I think it may partially be on my side. My browser knows my general region. But for some reason has been setting the language of various sites to spicanese. Guess the camera spying on me thinks I look just that much like a fresh wetback that it's doing that. I'm a quarter, but the facial hair gives it away.
I've been seeing some top tier sculpts too. There's a Fubuki from OPM one that with a black dress and boa on the romankey fem bod looks superb. If a bit tall.
Fucking KEK
Cute Marnie. I like mine but her sleeves and handswaps are a pain
Based use of stand and arm
>Not enough shark features
Sorry, that's all I got. Unless you want the obvious succubus monster girls. There's also like wasp girls. At least the Helicorprion girl has shark teeth, that's pretty cute. Should've made her tomboy tan though.
Love her eyes. I suppose you took the panties from Bikini Knight Makoto Veteran Knight ver?
Good job Anon. The scariest part is starting and making something that's not quite what you'd envisioned at first. If you appreciate your progress rather than see a failure you'll be successful. I think it's looking promising.
Tonight would be sick. Think I've seen stuff for that on Aliexpress. I paid some 60 pre-order on NinNinGame.
Good luck, it's sometimes really hard to spot things that you take for granted when makers make it look so intuitive and natural.
Good luck, looking forward to seeing it
zat is the reason marvel general always has 3 threads running at any given time.
this thread is only on page 7. a new thread is not necessary, imo.
zat just likes to see threads on page 1.
dude. I'm not zat. I just wanted a new coom thread since this one reached the bump limit.
I didn't know this was a bad thing
He's a troll. Whose been here for years going under a few names. He likes to hang around the marvel threads but will go to other generals to try to stir up shit occasionally. It's been awhile since he tried it here. He hates slt for posting discord screens of him getting catfished and him having sex with a pearl doll from Steven universe. He has a page over at kiwifarms and is a known lol cow. There is tons more about him. Oh I forgot he's also the guy who posts the Micheal French retrospam threads
Anyone have a tip on where to find some Goblin-sans or Goblin-kuns? I'm patiently camping Mandarake but I want multiple of each and it seems fucking impossible to find Goblin-san in particular.
Not exactly a huge fan on this. I started out liking it a lot but as info came out recently it fell off for me.
>the neck
>low polygon panty shot
Hold on! We have rules against things that are too explicitly lewd here!
YES, that's the listing there! I was iffy on it since the pre-order stated release last month, but was still taking pre-orders. Good to know it's a possibly legit 2nd wave. They have a legit track record. Gonna get one of each or more here.
It's worth the wait since you can get so much more.
>do anything with it
Still waiting on a female to test her flexibility in the "full nelson position"
They are, and we haven't even seem the other WonFes teased figures and that new big round glasses girl
Thanks, that's pretty acceptable. She has lanky arms but is cute. Do you have a link for that one at 100? Everything else I see is at least triple that.
>Dragon's Quest Veronica and Sister
Oh my, those are looking good too.
>Go looking for it
>See so many more figures by the maker I've ignored
>Now decided to buy two other cuties when I was looking at other figures
I love the faceplates of that mechanic girl
Thanks, just checked the figma general buyguide and they also said good things about it. Gonna pull the trigger on the 2 cuties from Bringarts on there tonight
Goblin says have bootlegs on ebay and aliexpress .... goblin kuns however those you don't see alot I found one on Mandy ages ago but I don't recall seeing one in the wild in ages
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Since the new thread got some stuff going on i'll ask here.
I'm getting a new worldbox pale body and i can't decide which head I like more. Which one would you choose?
I just snagged a goblin-kun off eBay very luckily for like $60 shipped a couple weeks ago and found a goblin village on Mandarake for 8000 yen so I've been pretty lucky. Just wanting the real goblin-san because I am autstic about bootlegs and it seems to not exist anywhere.
I'm always partial to chunners. But 3 is nice 4 is the same face but the hair really makes the difference on 3. 6 is nice too since you don't see elves to often
I'm also tempted in getting one of these and get a tan body instead.
Yeah we get the weird ones here at /toy/. Like athena who sergs in almost every thread to zat who bombs the whole board whit shit post threads. I have a sneaking suspicion that zat was the necrobumper who caused the whole board to get fucked with the 2 week thread bump limit
M01 is pretty nice the hair frames the face well
It's just one of those things. If you want to make an adult action figure collector omelette you have to break a few autistic faggot retard eggs.
I like the m017 one. The hair reminds me of Azula from ATLA.
post your coomer toys with a message and I trust you
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Not into hololive, but this is kinda cute

More than "kinda".
I also have your July/Sept and Dec ordered.
Hopefully 1/9 scale isn't too weird for the boar girl. I only have 1/12 generally figma scale things. But I liked the design a lot
>bikini yuki
Moooom help me open my gogurt
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How's he going to eat his gogurt if its all over his pants?
I like the plaid dress, those are always nice
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That pod chair is rad
Ive also got a big version of it in black that fits 1/6 scale too. Paid WAY more for both of them than I should have, but worth it.
Wowowow salsa on that 60
s sphere chair?
Looks great with milk t!
Speaking of milk t. Are there any lines that use the same head balljoint?
Only figure that sort fit was my super action statue Stone Free, but her head is than almost enveloping the neck making her look like she has no neck.

I got Milk T and love her body and torso from the front. But the side view, big head and limbs are kinda ehh when she stands next to my other figures.
I think i'll sit on her for a while. Maybe i'll use her as customize fodder. Or i'll eventually sell her.
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Aqua still has the one of the best asses in the game
>Channel 6 news, care to make a comment?
Are the jojo's super action statue figures coom worthy? Like Jolyne for example
>Uh yeah .... umm ... n... nice tttt.... nice tits!
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New Thread
Im pretty sure I found the chair on ebay if I remember right...
>dat face
she's a bimbo?
Fucking kek
Crimson Commander is a pedophile

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