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Felix Kjellberg (Pewdiepie) lives in Japan with his Italian wife and their infant mixed race (Nordic/Mediterranean) infant son, Bjorn. However, he’s made a terrible mistake.

Japan is a unique culture. It is a racially homogenous ethnostate. Anyone who is not racially Japanese is considered a foreigner, and can NEVER be truly accepted. You see where I’m going here?

Despite being BORN IN JAPAN, the kid will always be viewed as an outsider. Even though he was born there, he will never be accepted, because he is not racially Japanese.
Imagine being a foreigner in your own country. What will be the psychological effects on the kid, as he realises that he will always be a Gaijan, even in the country where he was born and grows up in.
You sound like you're terminally online. Seek help.
>Imagine being a foreigner in your own country.
Literally every single west and north European knows how that feels now thanks to immigration humpers.
I feel like this living in America
>Anyone who is not racially Japanese is considered a foreigner, and can NEVER be truly accepted
Just like in any other country that wasn't built on immigration.
>Anyone who is not racially Japanese is considered a foreigner, and can NEVER be truly accepted.
Based and based. This is the proper way. Being welcoming and hospitable to the visitors is one thing, but the Westoids' way of turning your country into a trashcan with no social cohesion where it's you, the host, who's told to give up on the idea of having your_own_country is something totally different.
>Kid to rich parents
I think that lil nigga will be just fine
>Imagine being a foreigner in your own country.
yeah, as a white guy who grew up as a minority in the United States, I understand Bjorn's pain.
This, if he doesn't like it he can easily move out elsewhere but honestly who would ever choose to live OUTSIDE Japan if they had a choice?
>Imagine being a foreigner in your own country
It's not his country. In real countries (not the US) your birthright nationality is defined by who your parents are, and not where you were born. As it should be.
How is two white people mixed race lmao? They're extremely beautiful with a perfect baby. At least he didn't marry an Asian.
They are just enjoying the country. The kid is not supposed to be Japanese. Right now the homogeneous nature of Japan makes it ideal for retirement for a young couple who like aesthetics and peace.
Can someone explain to me what "truly accepted" means ?
I'm a white guy in a white country with good social skills but I don't feel "accepted" by the people in the train, the bookseller or my boss. They're cordial to me and we trade services. Then I go home and fuck my gf.
When I'm abroad it's basically the same, especially if I can speak the language.

Also I've been around 9 months total in Japan and they didn't seem to "reject me". I guess they always saw me as a foreigner but the plus and the minus were close.
I could've got married several times so I didn't feel that supposed rejection.
What do you mean "accepted" ? Yeah you're not considered real Japanese, who cares? They want your tourism money and provide good service. Thats all you need to know. They don't discriminate from what I've seen. Some say they run things better than America & Korea. Keep stuff quiet and clean
Thats a good point. It was easier for them to give birth in Japan but what is the baby's citizenship
Immigration was originally supposed to be a way of getting the Einsteins who merge with the populace, not pour in masses of shithole countries to replace us.
Idk I know lots of white Americans who married Asian girls and stayed in the country and they seem happy af despite being weird weaboos
>Despite being BORN IN JAPAN, the kid will always be viewed as an outsider
White people need to seriously shut the fuck up about this. I was born to Carribean parents in Western Canada. Of course people knew I was different and acted as such but as long as people are respectful I don't mind. People are naturally curious. White people move to Asia and become shocked at being treated like a minority. I've been treated that way my whole life that it feels completely normal to me. Anyone who complains is a god damn snowflake.
Oh look it's another tard weeb sperg out.
Take your meds or kys faggot.
>Can someone explain to me what "truly accepted" means ?
It's cope for "I put in a non effort and read online about how others put in some effort but the Japanese still looked at me like a fucking idiot. I even studied parts for an N5!".

That kid is 100% going to a private school where he will be surrounded by others and will learn the ropes and make it fine. The people he won't fit in with who only base off 'acceptance if you rook rike me!' are the fags he will learn to avoid especially if they treat him like shit after learning he is native born + raised.

At worst people will think at first he is a tourist's kid or navy brat (oh no!)
At best they will realize he was born there and just did his best

Love weebs trying to compare "I was basically raised by japanese, well mostly anime and gaia online, because my rich white parents were gone (not really but they didn't get me). When I went to Japan I wasn't accepted like a local anywhere in akihabara I went!". Believe it or not most Japanese don't give a fuck anymore outside shit stain high schoolers and losers. Go to the country side and you might find like 2-3 old farts who actually give a shit, everyone else knows you're a piggy bank walking.
>mixed race (Nordic/Mediterranean) infant son
I'm dying
I mean that's my experience in life as well. You grow up feeling resentful and jealous of kids with union between their racial and social identity, but later on in life you realise how much of a blessing it is to have a more worldly perspective (it's a plus if you end up speaking multiple languages).
>I'm a faggot
We know, OP
>i let Jews fill my country full of shit skins
No my problem
he isn't mixed race retard, Euros are all basically the same race, anyways being born in Japan is basically like winning the lottery, also he can get Italian citizenship through his mother and move back to Europe if he decides to some day.
Italian and Swedish, assuming Felix never naturalized American (he did live there for a while right?)
Nothing else.
>Euros are all basically the same race
>east slav
>south slav
>west slav
>north germanic
>south germanic
>andalusian (and subdivisions)
>north italian
>south italian
>all the englishmen
>etc etc
Next you'll say that a white person from California is the same as an Alaskan or a someone from a Dakota
He lived in the UK for a while, iirc he never lived in the US.
>later on in life you start coping with being a mutt
Says the guy who wants to create hafus, cope more
>Imagine being a foreigner in your own country. What will be the psychological effects on the kid, as he realises that he will always be a Gaijan, even in the country where he was born and grows up in.
the kid is an expat kid, not a japanese kid. with 2 europarents and attending an expensive expat school with rich hapa girls and other rich asians who want their kids to have a foreign education, the kid is going to be a rich blond euro chad in a sea of people who look up to him in every sense.
he'll be fine.
i think people expect to be fawned over when no one really gives a hoot. a lot of asians who come to our countries also feel this: like they are exotic and expect people to be wowed they are there. but no one cares it is another foreigner and so this gets classed as some discrimination.
>perfectly healthy infant born to millionaires in a highly globalised world will suffer
>anyways being born in Japan is basically like winning the lottery
What exactly is so awesome about it?
Ignore all of the ignorants coping itt. Things may look different 10 years from now with the flux of immigrants, but as of now, you're 100% right. The japanese are VERY isolated in their own zeitgeist from anywhere outside of east asia, and even fellow east asians have an aura of ''alienesses'' about them. If you truly want to integrate with the japanese(not fellow foreigners), being a white person in japan is the equivalent of being a pale red haired person in Kenya minus the superstitious tribes
You can be able to read manuscripts in ancient japanese, or know the ins and outs of japanese idiosyncrasies, and you'll still be a gaijin.
Japan doesnt' follow Jus Soli, so by Jus Sanguinis Bjorn is Swedish/Italian
What a tragedy. He'll be at least foot taller than every man in Japan, with a cock that's literally twice as large. He's Nordic, so he'll have blond hair and beautiful eyes. He'll literally be a God among midgets.
being rich means you're an international citizen in the new digital age
what do you mean? Do they not know Daniel-san and the yakuza? He knows konichiwa and anime. He is real Japanese.
He could just go to an international school. He doesn't actually have to integrate within Japanese society or something.
Canada, too. It's basically India now.
Honestly, I would rather have a kid in Japan. Yes, he'll always be a gaijin and never truly fit in or belong to Japan, but better that than to grow up among jeets in Mumbai 2.0
Amerimutts don't have it much better.
There's no country for white children.
>Being born in Japan is basically like winning the lottery.

No being born to rich parents is like winning the lottery.The fact the kid was born in Japan is whatever.
> Imagine being a foreigner in your own country.
I can assure you that this is a common feeling among people even if they have lived in the same place their entire lives.
They will worship his BWC
You need to be 18 to post here.
>Imagine being a foreigner in your own country
I think Japan is a particularly extreme example, given how homogenous and vaguely xenophobic the local culture largely is. I know a few permanent gaijin residents of Japan, all fluent or close enough in Japanese, at least one of whom has naturalized and acquired Japanese citizenship, and they all talk about encountering daily or near-daily discrimination.

But, living as a long-term expat with kids, in Europe, I also know dozens of what get called “third culture kids” who don’t suffer much. My own kids accept that they are not from where they live, and acknowledge the country they were born in as a part of their identity, but they have next to no desire to go back there. When they think about their futures, they imagine many possibilities. When they go “home” to visit their grandparents or other relatives, they enjoy it, and also complain about stuff. When they come home, they see good and bad here, too.

It’s a lot less unstable and rootless for them than I was afraid it could be. And the same is true for a very solid majority of the kids of the many expat families that I know. Their lives are more complex than mine was, but they’re nowhere near ruined.
>yeah, as a white guy who grew up as a minority in the United States, I understand Bjorn's pain.
I wanted to call bullshit on both of your absurd points here, but I know there are a range of bits of America where nonwhite people outnumber white people (I have lived in a couple of neighborhoods one city that were majority-brown), so I’ll just ask where you grew up.

But next I can’t help but ask: Do you honestly not feel American? I can’t believe that. White replacement fetishists usually can’t shut up about how they’re the genuine Americans.

I’ll buy that you grew up feeling like you didn’t fit in well wherever you come from. But you’re full of shit if you claim you felt your country belonged to someone else more than it did to you. THAT’s what Bjorn is growing up into—a country that really is someone else’s. And I don’t give a shit, personally. That YouTube dipshit is an asshole who got lucky.
no chance he's raising the kid here long-term. when he realizes all the money in the world isn't going to change how fagged out japanese work/school life is he's yanking that kid the fuck back to the west

he will still have a hard time at private schools here since the international(good) ones are all mostly populated by diplomat kids and desu he'd probably get bullied there because his dad doesn't give him a taxpayer-funded maybach.
You're all ignoring the elephant in the room: by the time his kid reaches adulthood Japan will be thoroughly JEETED.
Living in Japan in the 2030/40s will be like living in Canada today.
I just look at it as business potential. Random guy streaming phone images somewhere has a baby, who the fuck cares. Japan is bigger than pewdiepie.
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>Living in Japan in the 2030/40s will be like living in Canada today.

It's already jeeted. Picrel. (it will get deleted soon because of you-know-who)
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>Living in Japan in the 2030/40s will be like living in Canada today.

Golden era of Japan is almost over. I would say we're on the decline when you see poojeet Lawson cashier in Tokyo and fastfood joints, as of right now. Won't be long before you see half poojeet, half Japanese walking around.
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The poojeet menance.
Do terminally onlines have no idea that there are international schools or schools built specifically for white people in every Asian country? And even if his kids can't fit in with the Japanese, there are enough westerners in those schools to befriend him.
Look man. That kid is going to go to some international school full of other rich people's kids both Japanese and foreign and he'll be fine. It doesn't matter because that kid was never going to be part of "regular" society anyway, whether in Japan or in the west. All that matters is that he won't get robbed or killed on the way to school.
Culturally different, yes obviously. But racially considered white, Europeans are by in large white. Marzia is a white Italian, just look at her, does she look brown to you??
For a rich kid, a unique identity is a rare blessing.

If he was Japanese, he'd be affected by Japan's social problems.

Being a white rich kid in Japan will likely make him a harem anime protagonist in a country full of sexless salarymen who have to work 20 hours a day to survive.
in 50 years there won't be any japanese left in japan anyway. they have like 0.8 children. way below replacement rates
>raise your child in the insane asylum that is the West!

Fuck you man, just 100% fuck you, and fuck you some more.
Japan is literally the only country on this planet, other than New Zealand where I might (strong emphasis there) have considered having a kid before I scrapped the idea entirely.
my name is bjorn
PewDiePie's kid will likely become a TV star or join a rock band. If he is big and tall enough, he could become an athlete as well or a professional wrestler / sumo wrestler.
I think they both have UK citizenship so the baby probably has a British passport too.
OP (Faggot) lives in his mothers basement and has no children. He's made a terrible mistake.

4chan is a unique culture. It hates transfaggot OPs. Anyone who is a hysterical faggot about people bettering their lives is considered a kikeshill, and can NEVER be truly accepted. You see why you're a faggot?

Despite being born in a hopsital, OP will always live in his mothers home as a kissless virgin. Even though he was born in the west, he will never get a western girl, because OP is a faggot. Imagine being a western man with access to 4chan and still get no bitches. What will be the psychological effects of this kike dumping his mentally ill obsession with successful white men onto this board, as he realizes he will always be a disgusting kike, even in JIDF contrlled boards where he is paid to shill in.
I am Canadian and I feel like a minority in my country. Everyone here is a pajeet
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>What will be the psychological effects on the kid, as he realises that he will always be a Gaijan, even in the country where he was born and grows up in.

Jared Taylor was born and raised there and went on to be the most prolific and well-spoken white nationalist today.
this thread is not representative of reality. all the posts of "I grew up in america with poojeets and blacks like it was africa" are made up whinging. foreigners growing up in america had it hard as well but that's seen as an invasion so it won't be discussed here
japs just mad that poojeets are moving in on their groping activities.
PewDiePie has too much power. He's lead at least 30 million zoomers. He's like a modern Ghandi.
That's because Jesus lives in Canada. He doesn't like the people who live there too much and he makes us march under the light. Suicide doesn't even work for Canadians. Our bodies heal like stars in the night sky of hell
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>I am Canadian and I feel like a minority in my country. Everyone here is a pajeet

Bro. You WILL date a poojeeta and you WILL like it.

Time to learn hindi.
All the zoomers who watched pewdiepie are now 20 and moved on, look back on pewdiepie only nostalgically, the young zoomers and gen alpha are led by Mr Beast
NZ is just a more left wing Australia
He will guest star on “terrace house - opening new dimensions” in 2050. He will get involved with a gravure idol on the show and live miserably ever after as her cuckboy. His parents are rich though. He will sorta make it.
>Anyone who is not racially Japanese is considered a foreigner, and can NEVER be truly accepted
So, like any other foreigner in any other country. Sure you run into some racists, again like any other country, but as long as you conform to their social norms and etiquette you'll be just fine.
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He'll become the next Jared Taylor, obviously. So by all accounts, he'll turn out well-adjusted and racially aware.

You're just a pussy. People had kids in the worst conditions everywhere. Just live anywhere you are allowed to homeschool.
Yes, because Japan is just like any other country.
That's not going to wreck the culture as much as every middle class person in the west wanting to move there because it's the one place left in the developed world where the cities still have functioning law enforcement and you can walk around alone without getting mugged (or sucker punched in the case of NYC). By the time Pewdiepie Jr. grows up, you probably won't even need to know Japanese to have a functional life in Japan because English will have the status Spanish currently has in California due to all the immigration from everywhere.
>Born into a rich wealthy family
>Getting to speak Swedish, Italian, Japanese and English
That kid is going to be the Count of Monte-Cristo.
More like the slut of kabukicho, amirite?
To a certain extent yes, and that was exactly my point. Yes you'll probably always be seen as an outsider if you look the part, but the same can be said with any country
Felix has enough money to send the kid to the best international school so it will be fine. His other options are what, bongland or sweden? Two muslim caliphates
It was always about cheap labor and if you're American you likely replaced the people before you.
People still believe this? Pewdiepie had money and the largest youtube channel and he didn't become some kind of racial advocate; he ran away from his own country and helped ruin another. At some point you have to admit it's just wishful thinking.
>Japan is a unique cultur

Speaking perfect Japanese and observing the unspoken rules of propriety are quite sufficient-- not being around low class trash is the determinate qualitative factor in this scheme, and his parents are very wealthy and sending him to the best school. He'll be living the dream, if anything.
Daily reminder Felix Kjellberg is a manlet (literally goes around wearing lifts pretending to be average height) and by definition a low value male in his own country. He is geomaxxing and compensating enormously with his wealth of course, making him a cuck and a paypig
Unironically his exact reason for the country, less likely to be cucked.
Dystopian future is incredibly boring slow burn.
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Luckily, I don't have children and never will.
Does pewdiepie child even have japanese citizenship or is he going to be a 100% gaijin?
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Shills should live on /pol, go back from whence you came.
you don't get citizenship just by being born in japan, you have to be born to at least one japanese parent
the baby potentially has swedish/italian dual citizenship though from him and the mom
Citizenship is for poors only, they can buy it
I agree, men should men up and live like gypsies, have bunch of children who have children live in barracks and have basic literacy.


/sarc ofc
this is true

this is somewhat true. Japanese zoomers are taller. Chinese zoomers are tall as fuck as well. I mean 6 feet plus.

Times are changing. New gens grow tall. Also, aesthetic standards are changing. Asia is popular now. Girls like K pop looking dudes.

Still, blonde is rare and rare is cool. His parents or her parents are good looking, rich. Kid should do well.

PPie even tho I never consumed his stuff, seems like good dude at heart.

All in all, nobody can see the future.
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>just homeschool your kids bro!
That's just kicking the can down the road. Kids are more influenced by their peers than their parents. So the only way is to isolate your child, and they're going to integrate into society anyway at 18. It's not the ultimate solution.
Bjorn and Marzia are so cute and we're so happy for Pewds. He deserves everything. I've been wondering though lately about the logistics behind the conception of Bjorn. Do you think it was just missionary the whole time? Perhaps he ej@culat3d during reverse c0wg|r| while looking at the back of Marzia's head. Hard to imagine them doing d0ggie, they seem more like slow missionary people maintaining eye contact throughout.
That kid is going to be drowning in pussy when he grows up lol.
This is one of the dumbest things I've read.
Japan is unfortunately a terrible country for non-Japanese. No matter if you’re white, you will always be a foreigner. Like some other anons said, physically wise pewds is a manlet with an average face. He thinks going to other countries will give him and his kids an easier life. While that may be true, Japan is clearly a mistake
it doesn't matter, they live within the expat bubble
I haven't watched him in years, but I bet he hasn't made any japanese friends
Imagine how cooked in the head you have to be to be on 4chan distressing over the plight of a famous and wealthy youtuber's infant child because of a scenario you made up in your mind.
>>2643800 9 year old ig
pewds is kind of a sensation, even if it's superficial the japs definitely know about him and his kid will have clout for being his son at least until his fame fades away.
>I haven't watched him in years, but I bet he hasn't made any japanese friends
He has a pretty large Japanese following, He's friends with a bunch of surfers and was even given a free car when people recognized him.

The dude is rich, speaks japanese at a near fluent level, and is known world wide. The seething of tourists here not understanding the clout this guy has is hilarious.
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>Japan is a unique culture. It is a racially homogenous ethnostate. Anyone who is not racially Japanese is considered a foreigner, and can NEVER be truly accepted. You see where I’m going here?
>Despite being BORN IN JAPAN, the kid will always be viewed as an outsider. Even though he was born there, he will never be accepted, because he is not racially Japanese.
>Imagine being a foreigner in your own country. What will be the psychological effects on the kid, as he realises that he will always be a Gaijan, even in the country where he was born and grows up in.
This is the case in most of the world with non-ethnically native people. I am a Finnish-Chinese man born and raised in Finland, and despite being culturally Finnish, I have never been seen as Finnish and I never will. It is unfortunate, but that's just the way humans are. I think only America and Canada are the only exceptions to this, because they don't have their own ethnic groups.
Google Jus Sanguinis and you will understand how things work in old world countries.

In most of the world citizenship and nationality are not linked to land i.e. the place where a person is born, but to the citizenship and nationality of their parents.
Apart from the countries in the American continent, this is how things have been like for all of history because borders change all the time, and it's also one of the earliest forms of human rights, once it ensures self determination to people even in case a nation loses sovereignty of its physical territories. And in the old world reality it's necessary to be like this because countries can stop existing like Poland did for more than 100 years, for example. People are protected from geopolitical events like this. It means people don't need to rely on territorial integrity in order to have a nationality.
It's a different reality from yours, and a normal thing specially for Europeans. It's happening in Ukraine as we speak. Do you think they will stop being Ukrainians because of problems with borders? A country's sovereignty can be fluid, but people's identity can survive even if the territory is not under control.
In the old world a nation builds a country, and not vice versa like in the Americas.

A lot of people are being rude to you in this thread because you took for granted a worldview you have that is considered "common sense" in your culture, but in reality your perception of things is wildly different from the rest of the world. The reason they are in Japan and are comfortable with all those things you mentioned is also the same reason why you can't understand why they went there and chose to stay. It's because they live a different reality from you, and being international is a normal thing in the old world. It's also the reason why your country exists today, if you think about it. Because Europeans went there.
>I think only America and Canada are the only exceptions to this, because they don't have their own ethnic groups.

Not true. Traditionally (before mass immigration) Americans and Canadians are white.

They call it "old white stock Canadian" (Anglo)
White, sure, but that isn't really an ethnic group. Anglo-Saxon is an ethnic group, but the Americans have always had other European ethnicities mixed in that were not Anglo-Saxon.
I love Japan so much bros, but Japan isn't for anyone but native Japanese. His kid will be European and that's more than ok.
I like how you left out the part that the kid is RICH
No anon, you WILL pollute their gene pool by making love to your Japanese wife
His child will be rich and famous. They won't ever have these problems
He doesn't speak fluent Japanese at all lmao
Didn't he spend like a year getting ready for the move and then didn't learn Japanese at all?
there are already examples of gaijin/white people who are born and raised in japan


they grow up fine, basically polite and soft spoken like everyone else in the land of the rising sun
>rich and famous
Two groups with high rates of anxiety and depression, mix it with the sense of not belonging to the group of people that make up 98% of the population and you got a great combo!
Felix is a successful individualist ubermensch and thus chose to raise his son in a culture that will perpetually treat him as an outsider, as Felix himself chooses to live, so that he can naturally develop a family first, society second viewpoint instead of being poisoned by the collectivism that is pushed by every country.
Refer to

Immigration was always about driving down wages and acquiring cheap labor all for the benefit of the government and socioeconomic elites. In Americas case with labor, it always had a policy of import to exploit. Anything positive they have to say about immigration is just gaslighting. In fact, the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis produced a paper a few years ago on the impact of immigration; not only did immigration depress wages for unskilled and skilled labor, but also put a heavy strain on social welfare programs.
Japan is quite literally the best country in the world for people that want to be left the fuck alone (like pewdiepie). Permanent foreignership means permanent gaijin pass, and on top of that Japan is a very polite, conflict avoidant society with low crime even if you live in the cheaper areas. In other countries where you'll always be a white foreigner you additionally have to always worry about being targeted by criminals, scammers, or people who simply hate whites. In societies where you are part of the main economic demographic, you instead have to worry about being targeted by the government and socio-economic environment, probably on top of foreign criminals.
>Despite being BORN IN JAPAN, the kid will always be viewed as an outsider. Even though he was born there, he will never be accepted, because he is not racially Japanese. Imagine being a foreigner in your own country.
This is a pretty big misconception about Japan. The longer you live there the more you're expected to assimilate with the country.
Just being an N1 and getting a bachelor's from a japanese university gets you over half way to permanent residency.
That's not related to living in Japan retard
imagine being bjorn (lol) a white chad in japan. You'd be a huge hit with the cute japanese girls
Nordics and mediterranean are 2 different White subraces you mongoloids.Its not race mixing
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>he thinks whiteness is based on looks
This is why I keep the map.

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