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Just went to NYC for 3 days. Stayed at an Airbnb in williamsburg. Although I liked it for the first ~36 hours, I started to dislike a lot more as time went on.
> Vast trash-scapes pretty much everywhere.
> Food/coffee is incredibly fucking expensive, even at the "cheaper" places. Yet these places are packed.
> Went to an extremely hipster coffee shop that charged 7 dollars for an espresso. Place was also extremely packed with mostly locals.
> Servers/waitresses generally had shitty attitudes.
> All of the Williamsburg locals seemed like giant faggots. People dress like fucking clowns. The stuff I overheard these people talking about was some of the most inconsequential, out of touch shit I've ever heard.
How do these people afford to live here? Why does everyone seem like such an insufferable shithead? I've lived in cities and in the country, but with the exception of some restaurants, this place is uniquely repulsive. Are all of these people just living off of Daddy's money?
Williamsburg has for a long time been well known as a place for vapid trust fund retards to spend their 20s larping as creatives. So yes, they’re living off Daddy’s money.
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Remember that kid from your highschool who thought he/she was "so Qu1rkY & rAnD0m!!1?"
Now imagine a whole neighborhood filled with those people. That's Williamsburg. Now imagine they branch out and move to other parts of the city because "I'm never going back to XYZ town, I'd miss the hustle and bustle of the big city."
Meanwhile, the people who grew up in new york and just want to live their lives as normal people as their parents and grandparents did are priced out.
Here's a fun game, walk around at night in the winter and count the lights that you see on in apartments. Most of them are off. Why? Because if you have enough money to have an apartment in most neighborhoods now, you have enough money to not live in New York in the winter time.
I know this will be hard to believe but city dwellers like that. They like the fact that the walls are covered with graffiti, that you constantly smell a mix of 400 ethnic food trucks that use too many spices in their dishes, that people dress and look like clowns. That is the urban lifestyle. They kinda-sorta like that it’s expensive because it allows them to perpetuate this illusion of being trendy and rich. They hate the trash, but that’s just a necessary by product of their high consumption lifestyle. This is how city people are now. They love everything weird, ethnic, trendy. Williamsburg really looks no different than the trendy neighborhood of any East Coast city.
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Forgot pic. This is urban living: buying a 1 million dollar townhome with your DINK partner and letting a Brazilian graffiti “artist” tag it up to “fight for street art”. They unironically want this. They love it actually.
People don't live in the city long-term. I think it's the consensus that people go somewhere more affordable and safer when they're ready to settle down and have kids. People do NYC for a couple years in their 20's and early 30's, then move out.
It becomes easier to understand when you realize, yes, there just are a ton of people in america who are wealthier than you or have much wealthier families.
And the low income people get various government subsidies.
>walk around at night in the winter and count the lights that you see on in apartments. Most of them are off. Why?
because it's night time
Sorry I should have specified, 8,9,10,11 o'clock. The times when people would normally be at home relaxing and eating dinner but I'm insinuating that they don't live in the city at certain times of the year.
A lot of New Yorkers are just transplants from boring parts of the country who think it's going to be like it is in the movies.
Some people are stuck, make enough to live okay but don't make enough to give up living in NYC and move. I got lucky moving out of a coastal city and really wouldn't go back unless I had to. I made decent money so looking at jobs elsewhere was kinda hard but work relocated so didn't have a choice.

Shit was expensive but looking at the income I'd increase just moving to another city even with a lower cost of living the amount of time invested in that area didn't make it always worth it.

>How do these people afford to live here?
Many places are rent controlled or have some clause about what they can max charge people who've lived there. This is why some landlords will fork over hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay people to move out or start making life insufferable to move people out.
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If there are any real posters others than bots and shills I’ll answer

I moved to New York two years ago for adventure but actually the best thing is the potential to make money is better than anywhere else in the United States . You just make more dollars per hour . Getting a good job is easy and I paid off 6300 in debt in 10 months . Now I’m debt free and i still eat out every meal , yes , every meal and i still save 500-1000 a month .

My place is cheap and i did that on purpose . I don’t worry about any my finances anymore because I’m finally able to save .

Literally the largest global financial hub , a 4 dollar coffee ( the average isn’t 7 you liar ) doesn’t bother me because the benefits outweigh the downsides

I also don’t need a car which saves an additional 300 per month anyway . Did the people you saw during your visit look like they were suffering ?
Oh, you are living my dreams anon. I have some questions for you.
1)What industry are you employed in
2)which borough do you live in
4)which do you work in
3)how many hours per week do you work
4)how much time off do you get
You might want to explain where you moved from and what you make and pay for rent, the cheapest co-opt shared shower place is about 1150/mo. The cheapest studios in Newark are starting 1200-1300/mo with many places linking to a income restriction only and 15 minutes from the nearest train station. With ~1hr-90 minutes to downtown on the subway one way. That's 3hrs in transportation assuming you work downtown. This was found via apartments.com (inb4 I found a good deal with my friends).

Sure New York can be a better life if you're moving some some high cost of living area like Seattle or LA, the difference really isn't that bad. Though there are plenty of places where the overall cost of other goods and services are lower making the entire place of living far more attractive.

I doubt I am getting the same size or quality hamburger from a non chain for the same 11 dollars here vs. NYC+NYC tax+expected or pre-included tip

>I also don’t need a car which saves an additional 300 per month anyway
If you were paying 300/mo just to own a car I have way bigger questions here. Are you one of those leasing faggots?
>People dress like fucking clowns

Are there still hipsters there?

>you have enough money to not live in New York in the winter time.

nah, everybody knows that the rich leave nyc in the summer not the winter
>Are you one of those leasing faggots?

Gas, oil, and other fees easily top $300 a month
probably either generational wealth or some job that pays retards 6 figures for being finance frat bros or social media prostitutes or whatever
Where did you move from? Not to be a dick but paying off that amount doesn't really mean much if I don't understand your entire financial situation.

Look at the menu for Sey coffee. Never said 7 was average (you ESL?), only for one place I went to that was packed. Lots of locals, I was going from shop to shop and saw people grab coffee and go next-door to the shitty local thrift store.
Another thing: please explain what you mean by moving to New York for "Adventure". Unless the city had a job opportunity I couldn't turn down, I really don't know if I'd like living there for more than a month. If by "adventure" you mean buy expensive ass food, get fucked up while wearing pants made out of a persian carpet, I understand because that's what I saw a lot of in Williamsburg. Yes, eating out is nice, but how many Asian fusion dishes do you eat before revaluating your spending habits.

Yes, I know there are many different scenes and artsy shit going on. That's the same as every other city with 1 million or more people in the West.

My problem with the word "adventure" is that I've lived in places where there is objectively more shit at your fingertips in a 2 hour radius that doesn't require you to live in Daddy's dime. Ex, some west coast cities are in the perfect location to have access to both extreme urban and extreme natural environments. It just felt like that Williamsburg in particular gave the illusion of variety. You have a billion places to eat and drink and shop, but fundamentally you're just eating, drinking, and shopping. If course if you're a resident you'll make friends and new opportunities will present them selves, but with how much NYers talk about it being the sickest city in earth, I can't help but think they are essentially jerking off upside down into their own faces.
>but with how much NYers talk about it being the sickest city in earth, I can't help but think they are essentially jerking off upside down into their own faces
NYC has always been like this and always will be
I mean, what other city in the country even compares to New York?

Los Angeles and San Francisco are both shitholes, you need a car and to fight traffic to get anywhere.

Chicago is somehow even more violent and full of blacks, Illinois also manages to be even more corrupt and dysfunctional than NY.

Boston is a boring shithole where everything dies at 11 and public transport can't even be relied on anymore.

Miami is full of blacks and Latinos and will be underwater in 20 years. Also good luck with the hurricanes.

What else is left, when you rule everything else out? It's not perfect, but New York is the greatest city of any size in the country by process of elimination.
>I mean
shut the fuck up
Must be hard living with all that bitterness. Let it go, pencil dick. Then maybe you'll feel the touch of a woman.
Williamsburg fucking blows.

I live about 30 minutes north in Queens: incredible and cheap ethnic food in a diverse neighborhood. I can get world class greek or Tibetan or Korean or Japanese or African food for cheap within a short walk.

Clean and uncluttered neighborhood.

And I can get pretty much anywhere fun in Manhattan within 30-40 minutes, then come home for 2.75 on public transport to sleep in a place where my rent costs ~30% less and everyone on my block knows me.
Do you live in California or some shti?
you know what womans touch feels like? You just lost 30 dollars in 2 seconds unless you take smartphone away from her.
I don’t really see the appeal of New York in general. I suppose if you own a business or in the financial services sector or maybe in book publishing or something, or if you’re an artist or a writer, New York is really the place to be for professional opportunities. But otherwise, there is really nothing that New York offers that can’t be had elsewhere. You just get more of whatever is had. So what is the point? It’s not the place it used to be and frankly, the cost doesn’t justify the more imo. I don’t know what I’m missing.
here are some things I did in new york
>had a threesome with 2 fat girls
>pissed my bed after waking up with a panic attack
>had sex with a japanese girl who we couldn't talk to each other while watching gremlins on Netflix
>got attacked in an elevator by two juvenile future doctors
>smoked weed and drank Jose Cuervo with my Puerto rican neighbors because I was honorary boricua
>watched 4 kids get shot in a drive by
>watched another drive by but the shooter missed
>got kicked out of a club for looking underage
>stayed up all night dancing to danish techno at Bossa nova social club RIP
>drank kava and kratom until I passed out like a junkie on the street
>ate mushrooms at the kava bar and listened to my friend talk about conspiracy theories
>puked out a taxi window after drinking all night in LES
>smoked meth and walked around the city without sleeping for 2 days
>had gay sex
>watched some lady get robbed on my block so I went outside and chased after the robber
>met an old man who couldn't talk anymore because of a stroke but I would hangout with him and listen to the birds while drinking coffee
yeah I like to have a little fun and I miss New York sometimes. I think if you think New York isn't exciting or adventurous the problem is that you're just a loser who has no sense of courage and daring.
Larping frog faggot spotted
Hi from an oooooldfag (40s). One of my best friends from high school lived in Williamsburg long-term, starting long before the place was the gentrified trust-fund hipster playground it has been for some years now. When he first moved there (after spending a couple of years in Greenpoint, now also a rich baby hipster jungle gym, but which was then still largely working-class and Polish), his bit of Williamsburg was honestly a little scary at night—lots of industrial lots, with dogs barking behind corrugated-steel fences; no restaurants except for shitty little fast-food-Chinese or greasy Caribbean takeaways, or extremely unfriendly Hasidic kosher places. Projects around the corner full of angry-looking young dudes with pagers.

He did what a lot of the early hipster colonists did, and got a very cheap lease on an unfinished warehouse space that he and a couple of friends spent a few years building out into a very comfortable six-bedroom shared loft sort of apartment. It was extremely makeshift and a bit grim for years—bare concrete, drywall, plywood. But somewhere between five and eight people could live there simultaneously while splitting rent that was less than newcomers are now paying for a 1br in a shiny newer high-rise.

Rent control laws in New York have specific provisions protecting loft/self-converted industrial spaces. So a portion of people in Williamsburg are, to this day, either old people/first-wave gentrifiers who haven’t left because they’re clinging to historically fossilized rents, or young people renting rooms/subletting from such people.

My friend stuck it out there for a really long time, more than twenty years, and finally bailed just a few years ago, when his loft, which he ran as a kind of co-op, was in what he felt like were good, younger hands, and the neighborhood had become what he felt was intolerably popular and hip. As he put it, “First there were no cafés, and suddenly there were too many.”
He (You) sounds like a dipshit
>He (You) sounds like a dipshit
I certainly wouldn’t call him a dipshit. He was never really a hipster type at all, although he does have some semi-artsy hobbies (he makes weird electronic music for his own amusement), and his housemates (a few of whom were artfag wannabe creatives with day jobs in offices or working as bike couriers over the years) put on some small concerts in the space a few times. But my friend is basically just an antisocial hardcore nerd computer programmer, who now lives in a house he bought and is having a good time renovating in a small town in the Hudson Valley, roughly 90 minutes upstate. He’s made a good life for himself.

I might be a dipshit by some standard of yours; I’m not sure how, and don’t really care much. But I also never tried to live in Williamsburg full-time. Just reporting a true story of the place as I experienced it and heard it reported to me.
The real appeal of New York is Manhattan, and frankly, it doesn’t even do that sort of thing better than Chicago anymore. If I wanted some shitty hipster filled graffiti covered urban neighborhood surrounded by black and brown people I would I go to Fishtown in Philadelphia for half the price.
How'd you get a job anon bc I'm not landing shit rn
Fishtown is full of that hipster jewish pussy horny for BWC
Where should I stay in NY for a couple days this summer?
Just want to go to some coffee shops and wander around, no concrete plans
Even commuting I run maybe 100-120(probably closer to 80), this includes going to the grocery store, eating out, and other small errands though
How fucking much of a shitbox do you run?
>other fee's
Like what? Maybe once or twice I month I need to pay for some parking but it's not that big a deal or common
>How do People Live Long Term in in NYC
They get trapped by the vicious costs of everything
>Why does everyone seem like such an insufferable shithead?
>live in a place that busses in violent immigrants everyday
>local government makes it illegal to defend yourself from said immigrants
>have to ride the train from work to go pay your jewish landlord 3000 dollars a month for a broom closet of an apartment
>Get nickled and dimed every which way to ensure you cant save up money and leave the city in a timely manner
>Why are New Yorkers shitheads?
Gee anon, wonder why
>how much NYers talk about it being the sickest city in earth
Only transplants and the rich talk about new york this way. Life long nyers hate this prison city
t. new yorker
>Where should I stay in NY for a couple days this summer?
Arthur Avenue, Bronx. Cheap, near fordham U/little italy so it has a variety of stuff to offer without breaking the bank. Close access to all major transport hubs like the subway, metronorth, bus lines
shut up
in big cities it's very common to be out and about past midnight
I would rather see random street art than those old ass bricks
"The demoralization worked"
>this is your mind on urb*n living
get help
Of you're my ex, you do escorting in the side.
He has many more authentic experiences and stories to tell than you, flyover.
Like that time he took a dick in his butt?sure owned the chuds here faggot
Most of them revolve around avoid black people but love being around them. I'll take a flyover state any day.
Stories like that have a lot of currency amongst certain circles, particularly liberal coastal elites.
Anon can fashion himself a persona as a bohemian artist/poet with street cred (he did get assaulted by melanin enriched individuals after all).
Jack Kerouac for the 21st century.
I can already see a novel based on anon's life
>includes the scene at the bar with Danish techno, the sex scene with the Japanese girl and hanging our with Puerto Ricans to highlight the Big Apple's cosmopolitan character
>copious amounts of drug use and brushes with urban violence for street cred and gritty edge, "keeping it real"
>flirting with homosexuality like so much of the readership did in college
>including the human interest story about having breakfast with the old man to keep the author down to Earth and relatable
Best seller material right there.
>get college degree
>get job in NYC
>base pay is like $70k for an HR monkey
>live in a cheaper area/in a shoebox and make dinner in your apartment
>hurr NYC expensive and trashy
No one cares if their neighborhood sucks since you can walk a few min and be out of it, and you never meet your neighbors anyways. Time is money, and living in NYC saves you a lot of time in general.
I'd move back in a heartbeat if I had a job there and didn't have a family.
hold up anon I fucked another man in the ass not the other way around don't get it twisted
You can't be shamed for living in NYC. That is the appeal. People deathly afraid of being shamed for some reason, or some other social ostracizition what have you, congregate in NYC from all over the world. The culture is extremely inclusive of anyone and anything that is inclusive. That's the appeal. Acceptance and shame free lifestyle

T. Lived in nyc
What the fuck are you talking about?
>>get job in NYC
>>base pay is like $70

You pay to not get threatened, jumped, and robbed for wearing a suit back from work in a shithole where people stand outside and harass people all day. Also you're assed out of 90% of networking and pussy not living in a nice area.
>Also you're assed out of 90% of networking and pussy not living in a nice area.
Seriously. Even living in Jersey City is enough to get passed on by these sluts. They're too lazy to make the commute. It's a long-distance relationship for them. The cope from guys living there is off the charts. "It's the same thing, I can be in Manhattan in 30 minutes!!" lol
>no pussy
Yeah, it's so hard to get women for sure, right my incel brothers? Especially in the city with the highest ratio of women to men in the country, where art/college girls abound. And networking, too - instead of networking at my Fortune 100 workplace, or events constantly happening in the city, I network in my apartment building. Yeah, I'm kind of a local guy, I generally fuck or get job offers simply by proximity to women or employers.
>with college loans
Ask me how I know you've never lived on your own let alone live in NYC
If you have college loans, it's a skill issue. Unironically.
If you have the scholarships to negate college debt from a 4yr and from a good enough school to get you a stand out in NYC for a job, then you are just out of touch with reality. I have 0 debt from college as only did CC for IT shit and it worked, but if you think you're going to get an HR 70k/yr job in NYC from something like that just lol.
>get college degree
Hope you won the minoirty lottery because if you don't have a masters good luck standing out in NYC
>get job in NYC
>base pay is like $70k for an HR monkey
Which is dogshit given the NYC tax rates + commute costs + average CoL for goods
>live in a cheaper area/in a shoebox and make dinner in your apartment
A "shoebox" can run you upwards of 1300 before things like building fee's, Renters insurance, utilities, etc. Dinner in your apartment is still fucking expensive in NYC, you aren't going to walmart for a 5lb bag of frozen chicken for 12 dollars
>hurr NYC expensive and trashy
It is unless you're going to commute 90+ minutes each way minimum
>No one cares if their neighborhood sucks since you can walk a few min and be out of it,
at least VISIT NYC first there is a reason people still own cars because 'just walk a bit' isn't feasible all year round like it is in LA
ratio of hot young women to young men is yuge
you can punch way above your pay grade in nyc
This, this is why I want to move to NYC for my first job
Brother, I have done all these things. Lived in a shoebox in Manhattan for $1000/mo, 30 minutes from downtown via a nice subway. Saved close to $20k per year. Taxes aren't terrible, commute is cheaper than if I owned a car, and yes, it's feasible to walk everywhere all times of year, I did so.
Living in NYC means giving up a 2000 sqft house, private transportation, and probably nicer groceries. You might want and need those things, but a lot of people don't.
>thinks he can't get a 70k job in NYC with IT certs
Apply, see for yourself.
>Apply, see for yourself.
The post the anon was replying to was an HR basic job idiot, of course you can get an IT job for 70k in NYC though it's going to be shit.

> Lived in a shoebox in Manhattan for $1000/mo
That's great but this is modern day, you aren't finding that anymore post covid unless your on income restrictions or actually section 8'd.
>this is the modern day
It was less than two years ago. Also considered a ~1000 sqft two bedroom in south Brooklyn for maybe $1300, which is like 40 min from midtown. Look harder and there's always cheaper apartments.
According to Apartments.com this is the cheapest in Manhattan.
>considered a ~1000 sqft two bedroom in south Brooklyn for maybe $1300
Okay now you're just making shit up unless it was one of those "private bedroom" shared common area splits
This is the cheapest non shared living space or income restricted section 8 place in brooklyn.

Again why you are making this shit up is beyond me.

70k is 'livable' but according to smartasset you're take home paycheck is 2,063 bi weekly. This means you're basically dropping 1 paycheck just to cover rent+insurance+some parts of the utilities. 2k a month isn't that hard to live in but when you consider actually wanting to do things in NYC that starts looking a lot more slim.
>inb4 just eat in stay in and shit
Great gotta love living like a hermit in a <300sq ft place just to say "saved money! I just had to not do anything". Which eating in and restrict your outgoing activities saves you cash anywhere.
I think LA or SD with a motorcycle or Vespa would be a more fun city life than Manhattan tbqh. COL in LA is insane but not NYC levels of insane + it's year round perfect weather + tons of cute girls moving there all the time
Shit, chicks in NYC will ghost you just for living in a different borough. They act like you need a passport to go from Midtown to Harlem
Maybe but I think the vanity and fakeness of LA would wear on me. How many Kardashian wannabes with plastic surgery can you really talk to before you get bored? New York, for all its faults, is real as fuck. People are shallow but they don’t even really try to hide it and they’re shallow in a way that is somehow more down to earth than the obnoxious wannabe LA socialite or TikToker or whoever is running amok over there now.
was yuge*

It’s not the 1990s anymore gramps. The ratio of women to men in New York is like 97 men per 100 , good but not that good, and the median age is 39. Women younger than 35 are about 35% of all the women in New York, and many of them are Hispanic or some other ethnicity. 15% of them are black, only about 50% are white, most of them boomers.

Meanwhile, Washington DC is 90 per 100, the median age is 34, the percentage of women under 35 is higher, and the percentage of white is higher.
DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!
strange phrase to be fully triggered by lmao wtf
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sounds as if you'd do degenerate things wherever you went so what's the point?
this is not stuff to brag about.
I'm originally from long island but moved to queens a few years ago. My career is very NYC-focused so it's hard to leave, but I hate it. Every day I'm still here I grow a little bit more racist. I lose a little sanity every day due to the shit/piss everywhere, the random crimes, the crazy people, the indian family convoys of 10+ people taking up the sidewalk, the annoying fucking spics, the moped/vespa spics that ignore any laws or decency. Nevermind the nigs

Driving is a fucking nightmare 24/7 due to the complete lawlessness. It's a fucking miracle I haven't been in an accident or fucking killed some antisocial cockwipe blowing a red on his stupid bicycle/scooter. I really feel like I am in a low intensity conflict with these cunts and I'm ready to escalate at any time.

I hate how owning property here is not only an impossibility, it doesn't even make sense as renting is literally cheaper for the same quality, even taking appreciation and interest into account. If I pay $2250 in rent for a 2br with a parking spot, and the same quality as a mortgage + maintenance fees would be at least $4k, that will NEVER pay off. But it sucks, because I can't really set down roots. But why would I want to buy in some roach infested 6 floor apartment building in fucking queens.

I like visiting some neighborhoods with my wife sometimes like east village or greenpoint or flushing but every day at least one fucked up thing makes me fall even further into despair over how disgusting this city is. This whole society is fucked.

I don't think there's many native NYer white people left. Almost all the white people I see are from like california or nebraska or some shit. It's depressing since I can't relate to these people at all. They grew up privileged and managed to use their connections to get a job at fucking Salesforce or Accenture or some shit and live in some new manufactured neighborhood like LIC with no soul, and they don't need to leave their little bubble at all
>Every day I'm still here I grow a little bit more racist.
I was the perfect Obama liberal until I moved to NYC. Now I am extremely racist. It's very easy to believe in racial equality when you are only around white people.

>I don't think there's many native NYer white people left.
That's the story of the city for hundreds of years. It used to be the Dutch, then the English, then the Irish, then the Black Southerners, now it's the Puerto Ricans, Indians, Thirdies galore.

I left in 2022 because you could see the writing on the wall and I haven't really looked back. I wouldn't go back unless I was so rich I could pay to avoid the diversity.

People keep saying the ratio is better because so many people move to NYC from the Bay where the sex ratio is as bad as it gets for guys.

They can fuck a handsome millionaire every night of the week. Why settle?

LA is a good alternative. But there are cute girls everywhere. It's best to move to the middle of nowhere now.
>he doesn't want a rich cougar business lady
Easier to flex on qt's riding a Triumph Bonnie around Santa Monica than in shithole, Nebraska

Unironically what the hell even goes on in Nebraska beyond corn
>All of the Williamsburg locals seemed like giant faggots. People dress like fucking clowns. The stuff I overheard these people talking about was some of the most inconsequential, out of touch shit I've ever heard.
>Why does everyone seem like such an insufferable shithead?
Welcome to NYC I guess? Next time try Boston, it's just as shitty as NYC except the people are much more aggressive and violent. I lived there for college; bicycling home one night, some fucktard deliberately tried to run me over with his car, then when I dodged, his passenger kicked his door open to try to slam me. I got the plate, called the cops, and the pig on the phone wouldn't do anything but actually gave me the guy's home address over the phone so I could go torch his car or whatever.
I’ve got no debt, own a house, save more money than you per month, paid off my car (which isn’t $300 a month, not even for gas), and eat out almost every day. I could eat every meal but I’m a damn good cook so why the fuck would I do that? And I don’t live in NYC so I’m sure I make a whole lot less than you. Also I don’t get why you fags are so addicted to coffee. It’s not alcohol or cannabis. It is a stimulant that does almost nothing and if you overdo it you get the shakes and irritability. Oh and I can drive wherever the fuck I want because I have a car… clearly the main reason most of you don’t isn’t because you live somewhere where you don’t “need” one but because you don’t know how to drive (we’ve been over this, this board is full of SEA sex tourists in their 20s who don’t know how to drive)
Normie bashing is usually cope, but I prefer my autistic shut in life over these faggots who think this is "street cred".
If you've lived in NYC, you'd know not to go on nationwide apartment search websites. Here's some on Craigslist, see for yourself. Also wanna mention Leasebreak since it's got great prices too.
I don't know what to say, mostly because I am telling the truth, even if you don't take my word for it. Maybe prices changed since I got my apartment mid-pandemic. NYC is worth living like a hermit for me, as it would be for most 4channers, since we're hermits anyways. You don't sound like you're from here so I don't know your expectations.
Why are apartments in Queens on Long Island Craigslist listings?

I'm paying $2200/mo for a 2br in Flushing and I thought I was paying little. $1100/mo for a 1br is suspiciously low...that's prices you would see 10 years ago or illegal apartments in a ghetto shithole like ENY or Far Rock
I'm just here to say New York isn't a tough place anymore. Quit larping as hard. It's embarrassing.
No offense anon but when the going rate for most things is ~1300 minimum and then you see something 1000! MOVE IN NOW PLEASE SEND EMAIL AND INFO TO ME.

This screams scam up and down or there is a really big catch/gotcha to this. I'm not saying there aren't good deals out there that you can find, but if something seems too good to be true it probably is.
Where would you go if you did leave? This is really the issue. There’s nowhere to go. Every city is like this now. New York is actually not as bad as others. You ever been down to Philly? It’s like 3/4 black and has open air heroin markets.
Moving out to the middle of nowhere in 2024 is like opting out of civilization entirely. You’ll have no good job opportunities, no dating prospects, and no friends.
Yeah, I thought that was only something people did once they already settled down to start a family. Doing it as a bachelor just seems like choosing to lay down and rot.

I don't know, anon. I don't know anymore. I'm a Long Islander/NYer and I don't think I could fit in anywhere else. I have more in common with dominicans than your average southern white good old boy. I just hate what this is all heading to. I don't think there's anywhere else for me, and I get you that the rest of the USA is just as bad or worse in many ways.
B.S. on the money-making potential in NYC. If you want that, you gotta go where labor is scarce but money is plentiful. The oilfields or hell, some affluent Colorado mountain town and get $20+ an hour for a basic retail or labor job while sleeping in your van.
Fuck eating out in America. I'd rather cook something on a campstove, pocket that $40/day and spend it in Southeast Asia on a long winter vacation trip.
My van costs $6.21/month in registration fees, $40/month for liability insurance, and 11 cents a mile for gas, which assuming 1500 miles a month is $165/month for gas and $6/month for oil. $20/month for wear and tear on tires and brakes. I paid $3400 for it and have put 37000 miles on it in three years. Still, it sucks being forced to rely on an old vehicle to get anywhere you need to go. A breakdown can be a life disaster if you have no mechanical aptitude, and don't have friends to give you rides.
When I want to live the urban life, I do it at leisure overseas in Asia. You get all the grime and trash and food and culture, but at a fraction of the cost of the Big Apple.
I'm sure many people in NYC make more money than I and my family do, but I very much doubt many of them are "richer" after controlling for cost of living, safety and cleanliness of surroundings, quality of life and social capital of community, and overall life satisfaction. These cities are hemorrhaging people, after all. Those with a triple-digit IQ and the means to do so are moving away from these third world liberal shit holes en masse.
>expecting non-pretentious faggots
lol go to chinatown you fucking dork
thank you for writing this
It's kinda neat how Williamsburg has kept the outfits through the years
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>Now imagine a whole neighborhood filled with those people. That's Williamsburg. Now imagine they branch out and move to other parts of the city because "I'm never going back to XYZ town, I'd miss the hustle and bustle of the big city."
>Meanwhile, the people who grew up in new york and just want to live their lives as normal people as their parents and grandparents did are priced out.
Do NYers like this actually still exist? This is exactly how I feel as an urban commiefornian that couldn't "make the cut" and I live in the midwest now. A least it's whiter here I guess. I'm still a loner with no friends thougheverbeit so that doesn't really matter.
>NYers like this actually still exist?

They migrate further and further out of the city especially if they don't own their own property or have rent control. They went from Manhattan/Brooklyn/Bronx in the 80s, to outer Queens/outer Brooklyn/Staten Island in the 90s, to Long Island/NJ in the 00s. Now a lot of them are packing up and moving to Florida in the 2010s.
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I live in williamsburg unlike half these flyover fags, AMA
I am jersey fag but have lived more or less 45 minutes from manhattan most of my life. Its an awful city and unless you are at least 7+/htn-chadlite with a good job, extroverted, have some niche you are going to be miserable here. Yeah sure theres the meme of ugly dudes dating cute girls here but honestly the col of that does not warrant the effort of dealing with spoiled NYC attitude girls. Go to any other major European city and you will have a better qol for cheaper honestly, unless you REALLY need to be where the hustle and bustle is
Good majority are jersey trust fund fags
NYC dating scene is still leagues better than anywhere else in the country other than college towns in Florida/Texas. You're aiming too high which is your problem, go for girls from the outer boroughs who had normal lives growing up. Attractive white girls in NYC all have princess/sex in the city complexes where if you're not a financebro you won't get the time of the day. Thankfully there's lots of other women.
I am aware I didn’t say it was impossible but what’s the point? You are still dealing with cold frigid women and paying exorbitant rents for not. Might as well save your money on go on trips once in a while. No reason to live here for the women which people seem to meme.
And also the level of jestering for American women in general is insane
I agree, but it's one of the few places in the country with a female biased gender ratio where the women aren't all fucking ugly or complete losers looking for a simp (LA). The amount of gay guys here too make the gender bias further in your favor. NYC is probably one of the best places if you're single and autistic everywhere else the girls are going to be boring and also cold or have a million options in men.

NYC doesn't have the prettiest women, Florida unironically had as many hotties from the year round warm weather and all the Latinas + proximity to Miami. LA probably has better looking women too.. ironically I found London to rate higher than NYC.
You should stay more than a couple days.
How are any of these things that you can only do in new york. You just took drugs, saw some crime and fucked people. The same thing can be done in any other city for far less. This entire board is filled with faggots doing the exact same thing in Thailand, Japan and Eastern Europe.
New York gooners thinking that the most mundane things somehow become magical if done in New York is the most pathetic of copes. Admit it, you wasted god knows how many grands to visit a crap dystopia to do crap dystopian things.
I don't understand the seething New York gets on this board. It's the only walkable city in America that's actually relevant. What else is there, Chicago? There is no other place to experience city life. No matter who you are, no matter what you're looking for, you will definitely find it in New York. All the seething in this thread feels like sour grapes to me, from wagies who don't have the money to live there or anywhere like it.
As a life long NYer who recently left after ~30 years, this post hits home. Things got noticeably worse once covid + lockdowns hit, although the influx of transplants + chinese student visa holders years prior was it's own way of further shitting up the city. Life has improved once leaving that's for sure
"adventure" sounds like a nice way of saying "problems."
>New York gooners thinking that the most mundane things somehow become magical if done in New York is the most pathetic of copes
Indeed. And notice the first anon who replied to you here >>2662229 just reinforces this cope and acts like NYC and maybe Chicago are the only fucking cities in the country. Look at this arrogant shit
>It's the only walkable city in America that's actually relevant
>There is no other place to experience city life
These insufferable assholes really believe this. Insufferable center-of-the-world assholes like their counterparts in Southern California. In NYC, it really is a culture thing for those who live there and become assimilated into it and then project that on to everybody else.
"I heart NY" is a form of Stockholm Syndrome
>No matter who you are, no matter what you're looking for, you will definitely find it in New York.
Im not looking for products or services outside of resturants, so New York will not have what I am looking for.

But I can get Wagyu in Thailand...so what do I need NYC for?
Nobody needs NYC. It’s not even a major transportation hub anymore and their economy is almost entirely service/fake job-based
>Things got noticeably worse once covid + lockdowns hit

It's really so true. Covid absolutely devastated the soul of this city. What exists now is a phantom.

Let me tell you, nothing scared me more than taking the 7 train home from work at 3pm and the entire train being completely empty, then standing in the middle of queens boulevard and no cars coming in either direction. Something died in that March 2020 and what exists now is something like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
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Pretty much everyone I know in NYC stays because
1) they make enough to live there but not enough to easily move away some where else usually in some rent lock or agreement
2) they have a place in their parents/firends/aunts house paying little to nothing to live in NYC to some reasonable rate

There are a few niche cases of people I know who've moved because work moved them but they were making +125k/yr so dumping 2-3k/mo into a place was of little issue. Even if NYC has it's obvious downsides from the outside perspective, if you live there or grew up there then it's unlikely you'd want to move away with a place you grew up around.
how much is your mortgage? I delivered wine to that building once and this stoned model answered the door but she was too fucked up to talk so some shredded finance bro answered the door and tipped me $40 bucks kek
Yes. That's Basquiat and Andy Warhol. Two famous NYC artist. You'd know that if you weren't an ignorant fucking chode
Dont focal push that shit or you get the results.

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