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Hello everyone I'm 18 years old about to graduate end of May. Been living in my home town all my life, went to oklahoma once as a kid, but that doesn't count.
I've never been anywhere, don't have my passport and see all my friends going on trips in the summer, springbreak, after high school etc. Makes me depressed. I just want to leave and do something exciting for cheap, especially since I still need money for college.
Any travel advice is appreciated.
If you're poor and young the European hostel circuit is basically it. You can meet people who have been doing it for longer and ask them how they make it work with school and limited funds.

You'll have a great time just stay away from cocaine.
How do hostels work is it just where a room where like 30 people share it. Still not sure if I should go to europe or a developing country the main thing I've noticed is tickets are hella expensive anywhere outside of north america.
no passport huh? i reckon you got a driver's license, you can go to Hawaii (Honolulu is as introductory as you can get), as far as you can go, book a bunk bed at a hostel there (NOT a hotel) so you can meet other solo travellers and have an experience. shouldn't be too expensive at all if you go with southwest + a hostel, im talking maybe less a grand total for a week if you play your cards right. and again all you need is a driver's license and a backpack or carryon. bout 8 hours direct flight if you're in central US. if you want exciting you can learn how to surf, heck go shark cage diving or shark snorkeling, maybe even skydiving

plus people are going to be real jealous you went to hawaii. its real easy and its straightforward enough, you can do this
not that anon but hostels is you renting a bunk bed instead of a room. much cheaper, i am talking a fraction cheaper. you get a bed to sleep on, you get a locker for your stuff. as barebones as it gets but consider this: you didnt travel all that way for a nice room, you came to check out the sights. do you really need a tv and pool? usually hostels run 4 to 6 sometimes 8 in one room, bunk beds, pro tip is you can ask nicely for a bottom bunk too

yeah theres usually a shared kitchen and shared bathroom as well its not so bad, its like travel roommates. you get to meet people too and help each other out. way more bang for your buck
actually good idea i never realized how cheap flights to Hawaii were so I definitely might consider.
Hawaii is simultaneously cheaper than most people think, but still more expensive than you'd like once you get there. There is a tourist zone in Hawaii called Waikiki, you might have heard of it, thats where the boomer money is, and as expensive as it gets. i'd be wary there but still, if you're there for cheaps, there's still Hawaiian food in gas stations believe it or not like 7/11 has musubi and moco locos, food trucks, and a bunch of cheap island food everywhere

beaches free, lots of hiking and walking trails. if you can find a buddy and rent a car, that'll really open up the island like the North Shore otherwise you can use a bus (bus goes all around the island) which is fine but takes longer. you can check out volcano craters, reefs, all kinds of cool stuff, just watch videos. plus you meet all kinds of people especially at a hostel, seasoned expert travellers or young bucks like yourself like other 18 year olds and early 20s just checking it out

good travelling kid
Waikiki has a lot of cheap Jap shit. You can get good (actual Japanese style not americanized) food at little hole in the wall places and you can get a tall can of beer from an ABC store for a couple bucks.
Hotels and hotel restaurants tend to be a lot though.
idk where in the US you are but most major cities will have at least one European city you can fly to cheaply, usually London. Once you're in Europe it can be very cheap to move around.
having a quick look at google flights
NYC --> London $140
Miami --> London $150
Dallas --> London $180
Chicago --> London $190
San Francisco --> Dublin or Barcelona $200

if money is a concern, i'd get one of these to London and then head to Eastern Europe where it's cheaper.
flights London to Europe are dirt cheap
Good idea might have to get my passport and try this might be worth the wait

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