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Okinawa edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー Dude, what should I see in ________? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should probably check on google if a place is still in business before you plan a whole trip around it*

ーJR Passー
JR Rail Pass is it worth it? Since JR has adjusted the prices for the pass, not really anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.
With the increased price of the JR Pass, local train passes might be good deals now.

New prices starting October 2023
>7 day Pass: ¥50,000
>14 day Pass: ¥80,000
>21 day Pass: ¥100,000

ーInfo on Prostitution ー
Check out the links below and try not to derail the thread with repetitive questions about this or janny will get mad. You can also check out old threads under archived.moe. Any question you might have, like "Do I need to speak japanese to see a prostitute?" or "Can I really have penetrative sex in a soapland?" have been answered hundreds of times, learn to use the fucking archive OR READ THE GUIDES LISTED HERE. STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT IT IN THE THREAD

Previous: >>2654030
Any recs for good rock bars in Osaka?
Shout-out to mandrake akiba for seemingly having the only copy of the manga I was looking for, and cheap too.
what manga?
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I can't even read it. But it's got my dear Michiru. This is the only merch of the series I have now and could find. Nobody cares about this anime anymore.
What time do you guys usually head back to your hotels at night?
I've gotten some scathing messages from back home about how I'm weird for always being back in my hotel room by 9pm, unless I had something planned in advance or I want to grab a late night konbini snack.
I don't drink booze, I don't go clubbing, and most of the things I could do at night can also be done during the day.
Same here. Also don't drink or club. Sleep early , wake up early.
Where else have you guys been to except Japan ? Also best time of year to visit Okinawa ?
most of the stuff I'm interested in gets closed at like 9pm, and for nightlife I only want to go to music events of really specific genres which ain't on every day let alone every week. so I'm usually back at my apartment by 8pm. it's pretty normal.
Anyone having experience with scenic railway trips?
Any pretty ones for summer?
mending my broken heart with strong zero...
latest I stayed out on my trip was 11:30 at a cool bar, I never stay for more than 3 drinks at the max because I can't fucking afford to pay 50k yen every night on drinks
Was bored and I've never been to a concafe before, so I decided to talk to one of the girls handing out flyers at akiba. Picked a boyish girl with short hair dressed in all black, she seemed quite happy I picked her over all the cutesy maids around.
The place was dimly lit and tiny, really nice atmosphere. The girl was really sweet as well, I'm your typical 4chan autist but the conversation was smooth for the whole hour I was there. 4400 yen for an hour of all-you-can-drink + drinks for the girl, cheaper than I was expecting really. Gotta check more of these out
You speak Japanese?
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Rate my plan

I also want to go see lake Suwa in Nagano, but don't really know how much time to allocate for that or what spot to put it in. I could probably trim a day or two off from the last Tokyo part, maybe also do a daytrip to Nikko or something too. Main reason I put so much time is so I'll have enough time to do all my souvenir shopping in peace, though I might be exaggerating. Should I also add more time in Hiroshima, or is 2 nights sufficient to see what it has to offer?
Yes, you could probably try to do the same thing even if you don't, but I'm not sure if I can recommend it
Making it through the night till 5am clubbing since I didn't want to take a taxi
There’s a scenic railway in Shikoku, didn’t go on it personally but saw it take off on one of my day trips. Looked like something out of a ghibli film.
Night walking is pretty fun in Tokyo, think you’re missing out.
Doing it wrong. You have to get sloshed on strong zero before hand and then sip on a drink for every bar you visit. Also it better not be golden gai, entrance fees are Jewish as fuck.
I stayed out til 5am my first night in Kyoto, I'll never forget that night. Ended up going to お酒の博物館 and chatting shit to the Japanese and international people in there, smoked with the bartender outside afterwards, then sat in a car park for ages while smoking and just taking it all in. God I love Japan bros
experiencing this is what got me to really want to right back again
> I also want to go see lake Suwa in Nagano
I wouldn’t bother. Unless you go for the fireworks in August, it isn’t worth it. There’s nothing special about the lake, and the town itself is pretty boring.
When do the fireworks schedules get posted? Would be cool if it lined up with my itinerary.
>There’s nothing special about the lake, and the town itself is pretty boring.
Admittedly the reason I wanted to see it is that from what I see online it inspired some scenery in the movie Your Name, which I am a fan of.
would any of you who travel alone to japan be willing to share some of your experiences? I'm thinking of doing my first ever solo trip to japan, I would go with friends if I could but they're either not interested or don't have the time/money. I was wondering if you guys had any tips/ tricks/ mistakes you made etc to have a more enjoyable experience. I don't want to end up sitting in my hotel every night, but I have never gone to a bar by myself either (especially since I don't speak japanese). I'm worried that I won't know what to do in the evenings or that going to some random bar will be incredibly awkward. I'm more of an introvert but not a sperg, and last time I went we actually had several encounters where people would try to talk to us in broken english, which was cool.

I was thinking of going 3-4 weeks in may-june next year, I'm mainly interested in hiking (seems like an excellent solo activity), temples, general sightseeing etc. If you know of any other good solo activities please do let me know
Riding the Shimanami Kaido today for the second time. Have a great day, bros.
There goes my plans for the metropolitan building today.
Pro tip any time you see a social media post ( mainly on TikTok ) about some cool places in Japan write it down. On your note pad. Then when you get to Japan go to each one of them. Worked wonders for me and now looking back on it if I didn't do it a lot of my time in Japan would have been depressing just sitting in my hotel room.
>Lust provoking image
Alright I'll bite. I'm also a solo traveller staying in Japan right now!
> I have never gone to a bar by myself
Try one in your home country first then. I don't drink or go to bars though so take what you want from that.
>won't know what to do in the evenings
Just do this, you will need rest and alone time.
It gets hotter each day so consider april-may (avoiding golden week) or later in the year when it's not summer.
Check the map link in the op.
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I've solo-traveled almost every time I've gone to Japan (met up with some friends who came to Tokyo at the same time in 2018 but didn't arrive or leave with them) and I always have a great time. A good option is to check for English-speaking cafes or bars on the city you're in, there's a few in Tokyo for people to practice their English, and it's a great way to meet locals (or girls) who speak decent, conversational English.

Also stay in hostels, they almost always have a lobby or social area to meet up with other people staying there, great way to meet friends from all over the world in a similar situation looking for people to do activities or hit up izakayas together. I just got back from a two week trip, didn't have an itinerary at all really, and ended up doing something almost every night with people I met along the way.
>When do the fireworks schedules get posted? Would be cool if it lined up with my itinerary.
It's always during Obon in August. If you're in the country then, want to go, and want to stay in Suwa, you should try to book something ASAP as the entire area is rammed with people since it's one of the most famous fireworks displays in the country.
>Admittedly the reason I wanted to see it is that from what I see online it inspired some scenery in the movie Your Name, which I am a fan of.
That's fine, it just isn't all that interesting. Wife's family has a house there, so I've been there countless times and run around the lake whenever there. However, there is some good hiking nearby, and there are a few good sake breweries you can visit in town. Matsumoto has a lot more to offer---but you can always just get off the train at Kami-Suwa and walk down to the lake if that's all you want to see.
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>I'm worried that I won't know what to do in the evenings or that going to some random bar will be incredibly awkward

I'm an introvert/sperg and I can confirm it is sometimes awkward. It's up to you to find ways around that.

Here's what I did:
>being drunk instantly cures my autism
>go to obvious tourist bar somewhere like Golden Gai
>get drunk with English speaking tourists
>Use drunk confidence to find more adventurous bars

If you don't drink AND you struggle to talk to strangers, you're fucked I'm afraid.

A couple of times I ended up just having a few drinks awkwardly alone and not talking to anyone. It happens but just deal with it.
>It's always during Obon in August
Yeah, I figured as much. Is it everyday throughout the Obon period or just once? I might not be able to make it to Suwa during Obon week though, already have a bunch of plans in the Tokyo area. Oh well, I'm sure there are cool fireworks there too.
>Matsumoto has a lot more to offer---but you can always just get off the train at Kami-Suwa and walk down to the lake if that's all you want to see
Thank you for the tip! I'll look into what Matsumoto has. I don't know how accurate the google maps estimates are for the train trip durations, but getting there as a daytrip from Tokyo seems like a bit too much, I will have to see if I can fit going there after all.
>getting there as a daytrip from Tokyo seems like a bit too much
There's no shinkansen to Matsumoto, but there is an express train called the Super Azusa you can catch from Shinjuku. IIRC, it costs about 12000 yen RT and takes about 2 1/2 hrs each way. Doable as a day trip if you go early and take the last one back (around 20:30 or so).
How does Nagoya suck so bad if it’s such a big city?
The entire city was leveled in WWII air raids, 90% of Nagoya are buildings from the last 40-50 years. If you want some quaint charm of old Japan near Nagoya, take a trip out to Arimatsu, off the original Tokaido Road.
>go out in the rain
>get soaked more by my sweat than the rain itself
God damn it. Humidity is my natural enemy.
>Flying into Tokyo at the end of next week
>Four different services giving four different forecasts
It's that time of year.
it is better to swing the bat and miss than to never play baseball at all
in a weird way it's a whitepill to me that Japan is such a nice place with friendly people and a functioning society only 80 years after a literal nuclear apocalypse
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Okinawa edition? Might as well ask some questions then so it doesn't go back to the usual Tokyo/Kyoto/Osaka:
1) Is Okinawa worth a trip?
2) When is the best month to visit?
3) Where's the best area to explore?
4) Are the other islands worth exploring?
5) Is the aquarium worth it or overhyped?
6) Any good regional specialties to look for?
7) What car rental company is the best for exploring?
8) How are the drivers there?
9) Is there much of a nightlife in any area?
10) How many days would you say is enough to explore the island on a vacation?
>use Samsung
>get notified with my japan pics from last year

It hurts, bros..
>1) Is Okinawa worth a trip?
>2) When is the best month to visit?
anytime of year is good it depends on what weather you like. it's really hot in the summer but if you like the beach that's perfect. it's also good in the late fall early spring because it's already warm enough for beach days.
>3) Where's the best area to explore?
you have to get a car. base yourself out of Naha and drive around to all the beaches and old castles and such
>4) Are the other islands worth exploring?
Aoshima is supposed to be cool
>5) Is the aquarium worth it or overhyped?
it's cool if you like fishies
>6) Any good regional specialties to look for?
the yams and the cold soba
>7) What car rental company is the best for exploring?
>8) How are the drivers there?
>9) Is there much of a nightlife in any area?
there is a little "nightlife" street in Naha but not many good clubs per se.
>10) How many days would you say is enough to explore the island on a vacation?
a week is perfect
I think it's the "Why?" Of that and how it's affected the Japanese Psyche that's really allowed their popular culture and "soft power" to blossom in the post-War years. Whether directly (Godzilla, Fist of the North Star, AKIRA) or indirectly (Dragon Ball, Astro Boy,) the after-effects of the Atom Bomb on the Japanese cultural psyche has had a ripple effect ever since.

China will never have the soft power Japan wields because of the state/CCP having the final day on everything, and the earnestness which Japanese creators allow the unconscious scars of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to dictate their creations.
NTA but how do you find english speaking cafes?
Does the fan button in a capsule do anything? Ive been to two and it just makes noise. Moves zero air. Suck or blow.
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>Jap GF parents openly talking to me about the bombings of Tokyo. The moms grandmother was incinerated and her father was scared by molten glass spraying out everywhere. The fire was so hot that it melted glass and boiled everything from pools to small ponds. The worst part they told me was that it was other Japanese that treated homeless survivors like trash.

I know the Japanese started the war and did incredibly fucked shit like Nanjing and Unit 731 and treated pows horribly. It still hard to hear about civilians getting litterally charbroiled alive. It also makes me very well aware the US gov could easily do this to its own people.

Just go to Gate 2. I mean you all are coomers anyway.
>the firebombings

It was highly justified and effective and helped break the will of the people which is what you need to end a war.
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Someone in a past thread asked where to buy Showa era yankee style fashion such as Sukajan (スカジャン) and Asahiya, a clothing store located in Kisarazu, Japan is your answer. Asahiya is best known as Japanese rock band Kishidan's favorite clothing store.




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The population was so brainwashed it made the 40k emperor workshop see like a day at church.

The US should've decapitated their psychotic meth addicted military Junta (which oddly enough hated Japanese "tradition"). Since everyone was brain washed as fuck to die to the last man. It just pushed the narrative of the evil Americans comming.
Loose weight
12k yen for roundtrip is pretty decent, I'll write down the name of the train, thank you. 2h30min one way is definitely doable, the times google maps was giving me was about 4 hours and more one way, so literally one third of the day would've been spent in a train if it was a daytrip.
Question, how long does everything stay 'green' for? Because Shirakawa-go is a MUST whenever I do go to Japan (next year hopefully), and I don't really like the Autumn look or whatever so how long of a time period do I have? I assume it's from May to August, but maybe September or even October works too?
Do you live in the tropics or what? Leaf change is more or less universally October/November in the northern hemisphere's temperate zone.
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How do I find live houses in Osaka, or anywhere else for that matter?
I am a northern fren, but I'm blind (and retarded) to these sorts of things
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Here, there's four you can look up in Tokyo for free:
-English only cafe
-English Cafe Mickey House
-Norton Place
-Green Square 英会話

Add these on Google Maps
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Google? Do you need anime to give you tips on how to do basic tasks?
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Is there anywhere else in Tokyo that's good for meeting people besides Goldengai? There were so many great little places in Osaka but where are the hell are the ones in Tokyo?

t. monolingual expat
t. クソ外人
Any ryokan recommendations in Hakone? Preferably one that has its own outdoor onsen, though I guess most places have that there.
>( mainly on TikTok )
I thought your post was ironic at first but it would certainly help to have a lot of pins on google maps, so I always have something to do, thanks
>It gets hotter each day so consider april-may
I don't really care about cherry blossoms and want to avoid peak season as much as possible. may-june is supposedly also a good time to visit yakushima, where I definitely want to go. It's also an easier period to take consecutive weeks off at work
great tips, thanks! I managed to find several cafés just by searching for "english cafe" in different cities. I usually avoid hostels because I don't like sleeping in a crappy room with other people, but I'll consider it
thanks for the perspective, seems I'll just have to try it out
I just needed a little push
what do the paper cups do?
it has water in it, apperently it helps you not to cum
How is Fukuoka? I'm coming back in november and want to make use of their regional pass to maybe visit Matsue and Fukuoka. I need to decide if I want to do Matsue and Tottori or Kyushu.
Up at the lake or down at the foot?
I didn't bother to fix it, but eSims may or may not require you to have an app to function, depends on the provider
>I'm mainly interested in hiking (seems like an excellent solo activity)
I have never done this because I didn't have the guts to leave tourist bubbles but there are supposed to be breathtaking hiking trails/paths through tea towns. Nakasendo trail goes for hundreds of miles but of course you can do a shorter stretch. I really would like to try something like this next time I go. But I'm scared of going deep in the countryside not knowing any Japanese. It's awkward for one but I honestly find it disrespectful also.
Moving to Japan has been on my mind lately. It may be a costly mistake but I'm 26 and don't have a life here. I am under the (possible) delusion that housing is relatively affordable in the outskirts. And I like Japanese women. I'm not under any delusions such as "omg i will get a wholesome jap tradwife!" but I think they're cute and that's all I need. Using dating apps makes me feel more hopeless the more I use them.

I've had a passing thought of getting a student visa and studying for a few months or something, although I speak no Japanese (tried to learn but couldn't keep it up). I'm thinking my foot in the door for employment would involve painting/epoxy flooring, but I don't know how difficult it is to find openings like that let alone get hired. I wouldn't be fit to be an Eigo-slave, I know a lot of people use that as their start. But if I must I would probably try even though I hear it's a nightmare job with awful conditions.

I'm depressed where I am now and probably just looking at the greener grass on the other side of the fence. The week I spent in Tokyo - more specifically the couple days in the "rural" outskirts - was lovely. I just want to stop being miserable. If this is a retarded idea talk me out of it.
fuck, I got lumps on my dick now, never trust a jap woman bros
I've never been there before and it's my first Japan trip too, so I'm not really sure which one I'd prefer. I was planning on staying for 2 nights while visiting the sights they have.
Japan is only romantic when you visit, but if you live there, the entire magic is gone completely. And that's if you do speak Japanese. If you can't speak the language, don't even entertain the idea. Good luck filling out all your forms at city hall and applying in person for them using deepl/googtrans/GPT or whatever. Your best bet is to work for a company with a Japanese office and getting transferred, but that means actually making an effort in your life, which you aren't doing and instead are daydreaming about a fictional universe on 4chan.
you are 26, not 46. Quit dreaming idiot.
i've been to japan a few times before so wanting to go to cities i've so far missed. how does this sound as a rough plan
>shinkansen from tokyo south
>few nights in hiroshima, kobe, okayama with local trains between
>flight from osaka to sapporo
>few nights in sapporo, hakodate
>flight from sapporo to tokyo
>bounce between tokyo and cities in that region, nikko, kanazawa, matsumoto
not really limited on time so ill chill for some days in osaka and tokyo so its not non stop moving
>Don't have a life in home country
>Thinks moving to Japan will make everything better

Protip: it will only get worse. Work on yourself first
moving to japan is like joining the army. It won't fix you, it isn't a miracle "purpose giver" and you have to have affairs in order before you leave.
I'm 25 kek, I think this feeling you're having is pretty common around this age, even I'm kind of struggling with feelings of confusion about where I'm headed. However
>it will be a costly mistake and don't have a life here
First of all, the grammar doesn't really make sense in this sentence, but it already sounds like you're confident you'll fail? What's the point then
>And I like Japanese women
So do I, but that's not a good reason to move, even if you don't have that 'yamato nadeshiko' tradwife perception. The truth is that you won't find a woman like that anywhere kek. Maybe try finding Japanese women on dating apps around you? In particular, look for women who want someone to teach them English, and show some kind of interest in the Japanese language - that has worked for me, but then again I have N1 so I actually speak the language.
>getting a student visa and studying for a few months or something
Your only option is language school, quite frankly, and that won't guarantee you a career in Japan after you've finished it. You'd need to go to a senmon gakkou (specialist school) to get into your desired field afterwards, and the Visa situation is complex. Couple that with the fact that you'll need to sort out your accommodation and deal with the very real issue of a language barrier. If hearing this doesn't put you off, then congratulations, you might be crazy enough to pull off this keikaku.
>I wouldn't be fit to be an Eigo-slave
No lmfao that's actually the only thing you're fit for, they'll hire anyone for ALT work if they're based in Japan already and as long as they're not a cold, dead corpse. Think about it - as a painter, what are you providing that a Japanese-born painter isn't already providing? There's the risk of you not understand clients' requirements, so you're currently nothing but a liability.
>I'm depressed where I am now and probably just looking at the greener grass on the other side of the fence
We've all been there, but you can't just spend one week in Tokyo and then decide that your destiny lies in Japan. Have you seen anywhere else in the world that you like?
Seriously, if you're actually serious about moving to Japan, the process to work towards that move is not straightforward. I'm not trying to put you off but this is the harsh reality; research all your options, and I seriously recommend that you start studying the language as much as you can if you want to work towards this as your goal. I'm struggling to figure out how I'm going to make the move with a Masters degree and N1, so I'm not trying to be rude when I say that you are woefully underqualified as it stands.
Also, spend like a month at least in Japan in the future and still see if you feel the same way. I was there for a month again last month and it reaffirmed my desire to move. Once again, wanting to move here is only for certified retards, because life will not be as magical as the average foreigner expects Japan to be.
>eigo slave
that is literally all you can bring to the table, unless you're hiding some masters in top tier STEM. Jap dudes who are doing trades are 10000% more hardworking than you could ever be. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Aight. The one I staid at was in Hakonemachi, I think it's called that. Right near Hakone-Yumoto station, connects to Tokyo by Romance Car train. You can get up the mountain to the relevant sights with local train or bus.
The place I stayed at was called Suimeisou Ryokan and they have public baths, don't knoe if they're outside because my room had one on the balcony and it overlooked a man-made "waterfall" and the river so I just soaked there.
Gora, the town up the mountain that has the famous pirate boats and all that shit was a option for me too but I figured I'd not lug mine and the girlfriends shit up a mountain on small local trains.
Anyway 2 nights sounds good, we crammed everything into 1 night and that was doable on a slight schedule.
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It I know it's
>The Hub
,but I have had plenty of lucky meeting people there.
Thank you, I'll take notes of these and look them up. The pirate boats are something I definitely want to see, luckily I'm traveling light with just two backpacks so no need to lug around heavy suitcases. I also found this service that lets you rent out JDM cars for a tour around Hakone lasting from 1 to 5 hours depending on the course, so I was thinking of doing that as well as it sounds really fun. I definitely wanted to do 2 nights to really get to feel the ryokan experience properly, I feel like 1 night would've been just a little too rushed.
I'll back you up on that. 1 night is way too short, you'll be hauling ass the whole time
>entrance fees are Jewish as fuck
But they all have entrance fees
Oh god not the hub
Is it actually good or is it just a meme
try nofap
I have a stay in a hotel there tomorrow. Though not a Ryokan I can tell you how it goes.
It's only 1 night because I mostly just want to ride the ship and cable car.
>I've gotten some scathing messages from back home about how I'm weird for always being back in my hotel room by 9pm

How do they know, do you text your mother every day as soon as you get home? Is this normal in America?
>Oh no I get to last longer, prevent STDs, and avoid my one night stand whore getting pregnant then aborting my bastard!!!!
Fucking retard.
>my one night stand whore getting pregnant then aborting my bastard
wait what? did I miss some lore?
best clubs in kyoto and tokyo for hooking up with girls?

good girl/ guy ratio, good fun vibe, etc
>those digits
I'm sorry for your loss nevertheless anon
Hiroshima is way underrated and actually massive for what I thought it would be. Theres an entire harbor/bayside area with ferries to Miyajima beachfront shrine and town. But 2 full days should be enough depending on how fast-moving you are.
Heat of the moment, bought my tickets. Arriving the 17th.What's the easiest/most acceptable in terms of translation? Will attempt phrases plenty but definitely looking for a sure fire way of conversing on a basic drunk bar level.
See you there. Arrive on the same day too.
It looks scuff, but the real-time translator on google translator is pretty decent. The camera is a godsend for signs and text. If you want to pre-game your phrases, I'd probably recc using chatgpt for it, but ymmv
Any club recs in Osaka? I want to hit up a good EDM place before I leave
are those middle age women on the top left the famous gaijin hunters?
it's awful
my only regret from my japan trip is not staying in shuzenji or hakone in a ryokan, stayed in a nice hotel in mishima on amex points with it's own rooftop hot bath but it wasn't quite the same.
Hub is fucking awful. That's like saying "what's a good karaoke place to meet people?" "Uhh try Big Echo!"
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It's not possible to enter the warabi tower.
Shame, it's the only tall thing around here, and the malls to the east have their roofs blocked off too for some reason.
Going to the sumo today.
What are you lot doing?
>What are you lot doing?
Going insane waiting for the school year to end so I can go on my next Japan trip. 14 more days of taking attendance and playing quake while the kids try to make up all the work they didn't do during the last 4 months.
Where are you traveling to?
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May 28th- June 10th Tokyo area
June 10th- June 22nd Osaka and Kyoto areas
June 22nd-June 26th Fukuoka and Nagasaki
June 26th- July 3rd Tokyo area again.
Walking past the hub and seeing 30+yo white boomers sitting alone always makes me chuckle

Those are not garbage cans outside shops, those are for umbrellas. Don't be like me A.K.A a dumbass.
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Enjoying some tiny deenz
>sitting in B class seats
>they have inbuilt arm rests
>C class and D class don't
>my fat thighs JUST squeeze in
I should've saved money and gotten a worse seat.
Good luck, anon.
Do your students have a cracked game they pass around? I remember playing UT, HLDM and CS1.6 in the last year of highschool.
If so, do you jump in to their LAN games and kick their asses?
Nice. Not a fan of them, but I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.
missed out on the whitebait meme, was gonna have them in fuji city but I literally could not wait to get out of that shithole and the area where they sold them probably wasn't open.
Nah those cucks have chrome books so they can't run shit. I'm only a substitute so the school doesn't really care what I do so i spend most of my day playing video games and watching old tv shows via the internet archive.
Those poor neglected children.
I liked Circus, they were playing DnB when I went.
nice bowl of fucking worms.
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Where can I spookmax? The darker, spookier and more haunted the better.

No one gives locations for all the abandoned buildings on youtube, and most look like they need a car to access.
One of my favorite things is being out all day doing scenic shit/shopping/train hopping, going back to the room for a quick nap or break, and then around 9pm going out and just finding cool/comfy bars to have a couple drinks in. Especially ones with fewer people in it. I get to talk to alot of nice bar tenders who are actually happy I'm a patron and letting me practice my Japanese. I actually met one of the top brass ceo guys of gakko publishing and made friends with the owner of ironhorse last time I was in gotanda just finding a random bar late at night.
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Why we can't we go back to pre WW2 Japan?
>The B-29 bombers over Tokyo were forced to ascend to higher altitude becuase the smell of burning human flesh was too over powering even getting into pressurize cabins.
Sounds like some bullshit to me
Don't cut yourself on your own edge
just do it anon it will be difficult and lonely but you already know that. just fucking do it. don't let your dreams turn into regrets. one day you will die and then none of this will matter anyway. mere life is waiting to become a legendary adventure. but you first must take action!
yeah but you will turn sad anon into actually suicidal anon once he looks at the amount of paperwork and the fact that he'll never fit in essentially. If you want to act fatalistically, you can't tell someone to perform an action that will literally make their life shorter.
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Saw hundreds of abandoned buildings in south Kyushu. Pick any village and there should be old hotels or schools slowly decomposing nearby.
This one was huge but not that creepy except the old baths underground. Go in a school at night I guess, this one has been closed around 10 years I'd guess 都井中学校跡
what would it cost to be a ski bum in Japan for a few months?
Holy shit anons. Enoshima is amazing. Best place in my trip so far.
Beautiful day for it too, shaded by the trees, sea breeze. Not super crowded. Good souvenirs and shrines.
And good food on the mainland to top it off.
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It's alright, go to Kamakura.
Not that anon, but do you have any you know of in osaka? Google not helping much and I have been to Tokyo far more then this side of the country.
the anon is already depressed he has nothing to lose. he is already completely unsatisfied with his life at home. what is the point of life if you're just going to stay home and feel afraid of the world in mommy's house until you die a lonely miserable death of old age?
It's over... Japan is so popular now every tiktok normie and boomer is visiting. Thinking about mainland China to experience being a special gaijin again
I sprained my ankle and now can't walk around everywhere ahahahaha
Japan has fallen. Billions must seppuku
Thanks, I appreciate it.
To be honest I was considering adding a 3rd night in Hiroshima, and then cutting that from maybe Osaka. My plan was to leave Onomichi in the morning or noon, and get to Hiroshima between 12pm and 2pm. Then after the two nights, I'd probably leave Hiroshima around that same time too for Fukuoka, so it'd be just under 48 hours in Hiroshima. Do you think that's enough to see everything or would I be missing out/in a terrible rush the whole time?

I was planning on 2 day trips to Kyoto from Osaka, but if you think it can be done in 1, then I think can cut out one day in Osaka easily. I could probably at least skip Arashiyama bamboo forest, since Kanazawa also has a bamboo forest that I've heard some people say is even better. I do want to see the monkeys.
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So I live in the US and I've never left the country, only language I know is English. I've always wanted to visit Tokyo there's just something about that city that is so intriguing to me and it's been a place I've wanted to visit. I don't have anyone who would want to travel there with me either. It intimidates me because since I've never left the country I don't know how confusing that will be also the language barrier and I'm pretty heavily covered in tattoos I've heard that having lots of visible tattoos are frowned upon in Japan. Would love some advice and tips, is it really that intimidating to do for first solo trip?
Just don't be loud, if you're introverted lean into it. If you want to be boisterous and have a good time then just go drinking at night, Tokyo's drinking culture is great for tourists (for salaryman it's an escape kek).
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Tokyo is manageable with English alone, but not the smaller towns in Japan. Also they are used to foreigners with tattoos, just not in bathhouses.
Just go solo. Tokyo is solo travel paradise. Japanese culture embraces solo dining and solo traveling. There are solo ramen restaurants (Ichiran), solo BBQ restaurants (Yakiniku Like), solo shabu shabu restaurants (Shabu Shabu Let us), Solo sushi conveyor belt (uobei). Nobody cares that you are alone. Most of these restaurants have english ordering through IPAD or vending machine. Tattoos are fine as long as you don't go to public baths. You can look up Tattoo friendly baths. I been to Japan 3x and the 2nd time was solo.
NTA but what happens if you go to a bathhouse with tattoos? I plan on going to Japan but haven't heard anything about that and have had coworkers go to some with tattoos.
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Tattoos are associated with criminals like yakuza. Japanese are also very anal about cleanliness. Tattoos falls into this criteria. When you go into the same sex bath areas, you must be fully nude and not have any tats. Your shoes should be stored in the lockers by the outside door. Also when you are in a bath house, do not put your small hand towel into the water. You can always look up foreigner friendly bath houses that accept guests with tattoos.
>bath houses that accept guests with tattoos.
Japan has fallen. Billions must get laser tattoo removal.
Try not eating 800g of pork.
I'm solo travelling right now. I am a big introvert.
Its sad to say that most of my Japanese language comes down to "hai (yes), iiye (no), arigato (thanks), sumimasen (excuse me)" and unfortunately "wakarimasen (I don't understand)"
For more complex stuff, I use Google translate and show them the screen.
Trains in Tokyo have English language for the important stuff like platform numbers and exits (gates)
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Tokyo is probably one of the most solo friendly cities you can visit lol. You can totally get by on English alone. The first time I went, I landed late at night and got the last train to Ueno and walked the last 3km to my hostel following street signs. You'll be fine.
I heard from a Japanese friend it's rude to use a konbini trash can if you don't buy something. Seriously??
>dude just hold onto your trash until you get back to your hotel lmao
Sumo was fun, and the chanko nabe I had afterwards was delicious (though, I was the only westerner there and they went out of their way to give me a good experience. Like, they pulled a staff member from the other side of the restaurant to help me out by reading the menu to me... which was already printed in English. She tried to explain what miso was, and what onions sauce was so I could have an informed decision in what hot pot to choose. It was nice but very embarrassing). Next time I'll get a box on the first floor, for both the lack of tight chair space AND a better view of the matches.
>every other match there were middle aged women screaming out for their favourite wrestlers
>a bunch of kids called out their favourite wrestlers, a couple of times
>a random guy would occasionally yell at the women to shut up
10/10 side entertainment
Or if he does, he shouldn't have it with a fishy broth.
there's being polite and then there's this shit
Arriving NRT, long curly hair/beard if yah see me. Attempting to book a hotel in Chiba for Thursday night then spend Friday heading to and checking out Tokyo. Friday night food/drink crawling if I manage to find an ok hotel to crash. After that, anons, what's a good beach to go be slow and chill on? Perfection would be an inn by the sea.
I'm there at 4pm from Narita too, gonna just throw stuff at a capsule at Suidobashi then I'm around Tokyo. If you want some goons, send out a post here and we'll all come out and hang with ya
what's a gringo gotta do for good beer? I'm a Heineken/corona man any recs?
it's the same in America honestly. you shouldn't use their services unless you are a customer. what country are you from?
A country with bins spread around public locations where groups of people tend to congregate.
it's not about being polite, it's that the store spent money on the garbage can and trash bags to provide you a service, and you're not paying for that service when you would have if you had bought something from there
I get it if I dump a huge ass bag of garbage from my house, but god forbid I toss out a single wrapper.
Japanese people also frequently do this, what say you to them? It's one thing to respect Taro Lawson-san on your one-week trip because TikTok said so, it's another to live here every single day of your life and spend the entire day carrying a sandwich wrapper in your pocket out of respect for Taisho Meiji Famimart
What are some anison/touhou/game music events in Osaka? Anybody knows some clubs/livehouses?
Not everything Japanese people do is acceptable for foreigners to do let alone acceptable at all
I didn't mean to come across as thinking japan is "magical". I'm obviously aware of the problems they have, not to mention being an EOP foreigner there.
America is just so fucking shit though and I don't really care to live in Europe either. I get physically ill living where I do now. I have nothing going on in my life which is why I figured it would be a good time to transition.

I'm not trying to act like my life will be amazing and all my problems will go away if I only move to Japan. Where I live now, I feel constant negative energy draining my spirit. If I lived somewhere decent and affordable it would be easier
Based Hitachino Nest red rice enjoyer, one of my top 3 favorite beers of all time. They sadly stopped selling it in my country so I haven't had any in years, but I'll finally get some this year when I visit Japan.
Asahi and Sapporo are some of the more common ones and I like both of them, though this is my ultimate rec >>2659532
All of that negative thinking is in your head. You keep saying you are aware that Japan isn't "magical" but you know that it's pretty much just nearly as shitty here in Japan too? The only difference instead of Mexicans carjacking you and black guys robbing convenience stores, you get shitty linear paper-trail bureaucracy, no sense of individuality, a blind sense of honor in all things even if they are bat-shit insane and illogical and being in a geological hotzone for every disaster in the book.
Tattoos (tatsu) are associated with yakuza fullbody tattoos (irezumi), which in turn must mean you are a criminal. Old people hate it, and old people are most vocal about things they don't like, in Japan at least.
Add to it that most onsen, sento and ryokan are owned or run by older people and that's why you can't show your ink there.
There are tattoo-friendly establishments in the more touristey areas
nta, but what's the culture with younger people now? Are tats more common now? Or have they inherited the same ideas?
It's funny we have bins everywhere and people still throw their trash on the ground
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speaking of beer, best brewery I went to in japan by far. went to the little taproom in mishima, wish I could have brought back more
Do it, what's the worst that could happen?
You being miserable? kek
Keep a plan B in mind like where and how you want to kys
Believe me I know all about plan b
What age or what year do you have to live in Japan to really benefit from it? Some people say you have to be in your 20s. Others say Japan is over regardless of your age.
>Are tats more common now?
>Or have they inherited the same ideas?
As far as I've understood, in Japan younger people pretty much inherit the ideas still, but those who moved abroad or were born in the West have somewhat adopted more modern ideas.
Best of luck then
>Walk in
>Tell konbini-san you're just throwing out one small thing
>Say thanks before you leave
Shitty job and little college credit.
10,000 USD to my name
Going to Japan in September (ticket is purchased)
Currently studying for JLPT3 (JLPT4 was piss easy)
Have friends in Japan
Want a career in Japan

What do? Anything's fine, was thinking of taking an overseas Japanese language course, will be looking at some places for that when I visit.

Is JET or teaching English in Japan a bad idea? I also don't have the required bachelor's degree. I can have conversations with Japanese nationals in simple Japanese.
without, at an absolutely bare minimum, a bachelors you're absolutely fucked in trying to have a career in japan
why would anyone hire a random high school graduate to come work for them in japan? even if you get fluent in japanese, being fully bilingual isn't rare enough to warrant hiring random people from abroad with no other qualifications
degree or bust, and that's just for the minimum eigo slave
just took a walk around my neighborhood, made me realize again that canada (america too) are shitholes and cemented that I don't care how isolating japan is, I want out of this place. i'm already isolated surrounded by fucking Indians and everything is just so fucking dirty and expensive and low quality and badly planned. I can't imagine being happy in my career surrounded by this shit.
you guys always act like this, then you get to japan and live in a 3DK apartment and you cry and cry like a bunch of spoiled children about how you miss home and the freedums and the openness of people and your regerts. And you effectively waste everyone's time.
nah I already live in a 3dk at home and it's twice the price it would be in a major japanese city. I'm not a retarded suburbanite who's happy if I have a big house and access to walmart.
whatever floats your boat, anon.
What province?
BC. to be clear I live in surrey so I'd be in less of a shithole closer to vancouver but everywhere is expensive, everywhere is full of brown people, and everywhere besides here and toronto has shit tier public transit so it wouldn't help much, the goal of living in canada or america is to make so much money you can isolate yourself from the issues of your country.
okay, your complaint of indians is completely valid. I will agree with that. Fuck that place. Actually, BC just sucks in general for CoL so I can see where you're coming from. I'm a Berta boy, so the cost is much cheaper, but there are other shittier things here so it ends up being about the same shithole, just different name. 100% right about the public transit lol.
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Store like Don Quijote will sell packs of waterproof tattoo covers or seals

Japanese Concert Tickets also has the most useful guides on buying, reselling, and refunding tickets in Japan, and Tokyo Gig Guide has a database of all live houses in Tokyo, lists all current and past local music gigs that took place in Tokyo since July 30, 2008, and a useful calendar of all upcoming and past music gigs in Tokyo. Tokyo Gig Guide specializes in mostly local and international independent music.




Most concerts, gigs, and events in Japan are listed on eplus, Lawson Tickets, LivePocket Ticket, and Ticket Pia. Out of the 4 ticket companies I mentioned, LivePocket Ticket is the most friendly toward foreigners who can not read and speak Japanese.

eplus Japan: https://eplus.jp/

eplus International (vastly inferior experience and lack of information): https://ib.eplus.jp/index.php

Lawson Tickets: https://l-tike.com/

Lawson Tickets International (vastly inferior experience and lack of information): https://l-tike.com/en/index.html

LivePocket Ticket: https://t.livepocket.jp/

Ticket Pia: https://t.pia.jp/

Ticket Pia International (vastly inferior experience and lack of information): https://sell.pia.jp/inbound/eventList.php?list=english
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Back in October 2023, an European poster mentioned he was able to use both his EU phone number and his EU credit card to successfully buy concert / event tickets on LivePocket but in order to do so, he first had to make a free +ID (プラスID) account. Phone number authorization works in reverse where they tell you the phone number to send an authorization code to, so you are the one being charged for international SMS not them.

+ID (Plus ID) is a common member ID service that can be used for various services. You can use various services such as fan club and mu-mo shop with the same ID. Social login is also possible and convenient!

What's good about +ID (Plus ID)?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6flbP5cO_4

+ID (Plus ID Explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9prWuC7JMY


LivePocket Ticket: https://t.livepocket.jp/

mu-mo SHOP: https://shop.mu-mo.net/
Most amateur music bands in Japan will debut at a Loft Project venue.

Loft Project owns 10 music clubs in Tokyo. Even though their outdated English website says they only own 5 music clubs, their main up to date Japanese website now lists 10 music clubs.



1) Asagaya Loft A: http://www.loft-prj.co.jp/lofta/

2) Flowers Loft: http://www.loft-prj.co.jp/flowersloft/

3) LOFT HEAVEN: http://www.loft-prj.co.jp/heaven/

4) Loft Plus One: http://www.loft-prj.co.jp/PLUSONE/

5) Loft PlusOne West: http://www.loft-prj.co.jp/west/

6) LOFT9 Shibuya: http://www.loft-prj.co.jp/loft9/

7) Naked Loft Yokohama: http://www.loft-prj.co.jp/naked/

8) ROCK CAFE LOFT is your room: http://www.loft-prj.co.jp/rockcafe/

9) Shimokitazawa Shelter: http://www.loft-prj.co.jp/SHELTER/

10) Shinjuku Loft: http://www.loft-prj.co.jp/LOFT/
See >>2659702 and >>2659703

Go on LivePocket Ticket and search for events in Osaka.

any suggestions on other ways to make first day travel comfy like vjw and doing immigration/customs online ahead of time?
i heard you can now get the real suicas and not just 30 days one at nrt i think?
Bros…10 more days and I’ll be on my dream vacation
I'm a night person but when I was in Japan I always was back by like 23:00. Stop at a random store on the way to the hotel and buy a bag full of snacks, arrive back and look through the merch and stuff I bought that day. I have to admit I found the TV channels pretty entertaining at night, from old samurai movies to detective shows, then as I fall asleep I occasionally open my eyes to some random anime and have no idea wtf is going on.
i have a couple days to fill time with in between some stops, any suggestions for a good place or places to spend 2-3 days around tokyo? looking at maybe ibaraki/chiba/kanagawa
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>tfw the bic camera theme started playing in my head again while working today
don't think I'll be able to resist booking a trip for much longer. I have nobody to come with me this time but honestly even if I just spend the whole time fucking around in Tokyo that's pretty much a dream holiday for me.
solo is just so much cleaner and easier logistically. I was so skeptical of it until I did it once and now I'm basically just a loner.
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Feelsgoodman, my flight is on Monday
damn are you literally me, though I was with someone but we aren't bar people so we maybe hit a bar after dinner and that's it, and I knocked myself out with a tallboy strong zero and maybe a beer.
How long you there for mate? You one of the tentative Osaka meet up anons?
Has anyone here hiked Mount Fuji? I'll be in Tokyo and Osaka in June and was looking for hotel recommendations/general travel tips for the mountain.
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2 weeks, yeah I'll be peeping the thread for an Osaka meetup.
where to find meet up info? me and my friend are chan oldfags gonna be there on the 27th

You just have to watch /jpg/. A bunch of anons will be in Osaka at the same time next week, in theory someone will pick a time/place closer to the date.

Alternatively plan something yourself and just post the details here, people will either show up not.
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>>What do? Anything's fine, was thinking of taking an overseas Japanese language course, will be looking at some places for that when I visit.
>Is JET or teaching English in Japan a bad idea? I also don't have the required bachelor's degree. I can have conversations with Japanese nationals in simple Jap

Fuck working for the Japanese just go for a Fed job or militrary contractor job. You get paid USD all of the benifits of living in Japan and non of the down sides.

Okinawa is criminally underrated. Because everyone just assumes its a giant military base and battlefield. The place is absolutely beautiful and pictures cannot do it justice. The people are are way more warm and less victim complex than say Hawaiians. I posted these before but I came across some war ruins you can clearly see gunshot holes in the walls. The feels really come when you know that Japanese soldiers here were basically shot on sight and were sent out knowingly they would die to american Marines and seabees.
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Apparently this sugar refinery was being used as defense point by the Japs. The Americans just saturated the site and killed everyone miraculously the chimney still survived.

Its just a community garden now with the locals. You wouldn't know this was a sight of a gory battle. Really makes you think there was all out firefights here.
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A female Japanese mountain climber ended up having to rescue a foreign climber who was clearly unprepared for climbing a snowy Mount Fuji on May 13, 2024

>On Mt. Fuji, while descending from the summit, I found a figure sitting down and fidgeting. It was a foreign climber wearing chain spikes on the snow surface that had started to crust over as the temperature dropped in the afternoon. When I asked him if he was okay, he said he was too scared to stand up or get down. If you slip on the snow that is starting to harden without an axe, you may not be able to stop your body and be saved from death or injury.

>The foreign climber did not have a headlamp and did not know the way, so I could not just leave him there, so I lent him my axe and accompanied him down the mountain. He probably would not have been able to get down by sunset on his own, so I wonder what would have happened... I ended up being a bit harsh in my reprimanding.

>I think that in any mountain trip, having equipment and planning that can handle the harshest conditions that can be expected will give you a margin of safety. Especially in the mountains at this time of year. I am posting this to share what happened.

Why do hotels never have toilet brushes? I feel bad for the cleaners who have to take care of the streaks i make in the bowl


D E R I B E R I?
That ad never fails to make me giggle.
Why are Japanese school girls so cute? Is it the uniform?
where's this from?
Japan has started to expand the industries it has under the Specified Skilled Worker program. That's probably what you'd want to look at. You don't need a degree but you do need language skills and something relevant to offer. Talk to the nearest embassy about options too.
Gonna try and get my dick wet in Onomichi tonight, boys. Good luck to you all. I'm sure some zoomer tourist here is down.
I've hiked Fuji 4 times now. Whatchu wanna know?
Of course it's some nappy haired tard
NTA, but:
which trail(s) did you climb?
how long did it take?
how does it compare to "normal" mountains with similar ascent but less steep? (say 1500m over 20km)
I plan on climbing this year in a day, I've got experience with similar altitudes and ascents, my only worry is that the steeper ascent will drain me faster
Am I crazy or short-stay rental prices went crazy? I remember looking up prices like 2 years ago and I could find things for 40k to 90k yen/month, in tokyo and nearby. Now it's 150k the cheapest. Is it because of gaijin websites? I think I looked at the same first few google results 2 years ago.
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First one I did was Gotemba, which is the hardest one. I didn't start Yoshida at 5th station, instead I started at the shrine. Which makes it a much longer hike. I've done all 4 trails, and for each one I opted to stay at the last cabin of the trail, and finish my hike to watch the sunrise from the summit.

Idk your fitness level, I'm kind of a freak of nature in that I have a massive amount of stamina when it comes to things like hiking, but I wouldn't suggest trying to do an up and down in one day, because you'll likely get sick. None of the trails were too hard imo, but my buddy who went with me on the Gotemba trail ended up telling me to go ahead without him, and he'd meet me at the cabin. I ended up getting there about 2.5 hours before him, and he has about 50lbs of solid muscle on me. So, take that as you will.

I will say that because of the speed at which I hike, by the time I reached the last cabin, I was feeling a little cooked, but I also don't drink water very much, so that contributed to it.

Fuji in general can be a pretty mild hike, and you'll see plenty of old people doing it. Just be smart and listen to your body. Don't try to rush it.
At that price I would just get a hotel
Is Japanese fashion all about baggy clothes now? In Osaka atm and all the kids are weraing clothes at least one size too big for them
Not really. If you are white, lean, atleast a 5/10 and not a 30+ yo boomer you can model in japan. You don't even have to be considered model tier in the west they hire all sorts of foreigners simply for being non Asian and not a fat boomer
Hokkaido in late June, worth it?
First time going to Japan. I'll be in Tokyo this weekend if anyone wants to meet up. I'll probably hit up Mogra on Saturday night but down to meet Thursday, Friday or Sunday
I get tired at around 30km and did bullet ascents up to 4k so I'm not too worried about altitude sickness, obv will turn back if I get symptomps or my blood ox levels start looking bad.
>I also don't drink water very much
same, I got a camelbak and still forget to sip regularly
Get your waifu while you still have a chance.
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I've just spent my first seven days in Tokyo but have done almost nothing. With another three weeks to go I'd like to change that.

I've visited all the major locations like Akihabara, Ueno, Ikebukuro, Asakusa, Meguro, Shibuya, Harajuku and Shinjuku. However all I do is get there and walk around. Most of the time I don't even enter any shops because I don't need to buy anything.

The only things I've done are AirBnB experiences (which were great) and @home maid café. However AirBnB doesn't offer experiences in Japan outside Tokyo and I plan to travel to Kansai now.

How can I make the most out of the rest of my trip?
So why did you travel to Japan then? There must have been something there that made you decide to spend a month.
I believed the hype about girls loving foreigners, so I wanted to meet some, but they don't. Most Japanese don't care. You may get a few looks because you're different in appearance but that's all. Now I'm just lost drifting in a sea of faces.
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Well then you're going to japan for the wrong reasons then. If you want easy attention from women and to be a degen sex-pest on your Asian vacation, go to Thailand. Japan isn't the place for you.
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Are you joking? Did you really go to Japan solely for girls?
How is it possible to be such a retard to spend a month in a country you don't have any interest to, instead of hiring a whore in your home country and call it a day?
Did you even bother to learn anything about Japan? Language, culture, customs? Even some phrases?
What is your race, weight, and height?
In my experience they don't even care for race much when it comes to dating, they care first and foremost about language. That's why contrary to /pol/tards' beliefs, there are Japanese/brown, Japanese/brown etc. couples too
If you can speak Japanese, then it is very possible to date a Japanese girl easily. You're probably more outgoing and spontaneous than the average Japanese guy just by virtue of not being Japanese anyway.
Lmao I'm retarded, the other Japanese/brown should be Japanese/black. But yeah in general I think being interested in learning Japanese is more of a white person thing, so people of other races knowing Japanese is kind of unusual in my opinion.
Kys holy fuck. How much of a virgin are you that you though girls would throw themselves at you for being a foreigner?
>In my experience they don't even care for race much when it comes to dating, they care first and foremost about language.
That was my experience too. Seems that it shows you care or something like that
Tell me when you're in Osaka and we can hang out. I'll show you around some cool places.
>cool places
Like the operating table of the local organ harvester?
wow, you really ARE a dumb fucking virgin
Sounds like a skill issue desu. In the 1 month I've been here I've gotten approached several times, asked for photos, asked for my line, called kakkoii/ikemen countless times and got my dick grabbed twice by random women
Another dumb larper who never visited the country
Cope fatty. Believe what you want to believe but jap women are obsessed with white tiktok prettyboys
I'm looking for some cities west of Osaka for a 3 days trip.

Anything west worth doing?

Family of 4 with kids under 12.
Never date on Okinawa. All the girls are run through.
Insanely based. I always have to remind myself that most people on this gay retard site are 300lbs and brown and their opinions aren't valid
the obvious answers are himeji (castle) and hiroshima
For those with degrees that aren’t in the STEM field, is teaching really the end game for people who want to have a job and live in japan? I’m 29 and I recently got laid off. I also have a bachelors, albeit in a useless field but still a bachelors nonetheless. Would staying in the states and furthering myself in a skills/trade environment make more sense even though the job market is ass or do I have a better chance of winging it in Japan?
Okay I laughed, thanks for that
>In the 1 month I've been here I've gotten approached several times, asked for photos, asked for my line, called kakkoii/ikemen countless times and got my dick grabbed twice by random women
>this happened to me, though to a lesser extent
>I go back home
>fucking nothing
I hate this
do you guys have any recommendations for an area to stay in kyoto? Last time i stayed in osaka near namba station, and i decided to stay in kyoto this time, but i have no idea where, maybe somewhere near gion?

also, night life is not of much importance to me considering that im usually dead tired by 10pm, i'd just like to have a place to grab a drink/meal before going to sleep
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havent been yet but my friendos and i are staying at an aparthotel in higashiyama which i think is near gion
It's true, I've been twice with my 6 foot 4 white buddy and he has been approached many times, and called kakkoii/ikemen a lot. Sadly he doesn't understand Japanese so it kind of prevents him from having a meaningful relationship with a Japanese woman. I'm brown and barely 6 feet tall but still have an Osaka gf, so race truly is not everything. If you're kind of a sperg then that's gonna affect your chances no matter how handsome you are. Looking good only gets you one foot through the door really.
Hoping that I have a better chance getting a gf in Osaka with 9 months more gains/nihongo knowledge
Yeah it sounds like your best bet is English teaching.
Or you other options, which are admittedly very long haul, are:
>study Japanese and get to N2/N1, then try to apply to regular office jobs in Japan. You have a Bachelors so that's a start
>learn Japanese AND coding, get some kind of comp sci qualification or cert. Japan really wants software people from abroad right now
>go back to school in Japan, it's easier for foreigners to get scholarships
Osaka girls are the best. My gf has a very nice personality, I find Osaka ben pretty cute too. They're more outgoing and bubbly compared to Tokyo girls in my opinion. Tokyo girls are like the basic bitches that are commonplace in places like NYC and London, they're practically fully Westernised. My gf grew up in the inaka so is very 'simple' in a nice way
good to know. I mean I could chat to tokyo girls but I found it hard to ask them about themselves cos they gave off a very stuck up vibe and there was like a barrier there in their body language.
not that I didn't try. I got death stares from the staff in Hub for wanting to race mix but fuck em
Barely 6 feet is tall by historical and global standards and huge in Japan
Teaching is a respectable profession. I don’t know why you guys are so allergic to it. If you think you landed a dancing white monkey teaching job, stick it out for a year and move on to one that’s more respectable, and try to climb the ladder. If you can, get your PhD and try to teach university courses. If you wont get a PhD, try to get into a good private school, or start your own school, or just work at any respectable school, or diversify into translations and private tutoring so you can switch to part-time. It’s actually an incredibly good deal and a practically guaranteed middle class income.

You guys are just stupid.
How are you American with friends in Japan? Or do mean friends in Japan who are expats?
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I stayed here which is I think technically just outside of Higashiyama. Was on a nice, quiet street with a river running through and had great transport connections which was what I was going for. Paid 8816/night in mid March
- few mins walk to Kiyomizu-Gojo Station on the Keihan line (1 station north to Gion; 4 stations south to Fushimi-Inari)
- ~15min walk to Kyoto station
- ~25min walk to Kiyomizu-dera through Higashiyama
Do any of you sort of live in Japan part-time?
Yeah, it's important to make a distinction between English teacher and ALT, anon. An English teacher is a respectable profession in any country, there are people with a legitimate academic passion for linguistics and are made for teaching languages. On the other hand, a wide majority of people will apply to ALT dispatch roles just because they are massive weebs and it is relatively low barrier to entry, you just need a Bachelors and an interest in Japan really (really, it's more like a broad interest in going to a foreign country). I do agree with you though, I have friends who did JET, did online courses and JLPT revision alongside their teaching work, and were then able to pivot into very successful careers and much happier lives in Japan.
I'm not sure about English PhDs in Japan, generally STEM PhDs are considered a bit 'behind' compared to other countries, but for my discipline Japan is actually considered pretty good, so that's my goal for what I want to do in Japan currently. I do agree though, in general JET/ALT shouldn't be written off completely. I applied to JET last year and would have gone through with it had I had gotten a good research related role in my home country.
Pretty easy to make Japanese friends in my home country personally. My home town has a relatively 'large' Japanese diaspora due to indsutrial links, and the capital (ok fine London kek) is fucking packed with people doing Working Holiday, etc.
If you can, find language exchange groups near you, if you can't speak then it's still a good way to connect with people. I go primarily so I have people to talk to out of a perhaps irrational fear of one day waking up and losing all my knowledge, but one of my buddies met his gf at one of those very same events. Does where you live have anything like that?
Yeah I guess so, I kind of lucked out in terms of the brown person lottery. I'm pretty light-skin too so I've been mistaken for Okinawan before
The average Indian dude for instance is probably fucked though, I tower over a lot of those guys
yeah I own a place that I renovated out in Saitama and I run cars as JDMs to Vancouver.
wish I could get an osaka gf, but as a baldy I’m screwed
As I said earlier ITT, it's not even a looks game really. Well as long as you're not fat or have objectively ugly facial features. Being bald is hardly a roadblack. I'm telling you, just start learning Japanese. Wanting to impress cute Japanese girls is a very good motivator I find, but personally my main driving force for learning Japanese is fear.
What do you mean?
just be bald then, unless you are gorilla-tier or downs syndrome lookin/Fetal alcohol syndrome you'll be fine. You just need to put an effort into being amicable, decently dressed and can speak enough Japanese to keep them interested
My nightmare is waking up one day and not being able to understand Japanese, like losing years of knowledge suddenly. That's why I study everyday.
>At this time of year, when Mt. Fuji gets sunny and warm during the day, the snow is soft and easy to climb, but in the afternoon when the sun stops shining or the temperature drops, it can lead to ice burns, so we recommend wearing proper climbing equipment instead of being lightly dressed.

Fuji, which is closed to the public. The climber who rescued them complained about their light equipment, saying, "It's too dangerous.: https://www.j-cast.com/2024/05/14483652.html?p=all
Would it be better to spend one night in Takayama, or put that extra night into a 3rd night in Hiroshima?
I got a headache and back pain, drank water and rested. It got a little better. Took a covid test and unironically got covid. Only in Japan a couple days after avoiding covid for 4 years to just pick it up here probably on the subway.
I would have been more careful but I havent seen a single person mention covid in Japan on any travel forums, trip reports, threads.
I'm thinking about the digital nomad visa. I clear the income barrier and the private insurance part. But not being able to open bank accounts is harsh.
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You want to know how to do Japan (not do as in fuck a local)?

You plan out your trip before you leave. Having sex with the locals is an after thought that happens if you manage hit it off with a local when you are at a bar or some place. Don't plan your trip around the idea that you will pickup a local and get to fuck them, you more than likely don't have the money, charisma, or both to make that happen. If you really want to have sex, save your money a buy a hooker at home. Support your local sex worker.
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Since you are now sick, you should stick to drinking soup as you fight off covid. I highly recommend Soup Stock Tokyo.

Soup Stock Tokyo serves approximately 300 kinds of soups, bread, and curry dishes with rice. They also sell curry and soup packets you can take home to reheat and eat at your own convenience. Soup Stock Tokyo also sells its products to supermarkets and department stores nationwide as well as medical and childcare facilities.


My hotel was good.
Private onsen, comfy bed, English speaking staff, some TV access (watched a bit of the sumo)
I didn't pay for breakfast or dinner, and I think I should have because the restaurants in the area are already expensive and mediocre.
Anything else you want to know?
When you recover, don't forget to get your boosters which are safe and effective! x4 doses to be safe! Listen to your local specialists! Also, don't forget to get your flu shot! Good luck fighting this deadly disease.
Damn tourisim board guy, you don't waste a second replying to anything.
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>Loose Weight
Tightness is not his problem here
I know this is a travel board, but are we good to also discuss about living in Japan? Is anyone here a resident or citizen of Japan?
yeah go ahead.
the upside to teaching English is that it's easy as fuck. if you get a real job like software engineering you actually have to work hard in Japan. if you teach English you tell kids how to say "I took a big crap in the toilet" for 4 hours then go home.
attracting girls is like 90% vibes/emotions/feelings and 9% traditional white knight stuff like being a good guy, being a provider, and like 1% being good looking. when guys are trying to get a girlfriend we look for what we want in girls, which is first and foremost be really hot. but women aren't like that, except for 1 night stands. if you want a gf it's really no problem that you're bald.
Anyone here actually date women in Japan, monogamously and long-term?

Is the culture as pozzed as the US? I hear they're oh-so-kawaii on here and reddit, but everyone IRL (who isn't a retard that fails at attracting Western women) I know who does it says it's the same shit. Tons of cheating, having "one foot out the door" and looking at other options on dating apps, not many looking for a long-term relationship with a white dude.
What does it mean to be "pozzed"?
usually it's a mentally ill westerner and a mentally ill japanese. what they both don't realize is that what they think is the culture of the other's country is just the other person's mental illness. so they get married and have kids with some crazy person and it works out for a while. then in 5 or 10 years when there are a couple kids involved it blows up and the japanese woman goes on to her new boyfriend because she's been riding the cock carousel the whole time you were married. the westerner has nowhere to go because he has been scorning his relationships in America for a decade. so he turns into one of those sulking middle aged gaijins you see wandering around in an aimless drunken stupor in Tokyo. usually at this point they either commit suicide, or find religion, or get into some kind of extreme sport.

the stereotype exists because it's true. I have seen some successful marriages but they are definitely the exception to the rule. usually it works out when the guy is rich. it's really really really stressful to be poor or middle class in Japan. it's just way more soul crushing than it is in the US. Americans are not used to the bug lifestyle. at least in America if you're poor you can live on a mountain or in the woods or something. here you just have your little bug pod. then you commute in your bug train to your bug company... oh god save me
it's /pol/troon slang for globohomo, muh jooz, gay/woke, basically anything that isn't based/conservative/trad ... it doesn't really mean anything except "bad" anymore
>but do you have any you know of in osaka?
Look up Free Space C FLAT and The Fire, they're not quite the same experience but they should fill that niche, especially Free Space C FLAT.
so business as usual, cucks enter shitty relationships and have shitty results?
there are so many videos of this shit online dude
yes it's literally:
>cucks japan
Is this a looksmatch?
>Tfw you teach English 12+ hours a day
Yep, my girlfriend is mentally (and physically) ill. Someone not fucked in the head would never date me, after all
It came from some dumb proto-alt right websites in the early 2010s that were referencing the gay/bug chasing community who referred to being HIV positive as being "pozzed". It's mostly a way of saying someone is progressive to the point of stupidity
Most youth fashion in Japan is thrifted, and most thrift stores import from the US (or resell items that were originally imported from the US). Oversized clothes have been 'in fashion' worldwide since about 2016, but Japan has something of a special relationship with oversized clothes, owing to their legacy of 90's Japanese streetwear such as Bape and thrifted imports. Search 'used clothing stores' on Google maps, or 'used select shop' or similar. There's chains like 2nd Street and many, many independent ones.

t. /fa/g with way too much time and interest in this topic
I hate this myth of cheating being "accepted" by japanese women as part of the culture. It's another byproduct of vlognigger misinfo. Most Girls in Japan are definitely NOT cool with cheating not even in "covert" way. My GF would dump me on the spot and cut my balls with a rusty pair of sizzors if I stuck my dick into anything but her pussy (seriously dont fuck with Japanese women). If anything being a western makes you seem at high risk of being a cheater becuase you're naturally more transient and more desirable.
It's like anywhere else m8. Japan ain't no different. Relationships fail here just the same they do for locals. Lack of shared goals and vision.
That being said I have no noticed no trend of crazy Japanese girls going after foreigners unless you count the ONS girls at the hub or other gajin spots.
If anything they would prefer a Japanese man with the same qualities of a well to do American.
Holy cope
I dated a Japanese woman. She worked 10 hours a day for shit pay, and went in on weekends. I asked her how she expected to get married and have children with that type of life, and she said she didn't know and was just doing her best. Blackpilling.

Japanese society treats its population like serfs, but even serfs had time to raise children. What is happening right now is suicidal.
I take it you had a western style room? How much did you pay for it per night, and was it just one person or multiple? Private onsen is intriguing, but for two people traveling together it might not be optimal, two grown men in the same tub is bit awkward. Did the hotel also have a public onsen? That's too bad about the restaurants, I'll have to do some research beforehand then to find some good spots. I was fully planning on booking a ryokan with dinner option though, I definitely want to try out the kaiseki dinner.
I swear to God these girls around me at sites going EHHHHHHHHH?!!!! Every 5 seconds when someone says something is getting annoying.

Also Osaka is really dirty. Like New York slums dirty. Cig butts everywhere, random people freaking out, broken trash bags, weird smells etc. It's not bad I guess. Think I'm going to the aquarium tommorow.
Does Family Mart not offer bags, or to heat up your food anymore? This is the second time where I've gone in and they just expect to carry a bunch of shit in my pockets.
No they do. They ask and charge like 5 yen. Also, lawsons dude.
What are those handle things Orientals use to take pictures with their phones? I didn't see any gyroscopic stabilizer on them, what are they for? Are holding phones to take pics too slippery?
It was a western style room but with japanese floors and the section in the front for shoes. Single bed. The name of the hotel was the mount view hotel.
The private "kingu" onsen had 2 baths in the same room. So you're not sharing one bath, but it's still the same room. It had 3 public onsens for women, men and family, but I didn't see those. They provide the robes and towels.
I forgot how much I paid, but you have the name now so you've got enough info.
Transportation wise, near gora is the best if you want to do the boat + cable car trip without a bus at the end.
Is dotonbori worth visiting in the late morning/lunch?
I'm in Osaka right now and barely know what it is. I didn't so enough research bleh
I dunno. I am right beside it right now like 2 blocks away and it's like a bunch of neon ads and nightlife. Not going out tonight but maybe tommorow after I go to aquarium.

I don't think it's worth it in the day from what I can tell.
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New assassins creek set in Japan announced.
Over tourism just got worse
Flights just got more expensive
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Nightlife is starting to kick up though. I don't think I am allowed to be out here. Crawled out my window. People starting to be loud.
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Who are these beggars around the big shrines that ring a bell when you give them money? You never see their face, they are allowed on the grounds, this is just after someone gave it something.
Yes they offer both but a lot of cashiers won't ask you if you're a foreigner because it just confuses most tourists. If you want them to heat up your food, say 温まってください and if you want a bag say お袋をお願いします.
I think there's just this thread common among all cross-cultural or interracial relationships where people will excuse bad behavior because they think it is a "cultural difference." so if your girlfriend is cheating on you every night you won't think "oh that's not good I'm getting a new girlfriend" you will think "oh that's just how japanese do it." I think now that we live in the Current Year this is less of a phenomenon because there is simply so much information on this available but it still exists.

idk most marriages end in divorce in the west even when it's white-white so I don't know why things would be any easier when you have white-japanese in the mix.
They're just Buddhist monks of the specific temple / shrine they're in front of accepting donations.
This guy is right but he ignores how that attractiveness is how you get to the vibes stage a lot of the time. If you’re bald, you shouldn’t be focusing on apps or cold approach. You need to be making friends and dating people form your social circle and whatnot.
Ok. I've never seen such a cash grab from religious places like the ones in kyoto. You got admission so pay. You want to ring a big bell and pay, you got multiple buddahs to throw coins at to make a "basket" littering the beautiful areas, you got booths of vendors etc.

Christ. Lol.
So what’s your schedule like? I’m exploring living in Japan either 3 months per year every year just to avoid the visa hassle or doing on and off multi-year stays, which is sure to be a pain.
Alright, thanks for the rundown. I'll make sure to remember what you said about gora when I plan my activities there.
I wonder if the DN visa can be tacked on after a 3 month visa free stay for Americans. That’s what I’ve been considering. It would effectively give me 9 months per year in Japan as long as that visa is a possibility. I’m not really a tech digital nomad, but I think I’d get approved anyway. I just wonder how much of a setback the bank account thing would be. Presumably, you can’t buy a house in Japan or anything like that. The only thing I can see a problem is rent, you’re basically stuck with the foreigner rental scene with a foreign bank account.
>walk into mandarake
>look around
>please find me (Wikipedia series you like doujinshi)
>arigato gozaimashita
>load backpack
Faggot retard hands typed this..

Seriously anon have some self respect
Generally in other cities you'll sometimes see them just standing at train station terminals or just outside with their little alms cup reciting their mantra quietly, they don't ask for donations, people are supposed to willingly give if they feel like it. I dunno, it's kind of a "whatever" to me, but I'm from a city with very aggressive panhandlers, so a monk quietly just meditating and reciting his mantra doesn't faze me I guess.
The religious ones are the worst. Imagine all these sites and all this bringing in millions and you do this. Fucking sick shit. Like Beatles corrupted by that cult.
>wanting to date a Japanese girl who can't speak English
You don't know what hell you're signing yourself up for.
Enjoy having kids and losing all visitation rights after the inevitable divorce.

>he thinks Tokyo girls are actually from Tokyo
Tokyo girls are wonderful and Osaka girls are slags.
I'm currently a first year JET if anyone was interested and had questions
I'm Asian myself so divorce is practically not a thing for me, she's stuck with me
Don't slander those Osaka ladies, they're the best
Yeah being attractive gets you one foot through the door. However even if you aren't a 6 foot 2 blonde-haired, blue-eyed guy with that skinny BL twink aesthetic, it's possible to have game so long as you're skinny(-ish) and taller/as tall as Japanese guys. But it's the same shit as with foreigners trying to work in Japan, you're ultimately more of a liability than a secure 'investment.'
>Americans are not used to the bug lifestyle.
This is the realest thing stated in this thread.
It's the real reason people burn out here.

Also facts. The number of chances I've had to cheat but haven't should qualify me for sainthood.

The idiots answering those videos are all in their 20s and being interviewed by Youtubers in Shibuya. It's like asking teenagers at a skatepark if weed should be legal. Of course you're going to get a certain answer.

Osaka a shit. Go to Sapporo in spring or winter and see how a major Japanese city should be.

It's easy to find girls who aren't about that Shibuya lifestyle in Tokyo. I'm not so sure it's possible to find Osaka girls who don't just spend all of their 20s in the shithole that is Dotonbori.
Seems like there is a decent amount of Japanese speakers/ learners in this thread, would you be able to offer any advice? I am visiting Japan at the end of this year and would like to boost my nihongo skills so I can actually have something more than a basic conversation with natives. I have N4, so my level is not beginner but its also not good.
Likely to happen to you no matter who you have kids with

I’ve accepted that if I ever get married i will get divorced and if I ever have kids I will have them taken away
Study everyday anon, N4 is a good start. My advice to everyone is to just avoid N5, it is a brainlet qualification.
Read NHK Web Easy every day, do mock listening exam questions for N3/N2, study grammar and make a note of any new vocab, try to use HelloTalk and/or find conversation groups locally. Kanji drills are also useful. Don't neglect filler words too, don't keep using 'eto' and 'ano' because they sound gay as fuck. Use shit like 'maa' and 'jaa' instead.
whose fucking COCK do I gotta SUCK around here to get my hands on a REAL godDAMNED SUICA CARD
I've got 2 where do you live?
I can send it to you for the shipping costs it has like 100 yen on it.
7 more days and I'll take an extremely stressfull uni entrance exam, but after that I'll get tickets for another Japan vacation
>Last time i stayed in osaka near namba station,
Goated location
>and i decided to stay in kyoto this time,
I don't see why but your holiday your choice
>but i have no idea where, maybe somewhere near gion?
It really depends on what you want to do on the trip
>i'd just like to have a place to grab a drink/meal before going to sleep
Last December I staid in Kyoto Gion Hotel, theres a great ramen place across the street, it's not too far of a walk away from Yasaka Jinja in one direction or Shijoo Bridge (and the metro) in the other. Like in the middle of them
There's other eateries across the river on the other side of Shijoo a relatively short walk away but the ramen place at least is quite literally almost across the street
I like how they only showed the MC in his samurai suit (not historically accurate) and every other character had their (japanese) face shown, even the ninja chick
Yasuke though? Nah, better not show that (at least in the short form trailer)
The japanese playerbase is baffled and livid about it lol
They're still not making those? Damn
I got mine right on the screen ready and waiting for my next trip
(you can get one easily for an iPhone)

You will never be Japanese.
So for all of you fags that take a month to go to Nipland, are you super successful businessmen with lots of money and PTO? Or are you poor neets with not a single other thing to do in life besides slumming in a foreign country? I'm interested because even if I save up time off a month is a long ass time to vacation for
Youngfag who skipped uni and worked instead then quit my job and spend most of my time travelling now while living with parents at home so no rent and few bills
I'm a eurofag with a really mediocre job and even I could do it. I have ~30 paid days off yearly so if I don't splurge too much during the trip it actually wouldn't even be that expensive. Especially compared to what my colleagues spend on their vacations, sitting on their ass all day in their all-in resort hotels.
I'm a wagie but I live in a low rent apartment and can save at least 50% of my income monthly. I'm on a 0h contract so I can just tell my boss I'll be off for a month in Japan
Is there a visitable memorial for Toriyama? DB gave me lots of fond memories. I did attempt Google. Gave me reddit threads of people gatherthing in videogames no matter how I phrased it..
Did you lick the hand rails?
>>>/pol/trannys please stay in your containment zones
It's like tipping in the US
I make about $4300/mo. and get something like 300 hours of PTO technically in the summer. Plus, my job is really only busy from October to March. So it’s pretty easy to be honest.
How did you decide that you wanted to live in Japan and not some other place like Europe or something? Were you just a weeb your whole life or was it a more calculated decision?
Question. I notice that there's currently a stamp rally going on for the JR East. I'm a sucker for this type of shit and have my own stamp book. However, do all stations in Japan have a unique stamp of their own year around or only during ongoing stamp rallies like this ongoing Plarail one?
They're producing them again in limited quantities, if you go by the JREast information office in Ueno Station, they'll sometimes have a small sign up saying they're selling Suica cards again to tourists only in limited quantities. I picked up one on April 29th.
>yen is at an all time low
>easier to fucking go out and have a trip
>planned to go on September of this year
>had my money saved and everything
>older sister fucked everything up and I had to use my savings to keep my whole family afloat
>what was $3K USD went down the drain
>probably won't see Japan this cheap anymore
The only downside is tourst areas closing up because of faggot influencers, but this sucks high key.
How's everyone enjoying their trips so far?
I'm traveling with my mom. Apparently she never even considered looking up anything regarding the local train or metro in Tokyo. Shes so going to get lost at the Sanja Matruri in Asakusa at this rate.
Third year here, where are you stationed?
I have a few questions about the jr pass
I just got my "JR Pass" in the mail. However, I must admit, what I received is disappointing. I did not get a JR Pass, instead I got an "exchange order" for a JR Pass. the reason I bought online was to avoid waiting in a line. But apparently that is not the case, which begs the question....why did I buy this thing online?
I also got a "travel guide". The map on page 5 does not show very many routes compared to what is advertised online. Specifically, I need to get to Kochi, from Okayama. Does the JR Pass cover this route or not?
lastly, this echange voucher thing says the "place of issue" was UK....but I am from the USA. will this be a problem
yeah overall for $600 this is pretty jank.
Please provide insight, and thank you.
What are the kids like? Is it fulfilling or soul-sucking? Do you have a lot of time outside of work? Rural vs urban teaching?
Anyone going to the festival today?
>What are the kids like?
Elementary school kids are great and curious about everything. They also don't have the idea that you don't know Japanese, so they'll talk to you without worrying about how to say it in English (this makes Japanese English teachers seethe).
Middle school has more quiet kids who want to just go home, but if you can engage with them on the level of common interests (sports, drawing, etc.) you can get to know even the quieter ones. That's not to discount the large number of people who are just the same as elementary schoolers.
>Is it fulfilling or soul-sucking?
I'd say 70% fulfilling and 30% soul sucking. To tell the truth, it REALLY depends on your co-teacher's personality and teaching goals. Teaching is almost always fun for me – Board of Ed. office politics is bullshit. I've had great years with a teacher who was open to trying new things and frank with me when something was a bad idea. I've also had shitty years with a teacher who was very particular about how she wanted to teach, but would never explain anything in a satisfactory way, and would try to "talk around" anything she didn't want to do in the hopes that I'd "get it" and drop the subject. I have examples but this is already rather long.
>Do you have a lot of time outside of work?
I sure do. Work hours are from 8:30 to 4:15, and I wish I could work longer some days because that's the best time to talk to the other Japanese teachers at your school. They work later, until 6 or so, and during the rest of the day they're usually teaching class so it can be hard to make friends outside of the English teachers you work with as your job.
>Rural vs urban teaching?
I've only done rural, but I would say outside of Hokkaido and Tohoku "rural" isn't anything like "rural" in the United States. I'm 30 minutes away from the prefectural capital by train, and the furthest-distant people in my prefecture are only an hour away from it. It feels more suburban than anything.
Got drunk last night in Osaka. It's noon now and I am heading to mandarake grand chaos and surugaya to get some preteen anime child pornography that the website says is in stock. So hard to find stuff for anime back 10-20 years ago god damn...
What's a reasonable restaurant in kobe to get steak? Anything else worth doing there or keep pushing towards kyushu?
If you're there in an hour or more then damn I might see you. Though perhaps you wouldn't want another anon around while you peruse the goods
There's all the foreign-designed houses in the old International Quarter, from back when it was a treaty port.
Oh I don't care. I have enough issues trying to find stuff in stores like that. I usually ask and they never heard of the series.

I extended a night at my hotel tonight. Price shot up literally 3x the price because it is Saturday but was able to use points instead.
I'll be the 7'1 white guy with sunglasses and shorts.
9 days for Osaka(kobe+nara), Himeji, Hiroshima. Mainly will base myself in Osaka.

Due to visual impairment I can't rent a car, is it worth pushing further west? (I heard it's hard to get around west japan without one) Worried I'm spreading myself too thin. I've explored Tokyo and Kyoto in a past trip.
which one? I just came back from Sanja Festival today and holy shit, I really should have bought sunscreen at the donki today
I'm middle class American working as a software engineer and I saved up a modest sum of about $100k over the last decade. Because the yen is so cheap in Japan and interest rates are so high in America I can basically stay here forever so long as I keep a tight budget.

I'm not one of those California start up guys though who makes half a million a year. For most of my career I made about $70k/y. I've just been saving and living thrifty for a long time. It definitely helps to make long terms plans to travel and think 5, 10, 15 years in advance. The older you get the easier it is to travel. I'm only mid-30s so I'm not too old yet. Pretty good.
How was it?
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All I can say is that the crowds were huge and the street food were kinda repetitive looking. but there are a few unique ones here and there and there are even some unique street food that outside of that senouji temple area that shouldn't be missed.

As for the festival itself, if you're into taking good pictures, then I heavily suggest you look at the following site and pic rel for the schedule and get to the area early because you'll easily get blocked off by the crowds. Also, I looked up sites and apparently tomorrow and Sunday is even busier and I can't imagine that honestly. I'm probably not going tomorrow until the afternoonish as I'm going to Ueno for free museum day

>at a baseball game in Yokohama
>cute cheerleaders
>cute beer girls
>crowd is polite
>proper cheer/anthem routines for each team
>comedian chatting/performing on the field before the match starts
Damm, if matches were like this in America, I might have gone to more than just one
I was going to go today, since my flight leaves at 4pm tomorrow, but I feel like I'd just be miserable with the crowds. Well, at least if the crowds were mostly tourists
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Who said Nara park was overrated. The deer droppings are avoidable, and the smell is fine, no crowd right now either. I'm out here at sunset in the todaiji observation building and god damn it's good.
I hate deer so damned much. Lodging over there is cheap though.
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>tfw the pre-travel anxiety hits
Just checking if anyone here knows, what's the best area should I get a hotel in Tokyo if I want the option to hit an arcade and at some point go to a baseball game as well? I'm going there at the end of next month.
I have 5 hours and 7000 yen to spend before my flight back home today.
Anything interesting last minute near the Osaka to Tokyo shinkansen (and stations between) that I can buy or do?
You're a little short
>I hate deer so damned much
They're cute, you just gotta know how to handle them
how does one handle a deer?
They're inclined to believe you have food and will give it to them, so the key is to use body language to communicate that you in fact do not have the crackers on you. If you smell like them because you had them, or you're saving them for another deer, just walk away and the deer who is pestering you will find another tourist
Most of them aren't dicks either, it's the younf bucks usually
Outside of the Japanese context you can feed them or eat them, but best let them be alone
Fuck repleid to myself
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It's over
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It isn't over yet, but I give it probably 5 years max
damn tourists... spending thousands on a flight and bringing their metal cutting power saws in their checked baggage...
This. Twitter comments are all racist bugmen instantly blaming foreigners, they cannot fathom the fact that it was a Japanese person that did it
enjoy your aids
Worried I’m never going to get to live in Japan now with conflicting life goals and running out of time. Oh well. Enjoy it I guess.
Sad as fuck.
Use event checker to search for scheduled events taking place in Japan.


I'm a foreigner who rips apart used panty vending machines with my bare hands so that I can taste the sweet wealth of treasures hidden inside.
Anti foreigner sentiment is a good thing.
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Idk, Japanese people aren't the perfect angels you think they are. There are lots of hard working people here but at the same time I've seen lots of stuff that just goes the opposite way. Like in Osaka people just don't care about littering. Seen so many Japanese dudes just spitting on the floor, leaving trash, getting drunk and belligerent etc. I highly doubt a tourist came to a fucking country paying a $1000+ ticket to steal some dimes from a fucking vending machine
There are several festivals taking place in Japan today and not just Sanja Matsuri. It would take too long to post all the festivals happening right now and this week in Japan so I will just copy and paste a couple here: https://event-checker.info/

5/17-19 Sake Park @ MIYASHITA PARK Rooftop Shibuya Ward

5/18 Poland Festival @ Roppongi Hills Arena

5/18-19 Okinawa Festival @ Yoyogi Park Event Plaza

5/18-19 Yokosuka Curry Festival @ Mikasa Park

5/18-19 Yokota Air Base Japan - US Friendship Festival @ Yokota Air Base

5/18-19 Dried Noodle Grand Prix @ Komazawa Olympic Park Central Square

5/18-19 Tokyo Minato Festival @ Tokyo International Cruise Terminal

5/18-19 Design Festa @ Tokyo Big Sight West & South Hall Entire building

5/18-19 Kagoshima Shochu & Music Festival @ Shibuya Sakura Stage SHIBUYA Side 3F

5 /18-19 Kawasaki Cold Drinks Garden @ Kawasaki Station East Exit Station Plaza (in front of Kawasaki Le Front)

5/18-6/16 Kamatakohai Festival @ Keikyu Kamata Station 3rd floor Platform 2

5/19 Ura Festival @ Around the south exit of Ishikawacho Station, Naka-ku, Yokohama
Tourists, no but jeets and niggers, 100%.
Not with that attitude.
Nigerians arnt "japanese"
Anon, there's a guy in this general who steals coins from shrines and remote donation boxes.
It will be a year in three months of me living here. Japanese are not perfect while it's just a .01% part of the population that causes 98% of the problems and crime here.

That being said I have no issue calling out Japanese for being shitty, and the do as I say not as I do mentality.
They will quickly blame and sensensatioanlize forginer crime or incidents but I can tell you 99% of the crime ad drunken incidents are caused by native locals not tourists or the military.
Alot of the over tourism and photo op behavior is caused mostly by native Japanese tourists, Chinese. Not Americans but they love sensensatioanlism.

Alot of it is political, in Okinawa for example you have a population that historically has been treated as second class citizens by the the mainland Japanese. Top it off you have very strong vested interests *china* that is desperate to agitate and cause division.
I'll be going to a doujin event in August. How do I get myself an obscene amount of 1000-yen bills and 500-yen coins?
I'm heading to South Korea today. Wish I had booked another week in Japan instead. Idk if I'll like Seoul and Busan. I miss the Shimanami Kaido already
>1000 yen bills
Buy 100 yen bottles of water from konbinis and pay with 5k or 10k notes.
>500 yen coins
Some arcades have note to coin converters that do 500 yen coins.
Just play one or two games with your coins afterwards to make them think you're not there just to change your coins over
>if you're staying in a semi-decent hotel
Ask reception. They may change some over for youoir at least help you find a place.
>Japanese people aren't the perfect angels you think they are.
Nobody says they're perfect. Shitty copout response from westerners when someone points out that Japanese society is more orderly and safer than western society.
Frankly there's nothing about Korean culture that I find interesting that they didn't copy from Japan. Kpop does absolutely nothing for me and it's all S. Korea has for "soft power" (And it's been heavily subsidized by the South Korean government just to get it where it is).
Dang hr and half till the next bus to shinagawa. Ticket was 3,600 yen, should I have just got a taxi for a two hour ride?
>spent years desiring a Japan trip
>Had a failed 2020 trip booked
>Mfers irl telling me that I put the country on a pedestal and will be disappointed
>It's my 7th day here and yes, it really is everything I wanted it to be and I'm sad to leave in two days
Thank god I finally got here before tourism spikes actually start ruining things
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For the solo travelers who wish to dine in peace in Japan, I highly recommend Ootoya (大戸屋), a restaurant chain that specializes in home cooked set meals (teishoku) that remind customers of their mother's cooking.



Ootoya CM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ygl27quDCg

Ootoya - The most amazing Japanese restaurant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7F2W0yahIY
In Osaka tonight. Is it a bad day to go out for a drink? Just got back from kobe day trip. It's a madhouse.
In comparison to getting the Narita express to tokyo, then the yamanote to Akiba, getting from KIX to Umeda and then navigating the maze of a station to a hotel that's also near a good drinking spot/red light area is a pain.
Idk if I'll stay Osaka 5 days, might just get the shinkansen for a weekend,stay in a capsule hotel, fuck and go back to Akiba
Lots of pro Gaza people around Kobe and Osaka today making noise with vans and loudspeakers.
yet if you smash their teeth in, YOU'RE the cunt
They are mostly foreigners. Japanese people are white and white people stand with Israel, simple as.
Having that many festivals going on at the same weekend makes me kinda sad that I can only go to a few of them
Heading to Japan with my sister in late Oct, early Nov.
Anything time-sensitive I should try to check out? Festivals, conventions, etc?
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10 days so far in Japan with 0 conversations with anyone (local or not) except cashiers and stuff. Anyone autistic like me going to Asakusa in the morning tomorrow? My hostel is right there and I hope to see yakuza goons riding mikoshi.
Just got my Masters degree in Cybersecurity.
Any chance I can find a job in Japan? I fucking hate my shitty country with nothing to do but listen to bogans bitch about nothing.
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Only somewhat relevant to Japan, but has anyone gone to Seoul to cap off a trip? There's one place I'm interested in seeing, and wondering how easy it'd be to hop over to Korea for a day or two before heading home.
No. After the reveal of the ultra feminist cult that were secretly controlling the president of Worst Korea, I decided I'd wait 20 years and see how things are going then.
if you're cracked and speak japanese sure. if not good luck. startups are the easiest way to get employment as a programmer.
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Got 5 days in Tokyo, what do i do that isnt the usual tourist shit
>make Bümble
>swipe through every female within 15km radius
>only 1 match, a fat Filipino girl

It is indeed over for me. I did not blindly swipe right but muh algorithm is uggo cope anyways
has anyone cycled a lot in japan? in a few months i will be cycling from sapporo to nagasaki, any tips?
Was it weird moving to Tokyo if you never lived in a big city before? I’m 31 and never in my life lived in a big city, let alone one as big as Tokyo. So I’m not really sure what to expect.
I lived in a city with a population of 150,000~ (Europe, small buildings, many historical places) for 28~ years, then moved to Tokyo, didn't feel anything wrong or weird with city itself, you lose the scale when you are in there, even a small city can feel as crowded as a megacity, and as far as residential areas (commie blocks) go they are in general very similar regardless of the country.
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They very clearly are
17 days for me. maybe I'll see you there brother
Is japan too hot in July/August? People say never go there during those months are they just meming/fat?
Is Japan really as safe as people say or do I have to stay alert regarding certain hazards?
It is pretty much the safest place on earth for a tourist. There are some scammers about but they are extremely obvious and almost all are foreigners.
its called "humidity"
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Anyone want to go to Disneyland or Disney Sea sometime between June 1st and June 10th? I am traveling solo, but I hate going to theme parks alone.
It's warm and humid but it really isn't that bad, there is air conditioned areas everywhere, just remember to stay hydrated. Those people saying never to visit in the summer are most likely obese amerimutts that are dripping sweat after walking 5 minutes
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Good riddance osaka. Woke up this morning to a bunch of trash outside my 4 star hotel. This isn't even the worst I saw on the way to the station.
Going to yamato museum today. Anyone join or want to meet around kure?
My last 3 trips were always in the cooler spring months (march/april/may) and now I'm going in June, just how it worked out. Is it true that they absolutely hate scented deodorants? I'm worried about being disgusting and never had to worry too much before with a healthy amount of bathing, bit now it's going to be hot in osaka. I know females have a sort of dress code, but am I going to scare the locals with my Irish sasquatch legs wearing shorts? I'm pretty fit so I don't think I'll be sweating that much but I feel like I should wear black/dark shirts to avoid pit puddles showing on my shirts.
Got 5 days in Tokyo, what do i do that isnt the usual tourist shit
Is Nikko doable as a day trip from Tokyo?
Looks like a rough Saturday night for Japan
It must be all the Indians and Nigerians, no way Japanese people would do this.
>be fatfuck
>go walking through a garden for two hours
>hike to to the top of a mountain to see the buildings built there
>head back to hotel
>wring sweat from shirt
>pass out for two hours
>wake up
>put on new shirt
>get ready to do it all over again
>make sure to be back at my hotel around 4pm so I can watch the Sumo with English commentary
I feel like one of these days I'm going to pass out on my feet, have a heart attack or somehow seriously injure myself, but at least I am seeing everything I want to see. If I was travelling with other people, I'd probably only get 1/3 through the list of things I want to do.
What is stopping you from buying unscented deodorant?
Humidity is nightmarishly hot. I'm used to it now but I'll never forget my first summer. You can't tell me no one sweats in 35/90% humidity
any Tokyo meetup anons this week?
Some people are just assholes and it's especially true when it comes to Japan, they love shitting on anyone with even the tiniest bit of interest in Japan. Had a friend who was skeptical about why I praised Japan so much visit there recently and he told me he understands now. The people shitting on you probably have never been and only regurgitate what some guy on tiktok said.
Anyway, if you're planning a second trip I hope you're in the position to be able to go for 3 weeks. That was the sweet spot for my second trip and I loved every minute of it and was sad to go.
I've done Rainier and Mt Whitney, I'm an experienced climber. I'm more looking for info about local lodging prior to the ascent. I'm not looking for a 2 hour taxi ride to a trailhead.
Everyone who praises japan to this extent hasn't stayed for several months at a time and it shows
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Did you guys know that Akira Toriyama's favorite pasta restaurant is Aiueo (店麺多房 あいうえお)

After receiving the news of Akira Toriyama's passing, Tatsuyoshi Nagata (72), owner of the Tenmentabo Aiueo restaurant in Nagoya and who had a friendship with Toriyama, brings a surprising revelation.

Founded 43 years ago and known for its generous pasta dishes and Japanese cuisine, Aiueo received a visit from Toriyama-san on July 8, 1984, through a mutual acquaintance. Nagata remembers the meeting well: "He was about 1.85 meters tall and looked like Antonio Inoki. I would never have imagined that he would become so famous. He seemed to really enjoy our main dish, Basil and Bacon Peperoncino."

Although this was the only time Toriyama went to the restaurant, they continued to keep in touch after that. But the real surprise lies in the following statement from Nagata: “When Akira Toriyama finished Dr. Slump, there was a pause, and while he was thinking about what he would do next, he traveled to China for inspiration. When he returned, he showed me a drawing saying, "This will be the next [work]!’ He made this illustration for me before Dragon Ball was published.”

In other words, Nagata received an illustration of Dragon Ball before its official publication in Shonen Jump! As mentioned, Toriyama only visited the restaurant on July 8, 1984, but Dragon Ball was only published in November 1984. Toriyama drew Goku, now on display in the restaurant, just to show Nagata what his new work would be like! Despite this precious treasure, nothing makes up for the loss of someone so admirable. Nagata laments, "I wish he could have overwhelmed the world for a little while longer. We lost a valuable person."




I am here for a month. I go back on the first of June. It's what I expected. Slummy places and beautiful places. Relatively easy to get around. Weather is good but I made sure I headed home before June. No real bad experiences so far. Having a hard time finding doujinshi though. It's like there is no directory or organization in the stores except mandarake.

Spent some days capsules, many in business hotels and one ryoken. Want to visit more onsens in kyushu. I really liked the japanese Alps but it took awhile getting out there on public transportation.
Cool bro I'll continue to enjoy Japan anyway. See what I mean when they just can't help shitting on people?
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Anons, what would you recommend for Sapporo?
There's the Beer Museum and Ramen Alley, but I don't really know what else to see there.
Mainly going there with family for the tulips so I'm not in the mood to go for clubs or red light stuff.
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Alright, I'm back safely in my own home out of japan. My 2 week trip has concluded.
Massive thanks to all the anons in these threads who have helped me and answered my stupid questions during and leading up to the trip.
Yes, that includes you tourism board guy.
Next time, I'm buying chap stick over there.
i am not because it is typhoon season and not because of the "heat"
not that anon but i am planning a second trip. Which month would you recommend for 3 weeks? First trip was 2 weeks last half of november, Tokyo, Kanazawa ,Kyoto, Osaka, Fujikawaguchiko. I speak very basic Japanese which region/places to visit this time ?
Why do you hate Australia anon? I think it's a cool place, you guys have great weather and close proximity to Japan so going there on holiday is easy. That's like the best of both worlds.
As for your question, you'll need to work towards N2 or N1, start putting your CV out there on recruitment sites for jobs in Japan or look at Gaijinpot or something, basically it will be a long haul. Also if you just got your degree you're considered a new graduate in Japan too, so that'll affect what kind of roles you can look for there atm. I recommend getting like 2-3 years of experience in your home country before moving.
Thanks anon - Any specific shit you recommend while there?
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In order to lower the risk of you getting fatigued and injured from all that hiking and walking in Japan, I suggest visiting your nearest Japanese drugstore / pharmacy or home center / supermarket and purchasing Kowa's Vantelin joint and muscle support products: ankle, back, calf, elbow, knee, thumb, and wrist. If Vantelin sounds familiar to you, it is because they are one of Shohei Ohtani's sponsors and he has personally used their products for his physical rehab and therapy.

Vantelin Kowa Japan:



Kowa Self Care International:



Vantelin Support Long Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqQBulajb40
Not exactly a fat guy but mildly overweight. I backpack though. As I travel through Japan I am adding more and more stuff to my backpack. I usually stay in a place at least two nights which makes one day lightweight, but still... sometimes 10-14 miles a day just walking. I have blisters but don't need to pop yet. I am managing and letting them dry out each night. I'm making it though. Cleaning clothing in sink with dry detergent every other day. I got good hiking Merrell sneakers but not boots. Next time I come to Japan for a month I am wearing boots.
Any recommended /fa/ places to hit up in Tokyo? I'd love to expand my wardrobe while I'm here
Hipster look? Shimokitazawa
Normie look? Go to the closest uniqlo
weird af style (gothic lolita, visual kei, etc)? Harajuku
Youthful, but not weird? Shibuya I guess.
53 year old who wants to look rad and look respectfully mysterious to local girls?
How many days would you recommend for staying in Osaka? Adding the days for Osaka itself and possible daytrips, like Nara and Kyoto.
Is a day trip from Tokyo to Yokosuka (Mikasa battleship and Shenmue street) + Yokohama (Chinatown) a viable idea? Pretty sure it is considering how close my attractions to train stations.

Also, is it safe to buy vidya consoles and such from Bookoff stores? Maybe I'll get a DS.

Osaka and Kyoto deserve 3 full days at least, Nara is cool for a day, I guess.
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I went mid winter in January. I was lucky enough to see snow just as I got off the train at Shinjuku and got this beautiful picture. I recommend going to Nagano to see the monkey hot springs, there was so much snow and while walking up the trail sometimes the wind blew the snow built up on the trees and it was a sight to behold, kinda like a mini blizzard. I also went to Kyoto and visited various temples and the winter ambience is very nice especially seeing traditional Japanese style roofs caked in snow, also met many shrine cats. I'm a little biased in my experience though since winter is my favourite season and that was the first time I saw actual snow.
Also Nara park sucked because the ground was soaked and it was like a swamp of deer shit.
nta but Australia has been turning into a shithole for a long time and recently they ramped it up quite a bit so I'm also looking to gtfo here.
>great weather
fuck no
A friend of mine wants to go to Oshu because she's an Ohtani freak. I don't feel like doing 4 hours both ways as a day trip, what would be a good place to stay between Tokio and Oshu so we can do something else on the way back and extend it into an overnight stay?
how do you stay /fa/ in the brutal japanese summers?
I don't wanna look like your average western tourist slop in shorts and a t shirt
I was also tempted to buy a console from a bookoff, they look fine to me. So many games I wanted to buy but they wouldn't work in my european consoles at home.
>how do you stay /fa/ in the brutal japanese summers?
Build up resistance by living in a hot place first
>do I have to stay alert regarding certain hazards?
If a guy come up to you and says "I know a great bar with cute girls", best be aware. Rule of thumb: don't follow touts. If you want to go clubbing research the places to avoid scams and straight up thievery although I don't think they're very common outside Tokyo and Kyoto
Interesting dilemma. Why not just stay the night in Iwate then? There's nothing much on the route, aside from Fukushima, when looking at the map.
Also it's said "4h one way" when you mean a trip takes 8h in total, yankee-kun
June is not that bad honestly, the real heat only starts after the rainy season
It was over 23 years ago
>the hub
I thought was a meme, but i tried 3 of these bars in one night, just drunken losers like me, but i was lucky because in the last one i hanged out with one estonian girl with like 5 american/australian simps. We go to a club and obviously i can't compete with american chads as a 30yo latino. But i learn these fuckers can't dance for shit and we went to a latino themed club.
The estonian girl went home alone, but at least i grabbed her ass dancing. She went home alone.
And i ended in a Love Hotel with a cute 25yo japanese girl from another group and i'm a total autistic social retard, but at least i can dance.
Best trip ever, probably going again in october
>love hotel
enjoy your aids
Kids are supposed to be in school and they are fucking around eating ice cream in groups and making noise around monuments. As sexy as the girls are, go home or wait till summer. Stay in school.
you guys know those 90 day temporary visitor stamps they put in your passport? are you supposed to remove those afterwards (when the stay period has ended)? i'll be going for the second time later this year and was thinking that thing might make it look like i'm trying to fool someone.
Had 2 of them in my passport and got a 3rd upon entry yesterday. Don't think you have to remove em.
>Admittedly the reason I wanted to see it is that from what I see online it inspired some scenery in the movie Your Name, which I am a fan of.
Yeah, you should be careful admitting that. People could get hurt.
/fa/g here, here are some resources
User created map from superfuture of various stores, cafes, resturants, other non-traditional cultural interest points
Superfuture paywalled tokyo guide. Useful but very strongly recommend to not follow it too closely. It also assumes that you're loaded.

The area you go to shop will largely depend on how you like to dress.
>Shimokitazawa, Koenji and Kichijoji
Thrift heaven but are very much oriented towards normcore style dressing
Used to be good but now tourist-ized. You can still find interesting stores that aren't immediately obvious; look on the side streets and basement level stores. Reuse shops pretty good all the same. Mostly focused on youth fashion
Walking distance from Harajuku and Shibuya. Great place with most of the stores leaning toward the expensive side but the reuse shops like Bring, Kindal etc here are excellent. Usually higher end designer stuff. I strongly recommend going to the CDG store here if you're an actual /fa/g.
If you want to find any decent stores here you have to get away from the areas with tonnes of tourists. The kindal here, which is right around the corner from ragtag, is pretty good. Strongly recommend visiting R for D and Desperado if you like independent jap designers
Good reuse and select shops. Unique clothing that isn't as flashy and youthful as Harajuku.
Not worth going to for shopping unless you are loaded. Mostly european fashion houses.
Like the above, but a bit better close to the station. There's a beams, lad musician, a couple of reuse shops etc.

Get nice shorts and a loose fitting rayon (or similar) tshirt.
They're just Jewing you anon. Next time pull out pictures of the babies their soldiers turned into fleshlights and ask why they still honor those criminals?
Set a reminder on your phone every 6 months saying only "Return, White Man".
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oh word, thanks for this anon, jp fashion was missing in /fa/ so I couldn't find a good starting point to check
About individual reuse stores
>2nd street
These are everywhere and will vary in stock depending on the area. You can sometimes find good deals and they carry a mix of thrift store stuff and higher end items, with rural or suburban areas focusing on the former and central urban ones focusing on the latter.
Easily my favourite reuse shop chain with excellent stock, good prices, nice stores and good music. Prices are usually cheaper instore than online by anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand. They'll usually ask you to put a google review on their store if you buy something but I usually just say OK then leave without doing it
Usually good stock but can be narrow in variety and often overpriced.
Good like kindal with a focus on domestic products. Only 2 stores iirc but well worth visiting.

There are also many independent stores that usually deal thrift items imported from the US. The best advice I can give is don't target specific things, just go to an area and wander into various stores that look like they interest you.

/fa/ has been terrible for actual fashion discussion since 2013. You do occasionally get good threads but it's 99% garbage
I assume you were the one who started this thread?
Also wow, looking at the archives and it's sad the last /jdg/ thread was around 2017.
>get pussy
why did I choose to study the blade instead of dance lessons?
How do I become more gyroscopically stable while riding the trains? Are the japanese born with the innate ability to not be affected? I feel like I'm going to fly into people like a pachinko ball if I'm not white knuckling the standing handles
Don't tamper with stamps that officials put in your passport, that only makes you look sketchy.
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adapt the following stance, relax your knees
Because of certain circumstances I'll be in Kokura for two days starting tommorow. I respectfully request any and all reccomendations of interesting things to do in the area and including fukuoka. Heck, the whole island of Kyushu. I know of Onsens in Beppu which I intend to hit, but I'd like to spend a week on this island. I enjoy natural beauty and important places of historical significance. A cute kitsune for your thoughts. Thank you,
opinions on luggage forwarding? Doing this seems to be an autistic debate as some people insists that you WILL be judged and it is IMPOSSIBLE to move around with even a single piece of checked luggage, notwithstanding how HOSTILE japanese train stations are to big suitcases, but on the other hand I hear a lot of people saying that this is all exagerrated and that it isn't as much of a big deal as people claim it is.
Where to find bubble wrap? I bought an old Mega Drive and I'd like to keep it wrapped in my luggage during the flight home.
I just bought some sake with dinner from a grocery and they ripped me off a bunch of it to wrap the bottle for my pack. Sure you could do it yourself and they wouldn't care. Other than that... a... shipping place? Lol.
Domestic next day delivery is cheap and being able to travel with just a day bag is absolutely worth every yennie.
100 yen store
asking staff in stores nicely if you can have some of their discarded shipping materials
t. ships all his junk in Japanese fruit boxes
Not him but
>100 yen stores
Not 100 yen

Why is it called a 100 yen store again? I mean, tea is 100 or so but almost nothing else is. ???
The name comes from an ancient time before (((消費税))) when goods were actually sold at their advertised prices.
Japan is so dead after 20:00, but especially after 22. It's like the only thing you can do is go to some bar like a normalfag which of course I'm not going to do ever in my life. Basically it gets interesting around noon, or earlier if you do some cultural sightseeing, which leaves us with a rather narrow fun window.
Anyone have ideas for a relaxing day in Nagoya?
I was originally going to go to Meiji-Mura tomorrow but I'm getting close to the end of my trip and I want one day where I'm not out in the sun walking all day. Like, I'm actually starting to look forward to going home just so I can get some rest.
That kind of mentality is bad, so I'm hoping for a nice calm day to de-stress and remember that I'm actually on holiday.
You sound like a loser
I'm with you on it being kinda dull at night if you are not into getting wasted. Next time I go, this is one of the things I want to explore. My current ideas for stuff to do at night are hitting up a batting cage, cinema, and maybe trying a slower paced kinda bar like a jazz club maybe.
Why do Japanese girls have such fucked up teeth? Every single one who is interested in me looks great until they open their mouth.
Don't even bother. You're a burnout. Fix your life before even thinking of jap pussy.
Wtf are you gonna do there if you don't even ahve the will to learn the lanaguege? If you get a desperate girl, she WILL cuck you. Then what? You wasted years and set back retirement. If you have a kid it's fucking over for you. You'll be one of those gaikokujin wandering the streets being all sad and shit. You won't see them and pay money to her and her highschool crush she got together with again.

The quality of girl foreigners go for here is embarrassing. I'd abandon the dream, honestly. I know some jap women go to europe & US for american men I'm sure the quality is lower but you wouldn't get better even here with your 'credentials' and at least you have a future back home
You'll get used to it. It's cute after a while.
Do you speak fluent japanese? If not you should feel lucky one is into you at all.
Honestly it's my second day here and I'm having a great time but my overactive brain has seen through the facade. People here, especially men, are just as depressed and lonely as back home. All the hostesses lining the streets and how drinking is so central to life.
there's a free IT(?) job fair this friday 4:30 to 8:30pm in akihabara if any other anon wants to join:
Go up the Tokyo Tower
Go up the Skytree
Go up Shibuya Sky
Go up the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building
In a similar boat, going to Fukuoka/Kyushu for a week with my Japanese friend. Our primary objectives are food, women, or some kind of novel experience, with sightseeing secondary. Any suggestions?
>Best trip ever, probably going again in october
Yeah. I felt the same way. I probably want to go back October or November
>Why do Japanese girls have such fucked up teeth?
That's the best part
Does Japan have 24/7 cinemas or just really late showings? This would be cool as I was thinking of going to a cinema to see what it's like in Japan, if late night or 24/7 spots exist than I won't have to make room for it in the middle of the day.
Let’s be honest, you’re probably a coomer. Why do you care?
Wanting to fuck a little girl which is what every healthy young red blooded man is biologically programmed to do makes one a "coomer".

Pfft. Stupid internet shit.
Cinemas usually close late at night around midnight or a bit after so you can definitely go late in the day. I recommend it a lot, it's a really good experience if you like cinemas at home. The people are so polite and respectful and everything is really clean. The popcorn is nice as well. I watched Godzilla Minus One there in a full IMAX screen and people are so nice you couldn't even hear popcorn crunching. A stark contrast to most countries where people in cinemas rustle around snack bags, talk to each other constantly, take out their phones to take pictures and shine their flashlight on the disgusting food they snuck in.
>most countries
You mean most cities in the US?
What you describe as Japan-only is common in most civilized countries around the world.
I'm in the UK. I go to the cinema like once a month at least and the people are fucking scum. I have to personally tell them to shut the fuck up and stop yelling over the film, usually it works, but sometimes I had to just get them kicked out with the staff.
>little girl
Literally no one said that
We are talking about being sexually attracted to girls and being put off by their hideous malformed teeth. It's a real thing here.
All I know is Beppu everyone who likes onsens keeps talking about but other than that, nothing. I do research every morning so let's keep each other updated on things we find. Looking at the islands around Nagasaki now.
Must be an Anglo thing then, I've never had this issue in Finland
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Are you trying to sell me sake in milk cartons Japan?
I could never go to Japan. I’m far too terrified of spiders. Even little tiny 1cm spiders are too big for me. I’d honestly probably die if I encountered one the size of my hand.
The Japanese people aren't that bad anon.
You should visit John Davis, The Cheese Guy In Okinawa, if you feel like you are missing the taste of Western cheese in Japan. His cheese factory actually supplies a lot of cheese to many different Western hotel brands in Japan, such as the Ritz-Carlton. Not only that but The Cheese Guy In Okinawa is the main supplier of cheese curds for both Canada Day and Poutine Day at the Délégation générale du Québec à Tokyo so even foreign embassies know John Davis sells good cheese.




Combining cultures through cheese - The Cheese Guy in Okinawa | injapanstories: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwnFOGWdQg4
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Shimamura Group: https://www.shimamura.gr.jp/en/company/business/business.html

Avail (Women and men in their 10s to 40s) : https://www.shimamura.gr.jp/avail/

Fashion Center Shimamura (Women in their 20s to 60s, and their families): https://www.shimamura.gr.jp/shimamura/
Big and tall women generally have more fashion choices and options compared to big and tall men in Japan.

Sakazen has a total of 34 locations in Japan so do not be fooled into believing Sakazen has only one location in Shinjuku. Sakazen's two main stores are actually located in Nihonbashi.




Where to Buy Plus Size Men's Clothes in Japan: https://www.japanlivingguide.com/dailylife/shopping/largesized-mens-clothes/

Where to Buy Plus Size Women's Clothes in Japan: https://www.japanlivingguide.com/dailylife/shopping/largesized-clothing-women/

Large size shoes for foreigners - Where to find them in Japan: https://www.japanlivingguide.com/dailylife/shopping/large-size-shoes/
To those who have traveled to Kyushu, what were the highlights? I have a domestic flight to Fukuoka from NRT but otherwise the trip remains unplanned. I enjoy hikes+nature and urban environments alike.
Mt Aso, Yufuin
You are me pal. See you next thread. I'll share what I learn as I go this coming week.
Workman is Japan's largest workwear manufacturer and retailer and they sell belts, boots, helmets, masks, rain wear, winter wear, work wear, safety belts, safety shoes, socks, tools, work gloves, etc.


Workman Latest Catalog: https://www.workman.co.jp/%E6%9C%80%E6%96%B0%E3%82%AB%E3%82%BF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B0


Fukuoka is pozzed af, I would say Nagasaki and beppu are worth visiting though
>Wanting to fuck a little Asian girl

Why are so many white foreigners like this?
Pozzed = high foreigner presence?
Partly yes but not only, last time I was there hakata station was coverered in lgbt flags/posters with English writing
the city itself also has a very active subreddit (pretty self explanatory)
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Many people interested in Japanese fashion usually forget about the topic of Japanese underwear despite the fact that Japan hosts some of the oldest underwear companies in the world. Gunze is one of the oldest underwear manufacturers in Japan. Gunze's men's underwear brands include BODY WILD, Kaiteki Kobo (Comfort Workshop), SEEK, the GUNZE, and YG. In addition to the company's directly managed stores, Gunze products can also be found on Amazon Japan and Aeon Mall is also a dealer of some Gunze products. Believe it or not but many Japanese people do not believe that Uniqlo sells the best underwear in Japan and would rather buy their underwear from long time underwear manufacturers such as Gunze.


Gunze Apparel Business: https://www.gunze.co.jp/english/products/apparelfield/

Gunze Apparel Store Information: https://www.gunze.co.jp/english/products/shop/


Gunze Store at Amazon Japan: https://www.amazon.co.jp/stores/page/290C0FA9-1423-4E58-A2E4-6523F5E0F643

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If you have small feet like the average Japanese, you can shop for shoes at Alpen Tokyo. Get some max cushion shoes instead of boots because I doubt you will be hiking mountains 24/7 on your next trip to Japan.

Top 10 Most Comfortable Sneakers of 2023 (Final List): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32U24kdppkM

Thanks. Really just looking more into boots because I wear all my luggage weight and after miles of walking on concrete or whatever a day good boots like those for backpacking seem to be what people wear when carrying alot of weight. Ideally sneakers with a little ankle support that breathe and have alot of cushion but most of the requirements push me into big lugging boot territory.
OH LAWD, I love yappari steak! What a freaking wonderful place. Cold sours and red meat woot!
Decided to head down to beppu tommorow for 2 days then find a way to get to Mt aso to hike some. May not go all the way down to kagoshima if no reason to. Might cut over the middle, hit Nagasaki then fukuoka and fly back to Tokyo. Will see. Always two days or so advance planning.
What about yakushima? would be my no. 1 destination in kyushu, especially since you said you like nature
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Where to find Tailor Made Suits in Tokyo & Stores in Tokyo where you can buy Inexpensive Suits: https://www.japanlivingguide.com/dailylife/shopping/tokyo-tailor-services/

SUIT SQUARE (スーツスクエア):


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>Go scuba diving off Atami bay
>experienced diver with my own gear, only gajin on this tour everyone else are nips.
>two cute girls on the boat giggling and looking at me
>me in broken japanese " guhh.. genki des..uka?"
>last dive I get sick at around 95ft (been feeling shitty all weekend thought I was better) actually vomit into my full face scuba mask (was vloging).
>finish the dive, Surface get on boat and take off my mask full of vomit and blood.
>everyone looking at me in horror.
>right infront of me were those two girls staring at me, probably looking like a dude who just came off an all night bender covered in filth.
>still managed to get their lines

Well /jpg/ I hope you had a great weekend!
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Also nothing like seeing America's impact in 1945 on the bottom of the ocean
#EthanInJapan and Menswear Stores: https://alittlebitofrest.com/2019/06/16/ethaninjapan-and-menswear-stores/

The People in Japan and Their Style: https://alittlebitofrest.com/2019/06/16/the-people-in-japan-and-their-style/

Bryceland’s Co & Ethan Newton: https://alittlebitofrest.com/2019/07/03/brycelands-co-ethan-newton/

Tailor Caid & Yamamoto-san: https://alittlebitofrest.com/2019/07/15/tailor-caid-yamamoto-san/

Ring Jacket & My Brown Balloon: https://alittlebitofrest.com/2019/07/21/ring-jacket-and-my-brown-balloon/

A Visit to Sarto Ginza and Trying on B&Tailor: https://alittlebitofrest.com/2019/08/26/a-visit-sarto-ginza-and-trying-on-btailor/
Is there an easy way to know what places are closed to foreigners? I looked at a place yesterday that had no English writing at all on the outside, thought it was probably no foreigners and began to walk away, when they called out to me through the service window to please come inside. I went to go to a place today with english writing all over the door explaining, walked in and they told me they were closed and to get out despite having at least half capacity inside and their door saying they closed an hour later.
I found so much stuff at the thrift stores in Shibuya.
The best place imo are the ones that mix milsurp with local labels. Also Yokosuka has some great local jackets.
I've been here for 8months and I haven't really run into the "no forginers" places. These days they can't be picky. As far as being turned away it likely was reserved. Japs especially after-work have places like izakayas reserved in advanced for work groups or clubs.

There are members only bars and sex/strip clubs that you need a sponsor to get into but it's less about keeping gaijin out and more about the fact a "member" will always have a seat at the bar and/or a favorite girl.
>Well /jpg/ I hope you had a great weekend!
I drank in front of a konbini like I always do.
Is it actually possible to buy tickets for a concert as a foreigner? Want to attend Mono in Tokyo but the buy button does not work in the buy overseas section..Will i be able to buy the ticket there in person ( if lucky and there is any left ofc) ?
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yoshida trail restrictions

I'm planning to hike mt fuji in august before comiket. thinking to go during the day, catch sunset instead, and skip station lodging. from what I understand, yoshida trail has the stick and stamps. hoping to wait until the week of to reserve in case of bad weather. I bike a decent amount, but the longest hike I've done is around two hours.
how boned am I?
I'm planning a 10 day stay next january, 6 days in Osaka, 4 in tokyo with the odd daytrip to Hiroshima/Kyoto etc. Might go Fukuoka and Himeji as well. With that in mind I guess it's better to get the 7 day JR pass and then just take the yamanote round tokyo since it's like 250 yen to get from one side to the other?
You might have convinced me on this one, helpful-shill anon.
Will Japanese suits work okay for the average non-American tourist?
>the odd daytrip to Hiroshima/Kyoto
While Kyoto is absolutely doable from Osaka, Hiroshima would require an overnight stay if you ask me
I'll look into it, I've got 6 months before I finalise everything.
I'm a total spaz when it comes to spontaneity so i like to plan out my trips, plus it's fun researching stuff with walking tours on yt imo
Hiroshima is nice. Feels (and is) smaller than Tokyo, and that shows in, say, the condition of the sidewalk. Very comfy though.
The peace park is a bit hit and miss, depending very heavily on if you happen to be there with a thousand school children, because they act like tik tok teens around the place
Had a very odd feeling though. The chaperones made them bow and have a moment of silence for the paper crane girls statue, but then they let them clown around the rest of the memorials
I ate the best bowl of dandan ramen in Hiroshima near the castle, which I have to go see on another trip because it was closed for renovation on the last day I was there in december
I'd say Itsukushima is worth a visit, but that may take a lot of time off the day if you want to see everything aside the temples there
the last time I was in japan was in 2014. since then I dreamed to go back every year. I think this year it will be it.
but I dont know how long i should plan. I was in tokyo for 6 weeks. pretty much saw all the hotspots various times. I even was on the nearby takou mountain, yokohama and Enoshima beach.
what would you recommend to do or see someone who saw the general tourist spots?
and I dont want to buy a railpass for 2 weeks so it should be arround tokyo

also any experience on japanese escorts? what arew you doing with them since sex is not allowed? groping and sumata?
That's really far down there. Worth the time and hassle getting there?
>and I dont want to buy a railpass for 2 weeks so it should be arround tokyo
Rail pass is a total scam these days, you'd be better off just buing the Shinkansen tickets with cash like a proper Japanese
>the last line
Please read the FUCKING OP
Check out the 御所ヶ谷神籠石!
Down for it sir. I posted my schedule in the last thread. Will post again in the next general.
I’ll be there Sat-Tues Anon. You do anything fun?
Also you have to be out going and at least not ugly to talk to randoms
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Check out ONLY Premio Tokyo, which is the Kyoto-based clothing manufacturer's flagship shop in Yurakucho that sells tailored suits.





1) What is the early bird discount for custom suits?

By accepting orders for next season's custom suits during the factory's off-season, this is a sales method that eliminates wasted factory operations and allows us to provide products at a reasonable price. Please allow approximately 2 months for delivery, and you can order at a 20% discount. Please note that spring items are available in January and February, and fall items are available in July and August. Early bird discounts cannot be used in conjunction with discounts offered by our company, such as 5% off for first time app members and birthday coupons.

2) Is there a range of sizes that can be ordered?

Tailor Made will make a suit to the size you specify.

Men: The sizes you can order are chest circumference 84cm to 124cm (in 2cm increments) and belt dimensions 66cm to 118cm (in 2cm increments).

Women: The range is from No. 1 to No. 23. In addition, regarding the size, it is different from the general JIS standard, and is a unique size standard.

3) I would like to know the product size

Men's suits are available in a total of 12 sizes according to height [165cm / 170cm / 175cm / 180cm] [Y body (slightly slim) / A body (normal) / AB body (slightly loose)], and Italian size [44/46/ 48/50] are also available in a total of 4 sizes.

If ready made items are not available, we also have custom made suits.

Men's shirts are available in neck sizes ranging from 37cm to 46cm, and if ready made items are not available, we also have custom made shirts available.

For ladies, we have sizes 7 to 11, and depending on the model or item, we also have size 5.
>dressing up like a metrosexual while traveling to impress people you will never meet again.
>not wearing useful utility clothing that breathes well, is comfortable and is better suited for walking/sightseeing and traveling conditions

We got a wide range of "people" in this general don't we?
By the way, Suits & Suits is both an online and physical ONLY affiliated outlet that sells all of ONLY's discontinued products at a discount.

>The products sold at Suits & Suits are different from those sold online at discount prices. The main products we handle are carefully selected items such as suits made of Italian fabrics, high quality functional shirts, and ties made in Italy that were sold for a certain period at ONLY, a famous suit store in Kyoto that boasts a 48 year history. We aim not to follow trends, but to provide businessmen with high-quality products at affordable prices.

>The most important thing when choosing a suit is not the price. In addition to the quality of the product, the most important thing is finding a suit that fits your body type. The Suits & Suits official online store offers a variety of colors and patterns from the abundant inventory stored in the product distribution center operated by ONLY Co., Ltd., which cannot be stored in stores. If you don't know your size, we operate over 21 physical stores nationwide. One of Suits & Suits' strengths is that you can check your size at a store near you. The store has a homey atmosphere, so even those new to suit purchasing can feel free to visit.


based quake chad
where are you located? I'm still stuck for another month but my kids actually try
fattest post in this thread by far
Do you even 3d accelerator bro? Get a voodoo 2 and get GLQuake.
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I am big man.
But seriously, I inquired earlier about casual travelwear I could buy in Japan for a 7'1 individual and I went to a workman someone reccomended and that just wasn't the trick.

I can't imagine wanting to tour and see sights/go places in a nice suit and shoes etc. Just asking for trouble ripping it or soiling it or not getting out seeing the places you want because of your attire.

Want to leave a nice shirt and trousers, maybe shoes in your hotel for going out to the bar? Sure.
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Illinois, but again I am only a building substitute so people really dgaf what I do. Today one of the deans walked in on me watching It's Always Sunny in class and she didn't care. Also does anyone know of a good place to eat sushi off a Japanese broad in Tokyo?
if the longest hike you've done is 2 hours you are going to really struggle. Fujisan seems doable because it doesn't look very step or craggy but it's a very long and tall hike. and once you get above elevation you're going to get altitude sickness. my advice would be to make good use of the on mountain cabins and don't hike for more than 4 hours a day.

they say a brave man hikes Fujisan once and a fool hikes it twice.
if you can speak enough japanese to be polite nobody cares that you're a foreigner and everyone wants your business:
>when you want to call them order you say すみません
>tell them what you want to order by pointing at the menu and saying これをください
>when you want to pay say おかいけをください
if you make a good effort to "act japanese" everyone will be happy to serve you. they only kick out foreigners like Johnny Somali who have no manners and are obviously trying to get a rise out of people. just be meek and bow your head a little occasionally and everything will be fine. japanese people are very kind and even forgiving so long as you put in the effort to have good manners.
Going this next September arriving at Tokyo and want to go to Osaka. I would like to skip one day of needing a hotel and travel by night bus from Tokyo to Osaka and just sleep in there. Is this a stupid idea or is it good?
Lgbtms accepted where?
You guys... There are more wandering Orientals here than our national parks...

There are tons of them. My God.
Shinjuku 2-chome
Capsule hotels really are just for broke smelly people. I had thought I found a good deal but you have to check in and out everyday with everyone else.. what a joke. They didn't mention that on the booking site. Don't fall for it and respect yourself. After I found out at the counter I left for a better (albeit) more expensive hotel. How anyone spend more than two days doing that is beyond me.
Just watch the Yama no Susume (Encouragement of Climb) anime, which features information on real life Japanese mountains that is useful for anime pilgrimages.

I rarely see anybody recommend capsule hotels in these threads and instead, everyone always recommend business hotels such as Dormy Inn

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