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Philippines National Railroad (PNR) Edition.

/PHG/ is for discussing the following:
-Bible/Prayer study with filipinas
-Transportation options
-Mega Malls
-Provincial Tourism
-Nightlife and hotspots

No schizo posting allowed!
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whats the QRD on Hotel SoGo
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This reminds me of PH so much
This is the 4th phg thread in the last week. Are the mods (gay) gunna remove this one again?
its literally the Pinoy version of Japanese love hotels. they even include a private garage with a door so you can close it and nobody can see your car tag. the rooms are also sound proof so people cant hear the 4’8” pinay wailing while you impale her on your giant white cock

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only if Cuckshed complains to the jannies
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hopefully this one stays up and we can stay on topic and share with the incels back home ao they soend their money to cum have a good time in the Philippines instead of buying a gun and commiting a mass shooting because they give girls the ick

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Does this look like a man that would complain?
Please don’t trigger him! He absolutely loses his shit!
>walk outside in the morning and see a bunch of guys standing around near my apartment, drinking coffee
>watch them 1 by 1 throw their paper cups on the ground
>just stand there and stare at them
>finally ask them if they live here
>no, they just meet here before they get picked up for work
>so it's a group of workers who casually litter on my street every day and they don't even live there, just just a meeting spot
>ask them to not throw their trash on the ground, it's disrespectful
>"why do you care"
>because I don't want to see piles of trash in my neighborhood
>"you're a foreigner"
>don't litter again on my street, or you will be sorry
>(they clearly don't take it seriously)
>fast forward a week
>knock off super soaker from lazada has arrived
>piss jug under the sink is looking well fermented
>fill up the super soaker with rotting week old piss
>go for morning walk next day
>band of miscreants doing their usual thing creating a pile of coffee cups every morning
>I have a large black trash bag and my piss gun with me
>walk up to them
>I want you to pick up your garbage. Use this bag. I will throw it away. I will put a garbage bag out here for next time. Ok?
>(band of pinoys angry low iq stare)
>toss the garbage bag in front of them and stare back
>not going to?
>they just shuffle around and keep glancing at who I assume is the ringleader
>start hosing them down with rotten piss
>they thought it was water at first, then begin screeching
>one chases after me but I blast him with piss and he backs off and runs away
>8 grown men run away from my piss blaster
>(I was fully prepared to discard my weapon and full speed away)
>they shout curses at me but leave the street
>also leave in case the police come
>this was two weeks ago and I have been laying low
>go out today to scout my morning walk route, I am assuming the pinoy workers would be enraged if they saw me, but my suspicions are correct
>they have vacated their meeting spot
>there is no new garbage there
>piss blasting pinoys works exactly how piss blasting street dogs does, they don't come back to the spot you marked and where they were humiliated at
>what gave you this idea?
I have permanently removed squatters and homeless with piss blasting method before.
>isn't it risky? It's a group of men, what if they attacked you?
They are wearing flip flops and are beanpoles. I am wearing running shoes and am fit. There was no chance of them catching me.
>isn't it a crime?
Sure but they were committing a crime also and looked like meth addict variety of day laborer. The chances of such people seeking out police is near zero.
>isn't that disgusting?
Yes, but it's also non-violent and effective. If they had not moved on I would have upgraded to liquified shit+piss mix.
>why not just put out a trash bin for them without confrontation
I've done this before in other cases (with squatters), they don't use it. They just drop trash as soon as they are done with the containers.
>what size of super soaker are we talking
Big one, 1.5l tank two hands required rifle version. Pretty good pressure but also some nasty misty backwash, but that's the cost of doing business.
>you said something about street dogs?
Yes. You can just urinate on them normally though. Just pee on them or where they sleep usually, and they tend to move on. If they are just barking at you but not growling or circling you can whip it out and let them have it. This works on all SEA street dogs and is a better solution than beating them with a metal pole or poisoning them. Not 100% but pretty good.
This is beautiful. I don’t care whether or not it is true. I want to believe you blasted a bunch of worthless pinoy with old piss
Samefag insecurity guard again. On the bright side, he reminds us all our lives could be much, much worse
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Stop before you start
Can you "preach" to some pinays about the good word, by going onto college campuses to find them? For example if somebody went onto the Samar State University campus and just sorta walked around, toured the place, and found some pinays to conduct bible study with after exchanging phone numbers? Or are foreigners on campuses a no-go? Or how about if somebody were to go and watch a local collegiate game and preach some filipinas there for bible study later. Since they are at university, they all must be 18+ anyways?
its not viable to spread the good word on college campuses, for various reasons
the most important one being that you will be reported and removed by non-believers quickly
however, college students must eat and often venture off campus several times a day to local cafes and restos, and you can encounter them there and strike up a friendly conversation to gauge their interest in the bible and studying it together
usually they are in friend groups and this makes them unapproachable, and so having small slips of paper with your phone and socials on it you can covertly hand them is a good way to avoid scrutiny from heretics
once you start up a bible study group in the area, you can then look for friends of your most diligent bible scholars on facebook, and invite them over as well for an introductory study session
Thank you priestanon. By "being removed", do you mean arrested by police or told to leave by campus security due to religious intolerance of the one true faith? I'm only concerned about being tossed in a philippine jailcell, but being simply told off won't stop my crusade to conduct bible study. Maybe if I'm invited by a loyal believer of the faith onto the campus, that could work? So she can just say "this preacher is with me" and the nonbelievers will go away?
College campuses are full of followers of satan and karl marx, as well as the feminist cult. A holy man on a crusade shines like a beacon and attracts the attention of these forces of evil, who will rally to the cause of bringing him down and destroying him.
It is possible to lay low for a little while, but asking women about bible study or preaching the word of god in public will inevitably attract the attention of the heretics, who will do their utmost to remove a crusader.
Thus, it is necessary to spread the good word outside the campus, where corrupt security and heretical masses cannot assail a man on his holy mission.
For the purpose of seeking bible study, it may even be necessary to disguise oneself as a professional or even a teacher, in order to appear as having a legitimate reason for remaining in close proximity to the school and the young women who you are attempting to rescue from a life of sin. Overtly seeking bible-study is suspicious and strange even to good christian girls, who may not understand how important it is to you.
This is good advice, thank you and may your travels be blessed
One of the weirdest and most annoying things about PH culture has to be the 1 faggot in every friend group of girls. It seems like there is always 1 disgusting ladyboy attached to every group of hot young women, who fucks everything up and is a total criminal.

IDK why they are so accepting of this shit, but I keep encountering it. It's like these faggots attach themselves to actual women hoping to live vicariously and be in the presence of men who tolerate them (to try and get at the actual pussy). The chicks seem to not have any clue how deranged these fuckers are.
you can just smell the insecurity and projection in this post
There was one in my wife’s friend group when she worked in a call center and the worst thing he did was constantly borrow money from the girls that he never repaid. That was a long time ago. He actually died years ago in a motorcycle crash.
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I just want to eat my McDo in peace without some faggot screeching and cavorting like they are the star of a pinoy comedy.
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No schizo posting, cuckshed!
I enjoyed the day people watching at the SM mall. I just wanted to share my observations that Filipinas have the highest average of natural big titty girls of all Asians.
goood information
what is the SM mall?
You're on the wrong board if you need to ask
>what is sm mall
i like to take the ferry to cavite if i'm staying at mall of asia. cavite has a high density of god-fearing pinays willing to lend an ear to the sermons. if they are interested in discussing the good book i invite them to ride the ferry with me to mall of asia so we may pray together before eating dinner. at this point it's late and they'll typically stay with me to learn my advanced prayer techniques.
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Are ALL Filipinos jealous of white expats or just a deranged few?

Brian you talk way too slow. It has nothing to do with zoomer brainrot, your slow cadence was unacceptable even 10 years ago.
Nobody cares about expats except for western liberals who dont even live there. Actual filipinos like expats for the most part. It's high-schoolers and broke college students who use the term colonizers unironically. Some filipino-Americans may hate White expats, but why should you care about any of their opinions? The rising costs isn't even due to expats, they're a tiny drop in the bucket. OFWs are sending way more money over than expats living/spending in the phils...government corruption and corporate greed...but it's easier to blame whitey. All of the korean and chinese money moving in? Doesn't exist in their minds. It's not the boomer with his paltry social security check moving the needle lmao
How come this general is always way more chill than the ricecel brigaders on the viet one or the fudposters on thai general? There used to be that angry pignoy who would post nonsense but he seems to have dissapated for a while?
>need to visa reset
>Manila downtown ~500 USD for private hotel room w/ breakfast each morning
>Condo by Mall of Asia for ~500 in Pasay that's it

What would you guys do? I am kind of leaning towards the condo but heard some bad stories regarding shit damage scams in PH so leaning to the hotel where I can just have hotels.com as a buffer. For reference I spent a week in Pasay before but not that close to the bay, it was just really shit smog there not sure if downtown or northern manila is better.
>diseased whores
I remember him too. Pinoy attention span is way to low for him to stay consistent. I gotta give him credit though, he watched these threads like a hawk and posted nonstop. I dont think he slept.
Tbh I thought the thai general is way better than this one. We still get a bunch of angry jealous brown posters, roasties, and ofc schizos. We had 4 phg threads deleted in the last week for reference. There's still a lot of pinoys lurking here, but they hide easier than the angry viets since their grasp on English is a fair bit better.
Pigcel and other pinoy posters are from /int/. They just occasionally develop a fad fascination with /phg/ and spam it.
Is there a banking setup that isn’t a nightmare? It sounds like you need an address in the USA to keep USA bank accounts but get slammed by the IRS if you put over $10k in a foreign bank account. What about keeping investments while living overseas? I just want to invest my money in VOO and get easy access to my social security check via autodeposit every month. Is this doable without a US address or do I need to change plans about living in the Philippines for a while? I don’t want any weird workarounds that could get me in trouble with the IRS. I want to do everything above board.
There are mail forwarding services that have physical addresses and people use them for years without the IRS caring. Yes, you're not living at that exact address, but what matters is that you consider the state your permanent address and your mailing address is just that - your permanent mailing address. Think about it: America is full of homeless people or home-unstable or whatever the politically correct words are. They still get their social security checks, and many of them also have incomes and pay taxes. They just need a mailing address to keep the banks and IRS happy. You only run into problems if you are adamant that you don't have a home address or mailing address and expect the government and banks to accommodate that. They're willing to look the other way if you use legit-looking PO boxes or churches/charities as your residential address, but if you force them to acknowledge that you aren't even in the country anymore, then you're going to have trouble.
Those homeless junkies have mail addresses at shelters and rehab centers.
Use a mail forwarding service with a physical address in a state that counts it as a domicile, such as Texas. I have done that for years while working overseas as a contractor, with no banking problems.
Filipinos are a people and culture that has weaponized mediocrity. The pinnacle of "good enough" attitude.

Filipinos learn at a very youbf age never to stand out or be exceptional, because this means everybody around them will expect them to remain exceptional and also support them/lift them up.

So, it is much easier and beneficial to do the bare minimum to be considered contributing or completing a task. This way they avoid scrutiny and the burden of high expectations. They know what happens to their siblings who get good jobs (family demands support forever). They also know that striving to do a good job never results in promotion or selection for leadership, which are wholely dependent on nepotism and corruption.

The pinoy also understands the value of doing minimum. If he does a job in 1 hour a fellow pinoy will pay him for 1 hour. If he extends that 1 hour job into a full day thing, he gets paid for a full day. Needless to say this doesn't work out too well much of the time necessitating very close micromanagement to ensure they stay on task and do it right. Yet, this also enables the management class and makes them necessary. If Filipinos did things correctly on time less managers would be necessary and that would be a tragedy.

Simple problems get simple solutions in the Philippines. A smelly drain is in front of your shop? Fill it with concrete. The water isn't draining now? Jackhammer a hole into the sewer further down the street. What's the problem?

Job taking too long? Hire more men to stand around and do nothing. Out of money can't finish the job? No problem, just leave a half finished rusting pile of cinderblocks and rebar. It's not like it was a legally built home anyways.

Children bored? Buy them a dog. Dog has puppies because you didn't spay it? No problem, release them into the streets when they are grown. Street coveted with dog shit and howling diseased packs of dogs now? Not your problem. outside your front door. Out of sight out of mind.
Hey friend. Your comment is a 100% accurate description of proud pinoy culture. However, what does it have to do with travel?
What he wrote is worth knowing because many of the anons in this thread are thinking about staying in PH long term. It's better to be aware of this stuff before getting there. The more money you pay to live somewhere, the less it will affect you, but this board is full of guys who think paying Bangkok prices on rent and hotels entitles them to Bangkok levels of service and cleanliness, but you've got to pay much more in Manila to mitigate the overall mediocrity of the people living there.
I'm not hating on Filipinos, btw. Every family has a lazy cousin or brother, and they can be fun to hang around with. But that anon is right, the culture rewards laziness, so just be aware.
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I agree.
The Philippines is not fit for anyone to live in long-term. Every Filipino who can escape, does so. You can’t even get decent healthcare there because all the best doctors and nurses flee to the West. However, I didn’t realize this was a migration board. I thought it was just travel.
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>what does the culture of a foreign country have to do with travel?
Let’s be honest. People go to the Philippines for one thing only. You don’t notice the streets are filled with dogshit after a long night or group youth prayer in your aircon hotel room in BGC. That’s only something you notice if you go native.
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According to the Philippines own government I am a tourist on a tourist visa. I might have renewed it 12 times, but I am still officially a tourist, therefore a traveller.

Let's trust the experts.
Actually, you can get decent Healthcare. St. Luke's in BGC has western quality Healthcare. Especially if you take into account the DEI shit the West is going through right now. I'll admit though, maybe I wouldn't get open heart surgery there - but the specialists are extremely adept. There's Chinese, American, & British doctors I've sat with. All very good from what I can tell.

Philippines can be great to live in long term, but you need to understand there's expat enclaves you will likely find yourself in. One being BGC.
>am a tourist on a tourist visa. I might have renewed it 12 times

Omfg Why? Seriously, the entire archipelago is a giant ghetto. I would rather move to Detroit and live with the pavement apes.
>I would rather move to Detroit and live with the pavement apes.
Don't be stupid. No you wouldn't.
You're being a bit dramatic, there is income inequality in PH but there are plenty of developed areas with nice modern apartments.

The proximity of "ghettos" as you call them means lots of poor young women who are also very stupid, which is my preferred type of Bible study partner as a NEET.
You wouldn’t be seeing and complaining about dogshit covered streets and rusting incomplete cinder block structures in any of the “nice” places.
Why do you type like that cuckshed guy?
It was a while back I saw a post about how there are no hidden gem cities in the Philippines. That was a lie. I saw several cities while visiting and one stood above the others by leaps and bounds. No I won’t say which because I don’t want the antisocial nutjobs on this board to ruin it, but the Philippines definitely has some special spots. Some of the most praised cities were horrible though.
So brave and unique. Sir, 15 centavos have been deposited to your GCash by the Department of Tourisms
Sir it is the same reason white women, like your mother and sister, love the bbc
Why didn't you guys tell me that filipinas looked like this?!

I'm atheist but can keep my mouth shut about it and I celebrate Christmas. Should I even bother with pinays who claim they're extremely religious on their profiles.
Just pretend to be religious for easier pump and dump
No. They will believe you are an Aswang. It is incomprehensible to them that someone wouldn’t believe in God. They can understand a Muslim, Holocaust, Protestant, a Buddhist, maybe even a Jew. But an atheist is too foreign and potential evil to them.
I like to tell girls during prayer sessions that I am an aswang and that I will make them an aswang too
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Insecurity guard is really losing his marbles lately. Weird since he's going back to Thailand soon to get his 5 incher sucked off. I think he spent too much time shitposting here in the past two years and finally blew his lid after getting told off so much by the people he envies. Sad.
This is so real... For the most part anyways. I genuinely don't understand this phenomenon. Every single time all I hear is " oh he is gay " but for once I actually Believe it. When I went to the Philippines ( and even on social media) there is a massive amount of gay Filipinos. What's up with that ?
Child Molestation by catholic priests
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>cuckshed schizo posting

You are the only one losing your marbles here, bruh
My ex gfs group also had one of those. I think pinos just love faggotry
Bruh, you brag about reading novels and having a do nothing job, but you spend all your time shitposting. You're making your "glorious return" in a month and you're still making AI slop spam. You haven't improved in those two years of suffering you always whine about. Instead you just jumped the shark. It's over, bruh.
Not sure who you think you are talking to, Schizo cuck. I’m not security guard and never have been. But that security guard is definitely living rent free in your head.
This is how you respond when you become a completely mindbroken lolcow
Maybe when the security guard comes along it might irritate him. But for now you remain top lolcow here, bruh
oof mental illness
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Keep raging, wagie. I’ve never worked a day in my life and never will. I’ve found a comfortable place here. I rent a small 9x9 bamboo shed from my inlaws. I never have to have responsibility or even bother driving. I have all the sex I want with my pig-faced, snaggletooth pinay. The Jeepney costs 25 pesos and I can easily afford that with my autism bennies. Keep hating you miserable old boomer coomer!
Makati Medical Center is also very good. Better than St. Luke's in my opinion.
What a dumbfuck comment.
I'm just a random /tvl/ lurker.
Could someone kindly tell me what the website/program this is to make these AI art pieces? Ive used other ones in the past but this one is different. Thx.
It's definitely this one
don't pay too much attention on what women say
they write that crap just to fit in, they think it's excepted of them so they do it
99% of women don't have own opinions or values
Once you get an address on your American state ID, by hook or by crook, it's possible to go on claiming it as your permanent residence for IRS and banking purposes for years afterwards. Use circular verification processes. Your ID is proof of address for bank account, which makes your bank statement proof of address for ID renewal, etc.
This is a good point. Don't fight bureaucracy by autistically insisting that you don't have an address in America because you are on a very long vacation overseas.
It's all relative. A Philippine city that might seem amazingly nice after a week in Pasay would still feel like a dump if you were coming from Taiwan.
Envy and nastiness from the local males is the price of mogging the competition and stealing the attention of the prime single girls. In most of PH, white skin and respectable behavior earns you universal respect. However, when I visited Laoag, I got the distinct impression that the swarthy locals with their heavy admixture of aboriginal blood had a bit of racial animosity toward white guys.
College campuses in the Philippines are closed to the public.
Very much possible to get a room nearby, hang out at the local eateries and butt in on friend groups if you are young and sociable. No, there aren't bars near the campuses. Students are very serious about their studies, they don't go to college to party on daddy's dime like in America.
>I’m not security guard
>t. Insecurity guard
Can I open carry a machete, sword, or large knife in PH?
If not, what can I carry for a weapon?
You don't carry anything for a weapon, first of all because you don't need one here. Second of all because local police LOVE picking up foreigners who brandish weapons, since its an easy conviction/extortion.
I'm curious about the Travel Advisory level 4 "Do not Travel" areas of PH. Its the parts bloggers never go. I've read their are some extremist Islamic groups, Pirates, and kidnappers i the southern part of PH. This is why I asked about carrying a weapon. I'm curious about these places, but I don't know much about them.
Here is the list of the level 4 "Don't travel" areas
Okay well, here is the thing. If you go there as a lone foreigner, carrying a machete or a rusty pistol won't help you against an entire gang of highwaymen, or having your room invaded in the middle of the night by a group of men.

Kidnappings/killings are not a 1 v 1 me bro, affair. It's a group of retarded jungle dwelling islamofascist insurgents murdering you or grabbing you and beating you unconcious, then tying you up till they can find somebody willing to pay for your release.

Carrying a sword around would just make you a target, get you noticed, and the very last thing you want if traversing the danger areas in Mindanao/south PH is to be noticed. If you're white is basically no-go territory since the moment you arrive in a village or town in an area with rebels, one of two things happen:

1) informants tell the rebels you are there, and they make a plan to come and kidnap you

2) informants tell the army you are there, and they send some guys to remove you back to civilization, because it is dangerous for you

It's not the type of place where the danger is overblown. It's an active insurgency and especially in the muslim (ex)autonomous regions, any white person is assumed to be affiliated with USA/military, and removed.

For example, if you were to go try and be a tourist in Lanao Del Sur, its a coinflip on winding up as a hostage, or in army prison while they interrogate you to find out wtf you are doing there, before you get deported.

Carrying a weapon just gives a larger chance of you winding up dead, in both those cases. Neither rebels or military will respect your pocket knife.

If you absolutely insist on gambling with your life, then learn some arabic and learn how to converse with retarded mudshits. Brush up on your salam alaykum and be prepared to larp as an islamist, but unless you're rocking the look and have your finger raising and death-to-america shtick on point, they will probably dumpster you anyways.
Thanks for the info, that was very interesting read. I find it odd that part of the country is relatively safe with very friendly people. Enough so that elderly boomers are comfortable there. But just a couple hours away you can get your head cut off. I wish someone would go to these spots to report on them in that old school Vice dangerous on the front lines journalist style. I find the idea of all these beautiful places untravelable fascinating for some reason. I've asked some local girls on PH dating sites what cities like General Santos was like safety wise and they said it was okay. But the are just like 20 year old local and I'm sure it is safe for them.
I will heed your advice though. Walking around bad neighborhoods (which I'm fine at) is different then walking around terrorist/warzone type areas. It's too bad, because I know for a fact their is some draw dropping beauty in those areas, and some other interesting culture, people, and women as well. Shame, really.
Thanks again for your insights.
There are also plenty of communist rebels/terrorists but their M/O is similar in that you will never encounter these people one on one. They work as a group and strike or kidnap as a group. Again, carrying a weapon in this situation just makes you a target for increased aggression. You're probably not going to john wick yourself out of a kidnapping vs people who know where you are and have the advantage of surprise.

If you're thinking that carrying a weapon in south PH regions makes you look like somebody who isn't to be messed with for pure intimidation factor, it has the opposite effect as outing you as completely alien and clueless, as well as being irrational, which gets you talked about, and get you attention you don't want.

When traversing questionable areas as a white man who sticks out like a sore thumb, without backup, you need to try to fly under the radar OR go completely native and sympathetic and have a LOCAL FACTION AFFILIATED GUIDE who can vet you as just being a dipshit tourist who wants to see stuff.
Eat shit
well the cities can be okay, its the proximity to the weird shit which dramatically increases your chances of getting affected by the weird shit
the further out into the sticks you get and the more isolated you are, the odds get less and less in your favor

its all about playing your odds
the faster you come and go, the more you can blend in, the more local tour guiding you have, the better your odds
Anybody can see the gross bullshit if they travel around at all. Sometimes its only a street or two away from nice developments.
Sometimes its even on the very same street, where modern developments are slowly replacing tin and concrete shack slum hives, and you get the awkward situation of the most poor people in the country and some of the most rich people in the country coming and going from the same couple blocks.

Argue about it if you want, but you only out yourself as a never-been, or a pignoy who is angry that somebody noticed.
Stfu retards
Welcome to the Pilipinas sir!
FIlipinos are the biggest scammers, They all want free shit without doing anything for it
for the enlightened man
They're really not. Ever talk to a dentist in America? Should check if they're owned by a group. They'll upsell you on work you don't need and milk you for thousands as they permanently alter your teeth.

Meanwhile, being milked for 2 dollars in Philippines is a non issue and completely avoidable. These girls from the barangay aren't savy geniuses, they're simply opportunistic. Just say, no. Direct communication prevents nearly all scams here, although I barely encounter any and I live here.
Brown hands typed this. No native English speaker says "stfu retards" especially not plural. Maybe retard. But you just outed yourself with the s.
Why do pinoys always use plural forms of words when they should be using singular? Its very common.
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Go ahead and talk that shit to a Pinoy IRL. I bet you won’t because you a pussy
I will continue conducting *rigorous* bible study with your cousins, sisters, and maybe even mother. And there's nothing you can do to stop me.
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Dental Care is pretty affordable here in the Philippines. This is for Oral Prophylaxis.
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I've never studied the Bible.
Join us anon here at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. We can have a Bible Study at the time you want.
all this bible study talk is really making me want to book a flight there
they want to see you have onward ticket though right? what if you don't?
curious how you guys book accomodations
airbnb is usually a rip off, so do you just find local guest houses or hotels? booking online always seems to cost way more but might be useful for the first night or 2
are there good local deals if you agree to stay a couple weeks? I'd rather not spend more than 20/night on a place to sleep
Airbnb is absolutely a rip off in Philippines. But yes, that's what we book. This isn't the country really you want to cheap out in. All the scammers and people who barely clean their units are in the below 30 per night bracket.
reddoorz. It isn't nice but the beds are comfortable, the ac is cold, and it isn't horribly dirty. I found the 2 different ones we tried both comfy, moreso than even more expensive places. It was $15 or so a night across the 2 different ones. Remember to have your deposit in cash. All hotels ask for one, usually 1k pesos but some take 500. They actually do give it back at the end as well.
where do you live that you are surrounded by squatters?
lack of strong father figure. usually the mom is the breadwinner and the dad just follows whatever the mom says. Hard work and education is frown upon and are seen as feminine traits. Gays usually study and works hard at school, so guys usually leave them alone since their gays.
This is actually bullshit. Homosexuals spread their mental illness by raping kids. Child molestation and child exploitation is endemic in the Philippines.
I live in a developing town. I am not surrounded by squatters, but they are a problem sometimes and will just show up one day and start putting up shacks on any lot that isn't currently occupied and has low visibility from the outside.

The problem is that a lot of property is owned by people who don't come by and check on it very often, and so the squatters rely on this to avoid being removed quickly (or ever).

Before you say
>why not just leave them alone?
They produce huge amounts of trash, crime, begging, noise, and stray animals, as well as human shit and piss. Usually they are drug addicts or very mentally ill. They also have a bunch of children they may use as a begging gang.
None of that explains why groups of cute young women allow a non-passing troon who sexually harasses men, hang out with them as a core part of their friend group.

The better explanation is that filipino media and culture enshrine the bakla as a clown figure and entertainer and beauty expert, so retarded young women just expect their pet faggot to be exactly that.

They don't understand its a mentally ill man who is using them for access to a sexual marketplace that would be impenetrable for them normally. They ALWAYS end up causing insane drama, too.
BTW nobody lets bakla babysit in the Philippines because it's taken for granted they will molest children if left alone for them.

Bakla have a negative reputation for regularly and publicly soliciting male adolescents. Practically every filipino man will tell you about the faggot who tried to get him to come with him when he was a boy. It's one of the strongest warnings parents give their sons.

So I guess there is a component of a ladyboy not being able to be friends with men because they consider them rapists and child abusers (which they are), but it's more that women simply don't know since they weren't preyed on by them.

The one thing PH(and sea in general) doesn't have is "lesbian" troons. It's all about accessing cock. I've not once ever heard about a PH ladyboy """lesbian""". That seems to be a uniquely western twist on the mental illness.
Anthropologically speaking. This shit is really interesting. I will have to read up more on Bakla and the culture around those faggots.
What do any of these off-topic slanders have to do with travel?
these posts add layers to the cultural nuances of a different country
seems relevant and interesting to anyone who plans on making friends with the locals
You will never be loved.
You will rope by 40.
Your remaining relatives will sigh in relief.
There are lots of dykes there in general. I have seen lots of manly dyke and cute lesbo couples. So the troons have too much competiton already lmfao

Lots of queermos of every sexual preference in that so called religious country. The moment i land there some faggot behind the counter is already salivating over me
It's not slander. It's an anthropological study steeped in cultural facts.
The social role and position of the Bakla is an interesting topic which helps expand our understanding of PH culture which is crucial for travelers.
You will never satisfy a white woman. You can only prey on impoverished slum dregs.
You are just a racist who is Pinoy bashing. Try telling this to a group of Filipinos if you have the courage. No courage. Instead you post this garbage anonymously
>arguing with holes
>hole satisfaction based system of value
You might argue like a woman, but you will never BE a woman.
Flips don't like bakla either. No flip would stand up for nasty homosexuals. They would only agree. You're taking it extremely personally so I have to assume you are a mentally ill autogynephile or faggot pinoy living in delusion. Either way, you're wrong.
Faggot flips need to go back to /int/. There is nothing for you here. You're not going to convince anybody here that cross dressing serial sexual harassers are actually good for society. You're just not.
You make a lot of assumptions. Actually it is easy to remember your writing style. You bash Filipino culture often. Today your focus is on gays. Tomorrow it will be something else. The problem is you think you are something special. If you were special then you wouldn’t need to fly to the other side of the planet to a slum to have sex. What you are is a punchline in a pinoy repeated about you by every Filipino you walk past. Hey Joe
You aren’t going to convince anyone you are anything more than a walking ATM for desperate whores.
Honestly, you write like that cuckshed guy who can’t even drive. Most gays have cars and motorbikes. Do you hate them because they can drive and you can’t?
What YOU are saying is slander. I'll have you know that the only time I bash pinoys is when I use the holy cross to hit good christian girls deep in their faith and spread the holy word all over their bibles.
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Mods clean up on aisle 6.
I repeat; clean up on aisle 6.
Please wear your wellies.
You're worse than them. Gfy
Also I’m trans
If you get offended by somebody notice flip faggots act disgusting, then you are either a tranny or a flip faggot. It's not a stretch.
Noticing negative aspects of the filipino condition isn't 'bashing'. Your usage of the word 'bash' also indicates you are a faggot flip. You are brown and you suck cocks and swallow cum. That's you.
>you think you are something special
I don't throw my trash on the ground, I don't pee outside like a dog, and I'm not an alcoholic or dug addict, so yeah I am something special (compared to flips). Being civilized and well mannered compared to 95% of filipinos does indeed give me a certain appeal. All you have to do is not act like an animal, but as a faggot that really won't get you much, so I can't blame you if you don't bother.
I will say that it's endlessly amusing that you refer to 'squatting', 'homosexual sexual harassment', 'littering', 'scamming', and assorted peasant behavior mentioned in this thread under the blanket of 'filipino culture'. It really is. It's Filipino Culture.
Cuckshed and me share something in common. We both probably went to public school in the USA and also a USA college. Our 'writing style' as you call it, is what actual sentences and paragraphs look like. When he isn't mindbroken schizo posting spam, he usually writes sentences and paragraphs also. This is alarming to you, because you are a third world retard and/or a social media addicted zoomer.

Paragraphs of correctly formatted and mostly grammatically correct text are unsettling to you, but you could never and would never explain WHY they bother you. The reason they upset you is actually very simple. Your generation or your culture is in decline. Seeing this type of writing reminds you of something that is being lost and will never be recaptured. It's almost totally alien to you, as a social media addict and non-reader. You're right to be afraid.
Writing a novel to show you aren’t angry isn’t as effective as you think it is. You let a 5 foot tall brown man that cools off by lifting his shirt above his beer gut get you this fired up lmfao
These quads are mine
God damn you
>I got the distinct impression that the swarthy locals with their heavy admixture of aboriginal blood had a bit of racial animosity toward white guys.
This used to not be a thing that much, because there was enough pussy for everyone even 10 years ago.

Now, hoeflation has even hit provincial philippines
You really make a lot of assumptions and projections. You should work on that. Rich Filipinos fly to Australia and New Zealand and fuck white women. You fly to a slum and fuck literal trash. Pathetic.
>fucking white women
>who aren't prostitutes
lol, lmao even, top zozzle if you will
That’s hilarious coming from the guy who had to fly 10,000km to get laid.
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here is my successful vlog with my and my wite wife and out baby.
You are the one who is eating the dog shit now
>here is my
Show proof its you.
no. you can eat street slum shit while i have a white wife
>russian slampig
>success story
sides = gone

I know you're doing a bit, but these brown gook goblinoids really do consider having a white wife the peak of success.
>Rich Filipinos fly to Australia and New Zealand and fuck white women.
>be flip dicklet with daddy's money
>order russian mail order bride
do you understand just how funny posting this is? can you comprehend it? the russian mail order bride is the lowest of low tier options of 'white' in the world. It's the exact situation you were lambasting the supposed sexpats for. The 'russian mail order bride' is a joke in the west.
that's not you btw, nobody is stupid enough to doxx themselves on 4chan, not even a flip
sending screenshots of your conversation here to her anyways so she can see what a nasty little dork you online when left to your own devices ;)
Imagine if it was actually him. Too funny.
jesus I can even see where that couple live exactly, it took 2 minutes to figure it out
I SERIOUSLY hope that isn't you, flip goober
I SERIOUSLY hope you just didn't put the location of your fat russian wife and your 1 month old baby online, for 4chan, after starting an internet fight with autists and insulting them
say it isn't so
that's too dumb to believe, I think you're just pretending to be that innocent fellow
are you that much of a dumb faggot, kuya?
Imagine unironically saying this while flying to the Philippines for sex
>being such a loser he had to pay a Lithuanian ex prostitute to fly out to the Philippines and ride his dick
>being such a loser that he thinks LARPing as above is a flex

Weird cope for someone so utterly BTFO. You can’t even get white pussy
from what, dicklet? Your self-own larping as a man who ordered a wife from the poorest white country on the planet? You actually think that's impressive?
You're so ignorant you don't even realize you negged yourself. That's incredible.
>white-worshiping filipino doesn't realize white guys left their countries to get away from white women
many such cases
While the American Betamax sifts through the debris of the the Tondo slum for a partner, the Asian Chad flies to Europe for his pleasure.
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oh no
I have something to tell you about your "white" wife...
I also did the same in Russia. Unlike this goober however, I didn't marry any of the hookers that slobbered on my knob.
Wooing a desperate woman from a shithole country is nothing to flex about and is exactly why we travel their shithole homelands in the first place.

Oh no... ohnononono... look at this dude...
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toppest kek
look at how the white sexpest dorkers come unglued when the tables are turned.
>he doesn't know
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>so much cope
my wife had a baby 3 weeks ago.
this was her body 10 months ago
We’re approaching 2 million subscribers on our vlog. We are public figures. Anyone who tries to harass us will end up in a Filipino prison for a long time
I don't think I can humiliate you more than you've already done to yourself by mistaking a jew for a white woman and making a rat/monkey hybrid baby with her.
Did you suspect something was amiss when her family video called you from Israel?
>You might argue like a woman
why do third worlders argue like women?? it's not only the faggots, most of "men" do it
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*chef's kiss* perfect
I'm pretty sure anyone who calls people "dorkers" is a "dorker" himself. lol kys faggot
>why do third worlders argue like women?? it's not only the faggots, most of "men" do it
They're accustomed to passivity and deference through the inequality of their societies, the lack of opportunity. Rather than distinguishing themselves by their merits, they're forced to compete in terms of obedience, of adherence to conventional standards. This is the quintessential beta male reproductive strategy, which forms part and parcel of their cuckolded existence.
Why is the Philippines general filled with schizos now? It wasn't this bad a few months ago.
You do know that Jewish people are the ruling class on this planet, right? Perhaps that is an issue in whatever white trash trailer park you were raised in. But it’s not an issue in my elite social circles.
most of real posters were driven away by jannies
These comments are bizarre coming from men who are incapable of acquiring mates of their own race and social status because they are “cucked” by athletic African Americans (in the USA) and Africans and Arabs in the UK, AUS/NZ, and the EU
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It’s because the moment they brag on /pol/ that they can only get laid in a SEA slum, they lose all their nazi cred. So they have to come here to feel like big, powerful, white aryans.
That’s why I see so many flip flags on /pol/
those "real posters" were five guys endlessly jerking one another off inadvertently with made up larp stories
>no one travels to PH to coom, it's all larp
>everybody travels to PH for pristine environment, great food, high quality infrastructure, good shopping opportunities, etc.
I don’t know about you friend, but I can’t get enough of that sweet hotdog spaghetti! Yum yum!
no Eugene, penniless russian peasant jews who fled to israel are not the ruling class on the planet
there are many different types of jews
you married and impregnated the lowest tier and most irrelevant type
you can see that her family live in a concrete box in israel and have no money
the reason why they sent their daughter to you when she turned 18 (you started messaging her when she was 16), was you revealed to her your family is part of successful media conglomerate in the Philippines and they smelled your money
you allowed poor russian jews to parasitically attach themselves to you, and you apparently don't have a clue

this is of course assuming you are actually Eugene (I don't think you are, he's probably too exhausted and busy with being a new father to post in this shithole)
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have fun with that
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I can get laid anywhere. White dick is in demand all over the world
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Yeah, sure buddy. You just prefer the wide flat noses and grotesque facial moles endemic to the Philippines islands.
Have sex, incel.

Men and women enjoy sex, oh no! How terrible it must be to have a working sex drive. I know this may all be a surprise to you, but men and women enjoy the company of each other and it often leads to sex. Filipina women, for whatever reason it may be, really enjoy sex with White men. There's no reason you need to get angry over it, it's just natural. Men and women have sex, although apparently not with you.
Filipinas have a penchant for sex with anything that has a penis. Many Angeles City bars had shows where Filipinas fucked dogs, pigs, and goats
Holy shit I thought the Japan General was a dumpster fire, this thread is next level. I am looking to stay for a month and wondering where in Manila is idea but this thread gives me the vibes I'll end up in some actual shithole in the wall with 40 year olds screaming about how they are at least not in the USA!

I'm kinda impressed this thread is so bad.
Don't worry about what is happening in the thread. This is the immune response to certain types of faggots shitting it up.
>I am looking to stay for a month and wondering where in Manila is ideal
(stay near green belt mall)
>I am looking to stay for a month and wondering where in Manila
Consider Holiday Inn Makati
You're right next to the Glorietta Mall and you're minutes away from the airport via Skyway Expressway.
you are going to see a lot of nu/pol/ dorks and decrepid boomers with little oompa loompa pinays if you follow this advice

but you will be close to Chili’s and Tim Hortons’s and a bunch of western chain restaurants.
Probably just going to stay by Mall of Asia looking at prices, a fresh breeze is kinda nice given how I recall the smog issues.
>Probably just going to stay by Mall of Asia
If you have the money, go for Conrad Manila since it's so near to Mall of Asia
Basically looking at something like that. I am down for other possible options but from my memory this area always had managed to keep some resemblance of fresh air given when I had to stay in PH last year with some work. At least there is an anytime fitness close by
You can get a condo for 1 month for 600 USD right by MoA
See a need, fill a need, SEAmonkey
You exist only so the used up chicks have a man to fall back on and support their endless spawn while getting bwc on the side
You’ve got it backward. All of the really best pinay are completely off limits to sexpests. All you dorkers can ever get are the dregs.
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PH really is like shooting fish in a barrel, but goddamn are the fishes dumb.
It's quite sad, pinays are really hot but it's almost impossible to find one with a brain
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Anon, if their income plans revolve around whoring because its easy, what makes you think anything should go further to begin with? Reminder, this is happening everywhere btw.
really, hot? post her pic. I’ve never seen a foreigner with a hot pinay. its always some reject.
There was no hint of selling herself, she just randomly dropped 'paypal/gcash' in the convo. Most of them do
You would be surprised, I've studied the bible with quite a few Pinay stunners
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Lol, K.
Ok....you gonna post pics or what?
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no dude im not going to let you trick me i to doxxing myself but rest assured they are all like picrel
now i know why you like the philippines. you are too poor for an iphone just like pinay. so they wont care you have chat bubbles the color of baby diarhea
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My pale and petite,19 year old pinay girlfriend just made me some delicious spaghetti (no sugar added) and I was looking at the packaging of the spaghetti.

The brand is White King. In this moment I realize that I am truly home.
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Welcome home, White King.

You are #1 in the Philippines
good stuff
xenoestrogens from eating out of hot plastic and styrofoam, something they have in common with thais
probably only makes a major difference while they're in the womb
>White King
No way that's real lmao
no white man has ever been cucked by less than five arabs, and let's not even talk about the absolutely legendary demand for white men in africa
You people will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to deny the truth. Homosexuality spreads by molesting children. Not everyone who was molested becomes a faggot. But every single faggot was molested.
This is honestly making me reconsider my plan to go to Vietnam and Malaysia, and instead head for my promised kingdom in the Philippines
I'm in the US but Filipinas on dating websites are changing their location to mine. Usually their pics are them with a bunkbeds in the background, concrete walls, and a corrugated metal roof.
Wtf is up with the bunkbeds?
Rent is expensive in Manila. They likely work in a call center but can’t even afford to be a roommate with a bedroom. So they rent a bunk in an all-female share house with showers and lockers.
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Come home white man. They know who their target demographic is. Their spaghetti sauce is not sweet and vomit inducing. It’s legit.
We are kings.
>he hasn't been invited to the ''all-female'' house to spread the word of god in nubile and receptive ears
Not quite a white king yet.
Yikes that's USA cucked price no thanks newfag. Currently living for 225 and loving it
Next to Mall of Asia?
I'd never live in some places filled with so many foreigners who could get in my way. Life is much better east of Manila id rather not have it be ruined and reminded of cuckistates
So your price comparison makes no sense. He was stating the price beside a much higher demand location.
Sigh you're right no use talking to people who can't enjoy the joys of the rural country where white man has his say and his BWC is king of the people
Are their any recreational drugs that are legal in PH other then alcohol?
What about Kratom?
I read shrooms are "kinda" legal?
Nothing is legal in PH. It's one of the most strict places in the world on recreational drugs. If you want to fuck around go to cambodia.
>It's one of the most strict places in the world on recreational drugs
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Don’t argue with cuckshed. He has the perfect provincial life renting from his in-laws. He’s not disclosing as many details anymore. But it’s him.
The "best" pinay are exclusive meat toilets for rich Chinese businessmen.
I need to get out of this place. I need to break up with my cute but painfully boring and retarded girlfriend. Everything is so mid here it's unreal.
What area do you live in?
Cebu. I've just had enough of Filipinos in general I think.
This basically
They aint fucking no pinoy
>Usually their pics are them with a bunkbeds in the background, concrete walls, and a corrugated metal roof.
>Wtf is up with the bunkbeds?
What's so surprising?

>Rent is expensive in Manila.
Even beyond manila, a lot of the country is still pretty medium to even high cost. Imagine making $250-300 per MONTH and a (shitty) hotel room where the water might not even be turned on without you asking is still $20-30 LOL. Oh and you're also tossing $50+/month home to mom/dad....because they had you as an income opportunity, not to invest in you.

Philippines is a unique hell where the pay is some of the lowest, but cost is still medium-high. My latest thesis on this is that a lot of the country is now about getting these girls (and fags) on the pipeline of getting a 'bachelor's degree' of dubious quality, just to get pimped out in a call center so some guy with a Spanish family name in BGC can live the high life with Louis Vitton backpack, latest car, nice apartment, etc. The biggest economic game in town is getting pimped out by your fellow filipino. It's why even the richer ones are bona fide retards. they're not rich due to any particular skill or competency other than having organized themselves on the top of this pile.

You'll sometimes even have 2-3 girls split a studio apartment and use the bed in shifts. Someone sleeps in it, then works day while the night shift girl gets daytime sleep. It's a thing.
>I need to get out of this place. I need to break up with my cute but painfully boring and retarded girlfriend. Everything is so mid here it's unreal.
>Cebu. I've just had enough of Filipinos in general I think.
Cebu is easily the most degenerate (highly lived in) place in the Philippines. Also only has like 2-3 nice neighborhoods and they're not that sizeable. IT park is just call center park. At least in BGC, the gals have more diversity of career.

I'd also say that your average cebuano is approaching or arrived at hating whites in 2024. If I was to live in Philippines again, I'd still choose manila again. Eastwood, BGC or another nice neighborhood. I'd probably say Luzon ~= Mindanao >>>>>> Visayas as a general rule. Obviously any individual person you interact with can be an exception. I have lovely friends and academic contacts in Cebu City, but Cebu is also where I've encountered the WORST of the philippines in terms of female behavior/attitude, stares from locals, etc.

part of it (or a lot) could be that, like dumaguete, too many boomers have flooded in for too long and set up the place to have a bad reputation for whites. I think it only became a meme spot due to pensioners that actually cared about saving a few hundred dollars per month, even if it meant a MASSIVE drop in quality of fucking everything around them. Just look at what boomers did to USA to see how much they care lol!

Philipines is just so easy to get a borderline retard 5-6/10 gf that is OK living any sort of life with you, but won't really know ANYTHING.

but ya...if you can pull a decent quality gf elsewhere like Vietnam, taiwan, thailand, china, japan, etc...just do that I think

PH is great if you're down bad and need a convenience coom. If "time to casual sex" is priority #1, PH is probably the prescription, but I've already gone through my days of having ~17 girls coming in and out of my life, tons of raw sex and hookups, a bangmaid, a province 19yo.

I stopped homebasing in Manila last year. I knew I'd be pulling myself away from the easiest casual sex in the world, but also knew that I'd be lining myself up more to actually get what I wanted in life.

It was a fun 1.5-2 years and I still have some local friends storing my items for a low fee per month, an old friend circle, some gals that were cool we being just friends, and could see myself "bailing out" with a filipina if life didn't work out with someone else.

Another thought I had is that, since I'm considering heavily basing myself in my country of choice...do I really want philippines FILIPINOS to be "my team" when shit hits the fan? Crap here (arguably barely) works when there's no natural disaster/war/acute event, but look at even something like covid. some of the world's shittiest rules

like...beyond your gf/chick, gotta think about who your "allies" in life are. Is it going to be all the white hating pinoys in cebu barangays that stare at you as if they'd kill you if they could get away with it and don't have a spare peso in hard times? doubt!

I'm 31 now. Scouting out other homebases in southeast/east asia. It just made inreasingly less sense as my net worth climbed too. I don't really need a cheap spot (not that the PH life I like is cheap), as I'm at ~$1.3M now. I could literally buy condo/house in Osaka and live out my days there meeting viets, chinese, japanese, right?

Toss me other recommendations bros.
I'm doing a provincial vietnam motorcycle road trip (northern focus as I love those mountains), looking for bilingual chicks. Seriously, toss me high expeconted value plays for finding a 7/10 chick with a decent head, (and gives decent head), and well into converstational+ english. Willing to exchange value/thoughts on this
>You wouldn’t be seeing and complaining about dogshit covered streets and rusting incomplete cinder block structures in any of the “nice” places.
I'm in an airbnb that goes for about $2-3k USD per month in BGC right now. the "park" outside and its sidewalk has dog shit all over it lmao

to be fair, this is a mild problem even in a place like Denver, Colorado too.

BGC is overall nice enough, but it clearly butts right up against poverty and is still operated by sub 90 IQ people on a daily basis.
stop larping
>stop larping
I worked in tech for a decade (still do, for now) and invested on the side. What makes you think this is a LARP? What would be in it for me, if that were the case?

Props on /trv/? That wouldn't even be a thing because people that try to say you're LARPing just hijack the entire conversation anyways. I'm trying to generate some genuine discussion here.

In blackpill terms, I'm ~130IQ careermaxxed, with a poor upbringing by my boomer-ish parents. Tons of guys in thailand fit or exceed my profile. that's why costs for tons of things are significantly above the 90s and early 2000s now. People are coming over to SEA and east asia with both savings and a decent income, rather than just a 6 month emergency fund and a dream of being an online marketer.

Anyone that knows Philippines knows that pic is the BGC cemetary near 25th/26th street.
I have a few spare night in Manila, staying in Makati, any non-normie tier recommendations?

Not my first time.
Nobody with money feels the need to flex anonymously on 4chan. Get help
Hey anon,

You seem chill. Want to meet the BGC Anons crew? You can come over I'm next to Burgos Circle as well. Drop a contact
No thanks. I’m leaving soon. I don’t associate with whites while I’m in SEA.
all you had to do to make a couple million dollars was toss around a few 10's of thousands of dollars on crypto and stocks in the past decade
lots of 4chan denizens are sitting on a nice portfolio and actually have no idea what to do with it, because they just bought the company who made their graphics card or a dog coin or cheap eth/btc, etc.
I've got 800k crypto portfolio without even trying, and I am bewildered and have no idea what to do with it except occasionally scrape a tidbit out here and there for a trip. That was just from buying in 2018/19 after that cycle crash.

If you are in your mid 20's, you're going to have opportunities like that, if not now then at some point, and you've got to have cash on hand and your investment shit all set up and ready to put that cash towards it if opportunity beckons. You too can be a suspiciously wealthy mid 30's WFH coomer in SEA
I've never had sex in America. Can I have sex in the Philippines even if I'm only 5'11" ?
Sorry they turn away all foreigners who are under 6' at immigration.
>larping this hard
You're right. I'm also bald.
>only 5'11
The average filipina will mog you. Consider leg extension surgery. Turkey is one of the world's cheapest destinations for this treatment
People always screech that you're LARPing if you say you are financially independent on this board. Better just to pretend you're a broke wagie working overtime retail all year for 2 weeks cooming in Thailand. You're not gonna fit in otherwise
There's a security guard who goes into full meltdown when he reads about people making it in crypto, he'll shit up the whole thread
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>all you had to do to make a couple million dollars was toss around a few 10's of thousands of dollars on crypto and stocks in the past decade
exactly. it didn't take an ungodly sum. I took ~$80k to $1.2M.
I kept working and investing.

I understand it's a tale of two cities in here. we've got nearly financially independent dudes on one hand (from various means) and then alcohol babies trying to scrape together a trip on the other, with a little in between sometimes.

>Nobody with money feels the need to flex anonymously on 4chan.
I wasn't "flexing". that's your interpretation. I posted it for context to attempt to get better, more specific advice. Looking for a country/city pick that fits my level of wealth. I can't just putt into singapore and setup a place no problem, but I also don't need to be in rural cambodia.
Dude it’s the Philippines. Mid is above average here. The most beautiful Filipina is going to be half white or half Chinese or half something other than flip monkey.
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This is an accurate representation of what is available to white men in the Philippines. These women are far too poor for the plastic surgery that Koreans and Chinese use. I would say that this sample from pinalove is above average for what I see in the malls with white men.
Damn, if that's the best available for white men I feel sorry for what the filipinos have to settle for. Then again, they're ugly too, so I guess it's fair.
Top one is cute and easy 6.5. The others are 5 or below
Most Filipino men go for high school girls that are off limits for foreigners. You ever heard of “JK business” in Japan? Same thing here except the girls do more for a lot less.
i legit get UGLY 57 year old women messaging me on there. there are the occassional cuties but they seem kinda rare... idk where does one find a cute flip gf. I was some mid as fuck kinda ugly white guy walking around with a total cutie yesterday and i think i look way better than him so it must be possible
the fact that the country is awash in women and you are asking how to get one tells us you lack the courage to approach even the most approachable women on the planet. you should pack it up and go home. you are hopeless
but i already have been with women, both here and abroad. you seem like an angry larper, im just trying to ask how others are going about it
Sorry you think so retard. You will be forever poor if you don't invest and make risky speculation plays.
>. I was some mid as fuck kinda ugly white guy walking around with a total cutie yesterday and i think i look way better than him so it must be possible
ever cross your mind that those 2 might not have met on an app?
looks don't mean that much in the philippines, as a foreigner
it can help you get your foot in the door, but the primary concern of most of these women is if you are a decent human being and a provider
most situations where a really average or even ugly white dude has a super cute pinay with him is that he is supporting her totally while they live together
that's just how relationships often work in this part of the world and others
try to remember that min wage is like $300 a month
It happens. You just don't hear about it since most foreigners don't advertise what they're doing
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Google translate:
I used to like bangs.
So do you by the way
This makes white men shit piss and cum uncontrollably then spend $2000 on a 1 way plane ticket to meet her.
'i thought hair bangs were only for me, but they fit on you too'
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Anyone want to speculate what he did?
I'm considering of resigning from my wagie job to take a 3-month or 6-month vacation to the Philippines.

My main purpose is to satiate my palate because most of the dishes that I am fond of is just hard to recreate where I currently am because of the cost of some of the ingredients, if it isn't due to the difficulty of attaining them (balut).
Other considerations would be is to use this time period to simply cut on living costs, cut on the cost of providing myself with more than sufficient nutrition, do some trail running without having to worry about wildlife, and focus on my other personal endeavors.
My plan is to first live-in with my partner in her home province of Bicol, and once her semestral or summer break comes what I have in mind next is Batangas, Iloilo/Capiz for seafood, Cavite especially Maragondon, Dasmariñas, and Tagaytay, I have also thought of spending some weeks in Manila or Metro Manila just because it's not a place that me or my family frequent to back when I was in the Philippines, and the scamdemic greatly hindered my mobility in terms of the places that I have access to (think lockdowns, vaccination certificates, booster requirement to access some places, etc.) once I had the ability to travel on my own
Like the other anon said, nothing is legal in PH
But that doesn't mean they are unattainable. I remember during my teens, some of my friends would sometimes show-off their 'pipes' (it's a small cylindrical glass) with weed in it, some times they would pass it around during drinking sessions, and in instances where they won a basketball game we would hang out in someone's place after a food trip just so some of us can try it out. My cousin have also spoken that amphetamines were accesible in the places that he frequent to in Makati when he was my age.
And although not a recreational drug, anabolics like testosterone cypionate, trenbolone, and anavar are often the topic of conversations (in terms of attaining them, sources, referrals) in gyms that has a below PHP700 monthly membership
Good luck anon. Have you been here before? Are you accustomed to the heat and humid? I grew up in Florida so I could handle it. I knew guys from places like Ohio and Maine and they thought they were going to die of heat stroke after 20 minutes outside.
Thanks for the info. I did some more research after my post and it turns out Kratom is legal (Not everyone is into it, but I like it from time to time) and Shrooms seem to be in a weird grey area where they are not legal or illegal. I still would like to understand more about that because obviously, going to jail in PH is a terrible idea. it could be years before you get a court date.
Other then that, I learned that the 2 most popular drugs are weed and meth (shabu). I don't do meth and only eat edibles once in a blue moon. I wouldn't travel with weed but I"d be okay with having a Gram of it where I was staying maybe.
The only other drug I'd really be interested is is Molly or MDMA, but I have no idea if that is available at all in PH. I might just stick to the kratom and do some of the other stuff in Thailand if i decade to go. I can get drugs fairly easily in The States, but I rarely do them. I just want the option while I'm traveling/on vacation I guess. I don't drink our pay for puss so it would be nice to have something other there.
Drug bust probably. What a waste of a Mitsubishi Eclipse.
do you not know what google is you moron? literally just google "sm mall"
I have a feeling you think she is stupid because she is not talking in her native language and because their education system is not the best.
Wouldn’t be so harsh is she was a cute, honorary white Japanese. But it’s just instinct to treat peenoise like trash. Not sure why the instinct is to abuse them. I abuse the shit out of them. Treat them like fucking dirt.
the highest natural highs ive ever experienced were driving the Kennon Road up to Baguio on a 175cc scooter. heres a video for reference.
sana all may russian gf

better than nothing, morena white girls are sought after here
thats thanks to precolumbian mexican dna
This looks amazing. I used to love riding mopeds, this is right up my alley. Thanks for sharing, I appreciate it.
Fool. He's the key. If you aren't cool with him, nor do you pass his vibe checks, you aren't going to get any of the women he knows.
Befriend the ladyboy, and get the ladies muh boy.
Few people in the Philippines have regular access to constant internet services, or care about online dating. If you want a pretty one (and most are), you have to actually go there.
Should I fuck him too?
I befriended my girlfriends dog but I didn't fuck it. Your logic is invalid.
Is the dog’s entire identity centered around getting fucked like a girl?
Oh you're a transphobic retard who loves SEA, the land of the ladyboy.
If that isn't a classic closet case I don't know what is.
Your logic is still invalid.
Dog fucker
Transitioning from ? to ?... Clue is in the name Ladyboy anon.
Funny that the other anon shows no irrational fear of trannies, simply calls it as they see it. While your reaction is irrational and visceral. Bigotry in denial my good xir.
Transphobic closet cases calling straight people trannies is funny. Your "clue" makes no sense at all. If you are afraid of ladyboys and gays don't go to SEA, dumb dumb.
Your logic is invalid.
Big difference between fear and disgust anon. Neither here nor there, most people don't care about trannies in Thailand, but autogynophilics and their simps are disgusting. Even to many ladyboys. What is your next FOTM cope?
If you are disgusted by ladyboys and gays then you are a weakling, emotionally. Who cares. Watching people trying to justify their bigotry because they are weak is always funny. it always boils down to "They are bad because different! it makes me so angry!"
You're just another pussy with negativity bias.
Your emotions are invalid.
Read it again bigot.
Just suck that juicey delicious baby brown cock you secretly want to and get it over with. kekekekekek
Sooooooooooooooo Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
Why aren't the filipinas on duolicious responding to my intros? I'm a white man. They should be BEGGING for my cock. What the hell is going on?!
>You'll sometimes even have 2-3 girls split a studio apartment and use the bed in shifts. Someone sleeps in it, then works day while the night shift girl gets daytime sleep. It's a thing.
This is a thing for girls living on their own all across SEA. They often share the bed too, not just hot bunk it. It's only considered strange when guys do it. (Though they are more likely to pay more for shared rooms with separate mattresses in different corners.)
>simping for deranged pedophile homosexuals
You're wasting your time. Tranny tolerance is a one way street. Once we see them for what they are there is no going back. The only thing societal trends have done is push the initial tolerance forward so it takes long for men(and actual women) to realize the brainwashing isn't true.
You are the gay flip desperate for white cock who has been lurking and arguing in these threads for awhile. No, I don't need to simp for the faggot gatekeeper. I just give women my socials and then invite them to meet me another time. What they miss out on is me treating their friend group to drinks/dinner/entertainment/events, by dragging along an insane homosexual.

There is no "phobia" here. Only disgust, revulsion, and common sense aversion to disease carrying mentally ill sexual predators.
>Oh you avoided stepping in dog shit?
>must mean you secretly want to eat it
That is how insane you sound every time you follow that train of thought. You are in the wrong place if you are looking for mentally ill leftoid faggot worshippers. Go back to /int/
You should let the gay fuck you. You are afraid of how much you will enjoy taking his load deep in your rectum. A real man isn’t afraid to experiment and learn about his own body.
The faggot is now bargaining to try and gain bussy access. His frustration is palpable.
The all too common filipino faggot line is used once again "never try never know". They think if they repeat it enough and sexually harass a white man enough, they will wear him down.
They think they have a chance. They have zero respect for heterosexuality, but demand that we respect them as homosexual pedophiles. It's really twisted.

It's never happening.
>Why aren't the filipinas on duolicious responding to my intros? I'm a white man. They should be BEGGING for my cock. What the hell is going on?!
is this a duolicious marketing ploy or should I be using this? lol
Who hurt you child? Let’s unpack this. What you experienced was man-boy love. Don’t try to make it something evil. Love is love
they're from 4chan they're not stupid
I'm born and raised in the Philippines so I will have no problem with the heat, although it's another story if it rained then it was suddenly sunny which is the case in my home province of Cavite. The air just feels thick and heavy
I found the heat extremely overstated. I was there earlier this month and it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. I'm from the midwest USA
It was 97F dude with a heat index over 100f nothing was overstated.
Use shade to your advantage lmao it really wasn’t as bad as you are making it out to be. If you had zero access to a/c period it would suck but being out and about it wasn’t a big deal
I’m from the Deep South so I’m used to it. But even Filipinos were making a big deal about it. They closed the schools at like 1pm every day.
Why does the PI gov do nothing about all of the murders and hitmen-for-hire? I find it odd theres no international outrage with whats going on with a very real problem while so much focus is in the sexpats. People are getting shot and chopped up! wtf. Is it because a lot are muzzies and they just dont care about them?
I'm 40 and have $1.2 mil. No debt, no children. Is that enough to retire on in the Philippines on modest 7-8% investment returns?
Flips live off of like $300 a month. So your asking if you can live off of $8400 to $9600 per month in a 3rd world country? Who the fuck gave you 1.2 mil?
im not flexing im just asking the question okay.
when someone asks thos question they arent asking if they can live like a native. nobody except cuckshed wants to ride around in jeepneys and eat jollibee. they want to live in like a god. is $9000 a month enough to live like a god in the philippines? because its not in the US
>when someone asks thos question they arent asking if they can live like a native
No shit, I was making a point.
>nobody except cuckshed wants to ride around in jeepneys and eat jollibee.
Some people do. this tiny little group that no one has ever heard called "backpackers"
> they want to live in like a god.
Hey literally just asked if he could retire. He said "live like a God" I would have just said yes.
The truth is it's a dumb question, even just watch 1 or 2 SEA budget videos would give you a strong answer. Don't defend his laziness and retardation or he will never learn. He did not earn that 1.2 being savvy, obviously.
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>Booked month in MALATE
>550 for the month
How'd I do
if you live in metro manila post reply with your email or whatsapp so I can visit you and kick your ass
it's not that hot it's just the news pushing climate change bs and everyone loves a reason to complain
>pushing climate change bs
i laugh how we are literally experiencing the detrimental effects of climate change at an increasing rate around the world, but some basement dweller in the mid-west still want to deny it for pol points
nah let's talk about the detrimental effects of your fat face that's why you have no bitches
right so you have no actual counter besides name calling so i was correct and guessing by choice of words; projecting to boot.
cool gotcha
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how about if we just agree to meet somewhere? Im down to beat the shit out of you.
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Where to get my cheeks clapped?
I'll clap your cheeks instead. Come to my place.
Tower B Unit 3717
SMDC Jazz Residences
Nicanor Garcia, Makati, Metro Manila
Guys what's the best place to stay around Subic Bay
why does everything look so shit
You're currently in a war economy with massive inflation. If you're not in the war business, you're not making money. Hopefully there will be a new president in the near future, otherwise there may be a collapse of the dollar. Either way 8% interest will not happen long term

Why not take a break from the west, come here and spend 5 years until the economy recovers, then go back and make another 1-2 mill...then you can retire forever.

NTA but if you have rum or gin, let's meet up! Otherwise grab a drink in BGC

Mangrove Resort
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Anyone ever use the OYO hotel chain? any advice/reviews/recs?
>Flips live off of like $300 a month. So your asking if you can live off of $8400 to $9600 per month in a 3rd world country? Who the fuck gave you 1.2 mil?
flips don't have any visa fees, get local pricing, can own land instead of a condo, etc.
That said, 8400 would be way enough, but >>2665229 is overestimating the return potential
Where are all the cute ladyboys? All I can find are non-passing gays with long hair.
I’m looking for a small, cute ladyboy, of legal age, who looks like a prepubescent girl that just happens to have a tiny limp girl cock
Well it's nice to know your place has good mirrors.
Got 'em!
Erich may suit you. Deep voice tho. About 5’2”
Thank you.
Is that on an app?
Tinder---if interested I'll drop the Whatsapp number
lets go
Let’s meet somewhere private. Once I knock you out with one punch your boypussy is mine. I’m a golden gloves student of manny pacquio
>golden gloves student
i dont do physical contact with homos
>student of manny pacquio
More like a student of fanny packin' fudge. You Ghey, Nigga
Wrong country. Decent ladyboys in the Philippines all leave to Thailand or elsewhere to sell their hole or their pole.
Unfortunately in boxing you fight in weight divisions for a reason. You are 5' 2" and 120lbs. I am 6' 2" and 195. I also wrestle and did bjj for 4 years.

I would kill you by accident, since your malnourished skeleton would crumple like a bundle of twigs the microsecond my superior Aryan physique was brought to bear on it.

Not the type of "smash" you are hoping for, but it would definitely be your last one.
I’m not reading all of that why can’t you make your point without rambling like a senile dotard?
Is that the newest "sophisticated" word you dumb pignoy monkeys have latched onto? Last week it was 'nonchalant'.
Thank you for constantly reminding Filipinos why we shouldn’t lift a finger when China exterminates the USA.
What's the term for lazy flips that hang out outside stores and drink and are unemployed and beg
Bums. Just like the ones in the USA.
Barangay Captain
You're already owned by China. Don't pretend otherwise. Chinese have built 75% of the new construction in NCR in the past 10 years. You're basically a Chinese colony.
Tambay (unemployed layabout).
>I'm from the midwest USA
midwest summer (I'm also from midwest) is actually considered to be a very muggy, hot experience. coastal people say we have a freezing winter and hot, humid summer....sort of true. but ya...it means we are actually roughly fine with philippines and overall SEA. feels like ohio summer days
From the 2 years I spent living in PH, it's now clear to me that at least half of flips absolutely deserve to starve. They'll blame their shitty country on "colonizers" lol, but look at what korea did....came from mud farming to what it is today, so even if colonizers reset the place to zero, flips had every chance to rebuild themselves at this point, but this is just what they are.

And don't get me wrong: I scored tons of pussy, but it used to be much better. So many filipinas lost the plot and think they're better than avg white/black guy now that it's going to be a completely skippable, forgettable shit heap within our lifetimes. only purpose will be for a convenience coom, taking another SEA/east asian girlfriend on a surf/diving trip, or sniping a province wife.

It's like their low IQ + some anti foreigner programming convinced them working a $200/month job (with zero pension, social security, benefits, anything) is superior to just finding a boyfriend. so it goes. they wouldn't know a winning lottery ticket if it were sitting on the ground in front of them.

Will be funny when coomer bucks dry up (and they actually will at some point, especially when boomers die off; every other gen is just passport bro expatting elsewhere now) + AI decimates their race to the bottom call center grift

See you folks in Vietnam soon!
you can say the same thing about Mexico, Canada, Australia, etc. Face it, America is declining rapidly. and once your dollar collapses, you will be in worse shape than a filipino, but glad to be in the philippines. Americans in the US will be at the mercy if the nognog who wont have any more welfare so they will revert to cannibalism.
>you will be in worse shape than a filipino, but glad to be in the philippines.
A lot of that BGC development is from USD-earning contracts. flipland won't just be OK if USA loses hegemony. All those people just barely treading water working a call center for AT&T, verizon, Amazon retail, every USA bank, and so on are just going to be collecting checks just fine in the USA collpase? right....lol

and let's not forget just how violent flips can actually be when not put in rigorous check. lower the resourcing of the police, up the desperation and these SEAmonkeys are, deep down, violent little niggers themselves.

Truly 3 inch penis blacks of Asia. niggerish in style, behavior, and culture. just look at how the women scribble on their skin impulsively

Half of cebu would look forward to killing you themselves if society collapsed here. It's part of why I left PH. these aren't the useless "teammates" you want if shit ever goes down.
>claims to have left philippines
>still lurks the philippines general

nigga you may have physically left but you cant let go.
and the Pinoy is clearly living rent free in your head.
>the Pinoy is clearly living rent free in your head
fucking squatters...how true to life indeed.
American have guns and can choose their own destiny if they experience collapse.

The same can not be said for the filipino slave race, who has a microscopic military and no ability to defend itself from being turned into a vassal.

Your only defense is being so shitty that nobody wants to take responsibility for you.
>>still lurks the philippines general
gonna try to strongarm out all the other dudes that aren't physically in PH? would kill the whole discussion lol

I still have old friends and even some filipino family. and this is one of the funniest generals. I think I'll squat right here po
>The same can not be said for the filipino slave race, who has a microscopic military and no ability to defend itself from being turned into a vassal.
average flip man is being groomed to
1. love trump
2. love the idea of being the first wave of disposable shock troops vs China in a "shared" risk conflict ("ya I'll be right behind you!" lol!)
>I think I'll squat right here po
Bawal yan po. Enjoy your new life in Vietnam without thinking about Philippines anon-kun.
Divorce was just legalized in the Philippines.

I wish all the boomers luck with their impending alimony and child support payments.
Nope it only passed the House or Representative it still hasn't passed the Senate, and considering how the Senate is full of Conservatives there's no chance in hell the Senate will approve this and make it a law. Divorce is still illegal.
not only that but no flip single mother has ever successfully collected child support from an unemployed peenoiz. literally the same as unemployeed black males in the US.
I'd be surprised if it somehow passes the Senate. Philippines and the Vatican are the only countries where Divorce is illegal.
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Is there any room in manila i can rent to spend 1-2 hour in it on my laptop alone like libraries have in the usa. Pic related
How much are you willing to pay? Nothing is free in Manila except a kick in the nuts.
>Is there any room in manila
there a huge amount of 'co-working spaces' in manila, I forget the brand names but basically just big offices except its random people using it during the day
if you need a private room they have those also but you have to pay more
co-working offices are a big deal in philippines because usually peoples personal accommodations are horrific and impossible to study in
i was hoping a few hundred pesos, is it that expensive? I don't want to share space in a co-working office
Depends what you're trying to do

I do Digital Nomad style of life and just add a bit more cash onto my hotel for a desk. Many OYO's and airbnb's will list hotel prices that the ~100 make a huge difference to invest into the hotel give you ample working space
Offices and government places with 10 air conditioning units but also open doors, open windows, and 2 inch gaps around the air conditioning unit

Obvious one but burning of trash so that each house full of children and babies gets a few hours of hazardous brain cell destroying smoke a day. It seems an extremely easy and critical thing to fix given the incredibly obvious damage it does to people in long terms.

I'll skip noise and traffic low hanging fruit.
Positive reviewed things would be island hopping, beaches in general, lechon, mang inasal, bigger malls, nature, and low density population areas, and churches
you can easily find private/semi private workspace for 100-150 pesos for a few hours all over NCR
sim options? I probably have my old globe sim card but should I get an esim? If so, any recommendation on topic?
Or maybe in those 2 years you went from looking fine to not working out, drinking most nights and looking like shit.

I wouldn't get your hopes up for Vietnam either... so much harder for one night stands.
Globe ones are locked to the phone in the current iteration. SMART ones are better, and can be moved. Get 'magic data' that doesn't expire
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where can i buy a baby monkey in the philipines?
Man I feel this post hey. I've had it in my head for a while that Filipino wife was the end goal but it really just isn't. There's a lot of truth in your posts, especially about ending with Flips as your allies. Thailand is Thailand but the visa thing is a pain. And the English most Thai girls speak is just not good enough for a relationship. In the last six months I've settled on Indonesia, Bali in particular. I dated a muslim Indo girl and she was pretty much perfect, not her per se, but her cultural programming toward men and the Indos English is actually pretty good. I've never dated a local girl (Balinese, usually Hindu) but they're sweet as pie, shy, humble and very beautiful. I'd say they're the most human looking of all Asians (to white eyes). Visa options and business options are laughably easy too, with your kind of cash you could set up shop for life, buy a 10 villa airbnb in Canggu and be on easy street forever.

Other thing I love so much about Bali is you've got full Western bubbles if you need a respite. It's so easy to live both lives there and of course for me, an Aussie, I can get back home cheap and fast in a pinch.
I've heard Bali is intolerable as a place to live term. You are the only guy in years of discussing geomaxing I have ever heard have something positive to say about Bali.
Quite interesting considering it's probably the biggest hub of western expats in South East Asia. I guess you're right in the sense that it's not good for geomaxxing, it's just good. But it's not the place to go if you're a low value male or want to make yourself a big fish in a small pond. Bali has the highest concentration of good looking people, men in particular, on the planet. It's literally gigachad after gigachad after gigachad. Tiktok related: https://www.tiktok.com/@sociaty/video/7211208642107002118

But yeah Bali is absolutely amazing in a thousand other ways.
Some Chinese dealer in Cebu. There’s ads of it on Whatsapp and Telegram.
Being constantly mogged by an endless procession of international rich Chads makes everything else meaningless, t b q h.

Chosing to live somewhere that your low value is evident is absolutely a no go.
this. Im an overweight nexkbeard American and would rather live in a cuckshed in provincial philippines with my provincial virgin wife than have to conpete with 6’2” Aussie chads.

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