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/trv/ - Travel

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Heading to the Carolinas soon to hang out with some buddies and go on some adventures.
What are the best places to go and things to see? And what are some things to avoid?

>North Carolina
Smoky Mountains
Outer Banks

>South Carolina

South of the Border - pseudo-Mexican themed roadside attraction on the border of the Carolinas that you will see billboards for every 5 seconds but you VILL get diarrhea

>Congaree National Park
It's a very tiny swamp. Don't be fooled by it's categorization as a "national park", it's only so to protect the ecosystem, not as a tourist attraction. It's right outside Columbia though, but Columbia as a city doesn't really offers much imo
UNC Chapel Hill has a gorgeous campus, as doe Duke
>And what are some things to avoid?
Black people
Congaree National Park is probably interesting if you're into plant biology or whatever.
Otherwise, you're in a swamp with a bunch of mosquitos.

Note that Columbia was basically built on the same ecosystem and is hot and humid as a result. The city itself kinda sucks, its just the university and the state government mostly. Downtown is just now recovering from years of neglect, Five Points is a college bar area, which is boring as hell because zoomers don't know how to party. The rest of the inner city is upper-middle class neighborhoods to the east, middle class neighborhoods across the river to the west, and 'lower class' neighborhoods to the north.

t. from there, don't recommend.
-Wilmington (Beach Town and decent downtown)
-Raleigh (Small City)
-Appalachian Mountains

-Also Charleston
-Hilton Head can be good.
Ooooh anon's going to the CaroLINAS with his BUDDIES oooHHHH
Not happening unless you stay deep in the Appalachian hills. They are everywhere here.
>t. visiting family in central NC
if you have a boat, going around the Beaufort/ Hilton Head area is really cool.

If anyone's got a few days, Charleston to Savannah is a cool trip via boat
Thanks! I'll keep this all in mind, gonna start in Raleigh, work my way down to Columbia and back
Best style of BBQ imo

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