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There's good food everywhere, but some places simply seem to have an over abundance of it. What are some places you've visited and/or are familiar with that you can say with confidence: "If you go there and don't eat well, it’s your own fault."
By country, while I do think it's possible to get a bad meal in, I felt South Korea, Japan, France, Italy and Spain had very high food quality and a great food culture. Insane depth of dishes, great variety, all well executed, and while some might resonate with you particularly well due to taste preferences, the quality always comes through.

I'd give an honorable mention to Turkey, for having a great food culture (as good as the other 5), but I felt the quality from place to place was way more hit or miss compared to the other countries.
Emilia Romagna Region including Bologna, Modena and Parma
Most Asian countries.

Japan especially. You have to go out of your way to find bad food.
Not going to dox myself but I have written a book on this.

Japan (everything)

Korea (only Korean food, skip everything else)

Italy (not really: you have to actively avoid tourist cities or anywhere RyanAir flies; otherwise fine but keep in mind Italians consider eating out for tourists)

Malaysia (never had a bad meal there)

Spanish food culture is pretty mediocre but the produce (especially seafood) is excellent

France is hyper-regional, some regions better than others. The sad thing is most young people are no longer interested in French food: they'd rather have tacos (not the kind you are thinking) sushi or Arab streetmeat slop.

Vietnam is great but the lemongrass/fish sauce/herbal flavor profile gets old after a week.

Bromad tourist twats claim they love Thai food but end up eating the same five dishes as all the other sleeve tattoo losers. No one is fucking with gaeng tai pla.

The Taiwan streetfood markets are terrible, but the breakfast spots more than make up for it. It's also a great place to eat Japanese. I think the rechao 熱炒 spots are an underrated gem.

The best bread in the world is actually baked in Algeria. French technique, woodfired ovens, no GMO garbage pesticide wheat.

And finally, China is, by far, the deepest cuisine in the world. One province will have more innovation, variety, and tradition than any European country. But it is not for beginners.
Italy, best place ever for food.
>South Korea
>great food culture
sure if you like getting handed several month out of date leftovers by the bar who thinks you're just a dumb foreigner who will never be there again so it doesn't matter, and if you like being denied to go into restaurants because you're on your own
the food isn't even that great anyway and they're obnoxious about it
Greece 100%

Amazing, fresh ingredients at every turn, and the dishes offered leave you feeling energized and healthy.
>Japan especially. You have to go out of your way to find bad food.

You should take your weaboo goggles off.
I've have had many shitty meals in Japan, without even looking for it.

Anyone who's been to a traditional hotel knows that the traditional japanese breakfast is shit. It's always some salty mekrel or something, badly cooked egg white, algaes and whatnot.
I've also had terrible lunches, with miso soups that tasted like barely salted water. The desserts are also shit 90% of the time. Japanese can't do desserts to save their lives, you can have a menu with 15 ice cream flavors, and all will taste the same (i'm talking about recipes done by Japanese people, not about Haagen Dazs flavors created by gaijins).

The only good answers for this thread are Italy, France, maybe Spain as well.
lol no
>hurr durr this regional hot pot is spicy and specializes in the best intestines, while this region's hot pot isn't spicy and has the best duck blood! Ancient chinese secret!
I'll take Georgian or Hungarian cuisine over your gutter oil+mystery meat slop any day of the week
too much cheap goyslop. good food can be had here, but no, it is not a country for consistent cuisine
Italy. I mean, holy fuck, every meal there was an 8/10 minimum. Of course you can still find bad food if you want to (see: the tourist traps near major monuments), but it takes next to 0 effort to get great food.
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Thailand is pretty obvious. I never had a single meal I didn't find to be good. Even the bamboo shoots which I thought smelled like shit were tasty. Even the spring rolls with little bits of bone in it that nearly chipped my teeth.

Most everything was exceptional and the best dishes I had were generally the cheapest.
>There's good food everywhere
False. Sounds like you've never had Colombian food.
Is Malaysia a good place to just food max? Seems like it
Yeah, I can't think of a single bad meal I had in Malaysia. In fact there were way too many things I wanted to eat and even after two weeks I still didn't feel like I had scratched the surface.
I was going to say Japan. I dream of going back so I can eat more food there. Even the little noodle places in the airport and train stations are really good.
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Thailand. Some of the best food I have ever eaten was made in a street cart in Bangkok.
The soups are all top tier. Sancocho ajiaco mondongo. Coastal Colombian cuisine is goated. The mountain and llano food are an acquired taste. Fried dry ass meat that tastes like dirt mixed with sawdust.
>omg all the food in Asia is AMAZING!
because it's all saturated with MSG, you silly fucks
I can't believe Perú hasn't been mentioned yet. The best food country in South America. Delicious, flavourful food made from fresh ingredients everywhere.
Maybe it’s not that great?. I think it’s the lack of spice. I have yet had a good lomo saltado. Better than other South American but that isn’t saying much.
Florence, Italy has overall the best food I have ever eaten.
Columbian empanadas with a little aji salsa… god fucking damn
Totally agree especially 'cause restaurants are locals (not tourists) oriented, so nearly no tourist traps.

And the variety of dishes & styles in just few km/mi is incredible: Bologna (Tortellini, Lasagne, Tagliatelle al Ragù, Cotoletta alla Bolognese, Rosetta alla Mortadella), Parma (Parmigiano Reggiano, Prosciutto di Parma, Culatello), Modena (Balsamic Vinegar, Gnocco Fritto, Cotechino) but also let's not forget Ferrara (Cappellacci alla Zucca, Salama da Sugo, Tenerina).
Malaysia is by far the best within Southeast Asia and one of the best in Asia in general. Everything is super fresh and it's apparent in the taste. Vegetables in Vietnam always tasted dirty/musty to me and Thai food has a taste of rot due to moldy fish sauce being in everything. Malaysia is has neither of those problems, plus sanitation is much better so there's virtually zero chance of getting sick.

It takes the best stuff of every country in the region and combines it. Chinese noodles, Indian curry, Indonesian meat, and so on. You really have to go out of your way to not be satisfied.
Recommend me some spots in KL please bro, I’m here right now
It seems like the only places in Thailand where food quality would be a problem to a western traveler is on the island like Racha.
Also, Piadina, or tigelle are great foods. Culatello is so amazing, so glad I ate it there.
>The Taiwan streetfood markets are terrible
Interesting take, I feel like most tourists who like to eat really enjoy these, myself included.
I enjoyed everything I ate at the night markets I went to with the exception of the Michelin guide noodle stand, I found it pretty mediocre.
Somebody was an obvious sexpat and it shows lmao

I lived there for ten years. Not once was I ever denied to eat anywhere or served anything less than fresh and delicious.
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>people simping spain at all
what the fuck? have you never been there? it's all greasy salty shit. cheese nowhere as good as italy, bread nowhere as good as france, seafood nowhere as good as japan, everything comes with soggy fries and shitty bread, aged beef is hard to find...
there's a reason their youth prefers getting goyslop from burger king instead of going to local restaurants
>Italians consider eating out for tourists
???? No
Spain (not the touristy cities), Italy (I was in Piedmont and it couldn’t be better) .
France yes but like the other post stated, it’s dying, young people are not interested at all and you eat better in cities than in the countryside. Countryside is full of kebabs and mcdonald’s. Sad.

Asia: Singapore was easily the best. You could randomly pick anything and it’s always good. Even the worst bus station slop you can find is still edible.

China, but there’s a lot of terrible slop, it’s becoming more and more all about social media. Especially those boasting “spiciness”.

Japan, with a tiny bit of research, you can easily find amazing food. I did have shit meals, but I didn’t do research beforehand.
>France yes but like the other post stated, it’s dying, young people are not interested at all and you eat better in cities than in the countryside. Countryside is full of kebabs and mcdonald’s. Sad.
The thing with France is that french cuisine now mostly consists of high end restaurants.
The old traditional restaurants for poor people have died out. Restaurants for manual workers and truck drivers as an example (resto routier) have disappeared because younger generations don't like cuisine made from left over meat (offal, pâté...) and because it's not allowed to drink whine anymore. French manual workers themselves died out, everything is imported from China.
As for sandwishes (jambon beurre, casse-croute) there are some remnants of it in the cities, but fast foods took most of that segment. Unlike italy where street food culture seems to still exist.

And finally, feminist women don't cook anymore, even for their families. French women are absolute trash.
>Restaurants for manual workers and truck drivers as an example (resto routier) have disappeared
Also, i have to add that big companies took over the market of cafeterias and company restaurants.
They took the market, then cut the costs years after years, serving absolute trash. But thankfully, COVID killed those fuckers as well.
>literally no mentions of Mexico
Mexican is god tier unless you're a vegan

Going there in the fall. Maybe the one Latin American country that could give Mexico a run for its money. I've got high hopes.
I go to Paris very often for work, I rent a car and drive around, I do that every 3 months and honestly? Paris is where I still can have authentic sandwich on the bar counter, or genuinely good not overpriced traditional food. And I can still have very decent meals in cafés.
Elsewhere it’s just (bad) kebabs, (bad, horrible, “french”) tacos (not the Mexican one), and sloppy horrible sushi.
Like you said, a lot of traditional places have closed down. Also I do not count Southern France. The small beautiful restaurants in fancy villages are nice but are very expensive and are for tourists. Not bad, but not quite the daily meal type of food.
True about Paris and other big cities, you can still find places mostly owned by boomers.
I wouldn't blame kebabs more than fast foods tho, and ultimately it's the fault of the French for abandoning their culture, like most French in their 30s and under can't appreciate pot-au-feu, coq au vin, bouchées à la reine and so on...
The French abandoned their culture for foreign ones, in food like in everything else (like naming their kids Dylan or Rayan isntead of french names, no one pushed them to do so).
As long as kebab makes people fuck off because you have it at home then its all good. I wish every place gets all the same services so you stop acting embarrassing in foreign places and maybe idk go there to teach in university over just fucking around in Subway because you wouldnt do that in home, but how about someone elses home. Well now they hate you.

Biggest L on tourism: People live here.
Oh I don’t blame kebabs. They are hardworking and trying to make money from something that is popular.
I am more pissed by the fact that French are absolutely crazy about Asian food while Asian food is absolute dog shit in France.
>wanting to eat fatty, greasy foods all day in a fucking furnace of a desert

I'd KMS.
>or anywhere RyanAir flies
Thanks for filtering the rest of your opinion out. I don't think I'll be skipping Venice, Milano, Napoli, Rome, Alghero, Ancona, Bari, Bologna, Brindisi, Cagliari, Catania, Crotone, Cuneo, Genoa, Lamezia, Olbia, Palermo, Parma, Perugia, Pescara, Pisa, Reggio Calabria, Rimini, Trapani-Marsala, Trieste, Turin, Verona though.
I lived in Japan for two years and had two dishes that I didn't like: crab innards (tasted and looked like wet sand) and natto. I can't remember having a terrible meal either.

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