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For me its Japan. I have been there 4x and still want to go few more times.

It's been the most picture perfect country I have traveled to. Love the traditional culture and food. Also customer service/hospitality is top class.
Vietnam. You can have a different experience every time.
Mexico because you have like five different climates all within six hours of eachother. Each region has its own subculture / endemic food. The landscapes are phenomenal and there's booze everywhere.
Japan. I want to buy a vacation home with a motorcycle there.
>/trv/ thread

>/trv/ thread about Japan
Japan is obviously a paradise for tourists. Why does that trigger people?
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For me it's Argentina.
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Costa Rica. The people are lovely, the land is so gorgeous and the scenery varies greatly depending on which area of the country you’re in. The weather is fantastic, and it has some of the best scuba diving locations I've ever seen. I've been several times and would go back in a heartbeat.
And the next retarded weeb thread.
Patagonia, both Chile and Argentina I loved so much. I was really depressed when I left for the airport. Going back in December before my Antarctica trip. The UK is also sick; London, Scotland and all the cute villages to explore.
This is my pick too. It also helps that you can travel within Costa Rica on basically any budget. I was able to find comfortable but basic lodging for $20 USD a night and also stay at amazing resorts for about $250 a night.
I’ve been travelling and living in other countries for 27 years. I don’t want to visit anywhere new and i don’t want to go back to a country no longer a home

No-where has any appeal anymore and I am stuck between being paralysed in the present and lost in a past that doesn’t exist anymore. I do t care any more about the local cuisine and I could not care about your local temple or church or statues. I also miss nothing from a life I no longer remember.
Any suggestions for must see or dos and some smaller towns to visit for a 33year adventurur?
This looks like fucking Ulaanbataar. What's the draw for you, anon?
>Any suggestions for must see or dos and some smaller towns to visit for a 33year adventurur?
Honestly it all comes down to what you like to do. Like, literally just google stuff to do and you will find something. Izakaya bars are a great start and there's always browsing for local events.
I lived in Argentina and Uruguay for a few years.

...fucking why, dude?
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Close to me: Italy, easy to travel there, beautiful country, amazing food, great people, I've always found it so easy to communicate there with a bit of English and a bit of Spanish I've had full on conversations lol. There's still soo many areas I want to visit.

Faraway: Japan, been there only twice but I can't wait to be back. I was in Korea too and I think it would definitely warrant more visits.

Germany deserves a special mention just because I've gone there many many times and it's so beautiful, so many different areas. It's when you realize all countries have so much more to offer than the usual touristy stuff if you care to dig deeper.
Thailand. Easy, chill, good food and relatively inexpensive. Believe it or not, some people do come here not just to coom.
If you’ve never been you should just explore Tokyo and maybe Yokohama first.
Most fun I’ve had was in Utah but that’s because I spent 2 weeks hiking and riding dirt bikes
Croatia. It's the first country I ever travelled to as a 5 year old and I loved it since childhood. When I became an adult, I fell in love with it again and now I have to visit every year. I've been there easily 15 times, but I still want to see more.
LOL, picrel city looks more like something along the Front Range of Colorado. Some people love having one of the world's greatest mountain ranges within easily accessible distance, and it sure is cheaper to live in Argentina than Colorado.
The biggest plus of Mexico IMO is being able to bring your car from America. In many ways, Mexico is the ultimate Wild West for a gringo adventurer in a battered old 4x4, camping out and exploring country that even Mexican tourists don't dare to visit. However, if you're just gonna ride buses and city-hop, there are countries which are far more congenial and economical for a similar (Third World) standard of living.
Damn, I didn't know there could be anything this Soviet in the Americas
Iceland, went two times with my wife and we talk about it every day how we only wanna go there on vacation. Your mind is at peace there, it does something to you you cant explain.
LMAO. I am trying to genuinely imagine why this would be and im drawijng a blank. ya ya the landscapes and ocean is nice but many countrires have that.
I can't get Thailand out of my head. I've been 4 times and every time I plan a trip its always a question of Thailand or somewhere else. I recently booked a same day ticket to Thailand and went, calling in sick to work from the airport in Hong Kong.

I keep trying to dream up ways to move there that don't involve some retardation like teaching English. There's nowhere in the world I'm happier.
Mexico is the "Italy" of the Americas. Great climates, stunning beaches, history and ruins, amazing food and great people. CDMX reminds me a lot of Rome (generally speaking).

If you only go to the Mexico beaches do yourself a favor and spend some time in Oaxaca, Queretaro, or even San Miguel.
Italy, it's not far away from me, it's super diverse, it has the best food and I just love it.
where do you go and what do you like about it specifically?

Turkey is one of the best places in the world for adventure. If you like history, it is thee place to be, there are literally ancient and medieval castles just sitting out in the middle of no where, you can climb all over them, in many cases you will have them all to yourself.

Look up the Ancient city of Antioch.
inb4 those are zainichi sicilians
Japan was a dream destination for me since i was kid. I visited last november during koyo season and everything was amazing. I kinda regret not visiting again this year for the sakuras. As a 4x visitor which month+region would you recommend ?
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>Which is the most addictive country for travel which makes you keep going back again?
>For me its Japan.
For me, it's South Korea. Been there 5 times already since 2017.
It's Italy and if I wasn't a Turkish I'd say İstanbul. It's cheap to the tourists and it's one of the oldest cities in the world. You can do so many things and visit so many places.
Thailand holds a part of my heart, lived there for 3 years, love the food, love that place every time I visit.
I hope to visit Argentina when I go back in January next year since it’s only about a 5 Hour drive from where I’ll be staying at
Scotland. I love the cool, rainy weather, the incredible landscapes, the history and the whisky
Italy is #1 for me. It has everything I want and I’m hopelessly attracted to Italian women. Fuck they’re sexy.

Second is Ireland. It’s a bit dumpy and depressing in places but the countryside is amazing and I love redheaded women too much. Grew up near Seattle and the climate is pretty much the same
don't have one. i have only been to canada, USA, croatia. i don't believe in travelling to other places as I am very keenly aware of the social crises that these places are experiencing and the hostility they have for "dirty tourist scum". eg italy and france they will treat u as a dirty fuck. UK can get stabbed by migrants etc

i would only go to USA. never anymore croatia (only had to go cause senpaitachi from there)

Self-driving in Mexico is the best way to travel in the country for sure. Even if you don't bring your own car in you can get a nice car for under $200 per week. Next trip I'd like to fly into Chihuahua and drive from there.
can you go into details about why you love it so much? was thinking about going there
do you speak korean? can I get by without knowing any?
It seems the blue dollar has stabilized somewhat. Would be nice if they get the official rate to correspond to the market rate. There's tons of cheap lodging options on Booking.com, but every property quotes their price in USD these days. I wonder if it makes sense to pay for rooms & food with USD...making change would be the tough part.
probably Japan, I was there for about 10 days, I feel like there is still so much I want to see,

You are full of shit, mexico is trash and fillled with trash people. Have fun getting kidnapped by those garbage can people when they want to steal you tires. Fuck mexico.

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