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This board has a severe lack of focus on clits with bushes. So I'm going to remind you that even lesbians with pubes have sex with each other.
Source? The style reminds me of PC-98 games
It's a promo image for the het (with a yuri scene with no male. Both girls involved in said scene fucked the male before, though) hentai anime front innocent
All the images in this thread are by Satoshi Urushihara
Something involving the consequences of two girls with pubic hair having sex:


Sorry if it's Hitomi.la. Neither E-hentai/Exhentai nor Nhentai have this.
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You should mention that the first 3 are from Ragnarock City, which is all /u/
And it's predecessor Chirality is too.
I wish that short sequel with neo actionShiori and neo kluztCarol was translated.
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Satoshi Urushihara was a workhorse in the 80s/90s. From anime to OVAs to videogames. I won't be surprised if he did porn for PC-98.
One of the greatest artists who's ever lived. That's for sure.
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whoa, this artist knew about Baldur's Gate II vampire NPC mod (not the new stuff added by the weird changed "enhanced" edition), and she even drew Aerie having the raccoon symbol of that gnomish god on her veil... while being effectively naked.

Based Aerie + Imoen shipper anyway.
More please.
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Unhygienic and smelly
Holy fuck
I know, isn't it great?
No, I can't imagine the smell.
Heart-shaped pubes.

Get a better olfactory imagination.
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Always love BadLavender's stuff
(Also seeen her post here a couple times too)
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Early release for you <3
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>I wish that short sequel with neo actionShiori and neo kluztCarol was translated.

That's news to me. RAW link please?
>Imoen and Aerie
>and it's actually tastefully done
Damn nice pic, anon, thanks for posting that.
Holy fuck! Is this Ticcy art?!
Always loved Yohane style. Absolutely perfect bodies and nice bushes
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Camonome has to be one of the most generous artists out there. 50+ variations of pubic and armpit hair per image, tanlines and no pubes and all for 100 yen per month.
Are you going to post some/link a download or just shill?
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I was there was more Rachel x Mei.
I don't watch yuri to read.
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Watch out Ivy, she's trying to trick you to get rid of that beautiful bush
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We need to go hairier.
These and the others are brilliant work. I love it how in this dystopian present of decadence, flat design, minimalism and tattooed trustafarians, hentai art is nothing but improving, with better shading and more realistic shapes and mounds.
I especially love how drawing the heat and smell of pussies and armpits, as well as armpit sweat, are becoming more of a standard. You can even imagine how warm and sticky her pussy must be and how the warmth between her legs must feel in your face as you inch closer and closer.
>armpit hair
Can I see some please?
Well said, anon. These sweaty lesbians give me life.
Nope, thats counter science, counter health, and is pretty ignorant to think.
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This thread is amazing.
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Who is she?
Japs really don't know how public hair works, do they? The blondes always have black hair.
Actually that's pretty normal. Hair color is based on eumelanin and pheomelanin, and the presence of these varies depending on the body part. The pubic area tends to have a higher concentration than the scalp, same with other areas like the armpit. This varies of course, so while a blonde person can have pubes that are just slightly darker than their hair, they can also have completely black ones.
Head hairs are a different type of hair than androgenised hairs, the hairs that develop during puberty. These include pubic hair, body hair and armpit hair and are often darker and curlier than head hair, which develops from birth.
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It’s nice to see sometimes, there’s not a single hair in the Camp Sherwood comic and it makes me feel like a pedophile
his last manga was Vampire Master Dark Crimson

is he still making hentai stuff? :(
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Is this from anything worth following up?
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it's a oneshot, see filename, something from Carmilla "Girls Only" anthology.
The pink print I remember 12 years later
Stop projecting, anon.
>So I'm going to remind you that even lesbians have sex
Liar. Lesbians never have sex. They stay lonely forever, and even when they find a partner, their purity remains intact.
Unless it was really really good.
>Lesbian starts flirting, grinding, and molesting her friend after 1 beer
I don't know why this stupid cliche always makes me smile
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Purest form of love is when you can love another girl, even when she is natural.
I think a schoolgirl with that much hair above her arsehole is supernatural. This person needs to leave the school setting behind so I can properly enjoy these womanly bushes
Stay away from the light
Weird proportions
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first world problems.
damn, not uncensored version available
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hairy bump
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Yeah, you can't convince me a tomboy like Lor would shave.
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Where do I sign up to join the maid staff here?
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Right here.
Is that you Wrath of the Righteous?
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I am very blonde and have black pubic hair. You have never had sex with a blonde have you?
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This is het
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blessed width of female hips
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This is het. They're telling a guy to masturbate and ejaculate (精子) in front of them
Well, shit.
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Shame, I wanted to see her aquafresh pubes.
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what in the goddamn.
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Moss hair.
Bikki should always have a bush.
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holy hell, I'm melting. source?
I love you
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I'll never forget the day he Toweringman posted that he had shown his girlfriend his art and she dumped him immediately so he got so depressed he stopped drawing completely. Funny but also a great loss
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Pubic pillow
This is super hot
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