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Previous thread: >>3786036


Official web media:
Assault Lily Project YT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBBWEbD8FflD5g3Ya_dRV-g
Ludvico Girls High School YT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCehrt0eozclO0DNDddn2Cww
Last Bullet Mildom - https://www.mildom.com/profile/12088887

Hitotsuyanagi-tai novel - https://ebookjapan.yahoo.co.jp/books/413408/A001760220/
Assault Lily ARMS - https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/B099ZRD9Q1/

Stage productions:
Ludojo vol. 1 - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1tk4y1y7Pj
League of Gardens - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1L54y1v7Hq or https://mega.nz/folder/YpEBDShD#u_BO0V4W7ugaQ3Y83UcA7A
Ludojo vol. 2 - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1tX4y1V7bJ
Ludojo vol. 3 - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1c54y1e7iX
Ludojo vol. 4 - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV15t4y1q7HC
Ludojo vol. 5 - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1dK4y1a7Md
The Fateful Gift - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1E54y1m7RX or https://mega.nz/file/ElNWkZiQ#k5JZ6EKnAx09XG4xjmYt030yT0AvOw6ULGKQyMxh7c8
Ludojo vol. 6 (updated rerun of vol. 1) - https://www.bilibili.com/video/av205773045
Ludojo vol. 7 (updated rerun of vol. 2) - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qv411u7xj
Ludojo vol. 8 (updated rerun of vol. 4) - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1f34y1p7fq
The Singular Ability - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1L64y1Y7Rd
Lost Memories - https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1RS4y1V7KH
The Empathy Phenomenon: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV17L411N7L1

Other official columns and information: https://hobby.dengeki.com/tag/assaultlily/

Unofficial wiki: https://w.atwiki.jp/assault_lily/

A convenient Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EO0jukv2l6fnLec0onZQaOLFXw2peVqJ
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At least update the OP with links if you want to start a new thread.

Official stage production Twitter: https://twitter.com/assaultlily_st

TBO: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ey4y1Z7dk
TGD: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Es4y1A7tu

Wunder: https://hobby.dengeki.com/news/1852591/
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Shinjitsu no Yaiba 2023 key visual is out.

Unlike the key visual used for the previous run, this adds Sachie and Himari; Sachie is understandable but maybe it's a hint that Himari will have greater significance this run. Would have thought they'd make a reference to the Karen-Ichika-Kazane plotline but it's a delayed spoiler for those who somehow still don't know what happens.
>Oh my, you are so pretty that I want to eat you
>How about spending a sweet and dense time in my room tonight?


>Why don't you leave this person who treats women like food and come and have tea with me?
>I'm not binding, okay? Of course, if you'd say you don't want to go home, that's a different story

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Quite a few changes from the original run, but most were positive. I liked how Kazane had a bigger role in the re-runs so that her revival as a failed Boosted Lily and the impact it had on Ichika and Karen was more meaningful. The choreo in the opening also alluded to that plotline.

Seren's part in the final battle was different from how it was depicted previously too. There was a bit that almost seemed as though she would confess to Raimu (and given Seren's personality it pretty much was a confession if under any other circumstances). I appreciated that the new run showed how important Yuria is to her (there is a line where she expresses her gratitude for meeting Yuria that was not in the original run) and how much influence Yuria had on her (Seren adopts her mannerisms in conversation and there is a parallel in their combat styles because Yuria has the subskill of Seren's rare skill). The original run and Last Bullet made it clear that Yuria treasures her a lot so it was good to see more detail in how much Seren looks up to her.

The final battle included parts that link it up to the destruction of Ludojo alluded in TFG and Last Bullet too, updating the plot to align things together.

There is a fan theory floating around that Seren volunteered to be a Boosted Lily after the final battle, to explain how she survived and for her to better understand Raimu although nothing really confirms or denies it.

More news regarding the December Yurigaoka shows. It's hard to tell if the "Sanngridr chapter" and "Oshima Recon Team chapter" will be separate or within the same show.

Based on the blurb it also seems like Alfheim may get involved or appear at some point.
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Just in: Suguta Hina plays Higure, the 5th member of Cuelebre (she's been referenced onscreen but was not shown until now). Next story event will be the Cuelebre origins episode.

Out of the "over 30" characters appearing, 10 are from Sanngridr/Sanngrthr and 11 from the joint forces in Tokyo+Kaede+Fumi. Fumi also said there will be "a number of people more than 3 legions" which leaves room for 10 or so additional characters not announced yet...

More Hitotsuyanagitai? Yahiro and Shin? Hervarar and Cuelebre? Gran Eple? Or will Alfheim be appearing in live action? And how many of them will be played by Ludojo cast members?
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Last Bullet main story updated.

I need to revisit the most recent pool event story, but did Riri and Yuyu meet Mitake at the time? It seems like neither of them recognised Mitake when they ran into her and Yuni in the GEHENA facility, which suggests that the 3 Unmei no Trinity storylines take place concurrently and the pool event was set after that, with Kazuha and Fuuka on less hostile terms.

Also good on Pokelabo for surprising their players with the director/principal of Yurigaoka, Twitter Fumi has talked about her before but this is the first she has appeared on-screen with a full portrait/talksprite and all.

I appreciated the namedrops of Folkvangr, Schwarz Grail, Rossweisse etc and how the writer takes it that the player already knows who they are and their role in the setting, minimizing the exposition of things that were not relevant to the story at hand. They're not dumbing it down for the anime only crowd as much anymore, which might be pretty hilarious with newcomers who've just got into the series for Yahiro/Shin when their voice actresses were announced.
The story is quite good, looking forward to Part 2.
Hoping Mai takes Tazusa as her schild, been long overdue.
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Main visual is up.

Hitotsuyanagi Team pairing gacha result
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Every time Last Bullet seems like it's going to have interesting story developments (Shiori keeps mentioning Hijiri, it's probably a matter of time until Hijiri is playable) someone ruins it by introducing a very unnecessary collab. Even using ShenYu as a crutch this go round.

At this rate I wonder how they'll scramble to tie in the main story with the Sanngrthr shows in December considering who the Flowers are speculated to be.

Nishimoto Rimi's appearance as Fumi for December's plays has been cancelled, due to her medical condition. No word yet about whether Fumi will be recast or removed/replaced in the roster (Shenlin almost definitely will not be repping Hitotsuyanagitai with Kaede, her actress is portraying Seren).

I suppose the HibaFumi crowd will be kept waiting for a while yet, or Twitter Fumi might work something out with Sakuragi before/after the plays about that plot thread.
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TazuMai pact soon (tm) (?)
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The official page isn't updated yet, but the Flowers' actresses have been allowed to post their own pictures taken in-costume. Seems like we might get the first design for a named character with a permanently disfigurement, which is interesting considering the Flowers are speculated to be a Boosted Lily group/unit like Marimo's late sisters (and therefore wouldn't have permanent scars).

Someone also compiled the colors of their respective hair accessories, which may or may not be relevant: https://twitter.com/Farmyon_G33/status/1725837219066445857
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Finally, it paid off.
I hope people who don't play Last Bullet know about this.
>Fumi and Kaede
If Hibari doesn't make an offer to Fumi soon, the rest of Sanngrthr + Mayuri + maybe even Ayako will probably push her into it 2 weeks from now.

Kaede doesn't have anyone yet but that might still change. It's hard to tell how long more Twitter Fumi/Obanazawa wants to keep spinning the HibaFumi wheel or if the Prep School events this weekend will drop any new hints. Obanazawa did answer Shiraishi's question about Tokiwa's reasons for taking Misaka as her schild.
The Schutzengel oath is for senpai/kouhai only. Also "they were shipped together in the manga" has to be one of the wildest claims I've seen in these threads.
This anon is either easily satisfied or has /u/-appropriate selective reading so I suppose we can respect that
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Pokelabo just casually dropping talksprites for Hibari and Wakana without warning was a nice surprise. Because of that, I kept waiting to see if any other characters were getting sprites as well (Sachie mentioned Ichika, and Irma deployed at least 2 legions, while Hronesness, the Saints, Schwartz Grail, and Shinshitai all accompanied their leaders) but it seems to be only the two of them this time. Also I noticed the event writer forgot to include any mention of Yuria despite showing the other 4 playable Ironside members.

Hibari throwing a fit when Fumi declined her piggyback offer and Tazusa asking Mai on a date in the middle of battling the Ultra-class Huge were pretty funny to me, too.

She tagged Fumi's Q&A tag so Fumi better give us a good explanation for Yuria's disappearing act.

Also the Last Bullet twitter fixed the event PV to add Haruna and Higure where they should be: https://twitter.com/assaultlily_lb/status/1734861154919616977
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By fan request, the setting book for Sanngrthr/Sanngrithr/them troublemakers has a digital version, good for providing context to the show starting later today. https://acus.booth.pm/items/5346190

Although the Q&A segment in the Prep School events a while back touched on some points here, it gives a more in-depth look at the relationships between the members, their beef with Matsuri and co (apparently, less to do with Matsuri than her second in charge), what happened during Touka's coma, etc.

Unfortunately, some of the really juicy parts are "struck out" (I extracted the content from the pdf just to make sure), either to avoid spoilers or hinting at big revelations like the Hitotsuyanagitai book. A shame because I wanted to know more about things like how Luise's relationship with Moyu is.
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For a 2-hour show, the "New Chapter" managed to pack in lots of new developments and still has several dangling threads that seem to be priming for a sequel.

- Misaka is a charming lead and makes all her possible pairings look viable. Misaka/Touka and Misaka/Chihiro are the big ones but Tokiwa/Misaka/Hanna are the established canon Norn trio.
- Chihiro/Seira also deserves a mention if only because Seira deserves happiness after what she's been through. The Sanngrthr first-years are cute though. If Chihiro ever has some sort of recovery/redemption storyline it's pretty much a given that Seira will ask to take the Schutzengel oath with her. Or, knowing Sakuragi's ability to write angst, Seira will realize that Chihiro is beyond redemption and has to take her down.
- Luise/Touka could have done with more showing than telling, too. What they got was decent but terribly overshadowed by Touka's preoccupation with Misaka.
- The intensity of Homare/Tomoyo's S/M relationship is probably too violent for an audience seeing them for the first time. Tomoyo's actress was also Kayo in the Ludojo rerun and she reminded me of Kayo with Lunatic Trancer activated at all times (Tomoyo comes from a yakuza family), in a hilariously endearing way.
- Hibari/Fumi shippers ate very good with this show but they still haven't taken the Schutzengel oath yet. There's one very choice scene that manages to support Hibari/Fumi, Kaede/Riri, and Seren/Raimu all at the same time, with bonus Kaede groping Raimu.
- They managed to get Kaede (Grand Guignol), Imari (Hihiirokane) and Marei (Amatsu Heavy Industries) all in one place but not a mention of this common point between them. Unfortunate.
- Chihiro being the 14th member of the "Thirteen Sisters" is a very shounen-manga trope. Was funny how Marimo and Tomoshibi spoke of it like it was the most natural thing.
- Those in the audience who only knew Kazuha from the Hitotsuyanagitai trilogy might be confused to hear that she's a Boosted Lily.
Some other points I just remembered:

- Raimu finally awakens to Laplace, thanks to Tomoshibi
- Kaede and Touka both gain new special abilities ("inou"; similar to abilities like Akari "seeing" the color of magi or Tatsuki "hearing" Huge). Touka is also confirmed to be a "singularity," presumably due to her being the only Lily to possess all 7 offensive subskills.
- Chihiro is revealed to be a Boosted Lily
- The Flowers are suggested to be recovering somewhat from their berserk state so we might see them again eventually in a sequel
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Apparently the fan translation of Wunder is completed. I didn't read this because I have the original novel but it might be of interest to those who don't/can't. Misaka is the POV character for most of the plot so it links up well with the New Chapter play.

Other pairings of note include Altea/Momiji, Misaka/Touka and Chihana/Touka (Touka's complex over/"breakup" with Chihana is a significant point in her backstory).
>You filthy vixen!!
>I won't give her even if I die!!
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You forgot to add the note that these are actual lines from the show.

That said, Fumi's infodump/commentary last night does contextualise Chihiro's behavior and reactions to Misaka and Touka though. Plus she was expected to awaken to Lunatic Trancer if she hadn't died the first time and Lunatic Trancer users are not known for mental or emotional stability (Yuyu, the twins, Kurena, etc) plus a they have a tendency to imprint on their loved ones.
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Black Lily and Gold Wolf.
Yujia is literally me
You need to be 18 or older to post here, Yujia.
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I have a 1980s birthday, don't worry hehehe <3
> Moyu's not-alcohol strikes again

Drunk Fuuka is hilarious but Mitake playing along with her whiny baby demands is actually really sweet of her.

Cast and information for May.

Changes to actresses:
- Tokiwa
- Kaede
- Marimo
- Fuuka

New additions:
- Toa
- Maho
- Moyu
- "????"

Soraha was just announced as a "special appearance". The cast list shows Tsuda Minami, her voice actress, so it's not clear yet whether the appearance is voice-only or if she will be making a physical appearance.

Tsuda was quite clueless about what happened in the previous show when she was on the Last Bullet stream, so she likely has to do a fair bit of homework and get caught up.
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Unexpected minori
Kind of surprised there is.no mention of.the upcoming global version of.the mobage in thid thread
Didn't know. I'd play if I had more time, but it's not like the gameplay is something that's actually enjoyable.
It's kind of funny how this series shows these 2 as a real possibility and not in the way other series do with "they satisfy everyone and no one at the same time"

YuYuYu confirmed for the mobage
Why are you posting images from a het work?
I see no men
context, it is a sequel to a het set, with a het theme and implies superiority of het over yuri, in pixiv the author himself says that it is the continuation of the "series" with its OC trap.
Image spammer barely thinks about what he's posting, he'll post covers to rape doujins all the time just cause the two girls are sprawled all over each other and it's tagged yuri on danbooru
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The Flowers got portraits too! Maybe this means they will survive to make it to a sequel or even regain their humanity?
Fumi's feelings for Hibari are explicitly stated as "love" (愛する) in Shinshou so the event will likely have Hibari facing up to that. We shall see tonight.
hang on, I thought fumi was supposed to be for kaede, what happened? I haven't really kept up with this franchise at all.
>hang on, I thought fumi was supposed to be for kaede, what happened? I haven't really kept up with this franchise at all.

never was, Kaeriri has always been the end game for Kaede and it has been hinted at in subtle, almost imperceptible ways.
She's never breaking YuRi, it's over. It never even began.
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Yuyu is something temporary and she is going to end up graduating, meanwhile Kaede will always be by Riri's side.

It's sad that Pixiv ruined the Couple Tag, come on YuRi is perfect.
Fumi has literal hundreds of tweets talking about Hibari and the stuff they do together, the main thing getting in the way of them formalizing an oath sister relationship was how they both felt "I'm not good enough for her because xyz." Hibari has loads of baggage from when Ayako broke up with her and Fumi's self-deprecation is clear as day, so they see the other's qualities while being blind to their own.

Kaede's antagonism towards Hibari is less to do with shipping and more out of wariness that Fumi will leave Hitotsuyanagitai to join Hibari at Sanngrithr, and having a similar role in their respective lineups intensifies that. So when Fumi tells Hibari (after Hibari makes it official) that Kaede was supportive of them, Hibari is obviously surprised to hear it. It played out to me like the scene was hammering another nail into the coffin of those who got the idea from Last Bullet that Kaede/Fumi could be a thing.
>Kaede/Fumi could be a thing.

frankly the couple feels like an excuse or a silly way to remove Kaede (although it's not necessary) not many of the "fans" really seem to be fans of the couple or at least sincerely.
Kaede is the yaya (kinda), every franchise needs one of those, forever alone.
That's just how yuri works.
Kaede has Aoi. The main problem there is finding a new voice/live action actress for Aoi after Hirosawa's retirement, with her and Izawa shipping it. Besides, Sagami haven't been given much focus in recent years so the most one should expect there is a quick throwaway line referencing their relationship, if at all. I guess they'll always have the "prototype" AU/timeline where Aoi was the main character.

blursed: Sayapaca was saying (jokingly) in the Last Bullet broadcast that maybe Kaede and Kureha could pair up because they are both in the "observer" position and Izawa was like "oh now that's something I didn't consider before."
>>Kaede has Aoi.
That's why the Fumi thing feels like an excuse, although it is the normal practice of certain fans of putting together characters out of pure discard.

>>I guess they'll always have the "prototype" AU/timeline where Aoi was the main character.
That sounds like a genuinely interesting concept and especially if "they" want to give Aoi a new actress.
News from Shinshou 2 today:

Last Bullet main story update on 31 May. Ena gets focus (and possibly will finally form a Schutzengel oath with Ichi).

Shiera CV announced: Hayashi Coco. Shiera, Kisara, and Kisara-Ena-Ichi will get voiced stories. Shiera's drops tonight.

Details of the next Odaiba show are also up. Notably, Hoshiki Seena is back as Kurena. Nishida Arie (Tsugumi from Ludojo) replaces Kawauchi Misato who is busy with the Mashle stage production. Saitou Airi (Irma's Yuunagi, LilyPro Asahi) replaces Shiraishi Mayumi (busy with her idol group's event) as Chinami. Tachibana Rii (Otsu no Hana, LilyPro Himari) is the newest actress to play Azusa. Mayumi-sensei is back to terrorize her former students apparently.

For newly appearing characters, we also get a rep from Ambrosia, a powerhouse Garden in west Japan, another magi researcher (suspicious, after what Nadeshiko-sensei's was doing in Shinshou), and probably one of the few decent adults in the setting, Akira-sensei (played by Maikawa Miyako, Nobunaga in Calling Soul).

While the LG Nijigasaki jokes were still fresh, Suzuki Aina was announced as the voice actress for Okada Kisara in Last Bullet. At this rate I wouldn't be (very) surprised if they get at least one member from each generation of Love Live into the cast list.

Personally I expected Kisara to sound older but I suppose the voice Suzuki used is more appropriate for a 17-year-old.

Fumi is livetweeting the Shinshou 2 archive. Moyu has officially joined Sanngrthr, this tweet is making waves because people were assuming Misaka's "all 13 of us" line was referring to Moyu joining temporarily as backup rather than becoming a formal member. Some time back Fumi also mentioned that Moyu's decision on which legion to join would be a big deal no matter where she decides on.

As one of the QRTs points out, this also means Moyu/Miliam and Hibari/Fumi makes two Schutzengel pairs between Sanngrthr and Hitotsuyanagitai.
So I started to play this now, help me understand a few things.
I chose Hitotsuyanagi-tai and Kaede to start off, and now I've gotten a few other characters, two different types of Riri, Fumi, and somebody else. I think they were "training outfits" or something like that, but are those actual characters?
I've been using them as support lilies for Kaede, but should I switch them to main and level them up as well, or just continue leveling Kaede?
I suppose you're playing the "W" version of Last Bullet.

At this point you should start by understanding team comps and unit building.
- Each unit will have 2 frontliners and 2 backliners. The frontline will do damage (physical/special, single target or multiple targets) and the backline supports the frontline with buffs/debuffs and healing. The icon next to each character's portrait shows which memoria type they are more effective with; a physical attacker does more damage with physical attack memoria than special attack memoria for example.
- Frontline units cannot use support memoria and backline units cannot use attacking memoria. This will change with the "memoria awakening" feature in a later update that allows for attacking memoria to be equipped by support characters and have support skills, and vice versa for support memoria.
- You can have multiples of the same character in one unit, as long as they are within the number of available slots for each role, eg. 1 Ena and 1 Chikaru as attackers and 2 Chikarus as support.
- Leveling all the Lilies on your roster gives you stat boosts across the board whether or not you have them in an active unit. You will easily accumulate many LP cards so just use them as you get them.
- Your damage dealt and received in battle is largely based on the stats of your memoria and strength of the buffs/debuffs in place. Hitting enemies with advantageous memoria gives more damage. Eventually when you get more memoria it is best to have one unit for each element so that you gain more effectiveness by fighting on-element against bosses and mobs.
- You can level up memoria skills by feeding them items or low-rarity memoria that you get extras of. But when at an early stage like this, try to limit break all the lower rarity memoria you have because you are not likely to have enough high rarity memoria that can outperform them. Note: there is no benefit to having extras of the same memoria after you fully limit break it.
How do I redeem LP cards?
Inventory > Lily > select the card, "Use"

I'm referring to the JP interface but it shouldn't be too different in another language. You will end up with an excess of LP even without using the cards, I hit the cap all the time despite using the max level up option whenever I have new additions to the roster.
Any point in saving guaranteed gacha tickets or should I just use em as I get them?
I'm guessing you can't use them in event gachas.
i want to enjoy the game but i'm getting so many connection errors but maybe it's just my trash net
I don't have connection errors but sometimes I have to re-load a battle because my lilies don't attack.
That happens to me like 1 in every 4 battles and it's so annoying.
>This smell...
>Ara, Tatsuki, good day

>...You know me so well
>Yeah, good day

>It's a given, isn't it? It's a given.
Can support lilies use their rare skills? I've reached the point where I have a few lilies for each different role, trying to figure out the best combinations.
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Took them (mostly Ena) long enough.

I liked the callback to the start of the story about Kisara's warm shoulders when she was happy to have one more person in on her secret. It's clear that she does love Ena a lot, but she probably didn't exist as part of Eva's storyline back when ARMS was written so it makes her look like a deadbeat sister in hindsight because it makes little sense for Kisara to not be involved in that mess. Ichi's lines here show that all the Alfheim related events in ARMS are still treated as canon too.

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