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Let's recall what got into yuri in the first place
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It's funny how iconic the Utena sword pull has become to the point where you can find fanart of so many modern yuri couples doing it
Our cruel, empty reality.

The universe where God exists and she hand curates every perfect couple.
I know, I know.

Funnily enough, I despise this show. Not enough to stop looking up fanfiction of these two, so joke's on me, I guess.
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>/m/ + /u/ + lovecraft

Can't believe its that old already
I finally watched Utena thanks to Utena gundam giving me the motivation.
Any fan of meg suigintou here?
Childhood is rooting for Tamao. Adulthood is when you realize that Shizuma is right.
Thank God the Utena rape isn't as iconic.
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Excel Saga. 2004. That was the beginning of me becoming a Yuri fan.

I was 14 then and 33 now. So next year is the 20th anniversary of being into Yuri.
I now realise i've been a Yuri for most of my life.
But is Excel Saga even yuri?
It has a yuri-centric episode, but not much else.
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It was Excel Saga for me, too. My sister got me into anime and that and Azumanga Daioh were the only non-yaoi things she ever brought into the house.
>first series is a generic shotanigger harem anime with some yuri sprinkled
>sequel is full yuri starring the granddaughter of the shota now with her own harem of sexbots
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The one-two punch of Noir and the ROD OVA.

They may not have been what got me into yuri, but I do think Excel Saga and Puni Puni Poemy had long-lasting effects on my sense of humour.
I wish there was more of Amuria in Simoun. Waste of an alpha lesbian with good character design just to be vaporized/vanished
Wait for Simoun: The Return in 2031
Juri deserved so much better.
>Chromatic aberration effect
Seriously. Kinda the matron saint of unrequited love lesbians.
>watched Utena 18 years ago

I seriously can’t tell you what even happened with the Juri subplot

Or worse, the Black Rose arc of the bitch she loved
Ikuhara confirmed that her love wasn’t’t actually unrequited.
I kind of thought this was obvious in the anime. Shiori i's just a shitty person who wants everything from Juri. She only went after the dude because she thought Juri wanted him.
She knew she was in Juri's locket without even opening it.
Sei is like the lesbian apex predator. Her name kanji should have been 性
Is Marimite actually worth watching?
I watched the first season and it was quite alright. Dunno if later seasons are better, but this one felt gayer than the average SOL shows that air these days, it's almost maintext yuri but replacing "girlfriend" with "sister".
Oh. I never saw that. Then what was Juri's whole thing about then?
Shiori was a psycho bitch and Juri had the misfortune of falling for her.
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A random moment in Utena that for some reason has lived rent free in my head for years is this bit in ep7 when Juri leans in seemingly to kiss Utena and she just mutters 'Senpai...' in this intrigued breathy voice
Somehow her delivery of that single word conveys 'Wow I really wasn't expecting this and I didn't know you were into this sort of thing, but if you're down for it I'm not opposed'
Power couple material
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it's not really all that old but konakaga was my first ship
I mean it's as retro as Sailor Moon was in the 2010s.
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not sure if it's considered "old" and it's not exactly a "yuri show" but konosetsu were the ones that got me into yuri
Man, I've been reading up all the translated articles on Utena. It's pretty interesting that people are still translating stuff about a 90s anime show.
It's just plainly a good show (until you get to the last arc).
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.hack/Sign was kino and really underrated. It sucks that there's not much art of Tsukasa and Subaru in the real world
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This goof ball
Agreed. I only just watched Sign for the first time recently and thought it was pretty great in a lot of ways. Would've been nice to see more of the real life Tsukasa and Subaru. I imagine there probably would've been more if it wasn't so old- and if they're designs weren't so (appropriately) plain.
>hetshit Utena
They're the movie version which is yuri
Help me sisters, I vaguely remember an old anime with a female pirate main character and I'm pretty sure some of the girls were explicitely in love with her. I don't think anyone ended up getting together, but the anime was really gay. I think it must have been from the early 2000s.
Oh also I think it was sci-fi. They at least used some modern looking guns.
Mouretsu Pirates?
Ohhh, that loooks a lot like what I remember. I'll check it out. Thanks!
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Juri deserves better
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Oh, me too! I might have realized I'm a lesbian just because Kaorin reminded me too much of myself
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Anyone here heard of Eternal Filena?
I played the snes rpg, gameplay was not bad for the era. Enjoyed it overall.
A solid yuri pairing. Negima is a cursed IP.

1.) two bad anime adaptations
2.) manga had a terrible ending
3.) UQ Holder sucked
4.) UQ Holder anime was even worse.
OH, but anon, don't forget about the fucking awful ass movie that was literally just the girls chasing Negi around for 90 minutes.

Ken Akamatsu deserves the wall
Like the OVAs that came out just before the movie were the only good adaptation that Negmia ever got
That one yurihime red riding hood oneshot translated by Lililicious
Nirvana is when Shizuma, Nagisa and Tamao are fucking each other.
They both share so much in common, like having fucked the same dude.
Mouretsu Pirates? Two of the girls ended up married together.
Got into yuri by watching Kannazuki no Miko, Strawberry Panic and Revolutionary Girl Utena. Loved Kannazuki no Miko and Strawberry Panic, but I am still confused about the ending of Utena? If someone could explain to me, that would be great
Utena escaped from the confines of Akio's world, the school, by having an epiphany, that she doesn't need to be a prince or a princess and that she would rather cause a revolution.
The whole plot is themed around Gnostic cosmology: Akio is the Demiurge, the school is the physical world, and Utena is Gnostic Jesus. As Anthy explains, her escape looks like death to someone as Akio who cannot conceive of a world beyond the school.
Throughout the series, it's subtly hinted that the students are trapped in some sort of time loop and can never graduate (much like the Demiurge keeps souls confined in the material world), and Utena's sacrifice caused a small revolution inside each character which will eventually allow them to escape (representing them escaping their eternal adolescence and finally becoming adults).
Is that the same Himeko from Kannazuki no Miko thats in Kyōshirō to Towa no Sora? Or is it there new lives?
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Strangely I don't see 異性愛アニメ anywhere in that list
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I wish someone would translate the Strawberry Panic game.
Iconic and it's what got me into /u/ri as well.
All of the Bee Train stuff was great
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Real late reply here but yes, I love these two.
Yes! Learned about it from a friend. I actually have the whole light novel series I have wanted to get translated for ages now.
Re: Cutie Honey is one of those anime that I always come back to, it's so damn good. Best iteration of Cutie Honey for sure.
It's an alternative universe. Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora is like Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. It's a crossover between Kaishaku's works reimagined. Himeko and Chikane are a side couple, the main couple is het I still like it
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It's very rare to find fanworks that acknoledge Seiya is a girl. The vast majority of fanarts, fics, etc. portray Seiya is her male form despite it's just a disguise. Yumes are homophobes, more news at 11
Should've been endgame
Shizuma vs Tamao is the Asuka vs Rei of yuri. It's been almost 20 years and people are still debating
That's what bad writing does sometimes. Some like the results, so they are fine with it, but the bad writing doesn't sell it to those that were preferring the other.

Good writing makes sure that the end result feels natural. It's fairly common in yuri works though. Protagonist has a good and comfy relationship with a close girl, likely for a long time, but has this crush on a character that's often not even very important for the story at first and distant, but "beautiful" or "elite" or whatever. Shoujo trope. Simple as that.
Just that in shoujo the close girl is never possible competition, while in yuri it sure as fuck is.
Back then yuri was still shoujo-lite so it followed its conventions. Tamao is the nice guy and Shizuma is the rapechad.
Utena is absolutely a show which would not be possible to make today.
I don't ship it but I can see the appeal, especially in the Negishi continuity where Ryoko and Ayeka were rivals long before meeting Tenchi. And there's the Tenchi Universe episode where they kiss
Juri can fix her
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As good of a couple as Rei and Nanako are, I honestly feel like Nanako and Mariko would be an ideal paring.
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I feel sometimes you can have a good friend that has different expectations from the relationship than you do. Tamao might have had a crush on her, but she wasn't even aware because Tamao felt like a sister or best friend, a very intimate type of relationship, but not necessarily a romantic relationship. At least at the end she was mature enough to see you can't force feelings and didn't completely ruin the friendship.
But sometimes there are times you just meet someone and immediately there is this intense vibe that is just irresistible, even if you try to be sensible and reasonable. Shizuma was just a teenage girl dealing with grief, that didn't feel like dealing with anyone else on top of it all, but life goes on, and there's a point when you get a to that magical moment, and somehow now it seems possible to move on.
Nagisa, she was just painfully naive... but it was meeting Shizuma that made her start to grow up and explore a more adult side of herself. While dealing with Tamao was a lesson on how hurtful adult relationships can be.
As someone that has, at different points, been in every position of this type of triangle; Shizuma seems like the most realistic end game.
That being said it is not the best written story for sure, but the Yaya thing was worse imo.
I thought this was where the series was going the first time I watched it and was disappointed when it took another direction
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Speaking of bee train, was el cazador actually a romantic relationship? Any romantic feelings seemed one sided on Ellis' part. Also, how old WAS Ellis anyway?
>was el cazador actually a romantic relationship?
I don't know why I like Haruka and Yukino (I suspect it's a Peppermint Patty & Marcie scenario all over again), but I just do.
>was el cazador actually a romantic relationship?
Im inclined to agree. I think theres no doubt they love each other, but its not necessarily romantic in nature. At least not on Nadie's end. Thats how I tend to see it but I cant tell if that was the intended interpretation or not
In the epilogue, Nadie recommended Ellie to get a boyfriend. Just saiyan
True, it was about marrying the sheriff, though it seemed like they were joking around
Is Simoun worth watching? Doesn't it end up having het and yaoi in the end? Its one of the big older titles I still haven't watched because of that.
It's literally none of that. There are two het characters out of 12 who are het the whole way through so it's not a surprise. There is a single quick kiss between two male characters.
Meant for

BTW it's literally my favorite yuri anime. It's definitely a non-conventional anime, but the main theme is just the typical Japanese refusal to grow up and do what society tells you to do.

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