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/u/ - Yuri

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kicking off with the Chibi Tales Valentine's Day special featuring Lumity
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I have a friend who's watching the owl house now, which prompted me to rewatch the hooty's door episode today.... as sweet and pink and cute as a thousand valentines candies and popping cupids melted into a shiny beribboned heart
I miss Owl House so much. I need another western cartoon that is explicitly gay
Rugrats 2024 jumpscare
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I got filtered by the retarded men. Especially that one fucking annoying sailor guy.
Do I have to know anything about Helluva Boss to watch this?
If you can't stand retarded men you're not going to be able to stomach Vivziepop properties
Helluva Boss is completely separate despite nominally taking place in the same world.
>look up source
>it's futa
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It's the first page of a futa comic.
Don't look at the leftmost foot.
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>got filtered by the retarded men. Especially that one fucking annoying sailor guy.
>feminazi mindset
You sound like a real fun person...
You don't need to be a feminazi to find that guy annoying. He's an obnoxious faggot through and through.
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>defending shitty guys
God, you're in the wrong board.
"Smith" will suffice.
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my ongezellig autism becoming too strong, I must attempt to draw zelligcest
So I finally watched Legend of Korra and I feel like someone pranked me. Korra and Asami barely even interact the entire series and Asami has practically no dialogue or arc, she's just a bland cardboard background character. Even actual side characters like Lin got way better treatment. Why was korrasami ever a big deal? Tyzula is a hundred times more compelling than this and that wasn't even remotely canon.
It was a big deal at the time because it was the first case of western cartoon MC being a dyke (even if the confirmation technically only came after the show ended with the comics).
You should have asked here beforehand to know that Korra isn't worth it, for the yuri or otherwise.
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This >>4156116 Korrasami wasn't actually good. It's extremely bland and the romantic development is near non-existent, a couple of scenes in the last season. It's just that prior to it happening, cartoon gays were effectively non-existent (and even live action ones were still pretty rare in terms of developing a relationship on screen rather than just being the token gay character) , so a high profile show actually confirming a big /u/ ship was a huge deal.

Afterwards there was so much pushback from opponents (as in the anti-/u/ sort), descended from a long-running ship war between the het and yuri shippers in the fandom that some pro-/u/ people felt the need to really dig in their heels and insist that it was the greatest thing ever, and so the actual content gets completely blown out of proportion. That's how people like you get misled, it gets misrepresented as an amazing ship and it's nearly taboo to point out the many failings.
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The comics would give you more, but pretty much the majority of Korra and Asami's interactions that lead into anything romantic happens either offscreen or in the final minutes of the episode.
>I feel like someone pranked me. Korra and Asami barely even interact the entire series and Asami has practically no dialogue or arc, she's just a bland cardboard background character. Even actual side characters like Lin got way better treatment.
>Korrasami wasn't actually good. It's extremely bland and the romantic development is near non-existent
>some pro-/u/ people felt the need to really dig in their heels and insist that it was the greatest thing ever, and so the actual content gets completely blown out of proportion.
>That's how people like you get misled, it gets misrepresented as an amazing ship and it's nearly taboo to point out the many failings.
It's the exact same story with gwitch, too. Better stick to fanfics.
I hope that you learned the lesson: If you're interested in a mainstream show because of a yuri couple, ALWAYS ask if it is worth it "for the yuri"
This is no diss, everyone here learned this lesson at some point
>Korra isn't worth it, for the yuri or otherwise
>or otherwise
Okay, that last part is just plainly untrue.
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I think Korra is genuinely enjoyable if you like watching political conflict and clashes, along with big action stuff. It's messy and sorta all over the place at some points, but seasons 3 and 4 genuinely save it for me. Season 1 is acceptable and the only real season I really thought was a problem was season 2.
I like that Korra acknowledges the postwar world that Team Avatar built was shaky and precarious and that Korra needs to deal with those issues as well as a rapidly changing world due to industrialization and the rise of political ideology. With better execution, it probably would've been better remembered regardless of the Korrasami ending.
>the rise of political ideology
As opposed to ATLA that didn't deal with political ideologies?
The rise of post-industrial ideology compared to ATLA’s existing pre-industrial ideology. The rise of these new political philosophies were direct responses to dramatic changes in thousand year old social orders. Republic City is formed in direct defiance of Aang’s ideas of balance between the nations, and it’s existence is a direct reason Equalism and Earth Kingdom Nationalism take hold as legitimate political ideologies. The industrial revolution and the formation of a shaky postwar order is the key difference here.
There's literally no difference between "post-industial" ideologies and "pre-industrial" ones. It's literally the same ideologies just with shinier tools.
The lesbian relationship in that is actually part of the story and very much exists throughout it.
I wish. Well, jokes on me for letting some shitposting trolls on /u/ meme me into watching yet another non-/u/ garbage, again.
So you haven't actually watched it then.
>memed into watching it
>"so you haven't actually watched it"
Don't reply to me again until you learn to read, retard.
>make claim that gwitch isn't a /u/ show where the relationship is part of a story and exists throughout the entire thing
>meanwhile in reality, the first fucking episode ends with the two MCs engaged
The only way you could have watched the first episode, much less the entire series, and come to your opinion is if you are literally retarded.
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Don't bother, it's a troll who's constantly shitposting in the general about Gundam not being yuri. I guess he jumped at the chance to bait a thread unfamiliar with his tactics.
>don't bother, it's le boogieman/same person who disagrees with me, you can recognize "him" by his tactics of posting opinions I don't like about a show I like
I didn't know ACK had an offspring.
>lots of dykes watch het porn, especially if the focus is on the chick getting plowed.
>just as a lot of her guys watch yuri, lots of dykes watch het porn
First, you're wrong, like completely.

Second, from a rhetorical point your analogy is garbage. It should've either been "just as het guys watch gay male porn..." or "just as gay guys watch straight porn...". But once again, the whole thing is false.
If nothing else, Korrasami absolutely broke /co/ beyond repair.
>broke /co/ beyond repair.
What doesn't.
For now, anyway. But Charlie has one of the other sins in her contact list
They confirmed the two series will never cross paths due to different production and writing teams.
Helluva Boss is all yaoi with a tiny bit of het thrown in, anyway. There's no reason to hope it crosses over with Hazbin Hotel.
Odd thing to say given that Hazbin is already like 60% yaoi.
You're implying that I think the yaoi in Hazbin Hotel is a good thing. Although it definitely is less disgusting than anything in Helluva Boss season 2. Was there a single person on the planet who was asking for a storyline about Krusty the Clown being sodomized by a lust demon?
lol just watch princess prom and The Promise from S1 of Shera and skip to somewhere in S2. You can go back and watch other episodes if you get hooked or want to see more Shadow weaver. Most of S1 is episodic, and more kiddy
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Why did the legs being wrapped around make people go insane?
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Bottom right and top left are my favorites.
the passionate kiss and the flirtatious look complimented it well, so all of it together was great for pretty much everyone except straight women who complained.
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Kaisa/Jo is underrated. I love the dynamic of a single mom regaining her joie de vivre from a 20-something alt-girl
Yeah I don't think they met in the show but it would've been nice if they did
People only like them because they're both hot and because of the concept. Because obviously, it's not for anything else.
Preach. I honestly don't really disagree with those guys. The ship really does suck and took up time.
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Korrasami is very much a victim of a being in a generally weak sequel to a very good show in an era and under a network that wasn't very conductive to an explicit f/f romance in a show that's supposedly for children but in reality was for the older teens/young adults who had already watched AtLA. It's not a particular good or well built ship, and I wouldn't really strongly recommend watching LoK at all and not at all for the ship. However I would say that the critics of the whole thing tend to overblow the issues regardless of where they stand on /u/ content.

Both S3 and S4 did work to build it up. It's harder to see if you've not seen AtLA but the show does make some parallels between Korra/Asami, Katara/Aang, and Zaheer/P'li as a very notable breadcrumb between all the general strengthen of the relationship in various scenes of S3. S4 would have been better if confirmation had been explicit in the show itself but it still laid clues enough to set it up

At best, the ship is interesting in a historical sense and has enough popularity that math means that you can rely on fanworks to find what canon flubbed as there's enough content to ensure there'll be something you'd find good.
Why are TOK haters always, without exception, so retarded, sisters?
I think you summed it up pretty well. It wouldn't be wrong to say that without Korrasami, as 'weak' as it was, we wouldn't have shows like She-Ra, Owl House and Adventure Time with explicit /u/ in it. Opened the floodgates so to speak.
Because they live in an ecosystem that prioritizes anger over joy.

Like, a normal person who doesn't like Korra would just move on with their lives sometime within the last 9 fuckin' years and found something to enjoy instead.
Eh, maybe. Some other show probably would have taken the plunge anyways. Might push some shows back though and shift the landscape of the western animation scene to not have LoK end as it did but I don't think it was some critical event only it could have pulled off.

I don't got timelines sorted in my head properly enough to make a good guess for who would have taken the crown though.
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your argument doesn't quite hold water, when you remember fans of the show still exist, and they keep posting stuff about it. Thus it will always be in front of the haters too

my memory is not the best either, but from what I remember the second one to show onscreen lesbian confirmation was the horse show after that I think came Adventure Time or another show and then AT
p.s.: I only count mainstream shows
Maybe. But can we be sure that plunge would have looked any different from Korra? That's more the point I'm trying to make. The first step would always have been a bit half-baked, I think. Maybe if we had some show do it before Korra, then Korrasami might have looked differently.
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These 2 are quite a cute pairing, don't you agreed?
>they keep posting stuff about it. Thus it will always be in front of the haters too
>I deliberately entered a thread full of things that I do not like and now I am mad. How could this be happening to me?
>a thread full of things that I do not like
Pretty poor argument, this isn't a korrasami thread, it's the western general.
You're most likely right, but I wouldn't count the creatives behind animated shows in general out. There are ways to play the suits and the censors along with clout and connections that can be played by the showrunners with the careers and status to pull on those things. If memory serves, even Bryke pulled this sort of shit off with the beach episode to get the outfits worn by using a more risque first design as bait. Though it would be harder to pull such schenagains off with a relationship.
>These 2 are quite a cute pairing, don't you agreed?

Disney really nuked themselves with doing what they did to Owl House
There needs to be more of them together
That's a common technique in the media industry. Censorship organization are too trigger happy, they feel the need to be validated and thus will censor things even when there is nothing to censor.
A lot of creators noticed this and thus started to make things more adult than intended. For example, many adult comedy shows throw in more swear words, so that a few of them will get through.
It's an anti-censorship weapon, not a "we want to show underage girls in tiny bikinis" weapon

also, how the hell can you call something like that creepy, when you're on 4chan of all places?
>It's an anti-censorship weapon, not a "we want to show underage girls in tiny bikinis" weapon

If you seriously believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you
Fuck off, faggot.
The final product was a perfectly reasonable getup for the girls given their nationalities and where they were. Getting that by baiting the censors is pretty standard anti-censor fuckery.
What are chances Inside Out 2 will be gay?
Quite good. I’m happy for it but there’s no way I’ll be watching. Having to sit through 2 hours of reliving my middle school years, pass.
Well /co/ seems to already be having a meltdown about it.
who cares
Would be neat for Riley to be gay with one of the other girls. However, not that excited about the actual film. Sounds like a retread of the first movie. Emotions can't get along with other emotions. Learn that they can work together. Riley is emotionally stable once again.
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It seems they have an age gap so I'm looking forward to all the lewd art and fanfics.
It's a good indication, because even they are immediately worried about the very real possibility of it going gay.
Also introducing new emotions which contradicts what was established in the first movie. Inside out was the last truly good Pixar movie, and this feels like a nostalgiagrab out of desperation.
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It's starting already
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Julia Vickerman walked so Inside Out 2 could fly
The idea is probably for them going 'puberty makes everyone a little crazy' angle and those new emotions are temporary. Case in point being that Riley's mom only has the standard five and she's well out of puberty.
They gave off really gay vibes.
I'm not looking forward to it because I don't think Disney will give us the Owl House of movies.
This was a fantastic show, I really wish they gave it a chance for season 2.
Valentina and Riley could be the Lumity of Pixar.
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fumbled ship
Any guides or lists for yuri comics?
I want to like this but the nips ruin it
What does that mean?
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how dense are you?
It means the nipples look really ugly and distracting but otherwise it's a good drawing
Oh I thought you were talking about the japanese
I was going to post how the anon must be extremely racist towards Japanese, thinking about them all the time and unable to enjoy anything because of that. Then I decided the joke was too stupid even for this site.
>I was going to post how the anon must be extremely racist towards Japanese, thinking about them all the time and unable to enjoy anything because of that.
In other words, you thought they were doing what you are doing. You and that other anon were thinking about japanese and can't enjoy reading through an image board without looking for racist things to complain about
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I like that pairing but I was gonna say, what on earth would possess someone to draw breasts like that?
It's hot.
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Read DC’s Bombshells
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Have there been any good fics written for this pairing yet? The offerings were truly abominable last time I checked.
It's currently around the 12th most popular yuri pairing of all time on AO3 so I don't know how much more of a selection you could get
I read a couple of Wed/Snood...they basically are 99% setting with forced drama and 1% them being cute together...
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That looks extremely painful.
So what's up with Jubilee and female goth Wolverine?
Elaborate with pictures
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Post some Kigo, anons.
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For the anniversary of TOH's finale, Dana gave us this (alongside some titan Luz drawings)

Tousled hair, slicking sweat, hand running through messy hair, bangs smushing together, Luz's hand around Amity's waist. Thank you Dana for using Grudgy to show us this lol
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I j'adore this amiage
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Seeing Chloe with long, undyed hair has unlocked whatever the opposite of a moral degeneration kink is within me.

Quick, someone, put her in a dress and heels!
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Based off this animation
Purification is what you're looking for.
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Ah, so he completed it. I'm glad I was one of those who complained. I wish there was some sort of punchline though
I wish there were more shipping fanart between these two desu.
Would Barbara even feel anything?
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The ship is so good that even the cast shipped it
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Their wedding will generate much seethe
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Cute meme https://twitter.com/RindessG/status/1788695308530077715
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>Cute meme
I hate it
the umbrella date meme or the "she wants to order" one is much better
I like these two
Don't worry, I'm sticking by "no NSFW" Undertale/Sonic thread standards
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too big https://www.deviantart.com/praquina/art/Loona-X-Bee-1012062510
also too big https://www.deviantart.com/mthsmelo/art/Loona-and-Queen-Bee-969363744
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you're way overdoing it, no furry means no furry.
wrong, the rule is no furry porn. if it's not nsfw it's fine
Yeah I welcome Hazbin/Helluva yuri in general.
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that's a strong-ass chin

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