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This is the place for all sorts of discussion about OpenMystery. Post screenshots, discuss the story, simp your favourite witchfus!



>What is OpenMystery?
OpenMystery is the open-source PC port of H*gwarts M*stery, made in Unity.
It runs similarly to an emulator, and is developed using top-down reverse-engineering methods.
This gives it the advantage of being able to remove all the annoying mobile mechanics from the game since we have complete control of the engine.
It's also able to play new content whenever the base game updates.

>Where can I get OpenMystery?
Here's everything you need to setup and run the game.

>What can OpenMystery play?
OpenMystery is capable of playing the main quest, tlsqs, sqs, quidditch, creature quests, dates and more.

>Is OpenMystery complete?
OpenMystery is constantly updating, with assortments of bug fixes and improvements.
While a bug-free experience isn't guaranteed, you should be able to have fun with it.
Please report any bugs you encounter.

>Is OpenMystery moddable?
Yes, the game supports mods. This is the link to the modding guide.
Here's the link to the moddb page

>Snydebooru - Merula fanart & OpenMystery art-related

>Fanfiction and greentexts
https://imgur.com/a/FIEbRyy (currently broken)
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Previous Thread >>476287465

>HPHM Blender Models

>Other related games
>HPHM Visual Novel
>Unity game
>"A Very Meru Christmas"
>Pokemeru mod (download pokeabby in f95)
>ClumsyDrawfags' "An interaction with Merula VN"

>Our boys, Bep and Love5tar
dirty bastard MC
There's no fat body for MC so no he cannot be be dirty bastard
Nice OP pic
you are gonna make JC aware of it and they are gonna start working on different body types, and we all know they will absolutely fuck it up
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Nice thread
maybe it leads to better models
i want you to read what you just posted outloud
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More customisation is always good
oh yeah, i agree, but JC is NOT gonna be able to pull off different body shapes, they couldnt even bother to make new bodies for the adult characters, they are just stretched kid models
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>Reluctant house service edition
hey I got something related here
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the tuft is alive
A bit out of season isn't it?
cute and comfy is never out of season anon
cutest maid at Hogwarts
It hides when it senses danger
why is she so happy?
ye but i would not be drinking hot cocoa during summer
Someone drowned in the lake again.
She finally infiltrated the boy's bathroom
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I believe the squid actually prevents that from happening
Not when Ismy is around.
anal with penny
Brain damage
nah u r
Why are you so haram?
>infront of all the people
the first one, please
well, i wasnt expecting that to be deleted...
It was that haram.
or some mod is an actual muslim, either way, kek
the duality of /OMG/
classic Ismelda, knowing her, both events are probably related
cute feet
what was it?
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fat penny
She just has some food on her cheeks like a squirrel
Passing by bump
Thank you
Just a request for AI anon involving Badeea
arch.b4k.co is your friend
That never loads for me
I think it was a Badeea footjob request for AIanon
So regular penny then
Brain damage
No no, he might be onto something
Wand light sand
What is this code?
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board is moving a bit fatser than usual today..
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Weird mugshot
Oh I thought it was a picture
yeah, thats the weird thing about it, it was just the request, not a picture
more like smugshot
Too many news in the gaming world
Sometimes jannies nuke requests but most of the times they let it slide
Was going to write something about a wand lightsaber but I feel sleep before I could fix it.
>fell asleep mid-post
happens more often than you think
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the rare sith that becomes a light side sith
well, this place looks somewhat promising
gonna need a new OM update soon
what new creatures will they add?
More water type Pokemon, like the squid, somehow
Merula forma ballena
more like forma puta
again with the puta, witches are pure unless under the influence of the imperius curse
is that merula's new excuse now?
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I bet she was under the imperius curse this time
Pennyfag have some self respect
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>even the AI knows how important the boots are
We may have gone a little too far in places...
>stealing Skye's shoes
wow, rude
Its done with love
wish style
thats Tonks
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how does the sketch look better than the final product.
literal soul vs soulless
The last supper, merula is judas
Because it's drawn.
Does anyone even play OM anymore.
This fag is still alive!
Well JC has been floundering around a lot lately.
It seems to be done by two different people
I do, I use it to see dialogue I couldn't get thanks to my low stats and to watch animations
you bet i do, i still gotta do a whole new run from scratch to see how the story holds up in a single run...gonna need some extra time for that
lmao samefagging
I use it, to replay the good ol times
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Cute Disney princess
>that andre
sketch version is a huge improvement over the 3D version

it should've been birdboy but i guess he doesn't hang out with people like that
Forced to fuck that pigeon for a week
of that were the case, would Merula be even there? she becomes friendlier in the later years but she still isnt a social butterfly
Free butterbeer and she'll do it for MC
that...yeah, that checks out
>Free butter, beer
why is Merula so high? whta did she smoke?
motorboarding skye
From Tonks personal snatch
Now that's a prank.
Wouldn't be getting much out of that
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kek, i remember this one
Yeah, what is there to motorboat anyway, she’ll get mad for tourist
Checked btw
>mad for tourist
I hate phone autocorrect some times...
I meant >sure
Zombi times because morning
Actually, this made me think
Do they have zombies in Harry Potter? And i mean regular zombies, not those infery or enchanted corpses/skeletons
Good morning /omg/
I don't think so, pretty sure wizards would be able to destroy any regular zombie with ease
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sounds like they would be just another pest, like gnomes or pixies
lovely smile
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dont ever post again
shoot your computer
This but also for >>478064392
Sucky sucky
being afraid all the time? uh, no sweety
But that's hot
Bimbo Ben told me about a hole in one of the prefect bathroom stalls
w-who is in the other side of the hole? it better not be Ben himself...
What outfit should AI anon put Merula in next
Ismelda is a lucky girl
Can someone please explain the Ben x Ismelda ship? I'm surprised by its popularity.
wedding dress
I'm one of the 3 AI anons, if you find interesting clothing on civitai for sd1.5 I'll deliver.
He said motorBOARD.
Bulma's desert outfit
just like Chiara and Jae, some animator put them in the background together
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you can now buy Skye's real hair
But can we make Skye wear it?
Why is it orange?
Cousins confirmed!!
Would be based and make me buy one of those overpriced prices
Overpriced bundles* my brain when full Barnaby
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that he did...and thats why you dont browse 4chan at 4am
smug cat
I recognize that style...Doug?
need more merula in fishnets
Hell no, my character is redhead
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Giving witches autism by forcefully vaccinated them
redheads don't exist
Merula ain't real
every weasley disagrees with you
Merula is a redhead, her whole brown hair is fake, she is a day walker
fake news
Redheads aren't gingers, you idiots.
slander! slander i say!
where tuft
Cute anyway
An asshole friend use to tell me when we were kids than drinking white vinegar would make me stronger,I did it for almost 2 weeks
Dumbest post I've read today
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and hot!
Was she cought masturbating?
Not really, there's something about Ismelda that makes me not horny
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Cute naga
And then Merula shows with mc
every time Bea deals with death.
It seems like she's trying to create a shock effect by emphasizing lucky days.
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1 post every hour
Bea is a murderer?
bea and penny with that
its an acquired taste
incest is illegal in the wizard UK
More like acquired disease
aren't sisters allowed to kiss anymore?
its only illegal if you get caught
There is literally no discussion here just meaningless posts to keep bumping the thread
thanks for your contribution
cry about it faggot
Still better than roleplaying
i´ll take a slow and comfy thread over cringe roleplay any day
no fighting fellas this nice board
Give me doodle ideas
we have done much with the main characters, give me something with her >>478132018
probably training, like doing pull ups with her broom
Merula in construction
he meant this general, not the whole board, only a handfull of generals are decent
Getting build up or working construction
this is not a nice general
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Tired of everybody's shit
Fuck you puta
Beatrice and Penney kissing over even more
Bea and Ismy*
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peni as a nun
seriously, who the fuck is this gacha whore?
stop it
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>"your witch is loading, please wait..."
Better to accept it and move on
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since its a house service edition thread, I'll make every witch there's a lora of a maid, propose related ideas if you will
>all of them bending over while cleaning your room
>miniskirt modeling
>riding their brooms in a pose similar to those paintings they used in ww2 planes
merula holding a tray with drinks with one hand and the other trying to pull down the short skirt while giving you a mean look
>When you tell her spinning will increase her magic level
Chiara dispensing milk and cream for your tea if you know what I mean
believe me, I know what you mean, but there's no Chiara lora yet
I thought there was? Guess it was just that one guy.
The Chiara AI works I've seen are from Bing AI generator I'm sure.
>lactating witches
what the hell, why was my reply deleted?
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I see it now, it was false reported, you fucker. Still, the message remains the same, for those who gave me suggestions, give me time, and if there's a badeea request, I can't take it as of now, as I'm still in sd1.5
whats with the random autistic weeb?
merula wearing pink bunny slippers
Because it was trash.
you must be 18 or more to post
just the resident troll
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1 post deleted and you guys chimp out
>asking questions
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finally a good shirt
You'll probably drown in it.
Fuck yeah
I think someone has it out for Badeea
The other deleted post also mentioned her
Plus an AI Badeea pic that got posted was deleted
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Don't they know this will only encourage her? She must haram!
hit ismelda with stupify and nothing happens kek
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Kinda like this?
nnngh! yes! she is my favorite and hottest background NPC
we need a name for her tho...
Despite it's name Stupify doesn't make the target dumb
please make sweaty variations, maybe an underwear and sport clothing too
This but without sweat
deh to the most deh general
Waking up next to your witchfu
Now that would be a dream
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Only if she isn't a restless sleeper
I would take that if it means sleeping together
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andre made the transition
What the fuck
>Shaved head
>Strong women
Woah very original character JC
Bimbo Ben looks better
it's because normal ben already looks very slutty
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yeah, fuck ben, literally
is not gay if he's dressed as a girl
We know, Ismelda.
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this but penny
fits more for a casual Bea i´ll say
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She would never show her tummy like that
pretty sure she already did
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I still want to know if that cauldron is eatable
Do all prime ministers get told that magic is real? What if one goes rogue and spills the beans
>Do all prime ministers get told that magic is real?

>What if one goes rogue and spills the beans
mass obliviations
just don't overthink it
every problem in harry potter can instantly be solved by magic if jk writes herself into a corner
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they are if your jaw is storng enough
based awoo
True that's why her other books didn't did well because there she couldn't fix every mistake with magic
I doubt the ministry has the manpower to erase the memory off the whole of the UK
>her other books
she has other books?
>I doubt the ministry has the manpower to erase the memory off the whole of the UK
They will use some shit like in the fantastic beast movie
What did they used there? Haven't seen those films
Post Merula greentexts
would lick clean
>Fuck you puta
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Like this?
I hate her, she's the worst! The way she treated Muck, disgusted me
Kinda messed up the perspective on merula herself but dizzy and muck are spot on I think, tho they are simpler shapes
you uploading these to pixiv?
Eventually in batches. something like doodle collection (number)
Well that was fast
Is anyone uploading to the booru
the booru was updated last week i think
I keep forgetting to upload to it (exasperated emoji)
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>we are halfway to the next halloween
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This year went super fast
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alright here's the first bulk, tomorrow I'll be prompting the others like the ww2 pinups or pink slippers, surely those should come up easier, also sorry for the inconsistency in some results, I had to resort to a posing lora, and the results are weaker the more loras in the prompt
Hot damn
Didn't think my slop would end up in the OP pic kek
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>Plus an AI Badeea pic that got posted was deleted

They can't handle the truth
Look at her go!
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Impressive that you could fit all of that in 4mb
I hate her so much but I equally want to fuck
Double penetrating Ismelda with Merula
If only the official models had this level of detail
Would probably blow up trying to render it all
they need to rework the entire game, if phones can run Genshin then im sure it could run a game with these graphics
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Nom Nom Nom eat Penny
Brain damage
Anime style graphics always run better for whatever technical reason
probably shaders doing most of the lifting with such simple models
anime wins again
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Merukeks run this thread!!??
Always have
this but the reverse
of course we do, cant trust pennyfags to run a thread for shit
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I want to destroy Tulip
I will destroy Tulip
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that's how she devolved the taste for MC's blood
I was raped by Penny
based Tulip haters
It's okay, bros. The CoK is now a support group for Penny's victims.
but Penny is a member of CoK..
She quit, remember?
was she a vampire all this time?
No, she just like the taste of MC
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La puta elegante
Ismelda has nice legs
It's an illusion
Everytime I see this one I just wish for more sitting animations
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nah she does
It's an illusion and you're a sucker
Baby making hips
But Ismelda is sticc with massive knockers.
Ismelda eggs are dry am afraid
cute shoes
I never was into the young Ismelda, but I reckon she has lot of potential as a milf, even her adult model seems to go that way.
>no badeea
Haram bros? These look good nevertheless

The things i would do with her.
Public handholding.
Kiss on the cheek before marriage.
Harems aren't haram.
All those dildos finally damaged her beyond repair
she can pull the Morticia Adams look easily
zombie ate my witchfu
who is your witchfu?
I can offer a replacement, what a about Tulip?
You're mom
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Only if it comes with sexy Dennis
La Creatura
I like to imagine this is also how she wakes up normally
would be weirder if Denis wasn't included
Merula Sneed
Merula sex
Damn, that makes me exhausted just thinking about it
Stop being fat
Not fat, just not a morning person
WOah, that was a close one
Wake up /omg/
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something similar to this outfit, but for everyone
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Need to smell her hair before she loses it
Too late
Merula if she started hanging with Chiara instead of Ismelda
would hanging with Chiara mellow´d her out?
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Chiara is more savage than Ismelda
If JC was any good, Skye should've been like Merudor
>If JC was any good the game would be good
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we need more comics
I'm not asking for miracles
How come I don’t love Barnaby in the first place?
He's cool, cute, has a great body, and has a petite brain.
brain is TOO petit, its illegal
Rape Liz
consensual but rough sex with Badeea
This, but after you creampie her, you tell her this isn't the first time, that you've been using her as your personal cumrag for quite some time by now, her crying face with snot switches to that of realization, and you let the thought stay in her mind for a little while you appreciate her now wide open eyes and slightly open mouth, before obliviating her again.
I'm normal btw, and also a hufflepuff (the empathetic house).
most sane Liz enjoyer
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What movie will you watch with Merula first?
LOTR trilogy and will break with her if she hates them
what the fuck is this dystopian future?
I think I read a hypo manga similar to this
the future we deserve for allowing it to happen
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who's that pokemon
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That's a penny
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time to wish Merupuff good luck in her next adventure! wonder whats in store for her this time, she never tells...
Good luck little hairball
I forgot to mention that it wouldn't be personal, like for example, if I were to do that to Tulip. Then it would be personal as she's well deserving of such treatment most would agree. For Liz it would be just to satiate a craving, nothing more. Don't know if it helps my case or not I just wanted to clear things.
Putting a leash on Bea so she doesn't go missing again
I can see Penny thinking this is a good idea
... and then Ismelda gets a hold of it.
She doesn't need it, Bea always follows her like a good puppy
It's what she does with it that should concern you... and that she does it in front of Penny.
It looks like something that would fly in the wizard world. As long as you don't use imperio you should be safe from Azkaban
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I love Merula.
Fucking wizards, man...
The same people:
>Burning someone alive? You're booked for murder but there's no problem with using magic to do it
DPing this witch with Ismelda
Me too
Gotta keep your bitches tied up
She looks so weird without her giant coat, I don’t like this feeling
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i want her to pin me down and make her way with me
Need to give Tulip a tickling punishment
she needs a dicking punishment
I do feel sorry about Bea, she was a little ball of sunshine that just wanted to have fun with her big sis and her friends but then she was left trapped inside a portrait for a whole school year while her sister enjoyed life.
to be fair, Penny wasnt the happiest during that time either
only the first couple months
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Why so smug?
She took a shower but is using the same dirty clothes
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she just like me fr fr
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then she doesn't do it
Just updated and I lost like 10 points in my stats, they rebalanced them or is it a bug?
sadly, i havent been able to play since i got facebook´d out of my file, so i cant tell
>ywn violently fuck her throat till she passes out and fill her guts with so much cum it shoots out the other end
Feels bad man.
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i think she liked it
Are you a monster?
Dunno if it still works but I managed to fix that by changing emulators
No, I'm a wizard.
>>ywn violently fuck her throat till she passes out and fill her guts with so much cum it shoots out the other end
need to sniff Ismelda's dandruff
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I have come for the tulip
Most witches are juggalos. I'm sorry.
witches are dumb but not that dumb
Okay smartass, explain how magnets work.
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Don't underestimate their dumbness
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sleepy time
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>boots on the couch
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All witches do it, the one who wear boots that is.
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Why is she holding her wand like that
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thanks for the inspiration!
Why would Chiara be afraid of Andre is she racist
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Not funny
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very funny
Think you guys might like this
she's about to stick it
I like that Tulip
havent seen this one in a while
If a witch's shoes are dirty, her pussy is smelly
Is this Megara & the Muses from the Disney Hercules film but with Merula as Megara?
Tulip's must reek
I read rumors that they are adding more voice lines, if they finally give Merula a voice this will be the first song I'll use for her ai signing voice
Merula Sneed
Where did you hear this rumor?
Meatpie with Chiara
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Why so grumpy?
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Too long since her last hug_ from MC (a whole 30 minutes)
Ahh understandable
you would be too if you got ooga-booga´d by a giant Andre face
fucking...i meant to reply to this anon >>478806083
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Merula or Ismelda but with this outfit
Doesn't Merula's dress look like that?
Good, cuz Chiara wouldn't be able to squeeze her gigantic tits into this AND zip it up
yeah, it has similar shapes, but they give a completely different feeling, the zipper and high neck change a lot
well, she COULD just not zip it up, i know i wouldnt mind at all
is that a new outfit?
do you know its name or some kind of hint to find it in the files?
nah, that image has been in my folders for at very least a year now
It's an old Halloween reward
found it, thats the matagot outfit
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We still haven't gotten any misfire of that kind which is weird considering Hermione cat girl is a big 'member moment
That Vega character that looks like a femAndre has voiced lines, might be a prelude of more voiced lines for other characters.
yeah, pretty weird, you would think that stuff like that would be pretty common, even more so with animagus in the frame
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man, its getting warm...
would give them a good sunscreen
they are just too lazy to make a furry model
CUTE Tummies
i put my money that if they ever do it then all they will do is slap Ms. Norris head on top of a human body
Or make the Chiara werewolf form more feline
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cute skye
>No socks
More like Dirty Skye
she showers every day, no need for socks
I don't want to fall into The Sims rabbit hole again
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penny looks good from this side
Mighty need to lick that jaw
profile shots seems to greatly favor her
fake penny
this one has boobs
i mean...barely
More than zero
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>gigantic tits
You can see the bandages she's using to hide them
>she needs the magical necklace AND bandages to contain those puppies
damn, she is even bigger than i thought
the real reason she wants to be a nurse
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Chiara's tits
You what would be a great mod for Open Mistery? A music mod, mainly to add some addtional tracks to the Hogwarts section but also add some spice to the different locations and sidequets in general.
Dumbledore's office with gangsta paradise
A song named Hufflepuff duel has no business being this intense.
The same old songs do get tiresome sometimes
A Hufflepuff duel is one fought at the dining table.
explains the intensity
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>Merula becomes a Lamia
what does the rest of the girls become?
I can add support for it. It's not hard.
It isn't possible now?
Currently, you should be able to individual soundtrack swaps. Selecting randomly from a playlist would be nice. However, modding released more than a year ago but there's only ever been 2 minor community mods ever released (same guy). So I don't really have hope that if I add new functionality, it'd ever get used. I'll make a deal though, if you make a music mod with the current limitations, I'll expand the capabilities to add randomly selecting music tracks.
That spine looks very breakable
I'll give it a shot but I'll be going in blind
I just noticed the modding guide in the op, so I won't be so blind after all. Might prove a fun distraction
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Skye after one butterbeer
Who had the butterbeer?
She would break you
Cant be skye, boobs too big
this with badeea
Make it Erika too
how did you make it
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AI must be getting better since the only part that looks distorted is a few pixels near the bottom of white frill on her right shoulder
>help a NEW friend
are they seriously adding more NPC´s to the section of the story is already over?
Don't worry, it will be just like that girl we helped during that prefect quest
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Good sequel where mc is now the puffskein and Merula and Liz will now take care of him. Too based for JC
AI can do perfect bodies if you use the correct settings, it will still produce some weird ones but that's why you make them in batches
wow, rude!
I'm tempted to making a real version of this picture with 3d to shame all the AI-lets
>implying Liz wouldn't just molest the poor thing
the question is: is MC ok with it? would he enjoy it?
I don't understand why this TLSQ is "presented as a memory" instead of just being set in an earlier year. I'm not even in Beyond yet, what am I remembering here?
won't have a choice either way
Those presented as memories are supposed to take place in the early years, like most TLSQ's they are set either in year 2 or year 3 because fuck the rest of the years.
what year is that TLSQ supposed to be anyway?
Year 2
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something weird about this character, feels like a skinwalker
jesus, we dont even have the class with professor trelawney at that point
Zetsy as fuck
its Merula´s tuff, but his entire hair
yeah, but the professor still lives there so you are bound to run into her at some point
>Another femboy Ravenclaw
Dammit about to change house fo real
He seems really autisti, he does hand gestures everty time he's in thnking mode.
>whole tlsq was about "pls believe in prophecies"
Yeah we did that during year 6
he is autistic but autism shouldn't exist in the wizard genes, JC fucked up
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this but with Chiara plox
i´ll do it later tonight if i have the time
Will do but with Penny
>autistic wizards shouldn't exist
>yet all wizards are autistic
This has to be the most muggle thing I've ever heard... Were do you think the wizard gene comes from?
fuck you
That's the problem, all wizards are excentric so autism shouldn't exist because everyone has it
It's called a spectrum for a reason, bro.
that's fake
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Not racist at all.
The Autism Outfit
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once again, Merula is out on another "midnight stroll"
somebody oughta take that broom from her
Not so fun when she finds out somebody stole her clothes and now has to walk back to dungeon naked
She deserves it for flying that close to the whooping willow
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stupid muggleborn witch needs to learn the wizard way
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they are raping me...
Shhhh just let it happen
Shouldn't her pupil be fully black? Does she have cataracts?
>that neck on the MC
holy shit
Her eye line is also visible over her hair
It's just an artifact of the artstyle
Mmmmmmnah, Andre is a hack
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ok lads, what am i missing here? any install-savvy folks around?
i'm following the instructions, updated openmystery and selected the appropriate folders, but i'm getting the picrel message when trying to check assets, should i just start over from scratch?
Is the OP configs download a replacement for the "extract the files folder from android" part of the setup?
Someone else will have to post after me cuz ive mever used that, but are you running the thing with administrator privs?
Do more
welp, the json file it's freaking out over is one for the open mystery files, not apk files, guess i'm fucked

how'd you get it working then? am i being a retard and making this more difficult than it needs to be?
Playful witch banter
I followed them and got no issues, try rechecking the instructions
Or the folder paths, some anons seem to struggle with that part
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fuck that guy
Just corrupt whole generations of magical children with his trash
Better than selling alcohol to minors
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Now that's a minor I would corrupt
>sorry Miss Tonks, i cant sell you alcohol, that would be immoral and irresponsible, here, have this flying, homing serrated disk that can decapitate anything in its path instead
what about her?
She's sleeps naked
you can stop a flying killing machine but it's harder to stop a drunk wizard teen
A good wizard doesn't get drunk.
Would be a good way to get a chocolate card
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ahh! jesus!
My wife...
Try using the prepacked configs in the op
Or Azkabaned
Shut up, Ben.
Ben got another hoe in America
good call, it seems to be working now.
i tried using the mod apk last night, just emulated android and good lord there are so many popup ads etc
maybe we should tell Griffin to update that part of the tutorial? i think this is the second time that specific error has happened
Ben truly is a hoe
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More like the 4th
huh, guess i missed the other 2 then, still, not a good sign, Griffin must update that thing, i´ll bring that up to him later
The greatest drawing of Merula
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most cursed Merula fanart there is
It's bad but there's something about it
impressive lower body strength
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me right now
But it's 5 am
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Chiara circa 1997
Honestly looks great
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it's the install guy again. i'm back, almost done with assets.
Is this normal? i was missing like 200 textures and i hit download a second time. now it just keeps going up
Yeah it will look normal after lunch
Holy shit, this one is probably the best one so far
Most of the time there will be missing a couple of textures, so don’t worry about it if the numbers don’t match perfectly
Thats definitely 90’a hair
Hope you aren’t too hungover
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welp, finally installed everything but i'm seeing picrel quite a bit
the game still lets me continue and everything seems to be working but...it's gonna be annoying if i have to look at this after every scene transition. has anyone else run into this and was there a simple fix?
That’s a common thing, no fix so far Griffin didn’t really bothered to look for a proper way to fix that, so better get used to it
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aight, and am i right in thinking i have to select each chapter like so? game won't progress section by section?
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Is she laughing or crying out in pain
you are correct, its all manual
JC pls give character different outfits with each volume, I know you will do it with harry and friends you fucks.
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hope you have fun, remember that OM also has an always accesible model poser, simply press F5 to access it and have fun posing whatever character you want
JC says: screw the OCs
What language is your operating system set to?
Also a good way to see witches shoes in HD
dont do that
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It's a free country
is it in Hogwarts tho?
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Penny circa 1997
I see she became a big fan of Fred from Scooby Doo
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>It's a free country
Sort of
it is the ancap paraside
The eternal question: can (you) kiss Meru yet?
Yes, but you can choose not do it for whatever reason.
I'm still wondering why they would put that option there
Unless you try to start another big school then big Hogwarts will shut you down
whats the next big school? i refuse to believe its the nigger one
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There's another one somewhere in Norway or Sweden, then one in France. JK just assumed all the other Europe nations would be fine going to those two
where would you open a new magic school if given the chance?
Wales, just to fuck with Hogwarts
really captured her forehead
cute but also cursed? how?
It's the eyes
Asia needs another one, the fact that there's only one for all the Asians is a bit insane, there's need to be at least 5 in that area of the world unless JK was implying that Asians don't have a lot of the magic gene in their blood
Mexico, just to see what happens
a cartel will take it over
>getting close to bump limit
if it dies in the night thats ok, i´ll make a new thread when i get to work
I nominate >>479237485 for next OP pic
Teaching the witches how to play Yu-Gi-Oh
What decks would the characters play?
I don't know modern Yu-Gi-Oh myself so I'll be learning with them. I stopped playing when the Pegasus deck popular
Merukeks will let that thread die
No we wouldn't
>t. Merukek
I want to drill Penny
Slow morning start huh?
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ooh, the board is actually moving a bit faster than usual it seem
guess we´ll have the new thread sooner than expected
Kids are off school
already? i thought vacations were until next month
speaking of vacations, summer vacations at Hogwarts when?
Keep dancing to make those boots stinkier
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This year for sure
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rapunzel from nikke
canonically horny and the last pope (female)
just a quick question about that game, i read somewhere that is canon that Nikkes weight at elast a couple thousand pounds, is that true? why so much? are they robots or something?
meru boots are not for sniffing
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>Sea Serpent
>it's a fucking horse
>Sea Horse
What's the problem bro
Does it really says sea horse in game?
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The exact number probably varies between them, but they all weigh at least twice of the average adult male. They're not quite robots, they're human brains of women (exclusively - so far) put into an artificial and partly cybernetic body(it's unknown what they're actually made out of since the knowledge has been lost / expunged by the government).

They're made to look and feel indistinguishable from people because the more aware they are that they're not human anymore the more their brains break. I unironically play it for the story and nothing else
huh...neat i guess, guess that drawing of Merula i did in the Nikke style could use a bit more thicknes then
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I, for one, would greatly appreciate it Merula with a fat ass shooting a shotgun
closest i can deliver for now is the drawing i did before
maybe i could do something with a shotgun later, but thats gonna have to wait since i also have to do this >>479064707
i´ll deliver in the next thread
Merula uses a cute unicorn themed notebook at class
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Fucking based and saved. Love how close her outfit is to my wife Yulha
reminds me of that short film I watched many years ago where the guys were using the wands like pistols, it looked a bit cringe but also not that bad
time to move people!
but there's still 2 posts left
and now there are none left, move along
now I'm satisfied

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