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>Guideline 1/76, "On the Development and Handling of Operational Cases"

>The German word Zersetzung can be variously translated into English as corrosion, decomposition, breakdown, disintegration, annihilation, demoralization, undermining, or subversion. Zersetzung measures were aimed at opposition groups or individuals and used psychological manipulation on an individual or group basis in an effort to influence attitudes and convictions, with the ultimate aim of limiting or eliminating the effectiveness of dissidents. Guideline 1/76 lists a range of specific methods for "corroding" a target: discrediting his or her public image; orchestrating professional failures or problems in his or her social sphere; undermining convictions and sowing doubts about his or her personal perspectives; setting up personal rivalries and mutual suspicions in groups; assigning a remote job; circulating compromising photos, letters, telegrams or similar material; spreading malicious rumors (...) All of these measures were conducted covertly so as to keep State Security off the map, unlike its intentional displays of power. These undercover activities could be combined with official measures, however, if it meant the difference between success and failure - temporary arrests, interrogations, and warnings, as well as psychological terror in the form of violence or threats.

>-The History of the Stasi
>Cell Phone Stalking
Using a target's cellphone to track and monitor them. The microphone and video cameras on cellphones can be used to monitor targets. Even when the phone is off, the microphone can be used to listen into conversation. The camera can be used to view activity in the room. Cellphones can also be used in conjunction with software/AI to locate the target within a few feet.

>Directed Conversations
These are conversations that complete strangers will have out in public relating to the target and their personal situations. Eg. They will repeat things a target said in their home, or on the phone. They will let drop very personal details into the conversation, that could only be related to the target.

Predatory Gangstalking employs a tactic of synchronicity. This tactic involves the precise timing of interactions with the targeted individual. For example, the target can go out to get the morning newspaper and encounter gangstalking activities that suddenly appear and which are precisely synchronized. Throughout the targeted individual's day, these synchronized encounters repeatedly occur. Activities such as leaving one's driveway, taking out the trash, going to a store, or even walking the dog, are activities which result in an encounter with one or more Predatory Gangstalkers. Even when a target strategically does not follow any set routine, these synchronized occurrences continue.
I have been targeted for four and a half years now. At the start of being stalked, I believe I probably was being driven a bit crazy by these gangstalkers. Their torment was ongoing, all day every day. You imagine how you would feel? I was being followed every single place I went to. I was being intimidated and harassed. My handlers tried time and time again to get men to honeytrap me. It got that every time I was out on the street, I had automatic distrust of any man who dare to even ask me the time. I would be lying in bed of a night and I’d have vehicle headlights shine into my bedroom window by these gangstalkers. It seemed that I couldn’t even get any peace even if I was in bed. The intimidation was bad too, I used to get followed by men wearing hoodies and baseball caps, riding on both motorbikes and in dark high-end vehicles. Some of the men in the cars would slide their window down and shout obscenities at me. It was not just scary but pretty humiliating for me too. (...) I hope and pray one day that justice will prevail but I am not going to hold my breath on that one. Five years it will be this Christmas I have being gangstalkers for, today I think differently, I know I am the victim of a terrible injustice. Here I stand and completely alone, against a large gang of men and women who are intimidating, harassing me, lying about me and gangstalking me. Yet they still cannot defeat me, they wanted to see me dead, didn’t care whether they drive me to it or I do it myself, they weren’t fussy, probably still not either. But I am here, very much here and will fight them all till the death if I have to. I guarantee you now that these evil bullies will never win.
-Excerpt from a comment by a victim of gangstalking
>Civil engineer, educator, activist, researcher and investigator Helena Csorba recently very tragically passed away at age 72 on March 10, 2022 as a consequence of being extremely harmed by microwave weapon assaults in her hometown of Etna borough in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania intensified in recent times and experienced for several decades. Discerning, matter-of-fact, and intelligent, Helena made several FOIA requests over the years of her local police department to find out what kind of law enforcement technology they were using and what kind of funds were sent their way on COPS, CVE and other community policing funding. Intensive research turned up information on Through-wall-surveillance-radar devices being used by police, a kind of pulsed radar device used in many different industries including for RF ablation of cell tissues by surgeons. These radio frequency devices are now being used in neighborhoods to target and attack people through walls in their own homes, as surveillance devices which track, lock on, pulse, vibrate, and burn people, she reports, with police involvement or oversight, in ways that are extremely violative of all laws and human rights, causing extreme pain and harm. “It is heinous,” she says, “and should be stopped.” Helena also reports they are being used as weapons of vendetta and revenge by police and government parties and private-party criminals to hurt, damage, and destroy select people. What Helena reports is being reported by thousands all over the USA and world, evidence of both abuse and overreach by police as well as by military and intelligence factions which are operating covertly in neighborhoods, using people targeted by police and FBI for their own purposes of unlawful non-consensual experimentation.
>Another gangstalking victim's story-

Seven years ago we moved to a rural property to learn how to become more self-sufficient and build a custom home our dream home by ourselves with our own two hands and try to become debt free. It felt right to document the journey and our hopes was that maybe we could do so in a way that would inspire other people to take action in their own lives.

Our channel shared a wholesome and positive story and rapidly grew. During the course of our home building projects as we were working on our home and our property busily, there were problems brewing underneath the surface. At first we experienced the typical mean comments, which are usually pretty benign and every creator deals with, and basic moderation tools take care of this. At some point a small but very cancerous group of people started watching our Channel and using the comments section of our latest videos to recruit viewers off of YouTube to their own private group using a story like we’re fake, we don’t live in our own house, our child died, we died, we sold our property, with a little Google research I was able to find their place now for sale, there was a rumor that they didn’t even live at their house, those types of things, and the only limit is your imagination.

These were the kinds of stories they came up with, and their own groups were a private place where they could control the narrative unmoderated. While we were actually busy building our property, our home, and creating, these people have seemingly bottomless time to stir up negativity. They did this across numerous platforms, trying to stalk us and harass us. At first digitally, next they began digging through all available public records.
Let me read to you a few things that they started digging for, they started digging through our internet history, public records, family history, employment history, past friends, business associates, criminal records, family criminal records, and any other publicly available piece of information that they could find about us. And as if that’s not really creepy enough, then they took the time and energy to compile all of that information into a mega document that people could download and read pretty much our entire life story whether we wanted it shared or not.

This group of people escalated and they started trying to coordinate attacks on our channel, such as stealing and trying to monetize our content, (...) mocking us as people and they created look-alike accounts on numerous platforms impersonating us, trying to trick naive people into thinking that we’re engaged in some really nasty and questionable behavior. They were actively recruiting across numerous channels, numerous platforms, trying to get people to join their digital crusade.

The problem with nefarious people when there’s no consequences is they tend to get more bold and they escalate their behavior, especially when there’s neurotic people who are either coordinating or egging them on, but eventually the group activity could no longer just be constrained to the Internet, it had to move to real life. People suggested getting together to fly drones over our house, we received death threats, people were following us in real time to see where we go and what our activities are, family members were contacted to see if anyone would out us for being the frauds that we are, (...) next they started working very hard to make sure as many people as possible know exactly where we live even though we never made that information public. They placed a Google pin on our house so that anybody with normal curiosity could find out the exact location of our home.
>Microwave Weapons

The targets of nonlethal microwave weapons fit a common profile similar to the targets of previous illegal government programs. People with a history of political activism and whistleblowers (people who have reported criminal activity in powerful government agencies and corporations) are used as human guinea pigs in terminal experiments that are designed to force a suicide, incarceration, and eventual death from the effects of non-ionizing radiation. Political activists and whistleblowers are struggling to make a better world, and this has landed them on a hit list. Torturing a target into committing suicide using extremely low frequency (ELF) nonlethal microwave weapons is perfectly deniable because individuals are tormented invisibly. These assassinations are accomplished with technology that leaves no obvious injuries. There is no physical evidence, no traces of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons residue, and no bullet fragments. The [perpetrators] have achieved perfect deniability for their crimes.

These people who are being tormented have been portrayed as criminals. However, the opposite is the case. The targets of torture and intimidation and destruction are the good guys. This tracking game relies on attacks using microwave weapons as well as organized stalking to make the life of the target a living hell to where they eventually succumb physically and die from the effects of non-ionizing radiation or, due to the extensive and never-ending torture, they are forced to commit suicide.
The target experiences physical attacks on their body. Microwave weapons are placed in close proximity to where they live and where they work and are even placed in their cars if necessary. These miniaturized electronic devices, in essence antennas, are capable of tracking and attacking the target with microwave frequencies that can deliver shocks, stabs, or sub-dermal burns to their physical bodies in a continuous manner. Or perhaps every few minutes their body experiences internal heating and burns, sleep disruption, or sleep deprivation as a primary tactic to slowly break them down. These types of physical attacks are complimented with attacks on the mind of the subject.
>Millimeter Wave Devices

Millimeter wave is the same frequency used by airport scanners to see beyond clothes to the naked body. This frequency has the same capability when directed towards the walls surrounding homes. It enables a view inside the home where movements and activities of the people inside can be observed.

>Ultrasonic and Infrasonic Weapons

Physically harming people in a hands-off manner, using infrasound and ultrasound has been closely studied by the UK and US military, from the 1960s onward, with purported intent to produce disorientation and confusion in rioters and protesters, protect facilities, induce stress and compliance in prisoners under interrogation, induce vomiting, nausea, and defecation, and so on. Extremely low frequencies have been found to have seriously harmful effects to the human body, affecting all organs; they have been the subject of serious military study for a very long time.
>Smartphone Apps
Several apps for mobiles and pcs exist in the UK that allow subscribers to add intel and photos of anyone deemed to be a ”nuisance.” These apps' message boards allow all members with app on their phone to post any info on anyone and to monitor anyone. The apps are intended for monitoring suspected criminals, real criminals, an ex-criminal, or a community nuisance such as an aggressive beggar.

Intel on the person, such as a photo or video, last location person was seen, where the person frequents or lives and what they have supposed to have done wrong can be added to these apps by not just the police but by ordinary citizens and shop keepers, publicans, taxi drivers, ect and a notification goes out to ALL the people who have one of these apps on their phones or their PCs.

The apps also contain and message boards for the purpose of mass communication of these alleged nuisance members of society. I say alleged because these apps operate under common law and as such any one can be added as an ”undesirable,” the person does not have to have committed any crime at all.

Names of some of the apps:
Pubwatch, Shopwatch, Townwatch, Farmwatch, Neigbourhood Watch, Community Watch, NextDoor
Stalking by corrupt cops, spies, and corporate security goons is psychological terrorism combined with a systematic effort to destroy the victims financially and socially. Administering severe extrajudicial punishment is not only unethical, it’s illegal under both federal and state law. It clearly violates, for example, the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unwarranted searches, the Sixth Amendment which says punishment should be preceded by a trial, and the Eighth Amendment, which prohibits “cruel and unusual punishments.” Such operations also violate similar laws in state constitutions. In addition, “stalking” is specifically prohibited by the criminal codes of every state in America.

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