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Anyone playing on any of the private servers, Homecoming, Thunderspy, Rebirth, etc.? Made any meme characters or cool OCs you want to share?

Please no server feud autism.
can i coom to this while playing? this is VERY important for any mmo
You can very easily make a big titty bimbo in BDSM gear. From what I've experienced, Thunderspy's got the best character customization.
Seconding for Thunderspy. I'm glad others are also sick of this server feud bullshit.
You can coom to anything anon
I think Rebirth may have overtaken Thunderspy in CC stuff
Personally I've been playing my first full run of the game on Homecoming for the most vanilla experience and most potential RP partner but I'll be taking a look at thunderspy and rebirth afterwards
Oh did you join in January?
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I'd joined at least a year ago but I started playing again about a week ago. Going through the Loyalist route right now in Praetoria. I'm hoping to experience the game open up some more once I hit level 15, but I've also been told to stop gaining XP if I want to experience all the quests on Homecoming because of the level restrictions.
Oh damn you missed the January period where they had a massive spike and there was thousands on it was pretty nuts, its getting dead again though. Also yeah Praetorian Content in general will make you go above 15, its very easy to level. The thing is you can pretty much do any mission at any level.
Okay, good. I was worried I'd have to keep myself low or I'd lock myself out of everything.
I would try Homecoming again, but last time I was on, I was literally being stalked and kept an eye on by a GM for being involved in the development of Thunderspy.

It was three or so years ago by now, but that kind of thing is hard to ignore.
Honestly Homecoming is fine as a userbase, after all it is the most populous CoH server so its great for finding mission teams etc. There's always going on at all hours of the day. Its literally the GMs that ruin it. Specifically the upper echelon of GMs, since the younger GMs keep getting driven out by how weird the upper echelon are.
this game sucks even as an MMO. i don't get what people ever saw in it.
Be that as it may, It doesn't have features I actually care about. I could play a server with 0 players, just me and whoever I bring along, if it means I can have the features I want.
Unique concept I guess. Even now there's only been 3 Superhero MMOs, but thats cause they're not viable.
mmo that isn't hard locked to genre, you can make fantasy or sci fi or art deco or anything like that.

Who are you?
I call bullshit.
Die HC fag. It has absolutely nothing over other servers besides mindless farming.
HC, Everlasting shard. It's not the best but it beats Champions Online. You can find some good RP, but there are plenty of people who will bring real world politics into the game. Troons, people who go into PI Council missions/TFs and scream about bashing le fash - shit like that. Pocket D is still a miserable experience of men and men roleplaying as women trying to get ERP.

>Honestly Homecoming is fine as a userbase,
Disagree. HC is populated and stuff, but Everlasting is full of snobbish, cliquey RPers who try to gaslight new players into the LeoLand mentality of "CoH is the best community, we're the best players, RP is an art!" shit. There are some good players, but most of the RPers on Everlasting are drama nerds playing high school bullying games.
Reminder that every single person involved with city of heroes private server development is fucking insane and also it's not even that good of a game. May as well play sims online or VR Chat because the main draw is dressing up dolls. The people who argue this point are the same people who thought Secret World was a good MMO.
Yeah, everyone in the private server development is a batshit crazy, leftist SJW troon. The quality of the writing of new content is miserable and pathetic. That said the game itself - the proper game made by Cryptic/Paragon back when it was live is good. The game having a built in mission editor is a godsend for RPers and people who enjoy the combat though.
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Ayyy gurl, lemme smash in Pocket D.
What server?
Look for Sinful Succubus then. Probably won't be on for another 10 hours or so.
I recognize the name from goofing off in Pocket D. Nice.
Funnily enough I've probably only been there a handful of times. I haven't been playing for long, definitely haven't RP'd with anyone yet
I ran the barfly route in the D for a bit when I was between SG/VGs. Saw lots of people, listened in on RP, tried to make social connections. Sinful just stuck with me between design and description being vivid and interesting from what I vaguely remember. Problem with Pocket D thought is that if you're playing a male character that's not gay, you're outnumbered by questionable lesbians/futa and sparkledog sorts.
>you're outnumbered by questionable lesbians/futa and sparkledog sorts.
Yeah that's the impression I got in the little time I've spent there. Honestly I'd say sitting around in Pocket D waiting for RP to happen isn't my thing, I'd much rather improvise and do some light RP with people I come across or group up with while running missions. Might just be because I haven't played this game for long so I'm still enjoying the content it has to offer as opposed to people who've been playing this for 15+ years.
You make perfect sense. Game has a dense core of people who were in the prior private server from during and after Live. Help chat is people who have played since beta and can not comprehend that new players are learning and playing content and not just farming or getting meta builds off of the forums/discord. Lots of cliques and drama. Me? I just want to RP, meet people and have fun. I'm doing story content right now reside and having a blast.
Well if you're still at a reasonably low level and looking for company while doing missions I wouldn't mind joining in, so feel free to message me anytime.
It literally has a population and thats something for those who want population
Ahhh I don't play the RP server but I think thats more of just a general RP server thing, at least from my experience. RPers in general are just cliquey, dramatic and batshit no matter what MMO game. Hence why I avoid those servers. But yeah CoH has always had that weird mentality of "We are the best community in all of MMOs" which is a little pompous and egostical to think that. I know plenty of other better communities. Maybe back when it was a live game sure, it had a great community, but all those people are gone, some are literally dead since it was full of 40+ year olds at the time. I think when people say that about CoH its mostly nostalgia goggles as the ones that tend to say that are people who would have been 19 and under at the time of CoH being up, so they saw it all through a younger, rose tinted glasses kind of lense. It probably had its fair share of drama it wasn't privvy to. That and they've all grown up and ruined the "great community" since that "great community" on live was mostly full of Boomers and Gen X, not Millennials and Gen Z.
Yeah. I played Champions and City of Heroes back on live, and Virtue - my home shard, was a clusterfuck of elitist RPers who could not RP their way out of a paper bag. Which was fine when City was live. But after it died, and people finally had to switch games, all these insufferable cunts from Virtue went to Champions and demanded "Virtue Quality" RP/ERP/Story/Characters. Said players forced a governing union on CO's native RP population with threats, blackmail, coercion and skullduggery.

I loved CoH. It had a unique playerbase and some really amazing and interesting people, but it's not the best community. It never was the best and it never will be on account for all the drama queens and fucking ingrates that have latched onto the game.
I'm surprised you didn't leave Virtue then if it was for the RP, Union was also an RP server if I remember correctly, just a lower pop one. But again I've noticed its a trend mostly with RP servers in general. They're full of wackos, coomers, people who start drama over nothing, narcicissts and elitists, mostly coomers these days especially FFXIV. WoW is mostly wackos. Check out this shit for a laugh, some of the shit they're kicking off about: https://wyrmguardsecrets.tumblr.com/
Honestly I considered swapping servers, but between the cost to swap shards (I think there was a fee?) and my IRL friends joining late on Virtue we stuck there. That said you could usually avoid the truly shitty groups once you figured out the troublemakers.

RP is fun, but RPers are a trainwreck. The worst part is that six to eight years ago the drama would be focused on RP stuff or game stuff. Now everything is focused on external politics/identity politics/etc. I'm at the point where I stay IC unless I either feel comfortable with the person/group or have to go OOC. The amount of RPers actively looking to incite drama over pointless things is ridiculous. That said I've also met a few on HC from 4chan directly, and others in game who ended up being 4chan posters hiding their overall power levels.
>Check out this shit for a laugh, some of the shit they're kicking off about: https://wyrmguardsecrets.tumblr.com/
Missed my reply to this on >>1227125 Giving it a read now and in return I offer one of the two well known Champions Online name and shame pages. https://clubcapricebingo.tumblr.com/ The other one was nuked because pedophiles were called out on it, and they threatened legal action. Fucking roleplayers. Millennium City Walmart was the name. Full of screencaps, evidence and general hilarity.
Yeah the wyrmguard secrets one is a lot more whinier than the one I posted. Yours is like exposing bad RPers, wyrmguard secrets is just people whining about the dumbest most petty shit and it just makes me think RPers are lunatics.
If you think about it, people are either creative enough to create new identities to pretend to be, or batshit insane and desperate enough to do it. I'm a bit of A and a bit of B I guess. Wyrmguard's an interesting read. Lots of bitterness and spite over petty things, and even more over idiotic things. Makes me glad I never got into WoW aside from trialing it two or three times. Superhero RP has plenty of baggage, but until somewhat recently the worst stuff was finding out your romantic partner was getting dicked down deep by your nemesis, or that your sidekick was shit talking you in public
Whoops meant the one you posted
RP supergroups always has the worst and most constant drama too. Very explosive.
True. I'm glad the one I am second in command of is drama free. We've had four drama players who joined and only had to kick one. The other three got the "Hey, we see you've been doing X. That's not acceptable and you need to change your behavior or leave" message. It's almost scarily relaxed, friendly and non-cliquey. I think it helps that just about everyone came from a respective bad/dramatic SG and just wants to have fun and RP.
I think due to the smaller size of the game everyone has had a bad SG experience on it, guranteed at least one that went catastrophic and tits up. Feels like for a while everyone was on the "I'm burned out on SGs and SG drama so I'm just not g onna join any SGs" period for a while and everyone was freelance, but now they're making a comeback with the NCSoft okaying the game thing. But it does feel like everyone's still in that burned out on SG drama period and since the games so small they keep running into the same people. Its not a game to keep beef in as the community is too small that you're guaranteed to keep running into them.
>turns into a hc circlejerk thread
Seems that way, yeah. On the bright side there are good people hiding in the cracks and crevices at least.
All the HC chatter seems to be questioning the mod staff and complaining about Everlasting RPers unless I'm missing something.
As someone who played CO at the time I actually remember when CoH shut down and the "amazing community" came over to CO and acted like they were forced to. Before CoH's shut down the CO community was pretty nice, I don't remember any drama at all, any big incidents, any arguments over the general chat etc. It was mostly older skewered as most of the player base were people who played the tabletop game way back.

Then CoH closed and a lot of its community begrudgingly came over to CO and threw a hissy fit over it and acted like they were forced to come over or somethign and not like it was their choice. And all they did was complain. Complain about the game, complain how they missed CoH, complain about how CO doesn't have this thing that CoH has or does this feature differently to CoH. All I kept sying was they don't HAVE to be here. So that was really annoying. After a while the complaining about CoH calmed down as they accepted it was fucking dead (or fucked off to the secret private server I guess) and yet the community wasn't the same. It was full of drama and elitism and as you said talk of "bringing it up to Virtue standards" and shit, acting like CoH's community was the best comunity in the world, they even said that most of the time, and how they thought CO's community wasn't as good and full of drama not realizing THEY brought the drama. No way from what I saw was that shit the best community in the world, unless we got the leftoverts of the worst of the worst.

So yeah it ended up killing CO for me and it came to me as no surprise there was deceptive private server shit going on because yeah, that seems very much like CoH's community which was NOT a friendly community IMO.
Half of its about CO and WoW and just the RP community in general.
CO was reasonably good for a while, yeah. As someone who was in Courage and Valor, the /co/ and /v/ focused 4chan SG it was really fun. Sure, there was some trolling but people mostly were just hanging out, shooting the shit and leveling. Also photo ops. So many screenshots with the team. You did have people like Vivian and her compulsive need to fuck everyone and everything, not to mention her emoting giving birth in the Club Caprice lounge fountain in a packed CC - but her and the sexpests aside it was a nice community. Cryptic was still baiting us with "Yeah, Forge will be brought over really soon! You can make your own missions!", but the game was still reasonably fresh. Not to mention Alerts were not implemented to funnel everyone into five minute power leveling instances instead of doing world missions.

They went to CO, GW2, WoW. It's just CO was the general migration point, sadly. They pushed CORP as a full authority RP community/governing body and that was a joke. CORP was running lolicon orgies and shit in hideouts while trying to "crack down" on "Unwelcome RP!" (Read anyone or any SG not affiliated with CORP.).

Amusingly the Virtue parasites that were not on one of the private servers more or less moved on once Paragon Chat was working. Good fucking riddance, but sadly they did enough damage that CO lost most of the non-roving futa rape game RPers.
CO is just extremely neglected these days, has a barebones skeleton crew which is literally a handful of people. They keep the server up and running, and release new furry items and that keeps the money coming in. It used to get hand me down content from STO and Neverwinter just reskinned, now it doesn't even get that. Just furry items.
There was a purge of people who brought evidence of pedophiles using the game to swap pizza to the GMs. Said Pedophiles just happened to also be lockbox whales.
A couple of Anons posted in the /aco/ OC drawthread months ago, and had a porn picture of their characters done.
I'm Arde.
I don't know what to tell you. I was in Pocket D around Christmas of 2019 on Everlasting, and a perfectly-visible GM camera bot was just staring at me the whole time, as if to say, "why the fuck are you here?"

Since then, I moved to Thunderspy for good and haven't looked back. I kind of miss RP, but given what people in the thread are saying, there doesn't seem to be much to miss.
The way I see it, you could have every non-circlejerking roleplayer on 4chan move to Everlasting, and it wouldn't affect the ratio of circlejerkers to actually-decent-people in any meaningful way. There's just not enough of us to do that.

That said, if you do the same with Thunderspy, that same group, or even one half its size, would be a significant benefit to the community overall.

That's why I stay on Thunderspy, even during the dead periods. Because I can make a lasting impact, even as a party of one.
Archive link that shit
Makes sense. I would move, but I am running a large VG now and I doubt I could convince everyone to just alt over to TS.
>Archive link that shit
Going off the posts, the two chicks and the dude are OCs from one of the private servers.
I had a large supergroup that I brought over to thunderspy for a couple months but there turbo autistic cliques there drove them away. Like any private server. They got extremely mad about nobody paying attention to them
The lonely loser who has to beg people to play games with him and has a 2nd discord account to pretend to be a vtuber tranny. You're one of the reasons people stray from CoH. If you want to help the community grow just shut up and don't say anything.
Okay first of all, nice hateboners.
Second of all, at least I've made a name for myself. I don't fear the judgment of my peers, unlike you who hides behind anonymity to fling shit at people you don't like.

You're free to prove me wrong and say who you are. I know you won't, because you can't handle a level playing field.
I considered it but I've got a mix of hardcore shitposters from 4chan and normalfags. Last thing I need is a transfer followed by. "HE SAID THE N-WORD!" or related drama. Some of these people are great RPers but goddamn lightweights who would shit themselves at the even thought of a racial slur or light trolling.
For the role players in the thread, any luck with role playing lately? Met a random player in Pocket D, chatted and role played. At the end they thanked me for being their first role playing partner in the game and asked if I would be in game later in this week.
>rpfag complaining about people getting upset when no one pays attention to them
RP is at it is everywhere these days. Mostly elitist cliques and ERP fiends just standing around a singular hub and then going to nightclubs to dance to plug dj. Its like that everywhere now not just CoH. MMO RP is dead.
Its always weird because they're redside RPers, its always gonna be dark and I know some like "no dark stuff please" and its likew why are you redside?
I hope they're not crazy and clingy
>arde reported my post about him being a vorefag

literally nobody in any of the servers wants you
It is odd, but it's a solid group. I know half are hardcore shitposters, a quarter are probably hiding their power level as well.
Hoping for the best, expecting the worst. I'll find out tomorrow when they show back up. They did not want to fuck on first meeting though, so that's a good sign.
Here's how it goes in any MMO with RP at any RP hub where you're waiting for walk up RP:
>If you're a guy character you'll get no walk ups at all except rarely a gay guy who will then stop and lose interest quick once they realize you're not gay
>If you're a girl character you will get SWARMED with walk ups, weird OOC PMs and the like, mostly by straight men playing lesbian characters but also male characters. They will all try to ERP with you, especially if you're new and someone they've not seen around. If they realize you're not down to ERP, they lose interest. Except the creeps in the PMs.
Accurate. You did forget the predatory gay characters going after males though.
I'm not gay so I'm not really in that scene, I've found the gay guys I've experienced have been cool and backed off after. Sometimes they lose interest way too quick that its obvious they were after ERP. This wasn't on CoH though so it may be different there.
I like cute and romantic RP and hate that I have to hide that fact when I'm role playing in Everlasting.
They never showed up.
Oh no, dont be the clingy one
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I would not say I'm being clingy. Only met the player/character once after all. I merely have a faint distaste when someone says "Hey, I'll see you on Wednesday." and never shows. I get that IRL exists and life changes of course. It was just a slight disappointment.

With that said, I probably made a mistake offering my Discord to someone I've been RPing with for the last few days. I offered it out of convenience/RP scheduling, because they seemed reasonable, pleasant and friendly. Damn good RPer as well. I just did not consider it might seem weird until I had said it. Hopefully it was not a red flag to them.
I don't RP but I still like to write bios for my characters and then delete them because I'm afraid they're cringy and gay. But then I read some stuff that other people write and instantly feel better and the cycle continues
That's the slow road of learning how to RP. Godspeed, Anon.
We need more traditional hero bios, a lot of them are just edgelord demons and cat girls now. We need the cheesy silver aged heroes. Feels like everyone starts with a hero then descends into weird magic shit like demons and angels
Easiest way to make it seem less creepy is just be very point to point with them. Talk about scheduling and don't be personal.
They ended up adding me today, and I apologized and explained that I have some IRL care taking stuff that occasionally makes me vanish and that with Discord I could drop a message in advance. All is well, I think, one of the best RPers I've met on Everlasting and just really great to chat with IC and OOCly. Very impressed by them.
we weren't RPfags, faggot. It was the resident autists who were throwing tantrums from lack of attention due to new players forming teams.
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Long, unasked for blogpost inbound.
>Play on Homecoming.
>Trial and tribulations with the roleplaying community and going into Homecoming blind.
>Still eventually find a good SG with a great crew more interested in fun over drama.
>End up in unexpected RP friendship turned relationship with SG member.
>It's fun, nice. No real complaints.
>Player slowly begins getting territorial ICly.
>This turns to OOC.
>Do not realize this is happening, but find self unhappy with RP.
>Finally realize that the character I roleplay is not fun anymore.
>Talk to SG leadership, explain problem.
>They get me.
>Tell RP partner I want to take an extended break from RP on my character.
>Offer ways they can either stick around our SG or go with my character in RP.
>They lash out at me and talk horribly.
>Tell me to never get into an IC or OOC relationship because all I do is hurt people.
>They make a fuss in SG chat and insinuate I was at fault.
>They leave the SG.
>Get a sudden and very unexpected out-pour of sympathy from SG and non-SG friends.
>SG has a meeting.
>It's the most active/excited everyone has been in a while.
>Someone outright asks OOCly if it's from the former player not being around to be possessive/strange.
>Have some new roleplayer friends I've been doing scenes with that don't give major red flags as well.

I think I dodged a bullet.
this happens literally all the time in rp spaces, it is literally always happening every second of the day, be glad it didn't get worse lmao
It was probably the same two no life people that you would be safe to ignore. If you already have a group it's easier to just strong arm cliques to fuck off. Turbo autists always neat themselves when ignored. You can also just show them being autistic. No one tolerates turbo autists and it usually takes one person getting tired of it, saying it
Taking a half-decade break from RP dulled my instincts it seems. I see the warning signs and passive aggressive messages for what they are now, but yeah it could have been a lot worse. Codependent RPers are a batshit crazy nightmare.
way more textures, fewer models, it's a tradeoff.
Speaking of RP a gay guy approached me on Pocket D last night it finally happened He swiftly lost interest when he realized though. Really tried to look for an out to end the RP.
Never get into an RP relationship on any game
WoW is the worst for it but that might be because its the largest RP community on an MMO
MMOs tend to attract a certain kind of pathological personality because they can't get actual socialization in the real world, and CoX was no exception - in fact it may have even been WORSE for CoX because the level of customization meant you could REALLY make your OC donut steel that is an idealized version of yourself with it.
Then when CoX died, you either had
>people who were autistically obsessed with a game that had been dead for almost as long as it had been alive
>people who were invited to SCORE, which by definition was an incestuous elitist sekrit club circlejerk
Because all of the normies would have moved on with their lives. The death and rebirth (and secret sever in between) distilled the population down so we have more psychos per capita, so yeah I wouldnt be surprised if shit like that was way, WAY more common.
back on virtue I had someone RPing as a probably illegally young girl (cherry something, cant recall) approach me for what was obviously going to be some kind of ERP, but was simultaneously trying to be a shy subby bottom but also initiate, so it was like 15 minutes of
>stutter typing
>blush blush
>totally accidental hand contact
>blush blush blush stutter type stutter type mumble mumble blush blush
It was quite an experience watching someone humiliate themselves like that. I eventually made some kind of excuse and left. Kind of ties into >>1243925 because it was clear that they didn't exactly want someone to pin them down and fuck them in the ass (because if they did they could have just been more direct), they wanted someone to WANT to pin them down and fuck them in the ass.
RP would be fun as fuck if it werent for the fact that it's done by RPers.
CoX suffered from good customization and a weird, gaslit fanbase who was told time and time again that they ARE THE BEST. THE BEST ROLE PLAYERS, THE NICEST PEOPLE, THE HECKIN MOST WHOLESOME COMMUNITY. Leo pulled a hell of a con on the private server members. SCORE are a bunch of talentless hacks that would have run their private server circlejerk had a brave soul not leaked proof of said private server.

Also fun fact for Homecoming players! Your chat logs are monitored and traded around by the GM team! It's an open secret that the weirdos, troons and creeps that make up the GM team trade saucy RP logs players have, and spy on RP as well. They also let their friends break the ToS, which is why people RPing babyfucking who got caught escaped punishment and the person who reported them had their account deleted.
Cherry is always a huge red flag name. That said your encounter describes a fair amount of people on Virtue and a larger amount of people in Homecoming.
I feel its especially the case now on private server CoX rather than live as all the boomers who were pretty based and nice and friendly have all stopped playing, some have even just straight up passed away. Feels like any time I go on there's some memoriam going on in Atlas Park. So now all thats left are the millennials and zoomers and their current day personalities who played as kids and proclaim CoH on live as having "the best community ever" and they don't realize it wasn't THEM that made it the best community but it was the boomers who are now gone.
>people who were autistically obsessed with a game that had been dead for almost as long as it had been alive
>people who were invited to SCORE, which by definition was an incestuous elitist sekrit club circlejerk

I think people focus too more on how deceptive and shitty the SCORE thing was and not on how strange and pathetic it was. All that elitism and all the secrets and deception and weird power plays (some of the weird power plays they still do today with the other servers) for a now 20 year old superhero game that with each year gets more and more dated. Even the character creator isn't that amazing anymore with some of the stuff you can do on other MMOs like editing the whole face. Maybe for the time sure. But DAMN all that crazy Game of Thrones tier deception and planning and backstabbing over a fuckin superhero MMO
>people who were autistically obsessed with a game that had been dead for almost as long as it had been alive

Sadly CO got the remnants of those that weren't invited to the sekrit server and they constantly acted uppity. They loved the term "Best community" and some shit, they seemed like a nightmare community. See: >>1228014
>a brave soul
Stroyer was a butthurt autist who would have been happy to continue the sekrit club for another six and a half years if they had shown him what he felt was the appropriate level of positive regard. Don't lionize him.
the TRUE brave soul was the person that leaked i24 after he got sick of leo fucking about and playing footsie with the code.
Was it Candi?
>Leo pulled a hell of a con on the private server members
Their autism over "WE COULD GET IN TRABBU" is so fucking weird. Its why I genuinely think its all just a power play, they wanted to run the game THEIR way and do a little dictatorship. The whole "We could get discovered and shut down and they could send us to prison!!" shit was so over the top. Also not very convincing when there were private servers for 4 or 5 other NC Soft games publicly flowing around. They knew they wouldn't get shut down.

Same with the HC "Talks with NCsoft thing" NCSoft clearly gave zero fucks with the almost five years the server had been up and the various other private servers around. The whole license thing I think was purely to show off and for power.
something like that, but couldnt say for sure, I only every saw them the one time like 10 years ago.
Oh because I once teamed with a Candi who was similar to that and her bio had graphic descriptions of her nipple and clit piercings and GMs told her to remove it from her bio or get banned lel
people with an incentive to believe something are less likely to try to look for reasons not to.
Sarcasm, Anon. They're all a bunch of cunts in SCORE.
It is exactly that. They talk about how bad TSpy is with heckin nazis, but they're basically janny browncoats at HC.

>Same with the HC "Talks with NCsoft thing" NCSoft clearly gave zero fucks with the almost five years the server had been up and the various other private servers around. The whole license thing I think was purely to show off and for power.
They want to be the only private server. It is indeed a power play. HC is trying to form alliances to form the "City Council" which is just an excuse to blacklist anyone they dislike.
the "city council" consists of HC and the other splinter servers that were also using HC's shit, so it's still just them, they're just consolidating their base.
Yeah. It's honestly pitiful. It's going to get worse as well. I'm expecting the quiet player purges to go loud. Things like BAB from Live joining is only empowering those retards further.
I genuinely think their plan was to shut down other private servers but they backtracked, because I remember their original statement before they altered it because people were quoting a specific line being like "Hmm that seems suspicious" and then they were like "Oh no no we're not shutting down other servers, but its not OUR fault if they get shut down because they're unlicensed :))" like ok.. weird. NCSoft haven't touched them for four years so if they touch them now its no coincidence.

HC has always had a weird relationship with the other servers they get very skittish whenever someone brings them up and want to shut down all talks about them. Even when other servers reach out to them, which makes the City Council thing odd because again HC hasn't been very forthcoming or outreaching before, now suddenly they are out of nowhere in an attempt to absorb all the other servers. At first it seemed like it was cause of Thunderspy's political views but then it became apparent when Rebirth popped up and other servers popped up that its just not the case they act like that with all servers.

Other servers have previously tried to get a working relationship with HC, to try and share code and stuff like costume parts but HC have declined, someone even did it publicly in the discord once and gave them a whole bunch of free costume content and they just deleted it. They're just weird. Even with the whole "City Council" thing apparently they're still VERY dismissive. It's clear they see themselves as "the actual server" and the others as the fake pretend servers.
HC are a bunch of weirdos who enjoy their iron grip over the HC shards and now the CoH license. These are weirdos who never moved on from CoH, people who spent over a decade running CoH private servers. They've had a taste of power and authority. They don't want to give it up. It's mentally unstable roleplayers and jannies trying to play banana republic. Right now everyone who plays on HC does so at their whim, under their authority. Do you really thing they would jeopardize that power by getting help from/helping over private servers?
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I like to play super hero game c:
I've been considering making a character on Homecoming to see if they've got any fun AE arcs to play through, but I can never work up the will to actually do it.
There are a ton of new AE arcs. Some pretty good.
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Ties into What Cipher (and to a lesser extent Leo) have always been after, frankly.
Cipher is like one of those game hoarders that seek out one of a kind/lost media and then keep it for themselves, who claim to be into preserving games but really just want to be the only person with access to them - he apparently did exactly the same thing with Earth and Beyond when it died, though I've never actually met anyone from that community so I've never heard their side of it.
Leo on the other hand is just an egotist that wants his secret club of sycophants. SCORE, HC, "city council," the "private beta test server" (which is just SCORE), none of that matters as long as he has people doing pic related.
Exactly. They get fame, worship from idiots, free money "to maintain the servers" and a near unlimited amount of underage ERP from sycophants. They are in their glory.
The mapserv event gives pretty decent XP my only issue with it is nobody knows how to league properly
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Remember when leo spent entirely too fucking long yalking about how the age of consent in argentina is 16? Like four entire full-length paragraphs? And then when you google it its apparently actually 18?
That was kind funny wasnt it?
I think league functionality also broke with the Mapserv event update. Not 100% sure, but I heard it in a few teams.
Nice of them to break shit that was already functional
Expecting anything from SCORE/HC GMs is pointless.
Nice to see they fucked up bios too
NCSoft confirmed the license agreement btw
>No name of the NCSoft source listed
Um this is clearly just PCgamer once again being puppeted by the master puppeteer Leo. As for NCSoft, they just really don't care about one of the biggest gaming news sites reporting that someone else is falsely claiming to have license to their IP. Until the CEO of NCsoft himself comes to my door and tells me the license is real and apologizes for shutting down CoH in favor of a bunch of flop games like Wildstar, I will not believe it.
I think the one thing HC always grossly over estimates is the amount of fucks NCSoft gives about the private servers. They not only have never shut down or C&D'd a single private server of CoH but have never done it for any private server of a western focused game of theirs that has been shut down. There's a pretty healthy Wildstar Private Server too. NCSoft shut those games down for a reason and thats because they're heavily focused on the Asian market and in the early 2010s they shut down a ton of games that didn't hit. It's no coincidence that CoH shut down after NCSoft attempted Korean servers of the game that flopped.

They just don't care about HC, Thunderspy, Rebirth, any of them because they're never gonna revive CoH because their target audience doesn't play it. Same with all the other Western games they have. They're a blatant Eastern Game company now because that's where they make their money. Homecoming being up doesn't affect them at all now because they're not infringing on any moneymaking opportunities for NCSoft. Yet HC still treats it as a massive boogeyman.

The "talks" for the license agreement was probably at the lowest level and they just did it because they do not give a single fuck and want these HC people to stop emailing them about a game thats been dead for 12 years, longer than the game itself was up.

HC have to know this, they're either really stupid and easily afraid or they're very calculating about this and want this Evil NCSoft and "we need the license" narrative for a reason
>they're either really stupid and easily afraid
See >>1244008 - ive seen HCdrones just completely pull shit out of their ass to justify literally anything HC does because they just really really want to believe everything is fine and they know what theyre doing.
>or they're very calculating about this and want this Evil NCSoft and "we need the license" narrative for a reason
See above. Earlier you could and did see people justifying everything by going
>"they probably need to (ban streaming, run through the RP SGs and nuke anything they didnt like, not have any new content for months at a time, etc) because of the talks"
But now they can just say "because of the license"
>no new content? Must be restricted because of the license
>new content but its a dogshit rehash? Must be because of the license
>new content that's totally original but terrible quality? The license may saybthey only have a certain amount of resources to use for new stuff
>TOS enforcement/changes that no one likes? License forcing them I guess
>TOS stuff NOT getting enforced despite people bitching? License may need them to go through ncsoft and theyre dragging their feet, sorry.
It can be the answer to every question
Honestly the "new content" HC has put out has been pretty shit. The hard mode TF modes are shit, the vaunted Dr. Aeon TF is a quarter great CoH story and seventy five percent butchering the lore of the Gold Brickers by adding "Princess Zoey" the OC donut steel queen of the hardened criminals who speaks almost exclusively in MMMGRHGF! (Not even joking.) and yelling attack moves. Really anything Nu-Bricker is a disappointment. I did not try the page seven Striga story drop because it's Fifth Column related so I suspect it will be some ham fisted "hecking parallel to current IRL events!" plot. SCORE/HC "Devs" do not understand the game and HC is probably going to end up some shitty Ship of Theseus game that people will consider to be the true, official City of Heroes experience because of the licensing.
The only real "RP" I do in CoH, or any MMO is writing bios for my characters and if I'm on an RP team or a team that's RPing i'll play along, not mention gameplay terms, act all heroic so their immersion doesn't break. Its pretty fun, no other MMO I've found has teams that RP during the missions.
Come home, Alphabet Man
Fucking faggots ruining CoH. There was plenty of representation in Pocket D, no need to put fake lore in the game.
Patron hero of female toon players
>take an existing character from the lore and make him gay despite never having been even so much as hinted at before
>said existing character was killed by Sky Raiders in what can now be considered a hate crime
>specific real world event is referenced, something that never happened in official lore outside broad strokes such as World Wars I & II being things that happened
>aliens, magic, mutants, ridiculously powerful technology, super heroes exist in this world, and are accepted as normal, but we are somehow expected to believe gays and trannies are not
>particularly when you can walk into a tailor and change genders like that
Homecoming proving once again that they have no idea what they're doing.
Tailors couldn't always change your gender just like that, it's only because of Captain Indomitable's bravery that trans folx got the representation they needed and the flesh carver industry could advance.
HC are a bunch of hacks. Project '12 when?
Isn't that what Rebirth is?
>Isn't that what Rebirth is?
Not that I know of. Rebirth has unique stuff.
I hate the Aeon task force why's it SO long? It's stupidly long and feels like it could have been 3 seperate TFs. Or at least the Gold Bricker stuff and time travel stuff seperated.

Yeah their writing sucks, again the Aeon TF. It feels like a parody of CoH just nothing is serious. I'm dreading what they'll eventually doing to the Freedom Phalanx. IMO with the lore just freeze everything in time.
What are you talking about? Aeon taskforce is like 25 minutes.
Which server comes closest to vanilla experience? I don't care about stuff like custom costume parts or other things like that, I'm just talking about story arcs, zones etc.
It's 25 minutes if you have a team who has run it dozens of times with good builds. Takes an hour or so for pubs or normal people. The higher difficulty version and not cheesing normal mode cranks up the time as well.
Oh without a doubt it's Rebirth. For the 1st 2 years they were online they were static and absolutely fixated on being as close to live as possible. And while they have added new things since then, you can easily ignore that if you choose.
I join pugs all the time for it, it's like 30 minutes on average. It's literally way quicker than many official TFs.
Rebirth, they have a lot of bonus costume content but you have to unlock everything like you used to, including prestige for bases.

Yeah the only custom stuff they've really added is a lot of costume stuff which nobody really complains about, other than that its pretty vanilla.
Shame that the RP community has been redirected to Homecoming. From what I was told during my brief Rebirth visit, people from Homecoming went and pulled the "Everlasting is the true RP community" and caused stupid drama with existing RP groups in Rebirth. Having spent a few months in Everlasting I feel it's probably true.
I'm from Thunderspy. Stop complaining about Homecoming and play on Thunderspy, We're curbing retarded behavior if you just screenshot it happening. The alternative is turning on the logs that records all chats. If you honestly trust Homecoming people not to "Ctrl+f" your private chatlog on you when they want to be justified in getting rid of you, good luck. A Thunderspy dev asked some Homecoming RP group what features they would like to encourage them to play there and the group just wanted to drama farm without getting banned.
>play on torchbearer
>don't encounter any of the Homecoming social issues anyone always complains about
>still enough of a population to do teams
Feels good just having fun.
>The alternative is turning on the logs that records all chats
If you RP but do not do this you are an idiot. RPers can and will backstab and having logs is essential in modern times.
Rebirth is the better experience for sure, not just authenticity wise but better costume content, better community, and an admin team who communicate and clearly give a shit and arent' trying to pull shenanigans. Its just nobody plays because HC was so aggressively first and aggressive in being the dominant place
Lack of players is my main problem. I quit the group I was in because of a leader with no desire to do anything but RP in Pocket D. I could ideally go to Rebirth, but my friends who checked it out said the RP scene was dead, and the HC license announcement combined with some HC visitors causing issues in RP killed off native RP outside of insular friend groups.
>another year
>the city of heroes thread is still predominantly about inter server shitflinging and faggotry
almost like there isn't really much game here so retard drama is the actual draw.
>almost like there isn't really much game here so retard drama is the actual draw.
I would argue against that. Game has a ton of content, but at the same time it has been 21 or so years since launch. I could bitch about in-game, RP community drama if you want. I've had plenty of that shit lately. Otherwise I'm just slowly getting invention enhancements for my level 50+ characters, working on costumes and having fun.
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Is Homecoming really that bad now? Played for a bit because an IRL friend got into it and he talked me into tagging along. Didn't get to super high levels before I burnt out from what I remember so maybe I wasn't exposed to enough autism.
Not really. Threads like these just tend to be loud about it.
Depends. If you turn off General chat and avoid RP drama you can have fun without an autism overdose. One of my biggest complaints is the random, new lore plaques added. Some of which brings RL shit like gay pride or stuff that goes against the timeless comic setting into the stead. If you even seem like you are going to talk badly about it, people get pissed. It's stupid.
>goes against the timeless comic setting into the stead
I mean, isn't there a whole thing about how minority metahumans were disproportionately drafted to fight in Vietnam functioning as part of the catalyst for Malta's present ideology? I also recall an arc dealing with Malta concerned about China's growth and its growth projections creating a 'meta-human power imbalance'.

Though I kind of guess that stuff's just inevitable with a group like Malta that was basically /pol/schizo: the group before /pol/schizo was a thing.
Stuff like Might For Right and other political issues in CoH are not overly brought up in game. Which is fine with me. Cryptic/Paragon made a surprisingly deep and interesting universe for their MMO. The problem with the modern changes is that it's shitting on established lore to try to push modern politics/issues. Some of the new bits of lore, like the airship remains in Prometheus Park in Atlas is kinda cool. It's not nearly as hamfisted as rainbow benches and Stonewall references while also making an established hero gay. As a gay male it feels like token pandering and queerwashing by out of touch members of HC. Plenty of gay players and characters have existed since Live, and the progressive push for stuff like Paragon Pride Parade feels like a manufactured spectacle.
Hc shill thread
I've seen more complaining about it than anything else.
okay, I am sorry to kind of beat this dead horse, I do understand 4chan is, well, a thunderspy and rebirth place and that's fine. I do just want to note though that the 'captain indomitable was gay' thing only is apparent in part of a history plaque chain while the might for right act is its entire own history plaque chain plus being heavily tied in with Indigo and Crimson's content. There's also the fact that, yes, it's turning an established character gay, but there wasn't much established with them, they're a hero who was helping to investigate the Sky Raiders with The Sky Raider's Secret arc and you don't even interact with him alive. He's kind of dead when you find him. I also feel like there's an exploration badge somewhere from back during live where he's mentioned but I can't seem to find it.

So this doesn't even meet the criteria for a retcon as that would require it to contradict previously established information.
>I do understand 4chan is, well, a thunderspy and rebirth place..
You sir, are delusional if you think HC doesn't have numbers here too. The big difference is that here numbers don't count for shit against a sound argument. And ain't no one cares about your victim complex. Folks are more likely to chuckle at HC taking 6 months to test a color change on a bench and some badge text than anything else.
newfag here, i'm trying to figure out which server to try
i like the look of thunderspy's features, but i'm worried about playercount. i've never played the game, so i don't know how it impacts gameplay, but i don't want to be locked out of stuff because no one's online and i can't solo/duo it.
homecoming has a lot of people on it, but i've read some pretty horrific things about it. if it's hc or nothing, is stuff like >>1250010 ignorable?
hopefully this post doesn't feed into any arguments or anything, not my intention
>muh pop
fake post
nvm, deleting this post because i found my answer
all the guides i found just said vague stuff like 'you can solo some things' but i found out about the difficulty/team size systems through an obscure new player tip video lol
Very ignorable. In fact that plaque and those benches are the only ones of their kind, and they're located in the zone with literally nothing in it that wasn't released on live when it sunset.
Always and forever. They can't stop themselves. Kinda similar with a lot of private server threads on here though, FFXI thread is mostly private server console wars.
This is gonna be the biggest drawback going forward. The thing about private servers of dead games, CoH included, is that its a snapshot right of the final moments before it closed. HC are making a lot of big sweeping changes including continuing the story. Other servers don't do that. They'll add a bunch of costume stuff and powersets sure but that seems to be the limit.
I dunno if its a hot take but I always thought CO's lore was better, but to be fair they had the tabletop to go off of.
Thunderspy has made plenty of big sweeping changes of it's own, overhauling some archetypes entirely.
Yes but they haven't added any new actual content. Like task forces or story arcs.
But it has made big sweeping changes.
Homecoming is more like the original game but went past issue 24 with new content.
Homecoming changed up all Blaster secondary power pools. It's not very accurate to live.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. There hasn't been a private server I've been on yet that hasn't made big changes to the game. Weather it's rebalancing classes, speeding up levelling, or adding new content, rough as it may be compared to live, or simply being broken in many areas, though that's hardly intentional. And not a single CoH private server is an exception.
I asked about that and there is a bullshit sounding claim that they can not make any old servers, and they they can only do new servers updated to the latest SCORE issue. I hope, pray that someone leaks the source out from SCORE so proper servers can be set up.
I wasn't just talking about City of Heroes. I have played many privates servers of many different MMOs. Even those that claim to be vanilla are always altered in some fashion. So I very much doubt a "proper" CoH server would ever get set up either.
I dunno, I never quite liked how CO and City both tied a sort of 'meta origin' to a single event. Though it especially feels egregious to me with City of Heroes because there are explicit metahumans before Statesman and Recluse opened Pandora's box, two of them we fight in the present (Nemesis is from the 19th century and Giovanna Scaldi of the Carnival of Shadows and the soul within Vanessa Devore's mask was a mutant from the 18th century)
It's explained in the novelizations. The box stores power of the well. It was opened two or three times before Marcus and Stefan opened it to cure Marcus of his lung damage. The first time opening it was in Rome with the heroes of mythology. The second time is mentioned by the Furies but never said when/where. The third time is during the 1920's and the birth of a new age of heroes and metahumans.
They're kind of obsessed with fiddling with the numbers like that, maybe its all they can do but the majority of their updates is just minmaxing shit like that.
Inept "devs" who can barely do a change without fucking someone else. Thus the proliferation of claims of "Spaghetti code" by the playerbase. The CoH code is serviceable, it's SCORE and the HC devs that are retarded.
Pretty hypocritical up in this thread
Nothing like watching a SG shatter and crumble because of RPers having clashing egos.
I remember during HCs launch a lot of SGs popped up and thats when a lot of people realized they'd changed in the past 8 years, especially politically. The clashes and devastating crumbles were fun to watch.
Also which one?
>I remember during HCs launch a lot of SGs popped up and thats when a lot of people realized they'd changed in the past 8 years, especially politically. The clashes and devastating crumbles were fun to watch.
Still is happening now in HC, matter of fact. Plenty of new SG/VGs pop up, neglect to ban politics talk or do not enforce the rule and get torn to shreds.

The SG I was in went to hell because the chief tard wrangler ended up wising up to the SG being a sinking ship and left, the chief tard invited all their friends and took over. Leader has apparently given up on even pretending to be a leader and is content to be a figurehead to said chief tard and their delusions.
It just felt especially fun at the start because a lot of them were old friends, trying to remake their own SGs and just failing in a massive disaster.
I can see that, yeah. It's equally funny and sad seeing old groups from Live trying to live in their 2012 bubble even now. These little cliques that want their own little CoH universe and flat out ignore anyone they don't accept. United Underworld from Virtue splintered into a few groups like that after revival efforts on Everlasting failed a few times.
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Sorry, don't mean to interrupt the gaslighting, but the 5th anniversary is coming VERY soon and Tspy has new content for it.
Pic related is VERY captionable.
how is turning numbers up on TFs to match fanfic AE arcs and calling them "hard mode" in any way continuing the story?

Homecoming hasn't released any content that adds to the story in a meaningful way. They just put a gay bench in the game.
It's not continuing the story but it is pissing in the lore pool. Cramming idpol shit into a superhero and ERP simulator.
>It was 5 years ago today that the shitstorm happened
OP says "no server feud autism" and puts an HC load screen pic up.
Don't need to talk about other servers because I know ALL the dirt on HC.
And I'm going to tell it ALL motherfuckers. Every lie. Every distortion, the censorship that has become their go-to. All of it. About the only thing off the table is the money-grubbing because of board rules.
Now OP could stop me by deleting this thread. Or other HCDrones could up the post count and wait out the time it takes the thread to die.
So let's start at the beginning. City of Heroes launched in 2004 a little bit before WoW did. So it doesn't follow all of the things WoW copycats assumed were the new standard. Notably how your character looked had NO effect on how it performed. Game had a good life until the publisher NCSoft pulled the plug unexpectedly in 2012 while it was still making money.
Sometime between the announcement of the shutdown and the actual shutdown, a dev sent a full copy of the game to the head mod of the City of Heroes subreddit. It's this leak that private servers use today.

Pretty impressive showing.
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I remember when these threads were more common and the thundertrannies would have a meltdown when you'd mention population in the HC vs TS "debate" when someone would be wondering which server to try.

I still vaguely remember the wall of text some shit huffing idiot wrote up about the server not having a bustling population because of people being told to play on HC if they wanted to group frequently.
Far better than Thunderspy's offerings of absolutely fucking nothing with a side of a retarded furfag's "vision" of what the existing game content should be butchered into.
No examples so you are just making shit up obviously
>nooo don't make the game 64 bit
Five years later and Thunderfags are still seething in their cuckshed because Homecoming got ALL the benefits by acting professional meanwhile they're still known as "the 4chan server" that everyone avoids like the plague. lol
No Posi I noticed, is he the dev who hates private servers that was talked about in this thread then?
They still do
There's a couple of more Tspy devs being randomly aggressive in the thread.
We were doing so well with the no server autism. Are you all addicted to cross-server drama or something? Its not like the bickering is gonna convince people to suddenly switch to another server so it serves no point.
Decided to check out some of the questions for the CoH dev Q&A and a lot of them are pretty turbo autist and if I was a CoH dev I'd have no idea on how to answer them. Not only because a lot of it is about stuff from 10+ years ago but its like obscure lore shit, paragraph long questions.
Nothing good will come of this. These people have not worked on City of Heroes in a decade at the least. Just wait till someone asks something like "Are Statesman and Lord Recluse gay lovers?", "Does Hamidon think trans lives matter?", "Is Tyrant secretly Donald Trump and Praetoria a MAGA paradise?". Any sort of current day, idpol shit that is allowed to be answered - though neglect or intentionally by the HC "leadership" organizing this is gonna poison the well further.

As opposed to Homecoming where HC "dev" friends who break the ToS are lightly given a tap on the wrist? Like the two or three players who were caught trying to find younger players OOCly for ERP? Or where screenshots taken of the HC discord show the higher ups trading player ERP chat logs that they found while spying on people in Pocket D and hideouts?

Now before you sperg out at me, all private servers for CoH suck. They're all various groups of cunts from Live who got a taste of power and get an impotent chubby from having authority over other players. It's basically a powered up version of running a SG or Club Base for these people.
>all private servers for CoH suck
Private servers in general suck and are always full of "my server is better" drama, its like discord server drama or guild drama x10 and all boils down to the same thing, getting hard over power as you said. Just check the FFXI and Everquest private server threads here. All of them have the same kind of drama as this one.

Though CoH for some reason has some real deidcated cultists that get hard over this 20 year old game thats now showing its age.
>We were doing so well with the no server autism.
I dunno if you noticed Anon but the entire thread is server autism. Thundercucks can't help themselves.
Anon reveals that he has never been to a fan Q&A before. This happens all the time. They answer the best they can, and move on. Many questions don't get an answer at all.
>Private servers in general suck and are always full of "my server is better" drama, its like discord server drama or guild drama x10 and all boils down to the same thing, getting hard over power as you said. Just check the FFXI and Everquest private server threads here. All of them have the same kind of drama as this one.
>Though CoH for some reason has some real deidcated cultists that get hard over this 20 year old game thats now showing its age.
Seems like it, yeah. The insane cultist aspect is somewhat net for City of Heroes though. My theory is that the normalfags and non-gamers who played back on Live kept the no lifer players from being too autistic/balanced things. Once Live shut down, the socio-political shit like trooning and the 2016 election really flared up. With the normalfags gone, and the secrecy of the private server - as well as the "We're the best!" gaslighting that Leoland was based on, it's no wonder that modern CoH private servers have a culty, insane feeling to both players and people in charge. These are people who have played millions of hours of CoH, who live, breathe and dream the game. They're huffing their own farts from Live over a decade later thinking they are the characters they play in some cases.
I mean you'd have to be a no lifer to host/play on a secret cabal private members only server of a dead game. I think it just gets funnier as time goes on because CoH is getting more and more dated, and it no longer does stuff thats really unique anymore. A lot of other MMOs have character creators as good or better than CoH's (can create faces), other MMOs have mission creators, home and base creators, are no longer your typical fantasy MMOs etc.
True. The one thing CoH has going for it currently is the sheer level of detail put into the lore, and the combat. Sadly SCORE and the private server ruler jackoffs don't understand that and are bound and determined to forcibly rape the lore to try to make the game more modern. If they wanted to make CoH better they should focus on low-impact story stuff, new costume and new base items.

What are you even mad about?

Defense changes that the staff collectively agreed on, which HC has done in a far more sweeping way?
Making underutilized content co-op?
The ability to unlock Incarnates by playing group content outside of iTrials instead of being rewarded for farming?
A 64-bit client?
HCDrones choosing to up the post count with around 15 posts I see. But it matters not. On with the true history of HC that they plainly don't want revealed!
Ok now this subreddit mod had a full copy of the game and some other stuff. His name was Leandro "Leo" Pardini and he lived in Argentina. Now mentioning Argentina is important because Leo couldn't be prosecuted for having an illegal copy of the full game code due to a lack of relevant extradition treaties apparently. At this point Leo had choices. He COULD choose to release the code anonymously onto the internet, making him the man of the hour and a hero to the whole community or even just hide in the background without anyone else the wiser.
But alas, he couldn't bear the thought of someone ELSE controlling a server..fuckhead.
>remember mastermind being a lot of fun
>coming back it feels very different
Funny, how everything seemed so much better back then. I wonder if it was always like this, if a patch changed it, or if it's because I'm a grown man putting in more effort than making whatever sounded cool and rolling with it. Still, it was fun to go down memory lane. Those custom missions are cool but I miss just being able to go out and do random missions without putting a lot of time into finding specific groups for it as, from memory, that was the only way to level back then. Even still, most of the people that play this have played for close to two decades, reminds me a lot of going back to dark age of camelot. Everyone already has everything memorized and are so unused to new blood that the thought of someone not knowing something is a foreign concept. Truly is a different experience when it's new to everyone.
Mastermind was always a low tier class.

>Those custom missions are cool but I miss just being able to go out and do random missions without putting a lot of time into finding specific groups for it as, from memory, that was the only way to level back then.
Just because you can basically power level yourself to 50 fighting level 1s doesn't mean everyone is interested because it's fucking boring, lmao.
> Even still
Even still trying to convince yourself further of things that have no bearing on your experience.

There is nothing to "memorize" in this game. People have been farming missions since before AE existed. The only difference is now you can convince yourself it's all AE's fault your having no fun despite the option still being there.

His excuse of
>b-b-but it had so much timestamped code!
that was cleaned out in a few days was cringe. But it still doesn't mean anyone is going to suddenly play on a dead server.
>HCDrones choosing to up the post count with around 15 posts I see.
Plenty of the last posts you mentioned were shitting on HC. As they should. At least mine did and rightfully so. I want the fucking source that Argentinian cunt has so I can make my own server, as vanilla as possible. No more letting troons and discord jannies run CoH.
Whats stopping you from pulling it from the git, or are you retarded?
>Whats stopping you from pulling it from the git, or are you retarded?
From what I was told, the Git is SCoRE tampered. I just want the 2012 era package that was leaked to Leo.
I'm pretty sure SCORE has never released the codebase for their version of CoH. But they did release the barebones i24 version from the start once it was scrubbed of timestamps. It's also been maintained and "fixed" as much as needed to run smoothly on modern hardware with no changes made to the game iteself.

>I want the fucking source that Argentinian cunt has so I can make my own server, as vanilla as possible. No more letting troons and discord jannies run CoH.
I think this says a lot about you after revealing just how shallow your interest is. A google search away from your answer for all this time... lmfao. Have you even played this game before, my nigger?
Nah Mastermind was always low tier, very slow, very not doing much. It just seemed cooler when you were younger cause of all the cool pets.
The one released isn't Score tampered its just i24.
That's like saying classic wow is the same as wow as it was in 2004. It's twice as hard, at best, to get groups of people to do anything but run scarlet monastery aoe parties. The only thing I can agree with is that power leveling is boring but for everything else I can already tell you're going to be an argumentative cunt so I'm not even going to go there with you.
Yeah, I figured as much, nostalgia can hit hard sometimes. Too bad they were always shit though.
The only part that is argumentative is that I disagree with you and have played the games to confirm my own delusions. Played Classic WoW a few months ago into the mid 40's on a mage before I got bored. To my utter shock and dismay would you guess the LFG channels were popping and finding grouped content took no effort? I never had to form my own group once, lmfao. You might not be that lucky on some servers for CoH, but you can definitely do paper/contact missions without a full team.

The games are dead because they're out of their heyday. Not because some dorks chasing efficiency are speeding their way through parts of the game most people enjoy.

Good on you for bringing up one of the most alive and well MMOs to show just how "bad" the state of MMO gaming is nowadays. You convinced me on this discussion board, I kneel.
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>I think this says a lot about you after revealing just how shallow your interest is. A google search away from your answer for all this time... lmfao. Have you even played this game before, my nigger?
Of course not, I've never touched the game. Nor did I play it for years back when it was a live game. Nope. I'm just a band wagoner.

Really though, can you honestly tell me that SCoRE and HC as groups are healthy for CoH? I'd prefer to see NCSoft taking over operations if it means getting disinterested Korean office workers behind the wheel, even if it was just giving oversight to the HC team. For the majority of the groups running CoH private servers it's just a way of flexing their e-peens. They make changes to better suit their personal views and tastes, be it altering powers for archetypes or adding or changing lore. I spent enough time on Virtue and the forums to know that the average "big name" player is an egotistical idiot. I'm not a "big name" myself although I'm probably an idiot in my own way.

That's good to know. I was told when I first joined that "SCoRE could only release the newest builds due to 'spaghetti code'." Maybe I'll tinker around and see if I can not set up a private server locally for laughs. Thanks for the correction, Anon.
>Really though, can you honestly tell me that SCoRE and HC as groups are healthy for CoH?
It seems like you're confused. In no way did I endorse them or any of those faggots. Yes, I will play on homocumming occasionally when I want to experience stuff with a group of more than 2-3 people.

You have such strong convictions yet you still play on these servers while decrying there should be a way for you to make your own (there is and it was always open to you)

I don't care about some roleplayer on Virtue. I don't care about how many virtual dicks you crammed down your throat to be part of their in-crowd to only suddenly learn they're faggots. You made a post about how you couldn't do a thing that nobody was stopping you from doing and you tried to pretended like things would be better if you could.

We are here folks. We're finally going to get the City of Heroes server we all deserved, right? Surely some uppity faggot wasn't mouthing off purely because it made him feel good in the moment?

You're a roleplayer, all you know how to do is pretend.
Honestly Anon you are right. I'm full of convictions and frustration with the state of the City of Heroes private servers. I was also ignorant about which version of the server data existed to be downloaded. I did not do much homework on it, I'll say that. I've had a shit few week due to my cat dying - and I know, nobody asked. and I was being rude and antagonistic, so I'm sorry. Genuinely sorry.

You don't have to forgive me or acknowledge me, you can troll me if you want. However I feel bad for being a cunt when there was no reason to do so.
You're not a cunt, you were just wrong and jaded as fuck. I hope things get better for you, losing a cat is hard.
Quit being fags and play on Thunderspy. There are no tranny devs and the jannies just get rid of bots. It's embarrassing that a small team of Brazilians have out developed the server with thousands of dollars in donations and the "official" license. The only people that have been banned are absolute turbo spergs that make chris chan look normal. Even then the list is hilariously small.
The population wouldn't be small if you bothered to actually stick around. Instead you're here on 4chan in a /vm/ thread complaining about the shit offerings of Homecoming. There's a reason you aren't posting on their discord or their forums. You could just be chilling and fun posting. Instead you're here anonymous because the "official" server has nothing to offer you. We removed political talk because polniggers can't control their power level and don't deserve anything. Go join a political discord we're here to play and try to develop city of heroes.
You could even contribute to the game itself. Several community made powers were added. A lot of new costume parts where either made by the community or designed by someone who participated.
Mastermind are only boring if you play them like a pussy. They were originally designed as janky tanks. So if you play them like that aggressively they're fun.
What's endgame?
incarnate powers are cool as fuck
Homecoming gets the spotlight again
As well it should. They saved City of Heroes.
Incarnate Powers, so you're literally a god since thats what gave the Greek Gods their powers and shit. A lot of the endgame was Praetorian stuff which is your typical alternate superhero multiverse stuff where he heroes are evil. Apparently after that we were meant to start going to space but game closed.
Why Thunderspy specifically? Why not Rebirth?
I started to suss out Thunderspy's actual intentions when other servers like Cake and Rebirth appeared and they started to sperg out over those too. Its not about not playing HC for moral reasons its about playing Thunderspy specifically. There are more than two private servers you know.
If you're playing any of those other dead servers then you're not playing Thunderspy. Simple as.
Rebirth has a decent population though
Why wouldn't I just play on the biggest server? Isn't that Homecoming?
I'm >>1268164. I can't speak for anyone else. I go with Thunderspy because that's my home server. I didn't intend to imply anything else. I don't have anything to say about rebirth, so I didn't mention them. Aside from having it's own 3d modeler, rebirth was getting a good deal of it's hard technical dev help from Thunderspy. Rebirth has frequent random issues, but I don't have a real opinion on them. HC is a blackbox when it comes to their devwork. Meanwhile their community is the worst kind of stepford smiler friendly. Meanwhile on Thunderspy you can ping the head dev and call him a shitter or ask about something technical without someone getting butthurt about it. At worst you're asked not to talk politics, spam nigger or complain about trannies out of nowhere, because nobody wants to deal with it anymore. It's not adding anything to the game and just scaring off casuals who just want to play the game and forget about their day..
I enjoy the game

We literally helped their devs with building and fixing shit. We only stopped because it was eating into time we could spend on our own things, plus them routinely ignoring advice when told "Hey, don't do that, it breaks things." So I don't know who "they" is other than the voices in your head, so please shut the fuck up.
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The horrible hidden history of homecoming continues!
The secret server!
So Leo decides he's going to run an invite-only server and deny it's existence to the uninvited. (Lying was integral right from the start!) And he goes about colluding with or corrupting well known community figures and folks in charge of CoH social media groups. Once invited, if you misbehave not only will you get banned, but the person who invited you will as well! Oh and they also take donations of SEVERAL THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS A MONTH!
And if someone talked about the secret server publicly? Cue the lying, denials, and gaslighting that HC is justifiably famous for. And if reputations were ruined from this? OH WELL!
Want to know why so many folks who know the history hate HC? It's all the lies they fucking told, tell, and will continue to tell! They don't even seem to think it's wrong to lie and would certainly never admit the harm caused.
Why are you talking about this like nobody knows?
It's a history. A complete history. Everything gets covered because the risk of repeating what folks know is better than the risk of losing the knowledge. At the end people will either know homecoming isn't fucking trustworthy or they won't care.
>Tequila and other third party launchers dropped, you gotta use the "official HC launcher"
>Constantly trying to cozy up with the original devs
>Community Reps have been dropped
>People telling them not to do that now just being outright ignored or silenced
It's beginning, they're taking it slow.
Yes but if everyone else would move elsewhere I'd follow. I think everyone knows the GMs of HC are shit and would absolutely go elsewhere if elsewhere had decent enough populations. I think out of all the GMs Rebirth is the one in most touch with its community. HC is the most out of touch. Thunderspy is in the middle they can get kinda spergy.
If people actually migrated, HC wouldn't be the most populated server. It's kind of a dumb catch-22. People want to be able to open up the search window and see the names of people they'll maybe interact with outside of their usual grouping circle, but someone else has to be first.
How are the Thunderspy GM spergy so I can go tell them to cut that out?
Its that loop that stops a lot of mass migration, its why everyone hates twitter but still uses it, because nobody uses the alternatives, its why everyone hates discord but still uses it, because nobody uses the alternatives. Getting people to move person by person out of HC will never work, it has to be a massive amount of people at once.
The character creator is too robust I can't even get past it I freeze up and just close the game
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More horrible hidden history of homecoming!
Paragon chat!
Not gonna lie, there's a lot about the day to day details of Paragon Chat I don't know because it didn't sound interesting to me. As I recall it was a chat program that let you RP as if you were playing CoH in chat only. It's leader Tony V, was always going on about how they were "in talks" with NCSoft. Tony V had been a respected community leader on the CoH live forums and a lot of folks appreciated even this lame attempt to keep their beloved game alive. Several years in Paragon chat suddenly acquired a full and perfect copy of the Atlas Park beginner zone, minus several game features like NPCS or enemies that could be moved around in. This copy of AP was lifted directly from the game files Leo had.
(Later on after the secret server was revealed and Paragon Chat OUSTED Tony V, Tony V did an interview with SP Jimmy where he basically said he couldn't remember anything solid about talks with NCSoft, Paragon Chat, the secret server, but he sure did hate those guys from 4chan!)
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More horrible hidden history of homecoming!
SCORE. You've heard the term and maybe you even know it's an acronym for Secret Cabal Of Reverse Engineers. What you probably don't know is how SCORE actually worked to make changes to the code. It's real simple. Leo would give a coder a section of the game code and ask them to make an alteration, then copy/paste the new code section into the game. (Leo NEVER wanted anyone else to have a full copy of the game!) This is why the secret server/hc has a very slow pace of updates compared to almost every other private server that has ever existed. Their normal excuses are either "We need to rigorously test that park bench and badge text over a 6 month time period" and then post 2 pages of bugfixes after the patch goes live, OR they claim it's "Because of the talks".
More horrible hidden history of homecoming!
Something I forgot to mention last time is SCORE is really only associated with the secret server and they probably ceased to exist in the same way once the secret was out. And who was it who finally got the info out in a way Leo and his cronies couldn't deny? Destroyer Stroyer (Stroyer). Man I can't even IMAGINE who thought it would be a good idea to invite this guy to ANYTHING. Yes I know the instinct is to praise Stroyer, but I don't think he deserves it. Even by gamer standards, Stroyer had almost NO interpersonal skills, and he seemed well aware of this. He knew he wasn't capable of following the rules of the secret server and that he would one day be banned, so he prepared for it. He made videos showing the Sentinel AT that had not existed on live and that persuaded many that the game was alive and a secret server DID exist.
Then hell came.

Anon, who I assume is Absent Friend, please stop giving your retarded history lesson. Atlas Park was easily obtainable from just grabbing an older version of the game.

The damning one was Kallisti Wharf that they added, as well as the Pocket D AE addition, which were using the V7 bin format that SCoRE created.

And also, TonyV had nothing to do with Paragon Chat. That was CodeWalker. So you're not even correct on basic details. Please shut the fuck up.
The posts about stroyer are nothing but headcanon.
>he prepared for it
He decided one day he was done with the server and that the people running it were scum.
> Even by gamer standards, Stroyer had almost NO interpersonal skills, and he seemed well aware of this
Something like this just goes to show you are bullshitting and trying to add credence to your retelling of the story.

I would ask you what drives you to lie, but it's obvious you're mentally ill an desperate for attention. The one guy who actually released genuine proof of the server existing and you're trying to pretend like he's an asshat. Kill yourself.

He didn't even do that. He made the videos for his friends, and they happened to get found by a user on the SEGS discord. Him coming forward was literally a direct result of being hungry for clout when he saw his opportunity. Otherwise, he would have let it go.
A nearly two month old thread. Wild.
they keep scrambling my vegeta
make him on thunderspy (if you like soloing lol) they added super saiyan hair
No I'm actually basing it on the interaction he had on the Thunderspy discord.
Anything happening for the anniversary outside of HC? HC just has "time capsules" which as far as I know spawn where the winter presents do and give tokens or enemies to fight, along with Freedom Phalanax/Arachnos temp teps. It's pretty underwhelming, but that's no big surprise? I saw the Rikti Mothership over Atlas Park earlier in the thread, but have heard zero news on that otherwise.

Anyway, how are you Anons doing? I'm slowly leveling my normal way - no farming or 2XP. Newest blaster is over halfway to 50 and his build is mostly planned out. He's attracted folks for RP, which has been a pleasant surprise. It's almost awkward to drop him in Pocket D for the day job badge and having people come over and chat me up before I can log in my customary spot/hiding spot. The last few non-SG members roleplayers on Everlasting I've been RPing with have vanished, but that's just how things go I guess. It's a shame, but gotta appreciate the good times.
We're making a new trial on Thunderspy. I'm also going to be releasing a new costume pack which was supposed to be out on the day of, but there were way too many errors I had to address.
A new trial? Are we talking classic trial or Incarnate Trial? I miss some of the TSpy features that Everlasting is missing. I started there after a very brief join on the original private server - fuck that shithole, but my TSpy experience was fucking weird. Literally made a horribly mutilated/bandaged character and had some female character locally ask if I wanted to fuck "her" and her SG members. That and the low player numbers/limited RP I could find led me to Everlasting. Which sucks a bit but I'm stuck here now.
It's going to be like a level 30 thing.

There's like 1 or 2 really weird dudes here that kind of shit the place up but no one tells us anything or reports anything so we can't really pin point on who's being the fucking weirdo. As far the low player number goes, it's just a bad catch-22. If all the people who say they'd play here if there were more player would play here, then there'd be enough players for that not to be a problem. Hopefully we'll catch a break and player numbers won't be so much of a turnoff for people.
Nah, I get it. I'd swap back in a heartbeat if I could. Still have my old account info. Problem is that I've invested time and work into a SG on Everlasting. The server is nothing special - most of it is old RPers high on their own finely aged braps, but the few good people I've wrangled are nice, and I doubt I could pull them to TSpy. I've even mentioned it in passing once or twice.
Well, we're not gonna go anywhere anytime soon so we'll be around if you and your buddies wanna stop by and see the new costumes and stuff.
Yeah they'll probably casually forget about the Rikti Mothership over Atlas, HC has an aversion to things like spawning giant monsters or invasions elsewhere for the fun of it for some reason, same with double or triple XP. They're such rarities.

Rebirth seems more focused on their own anniversary than CoH's:
>Receive the 5th Anniversary badge New Horizons upon logging in.
>Nemesis Invasion Events all-throughout May
>Monster Mash Event, Wednesday, May 15th at 6 PM EST.
>Double XP starts after server reset Sunday, May 12 thru Thursday, May 16, 2024
>Triple XP starts Friday, May 17 thru Sunday, May 19, 2024
I find the whole old RPers thing interesting since the RP community for CoH is pretty small these days, when you think there's around 300 - 400 people on Everlasting on average and how many of them are actually RPers? And roughly how many new people does a literal dead game like CoH get? and how many of those new people are RPers? So it's very slim. So it must be a very closed community where everyone's pretty much met each other and interacted with each other at some point, which must make people who run into each other when they're both interested in the same SG very interesting.
That's accurate. Joining an Everlasting discord is a lot of "Oh, it's the same dozen people in positions of power, just different character names.". The same cunts pulling the same circlejerks - sometimes under the table, sometimes blatantly jacking each other off. Not saying everyone in HC is bad, but Everlasting has a tumorous old guard of RPers who try to run everything and think they are hot shit because of Live/Leoland.
Are there any servers that have the PvP from before the rework that gutted it? I was unironically in one of the top PvP SGs and just everyone ended up quitting after they normalized damage to cast animation time across almost every attack so you didn't get the big interplay of trying to spike damage on a target from all of your blasters after purging their buffs while avoiding getting spiked yourself.

It was a shame since PvP was really fun and interesting when you were trying to coordinate a full team to try and set up someone who's got both super speed and super jump, since double travel was mandatory in PvP for enabling escapes at the higher levels. PvP was also fun at the lower levels, and I think I still have the Arachnos cape I won alongside a couple of free months during a NCSoft sponsored level 5 or 10, I can't remember, PvP tourney. I guess the devs thought it was too intimidating and arcane to get into and hoped simplifying it would make more then a handful of builds viable, but it just made it unfun.
PvP in Everlasting is basically cage fights with stupid rules at this point. Not many people bother with the PvP zones outside of SGs and tourists from Excel who hunt badgers for laughs.
did they kill the argentinian cunt yet for keeping the server a secret for a decade
>And roughly how many new people does a literal dead game like CoH get?
Not enough to sustain itself. Homecoming's population is back down to pre-license announcement and they're losing hundreds of players a month. If the license is real then they've done absolutely nothing to take advantage of it.

>Are there any servers that have the PvP from before the rework that gutted it?
I don't know what rework you're talking about specifically but some work has been done on it on Thunderspy, but it might not be what you're looking for. PvP in this game was always kind of shit though so you're probably not going to find any server that's going to spend the time to make it better, especially with how little interest there is in it.

>did they kill the argentinian cunt yet for keeping the server a secret for a decade
No he still leads Homecoming.
The ones I roll my eyes at the most are the ones who find some one word name, make a toon from it, then just stand at Atlas or Pocket D all day with their level 1 in some idle animaton, awaiting the "nice costume" tells. But they never do anything, RP, mission, nothing, they just idle a few hours, shit talk people, act better, log, then hog the name.

Everlasting has a lot of those.
When was the rework? Live? Or is it some private server shananigans?
That's very true. I try to give people compliments on cool designs/descriptions/positive reasons, but a lot of people are just ego fishing.
>Not enough to sustain itself. Homecoming's population is back down to pre-license announcement and they're losing hundreds of players a month.
I've noticed that but I expected it. All the new supergroups that popped up through January and February died either due to inactivity or infighting that always happens. HC "devs" love sitting on their ass and doing the bare minimum, constantly teasing that something MIGHT be coming but it never does.
I've always said that HC was the worst possible server to gain all this popularity. They're only popular because they were first, every other server is objectively better in ever regard other than population, which is what most people seems to care about until they realize that there's nothing for them and they just quit the game altogether.
>I've noticed that but I expected it. All the new supergroups that popped up through January and February died either due to inactivity or infighting that always happens
Circle of life. A lot of current SG/VGs are tight knit groups of old friends from Life/Private/early HC and they get some new blood in, but the focus is on the core. New members get dissatisfied, disillusioned and quit. People get tired of the same shit rehashed and people huffing nostalgia.

That said one of the biggest fucking problems in Homecoming/Everlasting is that the Help channel is full of out of touch, retarded players. The sort of people who have played since Closed Beta and have turned the game into a speedrun. These are the people giving bad advice to new players and ruining the experience for them. "Just run DFB until level 15, and fire farm until 35! Do ITF until 50! Need money? Dual box using this cookie cutter build and fire farm until you're a billionaire! The story? It's nothing special, I've run it hundreds of times and it's no good!!" These are the people killing CoH from my experience. Not everyone wants to powerlevel and skip the meaningful story content. Not everyone wants to be given MIDS builds that break all content. It's a bunch of retards poisoning the well because they're either no-life NEETS or genuinely retired old people.
Everyone I know who plays HC says they only play because its the most popular server and its the only server where you can consistently find groups no matter what time of day. But like >>1288643 says if all the people who said they'd play Thunderspy or Rebirth if enough people came along would actually come along, they'd have decent populations.
I'd rather have a low population of people I get on with than a higher population of mugs who annoy me
The rework was in one of the updates on the Live server, yea. A glance at the Wiki suggest it was probably issue 13. Maybe they reworked things after and I didn't know because I didn't keep up with the game after I quit.
For what it's worth on Thunderspy pvp was changed so that IO bonuses don't work. So it's more of a equalized playing field with basic values and no incarnate spam that doesn't require farming up a meta build.
Hey anons is it worth trying out this game ? I don't do rp and combat looks a bit dated although i don't mind it one bit
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It was made before WoW so it doesn't follow the modern MMO standard so things might feel a bit strange at first. It has some of the best character creation in a game and if you can think of a character you'll most likely be able to make it.
The best advice I can give you, and I don't know where you plan on playing, is to try to avoid powerleveling through the entire game and take it at your own pace. This isn't a modern MMO where the endgame is the main draw. Enjoy what it has to offer at every level.
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Thanks i just joined the one that seemed the most populated which appeared to be homecoming
it also doesn't matter if you rush to level cap since you can do all the content in the game through the flashback system. just play however you want. but there isn't anything to do at max level besides mostly the same stuff you do while leveling.
thunderspy has all the normal people. I don't care what you niggers say thunderspy is still best, homecoming is reddit personified and everyone knows it.
I'm now going to play your game.
based. i love the sims and played with barbies.
Enjoying it so far played for around 3 hours and did a bit of group play
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I made discount Yamcha and I can't stop laughing
the sheer amount of seethe thunderchuds have for homecoming is perhaps the funniest thing I've ever seen. four years later and they're still crying about nothing.
All the private servers suck one way or another. The ideal solution would be for NCSoft to toss up an official server, staff it with neutral Koreans who won't snoop in chat logs or play favorites, and call it good.
Your ideal solution is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard.
Is it? NCSoft are greedy shitheads, but they at least paid employees are frowned upon for meddling in games.I'll take a bored Korean GM with zero interest in City of Heroes as an impartial leader over community run server jannies who regularly break private server rules and play favorites with their butt buddies. I'm looking at HC, but I have no doubt it's an epidemic in any and all private servers - CoH or otherwise.
You're a dumb retard and favoritism happens even if employees are paid. Your solution would be a faster death sentence for this game than it already is. HC getting involved with NCSoft is already fucking stupid and you want to take it to the next level.
You stupid fuck, the genie is out of the bottle. Anyone can host a server now. That said an "Official", NCSoft run server would bring back old players who would officially hear about the game and not be run by social outcasts, troons and retards.
You'd rather the game be run into the ground again by the fucking indifferent Koreans that shut it down in the first place? You really are the dumbest mother fucker I've ever seen. Oh wow City of Heroes is official! Now we can enjoy pay-to-win micro transaction and wait for the inevitable shut down again while the Koreans add nothing new to the game and just keep it around with a skeleton crew. So now instead of the game being run by people who actually like the game it's run by a corp who don't give a shit, sounds a lot like HC actually.
Pay to win microtransactions weren't even that big of a deal on live. You could ignore it because of how easy the game was. I would take all that stuff back in a heartbeat to get content releases on par with what the devs were doing toward the end. Nothing any of the privates servers have done adds up to the equivalent of a single issue done by paragon studios. And I'm not trying to belittle their efforts. There is just a substantial difference between volunteering and paid professional work.
Its showing its age now for sure
There are more servers than that anon. Its not a two choice system.
They'd monetize it though and I'd have to pay monthly
You’re delusional if you think NCsoft would do more than hire a skeleton crew to keep the game on life support. There would be no updates from them, retard. Let alone anything from the original devs.
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Reminds me of this post, which explains why there's barely any content or updates or events on Homecoming and why they floundered the big boost in players with the licensing by just sitting on their ass doing bare minimum. Its that the GM team CAN'T do anything as they're not allowed as they're also not kept in the loop, the top brass are that secretive they even keep shit from the GM team.
If people saw half the shit that goes down in the HC Dev discord, they would probably switch servers without a second thought.
They probably wouldn't. For a large majority of people its as simple as "This is where the most people play/this is where my friends are" people go where others go. It'd require a mass exodus. Then again maybe some shit storm would cause that.
The HC jackoff posts from the early days would be a serious fucking problem and I'd love to see if the logs leaked, provided they were not scrubbed.
Yeah the PvP rework he's talking about was in issue 13. And the short answer is no. All the servers use the one code base leaked during the sunsetting of the game, so that rework was baked in. After i13 launched, a large portion of the PvP crowd went elsewhere, which in turn ensured that the devs spent no more time on PvP due to lack of demand so nothing ever changed in PvP again.

Now to speculate, it might be possible for devs to reset PvP to the way it was before i13, but even the server imho most likely to, Thunderspy, won't for lack of demand.
costume contest under atlas. winner gets my CoH comics
>did they kill the argentinian cunt yet for keeping the server a secret for a decade
Six years, but I was going to mention this in the next homecoming horrible hidden history.
So at this point the news is out the game exists on a secret server founded by Leo and folks are reacting HEAVILY. The games fans still had fond memories and they were NOT HAPPY they had been lied to. Here on 4chan, reactions were bad. On infinichan they were FAR less restrained. Leo kept stalling until pictures of his house hit the net. All of a sudden Leo realized his life was worth about $20 american to some nearby people and the only reason he was sucking air was that his death wouldn't get the code released. (My personal speculation is this is when he decided he hated 4chan and directed folks to harass Thunderspy at leisure.
Once again, homecoming was founded with intrinsic lies.
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The recent PC Gamer article said this while not naming any NCSoft person.
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But Leo said THIS.
you're just retarded. I would take professional updates by a skeleton crew (what we got the last few years of live) over getting nothing at all. no private server had released anything adding up to as much as a single live issue. Having an autistic grudge against ncsoft doesn't change that an official version would be better supported. and i dont mean the "official" shit with hc
>banning degenerate coomer ERPers
why did he randomly act like a good guy for one part 3/4 of the way in? broken clock?
HC devs read all your private messages yet don't ban child RPers, Thunderspy devs don't play the game and spend all their time seething about HC, Rebirth is trying not to look as bad as the other two and have a weird seemingly racist TF2 modeler on the team.
If you asked me to pick a server I would just go to Cake. The game is slow as hell so getting a bump to 50 for sandbox fun is better than getting groomed or progressing by myself.
Rebirth has the better options if you want to make an actual superhero, their patterning for tights and such is very intricate and cool. Thunderspy has the better options for those who want to make whatever, the increased slider caps and custom model stuff makes for a stronger variety of options overall (and the faces can get really funny)
Yeah isnt their current narrative "We haven othing to do with SCORE" but then SCORE is also still their test server? Its comedic.
>5 years of impotent whining because his fourchin server has no players
Cake is fun but not for going straight to max. It's nice to pick a random powerset and then manually adjust the level and group size until the powerset starts to struggle. Can be surprisingly fun but it's a shame some of the powerset animations are unfinished and shit, an immediate drop for the powerset the moment I see that.
Can't speak for all of them but I don't want the firefarm auction jew shitters from Homecoming, but would prefer some other server like Rebirth gets the general acclaim and that everyone knows how much of a sociopathic sheister Leandro is. Really, literally anybody else will do, every other server worked nicely in the Ourodev days except those self-important fags.
Thats the thing you fucking idiot, you wouldn’t get any updates. It’ll get the Heroes of the Storm treatment and just kept on life support. Do you even know what a skeleton crew is? Your simping for a apathetic company is much worse than any grudge i have.
The thing is, CoH's final updates all sucked and had blatant monetization forced on them via NCsoft. That company can't be trusted to run anything, the best case scenario would have been the dev team buying the rights out from them when they were on the verge of close like they almost did but the deal fell apart at the last moment because of their asinine Korean pride not wanting to admit they couldn't manage the IP for shit.
take your meds psycho. i would take a chance at real updates over no chance. you are weirdly against an official continuation
the final updates were some of the best. you just have shit taste and aren't a true fan of the game. DA is some of the best content the devs put out since CoV
This is bait.
why do you want the game to stay dead with no chance at real content updates again? you're a fucking retard and not a real fan
Have fun with ncsoft monetization and game living essentially on borrowed time as ncsoft gave zero fucks of upkeeping it even back then. Community servers might be aids in their own right but they will be around forever in some capacity and with no microtransaction to boot.
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Rebirth's success would be better than Thunderspy's as HC just brush off Thunderspy as "the 4chan chud server" while Rebirth seems to genuinely make them seethe, they just silently wipe Rebirth discussion in their discord, especially regarding costume features.

However I swear I've seen a couple of their cultist playerbase and the higher ups just brush off ALL other servers as "chud 4chan servers" and lumped Rebirth into it, I remember the Rebirth discord being pretty annoyed by that.
Cake's fun as a dick around server
I thought CoH was one of the better free to play models to be honest, maybe thats why it made no money though.
private servers would still exist. thanks for proving your IQ is below room temperature. The ideal would be the game coming back officially because it can't ever be taken away anyway
This. Glad someone else gets it. A legit, official NCSoft run server would bring the old folks and normalfags back. Yes, plenty of Live oldfags still play on the private server - but plenty of them are no life retired, neets or disabled. Not a healthy playerbase by any means (Physically or mentally). Yes, a few thousand people play now, but it's a group fractured into tiny cliques over at least three servers. NCSoft making an official server would bring back the people who liked CoH on live but quit when Live was sunset. Or a solid portion of them. The less tech-savvy and non-gaming sort. The people who wanted to play on private servers could do so and have their little empires. They could have server wars and gossip and shitpost in fact. Just like now. Best of all we could avoid the CoH lore/canon being shit on by talentless writers and designers like is happening on some private servers. Everybody wins.
Rebirth was the chud eightchan server, they keep trying to sweep that under the rug though
I think getting normalfags playing again is a pipe dream. That only happened during the prime era of MMOs and when the game was new and getting expansions like CoV. Even back on live toward the end all the normalfags were long gone and it had already degenerated into one of the worst types of online communities. Normalfags will be doing whatever is normal, not playing 20 year old MMOs
Homecoming has announced (on the secret server) that they are going to nerf tankers back closer to their original state. Why were they left overpowered for 4 years to begin with? The buffs would have been thrown out to begin with if they actually did public testing.
The game is way too old for normies, the capeshit fad is also dead and over for normies too, the time has passed. The prime time would have been when the secret server was around but they decided to keep it secret instead.
Old normalfags. I knew a lot of people on Live who did not play video games but played CoH as an exception. Those are the sort an official, NCSoft run server would reattract.
Most are dead, CoH was always boomer heavy especially on live. THOSE people were the real "awesome community". Feels like CoH always has some memorial going on for someone thats dropped dead.
I'm well aware of the ages of those on Live. That said I doubt most are dead. It's been twenty years since launch, so I'd say most are 50's to 60's now. Plenty have died because MMO fanatics are not exactly the healthiest of types in general, but I think a solid contingent of former players would show if an official server was put up and news was spread.

I do agree though that the older normalfags who were content to game and RP without stupid interpersonal or in-character drama were the best of the bunch back in the day.
Thunderspy devs is there a chance you ever add the option to bind left click to rotate the camera instead of middle mouse button ? it's nit picky i know but even HC added the option to do it

It was switching to a terrible model.

>Gambling loot boxes were being introduced more and more. There was only 1 on Live, which was being sold. Private servers now have the other 2. This is effectively a means of selling Influence
>Accolades for sale are in the files as an upcoming mtx
>First Ward and Night Ward were the first sold zones/arcs. This trend would've continued
>Sold powersets were blatantly overtuned, like Titan Weapon
>Devs had AMAs discussing selling entire ATs

It seems like they were nickel and diming every part of the game in the exact way people would complain now.

Pretty sure it can already be done with just entering it as a /bind - but I'll look into getting it on the Controls and Keymapping UI.
Thanks for the response i will try to set bind it
>>First Ward and Night Ward were the first sold zones/arcs. This trend would've continued
All of Goldside was locked to Going Rogue if memory serves. Hell, prior to the merge you either had Paragon or Etoile only depending on CoH/CoV ownership and subscription.

First Ward and Night Ward were separate from the "expansion" of Going Rogue and the CoH/CoV standalones. They were sold as their own thing.


Also, sorry, it was strictly First Ward
I remember doing First Ward stuff back on Live. Might be because I had bought Going Rogue though.
The Millennials that played the game as kids and teens were brought up on the idea that its the "best community ever" and those friendly, just wanna play boomers made it so but the millennials who are now adults have got it into their heads that it was THEM that made it such a good community.
Sounds about right. It's absolutely tragic to read old chatlogs from Live and compare them to the modern players. All the old jokes, memes, shitposts that happened back on Virtue on Live would be bannable to the new playerbase. Fucking mindrot.
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fuck you post your favorite zone and track

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Croatoa is easily one of my favorite of the blue zones. That said I'll always love Cap Au Diable and the theme that plays at North as soon as you exit the ferry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjoprBC78Fg
So which one of you fags is DDoSing Rebirth?
Blue: Kings Row
Red: Port Oakes
>we can't really pin point on who's being the fucking weirdo
Just ban Nirukti like everyone begged for, the creepy fucker tried to become a pillar of the community and start shit against the dev team and you guys just let him roll all over you like nothing happened

Not really sure how he rolls over anyone considering how frequently patches are pushed that he and his brother leave over, then later come back.

It's more like staff knows they're all talk and can ignore them.
what's the Worst zone (other than boomtown)
Crey's Folly
Damn the revisionists on Homecoing is next level. Saw someone mention neat stuff they saw on other servers wondering when homecoming would get anything similar and they got shot down with rants about how everyone hates homecoming and won't share any of their features and that because it is the official server they have to go slow and not mess things up too much. Which of course was followed with a few more things about how the original person asking about it was an ungrateful bastard and should be hapy with what they have on homecoming.
All private servers suck because the only people willing to host private servers for an old, niche game like CoH are the most derange, attention-hungry, degenerate sorts. Leo's a pedophile and a liar, and from what I hear the others leaders are just as bad.
I think the biggest problem is not that they have no idea as to the history of things, because most people seriously don't give a fuck, but that they went off at some guy for asking if homecoming would ever have something another server has.
That too. But the simple problem is that the people in charge of the private servers are a cabal of cunts with ulterior motives.
Over at Thunderspy we have to constantly clear out name after living through the most insane no filter internet personalities.They're gone now and its a very chill server where you can casually talk to the people developing the game or people playing the game. At this point unless you want to actually hop on and talk. Nothing is really going to change your mind to give it a chance. I don't know what goes on in HC other than the constant gaslighting, but you're welcome to come play.
Anon, I said nothing against Thunderspy specifically. I like some of the costume changes I saw. However as a blanket statement, people running private servers for twenty year old games tend to have issues. There are good people on most private servers. You can make friends who are not backstabbers or manipulators. However all in all private servers tend to suck. Simple as. I'm not calling out Tspy or Rebirth or even HC specifically as much as just saying that they all have problems be it staff, players or otherwise.
Any anon SG on HC ?
I considered making one, but I mostly RP and I'm not sure if I could grab a crowd of RPers or RP accepting Anons.
>with rants about how everyone hates homecoming and won't share any of their features
I've seen people try to engage dialogue with HC "devs" (I quote it because they don't seem to do much) and link to stuff like files for a ton of additional costume content, and it just gets deleted. I rememebr distinctly someone made a whole bunch of custom logos and dumped them on every private server's discord. Every other private server thanked that person and used them, HC just deleted the post, when the person acted confused and asked why, they got leapt down their throat by the HC defenders which were probably the SCORE players (aka the "AMAZING COH COMMUNITY") and "hating" and when questioned why they do this, eventually HC relented and said they don't accept additional/custom stuff from randoms because it might be "untrustworthy" and more importantly might not be "up to the HC standard" which made me laugh.

This is entirely a bed they've made by making themselves so unapproachable, so shifty and secretive, and so unwilling to work with others, including those in their own community.
Found some good dudes on Excelsior, but still spend most of my time on Vanguard with my live fully-built blaster
Have you never fully decked out a character in CoH, there's a goodly amount f post 50 content that they added in the last 3-4 years of live. HC even is putting in a neat labyrinthian rogueike 50+ zone
The top few are all trannies and allies that want to bang trannies.
allegedly thunderspy is bringing atlas back in a future patch.
Yeah the HC community itself is fine, except for Excelsior because RP communities are always weird but they're specially weird and up their own ass with the whole best community shit and policing, but the big issue is just the HC GMs not the people playing it.
HC bans you for swearing in tells
Rebirth is diet HC
Thunderspy is run by a tranny

Go to Cake, Cake is fun
thunderspy is still best tbqhwuf
We finally hit bump limit, 78 days after creation.
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>might not be "up to the HC standard"
lol. lmao.
>Thunderspy is run by a tranny
How does this keep happening
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Is it though?
>Meka got sideswiped by the VRchat-to-tranny pipeline but he doesnt actually do anything and is barely even around now
>Programming Socks is an asexual sissy sociopath fed that weighs 60 pounds soaking wet but he's straight and married to a woman
>Queue is a literal furfaggot but isnt a tranny nor does he even fuck them
The only tranny they ever had on staff was a crippled retard that made exactly one shitty useless fetish MM secondary, made stupid changes to katana that ended up getting reverted, then ended up trying to be the first person ever to OD on weed, had a paranoia driven meltie and fucked off. At this point he's probably been gone longer than he was ever a dev.
Meanwhile, assuming Rebirth hasnt already shitcanned his intolerably egotistical ass, Yikes actually wishes he was a fat nigger woman with a four foot long dick that wears neon clown makeup.
Are you the guy who plays girl goblins and jerks off in game that flipped out because you can't say nigger in global channels
I dont even know who that is.
Ok time to piss off some AFK farmers!
Yeah, that's an ACTUAL thing on HC.
Because they DON'T have the pop any live server ever had, but they fucking won't think of adjusting the economy to compensate.
And speaking of their PRECIOUS POPULATION that's their ONLY selling point..
It's going away!
Yup. Sorry, not sorry!
Pic related shows they've almost COMPLETELY blown through the bump they got from their fake ass legit license announcement. That data is compiled from what HC itself makes publicly available. Check it yourselves! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vTYNS3S_J4EQSg6aFi1icl-CrUeP0V9l69vIHgAht0pX5TpeDe0dB6taRlnIu-RS2T_n3QyRrFuAqf8/pubchart?oid=1530401173&format=interactive&pli=1
And they can't advertise because turnabout is fair play. (They made fake DMCA claims when other servers tried to advertise and painted themselves into a corner!)
Funny how when you continuously lie and act in bad faith, it comes back to bite you in the ass!
In other words, karma is running over your dogma.
You may now sputter out replies.
Homecoming is the best one. People will say otherwise because they can't get over about how the owner finna be banning people in the early days
It's not even that. Homecoming literally has nothing to do with whatever conspiracy theories rejected racists come up with about how it came to be. It's all nonsensical yapping that makes no sense if you even think about it for a second. Thunderspy, Rebirth, Cake, they're all jealous that Homecoming has the most players by far, the most content by far, the best community by far (no stalkers, racists, transphobes/acephobes/homophobes, or anything like that). Thunderspy can't even keep a subreddit together because of all the horrible things their staff keep posting about Homecoming. People keep quitting and getting kicked out for daring to speak up or just leave when they see how the other servers act. The remaining ones have to resort to lies, gaslighting, DARVO, and threats posted on boards like this one to try to make Homecoming look bad. It'll never work, lil bro. You'll get banned, DDOSed, forever and forever because you deserve it.
>neutral Koreans
>the most content by far, the best community by far (no stalkers, racists, transphobes/acephobes/homophobes, or anything like that)
This. Homecoming has already advanced the game to issue 27 while other servers are stuck on i24 or i25.
Hate how every time I check to see if a name is free, its taken by the same three fuckers over and over and over.
I dont know why they have so many shards. Instead of having one two huge population servers, they have three mid population servers and two low population servers that no matter how much advertising, double xp, and costume contests they host, can't retain numbers and is always 100 or less because they simply don't have the numbers to have FIVE shards at once and should get the hint.

Of course now they can't shut them down as that'd delete peoples characters and cause them to get mad and sperg out. So they're stuck, they got too cocky thinking their initial launch population in 2019 would stay and they'd be able to retain five shards worth of people.
Everyone I know who plays HC says that if it wasn't for the population they'd be gone, and if there was a mass exodus they'd follow. Almost all the player base plays HC in spite of the leadership not because of it.
Also I know no other MMO private servers that have more than three shards at most, I could be wrong but any other private servers of MMOs I've played usually have one, sometimes two for a PVP server, and rarely a third as like an EU or RP server or something.
You can merge servers without deleting characters. The real reason they don't merge is because it would make them look bad as people associate server merging with the server dying. They used to be necessary when they had like 10k players when the game first came back but they never consolidated after. My tin foil hat says they're also keeping the servers to justify their server costs so they can pocket the excess money they get.
So you got banned from HC, and this is your sour grapes moment?
They should have consolodated very early on, they were fucking around with the servers a ton and rebooting, renaming, merging, splitting etc that first month. They didn't fully settle until month 2, and by month 3 having 5 servers was obsolete, thats when they should have merged. Yes it would have made them look bad but every server has a population drop after the initial launch excitement so it would have brought up no red flags for people.

IMO even now its less about the server dying and more like there should have never been that many number of shards in the first place.
Also you make a good point, people are paying up thousands a month to host two shards (Indominable and Reunion, and to an extent Torchbearer) that are mostly empty. They're paying for two 1000 player shards that don't even get up to 200 people peak times and average around 50 - 100.

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