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cultural fighting game

>Frame data

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post em
if only I was 40ms faster so I could be a react fag
asscreed event coming back
>straightest orochi player
hl rework is so close bros.....
guard x
chat b
Please. I'll take another feintable bash character over his retarded hyper armor.
I want to seek help sometimes. But I am long past it.
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no wonder I've never been able to light parry
I simple wasn't built for these streets
soon it will be our time
>fast flow to offensive stance
>feint the kick
and the one I think I'm looking forward to the most
>hyperarmor enhanced zone
>oh you're going to try and use your kyoshin all guard block punish?
>nope swoos swoos swoos
>can be feinted before all three heavies so you can also finally use it to catch people in parry attempts
>rollcatch caber toss is still in
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I would be surprised if LB isn't the one to receive the hero skin tomorrow
>it ends being a THIRD hero skin for warden
what a twist
lol ezio peace keeper skin
>FtM Transgender PK!

Okay, but seriously, I'm wondering if this means some future hero skins will have new voiceline sets. Also, kind of a shame Altair and Conner are so often forgotten.
considering what siege gets, I wonder why they're strict oin this
wait I missed this part
does the skin still have PK's femine grunts and latin move voice lines?
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Well, if I were to guess, it might be because the voicelines and animation tweaks for this Ezio PK skin fill out the data tied to a hypothetical 'male PK'. So basically they couldn't do this for any hero who already is gender unlocked because it'd override that gender's voicelines. So, might be possible we can get kyoshin, warmonger, etc. heroskins that have unique voicelines and such.

Though this also would potentially lock any future skins into the normal gender and default voicelines.
no one likes connor
but what about replacing shamen
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it is time
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Wow, I misread that for a moment as "no one likes a coomer" and thought "was that meant for my other post?"

Oddly one of my second thoughts was Spartan Valkyrie.
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Highlander rework
>get into zone
>feint the second or third zone
>immediatly fast flow
fuck yes
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Warden bash changes
NEW ANIMATIONs for warden
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Backstep attack removal for some heroes
>not kensama
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Nerfs for Shinobi, Hitokiri, Afeera
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Nerfs for Orochi and Berserker
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this is small time shit
but I will gladly take all of it
fuck every single one of these shitter faggot characters
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well do you like them? they're all post bash animations
his zone also got a new bash didnt it?
and now we get to wait a week for the patch to actually go live
Wow, everything but the top heavy is atrocious
I think everything but 0:24 looks fine
this looks very very hand animated from an enthusiastic armature
which puts it in line with post sped up animations
i had a dream where warmonger was sleeping with storm from xmen

and their exchange went something like

so what can you do

>anything i want

and warmonger replied, under her breath, and that's why i have to do what i want
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thanks for sharing
I wanna go back to year 3 so bad bros
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I don't
I have been waiting YEARS for this shit
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Do you have any bullshit moments?
mfw all the roaches, shitos, shitnos, and zerks queuing up before they get a slap on the wrist and say its over next week
Yes. This happens all the time and it makes no sense. Just randomly I'll do fucking side or top heavies that will catch random walls nowhere near me. Meanwhile I can do shaolin's dodge attack that's a huge wide attack into a wall and be just fine.
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>does three less damage to you
>meanwhile still puts you in constant unreactable mixups BEFORE we take into account latency
>also lol dodge recovery cancels that also work on your dodge attack
>which is also blue for some reason

Orochi mains will use this as a scapegoat to claim their character is bad for another year. AGAIN.
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why the FUCK are there so many troon flags in eu servers all of a sudden?
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that's just the whole FH playerbase
not an EU specific issue
t. NA
when the hell did the rep limit get increased to 80?????
This season.
When do they show off the samurai?
>tfw classic slayer, classic slayer amd classic warrior
please I don't want to play warden in dom
but he is getting one last buff to his team fight ability?
this happens alot for heroes whose hitboxes start behind them like warmonger
I want them to look at his hitboxes specifically the side heavies as they are fucking massive for no reason. Also dodge attacks whiffing should be able to be recovery cancelled especially blue/undodgeable attacks
shouldn't be able to* misstype
In 45 days
this was the mid-season patch
to eggs!
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I'll take oathbreaker off when Ubi fixes enemies getting revenge in 2v2s or after my fucking team mate dies.
Revenge tags still counting dead players is fucking insane
Is the Ezio skin time limited, can I miss getting it? I took a 2 years long break and still don't really wanna come back, but if I ever do, I wanna play male PK
They haven't said anywhere that it's limited time only. Whilst saying a bunch of other stuff is. I think you'll be fine.
so how is highlad now
I faced him literally one time and the dude just spammed offensive lights like always.

Afeera is also still bullshit.
surprisingly in practice he's still mediocre
his chains are fucking AWESOME now
his feints are great
the creativity available for mixups is stylish
and with the loss of wave dashing it's just turtle city as you wait for an opportunity to actually get into the fun stuff
They specified on stream that Ezio is NOT time limited. Only the AC event is
Just play him like shaolin.
I just mirrored a HL for a while. I swear to god his new OS dodge attack has no fucking extra i frames because I would use it on reaction to DS's and it hit me first every time.
i bought him and don't understand what i'm doing. I get into offensive stance but then people just instantly hit me out of it with a light before I can do anything. Am I supposed to only ever go into it when I have frame advantage off a hit in defense stance?
Unironically go spend some time in the Highlander training tutorial

he was the most complicated and obtuse character in the game BEFORE his rework and now he's even more complex

OS has 400 ms lights in all directions with short recoveries which can be used to pepper opponents before thriwing in a kick (now feintable) or a heavy
you can also get some crazy range with the new forward dodge caber to hard read opponents who don't expect it
also the OS heavy hitboxes are massive and can be used as spacing tools to clip people who think they're far enough away

also the new hard feint fast flow is diirrrty because of the new dodge attacks
>hard feint a neutral heavy
>can immediately either do a regular defensive dodge attack which hits the opposite side of the dodge attack
>or instantly fast flow into the offensive dodge attack which hits on the side of the dodge
Highlander is pseudo Zhanhu now
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I just wanna top heavy finisher
>literally millions of decent Pirate designs to choose from
>They pick a buff chinese bitch with a man face and bad outfits
>pick the only one that was not only successful
but died quietly rich sellin bitches
>also the new hard feint fast flow is diirrrty because of the new dodge attacks

I did see that in some video and was trying it out. But I guess I'm not fast enough. I'm not flashing red but people are still parrying it.

I'm also having an immense amount of trouble with orochi. I usually play shaloin and trying to feint the kick to parry the blue Dodge attack feels so incredibly tight for the input. Like I don't get why shaolin and HL have different leniency. If I hard feint ki stance I can let go of my heavy and nothing happens but if I do the same on high lander he throws a defensive heavy after the feint. I am only now figuring out that I basically hard feint and let go of heavy attack at the same time and it's fucking me up.
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post conquerors, idk what to do with this guy
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cock size chart (futa included)
sir, r/ForHonor is that way
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>Ubisoft literally created and owns the Assassin's Creed IP
>An interior crossover with another game is this underwhelming
One of the last 6 people working on For Honor needs to have a chat with big daddy at corporate to give them more money.
>give them more money.
funny suggestion, most money is either going to asscreed productions (the only big sales shareholders can see) or siege something the shareholders can see how their kids can play
you see already.

newbs aren't welcome.

get hacked
Can you not delay the feint on highlanders kick? It feels fucking impossible. Trying to feint anything on him feels fucking impossible.
>Warden now has halfswording in his moveset
Damn, i'm going to become a warden main.
is it me or no one really uses executions other then meta ones?
I might see them in brawl but otherwise no
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I remember when they revealed Afeera the Arab players were disappointed because it's a woman and the Iranian players were coping trying to convince themselves that she was actually Parisian lol

As an Arab myself I'm honestly happy that they add an Arabic character, I don't mind her being a woman because I love armoured women so much it's unreal
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Why the hell did they buff highlander? He was already a disgusting menace in the right hands, now he's just a disgusting menace in anyone's hands.
Why does the game never allow me to parry the follow up light after zerker's zone?
cuz cringelander players are the whiniest bitches on earth
How do I into Jorm? Does his rework still suck? I haven't played in like 6 months
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>he was already a disgusting menace
maybe at super low level
he can kinda stomp brand new players because of his hyperarmor
he was dogshit and the only thing that kind of redeemed him was 30 damage light party punishes
>kick was mostly useless because it's completely reactable
>caber same thing
>kick to caber only works on like 3 heroes
>no GB punish
>no opener (still doesn't have one)
>useless zone
>celtic curse was (is) completely reactable (you can at least full feint ot now)
>slowest character in the game with no chase tool so anyone can run away from him and he can't run away from anyone
if you were seriously having trouble against Highlander before his rework then that means you are just bad at the game
the only players capable of being "disgusting" with Highlander were those who could consistently parry lights on reaction because that was Highlander's singular strength

tldr: you are a shitter
>does his rework still suck?
what the fuck?
what do you mean STILL?
as if his rework ever sucked
he was an oppressive unpunishable S-tier bastard when his rework came out and only after a few minor tweaks and nerfs did he come down to A-tier where all heroes belong
>how do I jorm
- hyperarmor zone chain
- feint your in-chain bash and either GB or parry dodge attempts
- open people up with his neutral bash
- feint your unblockable heavy and punish people
- abuse displacement heavies for free wallsplats
basically feint your shit
just to be clear because I get the feeling you're pretty dense
you are not supposed to feint moves EVERY time
they're called MIX-UPS for a reason
heavy hit reaction delays moves from you (including the heavy input necessary to parry)
his zone puts you in a heavy hit reaction, which is what makes it a viable opener

I fucking hate it, but I do understand it
I wonder whats more fun, the normal game block string or the western feint fest
Reminder nothing in this game would suffer if you removed any DLC character since year 1.
I do not know why Shinobi even still exists. It's like that twitchy cunt is from an entirely different game
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I'm gettin old
So I haven't played FH in like 5 years.

Has a lot changed? I was a Nobushi enjoyer, is she strong in the current game?
Every content creator calls her bad and reactable. And in the same video they eat 6 lights in a row from her.
Lol I'll have to watch some stuff and decide if I wanna play again. I only ever play 1 character in fighting games for some reason so I hope shes still decent. Gone are the days of unlock tech sadge.
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Next season leaked. Orochi hero skin?
hard to tell really, too many kensei aesthetics it'd be funny if it was a roach skin
Look at the size of his weapon and how he holds it. He's obviously Orochi.
There is a Kensei he's fighting against in the trailer, makes me think it's a skin for Orochi
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maybe, but we're seeing a bridge and a warrior shadow like thing with multiple weapons
and if we're getting the benkei story, we know where this is going
OK it looks great
can we please rework / nerf orochi to be less oppressive and braindead
God I wish. Please remove recovery cancels from the game.

So the new hero is a warrior monk?
We know from the Y8 trailer that the next samurai hero will be a weapon master. With the trailer showing a samurai on a bridge fighting some demon guy, that confirms the new hero and skin are inspired by Yoshitsune and Benkei
So what, if I get hit by the zone his next light is just free?
holy kino
I like arabian women voices so much shit gets me erect like nothing else.
New hero is Gilgamesh from the Final Fantasy series. JC told me in a wet dream.
you can block if you can react in time
any upcoming herofest
viking crack woman and fat chinese ganyu
I go to palestine protests just to hear women scream in arabic
The Ezio skin is kinda lazy, personally they should have made PK look like she was part of the Assassins as an in universe thing
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May Roadmap
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Can you guys help me narrow down this list of cape pattern + symbol combinations? The patterns on the "gallowglass" category of Highlander armor are so warped you have to get creative with the choices to get something that doesn't look like complete ass.

Which numbers are the best in your opinion?
you've bought the eagle dive for shugoki right?
Why does everyone use the cringe all class generic executions?
Because I had one for free on highlander and his base execution doesn't give 50 hp
>not having every unique HL execution
I haven't been playing the game for very long. I just saved up enough steel to get his hero skin but I'm thinking about saving it for the new samurai if he's fun.
Does anyone know how fast the new highlander foward dodge caber is? You can do it after a light parry but how much time is that as well? 900 ms? The information hub says it takes 600 ms to do a caber toss and that the input window is 300-500. Does that mean it's exactly 900 if you buffer the input and that's why it works on light parries?
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Every gender locked hero should have a swapped Hero skin since they're clearly capable of doing that.
Monkey King shaolin is too good. But I would have 100% accepted FemLander.
I have a feeling to stick around /vm/ more just to avoid the shills and whatever goes on around the circle jerk that is /vg/
Does Cathedral just suck? Have yet to have an enjoyable match on that map
I have yet to have a match in it at all...
I don't know what to think about it. It's very small so there's hardly any downtime, but it also feels impossible to keep points solo because as soon as you've killed someone, another respawned enemy is there to continue fighting you.
Holy shit Vangarian is such an easy mode hero, stop giving there fucking dlc characters almost every single property. Such a dishonest character.
What are the most honest characters besides Warden.
My thoughts exactly
Reminder even the competitivefags hate dodge cancels.
what's so honest about
>light light
>light light
don't worry about honest
don't worry about meta
just play the character you think looks the coolest
As cool as Ezio is, playing PK feels like CBT. Holy fuck she's terrible
>Dodge either of her orange attacks
>Recovery cancel into full block to stuff your dodge attack
>Hit her with blue attack
>Her dodge attack having crushing counters let's her parry it anyways
I miss event
I can't believe they only had that event once and I was fucking deployed at the time and couldn't play it. 5 years now and they haven't done it again
here's how to do PK
>spam the directional change soft feint lights
>throw in your zone
>once you have them bleeding throw out your unblockable heavy finisher, feint to GB, and stab them in the kidneys
>now that they're good and bleeding you can continuously access your unblockable heavy finisher mixup
PK is awful in a team fight, but can be a pretty oppressive A+ tier duelist

in 4v4 make sure to run stealth and ambush people in transit
>hide somewhere
>catch someone running past and GB them
>kidney stab so they're already bleeding a bunch before the fight begins
>proceed to bully them with your unblockable heavy finisher mixups

if you encounter a Black Prior with the passive healing feat, then just run away because victory is basically impossible
i've never been mad at getting killed by a kensei. every single time I'm just like "damn, well played"
I hate every single DLC hero. They are all annoying, braindead and don't look like they belong in their factions. Also fuck the PooLin and the redditlanders.
Soft feints and hyper armor are dishonest.
unless its warden
Warden doesn't have soft feints.
Centurion is hype
what can shinobi do in a teamfight
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>new warden hero armor looks sick
>but I would have to play warden to use it
Anything he wants. He has pins and other ways to set up ganks and can still be untouchable with his triple dodge bullshit.
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hes got new animations and hyper armor on his bash follow-ups now. havent tried it myself yet but at least there is a reason to play warden now
Does anyone else miss Shinobi's old moveset? I fucking loved my little attack.
I kinda do I liked the ranged stuff since they tried making it like an actual Kursi sa gama
No. The Samurai are the worst faction.
>rep 1 guy gets 10 light parries in a row

Oh yeah. Cool.
I still find it funny that by the time of the "story" all three factions have delt with each other long enough to know identify the language of the samurai as "japanese"
implying that the mire denizens still eventually came to trade and sell pottery to the vikings and knights
Why haven't they made a for honour 2 but this time not fuck it up
it'll inevitably come at some point maybe
likely with a big central PvE mode no doubt
What would you want from a sequel aside from fixing glitches? Just new maps and characters?
16v16 large scale battle game mode
Imagine getting ganked by ten people
No centurion no buy
We'd get 8 characters at most. 2 knights, Sam, and Viking, then only 1 wu lin and outlander. Like only 2 of which would be new as well.
Warden bros...
>fail to execute
>they all die to last laugh
I'm surprised theyve supported 1 for this long I can't imagine it brings in much money
>revenge fills up in 0.02 seconds, can chain back to back revenges
this sounds fun actually. THey should do some kind of asymmetric mode where its 4 ppl vs 1 player controlling one of those boss characters from events
I don't feel like relearning FH1 and getting stomped by the veterans who play it all the time. We need a refresh and flood of noobs
damn son, its not that complicated
>all I get as loot are emblems and outfits and none of the effects
I hate it here.
I have a hard time even getting them, let alone even opening with anything without getting my teeth kicked in.
templar's grit

5 viking characters have earned the drop.
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ok for the first time in 5 years warden is starting to click. I now see the value in empty dodging forwards
well that's because you now have what is basically a neutral 600ms variable timed bash.
How the fuck is Shinobi still the way he is? They have to know right? Making him lose 2 damage means fucking nothing.
Should I get Gladiator
I don't know? How gay are you? You have to understand you'll be playing a very LGBT+ hero, and I don't want you going in with false expectations.
Fucking a man in the ass is not the same as getting fucked in the ass.
Pugio is not. He's still dishonest.
Yes it is. You are having gay sex.
There's nothing wrong with appreciating the male physique a bit too much.
is pirate fun
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I can't imagine having fun for more than 15 minutes with a character I don't think is cool at all. What a lame character. A medicore B+ tier ghost of a boring S tier character. What a lame moveset. What a lame concept.
>hey what's popular on Reddit????
>I see lots of posts about openers, dodge recovery cancels, and hyperarmor
>yeah! give her all that shit!
also fucking shit pirate character
everyone wanted Caribbean bearded pirate
bit instead we get tranny chink girl
>b- b- b- but the Chinese fem pirate was real!!!
soooo fucking laaaame and gaaaaaay
okay I'll try her out thanks
how come i never get revenge when getting ganked
Because the system is retarded. Same reason someone can get revenge in a 2v2. Or someone can get revenge in a 2v1/1v1 after someone dies.
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This shit has to be fucking bugged. how could I go 11-1 and somehow not get 5 kills in 1 life
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>still not complete
I've disconnected from 3 matches in a row ubishart you are fucking hacks
its funny how many balance teams, including for honor, DONT have even ONE staff religiously playing and showing up on camera to do any sort of balancing
>dodge varangian light attack
>I am now punished, she could throw another light counter acting a guard break if she does the unblockable, she can throw another light and it will beat my dodge attack and guard break
Kill assists don't count, you have to deal the killing blow. It's stupid.
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>Dodging a parryable non feintable dodge attack.
Skill issue, unironically.
The first line is you dodging her light attack. Not her using a dodge attack. I'm annoyed that because varangian has crushing counters on both her light opener and finisher. Plus full guard recovery cancels she can just press buttons and dodging her is useless unless you've got a Dodge bash or make two reads in a row.
totally gonna be like the cutscene for the new samurai hero
multiple heroes have options like VG. dodge recovery deflects/superior block dodge attacks/BP flip/hyper armor. you just notice it more with VG because people only spam light attacks with her
I know. I fucking hate all of them with their recovery cancels except for zhanhu because his is arbitrarily slower than the others. Varg also gets crushing counters on both her lights and they're both enhanced. It combined with her recovery cancel just allows her to play like a retard and get away with it.
still wishing that kensei would also get a usability pass and allow his pseudo dodge deflects to become unblockable on superior block like zhanhu
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I wasted so much money on buying heroes I never use
Zhanhu's isn't arbitary it has to be that slow otherwise you wouldn't be able to punish him like how it was when he first got a rework.
surely you mean Steel right anon?
surely you didn't spend actual money to unlock heroes... right?
Yeah could you imagine not being able to punish a character because they have a recovery cancel? What kind of idiot would design not one character but multiple that do just that?
Unlike every other dodge cancel character, you literally could not punish a Zhanhu unless he fucked up even in a 1v1 situation because he was faster than you, his superior block dodge attacks meant that he could counter everything including GB and everything he threw was safe
Is this not the case for dodge cancel characters right now? When you say zhanhu was faster do you mean he was faster than the standardization from the CCU?
Reminder if you used:
>Wu Lin
Or any other DLC hero.
You did not win, your character did.
Zhanhu's dodge attack timings meant he could CC or dodge any attack on reaction and because they were basically lights with i-frames Zhanhu was frame advantages and super safe while using them, he could also do it off of the forward dodge bash too making him nigh untouchable. Current dodge cancels require you to have to make a prediction most of the time and can be stuffed with light attacks, they also aren't as safe due to all either being light punish parries or punishable with a guard break
>Zhanhu's dodge attack timings meant he could CC or dodge any attack on reaction and because they were basically lights with i-frames

Is this not the case for every other dodge cancel character since most have deflects like orochi, afeera, zerk, etc.
Afeera can't CC on dodge and can be GB...or at least she could be but she has a bug where she displaces you LOL

Orochi and Zerk have deflects but deflect timing is different to dodge timing and can be baited and parried

Pirate's all lead into dodge heavies but Forward dodge heavy is GBable on light finisher and side dodge heavies are light parry punishes,
I got this game when they were giving it away for free and have bought all heroes and cosmetics with steel, usually doesn't take longer than a week to save up enough to unlock a new one. ubi has been surprisingly based about this game in that regard
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I won't apologize for being the greatest Tiandi player on Earth
Then I'm not apologizing for Shaolin.
>balance changes
>scrub population increase
there are a few reasons to want For honor 2, but personally, mine is getting a new execution damage model so we can actually bisect people
>Let it die

Did this game ever get an offline mode on PC that could circumvent the awful greedy MTX systems?
Femtandi is not a cute anime girl, she's a gross ubitard fridge with a rat voice.
why have I disconnected from 50% of my matches this week. did they secretly un-dedicate my servers
maybe one day when they stop updating it we'll get an autist working on a private server
They're still updating it?
probably until the proper sequel that finally realizes the pvpve aspect of getting to the top
which they've hinted to actually working on with ONE SCREENY after fooling around and pretending to be silly content creators with views lower then 10s
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Sad but true. But hey, ugly chinese people are pretty tough IRL so there's a precedent.
they added a recolored first zone last year, 3 more to go
surely they won't chase 5 years old trends like deathverse and kill the game after 1 week
what screen?
I really wanted to like let it die. I played it for a while. But holy fuck it's on another level of grind and MTX for me. I still remember when the first hunter was killed because some dude on twitch glitched their ai and punched one to death for hours. The devs hadn't even programmed their loot drops because they didn't expect anyone to kill them.
Highlander mains are the biggest crybaby bitches in this game. Holy shit you people are pathetic over your braindead character.
>deleting a post because you ended it with "," instead of "."
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Reminder to only play one hero
White skinned
Only use executions where they use their weapons
Turn off effects and chat
Holy shit are you me?
I like that every character in the game can be "optimized" with their available perks and feats for a given role.
Of course some obviously have more synergy and overall potential than others.

Shugoki will fuck me up a lot right before he dies because I always forget he can have both Hard To Kill and Last Stand at the same time. On top of that he also probably has Bastion. In effect he has a whole lot more health than you think he does, and that's without landing a Demon's Embrace. He fills out the role of "angry spirit guarding this shrine" very nicely.

Varangian getting Speed Revive + Protected Revive + Rising Dawn is frankly kind of obnoxious. You can't leave a dead body alone when she's around because she'll instantly bring back the teammate with more than their usual max health (including the shield).
Varangian is extremely obnoxious for everyone. The nature of her being a recovery cancel fullblock character with 50/50's already makes her obnoxious to fight 1 on 1. But her feats are like the other side of the horseshoe of warmonger's. Very, VERY strong for dominion/breach that already incentivizes her usual playstyle. Like it's bad enough that fullblock characters can babysit in ganks so your opponents get fucked for ever trying to attack, but varangian will heal her whole team and give them a damage buff and give herself a defense buff on no cooldown every time she babysits.
>Duel a Lawbringer

Lmao this is the rework reddit cried for.
>Shaman fest
Why, who cares about this ugly as fuck character? Shaman shouldn't even exist.
>zone zone zone feint zone zone zone zone feint zone
bro you're missing out on this engaging and cool character
>Celtic Curse is still fully reactable and the hard feint is exclusively useful for punishing early full blocks
>no opener, and with backstep light removed Highlander truly has NOTHING to open with
>the timing on the hyperarmor for heavies currently starts way too late
>still have a 300 ms guard switch delay in OS stance makes shit sluggish and opening from a FF unviable
>zone is a meme for minion clear (though impatient players will often go for the parry so you can GB them)
anything else?
the most important thing is that lack of an opener
>storm rush
>storm rush
>storm rush
>light attack
I love playing Orochi.
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>LB having triple lights was obnoxious so we can't let him have double lights either
He was fine in his last testing ground but reddit had to make sure that he remains miserable to play.
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I hate characters with an infinite chain of unreactable attacks
I can't react
I can't make the read for every single attack
and my health is at 10% by the time they run out of stamina
I'm just going to start closing in Task Manager when I see orochis now
I just won't play against them anymore
I refuse
Orochi spamming storm rush?
Light them out of it.
Spamming kicks?
Dodge attack, or dodge and parry their light.
Neutral lights?
Block them if you can't parry it.
He's just the same boring garbage designed character he has even been. Hurr le shove and le turtling. But now he has some shitty animations wow so cool.
What would you do with lawbringer? No deleting or making him so garbage he might as well be deleted.
How is medjay a thing? The amount of braindead characters in this game is surprising.
Honestly i'm tired of every fucking DLC character having enhanced lights, hyper armor, unlimited stamina and or feintable bash, crushing counters and huge hitboxes on top of overtunned unique feats. DLC characters ruin this game. Especially the Outlanders, they are such easy mode characters.
Why the fuck can orochi do 115 damage with his nail bomb?
your telling me they made shaman better? Shes like one of the worst most annoying year 1 heroes
Because Orochi is the main character. Everyone else is just an NPC to be bullied in Orochi's matches.
>gigantic side heavy finisher hitboxes
>side heavy finishers are uniquely 700 ms instead of 800 ms like everyone else
>top heavy unblockable finisher has so much forward momentum it's basically a built in forward dodge attack
>Kiai is an "I win" tool with a low cooldown
>Kunai is an "I win" tool with a low cooldown
>Storm Rush for some reason only has its indicator visible for 367 ms instead of 500 ms like every other 600 ms attack, making it completely unreactable if you don't learn to react to animations
>dodge recovery cancels out the ass to ensure he can never be punished for anything
>arguably the best zone attack in the entire game (500 ms but not considered a light attack if parried, planet sized hotbox, confirms other attacks)
he's a giant baby blanket of safety
every aspect of his kit is designed to suck his dick
why are you asking why nail bomb deals 115 damage? why wouldn't it?
frankly I'm surprised he doesn't get a T4 that just instantly kills all opponents on the map
Orochi also has an execution that gives 50 HP that kills in 1.3 seconds
so it's actually very easy to land this execution in the middle of a team fight
and let's tally up all the ways we can make this nastier
>20 extra HP from Bounty Hunter
>25 extra HP from Executioner's Respite
>10 extra HP from Devourer
so Orochi will often get back 105 health in the middle of a fight
1300 ms kill time
for comparison, the fastest killing Shared execution that gives 50 HP is That's Cannon and it only kills in 2200 ms
there are 20 HP executions that take longer to kill
Orochi is the face of the samurai as before launch he was meant to be the vanguard of the samurai but was later changed with kensei
I don't want to unfairly slander Orochi
he isn't alone in having absurd busted unique executions
>Lawbringer's "The Impaler" kills in 1200 ms and grants 50 HP
>Black Prior's "Limb Slicer" kills in 1000 ms and grants 35 HP
>Centurion's "Ala lacta Est" kills in 1200 ms and grants 50 HP
>Kensei's "Lose Something?" kills in 1300 ms and grants 50 HP
>Zhanhu's "Graceful Expedient" kills in 1300 ms and grants 50 HP
Kensei, Cent, and Zhanhu can run Devourer so it works even better for them
what's the point of Devourer?
Remedy heals for the same extra amount, and does so without requiring an execution
>making it completely unreactable if you don't learn to react to animations

Even the animations are completely the same until a few frames before the indicator shows up anyways. It is genuinely unreactable.
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He's right, I didn't even try.
Heroes that are cringe to (me)

>Black Prioor
Shugoki is only cringe because he gets to chain off whiffed bashes so you can't punish him for spamming bashes
Berserker is super cringe and nearly as bad as roach
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Orochi is an odd one since if you meet a good one its gg but I have been playing since the fucking beta and I have learned to fight orochis. Beserker is odd since I left for a while right before Warmonger but I always kinda knew zerker was good with how the hyperarmor was easily abusable and now they are unstoppable

I am petty because id even list Warlord or Lawbringer in that list but I barely fight them now and see they are lacking. I never liked Shugoki I hate his design, I hate his gameplay, and just his everything and im a samurai guy. I also dont like a lot of the knights and hate how Centurion and Gladiator is locked to them.
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I love Shugoki's visual design
he's a huge sumo wrestler dressed up as an Oni, wielding an Oni's club
I can't wait for his eventual hero skin where he'll probably just be a full on red-skinned daemon
Generally remedy is superior yes. If stack them though its better. If you combine that with bounty hunter/executioners respite feat and a quick 50 health execution. You can heal to almost full health in an instant. Great for antiganking and executing an enemy under revenge. The massive health swing can outright save you, or generally allow you to kill the remaining enemy and win 1v2s.
Whats the explanation of you only playing Shaolin and Zhanau but never touching the other Wu lin yet owning them?
Marching fire expansion was the best deal some times. Then bought zhanhu.
I always wanted a monk and I wanted a Chinese straight sword character and thats it.
Should I get Loyalty's End or No Mercy! for a 50 hp highlander execution?
No Mercy is his fastest killing and is my go to when I just need 50 HP now
I know but Loyalty has a much shorter overall duration.
The way I see it
If I'm trying to get 50 HP in a fight, I'm expecting to get hit before it finishes, but if I can just get the 50 it will still make up for any attack they hit me with
whatever gets you the health faster
if you opt for the shorter duration but longer kill it raises the chances of getting hit before you get to heal off the exec
>have reaction time of 192ms
>can never EVER dodge or parry orange attacks/bashes on reaction

I just had my friend tell me that glad's toe stabs are all easily reactable and I'm going to fucking strangle him. So what? It's not fucking easy for me. I literally only ever dodge on prediction.
>tfw 260 reaction time
it's to the point I'm actually wondering if it's a result of latency from my peripherals
I'm pretty young and in good health
I shouldn't be this shit
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I stopped playing shortly after Warmong came out, around the time the core combat update was being tested. I remember the quality of everything taking a huge dip: recycled heroes, universal meme emotes and executions, every match being a premade and fighting the same 10 people over and over. How bad is it nowadays?
>recycled heroes

Heroes all starting to feel the same is still a major complaint but there are still differences between the characters. Biggest problem is the new characters feel recycled.

>universal meme emotes and executions

Still a thing but they did start making character exclusive executions again.

>every match being a premade and fighting the same 10 people over and over

The game is actually rather popular considering it's age. Your experience may differ but I at worst only face the same people twice if it happens once per play session.
>Varangian has a 200ms recovery cancel from anything but a bash into fullblock.

Literally designed to win.
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Coming back after a few months break and want to play some knights (except griffon), which is the least played one currently? Is it still the Conq? Haven't played the guy since his rework, how is he and lawbringer doing anyway, I heard he finally got that hyper armor.
Gryphon and Warmonger are still cancer but the new heroes while kinda bland arent lore rape/blatant reused assets.
>see multiple enemies disconnect at the end of matches today, think it's just ragequitting
>get disconnected at the end of the match while we're breaking
Are the servers dying today or something?
Actually all the Knights are pretty popular at the moment
>Lawbringer is disgusting with hyperarmor and in chain bash
>Peacekeeper got a genderswap Ezio skin
>Warden is much better in team fights now with the addition of hyperarmor on his bash follow ups
>BP is BP
>Warmonger is still Warmonger
>Gryphon has incrementally become a very solid hero so he's also fairly popular
Conq is probably the least popular, but I still see a decent number of Conqs

Gryphon should be moved to the Outlander's faction
it bothers the hell out of me that Gryphon doesn't have a stance, given the philosophy of his character design
>polearm using knight travels the world and learns from most of the other heroes who have polearms / greatswords
and yet he doesn't borrow a stance concept from Highlander, Jiang Jun, or Nobushi
Bro your Centurion and Gladiator?
Jesus I felt like I was forgetting something
all assassins have been more popular since the removal of reflex guard so I see shitter Glads a lot
Centurion is just a Knight flavored Hitokiri. He's probably more popular than law if not just as popular. A lot of Cents these days.
>Centurion is just a Knight flavored Hitokiri

No fucking way. Maybe if cent did way more damage, had hyper armor on his unlockable, could infinitely chain it into itself, and made it unreactable with no definite varied timing.
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Conq it is then, how was the rework? Any tips?
Check out the link in the op for your character. It's a wonderful source of updated information.
rework was disgustingly OP when it came out because you could make the UB heavies unparriable
it's more reeled in now

feint your UB heavies
bash people
don't be overreliant on full block
get Vengeful Barrier
>can no longer zone out of full block
>can no longer soft feint a heavy into a bash
Am I reading this right?
his rework was very stupid and boring
but now he has an infinite chain of funny orange attacks
he's really stupid
it was a powerful, but awful rework
might be the worst rework they've done
>Get revenge.
>Get bashed out of everything and can't do shit.
>get revenge on highlander
>land a caber
>hit out of the follow up attack
She's the most auto pilot hero for 4v4s they have designed so far. I thought Medjay was already as braindead as they could make a hero after Hitokiri.
Black Prior being both a ganking god and anti gank is so fucking annoying. Just faced a team that knew not how to feed revenge of a warden, Black Prior, and Vangarian actually cancer the newer heroes really piss me off.

Black Prior is so fucking annoying, Warmonger easy mode reused assetville, Gryphon the same crap. I really do think all kniggers are the worst.
>get revenge on Highlander
>all enemies unlock roll away and just run away until it ends
btw the caber BARELY works as a rollcatch
thanks Ubisoft
you lying hacks
let this sink in
BP has four (4) bashes
if you can't do well as BP you're just bad at the game
Holy shit this. People keep telling me that forward dodge caber IS the roll catch. That shit never ever works unless there like so early in the animation for rolling that they're still standing on their feet.
BP can do a lot of things that aren't fair. Not saying I like anything about Hito's kit, but BP can light crushing counter anything red and if hito keeps charging into the unblockable he can flip it too.
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slightly rework Gryphon and give him a stance
>activated the same way as Highlander's stance (holding heavy from neutral or after an attack)
>takes a stationary stance like Jiang Jun and Nobushi
>entering the stance has i-frames
>Grphon cannot dodge or block while in this stance
and then from the stance you have 3 moves available
>light attacking will perform a sweeping enhanced undodgeable zone attack (just steal Lawbringer's zone animation)
>releasing heavy attack will perform an unblockable overhead chop, possibly with hyperarmor (also steal from Lawbringer)
>pressing guardbreak will perform a kick
the kick should be fast and only guarantee a light attack, but then people will begin dodging it on read when they see Gryphon enter his stance so he can punish with his undodgeable zone

this would never happen
but I think it'd be neat
Warrior monk stream when?
not until next month
it'll be 1 week before whenever this season ends
whenever that is
>infinite unblockables
Sounds like a feint or get parried rework.
pretty much
nerffffff fucking Shaolinnnnn
why does everything he does get to be enhanced
why is the sweep feintable while also being guardbreak invulnerable because he get a guaranteed follow-up feintable top heavy
>why does everything he does get to be enhanced

Unless he's already in ki stance only his top light is enhanced. Use this to prepare a parry against shaolins.

>why is the sweep feintable while also being guardbreak invulnerable because he get a guaranteed follow-up feintable top heavy

This is true of any character who can chain on whiff of which there are many. The method of dealing with it is the same. Use a dodge attack. If you are playing warden my condolences.
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It's been 3 years and I'm still having dreams about whiffing ad profundis and eating unblockables, I'm going to fucking reinstall.
Do it nibber. Come play with us.
DLC heroes were a mistake.
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Fuck, it's not even going to be worth the wait.
>External damage
>Recovery cancels
>Heavy Perks
>Revenge holding
>Hitstun rule bypassing
>Revenge shield bug
And not to mention the other problems like lazy huge hitboxes, mid lane point generation and renown gain.

How is Dominion the main game mode when it's a terrible balanced mode.
There's basically two versions of the game being played based on character and game mode. Characters like cent, warden, raider are NOT playing the same game as characters like orochi or Shinobi.

Then there's game modes, duels and everything else. Most people are still chasing the fantasy of being in a big battle but being an ubermensch hero amongst peons. So that's the main game mode.
>Dodge highlander's kick
>Can't get a GB and he can do an offensive stance heavy from my GB attempt
>Robotic animations
>Clunky animation transitions from offensive stance moves
>Unguardbreakable HA zone feint into offensive stance with 400ms lights
>Feintable bashes

Freeze was right, this character is an abomination.
>Pirate has a hyperarmor unblockable feintable dodge foward heavy that's unguardbreakable.

Lol, lmao.
just light attack him
if you're allowing him to get out of neutral then you deserve your loss
>zone can be ignored because it's slow and blockable
>celtic curse is easy to GB and easy to parry
>neutral heavies only have 100 ms of HA and can be ignored
>because of the guard delay, the feint FF can just be interrupted by light attacking the Highlander before he gets to do anything
you're fighting a character with absolutely zero viable opening moves
just wait for them to try to neutral light and then just parry them
the only thing making you lose against Highlander is greedy GB and parry attempts
>Kick is GB invulnerable
so is Shaolin, Jorm, Nobushi, and Tiandi
just dodge attack it
waaaaah I can't option select Highlander's entire kit with dodge attacks anymore ;_; ;_;
Why did they give dodge attacks to everyone, let alone Vort?
I have 50 levels on BP and not once did I think he needed dodge attacks, did the meta change that much?
Because some characters had integral moves that couldn't / shouldn't be punishable with a GB, but the timing wouldn't allow a dodge then neutral light

BP was already perfect fine and still didn't need a dodge attack, let alone a dodge light. His flip is all he needs.
Like when I go to attack a BP he can respond in so many ways
>crushing counter
>dodge attack
>reflexively bash into it (if it's a slow attack)
at this point the only thing he can't do is deflect
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HUZZAH fellow for honor players. just came back after 3 years to get my shit slapped in nonstop. give a gladiator/warden (pre rework) 2trick some tips.i am a side bash/side light cruth abuser atm and getting shit on
>feint your moves and then toe stab
>use your stupid bash zone thing
>toe stab OOS punish is back and oppressive as hell
I'm pretty sure Glad has the single most oppressive OOS pressure in the game
>light spam
>get good at deflects
>feint your shit
God I hate fighting bp. Everytime I think I have frame advantage I just know he can solve any problem with flip. Every single button you press against him you have to worry about flip and the fight is never in your favor.
how would YOU give Highlander an opener?
enhanced neutral light(s) ?
standardize Offensive Stance guard switch delay?
>all guard switches in the game are 100ms, except for Highlander's offensive stance which is 300ms
tune Celtic Curse so it's more of an opening move, and less of a stupid hyperarmor retard trading move?
>right side cancel is still 600ms and frequently gets parried
>left side is still 700ms and will get parried 100% of the time
come on
give him some way to get out of neutral
Standardize the guard switch in OS for sure, also fix the random retarded bugs like swapping guards during a light or a dodge and trying to do a kick instead does a very delayed guardbreak.

But the best idea I saw for an opener was to give him a bash in defensive stance, either from forward dodge or neutral, that doesn't guarantee anything BUT does fast flow into OS and gives him enough frame advantage to get his actual chain pressure going.
I like that one, but devs are way too retarded and inside-the-box to do something wild like having a bash that isn't just a neutral damage confirming tool

If the patch at the start of next season doesn't have
>fixes for Highlander + an opening tool
>the gank / revenge rework
then I'll just be taking a break
the Highlander rework was fresh and really fun, but in my ELO most people have realized I don't have an opening move and can freely gank me

would it be overpowered to give Highlander the Warden treatment for moves confirmed by landing his bashes and grabs?
>if you land a Caber Toss the following heavy attack will have hyperarmor
>if you land a Kick the following heavy will have hyperarmor
it MUST land on an opponent to get hyperarmor
this wouldn't change Highlander's performance in duels, but it would make him so much more capable as anti-ganker, an area where he generally suffers as a result of his slow moves and lack of neutral pressure
>would it be overpowered to give Highlander the Warden treatment for moves confirmed by landing his bashes and grabs?

I would definitely enjoy that. Even in revenge people can hit you out of caber toss follow ups which really fucking sucks.

>but devs are way too retarded and inside-the-box to do something wild like having a bash that isn't just a neutral damage confirming tool

Isn't that exactly what glad's dodge bashes are?
>isn't that exactly what Glad's dodge bashes are
oh true
a move that forces a mixup on the opponent, but doesn't actually guarantee something
maybe there is hope
Honestly just fix the bugs/oversights like his hyper armor being 700ms instead of 500 and give him glad's dodge bashes.
we need a CCU level rework of all feats in the game
ideally every character is restricted to a single set of fully unique feats, that way they can be individually balanced
>implying they individually balance feats to begin with like Warmonger's T1
Old For Honor was good and I'm tired of pretending it was not.
>people dying to 3 heavies
>everything is reactable so it's just a retarded staring contest
>waaaaay more ledging so lots of fughrs end before they start because shugoki was near you
no fuckin thanks
might've been more stylish in some ways (team colors and minion animations), but hoooly shit it was so unfun
also the old perk system
>opponent is capable of gaining revenge in a 1v1
Yes. It was more fun than current For Honor.
You lose a lot of build variety if you restrict everyone to a unique set of feats. I love min/maxing feat and perk combos. They do need reworking and some outright removed (last laugh, oathbreaker, 50 damage projectiles) Or unlock all feats that arent unique, or projectiles, for all heroes and just see what happens. There is a lot of potential for creative builds. Once the meta emerges, start tuning those feat combos
imagine for a moment
Juggernaut on Highlander
How old is "old"? I'm pretty sure there was a golden age of FH sometime after the CCU, but before the lobotomite devs had the idea for every new character to just be a 2-hit chain bash feinter.
>enemy BP is flipping teammate
>try to attack him as the BP is swinging his sword after the flip
>get telepathically flipped
>not flipping his external flip punish
The only thing i miss about old For Goner is the old lighting. I wish i could mod it in.
could they see into my room?
Being held hostage by a Shugoki who only had to demon ball accross Overwatch's C point or Temple Garden point C's bridge during sudden death is legitimately retarded.
Entire Year 2 before Marching Fire was the best. Game was fixed enough that it didn't work like utter shit but still retained the coveted "soul".
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>long range guardbreaks you

I don't miss old Shinobi at all but I wouldn't miss current one either.
Amazing how none of the retards that play this game understand how strong the point generation in the midlane is now.
Highlanderfags are really the new lawbringer fags.
Hey man I'm not asking for jugg. I just want the bugfixes to come through and an actual opener even if it doesn't do damage like glad's bashes so I can get into OS without my enemy staring at me ready to light me out of anything.
God that brings me back so hard.
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What is the point of Gryphon? No one cares about this character, it doesn't fit in the lore after the shit narrative with warmonger. His moveset is braindead and so are his feats. He is one of the most worthless DLC heroes.
They needed to release a character for the $$$ but didn't have one prepared due to COVID so they just blended a bunch of pre-existing assets together to make it.
All DLC characters are worthless additions to the game and braindead. Prove me wrong.
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Post characters.
This thread is full of total for honor noobs some of you guys need to get good and keep your ape brain takes to yourself or go to r/fhrants
I despise Varangian. Complete fucking unga bunga character. Why does she NEED a recovery cancel? Why do I have to guess whether or not she's going to throw the unblockable and then also guess whether or not she's going to fullblock cancel?
What am I supposed to do when someone who can run faster than my character just leaves a fight? Just give up and let them go?
Stay on point and let them run unless you have a feintable forward dodge attack.
I'm playing highlander. Isn't his forward dodge attack too slow even if I feint it over and over?
Depends on how far away you are when they start running, the reason you feint is because you want to bait out a roll.
They're not rolling. They're already like 10-15 feet away and just start booking it at low life.
Hahahahaha I'm sorry man
one of Highlander's greatest weaknesses is that the rest of the cast (including Shugoki) is capable of running away from you without consequence
this is why you run Rush as your T1 feat
Rush? Really? That's my best option? The situation boils my blood but I can't imagine giving up double stamina regen.
I've got over 1000h in Highlander and this is just the reality
you cannot chase anyone
you cannot get away from anyone
the sprint attack is the most unreliable piece of dog shit that will never "catch" anyone you're chasing
if you reaaaally want to avoid this problem then just babysit a point for most of the match
that way if people run away they're at least fucking themselves over with all that wasted time
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next realistic mode?
God I hate BP so fucking much.
I went against an afeera who played 100% reactively and annoyed the ever living shit out of me and on the next match they were on my team so I was going to follow them around to feed enemies revenge.

All I did was spam blockable heavies, the afeera didn't even attack. I top scored with 16 kills because people couldn't block me. Jesus Christ.
I had a match just now where two of them would run up to me and both go into their full guard. I can't outrun them either I have no fucking Idea what to do other than just die.
here is how you bait them
>quickly target swap to one of them and GB them out of the full block
>the butt buddy will attempt to hit you and now you can parry his telegraphed attack
stuff like that
also a similar thing to do is with Highlander's kick
>land a kick on someone ganking you
>immediately feint and parry the other ganker trying to save his buddy
9/10 the other ganker will try to interrupt you after you land a kick
expect that
punish that
Why can jorm do a feintable bash that you can't get a gb in a read, confirms a pin, a heavy and puts him at frame advantage on top of giving him a shield that triggers the revenge shield bug?
I literally see nothing but strong DLC heroes in 4v4s. This game is a joke.
The only vanilla heroes people use are Zerk or Orochi. Fucking lmao.

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