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Welcome to Anoncraft, A Vanilla Minecraft SMP server for anons.

>SERVER IP: Anon.Minecraft.Best
>LIVE MAP: http://anon.minecraft.best:8123/

>Rules: Dont be a cunt: no griefing, no stealing, be respectful to other anons, etc.

The server also features things like the ability to lock doors/chests and individualized loot from world-generated structures like nether bastions and End Cities so everyone has a chance to get loot from there.

All anons are welcome, feel free to ask questions in the thread, post builds, and talk to other anons who play here.

-Season 2 has begun
-cave town 2 group build starting soon
-many hats added, wandering traders will sell them (very rare!)

>Previous Thread:
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Me and my gondola
not even a female skin, retard.
Anoncraft Bros we are so back.
You look cute desu.
Oh, Anon craft bros, let's get to together and get it on...
ends on the nether sub-roof highway going eastwards
though i suppose someone could bring it over the roof eventually
Thank you.
Yeah, I was trying it through the nether roof, I ended up at farms the grinders and the map arts
where is everyone...
Working :(
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Someone on the map is on half a heart!
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They survived!
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I was thinking about having a cherry blossom starter base. I respect this. Sasuga newcomer thriving
oh hey that's me lol
yeah i'm planning on expanding the cherry blossom forest
you can probably already see on the map that it's expanding
Good stuff.
I might come over tomorrow for some chopping and planting. Sakura wood is a very pretty block
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For Doc
Official Clip Studio Paint Pentablet anime production pipeline
Reiwa Digicharat anime production example frame
Instructor (Animation direcotr and teacher working specifically in clip)
Simple tutorial that goes over most of the important stuff
Keep in mind that the production method does not include the animation techniques themselves. Those require different resources
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Thanks man. I did my best drawing it for ya.
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nyahello thread
if thoust is in need of horse or mule, i am your man
Are you a cat?
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Owi is true to his word. That is one big cherryforest.
Hey oui, you cna expend the flowers too. When you bonemeal them you get more
t. Doing sakura expansion in solo world
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I have finished the design of my new base.
I want to build it very close to spawn
Is that a hilichurl hut from genshin impact?
Dammit, anon, did you really have to compare my art to genshin?
@steeve, stealth just destroyed cat's base bc cat took 5 beacons and moved them
now he's breaking the church
you mean stole
>cat still isnt banned, somehow
Cat is a very important asset to our community. How else are we supposed to get 13 half-finished builds at spawn and weekly discord drama bs?
everyone stop being mean to each other ;/
mark my words i will be back tomorrow if i remember
>he was never seen again (Д)
on the contrary
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Made an anon craft meme
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iterated on your meme
The IRA's influence over spawn is getting out of hand. People need to choose their allegiances; no more neutrality.
>discord drama bs
what is bj?
oskar (((they))) are replacing you
who is 0skar3?
>posting on the discord when there is a perfectly good thread
can we please ban catgno
the faggot is a pain in the ass.
im fixing this
wtf happened to my favorite field of wheat
No 0skar
catgno happened
we really need him gone
If you ban catgno, stealth gotta go too. Equal level of faggotry.
Some fag on the server named justkig is killing me on repeat in netherite.
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Do you think I can get far enough munching gapples to get my stuff through the border, or, do I need to ask steeve for help on this one?
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Welp base has been griefed to hell and back. With a sign linking to some faggots youtube channel.Was fun while it lasted but i'mma head out.
The admin has person specific rollback.
Just tell em who did it and they will ban/roll it back
I have no idea who the admin is not on the discord.
post the youtube channel
also steve and purple are jannies but i understand your frustration if you dont want to bother
Rolling it back rn. Griefers just waste their own time
There's more grief near spawn. itteyoshi's house got jihaded by the same guy
why haven't we just banned the faggot
they are banned now
What's the plan for cavetown 2.0? Where can I build in the cave?
Pretty much wherever you want. The lower mossy area is going to be the "toen square" but otherwise it's still a open canvas
dead server lul
Like my soul
0skar2 and his alts JohnPorkkk are both easymc accounts. MasterBenbo came into the server and began hacking after being killed by 0skar and "BigBrotherMojang".

so lmao, 0skar is using public minecraft accounts
thumbs up emoji
Niggers have been swarming the server lately
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i was spared because i gave benbo bread when he came on
autism saikyou
0skar is now on leNOIRE saying he's not 0skar despite typing the exact same way with the shitty grammar lol
This is too much.
definitely will need to have stuff rolled back due to griefing, but lmao
unban puppybreath wuff wuff awruff
0skar """left""""" and gave his stuff to a new guy
wink wink nudge nudge
Fuckin Oskar
amethyst hot tub
Another hacker joined his name is Noobbibi. He's griefing and killing.
if i was unbanned i would take care of it...
BigBrotherMojang is also moving around the map very fast with full armor points... I would guess they are together.
Yeah Noobbibi spawned lava around me in Cavetown. There's been an uptick of hackers and unsavory characters, I think it's time for me to take a break from the server.
Noobbibi is flying and pouring lava on bases.
Looking sweet
We need a crystal PVPr with hacks on our side to defend whenever someone like that comes on.
Beat em at their own game
i volunteer for this role if steeve unbans me :3c
Or that person could just be given mod.
I know, but, it would be funny
Getting banned by a mod makes some people feel like they won. If you beat them up, they will leave on their own.
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>ip banned the hackers and Oskar hasn't come online since then
Fucking good. Ban BigBrotherMojang while you're at it.
I'm so tired of the inaction.
some of us have jobs
i knowwwwww they still haven't unbanned me :< cut their wages in half!!!
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Whats yo fuckin' name bitch?
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Current Group Project:
>Cave Town 2: 2024 edition
>Where: South of spawn, follow the dirt trail to the ice caves
>Theme is dark medieval, ruined castles and the like, dwarven structures, etc. but feel free to do whatever you are comfortable with as well.
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It's very nice
This is cool
Good morning, Cavetowners! I've unfortunately found the ancient city that's an offshoot to our quaint musty little dank town.
:') kill me
>:') kill me
Nah, you kill me first.
We must build defenses around our unexpected neighbor
do NOT go into ancient cities
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new oskar alt just dropped
oskar seething rn
Why did you guys ban me? I don't know who oskar is....
>Why did you guys ban me? I [BLATANT LIE].
lmao i dont know, is oskar from australia? i was getting ping kicked i think anyway so no loss?
You're unbanned now.
meeeeee??? :<
Steevu's pantu's OwO!
i didn't say this btw... .w.
Why did you say that?
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Aaaaand somebody obi trapped spawn
I ain't going anywhere near spawn when a large obi box shows up, but, I get it.
We live in dark times
this kills the man.
What happens if you go through
>cursed by the minecraft gods to crash the server whenever im in / near an ancient city
>i keep finding skulk and ancient cities unintentionally nearly everytime i go into a cave
its not even funny anymore..
super death
That cave has aids.
Have you tried TNT?
You can fishing hook the items back
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Gomenasai, Anoncrafters! My name is Ken-Sama.

I'm a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!
Uhh, Good luck I guess
"I belong bodily to the Earth, I'm just wearing old bones from those who came first."
why the guy name stealmyomega is killing me without any reason and he is calling me oskar
Okay oskar
so can i get unbanned or not communication with you niggers feels like i'm sending smoke signals back and forth with a tribe of africans who refuse to use modern technology
if you can't even read the thread, how can we trust that you aren't a pajeet griefing nigger anyway?
the fuck do you want me to read nigger i asked you three times to unban me are u saging me on purpose because you still didn't get over how you had to orchestrate a samefag drama to justify banning me in the first place
t. puppybreath_
meds, now
>Puppybreath still asking to be unbanned a whole year later

Holy shit cope
nigger i haven't been on this board in a year
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PSA: Do NOT under any circumstances unban puppybreath
can someone give me the quick rundown on puppybreath?
he tried to extort diamond rent out of me when we first met but in a RP way that seemed to be mostly jest, and brought an army of dogs. most of which died by spawning in walls due to lack of space.
we built graves to the dead dogs, had a laugh and then I took a long break after finishing my build and running out of ideas

what did he do after to get banned? he didn't strike me as some turbogriefer in disguise
livetotroll griefing and hacking :L
will need rollbacks
other than the obvious uwushit making incels uncomfortable (they can't co-exist with people they don't like) i guess i did mess with some admin's base a bit so he went full schizo and started pretending to be me so he can ban me for "shitting up the thread"???? rly weird stuff
also hi jelly!!!! didnt know u still play
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Oh wow, all this time lurking this thread I assumed the server was cracked because of all the griefing and drama, color me surprised when I finally tried to join and couldn't.
Probably don't enable cracked clients then if it's already this bad, haha.
it used to be enabled. but after griefing, we had steeve turn it off. but because of pajeets throwing a shitfit, there's still griefing
they banned 0skar for no reason because they bored tellin me i have a hacks ROFL everyone on the server is hacking it's just not worth a play
"still playing" is a bit relative when it consists of me playing for short stints between months long breaks
>i did mess with some admin's base a bit
what for? and what was it like?
I found the signs, redstone "blood trail" and severed finger funny, but just like the uwu stuff I can see how others may find it too offputting if you upped it just an extra notch
Sad but understandable, let's hope the pajeets leave you guys alone soon.

bweeeehhhh dont remember .w. im p sure it was over us stealing the same beacon back and forth lol or smth and then he turned out to be the admin tht placed the beacon on his 34th alt,,,,, basic human communication stuff that went flat because niggas don't ever go outside!!!!!
beinf mad over uwushit is lame and fragile lol same tier as planet minecraft reddit niggas being mad when u say fuck and shit in their pg13 server chat
Thanks for the bump, retard.
why sp8rls is banned
Griefing, using alts to grief, hacking, being a 1000 ping 3rd world shitter who doesn't own a toilet
Vocal piss pants fetishist, likely a diaperfag and pedo. Cool builder though. Shame about the other stuff.
>they banned 0skar for no reason
Saar, no saar that is not me. I did no grief saar. Unban please saar I did no grief.
no they banned 0skar for being a dipshit jeet who did nothing but cause problems
bro unban me i havent done anything i am banned for no reason sp8rls
Oskar alt
i havent grief havent hack what have i done
you're brown and smelly
this is not a reason steeve unban me and tell omega to return my stuff
Stfu. You were griefing on alts. There's no point in lying. How stupid do you think we are?
i was not griefing do you have any proof
Yes, that's why you're banned, retard.
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new hats incoming
Really cool, I like it!
unban me
my name is sp8rls
okay sent :^)
How do I get the new hats?
please can you tell omega to return my stuff
i m still banned steeve please unban me
No, 0skar.
Steeve got banned too
We should make a pirate town on an island.
how is cavetown coming
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atleast unban me
i want to make big gates at the river entrance island near 1400, -600 and another one at 1550, -100 and we enclose that river system then make an underground tunnel/suez canal around 500, -580 connecting to the main river system near spawn. digging may take a long time but i suggest slave labor. how does that sound anon?
something with low walls and a tower like picrel, or a wooden fortification like the one at -980, 980 on season 1?
wooden fort for reference
hello can i join this server i am new player
is there any discord of server if there is can you post a invite
Yeah you can just join. There isn't a white-list process if that's what you're asking
sounds like a fun project but i suggest starting with the smaller stuff to show commitment and then asking other anons for help with the slave labor stuff once you've shown you can follow through with it
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Visit cave town
i was asking for whitelist
Okay I'll bite, what's your username?
not sure. i just pull up a picture that i like the look of on my second monitor and go nuts. something like bottom right i guess.
fair enough. you'll hear from me again.
bro just wanna say stay away from guys
people like steal
I just checked the thread. Does anyone know him?
Never heard of him before
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Why does this nigga talk like he is an AI? Have we been compromised?
Steeve. Steven. Steve.
Steve don't work here no more
Hey, Purple, do you remember the chast you helped me set up? I can not break it. Please do it for me.
Looks like the witches hut in majoras mask
Thank you.
Gonna be my cave base
Hey, you, post progress
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the road to cave town must be paved
Feds left. It's okay
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new build by purple
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No more Oskar drama
I have Read the Menu i need Oskar2 meat
Can we Join Server from bedrock
no, mobilefags are cancer
It's beautiful
0skar's going away party?
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Fuck, it's starting in 12 minutes and I can't come. I'm sorry dudes.
next weekend my dude
thanks for giving random noniggers access to fireworks and elytra, now there's just a gang of airniggers going around killing people
oh and they started a lavacast over the courthouse, you can see it on the live map
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Somebody tried to kill me and trapped me when I logged out, I am on legacy. My coords are these. Help would be appreciated
youre good now youre free
get a hobby, mate
I've been to hobby lobby before. Nothing there interested me
What are all you niggers doing down there
Doc, do me a favor and break the trees I am under
My coords are
>109 78 133
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Alright, the clown got bored.
If you read this, please break the trees planted at 92/78/130 on the legacy world.
Why not do it yourself
Attacked, combat logged, then trapped
I am suffocating in the logs, and I doubt I have enough hearts to break em.
What's the name of the player doing this
1cc7 or something.
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Whoever reads this, please break this tree on the legacy world.
Thank you in advance
team of griefers
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can someone come remove this, i combat logged while 3 of them where chasing me with elytra and they built this after sitting in front of it for 20 minutes, its the little wood cobble sphere floating in midair
1cc7 stay mad that i killed you and you couldn't do it back nigger
bigbrothermojang 1cc7 xzvy and autumn are all connected and commiting malicious acitivies
im aware, come remove the ball that contains me
i got it
I don,t even know these guys Autumn
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i saw 1cc7 handing you items from his shulker box
leave this server, there are plenty more to choose from, nobody wants you here oskar
1cc7 here I was giving him an elytra in exchange for shit tons of netherrack. completely unrelated.
1cc promised to give me an elytra if I mine netherrack for him.
I don't know who Oskar was.
Did these guys get banned or did they just log off.
>you didnt ban catniggo
>now your feed is just griefers and complaints
better learn this lesson, groomer faggots
What the fuck did cat do? It's 0skar and his retarded simps like Big brotherMojang and the other trolls that are the problem.
>the nepalese gang warlord, known for his notorious griefing, organizes another raid
are you insisting that you have a lower iq than a nigga from nepal?
There's no grand 0skar conspiracy you fucking schizo lmao
Sure thing, Mojang.
"Who is Oskar, and why does he have such a significant impact on the server?" >Autumn
I'm not mojang, schizo
Yeah, uhuh, like I'd believe you, Oskar.
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deport all the oskar friends
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I'm a United Statesian~ I-I swear~!!!
wtf is going on here
this is wild
Do I join this server or nah
it's a nice server, most of the time
OskarGODS rise up!
Steeve could you enable sand and string duping in the paper config. Since those are vanilla "features" after all.
Why dont you just ip ban oskar
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All banned now
Sand duping can't just be re-enabled like that. But you can put gravel in a stone cutter to get sand
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info from: https://docs.papermc.io/paper/reference/global-configuration
sand duping shits up the end portals and i feel like crafting it from gravel makes more sense. you can make a gold farm and piglin trader to get unlimited gravel. not everything needs to be afk automated
Where did the basedjak go
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What does this say
>oskar's base
>stay away or I kill you
>saars only
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What do you guys think of adding VC (voicechat)
it was ugly to look at and blocked the entire view of the town from two sides, i got rid of it after asking a couple of the people online if they would be ok with it
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Which side are you on?

Capcha: GTA4
I pick oskars side because he is cool guy and the best at pvp
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I'm on the side of that Gr0m guy. He is green, based, and loves his women (female).
It is impossible to avoid autism drama snd server splits on a 4chan block game
>the anime discord tranny claims conquest on the groomer server
would be funny if it wasnt so r*ddit
>oskar living rent free
>if I say enough 4chan buzz words, they'll have to love and accept me
Cool, please remove the damn tree now.
What tree where
I am trapped in a block with 3 hearts.
Not giving these clowns the last laugh
this tree>>1286157>>1286215>>1286292
If no one else does it I will after work.
Requesting bundles plugin be enabled on this server since it seems we're already using vanilla tweaks :^) we can do what mojang cant
It's been enabled for awhile now, friend :)
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can we get 1.21 datapack added?>>1288372
it needs to be added when creating the world, so no
anon... are you back from work?
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you can also edit the world file with an nbt editor to add the datapack, if you want to actually do this heres how https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmLHVI-U5xM
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all clear
Thank you
the in game experimental feature for the 1.21 stuff is pretty incomplete unfortunately. doesnt even have the mace. probably not worth it until the actual update drops
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Weird, it used to work. No one ever uses them though, but I will look into it again
>no one uses them
I would have loved to use them if they were a single rabbit skin.
Mojang is out of their fucking mind thinking 6 bunny skins is an early game item. It is literally faster to get to the end
What video game is the factions plug-in based on?
>factions plug-in
bans due to griefing/hacking/stealing/etc
what out for dms
bad server! got back home to being banned but at least i finished my epic build before. also one of the jannies voice is pretty hot very feminine you could definitely be my woman :)
Do you mind listing the reason for each?
thats me, thx!
sorry, I dont know the exact reasons... I just follow orders o7
I know that mojang, cat, 1cc something were banned recently from the server due to griefing
theres also 0skars alts and levi/azizab which are prob also griefers
waht'd i grief?
1cc7 joined /v/craft earlier and got almost instantly banned by the anticheat
yeah mb i was on the anarchy server earlier
If you have access to a snow plains biome its quite fast. They spawn pretty frequently but blend in so you gotta look out for em

I suppose rabbits are farmable like any other farm mob too
Regardless it should be working again
Even then, the price is really bad for what it is trying to fix and how good they are, as well as who they are aimed for. It just ends up being more of hassle than a fix.
Mojang tends to do that. They are too scared if implementing a big change, so they make it out of reach or post game.
What have i done wrong.>Autumn
Pathological liar
Why purpleskele killed me >autumn
checked, thanks bro
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Angrily glomps your friends try to dox server members and regularly kill/steal from people wtf are you bitching about EXPLODE EXPLODE EXPLODE
What are you saying i dont even know those guys
Skibbidy rizzler
autumn tried to get my adress to send me mustard gas in my mail yep mhm that happened >occult
AutumnR0ck is outside my house. He keeps banging on the door and yelling "UNBAN ME! UNBAN ME!" How the hell did he find me? I'm calling the police.
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i don't think this 0skar guy is that bad he seems kinda nice
what have i done.
So Steeve's back in the mine, he's got his pickaxe swinging from side to side, side side to side.
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never meet your heroes
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Fuck off shill
Never sneed your chucks
More like anon.minecraft.worst
how will we ever recover from this
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Gondola Valley
Live on god
What time is the party tonight
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srsly what is gromsh doing (?
Minecraft is $15 right now. Should I buyed it? I can't remembered if it was Minecraft, or Titanfall that someone suggested I buy a key for so as to not pay for it full price. I don't remember where I was referred to however. I have not played the PC version (jaba) since ~2014. What has changed? Hab dey added teh Aether?
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Max player count was 30 at one point
who's mark?
You don't really have too, unless you need a ms account. The unofficial launchers are better than the official one, and cracked servers are a thing.
This habe whitelist? Is it cracked?
really good party ruined by groomsh and catgo i dont really know WHY and how prpl let this happen
What's this MS account chicanery all about? Where is my Mojangos account? Also, I'm hesitant of buying Minecraft since I had already bought it sometime around 2012. I fortgot the username and password thoughever. Any chance I can just ask Notch for a free copy of Minecraft, or is it Bill Gates calling the shots?
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Orc chaos
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Just in time for Sub's private server to open up!
>failed to verify username
server is premium account only no cracked
I didn't get an invite :(
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sub's private what?
His private parts
I was caught red handed
And blue handed
And green handed
And yellow han...
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The day after
It is a server of just nothing but giant cobblestone penises I have made in the past year. Just for you, anons. Because I love you.
You will join and you will enjoy my show.
This is not a request, this is a threat.
Also fuck you Mark. Happy bday Purp. :)
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Doc just confirmed it
I am...
Never meet your heroes.
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new farms isnt going well... villagers kinda lazy
can the guy whose number I called the one time I joined in a month stop sending me dick pics please, I’d really appreciate it
man I just joined and I've discovered people hate a person named 0skar.
Oskar has became a terrorist at this time
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Owicalagu is building something !
If you didn't migrate your Mojang account to an M$ one by the deadline then you're SOL now unfortunately.
isn't 0skar some script kiddie who scans for minecraft servers?
Oskar is a sentient AI let loose in the minecraft realm
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I accidentally walked into this area yesterday. Your plan looks really cool!
Whats the problem of stealthyomega why is he trying to kill me and even destroyed my build
rejoin hes gone
Thank you very much!
why are we appeasing ban evaders now?
What is your problem
What I found
This some faggot mentioned it
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The Wool farm in season 2 was griefed and needs a roll back
they are obsessed with him
Not really. I have been there for the situation. This has been a long time ban of some kid who discovered the server through a scraper and caused a lot of drama.
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very cool, it'll look awesome if it's ever finished!
i have some base sketches too if you want to check them out, still a work in progress though!
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8,3 % complete
why not like do that in the end?
the ocean is ruined :(
I agree. Maparts should be relegated strictly to the end. Unless there's one specific platform that gets reused like on season 1. Otherwise it just serves to take up needless space
Alongside this, what do I need to build for Cave Town? I want more buildings to fill it up with. Right now Im working on making an area for some shops and then Ill make some more community facilities.
Plans are
1.) Crop Farm
2.)Iron Farm
3.) Railway
anything else?
goon cave
i could relocate finished map arts to the end, with consent of the creators.
Actually turning the water overhang into an onsen would be really cool.
It is just novelty, but I think it would be sweet.
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its only just be(et)ginning.....
Beetroot Lover
Interesting Idea. But I'm not using the faggot cherry wood.
here's the PDF for the cavetown library
alright now get down from there without trampling one of the farm blocks
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When you are one with the land as I am, the tilled earth welcomes you into its crimson embrace, such that one can frolic without fear of trampling Her beauty
(he uses flyhacks)
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the warden loses to ME
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20,3 % complete
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Beetle home WIP
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my curse.. it destroyed the server..
i told you guys!
me as yume and yume as the warden. oh yeah its raping time
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New hats coming tomorrow!
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This thread has been visited by the sleepy snowman. You do not need to do anything. Just sleep well.
awww thank you :)
He did it!
more like retardcraft
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There have been reports of gangstalking in Anoncraft. Be mindful of your surroundings out there!
absolutely terrifying
Top 10 Hardest Images
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Yeah I live under the spawn
try not to be jealous
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I've never played on hard my entire life lmao, having to hole myself up underground
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Why have you done this stealthyomena
who is this pranith guy
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u arent welcome here oskar get the fuck out retard
Stop this why are you calling me oskar
some cringe faggot made villagers make retard sounds, this shit is as gay as /v/craft
is there any /vm/ game that isn't full of faggot trannies and queers?
Villager noises being changed were done as a test, glad to see it's working. It is only temporary.

Goat horn sounds were also modified and will be changed with new ones on a monthly basis
you couldn't have tested that privately on some local server? it's fucking obnoxious
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>he doesnt like morshu villagers
>for that one guy who didn't believe me
average anoncraft player
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>i don't pay for a service, and it doesn't meet my preferences all the time
>i demand service provider meet my preferences
>mental gymnastics to defend mindless alpha/zoomer-tier brainrot on the most simple premise: a fucking minecraft server
to nobody's surprise the moderators allow trannies and drama queens to dominate the chat unchecked, too
just depressing
last time i was on some newbie was just getting harassed constantly until they quit
amazing community
gamer it's just funny noises temporarily it will be okay
it starts with this and next thing you know the zombies are going to be saying
>skibidi yeesss hitler's language
the hats were faggy enough already
surely anons will not have this poor taste
nobody tell him
just.....dont install the resource pack retard
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this is what cat does when he isn't working on his new unfinished builds
Make a video of it twirled
Anyone can pour milk into a jar.
Honestly? I fucking hate Anoncraft and everybody in it
What did we do this time
It's literally impossible to hate purpleskele so why don't you stop lying
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sponsored by purpleskele
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(good news) Doc is not a janny anymore
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>ding dong the doc is dead
I hurt myself today
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guys i am lost
I have done something similar to a cumjar irl. That is not how it works. It is more like blowing your nose into a jar every day.
The shit dries up and turns yellowish while maintaining some moisture. It will never be an all white consistent texture. Anyone who posts or believes shit like that are underage.
I am not an anoncrafter but literally every big enough vm block or survival game gets so much drama after a few months. And janny abuse is rampant. I ran servers on 4chan years ago and took janny away from people caught going into creative and abusing. God the shit they would fling over their little block autism.
Vintage story banished trannies and queers. Once they banned discords from their threads, mass reported discords that posted there, and doxed multiple discord fags, the drama that plagued them for years stopped completely.
No one here gives a shit about vintage story, go shill on /v/ or something
Not shilling. Anon said is there any /vm/ game and I answered his question. If you guys want to get rid of trannies, do away with discord fags and janny abuse.
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wait is this server alive now? i thought it was a meme server that died off in the first week that was shilled in mcg nonstop
come in and become another victim of gangstalking or the local lolcow
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tiny empty map with occasional trash
constant map resets (apparently this is good? wtf??)
annoying jannies
nigger plugins, low trust, no law outside of plugins
flooded with tourists and spam from excess shilling
no one asked
you should play on /v/craft instead
huge old map with chunk generation artifacts and ancient builds that don't even have coreprotect logs because the owner can't afford storage
jannies that don't actually play, they just shit up the in game chat through the discord bot
no tourists because nobody wants to play there
no shilling because the "players" don't like people outside of their circlejerk
no chest protection plugins because nobody wants to grief there either
shill your dying server elsewhere
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pic is me watching the anontards fight each other to see who can shill their discord clique harder and not actually play the game while I am unironically still playing on vcraft
just play singleplayer at that point if you dont want some discordfags shitting up your chat while you work on your build 10k blocks from spawn
What the fuck man
Steeve was okay with it
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What drama is there from demolishing the tower? Nobody gives a shit.
Goddamn what a fucking mouth-breathing retard this janny is
The fucking subway on spawn is still griefed a week later because you don't give a shit but you'll ban me because of "drama" instead of talking to me.
Steeve really knows how to pick them.
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Tower in question that will cause 3 sets of drama wars on the server. What a fucking joke.
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this is a REALLY cool server, i mean seriously, nothing close to this has ever changed my life as much as anoncraft has EVER

in this server i can do what i want to do like watch little idiots pick fights over relatively harmless builds, engage in professional conversations like "ur a niggery tranny and u stinky bad", and overall have a economically healthy drama with /v/craft that no one on either side will let go!

thanks everyone for ruining my day!
fuck you faggot tranny go back to single player vcraft ywnbaw
What the fuck even is this reason for a ban? I'm gonna ban you because of imagined drama that hasn't happened? Surely that won't cause any drama at all. No I won't talk it out instead because I'm a janitor and I can just ban whoever and whenever I want. Go talk to Steeve instead so I don't have to do my job.

Are you fucking drunk?
I am drunk indeed
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What a fucking shitshow of a server
Cause the jannies are all junkies and alcoholics that don't care about the server
Imagine banning people because of drama and then causing drama yourself drunk
imagine being at computers
/v/craft users trying to make this server look bad because theirs is dying
oh boy, server wars time?
Are the "/v/craft users" still in the thread with us now?
...Yeahhh looks like we're having a server war.
Probably a bad time for me to hop into any server right now, I'll wait until this stupid shit dies down.
nah this screams ICA retards starting drama between the two servers like usual
Not like you need any help with that lmao
Last time I joined I couldn't use chat because I disable chat reporting clientside. Did you guys stop requiring microsoft shit or should I just join the smaller servers instead?
chat reporting has always been disabled
why don't you just clam down, doc?

... Yeahhh this screams like an attention starved faggot wanting us to give attention to his imaginary nail scratch fights
>say something the janny doesn't agree with but can't argue against
>get muted and kicked repeatedly
place TNT all over spawn
>gets mad when you get banned
never happened
I started placing TNT in a tower that I planned to demolish. I talked about it for hours and no one was against it. So I went ahead with it and got banned because apparently some oldfags care about the tower so much despite leaving it unfinished before I took notice of it. I literally just started playing a few days ago.
stop playing the victim all the time. you literally sound like a child having a tantrum because you couldnt blow up someone's tower
>calmly protest jannies on spawn
>get provoked into burning a player after he killed me several times simply for protesting with signs
>get banned
I want to make things better because no one else cared all this time apparently.
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Just come to /v/craft instead friend. We actually care about our spawn and treat our players with respect they deserve.
you can have him
>treat our players with respect they deserve
good one nigga
im from the future, the year 2099. i don't got much time and it has to be quick

a tranny takes over anoncraft in the year 2099. the future is overrun with trannies. i don't know how i can stop it. the future of anoncraft is at stake here. we need your help.

im losing *BZZK* connecti--*BZZK* FUCK THEY GOT ME!!!!!

-end transmission-
Do you realize how many years away that is
New bread
New bread
New bread
Thanks for playing all these years!

But all things must come to an end.

I'm closing the server. Love Steeve
About time
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>"I have a dream." That one day, every player on this server will control their OWN destiny. A land of the TRULY free, dammit. A nation of ACTION, not words. Ruled by STRENGTH, not jannies. Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to think -- to act -- for himself! Fuck all these limp-dick oldfags and chicken-shit jannies. Fuck this 24/7 /vm/ spew of drama and lolcow bullshit. Fuck "Tranny pride". Fuck the discord! Fuck all of it! Anoncraft is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it -- we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new Anoncraft will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged, and the strongest will thrive -- free to live as they see fit, they will make Anoncraft GREAT AGAIN!
Fotrik is never getting unbanned if they keep shitting up these threads
Can't blame everything on me. I'm not gonna be the scapegoat for all your problems. Sooner or later it will bite you in the ass.
V craft is ending this mean all the v craft fellow will come here and create more drama
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Stealthy why dont you make plain mapart
Why stealthy has griefed the subway at spawn.
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>nah this screams retards starting drama
You know the ones, they autistically paste MC player heads on memes.

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