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/vm/ - Video Games/Multiplayer

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>What is Tabletop Sim
TTS is a physics sandbox game meant to be used to play board games online, you can find almost any board game for free in the Steam Workshop, or even create your own!

Hosting is as easy as just opening a lobby and getting the game's workshop item. Post your favorite board games, discuss and play with other anons. Find games in the Workshop (https://steamcommunity.com/app/286160/workshop/) and discuss/host your favorite games!

Of course, if you prefer to play board games through other platforms, like Tabletop Playground, Board Game Arena, or game's digital editions, feel free to talk about and find other players here.

Previous thread: >>1226141
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>How do I play?
Controls are mostly straightforward and intuitive, but there's always little tips and tricks to learn, more info can be found at https://kb.tabletopsimulator.com/

>How do I join?
That's easy, you click on "Join" in the main menu, search for the lobby name and password that's been posted, and done!

>How do I host?
Click on "Create", and that's basically it. You can find free games in the workshop here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/286160/workshop/
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List of hosted/played games, missing Ora et Labora which was hosted just a few hours ago.
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A little tired but heard some people were asking for Horseless Carriage, give me 2 (You)s (minimum required to play) and I'll throw some cold water on my face to host.
I,d love to join but it's late. Maybe we can try in like 16 hours(tomorrow but earlier)?

In an unrelated question, does anyone know if VASSAL supports asynchronous play? BGA has really spoiled me when it comes to convenience of gaming, but it's missing some games I like and VASSAL has them
>Maybe we can try in like 16 hours(tomorrow but earlier)?
Feel free to host, I'll be busy playing board games irl all day tomorrow, here's the mod I edited and fixed you lads were asking for last thread: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3204177049

Regarding your other questions, i don't know, check the user manual: https://obj.vassalengine.org/images/8/8c/Userguide.pdf
If you are there we can have that rematch, if someone else appears we can then start a game.
Getting back from walking my dogs, gimme a couple mins and I'll host.
No hurry
>There was a problem accessing the item. Please try again
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage

Try again, forgot to change that one to Unlisted.
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omg will I actually win this for once?
I win! -9 vs 3, playing another game, feel free to drop in.
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Second game ends 22 to 7, both positives! Very nice.
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Golly gee, the game will look a bit more busy with all these modules. I beg a friendly coder-anon reads this and decides to help out with the scripting of all this.
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Ok that looks more presentable, here's the mod with all the things added in case you lads wanna try it while I'm out: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3233138401

Setting up any module will have to be done manually of course, but if you add the corresponding cards and tiles to the components in the back, the script will shuffle and deal them out properly so that's pretty cool, only issue so far is that the new Staff cards have the wrong "hidden" image because of the way the original uploader did them, so I'll have to reupload those, and also the script itself deletes the snap points I made to create their own, which are in weird positions we never use anyways? I probably can trial and error that code out of the script.
Any games? Got about 5 hours
I will play games
Host then, i'll join
I was kind of hoping Arkham anon would host today
/vm/isc room
no games on a saturday
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Are you sure about that?
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I want to play Kronk. I'll host villainous in 30 minutes.
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
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Kronk wins!
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Games today in a couple hours? (2-3 so between 15:30 - 16:30 gmt+1)
Anything other than monopoly, risk or villainous
But if you need a list
brass birmingham
through the ages
pax (pamir, renaissance)
3 ring circus
a feast for odin
hansa teutonica
grand austria hotel
el grande
great western trail
lorenzo il magnifico
puerto rico
terraforming mars
lords of waterdeep
the white castle
--- light / fillers:
cat in the box
san juan
project L
i'd be down for some brainy games or even a Splotter
s/v/m/day, rage
Starting with a warm up game of san juan, 3 players
Started a 3p game of Dune Imperium with both expansions
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War is indeed, Jigoku.
post fixed version
What do you mean?
the version with the fixed script that hides the block front from the other player
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Sawayama Castle falls in at the start of Week 7 after Ishida Mitsunari is forced to run like a little sissy in a battle against Ieyasu Tokuwaga the week prior. Very nice plays overall, gg.

Lobby remains open in
Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage

Oh that, I'll upload it later and post here.
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Playing Mottainai with 2 btw.
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Green wins!
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Doesn't seem like much anyone on but I'll host Arkham Horror to try to learn/play or experiment. If people are interested in a very very newbie experience of Arkham horror, hop on in. or I'll just continue read/learning/experimenting by myself.
Could also host/learn something else too

name: /vm/learn
pass: rage
how did you glue that cover over the block?
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Very simple, I stole the code from another workshop mod
If you go to Scripting and UI you'll find each block has the following (with different restrictions so each color can only see their blocks).
<Image color = "rgb(0.65,0.6,0.35)" visibility = "White|Grey" rotation = "90 0 0" position = "0 -51 0" image = "Yellow blackout" alignment = "MiddleCenter" width = "212" height = "120" preserveAspect = "false"></Image>

It's basically adding a connected screen image to each block, there's probably a way to do it with a single line of code in Global but fuck if I know how to do that.
oooh its UI tag, not a literal cover.
I was trying to detach it because I thought the cover was a real object that used the hide function.

You could assign that tag whenever that object leaves the bag, but I guess the deed is already done now.
>I was trying to detach it
Hey don't cheat, that's dishonorable!
Were you able to learn the game anon? how is it?
Actually yeah. I went through the whole rulebook, then simulated a turn and someone else joined and we both did a practice turn too and kind of got the gist of the game. I'm sure there's some more too but I think now I'm prepped to actually play it. I just have to find the time and for sure I'll announce it earlier here for those interested in playing.
Any games in an hour?
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Not from me
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
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We played 40 minutes of Great Western Trail with 3, then finished it with another 2p game of Mottainai!
Another victory for the green player after rushing the end game.
is there hope for games?
there was no hope
Anyone wanna board game today?
what's on the menu?
Room open

Room: /vm/ board games
Pass: rage

>What's on the menu
Not sure, could go for many things.
A few ideas of mine:
Orleans, Ark Nova, Expeditions (the Scythe spinquel), GWT, GAH, Tiefenthal, C of B etc.
Also wanted to try Tapestry, but I gotta read the rules for that one.
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Doing Ora et Labora, 3/4 in the room
starting soonish
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Started Ora with 3!
btw the game is still ongoing but will finish soon

We will do Mottainai, a short game, in... let's say 25 minutes or less.
Tell me if you wanna do board games after that, I can leave the room open.
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Ora et Labora is done, we're doing Mottainai, 4/5
I can join in in a bit
Up for whatever, even if likely will be taking time to learn. Though kind of want to see if anyone is interested in trying forbidden desert
We're starting Monttainai, so you have 40 to 60 minutes until we free up again btw
Playing Mottainai with 4!
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..and the image..
that's np. If I finish early, I'll hop in and spectate the end
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Creating a second lobby for stragglers

Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
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Shootin' 'em up with 3 players.
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Playing Avalon with 8 niggas in the lobby btw
the script didnt like us lying about playercount lol
Yeah lol, remaking lobby btw

Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage

24/63 players in!
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Codenames time
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Red team wins!
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And also a 7 player Clover
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Closing the lobby for tonight, thank you to all the 8+(?) anons that joined, hosted, etc.
We shall play Horseless Carriage again soon.
>shills Arkham Horror
>never plays it
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Uploaded the GWT 2e expansion from my own copy.
Calm ya tits. I got some time coming up this weekend hopefully. And I feel I've prepared enough. Stay tuned. Soon (tm)
Games in 30-40 mins anyone? Anything but can also pick from this list
Up for it
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It's up, /v/oard, rage
as said, up for anything, but im kind of feeling like pic related's games:
Lorenzo Il magnifico
Marco polo II
Fun co-op or 2v2?
Yes that's also an option but I dont know many fun co-op games and even less team-based ones, you'll have to suggest them and maybe even teach them
>fun co-op games
does John Company 2e count as co-op?
all coop games are shit, they're solo games in disguise
Doing Akropolis, with 3
La Famiglia
And that's a good thing!
Doing Golem, with 3/4
starting soon, get in for the teach!
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Say hello to your average /vm/ TTS joiner.
We finished a somewhat long game of Golem with uhh.. i dont remember colors but the jewiest of them all scored a whopping 126 points, followed by a distant 96 and 91
Pictured me, mirin'.

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Would anyone be interested in trying out Forbidden Desert in a bit (~hour or so?)
I remember disliking Forbidden Island, guess it's because I don't like co-ops in general, sorry anon. I do hope you get some players though.
try in 2 hours from now

I'll compromise and open lobby in like 30~ mins and see how it goes
Room up

Got 2 in here. Any other takers? We'll start teaching/playing in 10-15
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And GG
That was the definition of cutting it too close
Anyone interested in Ark Nova, later today perhaps?
It's that game where you build your zoo and get animals and specialists and stuff.
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I'm up for it
Cool. In 2 hours or 3?
Can play something in about 20 or 30 mins but only have about 2 hours before I gotta go play irl so maybe ill pass on ark nova for today but if anyone wants to play quicker games send (you)s
Oh, nice, I was just to open a room.
People don't seem to rushing in to play Ark, so we can definitely do something shorter.

Room open, hosting board games

Room: /vm/ board games
Pass: rage
Doing Bullet<3 with 3
Ugh, lobby died, closed
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
Classic a-clankin' with 3.
Okay, does anyone actually want to play games today?
I can offer Horseless Carriage, Pax Renaissance or Grand Austria Hotel + some Let's Waltz modules today.
Host and you shall receive
Sure, I can do gah
Cool, I'll need an hour to finish some stuff on my end, anybody else interested give me a (You)
>an hour

fuck this, i'll open a room for something else in the meantime
/vm/ board games
doing onitama with 'guess how many players'
here's a hint, it's less then 3
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Spiting the gods in Bullet<3
0 then

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Doing Skull with 3
there's also flowers, as you can see
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Playing Horseless Carriage with 4 btw
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And game is over after 2 hours of close battle for positioning! Very nice factories all around, everybody competing with standard cars was also very fun.

Fuck I must have pressed ctrl V twice
nothing on a friday night?
Apologies for delays. For those interested in Arkham Horror, because it'll take a long time to go through and even try to play the first scenario, I've been trying to set aside a good chunk of time, like 4-5 hours at least. With that said, it's looking to be maybe 3-4 PM EST on Sunday when that time would be abailable so I'm announcing this early now to give more time for people until then.

So keep a lookout for then. Recommend refreshing/learning how to play. I hope myself that I'm prepared enough too to host with the learnings and practices I've been doing. Hope to see you then.
That is too late for us working Euros, on a Saturday on Friday it could work.
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Anyone up for a medium length game (no more than 3 hours max) in 15-20 mins?
Uhh, and anything from >>1269980
maybe barrage, concordia, yokohama or affo
Dadgummit that's a shame. I don't really have much other times. Guess I'll see. How many would be interested anyways?
I'm interested also, but yeah, I can stay up later on Friday/Saturday, but not really on Sunday.

Could join, depends on what
I meant >>1276991 look at >>1276955
Surely there would be games hosted on a Saturday
If you host them
Well, I would host if people would join. My options remain bereft of players more often than not.
Then again, there's no point in hosting something no one will have fun in playing.
Don't be such a downer, as long as the game isn't some crazy thing like Twilight Imperium then people are likely to drop in to play with you, but if you say stuff like "I want to host something nobody will ever like" you're just setting yourself for disappointment.

......It isn't Twilight Imperium, is it?
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Hosting BattleCon, a card game fighting game about combining cards to form various moves and out-mindgaming your opponent. Can teach, won't post the how to play video because it's kinda out of date by now.

/vm/ fightan
Does anyone ever host 40k here or do I need to go to /tg/ for that?
I think I've seen people host 40k related stuff like Killteam but an actual 40k campaign? No, never.
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After a learning game with a major misplay, and a guelling control vs control match so grindy it broke the UI script, Player 2 is victorious!
GG's and see you next week or maybe even tomorrow
meant gruelling, man it was so tough i forgot how to words
guess i'm not touching intermediate characters ever again until i get 100h playtime haha
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(You) me for games, maybe Western Legends, more Horseless Carriage, the expansion of Grand Austria Hotel, some Pax Ren or GWT, could go for a game of Through the Ages too but I'm a bit afraid of the script shitting the bed again.
Might be home in an hour
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
And a /v/eekend thread just for the hell of it

Update here
If I can start it tomorrow at 12 PM EST, would that work for people? It's 3-4 hours earlier.
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GGs everybody that joined, hope you enjoyed, games played
>San Juan
>Cat in the Box
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I have to say, TTS scripting is a lively experience.
Crazy as shit that AssetBundles make you do all that, when they should have just added scripts for spawning particles or playing a sound as things that anything could call. People clearly want it, given that fukken Clank table that fucks up Music because it's the only other way to load the Dragon sounds.
Yeah, that works really well for me.
great. Room will be up in a bit. Might be just a tad delayed
Alright it is finally time to open up this box of horrors and go
Room name: /vm/horror
pass: rage
This is my first time hosting this, let's see how it goes
Oh right, should be clear
This is Arkham Horror 3rd edition. (not the LCG)
Coming in bit late.
I think you can just jump in with new players anyway.
3 in now
Any others? We'll start in like 10-15 mins
hey everyone

I made this mod for betrayal 3rd edition with wolf whatever


anyone interested in playing with me?

anon, i recommend you get some taste in board games and stop using bloatware
well irc doesn't let me spam the smoke alarm battery chirp in VC.
just a joke anon play the fucking game with me!!!!!
Yeah regrettably i gotta agree with grumpy anon this time, Betrayal is a shit game, I had the displeasure of playing it thrice because a guy in my friend group was obsessed with it (and four souls)
Check out the thousands of other games out there, I'm sure you'll find better games
well name some. I am down to play a lot of shit. betrayal is just fun because it's rng heavy and tryharding is discouraged. I don't want to tryhard anon I just want to laugh at funny and unfortunate shit happening and have fun with other anons.
If you want rng heavy, even Catan is better than Betrayal
Other rng games off the top of my head:
Challengers (also shit but perhaps less than betrayal)
Zombie kittens / exploding kittens (same as challengers)
Colt Express
Cosmic Frog
Res Arcana
big fan of munchkin. if someone wanted to play that with me and setup an event for the future that would be fun.
big fan of munchkin. if someone wanted to play that with me and setup an event for the future(or tonight) that would be fun.

tolmet on steam and discord.
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GGs thanks for coming
coulda gone better
the eldritch horror wins and we are so dead

As said, I'll see when the next time will be. I will try to aim for Fri/Sat this time
he looks like a pug
This man is clinically insane!

gg, to be honest losing should be the default to horrors beyond our comprehension
what does this mean? Do you want players to not play to (try to) win? Then what's the point if you're not at least making an attempt at the victory?
You could try cooperative games like The Crew i suppose, maybe you'll like it if you hate being directly conflicted at.
You're missing his point, I think. He just wants a more relaxed atmosphere, where players aren't obsessed over winning and are in it to just hang out and play some fun games (which does not necessarily mean they don't care about winning).
Nobody in this thread is a tryhard I think, I don't know where anons get that idea
..well, I would actually disagree to an extent with certain figures; zero offense meant of course...
Anyways, the term tryhard is relative to the majority of a group that person finds itself in.
The same person with the same strategies, taking a game semi-seriously, will be a "tryhard" in a family setting, while if they find themselves in a competitive game for money they would be goofing off too much compared to other players.
So you can see why some Anons get the impression of most games and players here being "tryhardy". We are Mid, generally, though you'll see lots of party and light games; and only sometimes Hard.
No I totally get it. "When playing a game, the goal is to win, but it is the goal that is important, not the winning" is a quote apparently from a game designer. And so far from what I've seen, most anons playing ITT follow this line of thinking, even in games where you can tryhard.
Second place is first place for losers
There's a limit to how relative "tryhard" can be, in a scenario where you have 2 guys playing chess with one playing normally, chill, maybe even sipping tea, and the other literally pulling their pants down and shitting on the board you wouldnt call the first a tryhard just because he's not as deranged as the other
And then in the last part of your post you're confusing the 'tryhardness' of the players with the 'complexity' of the boardgame itself
Even if it were about the games being hosted, there's still nothing 'tryhardy' about them, we always teach and are always willing to change games at a moments notice if the players dont like it
well couldn't find any interest unfortunately but maybe we try again sometime. I am committed to getting one game of betrayal in.
Okay, I get your drift, but that chess example is ridiculous nonsense. Obviously in that case the 2nd guy isn't even playing the game, there is no comparison to be made here.
There needs to be an unstated social contract where you both agree that you will play the game fair and by the rules, and won't stand up to shit on the table for there to be a game in the first place.

>And then in the last part of your post you're confusing the 'tryhardness' of the players with the 'complexity' of the boardgame itself
That's actually a perfectly made argument, but it's not me that it should be aimed at, I'm aware of this, it's the people who did actually confuse one for the other.
Here's a thing. Tell me, which game is going to have a no-nonsense design with minimal amounts of tomfoolery; an easy, light, family game, or a grand strategy with 3 rule books? Which game is to see the tryhards more commonly? See where the misconception stems from?

>Even if it were about the games being hosted, there's still nothing 'tryhardy' about them,
My point was a matter of relativity, some simply consider us to be too serious for the lax fun they are looking for, no matter the fact that we are fairly lax to begin with.
Again, I also think they're wrong, but on the other hand, if you asked some frequenters here to play Munchkin, they would sooner blow their brains out.
munchkin is tryhard as fuck. you're conflating complexity with seriousness. Everybody here plays to win because that's the objective, that doesn't make you a tryhard, everybody here tries to do the best play and also shitposts and jokes around when doing so regardless of the game.
You just want simpler games where you can turn your brain off and there absolutely nothing wrong with that, but tryharding doesn't have anything to do with it.
rehostin battlecon, first time but can teach
I guess what I mean is a tryhard is someone that will always do the optimal choice every single time taking forever to make sure it is the best choice vs doing something funny even if it's suboptimal.
What you're describing is analysis paralysis and it doesn't really have anything to do with tryharding or anything, but I get what you mean.
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Anybody up for some HC, Godzilla or Austria Hotel?
no fightan games today
Okay you're making stuff up now
Just give it a try and join the games when they're hosted, you're sticking to weird prejudices that have no basis
Why does it have to be betrayal that badly of all things
Just host Betrayal. People say it's dogshit but they'll still play it.
> Game that everyone hates but join anyway
Many such cases
Doesnt make it any less shitty tho
Can I interest you in Tales of the Arabian Nights?
I take it as a virtue anyways. As long as people wanna play garbage, then garbage will be played, but people generally don't mind or care it's being called garbage, so it's just all pretty loosey goosey suck-each-others'-cocks sorta setup, except for when I host and can't get players and then you all can just go to hell
That's because you're trying to host Twilight Imperium or some shit
Of course it's a virtue, it's called open-mindedness, but it'd be much better if the game being played were actually good
>can't get players
Maybe try hosting at a time that's not nighttime for most anons here, or during work hours. It also helps to post an advance notice

Would join TI though, only got to play it twice
>it's called open-mindedness
No it's not. It's just that people are too lazy to care about their own standards. Nobody goes into a game of Betrayal or Munchkin thinking "oh maybe this time, the expansions/variation we'll be using will add the missing piece required to make the game more fun, or the change of players and their playstyles might bring out more from the mechanics in a way I haven't seen before"

It's "man it's either this, hosting myself, or no board games.....fuck it."
>"man it's either this or hosting myself and get no players"
Fixed that for you
Because games that aren't munchkin, betrayal or four souls are "tryhardy"
>"man it's either this or hosting myself and ending up with Clank Adventuring Party or Mysterium again because I got more players than I planned for"
Fixed that for you
Doesn't happen often enough for it to be an issue
How much is the Clank mafia paying you to lead young men astray with your lies
Not enough
That happens only like once every 2 or 3 weeks, at most
And I like it when we have "too many people", it's a good problem to have
>Because games that aren't munchkin, betrayal or four souls are "tryhardy"
Nobody wanted to join that anon that kept asking for Four Souls, it's because the games are simply not good, or in some cases, I think hosts have created a bad reputation and people don't want to join them anymore.
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Is coffee good for you?

Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
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Coffee is not good for (You), the barista.
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Game ends 7 vs 7 vs 6 with a win for red thanks to more tips (2 vs 1)
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Playing GWT2e with Expansion, yeehaw
...and host ragequit, GGs!
Heavy rain and snow cut off my power, I swear!
Very convenient though lol, hope you had fun anons, gg. And I hope this didn't fry my PC again....

Scores.for GWT were like 80 vs 78 vs 68 I think.
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Thanks for the pic, lights are back on and PC is alive. Hope you enjoyed the 2.5 rounds of 6Nimtt Professional we played. In case you didn't know, it was made by Wolfgang Kramer, same guy that made El Grande!
Four Souls is where I draw the line. I've got a high tolerance for a lot of schlock games, to the point that I'll argue that the right combination of Munchkin expansions can be fun, but Four Souls is just outright just, eurhgurhgurhguhrguhruhguhrguhrgh

One bit that will just forever get me is how the only thing you can trade under normal circumstances is pennies for favors, but the rulebook outright says "yeah they can just choose to fuck you over, and the only 'protection' is that they'll get a reputation for being a dick for future trades." Even Munchkin has a "no welshing, shitass" rule baked into it, and it's fucking Munchkin.
The author put that rule "as a joke", but it was errata'd later. Trade deals must be honored as per the updated official rulebook

>Players are encouraged to trade for favors or nefarious acts. When bartering, a player can pay another player any amount of ¢ for practically any favor. Player's can't trade items or loot in this fashion, only ¢. Players can give ¢ away without getting anything in return, but the receiving player must agree to it.
>The author put that rule "as a joke", but it was errata'd later.
I don't know why they would, it's a perfectly fine rule.
You're seething at the very possibility, can you imagine how you'd would react to it actually happening?
Only time you'd ever do it is if it wins you the game (in which case people shouldn't be offering you trades), or if it's funny. Mostly the latter.
>dude you should totally be ann untrustworthy piece of shit, it's funny
but thats not how it works
Opinions on Astro Knights?
its shit
>deckbuilding with a tranny character
its certainly shit
First time I hear of it, but if it's co-op I probably won't like it. I see it reimplements Aeon's End which I know it to have good reviews though.
Played it and Aeons end
Aeons end is better, only thing about astro knights I liked more is that player turn cards have 2 player numbers and whenever they come up one of the two can decide to take their turn (if they haven't already on that round)
Everything else aeons does it better
But anyways they're just ok, nothing exceptional
Any light-medium games?
Such as?
San Juan
I'll be home in like an hour-ish, would play any of these, maybe Clank Catacombs has preference to me right now.
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
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NOW this is group of clankers
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Buying a buyrgle
The economy is so bad in Clank world lads....
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What a mess of a script that was, but we managed to finish it manually like real board gamers, in korean.

62 vs 81 vs 45! gg!
Anything else?
any ideas?
What are some good 2-4 player coop games out there? Maybe a brief list of the greatest hits?
I'm not the man to ask but it's generally accepted that Spirit Island is the best coop game out there.
There's also So Clover for a fun "co-op" experience, Flash Point Fire Rescue was popular in here for a while; There's Arkham and Eldritch Horror to, and Sky Team is one that was neat for a 2 player dice game.
Gloomhaven is probably the best, but impossible to play here
Didn't anons finish both Gloomhaven and Jaws of the Lion a few months back?
Did they? I dont think you can complete a campaign without friendlist/discord coordination, considering the how averse it is to those
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Archive shows they finished JoTL and finished at least 1 campaign of GH and started a 2nd.
After all, you just needs anon to show up to a lobby, that's what this thread is for.
>you just need the same* anons to show up to a lobby
I can't imagine starting a new dungeon with a new adventurer every time someone new joins.
The archive is also full of 2hu rooms that you dont see anymore
>The archive is also full of 2hu rooms that you dont see anymore
Your point being? Doesn't mean anybody can't revive it or Gloom lobbies, if there's interest people will come but they need a leader to organize and host for them.
>need a leader and a host
what grave sin has this thread committed that now it has neither?
Having completed Gloom and needing a refractory period to touch it again
>what grave sin has this thread committed that now it has neither?
Gloomhaven being mid.
Slay the Spire is a pretty good 1-4 coop, probably best at 3
And way less lengthy and complex than Spirit Island and gloom
Like this guy said >>1282817
Personally, if a haven game happens again, I'd like it to be Frosthaven.
I thought Deep Rock Galactic was pretty alright. Does well to kinda capture the feel of the video game, and it's one of those co-op games where you don't necessarily feel too much pressure to overly-coordinate. After all, that's usually the thing that cripples co-op board games as being fun, as they need to do something to require you to not be one player split into different chairs, or either be just casual enough that you don't really care to do that without being mind-numbing
Former host here, I just lost interest. May pick up boards games again I may not.
This comes with the asterix that you ignore all "legacy" options the game has, which you might as well since they aren't coded into the workshop.
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I've finally got a free afternoon. I'm up for some games too
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Nobody host anything today
Should mention in about an hour
I'll do it myself then!
Damn, and I was wanting to host a try-together session of a video game about being gay and sucking each other's cocks
We had a gooning sesh yesterday, let's change it up a little
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hosting BattleCon, the card game fighting game
no funny eyecatching image today sorry

/vm/ fightan
>no funny eyecatching image
Literally unjoinable
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if one image is such a dealbreaker to you then why don't you tell it to me in the lobby you coward
Hosting something anything
I only know a few games and want to learn more, so let's see how many we can get at this time and see what we can play

/vm/ gaem

For now I put clover while waiting
I quite literally can't join your lobby anon, I'm not at home.
actually Ima be reading the rules of some games while waiting and god knows what game it'll be when you join. I just know I want to learn and play something
alright well fighting games can wait i guess, >>1283423 lobby closed
also when did Hiro revert the "can't post images in incognito mode" thing? i was surprized when my last image uploaded
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Started not knowing what to play, then put on bullet. Learned it and had fun
The system works
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Based blind board game discoverer
gaaames today?
Ill be up for games that arent too long in ~45 mins (18:15 ish gmt +1)
I'll have about an hour and half from then
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/v/oard, rage
2 in, doing some 2p games, drop in anytime
>tfw working
It's over for me
and likely for any more Arkham horror this weekend. Fucking work man. If fortunes spin otherwise, I'll let you know
Well, look on the bright side, the room was closed.
If you happen to still want to game, I could be up for it later
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
2/?? Playing Red 7
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GGs, Red 7, Lost Cities and Mottainai were played with 2, and a /v/eekend thread was had.

Until soon!
Today's win streak ups anon's win percentage to 20% after 31 registered plays (gotta win more Bullet<3 games bro) and a 34% chance of winning any given game, nicely played!
Wow you guys were still playing, I just woke up
What are you thinking of?
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How about some Carnegie?
Yea lets go for carnegie
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Saturday /vm/
Pass: rage

Let's see how good you are at business, and by that I mean how good you are at hiring thugs to squash rebellious union leaders.
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/v/oard, rage
What is happening all of a sudden here?
Join the first one
This is not a request, it's a demand btw.
2/4 playing some cascadia in wait for more joiners
We also dabbled in some spire-slaying.
Lobby closed, maybe games later?
Is later now?
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
Maybe we should bump this thread too.
This one can last much longer than in /v/
Speaking of, thread died lol.
I'll rehost something if there's any interest, been a while since I've hosted Pax Ren so if anybody is up to learn or play, hmu.
Ill be available in an hour or so
Cool, me too. maybe should I make another thread for American friends.
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
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We just finished a 2p game of Pax Renaissance, with a Holy Reformist Victory too! very nice.
Thinking of what to play next, Clank perhaps?

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Continuing with Sagrada!
Anyone interested in a subterfuge game?
What's that?
Realtime Diplomacy played over a week with extra mechanics, its an old mobile app, and is currently unmaintained but a complete rewrite is in the works. kinda of a pain to install on android but if you know your way around a command line its managable
Sounds pretty cool but I'll pass, maybe one of the regulars on the other timezone would be interested, i hear he loves async play type of games like that.
define async
Played at different times, without all players needing to be connected, think of correspondence chess.
ah, what i thought, hopefully it piques others interests then, cheers
that sounds really cool, but you will have a hard time trying to find players that can commit to a week-long game here
I wish you niggers would play betrayal or dune imperium or arkham horror with me.
Lol no
>dune imperium or arkham horror
That's more acceptable
Lol no
>noooo he's not using AIM
so what do you suggest tough guy. how do I find players for a future date. I have work and school full time and discord events are the easier way for me to plan something
well the game isn't really all that 'involved' gameplay wise, its a week long sheerly because of the time scale of actions, not the difficulty of obtaining victory points or the amount of actions needed to play. this isnt CNA. Sending units to a neighboring point (to use generic terms) might roughly take 6 hours but is just a single swipe. the game also has action scheduling so you dont have to check in every few hours to get shit done. not to suggest the game isnt deep. its a mobile app (digital board game would be more apt) for a reason, akin to an idle game you practically only check in every so often. check the board state, correspond with players, plan actions, etc., logoff, repeat.
For Betrayal, get better taste, for the rest, ask in this thread and/or host at a given time you disclosed earlier.
you'll need the app to use the following link, which again is a bit of a headache on android, but i'll keep a private room open for anyone interested, anonymous game, so screen names will be hidden, doing the puzzles are recommended for an interactive way of learning the game, or read the rulebook ig

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I found a way to fit in arkham horror. it'll pretty much same time it was last time but I can probably start earlier too 10/11 AM EST which is 14:00 GMT. We'll do the first scenario with Azazoth and try to not lose this time with preferably better characters. I know it's late notice but it's the best I could do so I'll throw it up tomorrow at those times and see how it goes
Oh also I'll have a dead stop at like 4pm EST which is 20:00 GMT which should be plenty of time that it hopefully doesn't factor
I don't do discord
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>All these 1s for Ling Ling
>betraya, discordl
>the rest
can do that, when are you available? you could join us for arkham ( >>1286318 ) or after that we could play dune imperium
Fuck yeah, horrors beyond my comprehension!
Call me when you switch to the SUPERIOR Eldritch Horror
This thread has existed for almost 3 years >>427504 without needing a discord to organize games. Just post in the thread
>what about niggers I'm running Betrayal right the fuck NOW
instead of trying to pull people into your gooncave
>*what up
Damn I'm tired, and even now I could play board games because why the fuck not.
This, except try doing that with a game that isn't betrayal
it's the same fucking game
Any games? Thought there was supposed to be arkham 3 hours and a half ago
I'll be hosting after a quick shower, would like to play Carnegie but open to pretty much anything ( see >>1269980 )
Arkham is in about a half hour-hour ish
that'd be 19 GMT though, didn't you say you have until 20 GMT in >>1286320 ?
Nevermind, it'll be 16:00, wrong side of the world
As promised, Arkham Horror is UP
room: /vm/horror
pass: rage
4 investigators in
No interest from anyone? would I be better off starting a standalone thread?
Diplomacy with randoms and perfect strangers of 4chums is just kinda eh unless you're really into the game theory part of it (how moving this way gives advantage to a completely unrelated country because you won't be able to threaten a bump and bounce with their unit or something like that)
Its not _literally_ diplomacy anon. It takes noticable inspiration however, so i used it as a quick way to get the point across, combat itself is compelling to maybe have an interesting game, especially if i remake the game to the alternate capture x points victory condition instead of the default victory points one
Picture for reference showing the "time machine" (action scheduling and speculative results view), specialists, the "board", and units. this is a seperate game im in btw.
I don't mean to spam the thread but for an example. a princess promotes to a queen if you lose control of your current queen. lets say you're in a situation where you're about to lose an outpost with a princess, you have no units to spare, at least that would arrive in time, and its key that you keep that outpost. you could gift your queen to your nearby ally, your princess promotes essentially teleporting your queen and now you have extra shield cap to protect the outpost, its a very odd and strange situation to be in but the fact that its possible to game it is what makes the game great, there are many possible odd interactions and the game allows you the time to think of them.
so it's
>not a board game
>doesnt use tabletop simulator
why did you think this is the appropriatethread for it? it looks neat but come on man, this is board game central, not videogame lane
ever heard of a digital board game anon? subterfuge does not play like any conventional video game, that should be obvious. also,
>Of course, if you prefer to play board games through other platforms, like Tabletop Playground, Board Game Arena, or game's digital editions, feel free to talk about and find other players here.
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>does not play like any conventional video game
but it does, for lack of a better term it's Clash of Clans: only a week of grind edition. Actions that take hours to resolve, having to check back in every day, really it doesn't break too many conventions. The action pre-planning method is nice though.
and, despite this being the board game thread, nobody's talking about Armello, which is actually just a board game trapped in the digital realm to save everyone the headache of book-keeping, tracking quest RNG, and rolling dozens of custom dice that can force you to roll even more dice. man I need to play it again, i remember it being fun with only 4 characters and since then they added a lot more stuff
The "games' digital edition" part of OP means apps for board games like Terraforming Mars, Race/Roll for the galaxy, Concordia, and every other board game that has it's own "digital edition"

I'm not trying to rain on your parade but if you want players at least provide a method to play.
>Clash of clans
riiiiiiight? say, do you always judge games not knowing a lick about them?
>random other game
its unfortunate isnt it, its almost like digital board games should get more love
>method to play
its on the app store, i said and showed multiple times it was a mobile app even provided a link to a lobby, if an android user pops up im willing to assist them in getting it setup because of recent google restrictions
>Semantics autism
It truly is board gamesâ„¢
>judge games not knowing a lick about them?
what is "making a lighthearted joke"?
>it's on the app store
it's not available to play on my device, and Wikipedia says the servers' been shutdown since 2023. The request for method of play still stands.
>recent google restrictions
the devs themselves pulled it off the store due to API update changes and lack of revenue.
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And it's over. He won again... we're all dead

He can't keep getting away with it!!!
It's over...
Maybe we should git gud.
A bit ironic that we get stuck against a time paradox.

GG better luck next incomprehensible horror
right a ""joke"". anyways do you also blindly take wikipedia at face value or just like... think? how would i post a screenshot of an active game if the game was dead? the devs did not in fact pull the game, _google added restrictions for apps with low target sdk versions for security reasons_ as prior mentioned. clearly you do not have interest in the game, arguing semantics will only further smear the game throughout the thread, just ignore me/it.
oh shit, i forgot to use my flux capacitor
>still no method of play provided
my point stands
and i won't apologise for banter, especially when it got you so worked up, lol
just to be clear, the APKpure version that says last update was in 2017 is the right one, yes? If you're not gonna put in work to get players in then at least help them when they're putting in work themselves.
Maybe coordinate classes instead of picking whoever? Find synergies?
might as well just play solo
thats why coop games are shit
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We don't gotta do any of that. We simply lost cause the rolls were shit. I mean truly were utter utter trash 1s everywhere and at the worst times. So unless there's a way to roll better, you can't "git gud". Just have to be tenacious and hope for better rolls. It reminds me of my D&D days almost
i asked the new developers for a legit source
>new developers???
info here:
android 14 users will need additional steps to install the game involving adb but once you have that working its literally one command
>It reminds me of my D&D days almost
then host a dnd campaign on tts instead
Funny one of my friends hated rolling dice and always getting the worst rolls and 1s all the time that we switched to playing Gloomhaven instead where there's no dice whatsoever
I always joke with him, we should never go to a casino
yea dunno what >>1287309 is on about, probably doesnt even know the game, we werent exactly throwing the game or wasting turns brainlessly, we got unlucky with a dark ritual or whatever it was called, plus several bad rolls. It's sadly a game with lots of luck involved
using tts for dnd is retarded when you have roll20 and foundry
and even then it wouldnt work out here
so it's the same one, cool
joined the game, hope more do too since it's actually quite interesting
i hope so too, take some shots at the puzzles the harder ones get quite interesting
>We simply lost cause the rolls were shit
Nice "game" you have there.
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anyone up for a late night game?
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Jesus Christ what have I experienced this day lmao.
It bothers ms that the sports car has 6 yellow despite only having access to 4 (it's not connected to the B region) and in a similar vein has 1 extra green and purple/pink.
I have about 3 hours, what do you feel like playing?
Not him, but arkham horror. I just can't shake it off my mind until we reach a satisfying conclusion
Doubt it can fit in 3 hours, let's play that tomorrow instead
BattleCON. I need to play it more with more people to see if it's actually a good game or if i'm being memed by how much content it has
Host it i guess
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eh alright

>/vm/ BattleCON

join for playing and learning a cool fighting game card game where you make attacks by combining two halves of a move into one
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2/2 players in, 2 slots for spectators, match is in full swing if you wanna see two intermediate players duke it out
pardon the shitty screenshot i have to balance posting and playing
Games done, gg's, wow both games had the winner at 1 life left, thats amazing coincidence
>game aborted
a shame, now i have to play in the public lobbies to see if the game is any good
any more games today?
Any ideas?
how many?
depends on how many armies you have
I've played enough Risk for a lifetime, thanks.
Its wasn't Risk and I dont oppose someone hosting Risk sometime, but fair enough
Can't. Poopin
Giving early notice
If I were to pop up another salty runback of Arkham horror in like 1-2~ hours time, would anyone be interested and would that be a good time for people?
If not maybe play something else either lighter or different?
I am all in for Arkham
I just realized I said early notice
I meant sorry for late notice since it's so sudden and soon
Lousy constant meetings
Can do, i get off work in an hour
Arkham Horror 3E time
salty runback or...? (I'll explain in game)

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3 investigators fighting the inevitable
We did it, Woooooo!
Eat shit Azatoth, suck on my shotty!
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And on the third try, we prevail!

as said before, dunno when the next will be, I'm out all weekend. But as we learned, the scenario we were doing is like the hardest and longest so another scenario should be easier and shorter. Either that or we try something else like Eldritch or Gensokyo Horror. We'll see

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I hope somebody with a deep voice read all these prompts in voice chat as you played, like that guy that hosted Escape the Dark Castle
I could do that next time... maybe
what did you think about it, anon?
pretty fun when people know what they're doing, slightly less fun when we're just buttonmashing with no plan for the future
and someone wants to button mash right now?
Any plans for today?
Just got home
Anyone up for anything?
Usual list >>1269980
+ Carnegie
A bit late now, and it's not on the list, but I'm feeling like Through the Ages
Tta is a game for weekends
How about GWT
dead thread
It's been deader but the games will always go on and prevail.
Uhhhhhhhh I was just uhhhhhhhhhhh in the bathroom
Was there something you wanted to play, Anon??
You make it seem like it lasts multiple days or something. It can be done in an afternoon
everyone joined the discord. I seem them saying the n word on there no thx
I'll be home shortly.
Anyone up for games?
Long enough for it to be a no no for workdays
Still up for games? I could do 3rc, affo, conc, gah, tfm, low, viti. The light games are also okay.
>the discord
There is no discord.
Uh sorry I dozed off
But no sorry in the end I made plans for the rest of the evening
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Would this thread care for a short game of international intrigue?

pass: rage
not since they banned me from it
doesn't diplomacy take like 6 hours?
I'm making it only require 12 Points, and if it goes on for too long I will stop the game to continue another day
Any late night games?
will you use mics or is it incel chat room
join discord room
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage

there is no discord
at least I have not seen any proof that there is a discord
so stop lying already
Why do you feed the troll, anon?
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Closing the lobby, we played 2 games of Project L, a game of Isaac Four Souls and a game of Bullet Heart. Woulda continued but I have to sleep, might rehost tomorrow around the same time.

i can do Horseless Carriagein like half an hour if anyone's up for that
Way too late, got plans in 2 hours, doubt that'd fit
Probably asleep by now but I can Horse in like an hour
hey board game guys, talisman: digital edition goes f2p on the 23rd. only the base game though.
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage

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It's over, we played Skull, Godzilla Tokyo Clash, and Caretos. Pretty cool!
Thanks for joining.
Oh, nice. I always wanted to play one game of Talisman, even though I'm aware of its stupid flaws.
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I couldn't find a good importer for the Digimon card game, as the ones included in mods seem to check your decklist against cards the mod author had already imported, so I threw this together:

I recommend giving the game a shot, and will try to roll in later to try to get a session of it going. As far as dueling card games go, it's relatively simple to parse and play.
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I was working on the same thing, though instead of pulling the images out of the site (which has horrendous quality), I pulled them out of the bag from this mod:

That way, the cards also comes with description.
But I stopped midway without doing any UI or the full deck import because I noticed most people just moved on to the desktop/web sim instead and the TTS tables got abandoned
Yeah, it's definitely not definitive, as the card images are somewhat crunchy (damn digimoncard.dev for not sharing its copies) and I didn't set up an API request to fetch descriptions (wouldn't be too hard, would just need to make sure it's rate limited), but it's just to have something that works in TTS.

Like you said, it seems the average player that actually plays Digimon would just use the web clients, and I wouldn't put in too much effort either with that being the case, but there's just something I like about being able to play it in TTS.
>make sure it's rate limited
No need, you can just fetch the whole deck in a single request and put a lot of effort into breaking down that json back into a deck object.
But yes, most players moved on to Drasil. I've been on most DTCG communities and the players just use that now.
I juat wish the endgame wasn't so anti climactic you build this huge fucking digimon, trigger 50 effects and always end with "uhhh i attack your security and win lol", and this can be done with like a bunch of weak ass cards too, kinda diminishes the feeling of grandeur a final attack should have.
El Grande Zimbabwe

one more pls
Give me a couple minutes and ill join
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Can you give me the dimension of the map tiles btw? thanks.
to anon who wanted the TGZ images from Online Board Games .com
set to self destruct in ~3 days so get it while it's hot
kinda unsorted but most files have a prefix like g_ meaning it's a god card
set to symbol grid view for even easier time sorting thru this pile
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Nabbed that shit, thanks lad.
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What are some tabletop games with an "Impending doom feel"? Like that one escape from atlantis game where you have to escape the island and every turn it just keeps getting worse and intense?
spirit island
another one
Eldritch/Arkham Horror
Fire Tower
Would Bullet count, given the increasing round intensity?
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Nemesis, Unfathomable
Anyone up for games today? got all afternoon and evening
I'm up
I'll play anything that's not too 'eavy, my 'ead 'urts.
/v/oard, rage
Clank currently loaded but can change upon request
still open?
Doing StS, there's room for one more dude
Slain by unforeseen circumstances...
The storm is pretty bad
somebody rehost, i saved the game
slay the spire more like storm the shit-lag haha get it
Sla/v/ the spire
pass rage
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We did good, lads, we did good.
Next time let's see if we can win over shoddy scripts.
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I intend to host Clash of Cultures Monumental Edition in 9 hours more or less.

Here's a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkN4sdp8sj8
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
Idk how to play most board games bros...
Just learn some? You can start small with simple games that have 1 or 2 pages of rules, and build up from that. You're welcome to join lobbies and be taught about games, we play all kinds.
The more you play the easier it'll get to learn new games.
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You're welcome to join us, hosts will teach any game they put and we're all very chill so don't worry about being new, we all start somewhere.
Needing 1 more to start, dw the game is very simple!
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Back to 1/4 but I'll leave the lobby open in case 2 other people would like to have a crack at it.
Im home shortly, 20ish mins
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Cool, lobby remain open
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We're so back
How's it going?
If you still don't have 4/4 I guess I'll jump in.
Ah, unfortunately we filled up some 20 minutes ago.
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Game starts! Japanese vs Persians vs Babylons vs Aztecs!

Maybe next time anon, sorry.
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I'm alive, saved the game
I thought it was the Tuesday maintenance day
I mean, it is tuesday, but it's 1:40 too soon for that
Could be but it's a bit early for that. If I recall correctly the other players were playing while a big storm was going on. Maybe they got a power surge?
Nah steam went down for me too and there's no storm this time, plus i can use internet just fine
Dude picked the worst day in absolute, weekday for a long game and on a tuesday no less
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We kill the game 1 Age earlier to let anons sleep, and because of that we end up with.....

A tie! After counting manually because script fucking broke, we end up with
>Yellow (Persians): 33.5
>Red (Babylons): 33.5
>Green (Aztecs): 23.5
>Blue (Japanese): 31.5

With a Babylonian tiebreak for having 12 points in settlements and city-pieces vs Persians' 3.

GG! Hope you enjoyed the game, I hope to hear your opinions and maybe we can play it again sometime with a little more time.
Wait, hold your horses, I missed the Revolution cards Persians got, adding 3 more points to them for a complete victory! Nicely done!
Yeah something felt odd with the scoring the script did
Did you fill the score sheet in the app or did you just put the totals
The BG Stats app doesn't have a scoring sheet for this game (and you can't create custom scoresheets just yet) so I just put up the totals, I have the final board state saved just in case though lol. When I played yesterday the script worked perfectly so not sure what we should have done differently.
In any case, I sent a message to the mod maker about the turn order tracker in hopes he can help before we play again next.
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>doesnt have a sheet
But mine does and I didn't have to do anything to have it, did you uncheck something in the options maybe? well anyway it's no big deal
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Ah here it is. I think I didn't let the play sync with BGG so it didn't load the score sheet. Here's the final count for everybody's shit.
Doesn't matter I'm not counting it as a valid play because we didn't actually finish it.
>he hosts a long game on Tuesday night AGAIN
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Full lobby too
Didn't know we had a tabletop general. So is there like weekly times or games? Or a permanent room? Or is it just whenever someone feels like hosting?
>So is there like weekly times or games? Or a permanent room?
I wish
>Or is it just whenever someone feels like hosting?
I wish there were more someones
Not many hosters but a fair amount of joiners, not sure why. Seems like the active times are around 12 to 5PM ET and sometimes 8 to 11PM ET
Host right now anon
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I do want to host more but my schedule is all completely occupied and constantly changing because of all the board games that I'm playing in real life with real people.. It's extremely hard to fit in 3-4 hours of uninterrupted time but I keep trying as hard as I can.
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>because of all the board games that I'm playing in real life with real people
>mfw reading this
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I see, it'd be cool to have at least a monthly game
it was way too late last night. But today I can host something, lets say 6pm ET.

I don't have much experience with board games though, other than the normie ones, we could do family feud
>Aztecs): 23.5
>actually 25.5
>and we still had a whole round to go
I thought I only got to like 19 tops, after counting it myself. This is good news to see on the day after game day.
And, after sleeping on it, I think the game is actually cool, but wish it spawned us closer to each other so we could start messing with war and influence sooner/easier. Also the economy isn't as terrible as I thought it to be, I just didn't go hard enough into it.
>6pm ET.
Too late for me, it'd have to be at least 3 hours earlier.
>I don't have much experience with board games though, other than the normie ones
Find one you like, read the rules (or watch a how to play video then read rules for clarifications) and bam, you're knowledgable in board games.
Also family food is not a board game, plus trivia games suck and are mogged by word association games like Codenames and So Clover. Start with those if you want to dip into board gaming.
Yeah I enjoyed it much more than last time, I'm excited to try it again.
seems to be the first 3-ish eras are for your engine building then the other 3 are expansion and conquering, at least for us newbies, although if somebody went heavily into Warfare send Navigation or Roads I bet we could see some early aggression if they can find ways to sustain it. When I played with Huns, they could move their own settlement pieces alongside armies and collect resources while doing so, ended up winning on the Round 4 after eliminating my opponent so there's definitely a chance of doing a variety of playstyles.
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>tfw not real
Any games? Possibly not 4 hour long ones
Im feeling like arnak or GWT but i'm open to just about anything (minus the usual slop: monopoly, risk, villainous)
PS: got a storm today aswell so I wont be able to host
I can (try to) host in 10 minutes or so
room open

/vm/ board games
2 in
3 in, gonna do GWT in a momento
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cow-man wins

doing quick clover with 4
14/24 for Clover :)
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Well, if any anons are interested for today, I guess we can do an "introductory" games night, simple games that aren't party games so we can get a substantial experience, was thinking of
>Clank, of course
>Survive! Escape from Atlantis
>6 Nimmt!
>Puerto Rico
>Castles of Burgundy
>Western Legends
>and more!
All these games are pretty easy to learn, take about 1.5 hour or less, and are pretty fun. Give me a (You) if you're interested in joining.
It's too late
Had any games in mind had I started earlier?
im this guy and i made a codenames server, the name is codenames

im also down for this >>1298724
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
Now it's a bit too late for me so I'll be closing the lobby.
Did you created a room for codename? I didn't even noticed at first.
Normally people create a room with "/v/" or "/vm/" in the name to make it easier to find. Also password.
>did you created
>didnt noticed
Anon you need to stop pulling all nighters, it's taking a toll on your mind
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What's your favorite game mechanic, /vm/?
Multi-use Cards
Tech Trees
Deck, Bag, and Pool Building
Increase Value of Unchosen Resources
Let's play, right now.
This is a threat.

pass: rage
action programming
bluffing about hidden info
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I'll try to join in a bit
We're doing Akro with 3
This is madness
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Anyone up for Clover3D?
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Anyway, we tried so hard but only got so far. In the end our hearts weren't in it.
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aw I didn't capture the cubed square at the bottom lol
We should make a Clover Rubik's Cube
Could it be that we misunderstood and vulnerable only doubles unblocked damage? That would make the 5 dmg attack deal no damage if i have 5 block and vulnerable as opposed to taking 10 and reducing it by 5
Only for quick ones, got plans in an hour and a half
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More Clover, sir?
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I can offer 6Nimmt as a short game

Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
No thanks
was thinking san juan, clank, iaww, dominion, cartographers, hell maybe Ra can fit in that time frame
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Okay I'll join for this one.
Up for games, but im going to sleep in an hour if nobody replies or hosts
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Not much activity tonight so I'll be closing the lobby
just make events on the discord.

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We are so back Munchbros
Impressive, but I've saw hundreds of those get taken down and dont think this will be different
This one is more recommendable since the 2nd edition has some important changes like no strawman campaigns and changes to placement and token management
finally someone posted a discord (the website) link
now i can call you a tranny and tell you to fuck off with your bringing discord (the state of being) to our peaceful thread
It's also 40 minutes longer because it slowly reads off card effects you can find on a player aid.
that's the entire game
If the card effects were written on the cards no one would bat an eye at omitting them from the teach.
But since you cross-reference the card with a player aid to read the effect ... ??? it's somehow a big deal.
Just join my lobby and I'll teach ya good while playing B). Honestly the game is quite simple to learn, the aid + player board is enough to reference, a new player just needs to be informed about how the pieces on the map are everyone's and how you want to build up to a victory condition or bow to block one, after a couple turns of "guided" turns with suggestions and explanations, you can have a player ready in 15 ish minutes in my opinion.
Although I kinda want replay Pax Porfiriana since it's been a while lol. Anybody up for it in uhhh 5 to 6 hours?
Anon, we only play games on Tuesday evenings
Hosting some chill, comfort games like Clank, Bullet <3, Project L etc.
Feel free to join whenever, I'll have the lobby sitting open for a while

/vm/ board games
Doing Galaxy Trucker with 2
host them fagit
Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage

Based Galaxy Trucker enjoyer, if only that little grab delay wasn't an issue I'd host it more often.
I'll probably host a MtG tutorial night after the bullet game.
And it just finished.

Lobby: /vm/agic Tutorial
usual Pass
I'll take a feeding break then hop back in!
Anyone up for a duel?
Not for a duel but for an actual game count me in
Thats a weird way to say you want a 3+ player game
With guns at sundown?
o shit another MTG enjoyer in the wild
two questions
>what format?
>are you available at this time tomorrow if i wanna take some time to build a deck?
There isn't a name for the format I like playing. I just like to pick a couple official starter decks and pit them against each other.
Guess no one wants to play today
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