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Welcome to /vm/abinogi. Mabinogi is a fun, once popular little old school Korean MMO from 2004 based around Celtic mythology with many different features. Your character can age, rebirth, eat food and gain weight, play and custom make music, and so much more. You can be anything and do anything all at once with no downsides. From non-combat related skills like cooking, tailoring, blacksmithing, trading goods in a commerce, carpentry, etc. to different styles of combat like melee, magic, ninja, archery, puppetry, etc. all on 1 character.

Although graphics and gameplay is still a bit dated, even after 14 years the game is still rich in content such as fashion contests, cooking contest, jousting, playing in or viewing large concerts, training pets, and so on and continues to be Nexon's most generous game.

News and Events

List of all patches chronologically

We currently have a guild called Mabigen. Our guild stone is located by the Taillteann graveyard. Apply by mentioning you're from /vm/.

[Helpful links - These links contain useful guides and other stuff.]
Beginners guide and outline to just some of mabinogi's features.

wiki for Mabinogi

Skill Training Guide

Best In Slot Gear guide and gear progression
why do gnus have such thicc asses
Been looking for a comfy MMO I tried this game out yesterday and I'm completely fucking lost. No idea what I'm doing, I've just done a bit of Blaanid's questline
>tutorial has been revamped countless times specifically to cater to adhd retards like you
>still too hard because you are incapable of reading
Mabi should die now before it gets worse...
>tutorial has been revamped countless times specifically to cater to adhd retards like you
>tutorial still dogshit despite being revamped
>cocksucking faggot too in love with his gookshit game to accept any criticism of it
Game's already dead with niggers like you playing.
If you don't like it don't play it.
please ignore the rude anon, i can understand mmos being very overwhelming to new players especially because of how cluttered the HUD is on a lot of them especially older ones such as mabi
take your time and go at your own pace
the playerbase in this game is the most helpful i have ever interacted with they are also very friendly too
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Turn in your books while you can. God, why can't these items just sort themselves on opening?
Mabinogi is an inventory management game with some occasional stabbing things or casting magic and I hate it.
Over 2,500 boxes and only two enchant protection potions to show for it.
Well at least this event also gave us virtually unlimited Full Recoveries for a week.
>there is zero challenging content in the game post patch
what the fuck were they thinking
ahaha my reaction exactly
Really good shit. Needs to be in the OP.
>lastly dont delete your character
>implying anyone trying out mabi for the first time will read that far
What about crom 70%/100% and glenn hm?
>maint extended 2 hours
owari da
Finally got a chronicle staff to replace my blaanid wand. After doing all the upgrade bs, it feels nice to be doing XBAWKS HEUG damage. Dark Diviner is so busted lmao.
This is the last month to do Fahmes, apparently.
>It will not be possible to enter Fahmes Ruin after Saturday, June 1st, 2024 at 12:00 AM PDT.
>This renovation may take some time, so check back later this year on its re-opening!
crumb still 4x dd content zzz
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this is a cunnychad guild
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The hag arc starts NOW
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ok now bend over
I want dinkeru to anal vore me so bad bros...
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No wonder these haven't sold
prices on everything are bombing harder than hiroshima nagasaki
That's just a guy forgetting a 0 there.
no prices really are that low
>switch back to magic
>fag puts up frost scythe scroll for 200mil
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>>switch back to magic
cylf moment
i didn't have a choice unless i wanted to wait 5 months for EK buffs
fuck you
DDnogi is so fucking boring. Just nerf it already.
just not play it?
i agree but nexon doesnt do that
now every new arcana is gonna need a skill that auto targets and kills everything for you to compete.
lance arcana will be gunlance and its gonna have a drone pet that does this watch
mabi x monhun or pso collab when?
>do trade run
>at departure location filia is at 700per item vales 500
>get to boats filia is 700 but vales is 600
>have to wait 4 minutes for arrival and 4.5 mins for departure
>just before boats leave check prices
>filia is 700 and vales is still 600
>land in iria
>filia is 500 vales is 650
every time
you sound mad lol bro just play dd its the best why arent you playing dd get dd u mad?
>spend months grooming my own personal healslut
>update makes all content so easy healers are a total meme despite being a dedicated arcana
Fuck off
We have good fun.
DD being unbalanced still affects you if you don't play it
>DDs flood the AH with drops and you can't hope to compete with them
>DDs single handedly made dragon raids unplayable
>DDs killed off healers
>DD enables solonogi so it's harder to find parties for non-DDs
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>mabi streamers
>dead inside expression
every mabi player
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don't care still impregnating
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is this thing worth 30 mil for someone goin into magic or nah
no no no no no no no no no no no
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i did make any weekend envent gomen
that guy ignored every magic attack upgrade for that staff, it would be cheaper to just make your own than fixing that mess
thanks, will just make one in that case
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how is this one going have i messed it up yet?
that is good
good but reforge for magic attack
Why magic attack?
I mostly use hail storm so I thought that would probably do more damage.
Magic attack for hailstorm would be multiplied by 3.2 before being added to the base dmg amount as opposed to a flat x1 amount by increasing the base amount (which your reforge is doing). Formula here: https://wiki.mabinogiworld.com/view/Stats#Magic_Attack
I forgot to mention, I’m not saying your reforge is bad, and I assume >>1287751
Wants you to go matk because magic attack can be applied to everything magic related, as opposed to a hailstorm only reforge.
I don’t 100% know how the spell constant works; I assume that it’s either done in 2 ways: the spell constant is the fluctuating amount that answers why your attack doesn’t always do the same amount of dmg every time, or the spell constant is based on max charges. If it’s a fluctuating amount, a base dmg increase for hs isn’t bad at all, because the avg spell constant for HS is 2.4, which your 190 base damage would outdo a matk reforge unless top rolled. If it’s based on max charges, matk is better for the most part (high rolled)
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i haven't touched this game before but i am thinking about fucking around with it
how bad is nexon's jewery here?
worst thing is the p2w gachapon and pets, besides that you can do any content without p2w or running into a paywall
okay cool, if gacha and pets aren't super important then i might dick around a bit
are there any private servers, or is everyone on nexon's global one?
the private servers are all on old content patches
mostly everyone plays on official
Bank space/gold limit, gachas, reforges, pets, various other qol things youd expect are all microtransactions.
everyone plays official, the private server scene for mabi is mostly dead
alright, guess i'll give it a whirl then

yeah I expected some stuff like that but I wasn't sure if it was super important stuff or if things like inventory space would be somewhat reasonable without paying up
most things that can be bought with money can also be sold to other players for gold in game
>if things like inventory space would be somewhat reasonable without paying up
Bank space and gold is reasonable for the average player, as for inventory space it'll seem limited at first but you are given bags for playing the game and it shows you how the inventory system works. After that there are some decent bags that are dirt cheap on the AH that were handed out in previous events.
>it's all tradeable anwyay
okay cool
thanks for the help lads
I'm guessing I should be interacting with all the mana tunnels whilst the traveler's guide is still free for me? (sub 10k cumulative)
Cool, thanks, I'm almost level 9000, so I'm a bit worried about how traveling is going to be without the free teleports. I don't even recall the game telling me about mana tunnels/gates, I just so happened to click one after teleporting via traveler's guide and seeing I had no points unlocked. Time to spend half an hour teleporting everywhere
>only events going on is an endgame farming event and 2 afk login events
I sleep
there is no endgame anymore
Not even Theta?
>Game is good
>Events are dogshit

yeah, I'm thinking waste.
glean crom erg hasi
it's lottete
What did it say?
I dont knwo

3 fresh dd and 1 hs could do all of these
You guys are nice and good friends, hopefully you had fun in Mabinogi today
I sure had fun window shopping for my daily hour
I haven't been able to play at all
>early maint
fuck you too nexon
i hate the new early maints
Do you want to play Phantasy Star Universe with me during maint?
same I just got off work and didnt even get to log in

Goodbye Russians
where is mabi mobile?
up your ass to the left
nope i keep my shit there
not anymore
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hey i did it
soul star sal at it again
What was the strat for cat?
you have to prioritize summons now, even more than irusan. play it patiently and it isn't that bad desu. just my partner with a ragdoll was enough to beat any hitcount checks. i honestly started thinking about using the hitcount time to debuff instead of hit with guns.
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I just started playing Mabipro after not touching this game in over a decade. You guys got any tips for me or is current Mabi too far removed for anything to be applicable?
go ask their thread
better off not asking anything about mabipro before they start sperging out
whatever, i'm used to generals being autistic about dumb shit. no idea what drama happened with mabipro but if you guys aren't gonna answer questions then i'll figure it out myself
its mabi but without convenience
what else do you want from us
anyone have a Focused Mouth beauty coupon?
I'll focus your mouth
There is no drama but you do have to accept no one plays it but you, so no one can answer your questions which are effectively off topic.
>is current Mabi too far removed for anything to be applicable?
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I recently got into the game again and being enjoying life skills

What should I spent my NX on as a newbie player?
the 1 time purchase boxes and vip is the only worth stuff.
never buy reforge or gacha
also u can buy 1 yr of vip on black friday for a big discount
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Thanks for the info anon. I'll wait around on vip,
but will cop those packages
>spending money as soon as you start
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I played on and off years back, now decided to just deep dive to get ready for the unreal engine.

This game has a special place in my heart
2006stacy here, quit in 2014.
I miss the old days.
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Mans been painting
this outfit looks 10x better on my screen.....
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Feels weird knowing someone out there is using my dogshit signed bow now.
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supposed to be the protag from smt v

all roads lead me back to mabi, maybe this time it will finally click
all roads lead to gran soren
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glen norm duo
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reject dd
embrace tradition
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suzu was ROBBED
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>idle motions on outfits are locked to outfits that already have motions
This is never going to change, isn't it?
nope. this is how nexon gets you. they have the no idle version so everyone has access to the outfit, but we all know we really want the one with the idle
>johyu is a giga now
its never been more over
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TFW the prediction of
>”we’ll be able to clear Glenn hm when I’m the strongest in the guild”
Back in December is still on track to happen…. Hopefully everybody comes back some day
you wanna fight huh?
you think your're a big man?
I'd be willing to wager johyu will never reach my power as it knows no bounds
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it finally came in
cute fatass
Figures. It's especially stupid considering they're already capable of having individual idle animations with stance cards.
Niggers i need your help, what the fuck do people sell nowadays for money, i been doing Hillwen Alloy but that shit sells for scraps
win the rng drop lottery to make millions, otherwise you will scrape by. game is for those that are already rich.
if ur not dark diviner (pre arcana level) and not VIP, and also no starting gold, run and spam uladh dungeons for raw gold/some 20k gold enchants, and mangled passes. Also, just running the Generation quests will rack up some gold.
If you're at the point where you can get an arcana, go dark diviner and work on leveling it up + links and start running dragon raids every hour. It's typically 250k per hour in raw gold, and sometimes you can get luck with drops. If you catch it every hour, you should be able to accumulate 2mil in raw gold at the very least. You'll also accumulate raid tokens that you can convert into erg items to sell as well. Weave in Sidhe spam/tech normal spam and try to run Glenn Bearna every week; the raw gold is pretty good, and may as well gamble for some drops.
If youre at the awkward point where every single gear upgrade is like 100mil+, but arcana lvl 50+ link 10 (as a dd), weave in dragon raids with tech duinn runs, and Sidhe spam (if solo) or crom 30 spam (if duo+). Catch Glenn Bearna runs ofc.
Okay what if I dont want to combat
use phantasmal sight to gather shit and put it on the AH
>i dont have PS
well then that's your goal. being able to gather stuff 20 at a time is absolutely worth it.
Commerce and PTJs. Use barter to turn your mats into pure gold and ducats. PTJs gives rewards that are worth lots of gold like Restoration Powders, Sturdy Loops, and Falias Fragments.
>get rare drop
>undercut by 10%
>lower price
>undercut again
>repeat until everything is worthless
mages keep winning
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>"""""Small""""" Draconian Two-handed Sword
Why are sword skins like this?
imagine the size of the real one
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Just what I always wanted
Older events had totems that went up to 20 MA
Stay losing.
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Guess who's back
Back again
Yes he's back
Tell a friend
Back to be alwaysafk
haha yes
WEW Glen Bearna Primeval rewards
New piercing hat
Huge enchants
+1 to crit cap hs figure
BIS title

Gamers… it’s time to step it up
What is this?
shut up
ummm banana?
New piercing accessory*
Drops as the full item, not as materials too
royal artisans too
Mabi Mobile + Mabi Eternal Dates on 20th anniv stream
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Errors in the first text prompt from the event NPC.
Impressive Nexon NA
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He just like me fr
hair included
my reaction to that information
niggga out here tryna get some hary frog poon tang
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Are there any forms of passive income, even if they require huge amounts of time to setup?
squires, fynni blossoming
I guess there's taillteann farming since they made it f2p again.
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Disgusting. Post more.
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ulphh drew shad
cool shiz draw-anon
I hate this dance
t. faggotte
I hate it because it looks gay
hmmm destiny says you may be correct
let me consult with the elders
I am old I say its gay
robots cant be old
okay stop using your computer go buy an atari
why are there so many of these types of characters
what, blacks?
worse... casters
gooning and schlocking my *** to this
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I refuse to believe there are real women here and in the game
There are no women on the internet, tits or gtfo.
mabi is the only mmo i know of where the females might be the majority
i do not know why they like mabi so much
RO and FF14. You think they added catboys for the fags?
FFXIV has guys and G.I.R.L.s there are no actual women. Dressup is shitty, non combat is dull, no pet system ,etc. It's missing a lot of girly things that actual girls actually like. It does have a lot of stuff that men pretending to be girls would think that girls would like.
here not but in the game sure are some
*eats an entire mabi sandwich*
we're all girls under the eyes of god
social dressup that's also a game
I know several women irl who play that shit game and I have no idea what the appeal of it is.
can someone accept my guild join request pretty please
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>another sex goblin
fuck yeah bros
do not
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>I'm so bored, never played this game even though I'm probably target demographic
>Shouldn't take long to try it out, should be fun
>10.5gb+ download

Dios Mio, I did not expect that file size though. I guess I'll be playing later tonight, gawddamn bros, why's it so big? Also lowkey I was hoping it'd run on a shitty laptop in a week or two due to being more mobile, hopefully that isn't an issue? (laptop specs)
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For a game this damn old, yeah that's kinda surprisingly big my zoomer
You are not worthy zoomy.
MapleStory is almost 40 gigs.
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The irony of being called zoomy when I'm probably the only poster here that runs their own business and a home is a bit much- more accurate to say boomer, but you tried anon

Yeah, that would explain Nexon's bloat I guess, I know for a fact the last time I tried a MS private server it wasn't 40gb lol why would you play nexon MS though lmfao
A 20 year old game being only 10gb with the amount of content mabi has is insanely small.

I have a cheap usb drive that's about 10 years old now but it holds 64gb, what the hell are you using?
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I mean, I have a 2TB HDD and a 1TB SSD, 32GB ram etc, the PC I have is jacked. But I want to play it later on a laptop, but I don't buy into gaming laptop memes so it's midtop

All this sudden cope about defending nexon though, I don't know, maybe this game actually fucking sucks, especially if this is what the 4chan community can muster... in-game might be fucking pozzed out trannies at this point lol
it does suck but youll play it anyway
Where did this hostile brainrot come from lmao jaded-ass idiot
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Where did this hostile brainrot come from lmao jaded-ass idiot
go back to /v/
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>go back to /v/
If you want to play any game that has had updates over the years, always expect bloat. Sims 2 is 20 gigs.
Is this the same guy who spammed the thread a few months ago calling everyone troons?
why is this dude sperging out
what laptop doesn't have 10 gb of free space?
an excellent question!
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No, but that doesn't sound good if that's a bad thing...don't tell me, the playerbase is troons, isn't it?

Just seems like it could be condensed easily enough, but yeah, if this is Nexon with the 40gb MS, I guess 10gb is ""fine""- I guess I shouldn't ask how Nexon makes their money off it either lmfao

More like because I have nothing to do while this game downloads and I guess this community is afraid of being called troons and defends Nexon like fags. I don't know, I might try the game but honestly wasn't expecting a fag community on 4kids like this lol- might just be better to keep living my life without this faggotry

first gen macbook
>come to thread about nexon game
>complain about it being a nexon game
>small filesize for what it offers
>complain it is too big when modern games are all 50gb+

uhh yea please dont play this game you can go do adult things instsad with your business and house its ok
Some people are genuinely retarded. We used to give them bennies, but now its a circular loop with retards giving other retards business.
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Yeah, I didn't realize this was a Nexon game I guess- usually when I think MapleStory for example, I think private server


Yeah I think I will actually, I can't be wasting my time and mental health on a playerbase that wastes their time worrying about defending troons- That and Bunny and Steel is pretty lit, I don't know what I was thinking playing some nexon trash anyways lol

Uninstalled, later troons, enjoy your dead Nexon P2W faggot game
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Not a single person mentioned transgenders until you entered the thread. Brain rot.
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Already uninstalled though, I guess I'm good on nexon games and whatever this community's major malfunction is lol

You should play Bunny and Steel, shit's fun and there's no fag bunnies :3
can you just leave the thread? you sound kinda insecure
This is actually good bait and I'm ashamed to have fallen for it
Well done
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Make me- but also yeah, time to play Bunny and Steel so whoops time to go for now

Was fun I guess, who knows if the game was decent, good luck next time with the next anon lol
I think he genuinely wants someone to play bunny and steel with him.
Man you guys must be bored.
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>falling for this
classic /vm/abigen
I already know who this is referring to
lets get back on topic
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Damn that's good
I remember playing this in middle school windmilling zombies in the bizarro world graveyard until 3 am to grind the skill. Good times.
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fucking secondaries
don't call me that
i met my biological female wife in ffxiv and raided with fujos
local anon incapable of understanding that fujoshis exist, more at 11
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>>10.5gb+ download
And we haven't even gotten the unreal update yet.
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fish my ass
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>Shad getting hit on by a fed
He's so misunderstood...
Suzuka was the one getting hit on this time.
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irresistible btw
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>Low poly sharp clean edges and simple textures
>High saturation with vibrant colours
>Bright glow during the day
>relaxing BGM
graphics look old but it clicks somehow, like walking around in a strange lucid dream.
Game could use some pathing.
Don't worry, unreal will fix it
It is good they mentioned they were trying to retain the original art-style and stray away from making it look hyper realistic.
Does exactly what it says, it makes you hear voices
Post full
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Nice Genshin Clone
0/10 bait
made me look for that post, good bait
I want to RAPE johyus dumb shota ass
I feel like launching my skull cap
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It misses the shrieker phase at 90% doe
man, why the fuck is this game still region locked on steam, i really want to play...
>just use the launcher
muh steam wallet
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that looks more akin to pic rel than genballs fuckass
deez niggas post dey screen n jus go to bed wtf
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That looks like... ass
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can someone tell me what outfit this is?
Young Miss Outfit
I dunno but she comes with built-in handle bars
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thank you reatardaeno
I don't wanna be cringe but is there a discord for the mabigen guild?
yes but ask in gchat not here
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In life we find pain
But Mabinogi relieves
Without it I'd die

Thanks for being a cool bunch
Yes I know, but I appreciate the sentiment
I defecate on your sentiment to make it sediment
For Alchemic Shooter, which element for each skill do people normally go for? I feel like I'm using this talent wrong.
Pre link 10 - Fire/Wind does more damage than Fire/Water.
Link 10 - Fire/Water
>Aqua Volley
Fire/Water for damage or Water/Wind for freeze utility.
>Ventus Howl
Fire/WInd for damage or Water/Wind for freeze utility
>Terra Scourge
Water/Earth - lowers outgoing damage from enemies affected by it.
100 unknown ore fragments? kill me
just go to hillwen mine
I'm currently hopping between beaches and sifting
hillwen is the best source of unknown ore frags
ok thanks, i will give that a shot
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Finally clean and organized in anticipation of Renovation 5 and Master Plan, whenever we get them! My elf and giant are another story.
How are your baginogi adventures going?
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I never completely recovered
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It could be better
Where are pet notes located in the mabi folder? I didn't know those were only stored locally on my old PC. Even alarm notes are stored locally.
I wish I knew I just built a new pc and didnt realize interactions were saved locally too
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>those massive bags
what the..
why so many weapons and why are they sealed
I wish they'd stop giving out 2x3 and bigger bags or better yet give bags their own size limitless inventory. Like the dress room or something
>why so many weapons
Years of collecting and enjoying meme weapons, plus holding onto old weapons that have long been powercrept.
>why are they sealed
Got spooked by suspicious activity and locked stuff.
I wish you could at least put some bags in the other main inventories. Fuck, at least let me put the blaanid and growth guide bags into the special tab.
I love inventory tetris
W-what’s in the steroids bag
>got spooked
>hides equip view
>posts full inv on public imageboard that has millions of users daily
Thats like buying new locks for your car while driving through the ghetto in a 5 million dollar car.
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fuck u clean gigant
>Bone Atlatl
Damn, I'm jelly! How's it working for you?
>game died before I could find a dye I wanted
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Im kind of curious, how many people here have reached Erg S 50 from starting at Erg B? Likewise, how many reached Erg S 50 from Erg A or Erg S (lvl 1)?
What the fuck is an erg
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Erotic Roleplaying Group
B/A/S refers to how in-character the roleplaying is expected to be.
Level designates how lewd the roleplaying is.
The "Bas" in Crom Bas gets its name from this system and is the premier location for ERGs to meet.
ERG breakthroughs are about breaking through social and mental boundaries for roleplaying.
ERG sacrifices are self-explanatory. For some, they sacrifice their dignity. For others, their gold.
>For some, they sacrifice their dignity. For others, their gold.
>implying it's ever one or the other and not both
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Fill it out
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Did I miss anything?
Top right corner (horns, announcements, etc at the top of the screen) and bottom left corner (MOOO, MEOW, BAAAAA, [giant crafting success horn])
still not a bingo.
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>Dissing mabi kino music
1v1 me faggot
>>Dissing mabi kino music
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The dwarves are the age 10ers
>loli plays are not human

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i miss my mods
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Going through G24 again, the meeting with the Incubus King was as neat as I remembered.
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And so the big goofy pink giant with cat ears fades into the mist...
Sora, it's sephiroth!
I had planed to redo some of my old gen quests but I figured I'd wait for unreal
youll be dead before it comes
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best ost in the game!
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Control thyself dink
What about tri-assault?
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It's that time of year again
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I just played 3 hours of https://mabi.pro/ (is that where you all are?) I didn't meet any other players that were online and the quests were boring (the snowman with 16 teeth, really?) and the move speed was really slow. It was all combat oriented and there was no farming and life stuff which I was interested in. Is it worth continuing? Thank you bros.
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most people are on official/live. mabi.pro is a private server that's on an ancient build of the game with a completely different combat system and pacing.

if you didn't like mabi.pro i'd recommend giving normal mabi a try. there's way more of us there to play with
Oh wow, I had the totally wrong idea then. I thought mabi.pro was some anon only server for some reason, I guess cuz I saw it posted on 4chan once. Okay I'll try the normal one a try then.
We are mostly on channel 4 hanging around the dunby bank
What level would it be cheaper to transfer an A erg versus restarting on a new weapon?
Get filtered nerd.
think i could find somebody to trade their spec ele harmony F for my M version or should I just farm the difference
Buying BMEs 46m
ign Vastramund
>lower than AH price
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imagine punching johyus prostate
what does this mean
he wants it
What's it?
that thing

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